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Taxonomy has traditionally relied on morphological and ecological traits to interpret and classify biological diversity. Over the last decade, technological advances and conceptual developments in the field of molecular ecology and systematics have eased the generation of genomic data and changed the paradigm of biodiversity analysis. Here we illustrate how traditional taxonomy has led to species designations that are supported neither by high throughput sequencing data nor by the quantitative integration of genomic information with other sources of evidence. Specifically, we focus on Omocestus antigai and Omocestus navasi, two montane grasshoppers from the Pyrenean region that were originally described based on quantitative phenotypic differences and distinct habitat associations (alpine vs. Mediterranean‐montane habitats). To validate current taxonomic designations, test species boundaries, and understand the factors that have contributed to genetic divergence, we obtained phenotypic (geometric morphometrics) and genome‐wide SNP data (ddRADSeq) from populations covering the entire known distribution of the two taxa. Coalescent‐based phylogenetic reconstructions, integrative Bayesian model‐based species delimitation, and landscape genetic analyses revealed that populations assigned to the two taxa show a spatial distribution of genetic variation that do not match with current taxonomic designations and is incompatible with ecological/environmental speciation. Our results support little phenotypic variation among populations and a marked genetic structure that is mostly explained by geographic distances and limited population connectivity across the abrupt landscapes characterizing the study region. Overall, this study highlights the importance of integrative approaches to identify taxonomic units and elucidate the evolutionary history of species.  相似文献   

Using multiple, independent approaches to molecular species delimitation is advocated to accommodate limitations and assumptions of a single approach. Incongruence in delimitation schemes is a potential by‐product of employing multiple methods on the same data, and little attention has been paid to its reconciliation. Instead, a particular scheme is prioritized, and/or molecular delimitations are coupled with additional, independent lines of evidence that mitigate incongruence. We advocate that incongruence within a line of evidence should be accounted for before comparing across lines of evidence that can themselves be incongruent. Additionally, it is not uncommon for empiricists working in nonmodel systems to be data‐limited, generating some concern for the adequacy of available data to address the question of interest. With conservation and management decisions often hinging on the status of species, it seems prudent to understand the capabilities of approaches we use given the data we have. Here, we apply two molecular species delimitation approaches, spedeSTEM and BPP, to the Castilleja ambigua (Orobanchaceae) species complex, a relatively young plant lineage in western North America. Upon finding incongruence in our delimitation, we employed a post hoc simulation study to examine the power of these approaches to delimit species. Given the data we collected, we find that spedeSTEM lacks the power to delimit while BPP is capable, thus allowing us to address incongruence before proceeding in delimitation. We suggest post hoc simulation studies like this compliment empirical delimitation and serve as a means of exploring conflict within a line of evidence and dealing with it appropriately.  相似文献   

Background and AimsHybridization increases species adaptation and biodiversity but also obscures species boundaries. In this study, species delimitation and hybridization history were examined within one Chinese hazel species complex (Corylus chinensisCorylus fargesii). Two species including four varieties have already been described for this complex, with overlapping distributions.MethodsA total of 322 trees from 44 populations of these four varieties across their ranges were sampled for morphological and molecular analyses. Climatic datasets based on 108 geographical locations were used to evaluate their niche differentiations. Flowering phenology was also observed for two co-occurring species or varieties.Key ResultsFour statistically different phenotypic clusters were revealed, but these clusters were highly inconsistent with the traditional taxonomic groups. All the clusters showed statistically distinct niches, with complete or partial geographical isolation. Only two clusters displayed a distributional overlap, but they had distinct flowering phenologies at the site where they co-occurred. Population-level evidence based on the genotypes of ten simple sequence repeat loci supported four phenotypic clusters. In addition, one cluster was shown to have an admixed genetic composition derived from the other three clusters through repeated historical hybridizations.ConclusionsBased on our new evidence, it is better to treat the four clusters identified here as four independent species. One of them was shown to have an admixed genetic composition derived from the other three through repeated historical hybridizations. This study highlights the importance of applying integrative and statistical methods to infer species delimitations and hybridization history. Such a protocol should be adopted widely for future taxonomic studies.  相似文献   

The diploid Oryza species with C-genome type possesses abundant genes useful for rice improvement and provides parental donors of many tetraploid species with the C-genome (BBCC,CCDD).Despite extensive studies,the phylogenetic relationship among the C-genome species and the taxonomic status of some taxa remain controversial.In this study,we reconstructed the phylogeny of three diploid species with C-genome (Oryza officinalis,O.rhizomatis,and O.eichingeri) based on sequences of 68 nuclear single-copy genes.We obtained a fully resolved phylogenetic tree,clearly indicating the sister relationship of O.officinalis and O.rhizomatis,with O.eichingeri being the more divergent lineage.Incongruent phylogenies of the C-genome species found in previous studies might result from lineage sorting,introgression/hybridization and limited number of genetic markers used.We further applied a recently developed Bayesian species delimitation method to investigate the species status of the Sri Lankan and African O.eichingeri.Analyses of two datasets (68 genes with a single sample,and 10 genes with multiple samples) support the distinct species status of the Sri Lankan and African O.eichingeri.In addition,we evaluated the impact of the number of sampled individuals and loci on species delimitation.Our simulation suggests that sampling multiple individuals is critically important for species delimitation,particularly for closely related species.  相似文献   

Statistical species delimitation usually relies on singular data, primarily genetic, for detecting putative species and individual assignment to putative species. Given the variety of speciation mechanisms, singular data may not adequately represent the genetic, morphological and ecological diversity relevant to species delimitation. We describe a methodological framework combining multivariate and clustering techniques that uses genetic, morphological and ecological data to detect and assign individuals to putative species. Our approach recovers a similar number of species recognized using traditional, qualitative taxonomic approaches that are not detected when using purely genetic methods. Furthermore, our approach detects groupings that traditional, qualitative taxonomic approaches do not. This empirical test suggests that our approach to detecting and assigning individuals to putative species could be useful in species delimitation despite varying levels of differentiation across genetic, phenotypic and ecological axes. This work highlights a critical, and often overlooked, aspect of the process of statistical species delimitation—species detection and individual assignment. Irrespective of the species delimitation approach used, all downstream processing relies on how individuals are initially assigned, and the practices and statistical issues surrounding individual assignment warrant careful consideration.  相似文献   

Abstract The diploid Oryza species with C‐genome type possesses abundant genes useful for rice improvement and provides parental donors of many tetraploid species with the C‐genome (BBCC, CCDD). Despite extensive studies, the phylogenetic relationship among the C‐genome species and the taxonomic status of some taxa remain controversial. In this study, we reconstructed the phylogeny of three diploid species with C‐genome (Oryza officinalis, O. rhizomatis, and O. eichingeri) based on sequences of 68 nuclear single‐copy genes. We obtained a fully resolved phylogenetic tree, clearly indicating the sister relationship of O. officinalis and O. rhizomatis, with O. eichingeri being the more divergent lineage. Incongruent phylogenies of the C‐genome species found in previous studies might result from lineage sorting, introgression/hybridization and limited number of genetic markers used. We further applied a recently developed Bayesian species delimitation method to investigate the species status of the Sri Lankan and African O. eichingeri. Analyses of two datasets (68 genes with a single sample, and 10 genes with multiple samples) support the distinct species status of the Sri Lankan and African O. eichingeri. In addition, we evaluated the impact of the number of sampled individuals and loci on species delimitation. Our simulation suggests that sampling multiple individuals is critically important for species delimitation, particularly for closely related species.  相似文献   

Accurate species delimitation is fundamental to biodiversity conservation. The endangered spruce Picea brachytyla (Franch.) E. Pritz. was suggested to be polyphyletic based on a limited number of samples in previous studies. To evaluate polyphyly of P. brachytyla, we sampled 139 individuals from 16 populations across most of its distributional range, plus representatives of two related species, Picea likiangensis (Franch.) E. Pritz. and Picea wilsonii Mast. We sequenced 13 nuclear loci and three chloroplast and two mitochondrial loci for the following species delimitation. Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear loci grouped all individuals of P. brachytyla from Sichuan and Chongqing into one distinct lineage and those from Yunnan and Tibet (southern distribution) nested within the P. likiangensis species complex. Structure analyses confirmed this result. Networks of chloroplast DNA haplotypes similarly showed that P. brachytyla from the southern distribution nested within the P. likiangensis species complex, whereas haplotypes for the northern distribution comprised a separate and well-supported lineage. These results suggest that P. brachytyla from the southern distribution is a part of the P. likiangensis species complex and should be removed from P. brachytyla. Our study highlights the utility of population genetic evidence in delimitating endangered species and understanding the conservation status of such species.  相似文献   

Dusky Salamanders (genus Desmognathus) currently comprise only 22 described, extant species. However, recent mitochondrial and nuclear estimates indicate the presence of up to 49 candidate species based on ecogeographic sampling. Previous studies also suggest a complex history of hybridization between these lineages. Studies in other groups suggest that disregarding admixture may affect both phylogenetic inference and clustering‐based species delimitation. With a dataset comprising 233 Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) loci sequenced for 896 Desmognathus specimens from all 49 candidate species, we test three hypotheses regarding (i) species‐level diversity, (ii) hybridization and admixture, and (iii) misleading phylogenetic inference. Using phylogenetic and population‐clustering analyses considering gene flow, we find support for at least 47 candidate species in the phylogenomic dataset, some of which are newly characterized here while others represent combinations of previously named lineages that are collapsed in the current dataset. Within these, we observe significant phylogeographic structure, with up to 64 total geographic genetic lineages, many of which hybridize either narrowly at contact zones or extensively across ecological gradients. We find strong support for both recent admixture between terminal lineages and ancient hybridization across internal branches. This signal appears to distort concatenated phylogenetic inference, wherein more heavily admixed terminal specimens occupy apparently artifactual early‐diverging topological positions, occasionally to the extent of forming false clades of intermediate hybrids. Additional geographic and genetic sampling and more robust computational approaches will be needed to clarify taxonomy, and to reconstruct a network topology to display evolutionary relationships in a manner that is consistent with their complex history of reticulation.  相似文献   

The social vole of Cyrenaica, Libya, is the only extant representative of the Cricetidae family found in Africa. Its taxonomic status has been under debate, partly due to the problematic systematics of the entire group of social voles and partly due to the lack of morphological and molecular data from Cyrenaican specimens. In this study, we applied ancient DNA protocols to produce three cytochrome b (cytb) sequences of Cyrenaican voles and built a phylogenetic reconstruction (195 sequences in total) incorporating all available cytb sequences of the remaining social voles, other representatives of the genus Microtus and closely related cricetids. We used this phylogeny to test the performance of the model-based, single-locus, species delimitation approach implemented in mPTP and delimited nine species of social voles. Among them are the Cyrenaican vole, Microtus mustersi and its sister species M. guentheri, distributed along the Mediterranean coasts of southwestern Asia. Biogeographical reconstruction of ancestral area and molecular clock estimations of the time since the divergence of the two sister lineages suggest that their common ancestor dispersed into Africa through a coastal route and was isolated in Cyrenaica as a result of population fragmentation associated with Middle Pleistocenic pluvial/interpluvial cycles. Geographic isolation triggered the speciation process, but species distribution modeling gave evidence of subsequent niche divergence; M. guentheri has adapted to the xeric conditions of its distributional area, while M. mustersi benefited from the milder Cyrenaican climate. The Cyrenaican vole is a relict species more than 200,000 years old, has a small and isolated distribution and probably merits conservation.  相似文献   

Soft‐bodied marine taxa, like ribbon worms (Nemertea), often lack clear diagnostic morphological characters impeding traditional species delimitation. Therefore, recent studies concentrated on molecular genetic methods to solve taxonomic issues. Different delimitation methods were employed to explore species boundaries and the presence of cryptic species. However, the performance of the different delimitation methods needs to be tested. A particularly promising nemertean genus in this regard is the palaeonemertean genus Cephalothrix that is commonly found in European waters. In order to gain information on the number and distribution of European cephalotrichids and to test different tree‐based and non‐tree‐based delimitation methods, we analyzed a dataset comprising the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of 215 European Cephalothrix specimens, of which 78 were collected for this study. Our results show the presence of 12–13 European lineages of which several can be assigned to known European species. Analyzing a second dataset comprising 74 additional sequences from the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans helped identify some of the unassigned European specimens. One resulting clade seems to represent a non‐native introduced Cephalothrix species, while another has never been recorded from Europe before. In our analysis, especially the tree‐based methods and the phylogenetic analysis proved to be a useful tool when delimiting species. It remains unclear whether the different identified clades result from cryptic speciation or from a high genetic variability of the COI gene.  相似文献   

Martin Ryberg 《Molecular ecology》2015,24(23):5770-5777
During the last couple of decades, an increasing number of studies use sequence clusters as units for taxonomic diversity. It is well known that such molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) do not necessarily correspond to species, but they are treated as such when measuring diversity and testing theories. Here, I show that data from studies of molecular evolution and species diversification of fungi indicate that commonly used cut‐offs are likely to lump species in many cases. At the same time, empirical studies show that the mean within‐species variation is close to these cut‐offs. That the within‐species variation estimates are plausible is supported by coalescence modelling under a range of parameter settings. In addition, studies using crossing tests to delimit species show that there often is an overlap in within‐ and between‐species distances. The available data therefore indicate that sequence clusters are likely to misrepresent species. However, to keep a biological relevance, MOTUs should be kept in close agreement with species. Studies using them should therefore asses how sensitive the results are to differences between MOTUs and species – something that is rarely done. An even better solution is to directly include the uncertainty in species delimitation in the analyses, but in many cases, we need to increase our knowledge of taxonomy and evolution to do this accurately. Even if the empirical data referred to here pertain to the “barcoding” region of rDNA in fungi, there is nothing indicating that the situation is substantially better for other taxa or genes.  相似文献   

Prospects for a comprehensive inventory of global biodiversity would be greatly improved by automating methods of species delimitation. The general mixed Yule-coalescent (GMYC) was recently proposed as a potential means of increasing the rate of biodiversity exploration. We tested this method with simulated data and applied it to a group of poorly known bats (Hipposideros) from the Philippines. We then used echolocation call characteristics to evaluate the plausibility of species boundaries suggested by GMYC. In our simulations, GMYC performed relatively well (errors in estimated species diversity less than 25%) when the product of the haploid effective population size (N(e)) and speciation rate (SR; per lineage per million years) was less than or equal to 10(5), while interspecific variation in N(e) was twofold or less. However, at higher but also biologically relevant values of N(e) × SR and when N(e) varied tenfold among species, performance was very poor. GMYC analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences from Philippine Hipposideros suggest actual diversity may be approximately twice the current estimate, and available echolocation call data are mostly consistent with GMYC delimitations. In conclusion, we consider the GMYC model useful under some conditions, but additional information on N(e), SR and/or corroboration from independent character data are needed to allow meaningful interpretation of results.  相似文献   

The process of discovering species is a fundamental responsibility of systematics. Recently, there has been a growing interest in coalescent‐based methods of species delimitation aimed at objectively identifying species early in the divergence process. However, few empirical studies have compared these new methods with character‐based approaches for discovering species. In this study, we applied both a character‐based and a coalescent‐based approaches to delimit species in a closely related avian complex, the light‐vented/Taiwan bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis/Pycnonotus taivanus). Population aggregation analyses of plumage, mitochondrial and 13 nuclear intron character data sets produced conflicting species hypotheses with plumage data suggesting three species, mitochondrial data suggesting two species, and nuclear intron data suggesting one species. Such conflict is expected among recently diverged species, and by integrating all sources of data, we delimited three species verified with independently congruent character evidence as well as a more weakly supported fourth species identified by a single character. Attempts to validate species hypothesis using Bayesian Phylogenetics and Phylogeography (BPP), a coalescent‐based method of species delimitation, revealed several issues that can seemingly affect statistical support for species recognition. We found that θ priors had a dramatic impact on speciation probabilities, with lower values consistently favouring splitting and higher values consistently favouring lumping. More resolved guide trees also resulted in overall higher speciation probabilities. Finally, we found suggestive evidence that BPP is sensitive to the divergent effects of nonrandom mating caused by intraspecific processes such as isolation‐with‐distance, and therefore, BPP may not be a conservative method for delimiting independently evolving population lineages. Based on these concerns, we questioned the reliability of BPP results and based our conclusions about species limits exclusively on character data.  相似文献   

Abstract The genus Eois comprises an important part of megadiverse assemblages of geometrid moths in mountain rainforests of southern Ecuador. In this study we report: (i) on the construction of a DNA barcode library of Eois for identification purposes; and (ii) the exploration of species diversity through species delimitation by pair‐wise distance thresholds. COI barcode sequences were generated from 408 individuals (at least 105 species) collected on a narrow geographic scale (~40 km2) in the Reserva Biológica San Francisco. Analyses of barcode sequence divergence showed that species delimitations based solely on external morphology result in broad overlap of intra‐ and interspecific distances. Species delimitation at a 2% pair‐wise distance threshold reveals a clear barcoding gap. Fifty‐two previously unrecognized species were identified, 31 of which could only be distinguished by an integrative taxonomy approach. Twelve additional putative species could only be recognized by threshold‐based delimitation. Most splits resulted in two or three newly perceived cryptic taxa. The present study increased the number of Eois species recorded from that small area of Andean mountain forest from 102 to 154 (morphology‐ plus integrative taxonomy‐based) or even 166 (sequence‐based), leaving the species accumulation curve still far from reaching an asymptote. Notably, in no case did two or more previously distinguished morphospecies have to be lumped. This barcode inventory can be used to match larvae to known adult samples without rearing, and will therefore be of vital help to extend the currently limited knowledge about food plant relationships and host specialization.  相似文献   

Carling MD  Brumfield RT 《Genetics》2008,178(1):363-377
Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of DNA sequence data from 10 nuclear loci were used to test species divergence hypotheses within Passerina buntings, with special focus on a strongly supported, but controversial, sister relationship between Passerina amoena and P. caerulea inferred from a previous mitochondrial study. Here, a maximum-likelihood analysis of a concatenated 10-locus data set, as well as minimize-deep-coalescences and maximum-likelihood analyses of the locus-specific gene trees, recovered the traditional sister relationship between P. amoena and P. cyanea. In addition, a more recent divergence time estimate between P. amoena and P. cyanea than between P. amoena and P. caerulea provided evidence for the traditional sister relationship. These results provide a compelling example of how lineage sorting stochasticity can lead to incongruence between gene trees and species trees, and illustrate how phylogenetic and population genetic analyses can be integrated to investigate evolutionary relationships between recently diverged taxa.  相似文献   

Species delimitation among closely related species is challenging because traditional phenotype‐based approaches, for example, using morphology, ecological, or chemical characteristics, may not coincide with natural groupings. With the advent of high‐throughput sequencing, it has become increasingly cost‐effective to acquire genome‐scale data which can resolve previously ambiguous species boundaries. As the availability of genome‐scale data has increased, numerous species delimitation analyses, such as BPP and SNAPP+Bayes factor delimitation (BFD*), have been developed to delimit species boundaries. However, even empirical molecular species delimitation approaches can be biased by confounding evolutionary factors, for example, hybridization/introgression and incomplete lineage sorting, and computational limitations. Here, we investigate species boundaries and the potential for micro‐endemism in a lineage of lichen‐forming fungi, Niebla Rundel & Bowler, in the family Ramalinaceae by analyzing single‐locus and genome‐scale data consisting of (a) single‐locus species delimitation analysis using ASAP, (b) maximum likelihood‐based phylogenetic tree inference, (c) genome‐scale species delimitation models, e.g., BPP and SNAPP+BFD, and (d) species validation using the genealogical divergence index (gdi). We specifically use these methods to cross‐validate results between genome‐scale and single‐locus datasets, differently sampled subsets of genomic data and to control for population‐level genetic divergence. Our species delimitation models tend to support more speciose groupings that were inconsistent with traditional taxonomy, supporting a hypothesis of micro‐endemism, which may include morphologically cryptic species. However, the models did not converge on robust, consistent species delimitations. While the results of our analysis are somewhat ambiguous in terms of species boundaries, they provide a valuable perspective on how to use these empirical species delimitation methods in a nonmodel system. This study thus highlights the challenges inherent in delimiting species, particularly in groups such as Niebla, with complex, relatively recent phylogeographic histories.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy is a recently developed approach that uses multiple lines of evidence such as molecular, morphological, ecological and geographical data to test species limits, and it stands as one of the most promising approaches to species delimitation in taxonomically difficult groups. The Pnigalio soemius complex (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) represents an interesting taxonomical and ecological study case, as it is characterized by a lack of informative morphological characters, deep mitochondrial divergence, and is susceptible to infection by parthenogenesis‐inducing Rickettsia. We tested the effectiveness of an integrative taxonomy approach in delimiting species within the P. soemius complex. We analysed two molecular markers (COI and ITS2) using different methods, performed multivariate analysis on morphometric data and exploited ecological data such as host–plant system associations, geographical separation, and the prevalence, type and effects of endosymbiont infection. The challenge of resolving different levels of resolution in the data was met by setting up a formal procedure of data integration within and between conflicting independent lines of evidence. An iterative corroboration process of multiple sources of data eventually indicated the existence of several cryptic species that can be treated as stable taxonomic hypotheses. Furthermore, the integrative approach confirmed a trend towards host specificity within the presumed polyphagous P. soemius and suggested that Rickettsia could have played a major role in the reproductive isolation and genetic diversification of at least two species.  相似文献   

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