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The susceptibility of chromatin from normal and viral transformed cells to breakage by ultrasound was studied in an in vitro system in which DNA repair was reduced to a minimum. The extent of damage to heterochromatin and euchromatin was assessed by estimating the molecular weight of the DNA fragments extracted from these fractions. In both normal and transformed cells, the euchromatin fraction was more susceptible to breakage. This finding is explained on the basis of the differences in the structure of the two kinds of chromatin.  相似文献   

Virally transformed cells show an increased production of proteolytic enzymes. These might be involved in transformation-dependent alterations of cell surface glycoproteins. The possibility arises that some of these proteases might be membrane-bound. To investigate this possibility, we have undertaken a comparative study of the reactivity of intact normal and transformed cells with the tritium labelled protease inhibitor diisopropylfluorophosphate, in parallel with fibrinolytic assays. Using these two approaches in concert, it was possible to identify and localize in the transformed cells several proteases which were present in the particulate cell fraction and were probably membrane bound. In particular, a diisopropylfluorophosphate-reactive polypeptide of 62,000 was increased 5--8-fold on transformation. It comigrated with a fibrinolytic activity. Other particle-bound activities were also detected. While diisopropylfluorophosphate-labelling can be useful for detecting proteases inside cells, it does not appear to be specific for surface proteases.  相似文献   

Enucleation of normal and transformed cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative analysis based on centrifugal force requirements for enucleation was developed to examine the response of a number of untransformed and transformed cell lines to cytochalasin mediated enucleation. Examination of the extent of cell enucleation as a function of centrifugal force resulted in a series of response curves demonstrating that enucleation g force requirements varied between Balb/c 3T3, Swiss 3T3, and Kirsten sarcoma virus transformed Balb/c 3T3 (3T3-K). A four times greater centrifugal force was required to reach 50% enucleation for transformed Balb/c 3T3-K when compared to Swiss 3T3. A qualitative correlation could be observed between ease of enucleation and the existence of a well-formed stress fiber network. A comparison of cytochalasin B and D suggested that cytochalasin D was far more effective in the enucleation of transformed cells. Experiments with 2-deoxyglucose and monensin provided evidence that decreasing cellular ATP levels, either directly or potentially by uncoupling ion transport from ATP generation, can decrease the efficiency of enucleation. It is suggested that the organization of the cytoskeleton is affected by the altered cellular ATP levels which can affect the centrifugal requirements of enucleation.  相似文献   

Summary A soybean agglutinin was found to agglutinate mouse, rat and human cell lines transformed by viral carcinogens, but not hamster cells transformed by viral or non-viral carcinogens. Normal cells from which the transformed cells were derived were not agglutinated by this agglutinin, but they were rendered agglutinable after short incubation with trypsin or pronase. The transformed hamster cells, on the other hand, became agglutinable only after prolonged treatment with pronase. The agglutination was specifically inhibited by N-acetyl-d-galactosamine, indicating that N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-like saccharides are part of the receptor sites for soybean agglutinin on the surface membrane. Such sites exist in a cryptic form in normal cells; they are exposed in transformed mouse, rat and human cells, but become less accessible in transformed hamster cells. The receptor sites for soybean agglutinin differ from the receptors for two other plant agglutinins (wheat germ agglutinin that interacts with N-acetyl-d-glucosamine-like sites and Concanavalin A that interacts with -d-glucopyranoside-like sites) which become exposed upon transformation of all lines tested. In normal hamster cells, the receptors for all three agglutinins become exposed after incubation with trypsin, but the exposure of N-acetyl-d-galactosamine-like sites requires the longest enzyme treatment. The results indicate a difference in the location of different carbohydrate-containing sites in the surface membrane. The differences in the exposure of carbohydrate-containing sites in the membrane could not be correlated with the levels of carbohydrate-splitting glycosidases in normal and transformed cells.  相似文献   

10 nm filaments in normal and transformed cells.   总被引:84,自引:0,他引:84  
R O Hynes  A T Destree 《Cell》1978,13(1):151-163
An antibody was raised against an electrophoretically homogeneous protein from cultured fibroblasts and shown to be directed against 10 nm filaments. The antiserum did not stain microtubules or actin microfilaments. The distribution of 10 nm filaments in normal cells was studied during growth, spreading, locomotion, mitosis, and after treatment with colchicine and cytochalasin B. The 58,000 dalton subunit protein is apparently all polymerized in the filaments which are insoluble in nonionic detergent. The distribution of 10 nm filaments is altered by colchicine treatments which disrupt microtubules. The organization of 10 nm filaments is altered in transformed cells.  相似文献   

Studies are described employing two erythropoietic systems to elucidate regulatory mechanisms that control both normal erythropoiesis and erythroid differentiation of transformed hemopoietic precursors. Evidence is provided suggesting that normal erythroid cell precursors require erythropoietin as a growth factor that regulates the number of precursors capable of differentiating. Murine erythroleukemia cells proliferate without need of erythropoietin; they show a variable, generally low, rate of spontaneous differentiation and a brisk rate of erythropoiesis in response to a variety of chemical agents. Present studies suggest that these chemical inducers initiate a series of events including cell surface related changes, alterations in cell cycle kinetics, and modifications of chromatin and DNA structure which result in the irreversible commitment of these leukemia cells to erythroid differentiation and the synthesis of red-cell-specific products.  相似文献   

Both serum factors and protein synthesis are required for normal cell growth. Swiss 3T3 cells require the serum growth factors insulin and EGF (epidermal growth factor) during the initial part of the G1 period, until they pass a restriction point about 2 h before the initiation of DNA synthesis. Concentration of cycloheximide that inhibit protein synthesis by as much as 70% dramatically lengthen the cell cycle before the restriction point, while the cell cycle after the restriction point remains nearly constant. These results are consistent with a model in which labile proteins are required for transit of cells past the serum-sensitive restriction point. The relation of these findings to the growth control of transformed cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The cells populating the intestinal crypts are part of a dynamic tissue system which involves the self-renewal of stem cells, a commitment to proliferation, lineage-specific differentiation, movement and cell death. Our knowledge of these processes is limited, but even now there are important clues to the nature of the regulatory systems, and these clues are leading to a better understanding of intestinal cancers. Few intestinal-specific markers have been described; however, homeobox genes such as cdx-2 appear to be important for morphogenic events in the intestine. There are several intestinal cell surface proteins such as the A33 antigen which have been used as targets for immunotherapy. Many regulatory cytokines (lymphokines or growth factors) influence intestinal development: enteroglucagon, IL-2, FGF, EGF family members. In conjunction with cell-cell contact and/or ECM, these cytokines lead to specific differentiation signals. Although the tissue distribution of mitogens such as EGF, TGF alpha, amphiregulin, betacellulin, HB-EGF and cripto have been studied in detail, the physiological roles of these proteins have been difficult to determine. Clearly, these mitogens and the corresponding receptors are involved in the maintenance and progression of the tumorigenic state. The interactions between mitogenic, tumour suppressor and oncogenic systems are complex, but the tumorigenic effects of multiple lesions in intestinal carcinomas involve synergistic actions from lesions in these different systems. Together, the truncation of apc and activation of the ras oncogene are sufficient to induce colon tumorigenesis. If we are to improve cancer therapy, it is imperative that we discover the biological significance of these interactions, in particular the effects on cell division, movement and survival.  相似文献   

Osteonectin mRNA: distribution in normal and transformed cells.   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Overlapping cDNA clones encoding bovine osteonectin were isolated from a lambda gt11 expression library constructed from bovine bone cell mRNA. The longest clone, lambda On 17 (insert size 2.0 kb) was studied in detail. The clone was shown to encode osteonectin by hybrid select translation experiments and by DNA sequence analysis. Northern analysis of bone cell RNA showed the length of the osteonectin mRNA to be 2.0 kb. Osteonectin message was found in bone but not in soft tissue (liver and brain) preparations consistent with the distribution of the protein in these tissues. On the other hand, osteonectin message was observed in tendon, a tissue in which little or no osteonectin protein is found in vivo. Hybridization of osteonectin cDNA was detected in cells from a number of species including human, rat, mouse and chick. The level of osteonectin mRNA was drastically decreased in chick embryo fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

The centrosome is a unique organelle that functions as the microtubule organizing center in most animal cells. During cell division, the centrosomes form the poles of the bipolar mitotic spindle. In addition, the centrosomes are also needed for cytokinesis. Each mammalian somatic cell typically contains one centrosome, which is duplicated in coordination with DNA replication. Just like the chromosomes, the centrosome is precisely reproduced once and only once during each cell cycle. However, it remains a mystery how this protein-based structure undergoes accurate duplication in a semiconservative manner. Intriguingly, amplification of the centrosome has been found in numerous forms of cancers. Cells with multiple centrosomes tend to form multipolar spindles, which result in abnormal chromosome segregation during mitosis. It has therefore been postulated that centrosome aberration may compromise the fidelity of cell division and cause chromosome instability. Here we review the current understanding of how the centrosome is assembled and duplicated. We also discuss the possible mechanisms by which centrosome abnormality contributes to the development of malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

Virally transformed cells show an increased production of proteolytic enzymes. These might be involved in transformation-dependent alterations of cell surface glycoproteins. The possibility arises that some of these proteases might be membrane-bound. To investigate this possibility, we have undertaken a comparative study of the reactivity of intact normal and transformed cells with the tritium labelled protease inhibitor diisopropylfluorophosphate, in parallel with fibrinolytic assays. Using these two approaches in concert, it was possible to identify and localize in the transformed cells several proteases which were present in the particulate cell fraction and were probably membrane bound. In particular, a diisopropylfluorophosphate-reactive polypeptide of 62 000 was increased 5–8-fold on transformation. It comigrated with a fibrinolytic activity. Other particle-bound activities were also detected. While diisopropylfluorophosphate-labelling can be useful for detecting proteases inside cells, it does not appear to be specific for surface proteases.  相似文献   

We have developed procedures for sensitive measurement of specific radioactivities of pyrimidine nucleosides excreted from cells in culture. The changes in the observed values reflect dilution of the added isotope through de novo biosynthesis of nonradioactive pyrimidine nucleosides or by shifting and equilibration of other nucleotide pools into the free uridine pool. It is thus possible to monitor uridine biosynthesis occurring in intact cells without destroying or disrupting the cell population. On comparing a series of normal and transformed lines, we have observed several growth-dependent patterns of change in specific activity and levels of uridine excretion and the temporal appearance of these changes. Hamster embyro fibroblasts slows pyrimidine biosynthesis at mid-growth while the hamster cell line V79 continues to dilute the pyrimidine pool at about 7% of the rate observed during exponential growth at confluence. Both cells exhibit Urd excretion beginning at one-half maximal growth. Passageable normal rat liver cells (IARC-20) also show a cessation of pyrimidine biosynthesis with a prior increase in uridine excretion. Two chemically transformed lines IARC-28 and IARC-19 derived from IARC-20 show different patterns. IARC-19 begins uridine excretion in early log growth and the specific activity continues to decrease at about 2% of the rate observed during exponential growth at confluence. The IARC-28 cells also begin excretion in early log growth but pyrimidine biosynthesis stops at about midlog. This method may prove to be an additional aid in recognizing and differentiating transformed cells in culture that do not exhibit the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

Normal (Rat 1) and transformed cells (middle T antigen-transformed derivative 3C3) were grown in the presence of 32P-orthophosphate. 32P-labelled nuclear proteins were fractionated by means of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and detected by autoradiography. The comparative analysis of the autoradiographs of the normal and transformed cells revealed differences in the phosphorylation patterns of histone and low-molecular-mass high mobility group proteins (HMG). Three of the HMG proteins were highly phosphorylated in the transformed cells, and the analysis of their phosphorylation sites showed that these HMG proteins were phosphorylated on serine and threonine but not on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Summary Amino acid and carbohydrate transport in normal and malignant transformed hamster cells was studied after binding of the protein Concanavalin A (Con. A) to the surface membrane. Experimental conditions were used so that a similar number of Con. A molecules were bound to both types of cells. The transport of amino acids was inhibited after Con. A binding in the transformed cells but not in normal cells. This was found with the metabolizable amino acidsl-leucine,l-arginine,l-glutamic acid, andl-glutamine, and with the non-metabolizable amino acids cycloleucine and -aminoisobutyric acid. Transport ofd-glucose andd-galactose was more inhibited by Con. A in transformed than in normal cells, and in both types of cellsd-glucose was inhibited more thand-galactose. The inhibition by Con. A on transport was specific, since there was no effect on the transport ofl-fucose in either normal or transformed cells. Con. A also did not effect the entry of 3-0-methyl-d-glucose.These observations can be used to locate amino acid and carbohydrate transport sites in the surface membrane in relation to the binding sites for Con. A. The results indicate that Con. A sites are associated in normal cells with transport sites ford-glucose and to a lesser extentd-galactose, and in transformed cells with transport sites for amino acids and to a greater extent than in normal cells withd-glucose andd-galactose. Malignant transformation of normal cells therefore results in a change in the location of amino acid and carbohydrate transport sites in the surface membrane in relation to the binding sites for Con. A.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to test the versatility of a new basal cell culture medium, GTSF-2. In addition to traditional growth-factors, GTSF-2 contains a blend of three sugars (glucose, galactose, and fructose) at their physiological levels. For these studies, we isolated normal endothelial cells from human, bovine, and rat large blood vessels and microvessels. In addition, GTSF-2 was also tested as a replacement for high-glucose-containing medium for PC12 pheochromocytoma cells and for other, transformed cell lines. The cell growth characteristics were assessed with a novel cell viability and proliferation assay, which is based on the bioreduction of the fluorescent dye, Alamar Blue. After appropriate calibration, the Alamar Blue assay was found to be equivalent to established cell proliferation assays. Alamar Blue offers the advantage that cell proliferation can be measured in the same wells over an extended period of time. For some of the cell types (e.g., endothelial cells isolated from the bovine aorta, the rat adrenal medulla, or the transformed cells), proliferation in unmodified GTSF-2 was equivalent to that in the original culture media. For others cell types (e.g., human umbilical vein endothelial cells and PC12 cells), GTSF-2 proved to be a superior growth medium, when supplemented with simple additives, such as endothelial cell growth supplement (bFGF) or horse serum. Our results suggest that GTSF-2 is a versatile basal medium that will be useful for studying organ-specific differentiation in heterotypic coculture studies.  相似文献   

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