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Taxa in the early stages of speciation may bear intraspecific allelic variation at loci conferring barrier traits in hybrids such as hybrid sterility. Additionally, hybridization may spread alleles that confer barrier traits to other taxa. Historically, few studies examine within- and between-species variation at loci conferring reproductive isolation. Here, we test for allelic variation within Drosophila persimilis and within the Bogota subspecies of D. pseudoobscura at regions previously shown to contribute to hybrid male sterility. We also test whether D. persimilis and the USA subspecies of D. pseudoobscura share an allele conferring hybrid sterility in a D. pseudoobscura bogotana genetic background. All loci conferred similar hybrid sterility effects across all strains studied, although we detected some statistically significant quantitative effect variation among D. persimilis alleles of some hybrid incompatibility QTLs. We also detected allelism between D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA at a second chromosome hybrid sterility QTL. We hypothesize that either the QTL is ancestral in D. persimilis and D. pseudoobscura USA and lost in D. pseudoobscura bogotana, or gene flow transferred the QTL from D. persimilis to D. pseudoobscura USA. We discuss our findings in the context of population features that may contribute to variation in hybrid incompatibilities.  相似文献   

Sex-linked hybrid sterility in a butterfly   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent studies, primarily in Drosophila, have greatly advanced our understanding of Haldane's rule, the tendency for hybrid sterility or inviability to affect primarily the heterogametic sex (Haldane 1922). Although dominance theory (Turelli and Orr 1995) has been proposed as a general explanation of Haldane's rule, this remains to be tested in female-heterogametic taxa, such as the Lepidoptera. Here we describe a novel example of Haldane's rule in Heliconius melpomene (Lepidoptera; Nymphalidae). Female F1 offspring are sterile when a male from French Guiana is crossed to a female from Panama, but fertile in the reciprocal cross. Male F1s are fertile in both directions. Similar female F1 sterility occurs in crosses between French Guiana and eastern Colombian populations. Backcrosses and linkage analysis show that sterility results from an interaction between gene(s) on the Z chromosome of the Guiana race with autosomal factors in the Panama genome. Large X (or Z) effects are commonly observed in Drosophila, but to our knowledge have not been previously demonstrated for hybrid sterility in Lepidoptera. Differences in the abundance of male versus female or Z-linked versus autosomal sterility factors cannot be ruled out in our crosses as causes of Haldane's rule. Nonetheless, the demonstration that recessive Z-linked loci cause hybrid sterility in a female heterogametic species supports the contention that dominance theory provides a general explanation of Haldane's rule (Turelli and Orr 2000).  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing has made it possible to begin asking questions about the process of divergence at the level of the genome. For example, recently, there has been a debate around the role of ‘genomic islands of divergence’ (i.e. blocks of outlier loci) in facilitating the process of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. The Swainson's thrush, Catharus ustulatus, is a migratory songbird with two genetically distinct subspecies that differ in a number of traits known to be involved in reproductive isolation in birds (plumage coloration, song and migratory behaviour), despite contemporary gene flow along a secondary contact zone. Here, we use RAD‐PE sequencing to test emerging hypotheses about the process of divergence at the level of the genome and identify genes and gene regions involved in differentiation in this migratory songbird. Our analyses revealed distinct genomic islands on 15 of the 23 chromosomes and an accelerated rate of divergence on the Z chromosome, one of the avian sex chromosomes. Further, an analysis of loci linked to traits known to be involved in reproductive isolation in songbirds showed that genes linked to migration are significantly more differentiated than expected by chance, but that these genes lie primarily outside the genomic islands. Overall, our analysis supports the idea that genes linked to migration play an important role in divergence in migratory songbirds, but we find no compelling evidence that the observed genomic islands are facilitating adaptive divergence in migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

Patterns of heterogeneous genomic differentiation have been well documented between closely related species, with some highly differentiated genomic regions (“genomic differentiation islands”) spread throughout the genome. Differential levels of gene flow are proposed to account for this pattern, as genomic differentiation islands are suggested to be resistant to gene flow. Recent studies have also suggested that genomic differentiation islands could be explained by linked selection acting on genomic regions with low recombination rates. Here, we investigate genomic differentiation and gene‐flow patterns for autosomes using RAD‐seq data between two closely related species of long‐tailed tits (Aegithalos bonvaloti and A. fuliginosus) in both allopatric and contact zone populations. The results confirm recent or ongoing gene flow between these two species. However, there is little evidence that the genomic regions that were found to be highly differentiated between the contact zone populations are resistant to gene flow, suggesting that differential levels of gene flow is not the cause of the heterogeneous genomic differentiation. Linked selection may be the cause of genomic differentiation islands between the allopatric populations with no or very limited gene flow, but this could not account for the heterogeneous genomic differentiation between the contact zone populations, which show evidence of recent or ongoing gene flow.  相似文献   

Comparative genetic mapping provides insights into the evolution of the reproductive barriers that separate closely related species. This approach has been used to document the accumulation of reproductive incompatibilities over time, but has only been applied to a few taxa. House mice offer a powerful system to reconstruct the evolution of reproductive isolation between multiple subspecies pairs. However, studies of the primary reproductive barrier in house mice-hybrid male sterility-have been restricted to a single subspecies pair: Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus. To provide a more complete characterization of reproductive isolation in house mice, we conducted an F(2) intercross between wild-derived inbred strains from Mus musculus castaneus and M. m. domesticus. We identified autosomal and X-linked QTL associated with a range of hybrid male sterility phenotypes, including testis weight, sperm density, and sperm morphology. The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) was strongly associated with hybrid sterility phenotypes when heterozygous. We compared QTL found in this cross with QTL identified in a previous F(2) intercross between M. m. musculus and M. m. domesticus and found three shared autosomal QTL. Most QTL were not shared, demonstrating that the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility largely differs between these closely related subspecies pairs. These results lay the groundwork for identifying genes responsible for the early stages of speciation in house mice.  相似文献   

Heliconius butterflies represent a recent radiation of species, in which wing pattern divergence has been implicated in speciation. Several loci that control wing pattern phenotypes have been mapped and two were identified through sequencing. These same gene regions play a role in adaptation across the whole Heliconius radiation. Previous studies of population genetic patterns at these regions have sequenced small amplicons. Here, we use targeted next-generation sequence capture to survey patterns of divergence across these entire regions in divergent geographical races and species of Heliconius. This technique was successful both within and between species for obtaining high coverage of almost all coding regions and sufficient coverage of non-coding regions to perform population genetic analyses. We find major peaks of elevated population differentiation between races across hybrid zones, which indicate regions under strong divergent selection. These 'islands' of divergence appear to be more extensive between closely related species, but there is less clear evidence for such islands between more distantly related species at two further points along the 'speciation continuum'. We also sequence fosmid clones across these regions in different Heliconius melpomene races. We find no major structural rearrangements but many relatively large (greater than 1 kb) insertion/deletion events (including gain/loss of transposable elements) that are variable between races.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of Haldane's rule was investigated through estimating the accumulation of hybrid incompatibilities between Drosophila simulans and D. mauritiana by means of introgression. The accumulation of hybrid male sterility (HMS) is at least 10 times greater than that of hybrid female sterility (HFS) or hybrid lethality (HL). The degree of dominance for HMS and HL in a pure D. simulans background is estimated as 0.23-0.29 and 0.33-0.39, respectively; that for HL in an F1 background is unlikely to be very small. Evidence obtained here was used to test the Turelli-Orr model of Haldane's rule. Composite causes, especially, faster-male evolution and recessive hybrid incompatibilities, underlie Haldane's rule in heterogametic male taxa such as Drosophila (XY male and XX female). However, if faster-male evolution is driven by sexual selection, it contradicts Haldane's rule for sterility in heterogametic-female taxa such as Lepidoptera (ZW female and ZZ male). The hypothesis of a faster-heterogametic-sex evolution seems to fit the current data best. This hypothesis states that gametogenesis in the heterogametic sex, instead of in males per se, evolves much faster than in the homogametic sex, in part because of sex-ratio selection. This hypothesis not only explains Haldane's rule in a simple way, but also suggests that genomic conflicts play a major role in evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

Differential gene flow, reductions in diversity following linked selection and/or features of the genome can structure patterns of genomic differentiation during the process of speciation. Possible sources of reproductive isolation are well studied between coastal and inland subspecies groups of Swainson's thrushes, with differences in seasonal migratory behaviour likely playing a key role in reducing hybrid fitness. We assembled and annotated a draft reference genome for this species and generated whole‐genome shotgun sequence data for populations adjacent to the hybrid zone between these groups. We documented substantial genomewide heterogeneity in relative estimates of genetic differentiation between the groups. Within population diversity was lower in areas of high relative differentiation, supporting a role for selective sweeps in generating this pattern. Absolute genetic differentiation was reduced in these areas, further suggesting that recurrent selective sweeps in the ancestral population and/or between divergent populations following secondary contact likely occurred. Relative genetic differentiation was also higher near centromeres and on the Z chromosome, suggesting that features of the genome also contribute to genomewide heterogeneity. Genes linked to migratory traits were concentrated in islands of differentiation, supporting previous suggestions that seasonal migration is under divergent selection between Swainson's thrushes. Differences in migratory behaviour likely play a central role in the speciation of many taxa; we developed the infrastructure here to permit future investigations into the role several candidate genes play in reducing gene flow between not only Swainson's thrushes but other species as well.  相似文献   

Regions of the genome displaying elevated differentiation (genomic islands of divergence) are thought to play an important role in local adaptation, especially in populations experiencing high gene flow. However, the characteristics of these islands as well as the functional significance of genes located within them remain largely unknown. Here, we used data from thousands of SNPs aligned to a linkage map to investigate genomic islands of divergence in three ecotypes of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from a single drainage in southwestern Alaska. We found ten islands displaying high differentiation among ecotypes. Conversely, neutral structure observed throughout the rest of the genome was low and not partitioned by ecotype. One island on linkage group So13 was particularly large and contained six SNPs with FST > 0.14 (average FST of neutral SNPs = 0.01). Functional annotation revealed that the peak of this island contained a nonsynonymous mutation in a gene involved in growth in other species (TULP4). The islands that we discovered were relatively small (80–402 Kb), loci found in islands did not show reduced levels of diversity, and loci in islands displayed slightly elevated linkage disequilibrium. These attributes suggest that the islands discovered here were likely generated by divergence hitchhiking; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that other mechanisms may have produced them. Our results suggest that islands of divergence serve an important role in local adaptation with gene flow and represent a significant advance towards understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

Understanding the process by which hybrid incompatibility alleles become established in natural populations remains a major challenge to evolutionary biology. Previously, we discovered a two-locus Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility that causes severe hybrid male sterility between two inbred lines of the incompletely isolated wildflower species, Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. An interspecific cross between these two inbred lines revealed that the M. guttatus (IM62) allele at hybrid male sterility 1 (hms1) acts dominantly in combination with recessive M. nasutus (SF5) alleles at hybrid male sterility 2 (hms2) to cause nearly complete hybrid male sterility. In this report, we extend these genetic analyses to investigate intraspecific variation for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility in natural populations of M. nasutus and M. guttatus, performing a series of interspecific crosses between individuals collected from a variety of geographic locales. Our results suggest that hms2 incompatibility alleles are common and geographically widespread within M. nasutus, but absent or rare in M. guttatus. In contrast, the hms1 locus is polymorphic within M. guttatus and the incompatibility allele appears to be extremely geographically restricted. We found evidence for the presence of the hms1 incompatibility allele in only two M. guttatus populations that exist within a few kilometers of each other. The restricted distribution of the hms1 incompatibility allele might currently limit the potential for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility to act as a species barrier between sympatric populations of M. guttatus and M. nasutus. Extensive sampling within a single M. guttatus population revealed that the hms1 locus is polymorphic and that the incompatibility allele appears to segregate at intermediate frequency, a pattern that is consistent with either genetic drift or natural selection.  相似文献   

Rice WR  Chippindale AK 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):179-188
A new hypothesis is proposed for the rapid evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation via hybrid infertility. The hypothesis is motivated by two lines of experimental research from Drosophila melanogaster that demonstrate that sexually antagonistic fitness variation is abundant and that epistatic fitness variation on the Y chromosome is common. The hypothesis states that the expression of sexually antagonistic genes leads to a gender-load in each sex. In response, gender-limited reproductive genes are selected to ameliorate, through pleiotropy, the expression of sexually antagonistic genes. Chronic coevolution between gender-limited genes and gender-unlimited sexually antagonistic genes causes rapid divergence of reproductive proteins among allopatric populations, ultimately leading to hybrid infertility.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization accompanied by a shift in niche preference by hybrid genotypes can lead to hybrid speciation. Natural selection may cause the fixation of advantageous alleles in the ecologically diverged hybrids, and the loci experiencing selection should exhibit a reduction in allelic diversity relative to neutral loci. Here, we analyzed patterns of genetic diversity at 59 microsatellite loci associated with expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in a homoploid hybrid sunflower species, Helianthus anomalus. We used two indices, ln RV and ln RH, to compare variation and heterozygosity (respectively) at each locus between the hybrid species and its two parental species, H. annuus and H. petiolaris. Mean values of ln RV and ln RH were significantly lower than zero, which implies that H. anomalus experienced a population bottleneck during its recent evolutionary history. After correcting for the apparent bottleneck, we found six loci with a significant reduction in variation or with heterozygosity in the hybrid species, compared to one or both of the parental species. These loci should be viewed as a ranked list of candidate loci, pending further sequencing and functional analyses. Sequence data were generated for two of the candidate loci, but population genetics tests failed to detect deviations from neutral evolution at either locus. Nonetheless, a greater than eight-fold excess of nonsynonymous substitutions was found near a putative N-myristoylation motif at the second locus (HT998), and likelihood-based models indicated that the protein has been under selection in H. anomalus in the past and, perhaps, in one or both parental species. Finally, our data suggest that selective sweeps may have united populations of H. anomalus isolated by a mountain range, indicating that even low gene-flow species may be held together by the spread of advantageous alleles.  相似文献   

Male sterility is studied in hybrid zones by different measures of cytonuclear disequilibria, D, D1, D2, and D3. Of particular interest are the dynamics of disequilibria as the system evolves to equilibrium. Our first model, the hybrid swarm model, yields equilibrium results identical to those observed in a model with random mating. In our second model of a hybrid zone, predictions of the sign pattern of disequilibrium values can be made based on migration values. A characteristic sign pattern may help to distinguish cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) from other mechanisms of selection. Our simple CMS model with migration is successfully fit to cytonuclear data on a hybrid population of cottonwoods.  相似文献   

Previous efforts to uncover the genetic underpinnings of ongoing ecological speciation of the M and S forms of the African malaria vector Anopheles gambiae revealed two centromere‐proximal islands of genetic divergence on X and chromosome 2. Under the assumption of considerable ongoing gene flow between M and S, these persistently divergent genomic islands were widely considered to be ‘speciation islands’. In the course of microarray‐based divergence mapping, we discovered a third centromere‐associated island of divergence on chromosome 3, which was validated by targeted re‐sequencing. To test for genetic association between the divergence islands on all three chromosomes, SNP‐based assays were applied in four natural populations of M and S spanning West, Central and East Africa. Genotyping of 517 female M and S mosquitoes revealed nearly complete linkage disequilibrium between the centromeres of the three independently assorting chromosomes. These results suggest that despite the potential for inter‐form gene flow through hybridization, actual (realized) gene flow between M and S may be substantially less than commonly assumed and may not explain most shared variation. Moreover, the possibility of very low gene flow calls into question whether diverged pericentromeric regions—characterized by reduced levels of variation and recombination—are in fact instrumental rather than merely incidental to the speciation process.  相似文献   

Studies of hybridizing species can reveal much about the genetic basis and maintenance of species divergence in the face of gene flow. Here we report a genetic segregation and linkage analysis conducted on F2 progeny of a reciprocal cross between Senecio aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius that form a hybrid zone on Mount Etna, Sicily, aimed at determining the genetic basis of intrinsic hybrid barriers between them. Significant transmission ratio distortion (TRD) was detected at 34 (∼27%) of 127 marker loci located in nine distinct clusters across seven of the ten linkage groups detected, indicating genomic incompatibility between the species. TRD at these loci could not be attributed entirely to post-zygotic selective loss of F2 individuals that failed to germinate or flower (16.7%). At four loci tests indicated that pre-zygotic events, such as meiotic drive in F1 parents or gametophytic selection, contributed to TRD. Additional tests revealed that cytonuclear incompatibility contributed to TRD at five loci, Bateson–Dobzhansky–Muller (BDM) incompatibilities involving epistatic interactions between loci contributed to TRD at four loci, and underdominance (heterozygote disadvantage) was a possible cause of TRD at one locus. Major chromosomal rearrangements were probably not a cause of interspecific incompatibility at the scale that could be examined with current map marker density. Intrinsic genomic incompatibility between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius revealed by TRD across multiple genomic regions in early-generation hybrids is likely to impact the genetic structure of the natural hybrid zone on Mount Etna by limiting introgression and promoting divergence across the genome.  相似文献   

Two diploid species of hybrid origin, Argyranthemum lemsii and A. sundingii , have been described from different valleys in the Anaga peninsula, north-east Tenerife. They have previously been shown to originate from hybridization between the same parental species, the montane A. broussonetii and the coastal A. frutescens , A. broussonetii being the chloroplast donor in one valley and A. frutescens in the other. The specific status of the two hybrid species has been questioned. In this study we used karyotype analysis, FISH, and GISH to address the question of multiple diploid hybrid speciation. GISH did not discriminate clearly between the parental genomes, but differential labelling was observed in separate hybrid populations, indicating different chromosomal rearrangements in different valleys. Small karyotype differences and local loss of rDNA were also observed. Thus separate origins of the same hybrid combination in different valleys in Tenerife have been verified. Our results add some support to the recognition of two species of hybrid origin, but the case serves to illustrate some of the many problems connected with the species concept in plants.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 491–501.  相似文献   

Differential selection to avoid hybridization in two toad species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— The fitness consequences of hybridization critically affect the speciation process. When hybridization is costly, selection favors the evolution of prezygotic isolating mechanisms (e.g., mating behaviors) that reduce heter-ospecific matings and, consequently, enhance reproductive isolation between species (a process termed reinforcement). If, however, selection to avoid hybridization differs between species, reinforcement may be impeded. Here, we examined both the frequency and fitness effects of hybridization between plains spadefoot toads ( Spea bombifrons ) and New Mexico spadefoot toads ( S. multiplicata ). Hybridization was most frequent in smaller breeding ponds that tend to be ephemeral, and heterospecific pairs consisted almost entirely of S. bombifrons females and S. multiplicata males. Moreover, in controlled experimental crosses, hybrid offspring from crosses in which S. multiplicata was maternal had significantly lower survival and longer development time than pure S. multiplicata offspring. By contrast, hybrid offspring from crosses in which S. bombifrons was maternal outperformed pure S. bombifrons offspring by reaching metamorphosis faster. These data suggest that, although S. multiplicata females are under selection to avoid hybridization, selection might favor those S. bombifrons females that hybridize with S. multiplicata if their breeding pond is highly ephemeral. Generally, the strength of selection to avoid hybridization may differ for hybridizing species, possibly impeding reinforcement.  相似文献   

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