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Summary Fischer rat embryo cells chronically infected with Rauscher murine leukemia virus, and known to be sensitive to transformation by potent chemical carcinogens, were transformed by the weak carcinogen 4-nitropyridine-1-oxide. Transformed cells grew in semi-solid agar and produced tumors in newborn Fischer rats. Transformation was inhibited by antisera specific for the ecotropic Rauscher murine leukemia virus, but not by antisera of equal toxicity specific for xenotropic Swiss mouse AT-124 virus. This work was supported by contract NO1-CP-43240 within the Virus Cancer Program of the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Summary Rat embryo cells of low passage subjected to a single treatment with certain carcinogenic fluorenylhydroxamic acids and their respective acetate esters showed signs of transformation in vitro, such as changes in phenotype, growth in soft agar and agglutination with concanavalin. A. In addition, certain changes in karyotype and loss of diploidy were observed. There was no evidence, either by electron microscopy or by assay of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase, for the presence of virus. None of these cell lines produced tumors after inoculation into the isologous host. The results of this study lead us to suggest that malignant transformation is a multistep process and that certain criteria of transformation of rat embryo cells are associated with the initial stage(s) in which the cells are transformed without being tumorigenic. The ultimate test for malignant transformation of rat embryo cells remains the production of tumors in a susceptible host after inoculation of treated cells. Supported by Grant CA-02571 from the National Cancer Institute (H. R. Gutmann) and by Grant CA-08832 from the National Cancer Institute (G. J. Vosika).  相似文献   

Summary Eighteen lots of fetal bovine serum were tested for their ability to support clonal growth and 3-methylcholanthrene-induced morphological transformation of hamster embryo cells in vitro. Most of them supported cloning efficiencies of over 11%. However, cloning efficiency alone was an inadequate criterion for selecting serum for transformation studies, since no transformation was observed with some lots, even though their cloning efficiencies were over 16%. This shows the importance of pretesting serum for its ability to support morphological transformation before it is used in mammalian cell carcinogenesis tests. Research sponsored by the National Cancer Institute under Contract No. N01-CO-75380 with Litton Bionetics, Inc.  相似文献   

The application of etoposide for chemical enucleation of rat oocytes was tested. The reconstruction efficiency after chemical and mechanical enucleation was comparatively analyzed. The obtained data indicate similar viability of reconstructed rat embryos irrespective of the enucleation technique.  相似文献   

The transforming activity of sodium fluoride was studied in the SHE and the BALBl3T3 cell culture systems. Initiating and promoting activities were then investigated by means of the orthogonal methodology. Sodium fluoride was found to induce morphological transformation of SHE cells seeded on a feeder layer of X-irradiated cells at high concentrations (75–125 g/ ml). When the cells were seeded in the absence of a feeder-layer, the transformation frequencies increased in a dose-dependent manner with the concentrations of sodium fluoride ranging from 0 to the highly toxic concentration of 200 g/ml. In the BALBl3T3 cell system, sodium fluoride was negative in the standard Kakunaga procedure, while through the experiment designed by table L8 (27) of the orthogonal method, an initiating-like effect and a weak promoting activity were detected within the concentrations ranging from a 25 g/ ml to a 50 g/ ml concentration which is highly toxic for BALBl3T3 cells. From these results, it is suggested that, besides a genetic mode of action, sodium fluoride could possibly act through a non-genotoxic mechanism.Abbreviations CE cloning efficiency - NaF sodium fluoride - SHE Syrian hamster embryo - TF transformation frequency  相似文献   

Summary Several different classes of chemical carcinogens induced the transformation of human fibroblasts grown in vitro. Characteristics of the events that occur from time of treatment through the expression of neoplastic transformation are presented. The S-phase appeared to be the portion of the cell cycle most vulnerable to insult. Staging of the cells by blocking them in G1 before releasing them to proceed through scheduled DNA synthesis (S) was required to induce reproducible transformation. Compounds such as insulin were added to the cells upon release from the block to sensitize the cells to the carcinogen that was added during S. Growth of the transformed cells as distinct from nontransformed cells was promoted by growth in medium supplemented with 8X nonessential amino acids. Carcinogen-treated cells in the early stage of transformation exhibited abnormal colony morphology and were able to grow at 41°C, in air atmosphere, and in medium supplemented with only 1% serum. In addition, the transformed cells were insensitive to KB cell lysate and exhibited density independent, as well as anchorage independent, growth (i.e., growth in 0.33% agar). Cells that grew in soft agar also produced undifferentiated mesenchymal tumors in preirradiated nude mice. This work was supported in part by National Cancer Institute Grant ROI-CA-25907 and Air Force Office of Scientific Research Grant F49620-77-C0110 and EPA-R806638. The hydrazine compounds were furnished by Ms. Marilyn George and Dr. Kenneth Back, AFSOR Toxicology Division, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH. The hydroxylate and phenyl napthylamines were furnished by Dr. Fred Kadlubar, Division of Chemical Carcinogenesis at the National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, AR.  相似文献   

Between July 1982 and November 1983, two pregnancies were established using in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF and ET) procedures with three different schedules to induce follicular maturation. All women were cycling normally and had inoperable or absent fallopian tubes. Of 83 oocytes aspirated from 24 patients (31 cycles), 75% were considered mature and 25% immature by the morphological characteristics of the oocytes and cumulus cells. Oocytes were preincubated for 6–24 hours, and after insemination, 60% cleaved to the two-to-four-cell stage. The superovulation induction schedule employing hMG administered according to the individually adjusted treatment scheme established two pregnancies. This schedule was considered the superior regimen, as it gave the highest proportion of mature oocytes (89%) which cleaved (78%). The pregnancy-attaining follicle showed a high progesterone:estradiol-17β ratio (P4/E2) in its microenvironment of aspirated follicular fluid, culture media of granulosa cells, and oocyte-cumulus complex. Our observations indicate a high P4/E2 ratio in the pregnancy-attaining follicle, and thereby reflect a further parameter in influencing maturation of the oocytes most likely to implant.  相似文献   

Summary The neoplastic expression in mouse embryo fibroblasts exposed to 1,2-dibromoethane and its chloroanalogue, 1,2-dichloroethane in vitro, was examined. Both substances are widely used as fumigants for carpet and upholstery, as gasoline additives, and as organic solvents. Both are known to be highly toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic agents. C3H10T1/2 cells treated with these haloalkanes exhibited altered morphology and were selected further by cloning in soft agar. Soft agar clones were found to induced a 100% multitumor occurrence in the nude mouse model. These results suggest that this pair of mutagens have altered the normal phenotype of mouse embryo cells, and these cells have become neoplastic. These neoplastic cell lines will be useful as an in vitro model to study the role of genetic changes in the transformation processes induced by halogenated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Percoll-purified mature rat Leydig cells have been used to evaluate the testicular toxicity of two highly potent intercalating agents (Celiptium and MR 14505). Testosterone secretion in the absence and in the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was measured to assess Leydig cell function. Celiptium and MR 14504 induce time- and dose-related inhibitory effects on the production of testosterone by Leydig cells, both in the presence and in the absence of hCG, whatever the concentration of hCG used. We have observed that MR 14504 is about 5 times more potent as an inhibitor of rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis than Celiptium without inducing any cell toxicity. The present study indicates that the Leydig cell is an additional potential site for the primary toxic effects of these drugs in the adult rat testis.  相似文献   

The concentration of free amino acids and the osmolalities in porcine oviductal (OF) and uterine fluids (UFs) on day 3 (D3) and day 5 (D5) were measured by HPLC and Vapor Pressure Osmometer, respectively. Based on these measurements we designed new media based on PZM3 by modifying the amino acid composition and osmolality. The effectiveness of the modified PZM3 on the development of porcine IVF embryos was then investigated. A total of 24 free amino acids were measured, including 20 protein and 4 nonprotein amino acids (beta-alanine, taurine, ornithine, and citrulline). There was no significant difference in the total concentration of amino acids among D3OF (13.06 +/- 3.63 mmol/L), D3UF (10.54 +/- 5.16 mmol/L), or D5UF (10.23 +/- 6.69 mmol/L). But the total concentration of amino acids in D5OF (5.89 +/- 1.47 mmol/L) was significantly lower than the three fluids above. Some individual amino acids varied significantly depending on where they were collected and from which day. The blastocyst rates of porcine IVF embryos were not improved when embryos were cultured in PZM3 with amino acids at D3OF (PZM3-D3OF, 20.3 +/- 7.9%) or D5UF (PZM3-D5UF, 14.3 +/- 10.7%) concentrations or in PZM3-D3OF for the first 48 (20.5 +/- 15.1), 72 (25.6 +/- 10.4), and 96 (18.7 +/- 10.0) hr and then transferred into PZM3-D5UF compared with PZM3 with Sigma amino acid solution (PZM3-SAA) (30.8 +/- 9.1%). However, when IVF embryos were cultured in PZM3-D5UF, the average nuclear number per blastocyst (57.6 +/- 8.3) was increased compared to PZM3-SAA (40.5 +/- 3.5). The osmolalities in D3OF, D3UF, D5OF, and D5UF were 318 +/- 8, 320 +/- 32, 321, and 293 +/- 8 mOsM, respectively. When the IVF embryos were cultured in PZM3-SAA and PZM3-D3OF at a variety of osmolalities (150-360 mOsM), higher blastocyst rates were obtained at 270-300 mOsM in the PZM3-SAA group (24.6-33.9%) and 270-290 mOsM in PZM3-D3OF group (22.4-24.2%). The blastocyst rate gradually decreased when the osmolality was increased or decreased in both groups. When the embryos were cultured in PZM3-SAA at 330 mOsM for the first 72 hr and then transferred to 250 mOsM (33.3 +/- 3.4%), the blastocyst rate was higher than original PZM3 (21.2 +/- 2.2%) (288 mOsM).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to generate bison x cattle hybrid embryos by in vitro fertilization, to assess their developmental potential, to determine the pattern of secretion of the embryonic signaling molecule interferon-tau (IFN-tau), and to identify novel IFN-tau mRNA polymorphism in the American plains bison. A total of 600 bovine oocytes were inseminated with frozen-thawed bison semen. Of these, 40.7% cleaved and 14.8% proceeded to the blastocyst stage. Individual blastocysts were cultured on a basement membrane (Matrigel) and their ability to attach and form outgrowths was monitored. A total of 36 blastocysts were cultured of which 22 formed outgrowths. During individual culture, medium samples were collected and their IFN-tau concentration was measured. On day 6 after onset of individual culture, attached outgrowths produced significantly more IFN-tau than unattached viable or degenerate blastocysts. At this time, female conceptuses also produced significantly more IFN-tau than their male cohorts. However, by day 12 this difference had disappeared. Total mRNA was extracted from three individual outgrowths and analyzed by RT-PCR. Subsequent sequencing of 28 clones showed several known bovine IFN-tau sequences as well as two novel sequences termed bisIFN-tau1 and 2. To determine the origin of these, DNA was extracted from bison semen and analyzed by PCR. One bovine IFN-tau sequence (bovIFN-tau1d) as well as bisIFN-tau2 and a third novel sequence bisIFN-tau3 were detected. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using hybrid embryos for the analysis of developmentally regulated gene expression in species where embryos may not be available.  相似文献   

Summary Graded doses of cell suspensions of an embryonic cockroach cell line in its 290th passage were injected into the hemoceles of hosts of the homologous species,Blattella germanica, of different ages. All insects injected with viable cells suffered paralysis, progressive loss of appendages, and premature death. The time of death depended on the number of cells inoculated. Histological studies of the afflicted insects showed that the injected cells were metastatic and invasive, producing tumors, especially in the fat body. Tumors were transplantable and malignant in secondary hosts. Tumors were not produced by cell-free spent medium, or homogenized or sonicated cell breis. The cause of paralysis and loss of appendages was not known, although large aggregations of the injected cells could be seen in the leg musculature in the thorax. Cells were recovered from the tumors and grown again in culture. The line was predominantly diploid (62%) with some heteroploid cells (38%). This work was supported in part by Research Grant AI 09914 from the National Institutes of Health. This is Paper 10,949, Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

S-(chloroethyl)-cysteine (CEC) and S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)cysteine (DCVO) have been proposed as intermediates in the metabolic transformation of the carcinogens 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,1,2-trichloroethylene. We have tested the ability of CEC and DCVC to induce DNA repair and genotoxic effects at the chromosomal level by comparative assessment of unscheduled DNA synthesis induction and micronucleus formation in Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts. CEC induced a potent and dose-dependent response in both assays, whereas DCVC treatment resulted in a comparatively weak induction of DNA repair and failed to raise micronucleus formation above control rates. Inhibition of cysteine conjugate \gB-lyase diminished the effect of DCVC, but had no influence on the genotoxicity of CEC either in the unscheduled DNA synthesis or micronucleus assay.Abbreviations AOAA aminooxyacetic acid - CEC S-(chloroethyl)-cysteine; \gB-lyase, cysteine conjugate -lyase - DCE 1,2-dichloroethane - DCVC S(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-cysteine - GSH glutathione - HU hydroxyurea - IBR IBR-modified Dulbecco's Eagle's reinforced medium - MN2 micronuclei/2,000 cells - 4-NQO 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide - SHE Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts; 3H-Thd, 3H-thymidine - TCE 1,1,2-trichloroethylene - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   

Fatty acid-free bovine serum albumin (BSA(FAF)) can be added to supplement medium used in the culture of sheep embryos. BSA(FAF) was able to support blastocyst and subsequent embryo development at rates equivalent to that of fetal calf serum (FCS)-supplemented medium when fresh embryos were transferred. Furthermore, culture with BSA(FAF) significantly increased development of vitrified blastocysts transferred into synchronized sheep. The addition of the glycosaminoglycan, hyaluronan (HA) to the culture medium in the third and fifth day also increased cryo-tolerance of blastocysts and in turn lambing rate was improved.  相似文献   

鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞的培养和传代   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文旨在探索鸡胚胎原始生殖细胞(Primordialgermcells,PGCs)培养、传代以及各种因素对PGCs培养的影响。实验结果表明,在添加10%的胎牛血清、2%的鸡血清、2mmol/LL谷氨酰胺、1mmol/L丙酮酸钠、5.5×10-5mol/Lβ巯基乙醇、10μl/ml非必需氨基酸、以及5ng/ml人干细胞生长因子(Humanstemcellfactor,hSCF)、10U/ml鼠白血病抑制因子(Mouseleukemiainhibitoryfactor,mLIF)、10ng/ml碱性成纤维生长因子(Fibroblastgrowthfactorbasic,bFGF)、0.04ng/ml人白细胞介素11(Humaninterleukin11,hIL11),10ng/ml胰岛素样生长因子(Humaninsulinlikegrowthfactor,hIGF)的高糖DMEM培养体系中,以多次离散法进行传代获得5-6代鸡胚胎PGCs,有效地维持了PGCs的未分化状态和正常二倍体核型,同时能够定向地诱导分化为神经细胞,具有作为多能性胚胎干细胞的特征  相似文献   

Summary Dissociated cells from 7-day old chick embryo cerebral hemispheres were cultivated for one month in Rose chambers. Four different culture conditions were employed in the composition of the matrix on which the cells were cultivated: collagen alone, collagen plus embryonic extract, collagen plus plasma and collagen plus plasma and embryonic extract.Within the first 48 hours of cultivation the cells formed processes under all four culture conditions. In the presence of plasma the dissociated cells remained well isolated; in the other culture conditions many cells reassociated into clumps.After 2–3 weeks in cultures on collagen or collagen plus embryonic extract many polygonal cells developed and formed a layer upon which typical neurons and oligodendrocyte-like cells were observed. After 3 weeks the polygonal cells began to transform into astrocyte-like cells. In the presence of plasma the cell bodies of the neuroblasts remained small and round. The processes developed generally consisted of one long and many short thick fibres; all processes had a bulbous appearance. In 3–4-weeks old cultures the cells which remained viable, were morphologically unchanged.The differences in the morphological aspects of the cells cultivated on plasma and those cultivated on collagen alone or with embryonic extract are discussed.This work was supported in part by the Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique and the Mind Science Foundation. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Z. Lodin, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, for his continuing help. We are grateful to Mrs. M. F. Knoetgen for technical assistance.  相似文献   

Swiss white mice were superovulated, mated, and sacrificed to recover two-cell embryos that were cultured in Ham's F-10 supplemented with 15% fetal serum. In 16 experiments, media enriched with fetal bovine serum (FBS) supported blastocyst development from 80% ± 19% (mean ± S.D.) of two-cell embryos. Culture media + FBS was the positive control when 74 batches of heat-inactivated human fetal cord serum (hFCS) were tested. Statistical analyses indicated two distinct populations: 49 hFCS promoted blastocyst formation and 25 hFCS grew fewer blastocysts. In five studies, 35/47 two-cell embryos recovered from mice oviducts in media + FBS and immediately incubated formed blastocysts (75% ± 10%). In six comparison studies where the recovered embryos stood at room temperature for 30 minutes before incubation, only 18/57 (29% ± 21%) became blastocysts. When the colony was housed for 1 week in rooms with Shell No Pest Strips as treatment for mites, only 11/125 two-cell embryos became blastocysts (9%). In contrast, animals housed in quarters decontaminated with chlorine bleach had reduced breeding efficiency and produced fewer two-cell embryos. We conclude that (1) Ham's F-10 + FBS is an excellent positive control to test new batches of hFCS; (2) hFCS that supports blastocyst formation from ≥75% of two-cell embryos is adequate for human use; (3) pesticide treatment of breeding colonies and cooling of murine embryos during harvest both impaired in vitro blastocyst development; and (4) chlorine bleach cleansing of animal quarters reduced the number of successful matings.  相似文献   

The potential for trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchloroethylene (PERC) to induce developmental toxicity was investigated in Crl:CD (SD) rats whole-body exposed to target concentrations of 0, 50, 150 or 600 ppm TCE or 0, 75, 250 or 600 ppm PERC for six hours/day, seven days/week on gestation day (GD) 6-20 and 6-19, respectively. Actual chamber concentrations were essentially identical to target with the exception of the low PERC exposure level, which was 65 ppm. The highest exposure levels exceeded the limit concentration (2 mg/L) specified in the applicable test guidelines. Maternal necropsies were performed the day following the last exposure. Dams exposed to 600 ppm TCE exhibited maternal toxicity, as evidenced by decreased body weight gain (22% less than control) during GD 6-9. There were no maternal effects at 50 or 150 ppm TCE and no indications of developmental toxicity (including heart defects or other terata) at any exposure level tested. Therefore, the TCE NOEC for maternal toxicity was 150 ppm, whereas the embryo/fetal NOEC was 600 ppm. Maternal responses to PERC were limited to slight, but statistically significant reductions in body weight gain and feed consumption during the first 3 days of exposure to 600 ppm, resulting in a maternal NOEC of 250 ppm. Developmental effects at 600 ppm consisted of reduced gravid uterus, placental and fetal body weights, and decreased ossification of thoracic vertebral centra. Developmental effects at 250 ppm were of minimal toxicological significance, being limited to minor decreases in fetal and placental weight. There were no developmental effects at 65 ppm.  相似文献   

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