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Environmental factors can influence diversity and population structure in marine species and accurate understanding of this influence can both improve fisheries management and help predict responses to environmental change. We used 7163 SNPs derived from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing genotyped in 245 individuals of the economically important sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, to evaluate the correlations between oceanographic variation and a previously identified latitudinal genomic cline. Sea scallops span a broad latitudinal area (>10 degrees), and we hypothesized that climatic variation significantly drives clinal trends in allele frequency. Using a large environmental dataset, including temperature, salinity, chlorophyll a, and nutrient concentrations, we identified a suite of SNPs (285–621, depending on analysis and environmental dataset) potentially under selection through correlations with environmental variation. Principal components analysis of different outlier SNPs and environmental datasets revealed similar northern and southern clusters, with significant associations between the first axes of each (R2adj = .66–.79). Multivariate redundancy analysis of outlier SNPs and the environmental principal components indicated that environmental factors explained more than 32% of the variance. Similarly, multiple linear regressions and random‐forest analysis identified winter average and minimum ocean temperatures as significant parameters in the link between genetic and environmental variation. This work indicates that oceanographic variation is associated with the observed genomic cline in this species and that seasonal periods of extreme cold may restrict gene flow along a latitudinal gradient in this marine benthic bivalve. Incorporating this finding into management may improve accuracy of management strategies and future predictions.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and structure of invasive species are affected by the time since invasion, but it is not well understood how. We compare likely the oldest populations of Aedes aegypti in continental North America with some of the newest to illuminate the range of genetic diversity and structure that can be found within the invasive range of this important disease vector. Aedes aegypti populations in Florida have probably persisted since the 1600‐1700s, while populations in southern California derive from new invasions that occurred in the last 10 years. For this comparison, we genotyped 1,193 individuals from 28 sites at 12 highly variable microsatellites and a subset of these individuals at 23,961 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This is the largest sample analyzed for genetic structure for either region, and it doubles the number of southern California populations previously analyzed. As predicted, the older populations (Florida) showed fewer indicators of recent founder effect and bottlenecks; in particular, these populations have dramatically higher genetic diversity and lower genetic structure. Geographic distance and driving distance were not good predictors of genetic distance in either region, especially southern California. Additionally, southern California had higher levels of genetic differentiation than any comparably sized documented region throughout the worldwide distribution of the species. Although population age and demographic history are likely driving these differences, differences in climate and transportation practices could also play a role.  相似文献   

Restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐Seq), a next‐generation sequencing‐based genome ‘complexity reduction’ protocol, has been useful in population genomics in species with a reference genome. However, the application of this protocol to natural populations of genomically underinvestigated species, particularly under low‐to‐medium sequencing depth, has not been well justified. In this study, a Bayesian method was developed for calling genotypes from an F2 population of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Mol.) Standl.] to construct a high‐density genetic map. Low‐depth genome shotgun sequencing allowed the assembly of scaffolds/contigs comprising approximately 50% of the estimated genome, of which 922 were anchored for identifying syntenic regions between species. RAD‐Seq genotyping of a natural population comprising 80 accessions identified 3226 single nuclear polymorphisms (SNPs), based on which two sub‐gene pools were suggested for association with fruit shape. The two sub‐gene pools were moderately differentiated, as reflected by the Hudson's FST value of 0.14, and they represent regions on LG7 with strikingly elevated FST values. Seven‐fold reduction in heterozygosity and two times increase in LD (r2) were observed in the same region for the round‐fruited sub‐gene pool. Outlier test suggested the locus LX3405 on LG7 to be a candidate site under selection. Comparative genomic analysis revealed that the cucumber genome region syntenic to the high FST island on LG7 harbors an ortholog of the tomato fruit shape gene OVATE. Our results point to a bright future of applying RAD‐Seq to population genomic studies for non‐model species even under low‐to‐medium sequencing efforts. The genomic resources provide valuable information for cucurbit genome research.  相似文献   

Species occupying habitats subjected to frequent natural and/or anthropogenic changes are a challenge for conservation management. We studied one such species, Viola uliginosa, an endangered perennial wetland species typically inhabiting sporadically flooded meadows alongside rivers/lakes. In order to estimate genomic diversity, population structure, and history, we sampled five sites in Finland, three in Estonia, and one each in Slovenia, Belarus, and Poland using genomic SNP data with double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD‐seq). We found monophyletic populations, high levels of inbreeding (mean population FSNP = 0.407–0.945), low effective population sizes (Ne = 0.8–50.9), indications of past demographic expansion, and rare long‐distance dispersal. Our results are important in implementing conservation strategies for V. uliginosa, which should include founding of seed banks, ex situ cultivations, and reintroductions with individuals of proper origin, combined with continuous population monitoring and habitat management.  相似文献   

Understanding past dispersal and breeding events can provide insight into ecology and evolution and can help inform strategies for conservation and the control of pest species. However, parent–offspring dispersal can be difficult to investigate in rare species and in small pest species such as mosquitoes. Here, we develop a methodology for estimating parent–offspring dispersal from the spatial distribution of close kin, using pairwise kinship estimates derived from genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs were scored in 162 Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) collected from eight close‐set, high‐rise apartment buildings in an area of Malaysia with high dengue incidence. We used the SNPs to reconstruct kinship groups across three orders of kinship. We transformed the geographical distances between all kin pairs within each kinship category into axial standard deviations of these distances, then decomposed these into components representing past dispersal events. From these components, we isolated the axial standard deviation of parent–offspring dispersal and estimated neighbourhood area (91 m), median parent–offspring dispersal distance (38 m) and oviposition dispersal radius within a gonotrophic cycle (25 m). We also analysed genetic structure using distance‐based redundancy analysis and linear regression, finding isolation by distance both within and between buildings and estimating neighbourhood size at 268 individuals. These findings indicate the scale required to suppress local outbreaks of arboviral disease and to target releases of modified mosquitoes for mosquito and disease control. Our methodology is readily implementable for studies of other species, including pests and species of conservation significance. [Correction added on 09 October 2020, after first online publication: 129 m corrected to 91 m; 75 m to 38 m; 36 m to 25 m.]  相似文献   

Across western North America, Mimulus guttatus exists as many local populations adapted to site‐specific environmental challenges. Gene flow between locally adapted populations will affect genetic diversity both within demes and across the larger metapopulation. Here, we analyse 34 whole‐genome sequences from the intensively studied Iron Mountain population (IM) in conjunction with sequences from 22 Mimulus individuals sampled from across western North America. Three striking features of these data address hypotheses about migration and selection in a locally adapted population. First, we find very high levels of intrapopulation polymorphism (synonymous π = 0.033). Variation outside of genes is likely even higher but difficult to estimate because excessive divergence reduces the efficiency of read mapping. Second, IM exhibits a significantly positive genomewide average for Tajima's D. This indicates allele frequencies are typically more intermediate than expected from neutrality, opposite the pattern observed in many other species. Third, IM exhibits a distinctive haplotype structure with a genomewide excess of positive associations between rarer alleles at linked loci. This suggests an important effect of gene flow from other Mimulus populations, although a residual effect of population founding might also contribute. The combination of multiple analyses, including a novel tree‐based analytic method, illustrates how the balance of local selection, limited dispersal and metapopulation dynamics manifests across the genome. The overall genomic pattern of sequence diversity suggests successful gene flow of divergent immigrant genotypes into IM. However, many loci show patterns indicative of local adaptation, particularly at SNPs associated with chromosomal inversions.  相似文献   

The current ease of obtaining thousands of molecular markers challenges the notion that full phylogenetic concordance, as proposed by phylogenetic species concepts, is a requirement for defining species delimitations. Indeed, the presence of genomic islands of divergence, which may be the cause, or in some cases the consequence, of speciation, precludes concordance. Here, we explore this issue using thousands of RAD markers on two sister species of surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae), Zebrasoma flavescens and Z. scopas, and several populations within each species. Species are readily distinguished based on their colors (solid yellow and solid brown, respectively), yet populations and species are neither distinguishable using mitochondrial markers (cytochrome c oxidase 1), nor using 5193 SNPs (pairwise Φst = 0.034). In contrast, when using outlier loci, some of them presumably under selection, species delimitations, and strong population structure follow recognized taxonomic positions (pairwise Φst = 0.326). Species and population delimitation differences based on neutral and selected markers are likely due to local adaptation, thus being consistent with the idea that these genomic islands of divergence arose as a consequence of isolation. These findings, which are not unique, raise the question of a potentially important pathway of divergence based on local adaptation that is only evident when looking at thousands of loci.  相似文献   

Freshwater species often show high levels of endemism and risk of extinction owing to their limited dispersal abilities. This is exemplified by the stenotopic freshwater crab, Johora singaporensis which is one of the world's 100 most threatened species, and currently inhabits less than 0.01 km2 of five low order hill streams within the highly urbanized island city‐state of Singapore. We compared populations of J. singaporensis with that of the non‐threatened, widespread, abundant, and eurytopic freshwater crab, Parathelphusa maculata, and found surprisingly high congruence between their population genomic histories. Based on 2,617 and 2,470 genome‐wide SNPs mined via the double‐digest restriction‐associated DNA sequencing method for ~90 individuals of J. singaporensis and P. maculata, respectively, the populations are strongly isolated (FST = 0.146–0.371), have low genetic diversity for both species (also for COI), and show signatures of recent genetic bottlenecks. The most genetically isolated populations for both species are separated from other populations by one of the oldest roads in Singapore. These results suggest that anthropogenic developments may have impacted stream‐dependent species in a uniform manner, regardless of ubiquity, habitat preference, or dispersal modes of the species. While signs of inbreeding were not detected for the critically endangered species, the genetic distinctiveness and low diversity of the populations call for genetic rescue and connecting corridors between the remaining fragments of the natural habitat.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti, the major vector of dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika viruses, remains of great medical and public health concern. There is little doubt that the ancestral home of the species is Africa. This mosquito invaded the New World 400‐500 years ago and later, Asia. However, little is known about the genetic structure and history of Ae. aegypti across Africa, as well as the possible origin(s) of the New World invasion. Here, we use ~17,000 genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to characterize a heretofore undocumented complex picture of this mosquito across its ancestral range in Africa. We find signatures of human‐assisted migrations, connectivity across long distances in sylvan populations, and of local admixture between domestic and sylvan populations. Finally, through a phylogenetic analysis combined with the genetic structure analyses, we suggest West Africa and especially Angola as the source of the New World's invasion, a scenario that fits well with the historic record of 16th‐century slave trade between Africa and Americas.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster is postulated to have colonized North America in the past several 100 years in two waves. Flies from Europe colonized the east coast United States while flies from Africa inhabited the Caribbean, which if true, make the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands a secondary contact zone for African and European D. melanogaster. This scenario has been proposed based on phenotypes and limited genetic data. In our study, we have sequenced individual whole genomes of flies from populations in the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands and examined these populations in conjunction with population sequences from the west coast US, Africa, and Europe. We find that west coast US populations are closely related to the European population, likely reflecting a rapid westward expansion upon first settlements into North America. We also find genomic evidence of African and European admixture in south‐east US and Caribbean populations, with a clinal pattern of decreasing proportions of African ancestry with higher latitude. Our genomic analysis of D. melanogaster populations from the south‐east US and Caribbean Islands provides more evidence for the Caribbean Islands as the source of previously reported novel African alleles found in other east coast US populations. We also find the border between the south‐east US and the Caribbean island to be the admixture hot zone where distinctly African‐like Caribbean flies become genomically more similar to European‐like south‐east US flies. Our findings have important implications for previous studies examining the generation of east coast US clines via selection.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex influences of landscape and anthropogenic elements that shape the population genetic structure of invasive species provides insight into patterns of colonization and spread. The application of landscape genomics techniques to these questions may offer detailed, previously undocumented insights into factors influencing species invasions. We investigated the spatial pattern of genetic variation and the influences of landscape factors on population similarity in an invasive riparian shrub, saltcedar (Tamarix L.) by analysing 1,997 genomewide SNP markers for 259 individuals from 25 populations collected throughout the southwestern United States. Our results revealed a broad‐scale spatial genetic differentiation of saltcedar populations between the Colorado and Rio Grande river basins and identified potential barriers to population similarity along both river systems. River pathways most strongly contributed to population similarity. In contrast, low temperature and dams likely served as barriers to population similarity. We hypothesize that large‐scale geographic patterns in genetic diversity resulted from a combination of early introductions from distinct populations, the subsequent influence of natural selection, dispersal barriers and founder effects during range expansion.  相似文献   

Despite a large body of knowledge about the evolution of life histories, we know little about how variable food availability during an individual's development affects its life history. We measured the effects of manipulating food levels during early and late larval development of the mosquito Aedes aegypti on its growth rate, life history and reproductive success. Switching from low to high food led to compensatory growth: individuals grew more rapidly during late larval development and emerged at a size close to that of mosquitoes consistently reared at high food. However, switching to high food had very little effect on longevity, and fecundity and reproductive success were considerably lower than in consistently well‐fed mosquitoes. Changing from high to low food led to adults with similar size as in consistently badly nourished mosquitoes, but even lower fecundity and reproductive success. A rapid response of growth to changing resources can thus have unexpected effects in later life and in lifetime reproductive success. More generally, our study emphasizes the importance of varying developmental conditions for the evolutionary pressures underlying life‐history evolution.  相似文献   

Most hypotheses to explain nonrandom mating patterns invoke mate choice, particularly in species that display elaborate ornaments. However, conflicting selection pressures on traits can result in functional constraints that can also cause nonrandom mating patterns. We tested for functional load‐lifting constraints during aerial copulation in Rhamphomyia longicauda, a species of dance fly that displays multiple extravagant female‐specific ornaments that are unusual among sexual traits because they are under stabilizing selection. R. longicauda males provide females with a nuptial gift before engaging in aerial mating, and the male bears the entire weight of the female and nuptial gift for the duration of copulation. In theory, a male's ability to carry females and nuptial gifts could constrain pairing opportunities for the heaviest females, as reported for nonornamented dance flies. In concert with directional preferences for large females with mature eggs, such a load‐lifting constraint could produce the stabilizing selection on female size previously observed in this species. We therefore tested whether wild‐caught male R. longicauda collected during copulation were experiencing load‐lift limitations by comparing the mass carried by males during copulation with the male's wing loading traits. We also performed permutation tests to determine whether the loads carried by males during copulation were lighter than expected. We found that heavier males are more often found mating with heavier females suggesting that whereas R. longicauda males do not experience a load‐lift constraint, there is a strong relationship of assortative mating by mass. We suggest that active male mate choice for intermediately adorned females is more likely to be causing the nonrandom mating patterns observed in R. longicauda.  相似文献   

The history of repeated northern glacial cycling and southern climatic stability has long dominated explanations for how genetic diversity is distributed within temperate species in Eurasia and North America. However, growing evidence indicates the importance of cryptic refugia for northern colonization dynamics. An important geographic region to assess this is Fennoscandia, where recolonization at the end of the last glaciation was restricted to specific routes and temporal windows. We used genomic data to analyse genetic diversity and colonization history of the bank vole (Myodes glareolus) throughout Europe (>800 samples) with Fennoscandia as the northern apex. We inferred that bank voles colonized Fennoscandia multiple times by two different routes; with three separate colonizations via a southern land‐bridge route deriving from a “Carpathian” glacial refugium and one via a north‐eastern route from an “Eastern” glacial refugium near the Ural Mountains. Clustering of genome‐wide SNPs revealed high diversity in Fennoscandia, with eight genomic clusters: three of Carpathian origin and five Eastern. Time estimates revealed that the first of the Carpathian colonizations occurred before the Younger Dryas (YD), meaning that the first colonists survived the YD in Fennoscandia. Results also indicated that introgression between bank and northern red‐backed voles (Myodes rutilus) took place in Fennoscandia just after end‐glacial colonization. Therefore, multiple colonizations from the same and different cryptic refugia, temporal and spatial separations and interspecific introgression have shaped bank vole genetic variability in Fennoscandia. Together, these processes drive high genetic diversity at the apex of the northern expansion in this emerging model species.  相似文献   

Invasive species represent unique opportunities to evaluate the role of local adaptation during colonization of new environments. Among these species, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is a threatening vector of several human viral diseases, including dengue and chikungunya, and raises concerns about the Zika fever. Its broad presence in both temperate and tropical environments has been considered the reflection of great “ecological plasticity.” However, no study has been conducted to assess the role of adaptive evolution in the ecological success of Ae. albopictus at the molecular level. In the present study, we performed a genomic scan to search for potential signatures of selection leading to local adaptation in one‐hundred‐forty field‐collected mosquitoes from native populations of Vietnam and temperate invasive populations of Europe. High‐throughput genotyping of transposable element insertions led to the discovery of more than 120,000 polymorphic loci, which, in their great majority, revealed a virtual absence of structure between the biogeographic areas. Nevertheless, 92 outlier loci showed a high level of differentiation between temperate and tropical populations. The majority of these loci segregate at high insertion frequencies among European populations, indicating that this pattern could have been caused by recent adaptive evolution events in temperate areas. An analysis of the overlapping and neighbouring genes highlighted several candidates, including diapause, lipid and juvenile hormone pathways.  相似文献   

The 51 isolates, the causing agents of maize eyespot, were identified as Kabatiella zeae with morphological and molecular methods. The structure of the MAT locus in K. zeae JLMHK‐9 strain contains MAT1‐1 and MAT1‐2 genes which are transcribed in opposite directions, DNA lyase gene (APN2) which is adjacent to the 3′ flanking region of MAT1‐2‐1 gene and a pleckstrin homology domain (PH) which is adjacent to the 3′ flanking region of MAT1‐1‐1 gene. The specific primers are used to identify the mating types of K. zeae isolates collected from six provinces in China, and our findings speculate that K. zeae is a homothallic species.  相似文献   

Recent advances in high‐throughput sequencing technologies have offered the possibility to generate genomewide sequence data to delineate previously unidentified genetic structure, obtain more accurate estimates of demographic parameters and to evaluate potential adaptive divergence. Here, we identified 27 556 single nucleotide polymorphisms for the small yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) using restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing of 24 individuals from two populations. Significant sources of genetic variation were identified, with an average nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.00105 ± 0.000425 across individuals, and long‐term effective population size was thus estimated to range between 26 172 and 261 716. According to the results, no differentiation between the two populations was detected based on the SNP data set of top quality score per contig or neutral loci. However, the two analysed populations were highly differentiated based on SNP data set of both top FST value per contig and the outlier SNPs. Moreover, local adaptation was highlighted by an FST‐based outlier tests implemented in LOSITAN and a total of 538 potentially locally selected SNPs were identified. blast2go annotation of contigs containing the outlier SNPs yielded hits for 37 (66%) of 56 significant blastx matches. Candidate genes for local adaptation constituted a wide array of biological functions, including cellular response to oxidative stress, actin filament binding, ion transmembrane transport and synapse assembly. The generated SNP resources in this study provided a valuable tool for future population genetics and genomics studies of L. polyactis.  相似文献   

Although microevolution has been shown to play an important role in pairwise antagonistic species interactions, its importance in more complex communities has received little attention. Here, we used two Pseudomonas fluorescens prey bacterial strains (SBW25 and F113) and Tetrahymena thermophila protist predator to study how rapid evolution affects the structuring of predator–prey communities. Both bacterial strains coexisted in the absence of predation, and F113 was competitively excluded in the presence of both SBW25 and predator during the 24‐day experiment, an initially surprising result given that F113 was originally poorer at growing, but more resistant to predation. However, this can be explained by SBW25 evolving greater antipredatory defence with a lower growth cost than F113. These results show that rapid prey evolution can alter the structure of predator–prey communities, having different effects depending on the initial composition of the evolving community. From a more applied perspective, our results suggest that the effectiveness of biocontrol bacteria, such as F113, could be weaker in communities characterized by intense bacterial competition and protist predation.  相似文献   

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