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安徽天马自然保护区一种植物的树干被裂褶菌Schizophyllum sp. 寄生,而裂褶菌的子实体又被另一真菌寄生。这一重寄生真菌的子囊壳为橙黄色,埋生或者半埋生于橙黄色的菌丝层中,菌丝层在3% KOH水溶液中变为紫色;该种的子囊孢子近梭形,具一个分隔,表面被疣状纹饰,13–16.5×3.2–4μm。它与近似种在形态学和rDNA ITS片段的序列上差异显著,是菌寄生属的一个新种,被命名为中国菌寄生Hypomyces sinicus。  相似文献   

对来自湖南和广东的菌寄生属真菌进行了研究,采用单孢分离法获得纯培养菌株,将形态解剖、培养性状和DNA序列相结合进行综合分析,发现3个中国新记录种:真菌菌寄生Hypomyces mycophilus、枝葡孢菌寄生H.sibirinae和三隔孢菌寄生H.triseptatus,对它们的宏观和微观特征进行了描述及图示。  相似文献   

庄文颖 《菌物学报》2013,32(3):429-447
对我国盾盘菌属馆藏标本和近年来采集的材料进行分类学研究表明,中国已知该属31种。描述了3个新种,命名为柯氏盾盘菌、长孢盾盘菌和假小孢盾盘菌,对新种与其相近种的区别进行了讨论;根据前人的形态描述,对S. erinaceus,S.olivascens和S. lusatiae在中国的分布提出了质疑;根据对相关馆藏标本的观察,指出S. barlae、S. superba和S. vitreola在我国的报道系基于错误鉴定,它们应从中国物种名录中排除。文中提供了该属中国已知种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

曾昭清  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2016,(9):1048-1055
对采自我国不同地区的菌寄生属标本进行分类研究,发现了该属的3个新种。鹅膏菌寄生Hypomyces amaniticola生长于鹅膏属真菌的子实体上,子囊壳埋生或半埋生于菌丝层中,橘黄色至黄褐色,卵圆形至梨形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子长椭圆形至椭圆形,两端钝圆,无分隔,表面光滑。拟完整菌寄生H.completiopsis以牛肝菌为寄主,子囊壳橘黄色至黑褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊圆柱形,具8个孢子;子囊孢子纺锤形至披针形,两端具细尖,表面具疣。云南菌寄生H.yunnanensis子囊壳半埋生或近表生,黄褐色至褐色,梨形至近球形;子囊孢子近纺锤形,两端具细尖,1个分隔,表面具疣。提供了新种的详细宏观和微观特征描述及图示。此外,发现该属的2个中国新记录种,即小孢菌寄生H.microspermus和盘菌菌寄生H.stephanomatis,对我国材料的形态特征与原始描述进行了比较。  相似文献   

镰刀菌是真菌中最难鉴定和最具经济价值的属之一。自从1935年德国的Wollen-weber & Reinking发表了第一个以16组65种为内容的分类系统以来,人们对该属的分类展开了长期的研究和讨论,在国际上陆续出现了10种以此系统为基础的,而又各具特色的分类系统。它们是Snyder & Hansen(1940s,美国)的9种系统;Paйлло(1950,苏联)的55种系统;Gordon(1952,加拿大)的26种系统;Билай(1955,苏联)的26种系统;Messiaen & Cassini(1968,法国)的9种和9变种系统;Booth(1971,英国)的44种系统;松尾卓见(Matuo,1972,日本)的10种系统;Joffe(1974,以色列)的33种系统;Gerlach& Nirenberg(1982,德国)的90多种和变种的系统;Nelson等(1983,美国)的30种系统。本文重点论述了其中5种在国际上颇具影响的系统,并列表加以详细比较。  相似文献   

镰刀菌属分类进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张素轩 《真菌学报》1991,10(2):85-94

炭角菌目中小修氏菌属的子座与肉座菌类相似,肉质、垫状至半球形、柠檬黄色;子囊最初含4个具单隔膜的子囊孢子,成熟过程中在分隔处断裂,最终形成8个表面光滑、褐色、角状至方形的子囊孢子。文中提供了该种的宏观和微观特征描述及图示,我国吉林的报道使其分布范围扩展至北亚。  相似文献   

亚洲高海拔锄足蟾属间分类研究:Amphibi:Pelobatidae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
费梁  李树深 《动物学报》1989,35(4):381-389

从我国贵州省的土壤中分离到1株小孢子菌,菌株GZUIFR-EB2001M在小孢子属系统发育树中独立为一亚分支,明显区别于其他供试种,为该属一新种,命名为贵州小孢子菌。形态学与近似种的主要鉴别特征为:无球拍状菌丝;大分生孢子光滑或粗糙,梭形,细长;小孢子棒状至柱状。  相似文献   

The spider genus Metabus (Tetragnathidae) previously included nine species: the type M. gravidus O. P.-Cambridge, 1899 – junior synonym of Leucauge ocellata (Keyserling) – from Central America and eight species from Chile. In this paper, the classification of the Metabus species-complex is revised, and two new genera, with three new species and five new combinations, are described. Allende gen. nov. is created for four Chilean species not congeneric with the type of Metabus : the type A. puyehuensis sp. nov. , A. patagiatus (Simon) comb. nov. , A. nigrohumeralis (F. O. P.-Cambridge) comb. nov. and A. longipes (Nicolet) comb. nov. Further additions to the Chilean fauna are under the new genus Mollemeta gen. nov. – created for M. edwardsi (Simon) comb. nov. – and three new species of Chrysometa : C. acinosa sp. nov. , C. levii sp. nov. and C. maitae sp. nov. Metabus now includes four species: M. ocellatus (Keyserling) comb. nov. , M. debilis (O. P.-Cambridge) comb. nov. , M. ebanoverde sp. nov. and M. conacyt sp. nov. All of these species were included in a phylogenetic analysis of 38 tetragnathid and 12 orbicularian outgroup terminals scored for 105 morphological and behavioural characters. The results suggest that Metabus as previously circumscribed is polyphyletic. The phylogenetic relationships within tetragnathids are briefly discussed. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 285–335.  相似文献   

The Turkish Crataegus taxa were investigated using morphological, palynological, and anatomical characters. A new series ( Crataegus Section Crataegus Series Peshmenia ), two new species ( Crataegus peshmenii and Crataegus christensenii ), and one variety ( Crataegus rhipidophylla var. kutahyaensis ) are described. Furthermore, Crataegus  ×  browicziana has been assigned to Crataegus rhipidophylla with a new status. Illustrations of the described taxa and their distribution map are also given. The lectotype for Crataegus yaltirikii is designated here.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 231–240.  相似文献   

George  Sunny  Martens  Koen 《Hydrobiologia》2003,497(1-3):25-37
Hydrobiologia - A new species of the genus Newnhamia, N. dumonti n.sp., is described from Kerala, India. Newnhamia was thus far only known from Australia and adjacent islands, as it is here argued...  相似文献   

报道了采自内蒙古大兴安岭地区丝膜菌属3个中国新记录种:橄榄棕丝膜菌Cortinarius olivaceofuscus、暗褐牛丝膜菌C. fuscobovinus和黄色丝膜菌C. croceus,并提供形态描述和线条图以及GenBank基因序列号。ITS序列分析及比对结果与形态学鉴定结果相吻合。研究标本存放于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆。  相似文献   

Pterotylenchus cecidogenus n. gen., n. sp. from stem-galls of Desmodium ovalifolium Wall. in Colombia is described and illustrated. The new genus belongs to Anguinidae and is related to Orrina Brzeski, 1980 but is unique in having large vulval flaps. P. cecidogenus has females with body 0.59-0.8 mm long, stylet 9-11 μm long, no median oesophageal bulb, a crustaformeria of 32-36 cells, a short post-vulval uterine sac, and a conical pointed tail.  相似文献   

记述中国扇野螟属三条扇野螟Pleuroptya chlorophanta、枇杷扇野螟P.balteata、四斑扇野螟P.quadrimaculalis、淡黄扇野螟P.sabinusalis等4种老熟幼虫的的形态特征且提供幼虫的形态特征图,并给出基于幼虫的生物学习性。  相似文献   

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