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Production of cloned pigs from cultured fetal fibroblast cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Somatic cell nuclear transfer was used to produce live piglets from cultured fetal fibroblast cells. This was achieved by exposing donor cell nuclei to oocyte cytoplasm for approximately 3 h before activation by chemical means. Initially, an experiment was performed to optimize a cell fusion system that prevented concurrent activation in the majority of recipient cytoplasts. Cultured fibroblast cells were fused in medium with or without calcium into enucleated oocytes flushed from superovulated gilts. Cybrids fused in the presence of calcium cleaved at a significantly (P < 0.05) greater rate (69%, 37 out of 54) after 2 days of culture compared with those fused without calcium (10%, 7 out of 73), suggesting that calcium-free conditions are needed to avoid activation in the majority of recipient cytoplasts during fusion. In the second experiment, cybrids fused in calcium-free medium were activated approximately 3 h later with ionomycin, followed by incubation in 6-dimethylaminopurine to determine development in vitro. Following 2 days of culture, cleavage rates of chemically activated and unactivated cybrids (fusion without activation control) were 93% (100 out of 108) and 7% (2 out of 27), respectively. After an additional 5 days of culture, activated cloned embryos formed blastocysts at a rate of 23% (25 out of 108) with an average inner cell mass and trophectoderm cell number of 10 (range, 3 to 38) and 31 (range, 16 to 58), respectively. In the third experiment, activated nuclear transfer embryos were transferred to the uteri of synchronized recipients after 3 days of culture to assess their development in vivo. Of 10 recipients receiving an average of 80 cleaved embryos (range, 40 to 107), 5 became pregnant (50%) as determined by ultrasound between Day 25 and Day 35 of gestation. Of the five pregnant recipients, two subsequently farrowed one piglet per litter originating from two different cell culture lines. In this study, efficient reprogramming of porcine donor nuclei by fusing cells in the absence of calcium followed by chemical activation of recipient cytoplasts was reflected in high rates of development to blastocyst and pregnancy initiation leading to full term development.  相似文献   

Production of cloned pigs from in vitro systems   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Here we describe a procedure for cloning pigs by the use of in vitro culture systems. Four healthy male piglets from two litters were born following nuclear transfer of cultured somatic cells and subsequent embryo transfer. The initiation of five additional pregnancies demonstrates the reproducibility of this procedure. Its important features include extended in vitro culture of fetal cells preceding nuclear transfer, as well as in vitro maturation and activation of oocytes and in vitro embryo culture. The cell culture and nuclear transfer techniques described here should allow the use of genetic modification procedures to produce tissues and organs from cloned pigs with reduced immunogenicity for use in xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Production of cloned pigs by using somatic cells as donors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The present study demonstrated that brief treatment of in vitro-matured porcine oocytes with demecolcine results in a membrane protrusion that contains a condensed chromosome mass, which can be easily removed by aspiration. This simple, chemically assisted method for removing maternal chromosomes enabled the production of a large number of nuclear-transferred porcine eggs. The development of eggs whose chromosomes were removed by this procedure following transfer of somatic cell nuclei to the blastocyst stage was not significantly different among groups activated using different procedures (6% to 11%) and was also not different among donor cells of different origins (3% to 9%), except for cumulus cells (0.4%). After transfer of 180 to 341 nuclear-transferred eggs that received somatic cells to 6 recipients, 2 of the recipients produced 8 healthy cloned piglets from the heart cells of a female pig. The chemically assisted method for removing maternal chromosomes was also effective for bovine and rabbit eggs.  相似文献   

Production of cloned pigs by whole-cell intracytoplasmic microinjection   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer has been successfully achieved by both fusing of a donor cell with and injecting an isolated donor cell nucleus into an enucleated oocyte. However, each of the above methods involves extended manipulation of either the oocytes (fusion) or the donor cells (nucleus isolation). Additionally, cloning efficiency can be reduced by low fusion rate of the cell fusion method, and specialized micromanipulation equipment and exacting nucleus isolation techniques are required for the nucleus injection method. Here we report a whole-cell injection technique for nuclear transfer in pigs and the production of cloned piglets with comparable, if not higher, efficiency than the other two nuclear transfer procedures. First, we tested the feasibility of this technique with three types of frequently used donor cells (cumulus, mural granulosa, and fibroblasts) and obtained the optimal nuclear reprogramming conditions for these cells. We further improved our protocol by avoiding ultraviolet exposure during enucleation and achieved a 37% blastocyst rate. We then conducted whole-cell injection using skin fibroblasts from the ear of a sow transgenic for two genes, the porcine lactoferrin and the human factor IX, and produced four live-born cloned transgenic piglets from three recipients. The present study demonstrated the applicability of producing normal, cloned piglets by the simple and less labor-intensive whole-cell intracytoplasmic injection.  相似文献   

Tissue stem cells participate in the repopulation of tissue after injury. Tissue injury stimulates the normally quiescent tissue stem cells to differentiate and proliferate, in the process of replacing and/or repairing the damaged cells, and hence effecting tissue regeneration. The salivary glands retain the ability for frequent regeneration. Previously, we isolated progenitor cells from the injured salivary glands of mice and rats that differentiated into hepatic and pancreatic lineages. The isolated progenitors were CD49f-positive and intracellular laminin-positive, and proliferated on type I collagen while maintaining their multipotency. In this study, we analyzed the tissue stem cells induced by ligating the main excretory duct of the salivary gland in swine. After duct ligation of the gland, acinar cells receded due to apoptosis, and epithelial cells subsequently proliferated. We cultured cells obtained from the duct-ligated salivary gland and purified the cells by limited dilution. The isolated cells were positive for CD29, CD49f, intracellular laminin, AFP, CK19, CK18, and Thy-1(CD90), and weakly positive for c-Kit (CD117). After three-dimensional formation, the cells expressed insulin and albumin. We designated the cells as swine salivary gland-derived progenitor cells. Gene expression of insulin and albumin was significantly increased (five-fold) and that of insulin was also increased (3.8-fold) with differentiation medium with nicotinamide and/or GLP-1 treatment in spherical culture. The expressions of albumin and insulin were 1/10-fold and 1/4-fold compared to porcine hepatocytes and pancreatic endocrine cells. The differentiated SGP cells could release insulin, which were stimulated by glucose and potassium. These results indicate that swine SGP cells could differentiate into hepatocytes and beta-cells, functionally. Swine SGP cells were useful tools for therapy and analyzing endodermal regenerative models in large animals.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether porcine preadipocytes can be efficient donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) in pigs. Primary culture of porcine preadipocytes was established by de-differentiating mature fat cells taken from an adult pig. The cell cycle of the preadipocytes could be synchronized by serum starvation for 1 day, with a higher efficiency than control fetal fibroblasts. Incidence of premature chromosome condensation following nuclear transfer (NT) of preadipocytes was as high as that observed after NT with fetal fibroblasts. In vitro developmental rate of the NT embryos reconstructed with preadipocyte was equivalent to that of the fetal fibroblast derived embryos. Transfer of 732 NT embryos with preadipocytes to five recipients gave rise to five cloned piglets. These data demonstrate that preadipocyites collected from an adult pig are promising nuclear donor cells for pig cloning.  相似文献   

Fetal somatic stem cells (FSSCs) are a novel type of somatic stem cells that have recently been discovered in primary fibroblast cultures from pigs and other species. The goal of the present study was to produce viable piglets from FSSCs. NT complexes were prepared from both FSSCs and porcine fetal fibroblasts (pFF) to permit comparison of these two donor cell types. FSSCs from isolated attached colonies were compared with pFF in their ability to form blastocysts upon use in NT. Fusion and cleavage rates were similar between the two groups, while blastocyst rates were significantly higher when using pFF as donor cells. FSSCs of three different size categories derived from dissociation of spheroids yielded similar results. The use of FSSCs of 15-20 microm in size yielded similar cleavage and blastocyst rates as fetal fibroblasts. In the final experiment NT complexes produced from FSSCs were transferred to foster mothers. After transfer to prepubertal gilts, three of seven recipients established pregnancies and delivered seven piglets, of which three piglets were viable and showed normal development. Results for the first time demonstrate that FSSCs are able to produce cloned embryos, and that pregnancies can be established and viable piglets can be produced.  相似文献   

The application of nuclear transfer technology is an interesting approach to investigate stem and progenitor cell transplantation therapy. If stem cells are used as a nuclear donor, donor cells can engraft into cloned animals without histocompatible problems. However, it is still uncertain whether donor cells can engraft to cloned animal and differentiate in vivo. To address this problem, we transplanted donor cells to dermal tissues of cloned pigs developed by using preadipocytes as donor cells. Preadipocytes are adipocytic progenitor which can differentiate to mature adipocytes in vitro. We showed that the donor preadipocytes were successfully transplanted into the cloned pigs without immune rejection and they differentiated into mature adipocytes in vivo 3 weeks after transplantation. In contrast, allogenic control preadipocytes, which can differentiate in vitro, did not differentiate in vivo. These results indicate that donor progenitor cells can differentiate in cloned animal.  相似文献   

The production of genetically engineered pigs as xenotransplant donors aims to solve the severe shortage of organs for transplantation in humans. The first barrier to successful xenotransplantation is hyperacute rejection (HAR). HAR is a rapid and massive humoral immune response directed against the pig carbohydrate Galalpha 1,3-Gal epitope, which is synthesized by alpha 1,3-galactosyltransferase (alpha1,3-GT). The Galalpha 1,3-Gal antigen also contributes to subsequent acute vascular rejection events. Genetic modifications of donor pigs transgenic for human complement regulatory proteins or different glycosyltransferases to downregulate Galalpha 1,3-Gal expression have been shown to significantly delay xenograft rejection. However, the complete removal of the Galalpha 1,3-Gal antigen is the most attractive option. In this study, the 5' end of the alpha 1,3-GT gene was efficiently targeted with a nonisogenic DNA construct containing predominantly intron sequences and a Kozak translation initiation site to initiate translation of the neomycin resistance reporter gene. We developed two novel polymerase chain reaction screening methods to detect and confirm the targeted G418-resistant clones. This is the first study to use Southern blot analysis to demonstrate the disruption of the alpha 1,3-GT gene in somatic HT-transgenic pig cells before they were used for nuclear transfer. Transgenic male pigs were produced that possess an alpha 1,3-GT knockout allele and express a randomly inserted human alpha 1,2-fucosylosyltransferase (HT) transgene. The generation of homozygous alpha 1,3-GT knockout pigs with the HT-transgenic background is underway and will be unique. This approach intends to combine the alpha 1,3-GT knockout genotype with a ubiquitously expressed fucosyltransferase transgene producing the universally tolerated H antigen. This approach may prove to be more effective than the null phenotype alone in overcoming HAR and delayed xenograft rejection.  相似文献   

Primary keratinocytes derived from human epidermis are widely used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. An important aspect in clinical applications is the preservation of human skin keratinocyte stem cells. However, it is difficult to expand the number of human skin keratinocyte stem cells, which are undifferentiated and highly proliferative in culture by using standard cell culture methods. It is even more difficult to identify them, since universal specific markers for human skin keratinocyte stem cells have not been identified. In this paper, we show a method to produce a large number of primary progenitor human skin keratinocytes by using our novel culture techniques. Primary human skin keratinocyte monolayers are cultured using twice the volume of medium without serum and lacking essential fatty acids. Once the cells reach 70–80% confluence, they begin to float up into the overlying medium and are called “epithelial pop-up keratinocytes (ePUKs)” allowing the cells to be passaged without the use of trypsin. We analyzed the properties of ePUKs by cell size, cell viability, immunocytofluorescence biomarker staining, and cell cycle phase distribution by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Our results showed that these ePUKs appear to be progenitor epithelial cells, which are small in size, undifferentiated, and have a high proliferative capacity. We believe that ePUKs are suitable for use in medical applications requiring a large number of primary human progenitor skin keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Work in rodents has demonstrated that progenitor transplantation can achieve limited photoreceptor replacement in the mammalian retina; however, replication of these findings on a clinically relevant scale requires a large animal model. To evaluate the ability of porcine retinal progenitor cells to survival as allografts and integrate into the host retinal architecture, we isolated donor cells from fetal green fluorescent protein (GFP)-transgenic pigs. Cultures were propagated from the brain, retina, and corneo-scleral limbus. GFP expression rapidly increased with time in culture, although lower in conjunction with photoreceptor markers and glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), thus suggesting downregulation of GFP during differentiation. Following transplantation, GFP expression allowed histological visualization of integrated cells and extension of fine processes to adjacent plexiform layers. GFP expression in subretinal grafts was high in cells expressing vimentin and lower in cells expressing photoreceptor markers, again consistent with possible downregulation during differentiation. Cells survived transplantation to the injured retina of allorecipients at all time points examined (up to 10 weeks) in the absence of exogenous immune suppression without indications of rejection. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of allogeneic progenitor transplantation in a large mammal and the utility of the pig in ocular regeneration studies.  相似文献   

Production of cloned cattle from in vitro systems   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The pregnancy initiation and maintenance rates of nuclear transfer embryos produced from several bovine cell types were measured to determine which cell types produced healthy calves and had growth characteristics that would allow for genetic manipulation. Considerable variability between cell types from one animal and the same cell type from different animals was observed. In general, cultured fetal cells performed better with respect to pregnancy initiation and calving than adult cells with the exception of cumulous cells, which produced the highest overall pregnancy and calving rates. The cell type that combined relatively high pregnancy initiation and calving rates with growth characteristics that allowed for extended proliferation in culture were fetal genital ridge (GR) cells. Cultured GR cells used in nuclear transfer and embryo transfer initiated pregnancies in 40% of recipient heifers (197), and of all recipients that received nuclear transfer embryos, 9% produced live calves. Cultured GR cells doubled as many as 85 times overall and up to 75 times after dilution to single-cell culture. A comparison between transfected and nontransfected cells showed that transfected cells had lower pregnancy initiation (22% versus 32%) and calving (3.4% versus 8.9%) rates.  相似文献   

Production of a fibronectin-associated lymphokine by cloned mouse T cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Azobenzenearsonate-specific cloned mouse T cells able to transfer delayed hypersensitivity reactions in vivo produced macrophage agglutination factor (MaggF) after stimulation with mitogen or antigen in vitro. Mitogen (Con A) elicited MAggF production directly from T cells. Responses to Ag were Ag-specific, required syngeneic accessory cells in addition to T cells, and were independent of T cell fine specificity for azobenzenearsonate. Mouse MAggF shared a number of biochemical and immunochemical properties with the fibronectins (FN): 1) high Mr similar to that of plasma FN; 2) binding to gelatin, heparin, and polyclonal antibodies and mAb specific for cellular and plasma FN; 3) inhibition of activity in solution by monoclonal anti-human FN directed against plasma FN gelatin-binding domain; and 4) action on peritoneal exudate macrophages mediated through a FN-receptor cross reactive with one on human monocytes. MAggF production required active protein synthesis and was associated with significant increases in gelatin-binding immunoreactive FN (Mr 440 kDa on immunoblotting) in culture supernatants and T cell lysates. Metabolically labeled peptides could be precipitated by anti-FN from culture supernatants of activated T cells. Stimulated cultures contained significantly more cells with immunohistologically demonstrable cytoplasmic FN than unstimulated control cultures. We suggest that T cell FN is a distinct species of cellular FN which may play an important role in mediating delayed hypersensitivity inflammatory reactions in vivo.  相似文献   

以经过转染的乳腺上皮细胞生产克隆羊   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究转基因乳腺上皮细胞发育的全能性,利用电转染方法将人乳铁蛋白(hLF)乳腺特异性表达载体电转染山羊乳腺上皮细胞,经G418和PCR筛选获得阳性克隆细胞株,经催乳素诱导的细胞株上清液用Western blotting方法检测hLF的表达。以转基因与上清液中表达hLF均为阳性的细胞为核供体细胞,进行山羊体细胞核移植。结果为:16株细胞表达重组hLF,分子质量为75 kD;将144枚重构胚移入16只同步发情的山羊输卵管中,在移植后的30 d、60 d和90 d的妊娠率分别为87.5%、81.3%和62.5%;最终3只受体妊娠足月,产下3只克隆羊,克隆效率为2.1%,PCR-RFLP分析表明克隆羊均来自供体羊细胞,但没有整合外源基因。结果表明,hLF转基因乳腺上皮细胞能分泌hLF;乳腺上皮细胞经转染、筛选和长期培养的条件下,能保持发育的全能性。  相似文献   

Although it is generally accepted that relatively high efficiencies of somatic cell cloning in mammals can be achieved by using donor cells from the female reproductive system (e.g., cumulus/granulosa, oviduct, and mammary gland cells), there is little information on the possibility of using male-specific somatic cells as donor cells. In this study we injected the nucleus of immature mouse Sertoli cells isolated from the testes of newborn (Days 3-10) males into enucleated mature oocytes in order to examine the ability of their nuclei to support embryonic development. After activation of the oocytes that had received the freshly recovered immature Sertoli cells, some developed into the morula/blastocyst stage, depending on the age of the donor cells (22.0-37.4%). When transferred into pseudopregnant females, 7 (3.3%, 7 of 215) developed into normal pups at term. Nuclear transfer of immature Sertoli cells after 1 wk in culture also produced normal pups after embryo transfer (3.1%, 2 of 65). Even after cryopreservation in a conventional cryoprotectant solution, their ability as donor cells was maintained, as demonstrated by the birth of cloned young (6.7%, 7 of 105). Immature Sertoli cells transfected with green fluorescent protein gene also supported embryo development into morulae/blastocysts, which showed specific fluorescence. This study demonstrates that immature Sertoli cells, male-specific somatic cells, are potential donors for somatic cell cloning.  相似文献   

Telomere lengths in cloned transgenic pigs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Studies of cloned cattle and mice have resulted in controversies regarding the restoration of eroded telomere length of donor cells by the nuclear transfer process. Little is known about telomere lengths in pigs from either natural reproduction or nuclear transfer. In this study, we measured the telomere lengths in six major porcine organs from animals of different ages, and found that their lengths remained consistent throughout different tissues during fetal stages, and then shortened, in a tissue- specific manner, after birth. Telomeres of skin samples from six cloned transgenic pigs at 4 mo of age did not differ significantly from those of age-matched controls. Two cloned pigs that died shortly after birth had skin telomere lengths equivalent to those of late-stage fetuses.  相似文献   

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