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东海浮游翼足类(Pteropods)种类组成和多样性研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
徐兆礼 《生物多样性》2005,13(2):168-173
根据 1997-2000年东海 23°30′-33°00′N、118°30′-128°00′E海域四季调查资料,运用定量、定性方法探讨了东海浮游翼足类种类组成、种类数、物种多样性指数(H′)及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:四季中共出现翼足类 21种,其中尖笔帽螺 (Creseisacicula)、马蹄螔螺 (Limacinatrochiformis)、强卷螺 (Agadinasyimpsoni)、蝴蝶螺(Desmopteruspapilio)、锥笔帽螺(C. virgulavar. comica)、棒笔帽螺(C. clava)、玻杯螺(Hyalocylizstriata)、长吻龟螺(Cavolinialongirostris)、芽笔帽螺 (Creseisvirgula)和拟海若螺 (Paraclionelongicaudata)等 10种为常见种,胖螔螺(Limacinainflata)和皮鳃螺(Pneumodermaatlanticum)等两种为次常见种,其余 9种是稀有种。在春季转至夏季、冬季转至春季时,种类组成出现明显的季节更替现象;冬春季种类分布仅受温度变化的影响,而夏秋季则受温度和10m层或底层盐度变化的共同影响。在冬春季,东海近海由于暖流势力较弱,水温较低,翼足类种数较少,种类数和多样性指数南部大于北部,外海大于近海;从夏季到秋季随着台湾暖流势力的加强,海流将较多的种类带到东海北部和近海,尽管近海种数和多样性指数值仍呈南高北低的特征,但南部和北部,近海和外海的差距明显缩小。  相似文献   

During the late nineteenth century, Europeans introduced rabbits to many of the sub-Antarctic islands, environments that prior to this had been devoid of mammalian herbivores. The impacts of rabbits on indigenous ecosystems are well studied; notably, they cause dramatic changes in plant communities and promote soil erosion. However, the responses of fungal communities to such biotic disturbances remain unexplored. We used metabarcoding of soil extracellular DNA to assess the diversity of plant and fungal communities at sites on the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands with contrasting histories of disturbance by rabbits. Our results suggest that on these islands, the simplification of plant communities and increased erosion resulting from the introduction of rabbits have driven compositional changes, including diversity reductions, in indigenous soil fungal communities. Moreover, there is no indication of recovery at sites from which rabbits were removed 20 years ago. These results imply that introduced herbivores have long-lasting and multifaceted effects on fungal biodiversity as well as highlight the low resiliency of sub-Antarctic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among 33 Synechococcus strains isolated from the East China Sea (ECS) and the East Sea (ES) were studied based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and 16S–23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Pigment patterns of the culture strains were also examined. Based on 16S rRNA gene and ITS sequence phylogenies, the Synechococcus isolates were clustered into 10 clades, among which eight were previously identified and two were novel. Half of the culture strains belonged to clade V or VI. All strains that clustered into novel clades exhibited both phycoerythrobilin and phycourobilin. Interestingly, the pigment compositions of isolates belonging to clades V and VI differed from those reported for other oceanic regions. None of the isolates in clade V showed phycourobilin, whereas strains in clade VI exhibited both phycourobilin and phycoerythrobilin, which is in contrast to previous studies. The presence of novel lineages and the different pigment patterns in the ECS and the ES suggests the possibility that some Synechococcus lineages are distributed only in geographically restricted areas and have evolved in these regions. Therefore, further elucidation of the physiological, ecological, and genetic characteristics of the diverse Synechococcus strains is required to understand their spatial and geographical distribution.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that different drivers shape the diversity and biogeography of the total and active bacterial community, we examined the bacterial community composition along two transects, one from the inner Pearl River estuary to the open waters of the South China Sea (SCS) and the other from the Luzon Strait to the SCS basin, using 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA and 16S rRNA gene (V1‐3 regions) and thereby characterizing the active and total bacterial community, respectively. The diversity and biogeographic patterns differed substantially between the active and total bacterial communities. Although the composition of both the total and active bacterial community was strongly correlated with environmental factors and weakly correlated with geographic distance, the active bacterial community displayed higher environmental sensitivity than the total community and particularly a greater distance effect largely caused by the active assemblage from deep waters. The 16S rRNA vs. rDNA relationships indicated that the active bacteria were low in relative abundance in the SCS. This might be due to a high competition between active bacterial taxa as indicated by our community network models. Based on these analyses, we speculate that high competition could cause some dispersal limitation of the active bacterial community resulting in a distinct distance‐decay relationship. Altogether, our results indicated that the biogeographic distribution of bacteria in the SCS is the result of both environmental control and distance decay.  相似文献   

杭州湾滨海滩涂盐基阳离子对植物分布及多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴统贵  吴明  虞木奎  萧江华  成向荣 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6022-6028
滨海滩涂由于其高含盐量显著影响了植物群落分布及生物多样性。目前有关滩涂含盐量与生物多样性的关系研究较多,但不同区域盐基离子组成不同,且对植物的影响也存在较大差异,以杭州湾南岸不同年代形成的滩涂为研究对象,系统监测了50个样方土壤交换性盐基阳离子的组成、分布和植物组成及多样性特征等,采用去趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)、线性回归和多元逐步回归分析了4种盐基阳离子对物种数量、分布和多样性的影响。结果表明,杭州湾南岸滩涂4种主要盐基阳离子含量(g/kg)大小顺序为Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+,其中Ca2+占到总含量的61.97%;经DCCA分析发现4种盐基阳离子对植物群落的分布均有显著影响,但以Ca2+的影响程度最大;随着盐基离子含量的逐渐降低,物种数量逐渐增加,多样性指数逐渐增加,同时也发现Ca2+对两种多样性指数影响最大。  相似文献   

丁峰元  程家骅 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2342-2348
用聚类分析法分析了2003年6月-2005年6月东、黄海水团的分布,并讨论了水团动态变化与夏季休渔效果间的关系。结果表明,6月表层水团主要包括东海表层水团、黄海水团、黄-东海混合水团和沿岸冲淡水,底层水团主要包括东海次表层水团、黄海冷水团和黄海水团。另外,各水团的分布面积存在年间差异。夏季休渔期间,中上层鱼类资源和底层鱼类资源的恢复速度均在2005年最快,在2003年最慢。9月东、黄海中上层鱼类的主要作业渔场在28°00′-32°30′N,125°30′E以西海域,该海域表层主要受东海表层水团所控制;底层鱼类的主要作业渔场在29°30′-33°00′N,127°00′E以西海域,该海域底层主要受东海次表层水团所控制。6月较强的东海表层水团有利于中上层鱼类资源的恢复;较强的东海次表层水团有利于底层鱼类资源的恢复,而较强的黄海冷水团不利于底层鱼类资源的恢复。  相似文献   

Eleutheronema tetradactylum is an economically important fish species in China water. To investigate the genetic diversity and describe population structure of it, an 1151 base pair (bp) fragment of the mitochondrial DNA Cytb sequence was analyzed in 120 individuals from four populations in the East China Sea and the South China Sea. A total of 16 haplotypes were defined by 24 variable nucleotide sites. High level of haplotype diversity and low nucleotide diversity were observed in all populations. The results of AMOVA detected that 89.44% of the genetic variation occurred within populations. Significant genetic differentiations were detected among populations (0.05097, P < 0.05), but no large-scale regional differences were detected. Analysis of neutral evolution and mismatch distribution suggested no recent population expansion happened. The present results provided new information for genetic assessment, fishery management and conservation of this species.  相似文献   

黄、东海生态系统中鱼卵、仔稚幼鱼种类组成与数量分布   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
万瑞景  孙珊 《动物学报》2006,52(1):28-44
2000年秋季和2001年春季“北斗号”生物资源调查船利用大型浮游生物网采用表层水平拖网的调查方式对黄、东海鱼卵、仔稚幼鱼种类组成与数量分布进行了调查。秋季和春季分别设置66个(黄海26个,东海40个)和98个(黄海46个,东海52个)调查站。每站拖网10min,拖网速度为3.0nmile/h。调查结果表明:秋季和春季所采集到的鱼卵和仔稚幼鱼样品共62种以及鳗鲡目和飞鱼类两大类,鉴定到种的44种,隶属于9目33科40属;还有10种仅能鉴定到属,6种和飞鱼类仅能鉴定到科,1种和鳗鲡目一大类仅能鉴定到目以及1种不能识别。优势种为、鲐、带鱼、棱、黑鳃梅童鱼、绿鳍鱼以及多鳞、鼠、大泷六线鱼、细纹狮子鱼等。2000年秋季,从黄海和东海分别采集到16粒鱼卵、107尾仔稚幼鱼和495粒鱼卵、116尾仔稚幼鱼。鱼卵、仔稚幼鱼的出现频率分别为26.92%、38.46%和65.00%、40.46%,平均密度分别为0.6粒/站、3.6尾/站和12.4粒/站、2.8尾/站。2001年春季,从黄海和东海分别采集到3粒鱼卵、61尾稚幼鱼和17587粒鱼卵和1560尾仔稚幼鱼,鱼卵、仔稚幼鱼的出现频率分别为2.17%、39.13%和57.69%、48.08%,平均密度仅分别为0.07粒/站、1.3尾/站和338.2粒/站、30.0尾/站。秋季,黄海区的硬骨鱼类进入产卵末期,而东海区才刚刚进入产卵末期。春季,黄海区的硬骨鱼类刚刚进入产卵初期,而东海区已进入产卵盛期。此外,对秋季和春季鱼卵和仔稚幼鱼的数量分布以及鼠、、棱、多鳞、少鳞、黑鳃梅童鱼、小黄鱼、鲐、带鱼、绿鳍鱼、大泷六线鱼和细纹狮子鱼等优势种类的鱼卵和仔稚幼鱼数量分布进行了详尽的描述。2000年和2001年黄海区鱼卵、仔稚幼鱼的种类组成与1985年和1986年发生了明显的变化,这与黄海区渔业资源和鱼类群落结构的变化是相符合的。从而说明人类的长期捕捞活动对海洋生态系统中鱼类资源的种群交替和鱼类群落结构的变化产生了较大的影响  相似文献   

春季东海海域虾类群落结构及其多样性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据1998年5月(春季)在东海26°00′N~33°00′N、127°00′E以西海域的虾类资源调查资料,分析了虾类的种类组成、优势度、丰度、生物量的空间分布,多样性、相似性等群落结构特征.结果表明,东海大陆架春季共有虾类52种,已鉴定的43种,隶属于13科27属,其中优势种有戴氏赤虾(Metapenaepsis dalei)、假长缝拟对虾(Parapenaeus fissuroides)、须赤虾(Metapenaepsis barbata)、葛氏长臂虾(Palaemon gravieri)、中华管鞭虾(Solenocera crassicornis)、东海红虾(Plesionika izumiae)、鹰爪虾(Trachypenaeus curvirostris)、方板赤虾(Metapenaepsis tenella)、长角赤虾 Metapenaepsis longirostris、高脊管鞭虾(Solenocera alticarinata)、细巧仿对虾(Parapenaeopsis tenella)、周氏新对虾(Metapenaeus joyneri)、脊腹褐虾(Crangon affinis)和凹管鞭虾(Solenocera koellbeli).东海大陆架春季虾类可划分为3个生态群落,即广温低盐生态群落、广温广盐生态群落、高温高盐生态群落.丰度和生物量的平面分布趋势相似,以30°00′N为界限,30°00′N以北站位普遍较低,以南站位较高,主要集中在舟山渔场南部和鱼山渔场.多样性分析表明:Margalef的种类丰富度指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)较高的站位主要集中在舟山渔场以北,整个海区的均匀性指数(J′)较为稳定.运用聚类和多维标度对群落结构的相似性进行分析,结合水深等环境因子对东海大陆架虾类的群聚类型进行了讨论.  相似文献   

中国东海海岸带地区生态系统健康评估及其尺度依赖性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘一鸣  徐煖银  曾辉 《生态学报》2022,42(24):9913-9926
维持生态系统健康是实现社会经济可持续发展的关键性工作之一。本文基于邻域变异度和人为干扰修正后的活力-组织-弹性-服务模型,从5 km至地级市设置8个评估尺度单元,定量化的评估了我国东海海岸地区(包括上海、嘉兴、宁波、温州、台州、宁德、福州、莆田、泉州、厦门和漳州共11个城市)1990—2015年的生态系统健康状况,并分析了其时序变化特征和空间分异规律,探究了生态系统健康的尺度依赖性效应,得到以下结论:1)研究时段内,研究区生态系统健康水平以2000年为节点先下降后上升,但整体呈下降趋势。自2000年起生态系统健康值分布更加离散,呈现健康的生态系统更加健康,劣化的生态系统不断劣化的分化趋势。2)生态系统健康在空间分布上具有较高的异质性特征。沿海地区、宁波以北地区的生态系统健康值较低;远离海洋部分的山地丘陵的生态系统健康值较高。小尺度下上海市中心生态健康最差,地级市尺度下嘉兴市生态健康状况最差。3)生态系统健康评估工作具有一定的空间尺度依赖性。大尺度生态系统健康评估结果趋于平均化,可用于刻画变化趋势的空间分布格局。小尺度评估结果能够更好的解释生态系统健康程度的聚类分异细节。因而,在生态系统健康评估中不存在最佳的研究尺度,多尺度的设置有助于全面解析生态系统健康的时空分异特征。  相似文献   

An ecological dynamic model for the simulation of two pelagic phytoplankton groups is developed in this article. Model parameters were adjusted and validated based on the light-limited field culture experiments and the mesocosm experiments in the East China Sea (ECS). The calculation comparisons from the proposed model, along with field experiment observations, show that the model simulate the datasets very well, qualitatively and quantitatively. The parameters’ sensitivity analysis indicates that the competition between the diatoms and dinoflagellates is most sensitive to the photosynthetic process, followed by the exudation process of the phytoplankton, while the autolysis and respiration processes of phytoplankton and the grazing and exudation processes of zooplankton can also influence this competition to some extent. The sensitive parameters include: the photosynthetic optimal specific rate; the optimal irradiance and optimal temperature for phytoplankton growth; and the half-saturation constant for limiting nutrients, etc. Results of the sensitivity analysis also indicate that light, temperature and limiting nutrients are the controlling environmental factors for the competition between the diatoms and dinoflagellates in the ECS. In order to explore the effects of light and nutrients on the phytoplankton competition, simulations were carried out with varying light and nutrient conditions. Model simulations suggest that the diatoms favor higher irradiance, lower DIN/PO4–P ratios, higher SiO4–Si/DIN ratios and higher nutrient concentrations, as compared to the dinoflagellates. These results support the speculation that the increase in the DIN/PO4−P ratio and the decrease in the SiO4–Si/DIN ratio in the ECS may be responsible for the composition change in the functional Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) groups from the diatom to the dinoflagellate communities over the last two decades. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

The Changjiang estuary and the coastal area of the East China Sea (ECS) represent important interfaces of terrestrial and marine environments. This study included analyses of water and sediments collected during different seasons in these regions to determine the composition of microbial assemblages by means of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. We retrieved 1946 sequences and 779 distinct operational taxonomic units from 36 clone libraries. Shannon–Weaver diversity index values and rarefaction analysis indicated that bacterial diversity in the sediment samples was much higher than in the water samples. Proteobacteria (72.9%) was the most abundant phylum, followed by Firmicutes (6.4%), Bacteroidetes (4.6%) and Actinobacteria (4.1%). In the water, clone sequences related to Alphaproteobacteria were the most abundant, whereas in the sediment samples, sequences affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria were predominant. Principal coordinate analysis showed that water samples collected from the Changjiang estuary and the ECS clustered separately. However, this spatial pattern could not be observed in sediment samples, which were mainly distinguished from one another by the season. Bacterial diversity in the Changjiang estuary was higher than that in the ECS, which may be the result of the mixing of bacterial communities from the Changjiang River, the estuary and the coastal ocean.  相似文献   

郭馨  黄成  林晓晴  郑欣怡  刘强  黄凌风 《生态学报》2022,42(6):2442-2460
海洋微型鞭毛虫是海洋原生生物中一类高度异质化的类群,物种多样性高,具有多种营养方式,在全球海洋生态系统中占据广阔的生态位,在生物地球化学循环中发挥着关键作用。然而关于其生物多样性和群落结构的认识十分有限,特别是有关环境因子与其生物地理分布关系的研究更为罕见。为了探究微型鞭毛虫群落多样性、群落结构以及影响其生物地理分布格局的环境因素,将高通量测序技术与传统的显微镜观测方法相结合,全面调查了中国东海春季和秋季微型鞭毛虫的群落特征,并深入探讨了与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明:东海微型鞭毛虫的丰度平均为2.27×10~3个/mL,表现为近岸处较高、随离岸距离的增加而下降的趋势;Shannon多样性指数呈现表层低于底层、近岸区低于陆架区的特征,反映了生物群落的稳定程度以及对环境条件的适应程度;不同类群的鞭毛虫具有各自独特的营养模式和相对固定的粒级,表现出对温度、盐度、溶解氧等环境因素的不同响应,从而使群落的物种组成和分布模式呈现明显的季节变化和生境差异。研究结果可为深入认识东海海洋微型鞭毛虫的群落结构、分布格局以及环境影响因素提供理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(dimethylsulfoniopropionate,DMSP)及其裂解产物二甲基硫(dimethyl sulfide,DMS)在海洋硫循环中发挥重要作用。目前关于DMSP降解细菌的分布已有部分报道,但其合成细菌的研究才刚刚起步。本文拟研究中国东海水体DMSP合成与降解菌及基因的水平和垂直分布(1000m水深)差异,分析其对环境梯度变化的响应。【方法】利用流式细胞仪计数海水样品中微微型浮游生物的数量,通过荧光定量PCR和高通量测序手段定量测定DMSP合成基因(dsy B和mmt N)及物种、DMSP降解基因(ddd P和dmd A)及物种的丰度,分析其在东海海域水平及垂直方向上的分布差异。【结果】在垂直方向上,聚球藻、原绿球藻、微微型真核生物和异养细菌丰度随着水深的增加而先增后减,最大值位于30–50m附近。表层(4m左右)水体的DMSP合成及降解基因丰度最高,DMSP合成菌(如Alteromonas、Phaeobacter和Pelagibaca等)丰度也最高;随着水深增加,表层以下水体中DMSP合成及降解基因和物种丰度先增加后降低,峰值均出现在100–150 m;100 m以下,DMSP降解基因丰度迅速下降,而合成基因丰度下降程度较低,而且接近底层(500 m)时出现随水深逐渐增加的趋势。水平方向二者变化规律不明显。浅层水体(≤100 m)和深层水体(100 m)细菌群落结构存在显著差异,前者拥有较高比例的黄杆菌纲、放线菌纲和蓝细菌纲细菌,后者α变形菌纲细菌丰度较高。【结论】100m及以浅和100m以深的浮游细菌群落结构存在显著差异。表层水体中DMSP合成和降解细菌的丰度最高,100–150 m水体次之,但100–1022 m介导的DMSP合成和降解细菌丰度的变化趋势有较大差别。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of the miiuy croaker (Miichthys miiuy) were investigated. Seventy-six individuals were sampled from six localities of the East China Sea. Genetic variation in DNA sequences was examined from the 5′-end of the mitochondrial DNA control region. High levels of haplotype diversity (h = 0.99333) in the control region were detected, indicating a high level of genetic diversity. A total of 81 polymorphic sites were found, and 65 haplotypes were defined. The results of AMOVA analysis indicated that 97.9% of the genetic variation contained within populations and 2.14% occurred among populations. No significant genealogical branches or clusters were recognized on the NJ tree. Tests of neutral evolution and analysis of mismatch distribution suggested that miiuy croaker might have undergone a population expansion. The knowledge on genetic diversity and genetic structure will be crucial to establish appropriate fishery management stocks for the species.  相似文献   

This study is the first large‐scale genetic population study of a widespread climax species of seagrass, Thalassia hemprichii, in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). The aim was to understand genetic population structure and connectivity of T. hemprichii in relation to hydrodynamic features. We genotyped 205 individual seagrass shoots from 11 sites across the WIO, spanning over a distance of ~2,700 km, with twelve microsatellite markers. Seagrass shoots were sampled in Kenya, Tanzania (mainland and Zanzibar), Mozambique, and Madagascar: 4–26°S and 33–48°E. We assessed clonality and visualized genetic diversity and genetic population differentiation. We used Bayesian clustering approaches (TESS) to trace spatial ancestry of populations and used directional migration rates (DivMigrate) to identify sources of gene flow. We identified four genetically differentiated groups: (a) samples from the Zanzibar channel; (b) Mozambique; (c) Madagascar; and (d) the east coast of Zanzibar and Kenya. Significant pairwise population genetic differentiation was found among many sites. Isolation by distance was detected for the estimated magnitude of divergence (DEST), but the three predominant ocean current systems (i.e., East African Coastal Current, North East Madagascar Current, and the South Equatorial Current) also determine genetic connectivity and genetic structure. Directional migration rates indicate that Madagascar acts as an important source population. Overall, clonality was moderate to high with large differences among sampling sites, indicating relatively low, but spatially variable sexual reproduction rates. The strongest genetic break was identified for three sites in the Zanzibar channel. Although isolation by distance is present, this study suggests that the three regionally predominant ocean current systems (i.e., East African Coastal Current, North East Madagascar Current, and the South Equatorial Current) rather than distance determine genetic connectivity and structure of T. hemprichii in the WIO. If the goal is to maintain genetic connectivity of T. hemprichii within the WIO, conservation planning and implementation of marine protection should be considered at the regional scale—across national borders.  相似文献   

中国阿勒泰地区是北半球中纬度地区的特殊区域, 与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古接壤, 境内有平原、沙漠和山地三大地貌特征。2014-2016年, 我们先后3次对阿勒泰地区爬行动物资源开展了实地调查, 共采集到392号爬行动物标本。经鉴定隶属1目6科16种, 结合文献资料, 共计1目8科23种, 均为古北界物种, 其中中亚型17种, 古北型6种, 表现出中亚亚界与欧洲-西伯利亚亚界间的过渡性质。爬行动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数随海拔分布呈带有一个中峰的低海拔高原格局, 在第2海拔段(500-600 m)达到峰值; 均匀度指数总体呈现递增格局, 第15海拔段(1,800-1,900 m)达到最大值; 丰富度则呈现一种波动的递减格局, 峰值在第10海拔段(1,300-1,400 m)。3种环境因子对这种格局的独立解释力较低, 但综合作用的解释力较强, 其中海拔与年均温这两个因子的综合作用对物种多样性影响程度最大。  相似文献   

东海浮游糠虾类生态类型划分及其对水团的指示作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐兆礼  沈盎绿 《应用生态学报》2007,18(10):2347-2353
根据1997-2000年东海23°30′-33°N、118°30′-128°E海域4个季节海洋调查资料,对浮游糠虾类丰度和同步的表层温、盐度数据进行曲线拟合,构造数学模型,计算糠虾类分布的最适温度和盐度,分析其地理分布和季节分布特征,确定物种的生态类型.结果表明:宽尾刺糠虾(Acanthomysis latiscauda)、漂浮囊糠虾(Gastrosaccus pelagicus)、中华节糠虾(Siriel-la sinensis)和美丽拟节糠虾(Hemisiriella pulchra)是亚热带近海种,同时具有暖温种的特征;极小假近糠虾(Pseudanchialina pusilla)、东方原糠虾(Promysis orientalis)、小红糠虾(Erythropsminuta)和双眼准异糠虾(Anisomysis bipartoculata)虽是亚热带外海种,但具有热带大洋种特征.东海浮游糠虾类大多数物种的最适温、盐度偏低,冬春季在东海近海有更多的分布,因而具有暖温近海类型的生物学特征,这是该类浮游动物区别于其它浮游动物类群的重要特征.宽尾刺糠虾、中华节糠虾和美丽拟节糠虾的较高丰度区,也正是长江冲淡水与暖流水团交汇、沿岸水团与外海高盐水团交汇的位置.小红糠虾和双眼准异糠虾可作为暖流指示种.四刺端糠虾(Doxomysis quadrispinosa)和东方原糠虾是台湾暖流指示种.其它种均不是良好的水团指示种.  相似文献   

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