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Integrins bind to their ligand in the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as fibronectin (FN), through a specific interaction between the amino acid motifs in the ligand, and binding sites in the extracellular domains of the integrin molecule generated jointly by its alpha and beta subunits. It has been proposed that membrane cholesterol and glycosphingolipids (GSLs) can regulate integrin-ECM interactions and it has been demonstrated that increased membrane cholesterol leads to increased cell adhesion to FN. Here, we have shown that a specific glycosphingolipid GM3 binds directly to alpha5beta1 integrin and an increase in membrane cholesterol results in the redistribution of GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrin molecules specifically on the surface that is in contact with the substratum. Our results suggest that GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrins bind less avidly to FN than GM3-free integrins and that cholesterol and GM3 play an interdependent role in the distribution of alpha5beta1integrin molecules in the membrane and regulation of cell adhesion.  相似文献   

The membrane-distal headpiece of integrins has evolved to specifically bind large extracellular protein ligands, but the molecular architecture of the resulting complexes has not been determined. We used molecular electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional structure of the ligand-binding headpiece of integrin alpha5beta1 complexed with fragments of its physiological ligand fibronectin. The density map for the unliganded alpha5beta1 headpiece shows a 'closed' conformation similar to that seen in the alphaVbeta3 crystal structure. By contrast, binding to fibronectin induces an 'open' conformation with a dramatic, approximately 80 degrees change in the angle of the hybrid domain of the beta subunit relative to its I-like domain. The fibronectin fragment binds to the interface between the beta-propeller and I-like domains in the integrin headpiece through the RGD-containing module 10, but direct contact of the synergy-region-containing module 9 to integrin is not evident. This finding is corroborated by kinetic analysis of real-time binding data, which shows that the synergy site greatly enhances k(on) but has little effect on the stability or k(off) of the complex.  相似文献   

The interaction between the integrin alpha(4)beta(7) and its ligand, mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1, on high endothelial venules represents a key adhesion event during lymphocyte homing to secondary lymphoid tissue. Stromal cell-derived factor-1alpha (SDF-1alpha) is a chemokine that attracts T and B lymphocytes and has been hypothesized to be involved in lymphocyte homing. In this work we show that alpha(4)beta(7)-mediated adhesion of CD4(+) T lymphocytes and the RPMI 8866 cell line to mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1 was up-regulated by SDF-1alpha in both static adhesion and cell detachment under shear stress assays. Both naive and memory phenotype CD4(+) T cells were targets of SDF-1alpha-triggered increased adhesion. In addition, SDF-1alpha augmented alpha(4)beta(7)-dependent adhesion of RPMI 8866 cells to connecting segment-1 of fibronectin. While pertussis toxin totally blocked chemotaxis of CD4(+) and RPMI 8866 cells to SDF-1alpha, enhanced alpha(4)beta(7)-dependent adhesion triggered by this chemokine was partially inhibited, indicating the participation of Galpha(i)-dependent as well as Galpha(i)-independent signaling. Accordingly, we show that SDF-1alpha induced a rapid and transient association between its receptor CXCR4 and Galpha(i), whereas association of pertussis toxin-insensitive Galpha(13) with CXCR4 was slower and of a lesser extent. SDF-1alpha also activated the small GTPases RhoA and Rac1, and inhibition of RhoA activation reduced the up-regulation of alpha(4)beta(7)-mediated lymphocyte adhesion in response to SDF-1alpha, suggesting that activation of RhoA could play an important role in the enhanced adhesion. These data indicate that up-regulation by SDF-1alpha of lymphocyte adhesion mediated by alpha(4)beta(7) could contribute to lymphocyte homing to secondary lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 is an important constituent of the basal lamina. The receptors for laminin-5, the integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, have been associated with epithelial wound migration and carcinoma invasion. The signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these integrins are not well understood. We report here that the small GTPase Rap1 regulates the adhesion of a number of cell lines to various extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-5. cAMP also mediates cell adhesion and spreading on laminin-5, a process that is independent of protein kinase A but rather dependent on Epac1, a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for Rap. Interestingly, although both alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 mediate adhesion to laminin-5, only alpha3beta1-dependent adhesion is dependent on Rap1. These results provide evidence for a function of the cAMP-Epac-Rap1 pathway in cell adhesion and spreading on different extracellular matrix proteins. They also define different roles for the laminin-binding integrins in regulated cell adhesion and subsequent cell spreading.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a major adhesive glycoprotein of the vascular basement membrane. Since fibronectin is also found in the interstitium, it may be important not only for attachment but also for endothelial cell migration during neovascularization. We have analyzed how human dermal microvascular endothelial cells use their diverse set of integrin receptors to interact with this ligand. Immunofluorescent staining with specific antibodies identified both beta 1 and beta 3 integrin receptor complexes in focal adhesion plaques on cells adhering to immobilized fibronectin. Adhesion assays with blocking monoclonal antibodies implicated both beta 1 and beta 3 complexes, specifically alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3, in the initial adhesion of cells to fibronectin. Finally, ligand affinity chromatography of extracts of surface radiolabeled cells established that both alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 could bind to the 110-kDa cell-binding fragment of fibronectin. An additional receptor complex composed of an alpha v subunit and a beta 5-like subunit was also detected. These results provide evidence that microvascular endothelial cells use multiple integrin receptors, from several beta families, to attach to fibronectin surfaces.  相似文献   

We have characterized the diversity of the chicken beta 1 integrin family and studied the expression of individual receptors during development. The diversity of the beta 1 integrin family was investigated by affinity purifying the beta 1 integrins from a variety of adult and embryonic tissues. These purifications reveal the relative levels of expression and also the differential expression of the alpha subunits in those tissues. Monoclonal antibodies were generated against the prominent 'band 1' of the embryonic chicken integrins and used to characterize the expression of this alpha subunit in embryonic and adult tissues. This alpha subunit is shown to be the chicken homologue of human alpha 5 fibronectin receptor. The chicken alpha 5 beta 1 integrin is the most prominent beta 1 integrin in the embryo and is expressed on the majority of cell types through the day 17 stage. The distribution of this receptor in the embryo closely parallels the distribution of its ligand, fibronectin. In adult tissues, expression of this receptor is greatly diminished relative to the expression of other alpha subunits. The cell type distribution is highly restricted: limited primarily to the vasculature and to connective tissue regions. These studies reveal a prominent role for the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin in embryonic cell types and a down-regulation of this receptor on many cell types during development.  相似文献   

Cellular recognition and adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) has a complex molecular basis, involving both integrins and cell surface proteoglycans (PG). The current studies have used specific inhibitors of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) synthesis along with anti-alpha 4 integrin subunit monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate that human melanoma cell adhesion to an A-chain derived, 33-kD carboxyl-terminal heparin binding fragment of human plasma fibronectin (FN) involves both cell surface CSPG and alpha 4 beta 1 integrin. A direct role for cell surface CSPG in mediating melanoma cell adhesion to this FN fragment was demonstrated by the identification of a cationic synthetic peptide, termed FN-C/H-III, within the fragment. FN-C/H-III is located close to the amino terminal end of the fragment, representing residues #1721-1736 of intact FN. FN-C/H-III binds CSPG directly, can inhibit CSPG binding to the fragment, and promotes melanoma cell adhesion by a CSPG-dependent, alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-independent mechanism. A scrambled version of FN-C/H-III does not inhibit CSPG binding or cell adhesion to the fragment or to FN-C/H-III, indicating that the primary sequence of FN-C/H-III is important for its biological properties. Previous studies have identified three other synthetic peptides from within this 33-kD FN fragment that promote cell adhesion by an arginyl-glycyl-aspartic acid (RGD) independent mechanism. Two of these synthetic peptides (FN-C/H-I and FN-C/H-II) bind heparin and promote cell adhesion, implicating cell surface PG in mediating cellular recognition of these two peptides. Additionally, a third synthetic peptide, CS1, is located in close proximity to FN-C/H-I and FN-C/H-II and it promotes cell adhesion by an alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-dependent mechanism. In contrast to FN-C/H-III, cellular recognition of these three peptides involved contributions from both CSPG and alpha 4 integrin subunits. Of particular importance are observations demonstrating that CS1-mediated melanoma cell adhesion could be inhibited by interfering with CSPG synthesis or expression. Since CS1 does not bind CSPG, the results suggest that CSPG may modify the function and/or activity of alpha 4 beta 1 integrin on the surface of human melanoma cells. Together, these results support a model in which the PG and integrin binding sites within the 33-kD fragment may act in concert to focus these two cell adhesion receptors into close proximity on the cell surface, thereby influencing initial cellular recognition events that contribute to melanoma cell adhesion on this fragment.  相似文献   

A point mutation in a highly conserved region of the beta 1 subunit, Asp130 to Ala (D130A) substitution, abrogates the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-dependent binding of alpha 5 beta 1 to fibronectin (FN) without disrupting gross structure or heterodimer assembly. The D130A mutation also interferes with binding to invasin, a ligand that lacks RGD sequence. In spite of the lack of detectable FN binding by alpha 5 beta 1(D130A), it was recruited to adhesion plaques formed on FN by endogenous hamster receptors. Thus, intact ligand binding function is not required for recruitment of alpha 5 beta 1 to adhesion plaques. Overexpression of beta 1(D130A) partially interfered with endogenous alpha 5 beta 1 function, thus defining a dominant negative beta 1 integrin mutation.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha(5)beta(1), a major fibronectin receptor, functions in a wide variety of biological phenomena. We have found that alpha 2-8-linked oligosialic acids with 5 < or = degree of polymerization (DP) < or = 7 occur on integrin alpha(5) subunit of the human melanoma cell line G361. The integrin alpha(5) subunit immunoprecipitated with anti-integrin alpha(5) antibody reacted with the monoclonal antibody 12E3, which recognizes oligo/polysialic acid with DP > or = 5 but not with the polyclonal antibody H.46 recognizing oligo/polysialic acid with DP > or = 8. The occurrence of oligosialic acids was further demonstrated by fluorometric C(7)/C(9) analysis on the immunopurified integrin alpha(5) subunit. Oligosialic acids were also found in the alpha(5) subunit of several other human cells such as foreskin fibroblast and chronic erythroleukemia K562 cells. These results suggest the ubiquitous modification with unique oligosialic acids occurs on the alpha(5) subunit of integrin alpha(5)beta(1). The adhesion of human melanoma G361 cells to fibronectin was mainly mediated by integrin alpha(5)beta(1). Treatment of cells with sialidase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens cleaving alpha 2-3-, alpha 2-6-, and alpha 2-8-linked sialic acids inhibited adhesion to fibronectin. On the other hand, N-acetylneuraminidase II, which cleaves alpha 2-3 and alpha 2-6 but not alpha 2-8 linkages, showed no inhibitory activity. After the loss of oligosialic acids, integrin alpha(5)beta(1) failed to bind to fibronectin-conjugated Sepharose, indicating that the oligosialic acid on the alpha(5) subunit of integrin alpha(5)beta(1) plays important roles in cell adhesion to fibronectin.  相似文献   

The pathological hallmark of the host response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the granuloma where T cells and macrophages interact with the extracellular matrix (ECM) to control the infection. Recruitment and retention of T cells within inflamed tissues depend on adhesion to the ECM. T cells use integrins to adhere to the ECM, and fibronectin (FN) is one of its major components. We have found that the major M. tuberculosis cell wall glycolipid, phosphatidylinositol mannoside (PIM), induces homotypic adhesion of human CD4+ T cells and T cell adhesion to immobilized FN. Treatment with EDTA and cytochalasin D prevented PIM-induced T cell adhesion. PIM-induced T cell adhesion to FN was blocked with mAbs against alpha5 integrin chain and with RGD-containing peptides. Alpha5beta1 (VLA-5) is one of two major FN receptors on T cells. PIM was found to bind directly to purified human VLA-5. Thus, PIM interacts directly with VLA-5 on CD4+ T lymphocytes, inducing activation of the integrin, and promoting adhesion to the ECM glycoprotein, FN. This is the first report of direct binding of a M. tuberculosis molecule to a receptor on human T cells resulting in a change in CD4+ T cell function.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors have been implicated in bidirectional signal transduction. The dynamic regulation of integrin affinity and avidity as well as post-ligand effects involved in outside-in signaling depends on the interaction of integrins with cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. In this study, we attempted to identify cytoplasmic binding partners of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. We were able to show that cell adhesion to alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates results in the association of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin independent of PLCgamma tyrosine phosphorylation. Using peptide-binding assays, the membrane proximal sequences within the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin subunits were identified as binding sites for PLCgamma. In particular, the conserved sequence of beta(1) subunit binds the enzyme very efficiently. Because purified PLCgamma also binds the integrin peptides, binding seems to be direct. Inhibition of PLC by leads to reduced cell adhesion on alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates. Cells lacking the conserved domain of the alpha(1) subunit fail to respond to the PLC inhibition, indicating that this domain is necessary for PLC-dependent adhesion modulation of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

The α5β1 integrin heterodimer regulates many processes that contribute to embryonic development and angiogenesis, in both physiological and pathological contexts. As one of the major adhesion complexes on endothelial cells, it plays a vital role in adhesion and migration along the extracellular matrix. We recently showed that angiogenesis is modulated by syntaxin 6, a Golgi- and endosome-localized t-SNARE, and that it does so by regulating the post-Golgi trafficking of VEGFR2. Here we show that syntaxin 6 is also required for α5β1 integrin-mediated adhesion of endothelial cells to, and migration along, fibronectin. We demonstrate that syntaxin 6 and α5β1 integrin colocalize in EEA1-containing early endosomes, and that functional inhibition of syntaxin 6 leads to misrouting of β1 integrin to the degradation pathway (late endosomes and lysosomes) rather transport along recycling pathway from early endosomes; an increase in the pool of ubiquitinylated α5 integrin and its lysosome-dependent degradation; reduced cell spreading on fibronectin; decreased Rac1 activation; and altered Rac1 localization. Collectively, our data show that functional syntaxin 6 is required for the regulation of α5β1-mediated endothelial cell movement on fibronectin. These syntaxin 6-regulated membrane trafficking events control outside-in signaling via haptotactic and chemotactic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Transglutaminases (TGases) are enzymes which catalyze cross-link formation between glutamine residues and lysine residues in substrate proteins. We have previously reported that one of the TGases, blood coagulation factor XIIIa (FXIIIa), is capable of mediating adhesion of various cells. In this paper, we report for the first time that tissue-type transglutaminase (TGc) also has cell adhesion activity. TGc-coated plastic surface promoted adhesion and spreading of cells in a TGc concentration-dependent manner. However, there are some obvious differences between cell adhesion mediated by TGc and FXIIIa. As was reported previously, the adhesion to FXIIIa is dependent on its TGase activity. In contrast, the TGc-mediated cell adhesion is independent of its TGase activity: 1) The modification of the active center cysteine with iodoacetamide blocked the enzyme activity without any effect on cell adhesion; 2) the addition of Mg2+ did not induce the enzyme activity, but it was as effective as Ca2+ for cell adhesion; 3) the addition of NH4+ inhibited the enzyme activity but did not affect the cell adhesion significantly. The integrins involved in these cell adhesions are quite different. In the case of FXIIIa, alpha vbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins are involved and consequently the RGD peptide substantially inhibited the adhesion. On the other hand, the cell adhesion to TGc is mediated by alpha4beta1 integrin but not alpha5beta1; a CS-1 peptide, which represents the binding site of fibronectin to alpha4beta1 integrin, completely inhibited the cell adhesion to TGc. It is possible that TGc and FXIIIa may mediate cell adhesion under different physiological and pathological situations.  相似文献   

The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to invade mammalian cells may explain its capacity to colonize mucosa and to persist in tissues after bacteraemia. To date, the underlying molecular mechanisms of cellular invasion by S. aureus are unknown, despite its high prevalence and difficulties in treatment. Here, we show cellular invasion as a novel function for an S. aureus adhesin, previously implicated solely in attachment. S. aureus , but not S. epidermidis , invaded epithelial 293 cells in a temperature- and F-actin-dependent manner. Formaldehyde-fixed and live bacteria were equally invasive, suggesting that no active bacterial process was involved. All clinical S. aureus isolates analysed, but only a subset of laboratory strains, were invasive. Fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) acted as S. aureus invasins, because: (i) FnBP deletion mutants of invasive laboratory strains lost invasiveness; (ii) expression of FnBPs in non-invasive strains conferred invasiveness; and (iii) the soluble isolated fibronectin-binding domain of FnBP (D1–D4) completely blocked invasion. Integrin α5β1 served as host cell receptor, which interacted with staphylococcal FnBPs through cellular or soluble fibronectin. FnBP-deficient mutants lost invasiveness for epithelial cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Thus, fibronectin-dependent bridging between S. aureus FnBPs and host cell integrin α5β1 is a conserved mechanism for S. aureus invasion of human cells. This may prove useful in developing new therapeutic and vaccine strategies for S. aureus infections.  相似文献   

Cooperative action of inflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules orchestrates eosinophil recruitment during allergic inflammation in the airways. This study investigated the mechanisms involved in increasing eosinophil adhesion to human bronchial epithelial cells (HBEC) following priming and activation of eosinophils with TNF-alpha and complement protein C5a, respectively. Under primed conditions, eosinophil adhesion increased 3-fold from basal (16%), and the effect was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the increase following stimulation with C5a alone (2-fold). Eosinophil contact with HBEC was essential for priming. In contrast to C5a, adhesion of eotaxin-stimulated eosinophils to HBEC was not primed with TNF-alpha nor IL-5, a known eosinophil-priming agent. Priming caused activation of alpha(M)beta(2) integrin; mAb against either the common beta(2) integrin subunit or its ICAM-1 ligand reduced the primed component of adhesion. Using mAbs against beta(1) or alpha(5), but not alpha(4) integrin subunit, together with anti-beta(2) integrin mAb, reduced stimulated adhesion to basal levels. Cross-linking alpha(5)beta(1) integrin increased alpha(M)beta(2) integrin-dependent adhesion of eosinophils. There are no known adhesion molecule ligands of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin expressed on HBEC; however, fibronectin, the major matrix protein ligand for alpha(5)beta(1) integrin, was detected in association with HBEC monolayers. A mAb against fibronectin, in combination with anti-beta(2) integrin mAb, reduced adhesion to basal levels. In conclusion, alpha(5)beta(1) integrin may provide a contact-dependent costimulus for eosinophil priming that, together with TNF-alpha, potentiated C5a activation of alpha(M)beta(2) integrin and increased eosinophil adhesion to ICAM-1. Fibronectin, associated with HBEC, may act as a ligand for alpha(5)beta(1) integrin. Dual regulation of eosinophil priming may prevent inappropriate activation of eosinophils in the circulation.  相似文献   

Searching for CCN family protein 2/connective tissue growth factor (CCN2/CTGF) interactive proteins by yeast-two-hybrid screening, we identified fibronectin 1 gene product as a major binding partner of CCN2/CTGF in the chondrosarcoma-derived chondrocytic cell line HCS-2/8. Only the CT domain of CCN2/CTGF bound directly to fibronectin (FN). CCN2/CTGF and its CT domain enhanced the adhesion of HCS-2/8 cells to FN in a dose-dependent manner. The CCN2/CTGF-enhancing effect on cell adhesion to FN was abolished by a blocking antibody against alpha5beta1 integrin (alpha5beta1), but not by one against anti-alphavbeta3 integrin. These findings suggest for the first time that CCN2/CTGF enhances chondrocyte adhesion to FN through direct interaction of its C-terminal CT domain with FN, and that alpha5beta1 is involved in this adhesion.  相似文献   

J C Adams  F M Watt 《Cell》1990,63(2):425-435
During terminal differentiation keratinocytes move out of the basal layer of the epidermis and thereby lose contact with the basement membrane. We show that terminal differentiation in culture involves loss of adhesiveness to fibronectin, laminin, and collagen types I and IV. The adhesive changes precede, by several hours, loss of the alpha 2 beta 1, alpha 3 beta 1, and alpha 5 beta 1 integrins from the cell surface. Keratinocyte adhesion to fibronectin is mediated by the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, and the decrease in adhesion of intact cells to fibronectin is correlated with a decrease in the ability of alpha 5 beta 1 receptors to bind fibronectin. Thus modulation of integrin function early in terminal differentiation may be an early event determining cell migration out of the basal layer.  相似文献   

Exosomes are vesicles formed in the endosomal compartment and released in the extracellular medium during reticulocyte maturation into erythrocytes. They have a clearing function because of their enrichment with some proteins known to decrease or disappear from the cell surface during maturation, e.g. acetylcholinesterase and transferrin receptor. We show here that integrin alpha4beta1, present on the surface of erythroid precursors but absent from the mature red cell membrane, is at least partly cleared from the reticulocyte plasma membrane by the exosomal pathway. Using flow cytometry, we found that the alpha4 subunit disappears from the reticulocyte surface during in vitro maturation. Two different monoclonal antibodies (B-5G10 and HP 2/1) were used to demonstrate the presence of the alpha4 chain on the exosome surface. Moreover, membrane acetylcholinesterase and lumenal peroxidase-like (i.e. hemoglobin) enzymatic activities were assayed to demonstrate exosome binding to plates coated with increasing fibronectin (FN) concentrations. This interaction was dependent on divalent cations (MnCl2 > MgCl2 > CaCl2). Similarly, vesicles bound to plates coated with the chymotryptic 40 K fragment (FN-40) containing the heparin-binding region of FN. This binding was inhibited by exosome preincubation with fibronectin CS1 peptide and with a monoclonal antibody (HP 2/1) against the integrin alpha4-chain, confirming an alpha4beta1-induced interaction. The importance of the exosome clearance function is highlighted here, since the presence of VLA-4 on reticulocytes often leads to blood circulation complications in some diseases. Moreover, the presence of alpha4beta1 on the exosome surface, by allowing binding to endothelial cells through vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), might confer another physiological function to the secreted vesicles.  相似文献   

The oncogenic SHC proteins are signaling substrates for most receptor and cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases (TKs) and have been implicated in cellular growth, transformation, and differentiation. In tumor cells overexpressing TKs, the levels of tyrosine phosphorylated SHC are chronically elevated. The significance of amplified SHC signaling in breast tumorigenesis and metastasis remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that seven- to ninefold overexpression of SHC significantly altered interactions of cells with fibronectin (FN). Specifically, in human breast cancer cells overexpressing SHC (MCF-7/SHC) the association of SHC with alpha5beta1 integrin (FN receptor) was increased, spreading on FN was accelerated, and basal growth on FN was reduced. These effects coincided with an early decline of adhesion-dependent MAP kinase activity. Basal motility of MCF-7/SHC cells on FN was inhibited relative to that in several cell lines with normal SHC levels. However, when EGF or IGF-I was used as the chemoattractant, the locomotion of MCF-7/SHC cells was greatly (approx fivefold) stimulated, while it was only minimally altered in the control cells. These data suggest that SHC is a mediator of the dynamic regulation of cell adhesion and motility on FN in breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

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