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为体外验证流感病毒PB1-F2与热休克蛋白Hsp40相互作用,通过两个方向的GST pull-down试验验证PB1-F2与Hsp40的相互作用。构建GST-多肽融合蛋白原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1-PB1-F2和pGEX-6P-1-Hsp40,并在大肠杆菌(E.co-li)BL21中诱导表达;构建真核表达载体pLEGFP-Hsp40及pCAGGS-PB1-F2,并分别转染293T细胞使其表达Hsp40及PB1-F2融合蛋白,然后进行GST pull-down试验验证二者的相互作用。成功地构建了两种蛋白的各种表达载体,经表达、纯化获得了可溶性的GST-多肽融合蛋白,GST pull-down试验正反两方向都证实了PB1-F2与Hsp40的相互作用,初步证实了流感病毒PB1-F2在体外能与Hsp40发生相互作用。  相似文献   

A型流感病毒NS1蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
NS1蛋白是A型流感病毒的唯一的非结构蛋白,是一种RNA结合蛋白,具有重要的调节活性。NS1蛋白仅存在于病毒感染的细胞内,且在感染的早期,大量存在于细胞核中,而在感染的晚期,也可出现于细胞浆中。NS1蛋白具有RNA结合区和效应区,在抑制宿主细胞蛋白质的合成、诱导细胞凋亡和拮抗干扰素α/β的产生等方面具有重要的作用。另外,NS1蛋白在野毒感染的鉴别诊断、外源基因的载体及抗病毒药物的设计等方面,均显示了良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

李丽  徐可  孙兵 《生命的化学》2008,28(3):237-241
A型流感病毒非结构蛋白1(nonstructural protein l, NS1)全长约为230个氨基酸,主要包括两个功能结构域,即 N-末端的RNA结合结构域和C-末端的效应结构域.NS1是一个多功能病毒蛋白,它不仅影响着该病毒其他基因的表达,更能通过与宿主细胞多种因子的相互作用干预宿主细胞的正常功能,抵抗宿主的抗病毒系统.因此, NS1被认为是A型流感病毒的一个重要毒力因子.本文综述了 NS1蛋白与宿主相互作用的最新研究进展,为进一步揭示NS1 蛋白的功能提供了参考.  相似文献   

比较和分析2009~2011年广州地区分离到的甲型H1N1流感病毒PB1-F2基因和世界各地甲型H1N1流感病毒PB1-F2基因的变异情况,为该蛋白的功能和作用机制奠定基础。对分离自中国广州地区2009~2011年人类感染的17株新型H1N1和1株季节性H1N1流感病毒进行了PB1-F2基因克隆和序列测定,通过与GenBank数据库中68株人类新型H1N1和季节性H1N1流感病毒参考株的PB1-F2基因进行比对。结果表明,甲型流感病毒的PB1-F2基因进化树形成了2个不同的进化分支。全部2009~2011年新型H1N1流感病毒为一分支。广州地区PB1-F2基因与其它地区分离到的新型H1N1流感病毒具有高度的同源性,均为截短型变异。本实验室分离的1株季节性H1N1流感病毒也发生了第12位氨基酸截短突变。广州地区新型H1N1流感病毒PB1-F2截短蛋白与其它地区病毒相比未发生氨基酸变异,季节性H1N1流感病毒发现类似新型H1N1流感病毒PB1-F2的截短变异,提示新型H1N1流感病毒和季节性H1N1流感病毒PB1-F2可能发生早期重组。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】筛选细胞内与A型流感病毒M2蛋白(A/M2)相互作用的蛋白质。【方法】将A/M2编码序列插入真核表达载体pCAGGS-CFlag,重组质粒pCAGGS-CFlag-A/M2转染HEK-293T细胞,裂解细胞,以Flag单抗偶联的琼脂糖球珠免疫沉淀A/M2-Flag蛋白,清洗去除非特异性结合的杂蛋白后,SDS-PAGE银染法显示与A/M2共沉淀的蛋白,从胶上切下此蛋白条带进行质谱分析。【结果】成功构建了A/M2的表达质粒,免疫印迹证实了A/M2蛋白在293T细胞中能够表达,免疫共沉淀筛选到与A/M2结合的多种蛋白,分析质谱结果,确定ataxin 10和3个真核翻译起始因子(eIF)为候选蛋白。【结论】ataxin 10与A/M2相互作用为流感病毒感染或接种流感疫苗引发小脑性共济失调提供了解释,eIF与A/M2相互作用表明A/M2可能在调控病毒蛋白合成方面起重要作用。  相似文献   

作为A型流感病毒的非结构蛋白,NS1蛋白是流感病毒的一个重要的毒力因子,决定了病毒在宿主细胞内的破坏作用。概述了NS1蛋白对宿主细胞蛋白合成、宿主细胞凋亡的影响,及其拮抗干扰素的作用。  相似文献   

近年来A型流感严重威胁着人类和畜禽的健康,随着研究的深入,人们已经发现A型流感病毒的NS1蛋白对病毒毒力有重要影响,是一个多功能毒力因子、宿主细胞抗病毒免疫抑制子。根据其功能的不同分为效应区和RNA结合域。目前NS1蛋白结构已经解析,使人们可以直观的认识其各个功能位点的作用机制。该文综述了NS1蛋白的结构特征、已知的功能位点及其功能,为在结构水平上研究NS1蛋白的功能提供参考。  相似文献   

C型流感病毒是感染人的重要呼吸道病原,也可感染猪、狗等动物。聚合酶是C型流感病毒复制的核心,是研究病毒复制机制的重要靶标。然而目前没有商品化针对C型流感病毒聚合酶的单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,MAb),一定程度制约了相关研究的开展。为了制备C型流感病毒碱性聚合酶2(polymerase basic protein 2,PB2)的MAb,本研究依据人酸性核磷酸蛋白32A (human acidic nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family member A,huANP32A)与流感病毒RNA依赖性RNA聚合酶(RNA-dependent RNA polymerase,RdRp)相互作用的特性,利用免疫共沉淀技术在真核表达系统中通过融合Flag标签的huANP32A (huANP32A-Flag)纯化并富集C型流感病毒RdRp (PB1、PB2、P3),并以之作为免疫原免疫BALB/c小鼠,利用间接ELISA与Western blotting方法筛选出6株(7B11-5、8A4-5、13D9-6、8D4-1、8D4-3、9F9-4)能稳定分泌识别PB2 MAb的阳性杂交瘤细胞株。经鉴定7B11-5、8A4-5、8D4-1和8D4-3抗体亚型为IgG1型,13D9-6抗体亚型为IgG2a型,9F9-4抗体亚型为IgG3,轻链均为κ链。进一步选取1株效价高的杂交瘤细胞8D4-1来制备腹水,测定收集的小鼠腹水抗体效价为1︰ 64 000。Western blotting结果显示,制备的MAb能够与C型流感病毒PB2发生特异性免疫反应;激光共聚焦试验结果表明,该MAb可准确检测C型流感病毒PB2的亚细胞定位。本研究通过huANP32A蛋白高效富集了C型流感病毒的RdRp,并以该复合物为抗原制备的PB2 MAb具有较好的特异性,为C型流感病毒聚合酶检测、结构分析及机制研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A型流感病毒NS1蛋白羧基端4个氨基酸可以与PDZ结构域(the domain of PSD95,Dig and ZO-1)相结合,称为PL结构域(PDZ ligand domain).对不同亚型或毒株的流感病毒而言,其NS1蛋白PL结构域的组成存在比较大的差异.有研究发现这种差异能够影响NS1与宿主细胞蛋白的相互作用进而影响病毒的致病力.为进一步探讨PL结构域对NS1蛋白生物学特性的影响,首先构建出4种不同亚型流感病毒(H1N1、H3N2、H5N1、H9N2)来源的NS1绿色荧光蛋白表达质粒.在此基础上,对野生型H3N2病毒NS1表达质粒进行人工改造,将其PL结构域缺失或者替换为其他亚型流感病毒的PL结构域,制备出4种重组NS1蛋白表达质粒.通过比较上述不同NS1蛋白在HeLa细胞中的定位情况发现,只有野生型H3N2病毒的NS1蛋白可以定位于核仁当中,而野生型H1N1、H5N1、H9N2病毒的NS1蛋白以及PL结构域缺失或替代的H3N2病毒NS1蛋白都不能定位于核仁.而通过比较上述NS1蛋白在流感病毒易感的MDCK细胞中的定位,进一步发现所有这些蛋白均不定位于核仁.上述结果表明:PL结构域的不同可以明显影响NS1蛋白在HeLa细胞核内的定位和分布,这有可能造成其生物学功能的差异.同时,NS1蛋白在细胞核内的定位还与宿主细胞的来源有着密切关系.  相似文献   

A型流感病毒逃避免疫应答的策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了IAV逃避抗病毒免疫策略的最新进展.A型流感病毒(IAV)感染是人和多种动物呼吸系统疾病的主要原因,然而不管是IAV引起的季节性流感暴发还是周期性的全球流感大流行,主要归因于IAV逃避宿主免疫反应的策略.越来越多的证据表明,IAV已经进化出高超的策略克服宿主的抗病毒信号,如抗原变异和编码辅助蛋白(NS1和PB1-F2).深入理解IAV逃避宿主免疫的策略,有助于揭示IAV感染的机制和发现针对IAV的抗病毒药物的靶标.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein predominantly localizes in the mitochondria of virus-infected cells. A series of cDNAs encoding N- and C-terminal deletion mutants and site-directed mutagenesis of the basic residues of PB1-F2 appended to 3xFLAG revealed the domain from residues 46 to 75 to be both necessary and sufficient for mitochondrial targeting. In addition, the subdomain residues 63-75 and both Lys73 and Arg75 are minimally required for mitochondrial localization. Transfection of untagged- and 3xFLAG tagged-PB1-F2 into Vero, HeLa and MDCK cells changed the mitochondrial morphology from a filamentous to a dotted structure and suppressed the inner-membrane potential.  相似文献   

PB1-F2 is a virulence factor of influenza A virus known to increase viral pathogenicity in mammalian hosts. PB1-F2 is an intrinsically disordered protein displaying a propensity to form amyloid-like fibers. However, the correlation between PB1-F2 structures and the resulting inflammatory response is unknown. Here, we used synchrotron-coupled Fourier transform-IR and deep UV microscopies to determine the presence of PB1-F2 fibers in influenza A virus–infected mice. In order to study the correlation between PB1-F2 structure and the inflammatory response, transgenic mice expressing luciferase under the control of an NF-κB promotor, allowing in vivo monitoring of inflammation, were intranasally instilled with monomeric, fibrillated, or truncated forms of recombinant PB1-F2. Our intravital NF-κB imaging, supported by cytokine quantification, clearly shows the proinflammatory effect of PB1-F2 fibers compared with N-terminal region of PB1-F2 unable to fibrillate. It is noteworthy that instillation of monomeric PB1-F2 of H5N1 virus induced a stronger inflammatory response when compared with prefibrillated PB1-F2 of H1N1 virus, suggesting mechanisms of virulence depending on PB1-F2 sequence. Finally, using whole-body plethysmography to measure volume changes in the lungs, we quantified the effects of the different forms of PB1-F2 on respiratory parameters. Thus, we conclude that PB1-F2–induced inflammation and respiratory distress are tightly correlated with sequence polymorphism and oligomerization status of the protein.  相似文献   

The proapoptotic influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein contributes to viral pathogenicity and is present in most human and avian isolates. Previous synthetic protocols have been improved to provide a synthetic full length H1N1 type PB1-F2 protein that is encoded by the 'Spanish flu' isolate and an equivalent protein from an avian host that is representative of a highly pathogenic H5N1 'bird flu' isolate, termed SF2 and BF2, respectively. Full length SF2, different mutants of BF2 and a number of fragments of these peptides have been synthesized by either the standard solid-phase peptide synthesis method or by native chemical ligation of unprotected N- and C-terminal peptide fragments. For SF2 chemical ligation made use of the histidine and the cysteine residues located in positions 41 and 42 of the native sequence, respectively, to afford a highly efficient synthesis of SF2 compared to the standard SPPS elongation method. By-product formation at the aspartic acid residue in position 23 was prevented by specific modifications of the SPPS protocol. As the native sequence of BF2 does not contain a cysteine residue two different mutants of BF2 (Y42C) and BF2 (S47C) with appropriate cysteine exchanges were produced. In addition to the full length molecules, fragments of the native sequences were synthesized for comparison of their physical characteristics with those from the H1N1 human isolate A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1). All peptides were analyzed by mass spectrometry, (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and SDS-PAGE. The protocols allow the synthesis of significant amounts of PB1-F2 and its related peptides. Copyright (c) 2008 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

新甲型H1N1(2009)病毒的早期分子特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摘要:【目的】本世纪首次流感大流行的病原属于甲型H1N1流感病毒,在遗传特性和抗原等方面都有别于人群中流行多年的季节性H1N1流感病毒。为了深入了解病毒的遗传特性,跟踪病毒的演化趋势,及时发现具有流行病学意义的变异株,本研究对早期分离的甲型H1N1(2009)病毒的分子特性进行了详细分析。【方法】通过GenBank的流感资源中心下载相关毒株的基因组信息, 序列分析采用DNAStar软件包的EditSeq和MegAlign比较与病毒致病性和宿主特异性相关的氨基酸变化情况。以A/California/07/2009(H1N1)作为新甲型H1N1(2009)的代表株进行详细的分子特征分析。【结果】A/California/07/2009不具备高致病性流感病毒的分子特征;病毒编码的11个蛋白大部分保留有猪流感病毒的分子特征,同时也具有一些禽和人流感病毒的特征;PB1-F2在11aa,57aa和87aa后发生断裂,具有古典猪H1N1和人H1N1双重特点,这是甲型H1N1(2009)病毒一个特有的分子特征。【结论】首次详细分析了新甲型H1N1(2009)病毒的分子特征。随着病毒在人群中的进一步适应和持续存在,这些分子特征将发生变化,应该特别关注这些变化对病毒的传播力和致病性的影响。  相似文献   

Influenza A viruses (IAV) are enveloped viruses carrying a single-stranded negative-sense RNA genome. Detection of host proteins having a relationship with IAV and revealing of the role of these proteins in the viral replication are of great importance in keeping IAV infections under control. Consequently, the importance of human DDX56, which is determined to be associated with a viral NS1 with a yeast two-hybrid assay, was investigated for IAV replication. The viral replication in knocked down cells for the DDX56 gene was evaluated. The NS1 was co-precipitated with the DDX56 protein in lysates of cells transiently expressing DDX56 and NS1 or infected with the viruses, showing that NS1 and DDX56 interact in mammalian cells. Viral NS1 showed a tendency to co-localize with DDX56 in the cells, transiently expressing both of these proteins, which supports the IP and two-hybrid assays results. The data obtained with in silico predictions supported the in vitro protein interaction results. The viral replication was significantly reduced in the DDX56-knockdown cells comparing with that in the control cells. In conclusion, human DDX56 protein interacts with the IAV NS1 protein in both yeast and mammalian cells and has a positive regulatory effect on IAV replication. However, the mechanism of DDX56 on IAV replication requires further elucidation.  相似文献   

Influenza A (H1N1) virus is a severe threat worldwide. It is important to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of the infection. In the paper, we established a computational framework to investigate the crosstalk between the virus and the host, by finding out the proteins that the virus is attacking. The targeted proteins were predicted by taking human proteins laid on the same GO functions or processes as the virus proteins. One hundred and one core proteins were identified. The results provide some knowledge of the possible biological processes and molecular interactions caused by the viral infection, including the host responses.  相似文献   

Recently the discovery of a novel 87 amino acid influenza A virus (IAV) protein, named PB1-F2, has been reported that originates from an alternative reading frame in the PB1 polymerase gene and is encoded in most of the known human IAV isolates. Using optimized protocols, full length biologically active sPB1-F2 and a number of fragments have been synthesized by following either the standard elongation SPPS method or by native chemical ligation of unprotected N- and C-terminal peptide fragments at the histidine and cysteine residues located in position 41 and 42 of the native sequence, respectively. The ligation procedure afforded the most efficient synthesis of sPB1-F2 and facilitated the generation of various mutants of sPB1-F2 from pre-synthesized peptide fragments. During the synthesis of sPB1-F2, the formation of succinimide and subsequent conversion to the piperidine derivative at the aspartic acid residue in position 23 was observed. This reaction was forestalled by applying specific modifications to the SPPS protocol. The chain-elongation SPPS protocol is optimal for producing small peptides of sPB1-F2, their derivatives and precursors for a subsequent ligation protocol, while the full length protein, mutants and labelled derivatives are more conveniently and efficiently synthesized by SPPS protocols that include native chemical ligation. The molecular identity of sPB1-F2 was confirmed by peptide mapping, mass spectrometry, N-terminal sequencing, (1)H NMR spectroscopy and Western blot analysis. The latter analysis afforded direct evidence of the inherent tendency of sPB1-F2 to undergo oligomerization, a phenomenon observed both for full length sPB1-F2 and fragments thereof, as well as for its full length viral counterpart. Our synthesis protocols open the field for multiple biological and structural studies on sPB1-F2 that, similar to the molecule expressed in an IAV context, induces apoptosis and interacts with membranes in vitro and in vivo, as shown in previous studies.  相似文献   

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