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Summary Inactivation of the dna B or dna D gene product in Bacillus subtilis stimulates RNA and protein synthesis. Strains containing ts dna B and D mutations have been constructed by introducing the mutations by transformation into a thymine requiring strain which does not lyse during thymine starvation. The consequences of inactivation of these gene products have been assessed by comparing RNA and protein synthesis during thymine starvation at the restrictive temperature with the recipient strain. In the ts + strain, there is a doubling in rate of RNA synthesis during thymine starvation. In the ts dna B and D mutations at the restrictive temperature the rate of RNA synthesis increases four fold. By preincubating the mutants in the absence of thymine for one generation at the permissive temperature the two fold increase in rate of RNA synthesis associated with inactivation of the initiation complex can be demonstrated under conditions where the ts + strain shows a decrease in rate of RNA synthesis. The rate of protein synthesis observed largely reflects the rate of RNA synthesis in all strains. Completion of the chromosome at the restictive temperature has no significant effect on the rate of RNA synthesis. It is suggested that inactivation of the initiation complex after chromosome initiation could play an important role in control of RNA synthesis in relation to the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetics and Genomics - Inactivation of the dna B or dna D gene product in Bacillus subtilis stimulates RNA and protein synthesis. Strains containing ts dna B and D mutations have been...  相似文献   

After thermal denaturation, an in vivo-labeled RNA was found in a temperature-sensitive initiation mutant of Bacillus subtilis (dna-37) associated with high-molecular-weight DNA. This RNA could be clearly distinguished from other RNA species by different techniques of separation, such as Sepharose 2B filtration, chromatography on nitrocellulose, and equilibrium centrifugation in density gradient. It was obtained even when HCHO was present during denaturation and chilling of nucleic acids and was still detected after a second denaturation as well as after incubation with proteinase K. Properties of the complex were not altered by prior treatment with RNase H. A control experiment using two samples of the complex treated either with pancreatic DNase or with pancreatic RNase, denatured together and centrifuged in the same density gradient, showed that no artifactual associations occur between the DNA and the RNA components of the complex. These results demonstrate that the DNA and RNA in the complex are associated by neither hydrogen bonds nor proteins, but are indicative of a DNA-RNA covalent linkage. In addition, during synchronous replication after a previous period at a nonpermissive temperature, DNA-linked RNA synthesis took place at specific times which coincided with the appearance of rifampin resistance of the first and the second replication cycles. A possible involvement of this RNA in the initiation of chromosome replication is discussed.  相似文献   

Amplification of plasmid pGG10 inserted into the Bacillus subtilis chromosome is described. The possibility of the 3.2 kb fragment of eucaryotic (wheat) DNA to be amplified within the bacterial genome is shown. The models explaining this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined three mutants of Bacillussubtilis temperature sensitive in DNA initiation and one temperature sensitive in DNA elongation, in order to investigate whether these lesions can cause or can result in a detachment of the membrane-bound chromosomal region.Our results argue against any effect of the mutations examined on the association between the chromosome and the membrane.  相似文献   

The dnaA gene is essential for initiation of chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli. A gene homologous with the E. coli dnaA was found in the replication origin region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. We have now isolated a temperature sensitive mutant of the B. subtilis dnaA by in vitro mutagenesis of the cloned gene. At a nonpermissive temperature, 49 degrees C, DNA replication stops completely after 60% increase in a rich medium, while cell mass continues to increase exponentially at 2.5 times the rate at 30 degrees C. A ratio of gene frequency between purA (origin marker) and metB (terminus marker) changes gradually from 2.7 at 30 degrees C to 1.0 in 45 min at 49 degrees C, indicating completion of the ongoing replication cycle. Upon the temperature shift down to 30 degrees C after the incubation at 49 degrees C for 60 min, DNA replication resumes without delay, and the purA/metB ratio increases rapidly to 6, i.e. consecutive initiation of more than two rounds of replication. Addition of chloramphenicol at the time of the temperature shift down did not inhibit the increase in the purA/metB ratio, while rifampicin inhibited the re-initiation completely. The mutation is a single base change from C to T in the dnaA gene resulting in an amino acid substitution from Ser to Phe in the DnaA protein. The mutation was responsible for both temperature sensitive growth and the defect in initiation of chromosomal replication. We observed a remarkable correlation between the amount of DnaA protein and the amount of initiation potential accumulated during incubation at the non-permissive temperature.  相似文献   

Thymine-requiring mutants of Bacillus subtilis and mutants that are temperature-sensitive for initiation of chromosome replication have been used to study the relationship between sporulation and chromosome formation. The DNA synthesis that normally occurs when cells are transferred to sporulation medium is essential for spore induction. This is shown by the fact that thymine-starved cells are unable to form spores and are unable to perform even the earlier steps of sporulation, such as septum formation or synthesis of alkaline phosphatase. The nature of the medium in which the cells are growing while the DNA is being completed is also important because it determines both the shape and the position of the daughter chromosomes. If the cells are in a rich medium, the newly synthesized chromosomes are discrete and compact bodies: the cells are primed for growth, and sporulation cannot be induced by transferring them at this stage to a spore-inducing medium. If DNA synthesis was completed with the cells in a poor medium the daughter chromosomes, by the time DNA synthesis has ceased, are spread in a single filamentous band and the cells are morphologically already in stage I of sporulation.  相似文献   

We have studies the phenotypic suppression of a dnaA46 mutation by plasmid integration at preselected chromosomal sites after introducing homologous sequences (Mu prophages) onto both the chromosomes and the suppressive plasmid. The plasmids used were all derived from plasmid R100.1. We found that the conditions required to get viable suppressive integration varied as the plasmid integration site moved from the origin to the terminus of chromosome replication. Two constraints were observed. Both appeared to be linked to the new characteristics acquired by chromosome replication from the integrated plasmid. One constraint was that strains with integrative suppression near the terminus terC were viable only in minimal medium. The rich medium sensitivity of these strains was correlated with a loss of regulation of initiation. The other constraint was a requirement for a specific orientation in certain regions of the chromosome. The two branches defined by normally initiated replication, between oriC and terC, were also symmetrical with respect to these plasmid orientation constraints. In studying the possible reasons for a plasmid orientation constraint, we found that, of the two forks initiated in bidirectional replication from the integrated plasmid, one was capable of moving across the terC region with a higher movability than the other.  相似文献   

Bidirectional chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis 168.   总被引:21,自引:16,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Density transfer analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid from Bacillus subtilis 168 thy spores germinating in 5-bromouracil medium shows the order of replication of genetic markers to be: purA16, cysA14, sacA, ctrA, (narB, arol), dal, (hisA1, purB6), (tre-12, thr-5), (argA, aroG, argC4), (metC, leu-8, pheA), (ura-1, aroD), lys-1, (trpC, metB, ilvA, citB, citK, gltA). The precise order of transfer of markers within parentheses could not be determined in these experiments. Taken together with new PBS1 transduction data presented here and in the accompanying paper of J. Lepesant-Kejzlarová, J.-A. Lepesant, J. Walle, A. Billaut, and R. Dedonder (1975), the results can be resolved in terms of a symmetric, fully bidirectional mode of chromosome replication with a replication origin close to the purA16 marker and a terminus in the region of the gltA, citK loci, diametrically opposed to the origin. A new genetic map of the B. subtilis 168 chromosome is presented.  相似文献   

A gene homologous to the Escherichia coli dnaA gene and two flanking 'regulatory' regions which contain nine and four DnaA-boxes respectively, are located in the replication origin region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome. Attempts to isolate an autonomously replicating fragment from these 'regulatory' regions in order to identify oriC have been unsuccessful because the DnaA-box-containing regions strongly inhibited plasmid transformation particularly when inserted into a high-copy number plasmid pUB110. Using two plasmids differing in copy number, the two regions were subdivided into three regions, A, B and C, each containing five, four and four DnaA-boxes respectively, which differed in level of inhibition of transformation. Region C is downstream of the 'dnaA' gene and inhibits transformation in high-copy but not in low-copy number plasmids. When a part of the DnaA-boxes was deleted from the incompatible plasmids, they became transformable and produced slow-growing transformants in which the initiation frequency of chromosomal replication was selectively reduced. Fast-growing revertants were found containing the same number of plasmids as the parent but with single base changes in the DnaA-boxes. These mutations were in the most highly conserved bases of the DnaA-box sequence. This indicates that a sequence-specific interaction of the DnaA-box, probably with the B. subtilis DnaA protein is responsible for the observed incompatibility and thus appears to be involved in control of initiation frequency of the chromosomal replication.  相似文献   

The transformation of Bacillus subtilis Lys- strains with plasmid pLRS33 containing pBR322 and the Bac. subtilis chromosomal fragment carrying the genes for lysin biosynthesis and the riboflavin operon regulatory operator region (ribO) leads to the appearance of Rib- mutants. It was shown that these mutants contained long deletions covering a great portion of the riboflavin operon.  相似文献   

Initiation of spore formation in Bacillus subtilis appears to depend on initiation of DNA replication. This regulation was first identified using a temperature-sensitive mutation in dnaB. We found that mutations in the replication initiation genes dnaA and dnaD also inhibit sporulation, indicating that inhibition of sporulation is triggered by general defects in the function of replication initiation proteins.  相似文献   

A transformant of Bacillus stearothermophilus carrying a recombinant plasmid, pLP11 (9.5 MDa), on which the penicillinase gene (penP) and kanamycin resistance gene (kan) were located was subjected to mutagenesis, and a mutant plasmid (9.5 MDa; penP kan), designated pTRA117, was obtained. A transformant of B. stearothermophilus carrying pTRA117 could grow at 63 degrees C in medium containing kanamycin, whereas a transformant carrying pLP11 could not. Although pTRA117 was detected as covalently closed circular (ccc) DNA when it was extracted from transformants cultured at 48 degrees C, it was integrated into the host chromosome when the culture temperature was shifted up to 63 degrees C. If the culture temperature was lowered to 48 degrees C from 63 degrees C, a new plasmid (10.7 MDa; penP kan), designated pTRZ117, could be detected as ccc DNA; the size of this plasmid suggested that it was pTRA117 plus a 1.2 MDa DNA fragment of the host chromosome, and this was confirmed by Southern hybridization. pTRZ90 (7.9 MDa; kan) was constructed from pTRZ117 by the deletion of a 2.8 MDa DNA fragment that contained penP. Fresh transformants of B. stearothermophilus that carried either pTRZ117 or pTRZ90 could grow at 65 degrees C.  相似文献   

Plasmid replication in DNA Ts mutants of Bacillus subtilis.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
A G Shivakumar  D Dubnau 《Plasmid》1978,1(3):405-416
In an attempt to increase our understanding of plasmid replication in Bacillus subtilis we determined the effect of various dna Ts mutations [Gass, K. B., and Cozzarelli, N. R. (1973). J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7688–7700; Gross, J. D., Karamata, D., and Hempstead, P. G. (1968). Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.33, 307–312; Karamata, D., and Gross, J. D. (1970). Mol. Gen. Genet.108, 277–287] on pUB110 replication. pUB110 is a kanamycin resistance plasmid originally isolated in Staphylococcus aureus and introduced into B. subtilis by transformation. At temperatures nonpermissive for chromosomal DNA synthesis dnaA13, dnaB19, dnaC6, dnaC30, dnaD23, dnaE20, and dnaI102 permit replication of the plasmid. In several cases this “amplification” continues until approximately equal amounts of plasmid and chromosomal DNA are present. dnaG34, dnaH151, dnaF133, mut-1, and polC26 affect both pUB110 and host DNA synthesis at nonpermissive temperatures. The last three mutations are known to affect the activity of DNA polymerase III (PolIII). When polC26 is incubated at a nonpermissive temperature, there is an accumulation of plasmid DNA with a density on EtBr-CsCl gradients intermediate between that of covalently closed circular (CCC) and open circular DNA. pUB110 can replicate in a strain which is deficient in DNA polymerase I (PolI). Finally, chloramphenicol (Cm) inhibits the replication of pUB110 as well as of chromosomal DNA.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A was synthesized at high levels and was secreted efficiently into the culture medium by strains of Bacillus subtilis in which the cloned gene (spa) from Staphylococcus aureus 8325-4 was inserted into the chromosome. The spa gene could not be established in B. subtilis on multicopy plasmids.  相似文献   

Growth inhibition of the dnaA(Cs) mutant, which overinitiates chromosome replication, was shown to be dependent upon the nucleoid protein H-NS. [3H]thymine incorporation experiments indicated that the absence of H-NS inhibited overreplication by the dnaA(Cs) mutant. In addition, the temperature-sensitive phenotype of a dnaA46 mutant was enhanced by disruption of H-NS. These observations suggest that H-NS directly or indirectly facilitates the initiation of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

A new Escherichia coli mutant allele, named dnaR, that causes thermosensitive initiation of chromosome replication has been identified to be an allele of the prs gene, the gene for phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthetase (Y. Sakakibara, J. Mol. Biol. 226:979-987, 1992; Y. Sakakibara, J. Mol. Biol. 226:989-996, 1992). The dnaR mutant became temperature resistant by acquisition of a mutation in the dnaA gene that did not affect the intrinsic activity for the initiation of replication. The suppressor mutant was capable of initiating replication from oriC at a high temperature restrictive for the dnaR single mutant. The thermoresistant DNA synthesis was inhibited by the presence of the wild-type dnaA allele at a high but not a low copy number. The synthesis was also inhibited by an elevated dose of a mutant dnaR allele retaining dnaR activity. Therefore, thermoresistant DNA synthesis in the suppressor mutant was dependent on both the dnaA and the dnaR functions. On the basis of these results, I conclude that the initiation of chromosome replication requires cooperation of the prs and dnaA products.  相似文献   

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