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Diel patterns of zooplankton grazing in a shallow lake   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A diel survey of in situ species-specific zooplankton clearancerates (with radioactively labelled Chlorella cells) was conductedin the shallow lake of Cr?teil characterized by small-sizedplanktonic forms (algae<10µm and zooplankton <1.3mm). Experiments were performed every 4h at two depths (1 and4m). Power functions relating individual filtering rates tobody length were established for the three most abundant cladoceransand for calanoids (nauplii being included in this feeding group),for each depth and time. No filtering penodicity was observedin Ceriodaphnia spp., adults and copepodites of Eudiaptomusgracilis and Eurytemora velox, and nauplii. On the contrary,clear nocturnal filtering peaks were obtained for Daphnia spp.and for Diaphanosoma brachyurum, these being more pronouncedfor the larger individuals at 1 m deep. The observed diel periodicitycannot be explained by variations in physico-chemical parametersor food concentration alone. The ecological significance ofthis phenomenon in the polymictic lake of Cr?teil is discussedin the light of previously published data and the hypothesesaccounting for it.  相似文献   

Grazing experiments with the calanoid Calamoecia lucasi andthe cladoceran Ceriodaphnia dubia feeding on free lake bacterioplanktonproduced artificially high clearance rates by the acridine orangedirect count method (AODC), but lower and more conservativeclearance rates by labelling bacteria with [3H]thymidine. Acomparison of zooplankton carbon requirements and bacterialbiomass suggests that even at maximal filtration rates bacterioplanktoncan only be a minor constituent of the diet. Bacterioplanktonand phytoplankton do not provide adequate carbon to satisfythe daily requirement for respiration let alone for growth andreproduction. This suggests that: (i) predation of small zooplanktonoccurs; (ii) stress depresses the clearance rates; or (iii)the values obtained are at the low end of the diel range offeeding rates.  相似文献   

The sedimentary flux of phytoplankton was measured using sedimenttraps in a shallow hypertrophic lake (Lake Kasumigaura), whereMicrocystis bloomed, from June to November 1983 The sedimenttraps were set at 0.5, 1.5 and 3.0 m depth in Takahamairi Bay(3.5 m depth). Microcystis spp. (including M.aerugmosa and M.viridis)in the traps were rare until early August, but increased thereafter.Sinking rates of Microcystis were 0.0045, 0.020 and 0.24 m day–1in June–August, September and October respectively, whichwere far lower than those of Melosira (0.2–1.7 m day–1)and Syncdra (0.2–1.0 m day–1). The total sedimentaryfluxes of POC and that of algal carbon during the study periodwere 283.2 and 96.7 gC m–2 which were 59.5% and 20.3%of the gross primary production (475.8 gC m–2) respectively.The sedimentary flux of living algae measured by algal countswas large in June but small in August and September. On theother hand, the flux of detritus obtained by subtracting totalalgal carbon from POC was small in June and July but large inAugust and September. Therefore diatoms, which appeared mostlyin June, tended to sink as live algae, while Microcystis sankas detritus after being decomposed or consumed in the waterIt was concluded from the results of carbon budget calculationsand the respiration rate of the 1- to 20-µm fraction thatthe activity of decomposers or consumers increased greatly inthe short period at the end of the bloom of Microcystis.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,86(1):25-29
Waterfowl exclusion cages were set up in Sentiz Lake, an eutrophic shallow lake in León (NW of Spain) in order to determine the role of waterfowl herbivory on macrophyte biomass and species composition. Total macrophyte biomass was high during the study (250 g DW m−2 in summer). The macrophyte community was mainly formed by Myriophyllum alterniflorum (95% cover), Ceratophyllum demersum (5%) and Potamogeton gramineus (<0.5%). High densities of co-occurring coots (Fulica atra; 24 ind/ha) and ducks (Anas penelope, A. strepera and A. platyrhynchos; 18 ind/ha) did not have a significant effect on macrophyte biomass in the lake. There were no statistical differences between total biomass inside and outside the exclosures, although plant biomass reached a higher value inside the cages than in the lake. Biomass species composition was significantly different inside and outside exclosures; C. demersum was more abundant in the cages than in the lake. P. gramineus, almost absent in the lake, became co-dominant with M. alterniflorum in some exclosures. The detailed study of M. alterniflorum flower buds in summer showed significant herbivory by coots. Flower bud abundance was lower in the lake (35% lower in June; 85% lower in July) than under waterfowl exclusion. The effect of waterfowl on macrophyte biomass in Mediterranean wetlands seems to be negligible as compared to effects identified in northern European lakes. Apart from an important role in dispersal, waterfowl in Mediterranean areas have a strong qualitative effect on the structure of plant communities by selecting most palatable species or their reproductive structures.  相似文献   

Classification of waters using biological quality elements and determination of the degree of deviation from reference levels is a key issue in the Water Framework Directive of EU. Lakes in reference conditions with sufficient biological data are available for several boreal lake types with the exception of naturally eutrophic lakes. An empirical approach is one alternative for estimating the reference conditions of such lakes. We used the water transparency of the naturally eutrophic Lake Tuusulanjärvi recorded in August in the early 1910s to estimate reference values for phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll a concentrations. Three phytoplankton samples during August 2000–2001 corresponded to the estimated reference values for total biomass (<5.6 mg l?1) and chlorophyll a (<28 μg l?1), as did the simultaneous Secchi depths. The phytoplankton assemblage in these samples with 24 eutrophy indicators (17% of the total taxa number) corresponded in general the species list from the early 1900s, which as such could be regarded as reference assemblage. Furthermore, in August 2000, 3 years after intensive fish removal a prominent decrease in cyanobacterial biomass and toxin concentration was observed. The costs of the measures and studies in Lake Tuusulanjärvi during 1989–2003 have been approximately 2.5 million euros.  相似文献   

The validity of Connell's intermediate disturbance hypothesis in phytoplankton communities was tested on data from a hypertrophic, shallow lake, Hjarbæk Fjord, Denmark.The present data from Hjarbæk Fjord demonstrate the difficulties in distinguishing stress from disturbance in a phytoplankton community, and show that great changes in the phytoplankton community can take place within few days.A collapse of blue-green algae in late June 1986 caused remineralization of nutrients and resulted in a rapid increase of fast-growing small chlorococcal green algae and phytoplankton species diversity, without any external disturbances acting on the lake. External disturbances in the form of wind action and brackish water intrusion occurred several days after the onset of these events. Carbon depletion and pH 11.0 were severe stress factors on the phytoplankton community. They were induced by calm, warm weather, but eventually acted as a kind of disturbance to the normally well circulated lake.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton of eutrophic shallow lakes are frequently dominated by one species or species of the same functional group, resulting in species-pure algal assemblages. Knowledge of the structure of these assemblages is essential to understand their functioning; therefore, species and functional diversity were investigated in five sub-types of eutrophic shallow lake. Among the sub-types, astatic saline lakes and hypertrophic ponds had type-specific assemblages dominated by SN and W0, W1 codons. The diversity of the phytoplankton in the sub-types was quite similar, except for the astatic saline lakes, which were characterised by lower values of both functional and species diversity. We found that both functional and species diversity were low when bloom-forming cyanobacteria (H1, SN functional groups) became dominant. Dominance of other groups (J, Y, LO and W1) did not coincide with decrease in species diversity. Analysis of the biovolume versus diversity relationships revealed that decrease in diversity might be expected at biovolume >20 mm3 l−1 for shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Data on some relevant environmental variables and phytoplankton species composition, collected from the hypertrophic shallow lake Albufera of Valencia (Spain) during 1980–88, were examined using Redundancy Analysis (RDA). The hydrological cycle of the lake is manipulated for rice cultivation in the area. Seasonality and the particular hydrological cycle of the lake were the principal factors influencing long-term phytoplankton dynamics. Annual or horizontal differences were less important than the seasonal factor. However, a trend of phosphate increase and underwater illumination decrease was observed between 1980 and 1988. These changes might be related to some species year-to-year variations, although in general interannual phytoplankton changes were scarce. Spatial phytoplankton differences were much smaller than physical and chemical differences, which were mainly related to loading and residence times at the different sampling zones. Shallowness, hypertrophy and the regular hydrological cycle of the Albufera for rice yield, seem to contribute to the maintenance of an almost stable and homogeneous algal community, mainly composed of filamentous cyanophytes. RDA analysis has proved to be an efficient method in yielding valuable information on phytoplankton-environment interactions and trends over a long series of data. It seems also a feasible technique to monitor the results of lake management and restoration in the future.  相似文献   

1. Phytoplankton dynamics, food chain changes and resilience in Lake Zwemlust, a shallow lake in The Netherlands, are described for the period 1986–94.
2. After biomanipulation in 1987, the lake moved through two alternative states, while the external nutrient loadings were maintained. A clear-water phase, mostly dominated by macrophytes, persisted from 1987 to 1991, and a rather turbid state, dominated by algae, occurred in the summers of 1992–94, after several consecutive and sustained perturbations affecting different parts of the food web in the lake. These two periods were characterized by different community structures.
3. The phytoplankton assemblage gradually changed in a pattern that reverted in later years towards that of the pre-biomanipulation stage, although the same species composition was not regained. This agrees with some mathematical models. During the clear-water phase, nutrient shortage, light climate and zooplankton feeding selected in favour of small, high surface : volume ratio and rapidly reproducing algae. However, in mid-summer of 1992–94, nutrient availability and cladoceran grazing on edible algae favoured cyanophytes.
4. Nutrients were transferred to higher trophic levels or lost from the system at relatively high rates when the lake was in a piscivore–macrophyte-dominated state, while they tended to accumulate in the algae in a planktivore-dominated chain without macrophytes. The role of weed beds was central for nutrient competition (mostly nitrogen) with algae, as well as a refuge and a base for alternative food sources to grazers. Weed beds seemed to have a strong effect in increasing connectedness, resilience and stability of the lake community.
5. The complete return of Zwemlust to a turbid state dominated by phytoplankton seems to have depended upon turnover of the limiting nutrient, which was retarded by macrophytes and stimulated by planktivorous fish and waterfowl.  相似文献   

1. Phytoplankton dynamics, food chain changes and resilience in Lake Zwemlust, a shallow lake in The Netherlands, are described for the period 1986–94.
2. After biomanipulation in 1987, the lake moved through two alternative states, while the external nutrient loadings were maintained. A clear-water phase, mostly dominated by macrophytes, persisted from 1987 to 1991, and a rather turbid state, dominated by algae, occurred in the summers of 1992–94, after several consecutive and sustained perturbations affecting different parts of the food web in the lake. These two periods were characterized by different community structures.
3. The phytoplankton assemblage gradually changed in a pattern that reverted in later years towards that of the pre-biomanipulation stage, although the same species composition was not regained. This agrees with some mathematical models. During the clear-water phase, nutrient shortage, light climate and zooplankton feeding selected in favour of small, high surface : volume ratio and rapidly reproducing algae. However, in mid-summer of 1992–94, nutrient availability and cladoceran grazing on edible algae favoured cyanophytes.
4. Nutrients were transferred to higher trophic levels or lost from the system at relatively high rates when the lake was in a piscivore–macrophyte-dominated state, while they tended to accumulate in the algae in a planktivore-dominated chain without macrophytes. The role of weed beds was central for nutrient competition (mostly nitrogen) with algae, as well as a refuge and a base for alternative food sources to grazers. Weed beds seemed to have a strong effect in increasing connectedness, resilience and stability of the lake community.
5. The complete return of Zwemlust to a turbid state dominated by phytoplankton seems to have depended upon turnover of the limiting nutrient, which was retarded by macrophytes and stimulated by planktivorous fish and waterfowl.  相似文献   

Lessmann  Dieter  Fyson  Andrew  Nixdorf  Brigitte 《Hydrobiologia》2003,506(1-3):753-758
Hydrobiologia - Acidic mining lakes offer an opportunity to investigate ecological development under extreme geochemical conditions. Low pH combined with high ionic and metal concentrations allows...  相似文献   

1. The relative importance of zooplankton grazing and nutrient limitation in regulating the phytoplankton community in the non-stratified Lake Kvie, Denmark, were measured nine times during the growing season.
2. Natural phytoplankton assemblage bioassays showed increasing importance of nutrient limitation during summer. Growth rates at ambient nutrient concentrations were continually below 0.12 per day, while co-enrichment with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to above concentration-saturated conditions enhanced growth rates from May to the end of July.
3. Stoichiometric ratios of important elements in seston (C : N, C : P, N : P), in lake water (TN : TP), in external loading (TN : TP) and in internal loading (DIN : DIP) were measured to determine whether N or P could be the limiting nutrient. TN : TP molar ratio of both lake water, benthic fluxes and external loading suggested P limitation throughout the growing season. However, seston molar ratios suggested moderate P-deficiency only during mid-summer.
4. Abundance and community structure of the zooplankton varied considerably through the season and proved to be important in determining the responses of algal assemblages to grazing. High abundance of cladocerans and rotifers resulted in significant grazing impact, while cyclopoid copepods had no significant effect on the phytoplankton biomass.
5. Regeneration of ammonium and phosphate by zooplankton were periodically important for phytoplankton growth. A comparison of nutrient regeneration by zooplankton with nutrient inputs from sediment and external sources indicated that zooplankton may contribute significantly in supplying N and P for the growth of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Carvalho  Laurence 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):53-63
Top-down control of phytoplankton by zooplankton is possible through reductions in density of zooplanktivorous fish. Little Mere is a shallow lake where the effects of sewage effluent caused such a reduction. This allowed the large-bodied cladoceran, Daphnia magna Straus, to develop huge populations, preventing potentially large algal crops from developing.Subsequent diversion of the effluent is anticipated to lead to recovery of the fish community, reduced numbers of large-bodied grazers, and increased phytoplankton biomass. Whether the aquatic plant community, present in Little Mere, is resilient to such changes may depend upon whether cyanophytes are favoured, or not.  相似文献   

1. Mesocosm experiments were carried out to examine the relative importance of top down (fish predation) and bottom up (nutrient addition) controls on phytoplankton abundance in a small shallow lake, Little Mere, U.K., in 1998 and 1999. These experiments were part of a series at six sites across Europe. 2. In the 1998 experiment, top‐down processes (through grazing of large Cladocera) were important in determining phytoplankton biomass. The lack of plant refugia for zooplankton was probably important in causing an increasing chlorophyll a concentration even at intermediate fish density. Little Mere normally has abundant macrophytes but they failed to develop substantially during both years. Bottom‐up control was not important in 1998, most probably because of high background nutrient concentrations, as a result of nutrient release from the sediments. 3. In 1999 neither top‐down nor bottom‐up processes were significant in determining phytoplankton biomass. Large cladoceran grazers were absent even in the fish‐free enclosures, probably because dominance of cyanobacteria and high phytoplankton biomass made feeding conditions unsuitable. As in 1998, bottom‐up control of phytoplankton was not important, owing to background nutrient concentrations that were even higher in 1999 than in 1998, perhaps because of the warmer, sunnier weather. 4. The differing outcomes of the two experiments in the same lake with similar experimental designs highlight the importance of starting conditions. These conditions in turn depended on overall weather conditions prior to the experiments.  相似文献   

Debbie Stephen  Brian   《Freshwater Biology》1998,39(4):699-713
1. Mechanisms stabilizing the plant-dominated clear-water state were investigated in Little Mere, U.K. Replicated, factorial, mesocosm experiments, carried out in 1995 and 1996, were designed to investigate the relative importance of top-down (zooplankton grazing) and bottom-up (nitrogen-limitation) control in limiting algal growth, and the role of macrophytes in these processes. Treatments included increased salinity (1995) and sticklebacks (1996) to reduce zooplankton numbers, weekly nitrate additions and removal of macrophytes. 2. Contrary to the results of other studies, submerged plants did not reduce nitrate concentrations. Owing to the high stickleback density in the enclosures with fish, macrophytes did not provide a refuge for zooplankton during the experiment. In Little Mere, however, where fish densities are lower, macrophytes probably play a key role in maintaining clear water by providing refuge for pelagic zooplankton and habitat for attached Cladocera. 3. Phytoplankton in Little Mere was not nitrogen- (N) limited during the growing season. Although nitrogen availability sets a maximum potential phytoplankton biomass it was not realized owing to control by zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

Romo  Susana  Miracle  Rosa 《Hydrobiologia》1994,275(1):153-164
A long-term phytoplankton study was carried out in the Albufera of Valencia, a shallow hypertrophic lake (surface area 21 km2, mean depth 1 m, total inorganic nitrogen load 155 g m-2 y-1, total inorganic phosphate load 15 g m-2 y-1) from 1980 to 1988. The lake functions as a reservoir for the surrounding rice cultivation. From 1940's to 1988, its phytoplankton assemblage has been altered from a mesotrophic to a hypertrophic character, as consequence of the increasing pollution. For 1980–88, annual variations in the phytoplankton were less pronounced than seasonal changes. The hypertrophic and morphometric features of the lake favoured the stability of the phytoplankton assemblage and chlorophyll a levels during the study period. Seasonal and horizontal distribution of the total phytoplankton abundance and biomass were highly influenced by the hydrological cycle of the lagoon. Compared with other shallow nutrient rich lakes, the Albufera of Valencia is similar to the shallow hypertrophic lakes of the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Excessive nutrient loads resulted in cascading trophic effects and ecosystem responses. Aims of this study were to determine if the thresholds in nutrient gradient related to phytoplankton community composition could be identified in eutrophic lake, and further to analyze the change of phytoplankton assemblage along the nutrient concentration based on Threshold Indicator Taxa ANalysis (TITAN). The results presented the significant community thresholds estimate for negative taxa declining at 1.650 mg/L TN and 131.5 μg/L TP, as well as simultaneously increasing for positive taxa at 1.665 mg/L TN and 151.5 μg/L TP along nutrient enrichment gradient. However, there was unremarkable change point determined for TN:TP ratios in Lake Dianchi. Elevated TN and TP altered the phytoplankton assemblage, even may induce the fade of algal blooms across the threshold in the hypertrophic lake. The findings could provide implications for deeply deciphering abrupt transitions for phytoplankton assemblage and developing nutrient tactics to protect the lake ecosystems.  相似文献   

Ecological water quality problems are frequently connected to increment of phytoplankton productivity and overdominance of some phytoplankton species. Metrics that show monotonously increasing or decreasing tendencies along stressor gradients is recommended for ecological state assessment. Diversity metrics are influenced by various physical disturbances and show high within-year variability; thus, there is no agreement on the usefulness of these metrics as state indicators.To test the usefulness of phytoplankton diversity in ecological state assessment we investigated the productivity–diversity relationships for lakes and rivers in the Carpathian Basin (Hungary). We demonstrated that the shape of productivity–diversity relationship depends on the investigated water body type. Regarding lakes, hump-shaped relationship was found for all computed metrics. Parallel with the increase in phytoplankton productivity values, diversity metrics showed monotonously increasing tendencies in rhithral and decreasing tendencies in large potamal rivers. We found no systematic relationship in the case of small lowland rivers.Changes of diversity metrics calculated for species and functional groups showed similar tendencies within the types, only the slopes of regression lines differ each other.The use of diversity metrics as ecological state indicators should be restricted to water body types where diversity decreases or increases monotonously with phytoplankton biomass. Regarding the lakes the use of diversity metrics is not recommended for ecological state assessment. In rhithral and large potamal river assessment, application of diversity metrics should be strongly considered. We demonstrated that diversity metrics can be useful components of multimetric indices proposed to use by the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

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