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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are among the most polymorphic in the vertebrate genome. The high allele diversity is believed to be maintained primarily by sexual and pathogen-mediated balancing selection. The number of MHC loci also varies greatly across vertebrates, most notably across birds. MHC proteins play key roles in presenting antigens on the cell surface for recognition by T cells, with class I proteins specifically targeting intracellular pathogens. Here, we explore the hypothesis that MHC class I diversity (measured as loci number) coevolves with haemosporidian parasite burden of the host. Using data on 54 bird species, we demonstrate that high-MHC class I diversity is associated with significantly lower richness of Plasmodium, Haemoproteus as well as overall haemosporidian parasite lineages, the former thus indicating more efficient protection against intracellular pathogens. Nonetheless, the latter associations were only detected when MHC diversity was assessed using cloning and not 454 pyrosequencing-based studies, nor across all genotyping methods combined. Our results indicate that high-MHC class I diversity might play a key role in providing qualitative resistance against diverse haemosporidian parasites in birds, but further clarification is needed for the origin of contrasting results when using different genotyping methods for MHC loci quantification.  相似文献   

The molecules encoded by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes play an essential role in the adaptive immune response among vertebrates. We investigated the molecular evolution of MHC class I genes in the sable Martes zibellina. We isolated 26 MHC class I sequences, including 12 putatively functional sequences and 14 pseudogene sequences, from 24 individuals from two geographic areas of northeast China. The number of putatively functional sequences found in a single individual ranged from one to five, which might be at least 1–3 loci. We found that both balancing selection and recombination contribute to evolution of MHC class I genes in M. zibellina. In addition, we identified a candidate nonclassical MHC class I lineage in Carnivora, which may have preceded the divergence (about 5257 Mya) of Caniformia and Feliformia. This may contribute to further understanding of the origin and evolution of nonclassical MHC class I genes. Our study provides important immune information of MHC for M. zibellina, as well as other carnivores.  相似文献   

Maintaining effective immune response is an essential factor in the survival of small populations. One of the most important immune gene regions is the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC). We investigated how a population bottleneck and recovery have influenced the diversity and selection in three MHC class II loci, DLA‐DRB1, DLA‐DQA1 and DLA‐DQB1, in the Finnish wolf population. We studied the larger Russian Karelian wolf population for comparison and used 17 microsatellite markers as reference loci. The Finnish and Karelian wolf populations did not differ substantially in their MHC diversities ( = 0.047, P = 0.377), but differed in neutral microsatellite diversities ( = 0.148, P = 0.008). MHC allele frequency distributions in the Finnish population were more even than expected under neutrality, implying balancing selection. In addition, an excess of nonsynonymous compared to synonymous polymorphisms indicated historical balancing selection. We also studied association between helminth (Trichinella spp. and Echinococcus canadensis) prevalence and MHC diversity at allele and SNP level. MHC‐heterozygous wolves were less often infected by Trichinella spp. and carriers of specific MHC alleles, SNP haplotypes and SNP alleles had less helminth infections. The associated SNP haplotypes and alleles were shared by different MHC alleles, which emphasizes the necessity of single‐nucleotide‐level association studies also in MHC. Here, we show that strong balancing selection has had similar effect on MHC diversities in the Finnish and Russian Karelian wolf populations despite significant genetic differentiation at neutral markers and small population size in the Finnish population.  相似文献   

With their direct link to individual fitness, genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are a popular system to study the evolution of adaptive genetic diversity. However, owing to the highly dynamic evolution of the MHC region, the isolation, characterization and genotyping of MHC genes remain a major challenge. While high‐throughput sequencing technologies now provide unprecedented resolution of the high allelic diversity observed at the MHC, in many species, it remains unclear (i) how alleles are distributed among MHC loci, (ii) whether MHC loci are linked or segregate independently and (iii) how much copy number variation (CNV) can be observed for MHC genes in natural populations. Here, we show that the study of allele segregation patterns within families can provide significant insights in this context. We sequenced two MHC class I (MHC‐I) loci in 1267 European barn owls (Tyto alba), including 590 offspring from 130 families using Illumina MiSeq technology. Coupled with a high per‐individual sequencing coverage (~3000×), the study of allele segregation patterns within families provided information on three aspects of the architecture of MHC‐I variation in barn owls: (i) extensive sharing of alleles among loci, (ii) strong linkage of MHC‐I loci indicating tandem architecture and (iii) the presence of CNV in the barn owl MHC‐I. We conclude that the additional information that can be gained from high‐coverage amplicon sequencing by investigating allele segregation patterns in families not only helps improving the accuracy of MHC genotyping, but also contributes towards enhanced analyses in the context of MHC evolutionary ecology.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most diverse regions of the mammalian genome. Diversity in MHC genes is integral to their function in the immune system, and while pathogens play a key role in shaping this diversity, the contribution of other selective forces remains unclear. The controlled breeding of cattle offers an excellent model for the identification and exploration of these forces. We characterized the MHC class I genes present in a sample of Canadian Holstein A.I. bulls and compared the results with those obtained in an earlier study. No evidence for a reduction in MHC diversity over 20 years was observed, but the relative frequency of some haplotypes had changed: the formerly rare A12 (w12B) haplotype had become the most common, together with A15, while A19, which dominated the earlier sample, had significantly reduced in frequency. Only 7% of bulls in the current study were MHC homozygous compared with the 14% expected under Hardy-Weinberg. To identify the selective forces at work, a gene substitution model was used to calculate the effects of MHC on selection traits using estimated breeding values for each bull. Significant associations between MHC and production, disease and fertility traits were identified, suggesting that MHC diversity is not merely shaped by disease in this controlled breeding system. The decrease in a common haplotype, the reduced number of homozygous bulls and the associations with disease and production traits together indicate that MHC diversity in dairy cattle is maintained by heterozygote advantage.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is vitally important for wildlife populations to respond to pathogen threats. As natural populations can fluctuate greatly in size, a key issue concerns how population cycles and bottlenecks that could reduce genetic diversity will influence MHC genes. Using 454 sequencing, we characterized genetic diversity at the DRB Class II locus in montane voles (Microtus montanus), a North American rodent that regularly undergoes high‐amplitude fluctuations in population size. We tested for evidence of historic balancing selection, recombination, and gene duplication to identify mechanisms maintaining allelic diversity. Counter to our expectations, we found strong evidence of purifying selection acting on the DRB locus in montane voles. We speculate that the interplay between population fluctuations and gene duplication might be responsible for the weak evidence of historic balancing selection and strong evidence of purifying selection detected. To further explore this idea, we conducted a phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis across 16 rodent species with varying demographic histories and MHC duplication events (based on the maximum number of alleles detected per individual). On the basis of phylogenetic generalized linear model‐averaging, we found evidence that the estimated number of duplicated loci was positively related to allelic diversity and, surprisingly, to the strength of purifying selection at the DRB locus. Our analyses also revealed that species that had undergone population bottlenecks had lower allelic richness than stable species. This study highlights the need to consider demographic history and genetic structure alongside patterns of natural selection to understand resulting patterns of genetic variation at the MHC.  相似文献   

Parasite mediated selection may result in arms races between host defence and parasite virulence. In particular, simultaneous infections from multiple parasite species should cause diversification (i.e. balancing selection) in resistance genes both at the population and the individual level. Here, we tested these ideas in highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes from three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.). In eight natural populations, parasite diversity (15 different species), and MHC class IIB diversity varied strongly between habitat types (lakes vs. rivers vs. estuaries) with lowest values in rivers. Partial correlation analysis revealed an influence of parasite diversity on MHC class IIB variation whereas general genetic diversity assessed at seven microsatellite loci was not significantly correlated with parasite diversity. Within individual fish, intermediate, rather than maximal allele numbers were associated with minimal parasite load, supporting theoretical models of self-reactive T-cell elimination. The optimal individual diversity matched those values female fish try to achieve in their offspring by mate choice. We thus present correlative evidence supporting the 'allele counting' strategy for optimizing the immunocompetence in stickleback offspring.  相似文献   

Genotyping of classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is challenging when they are hypervariable and occur in multiple copies. In this study, we used several different approaches to genotype the moderately variable MHC class I exon 3 (MHCIe3) and the highly polymorphic MHC class II exon 2 (MHCIIβe2) in the bluethroat (Luscinia svecica). Two family groups (eight individuals) were sequenced in replicates at both markers using Ion Torrent technology with both a single‐ and a dual‐indexed primer structure. Additionally, MHCIIβe2 was sequenced on Illumina MiSeq. Allele calling was conducted by modifications of the pipeline developed by Sommer et al. (BMC Genomics, 14, 2013, 542) and the software AmpliSAS. While the different genotyping strategies gave largely consistent results for MHCIe3, with a maximum of eight alleles per individual, MHCIIβe2 was remarkably complex with a maximum of 56 MHCIIβe2 alleles called for one individual. Each genotyping strategy detected on average 50%–82% of all MHCIIβe2 alleles per individual, but dropouts were largely allele‐specific and consistent within families for each strategy. The discrepancies among approaches indicate PCR biases caused by the platform‐specific primer tails. Further, AmpliSAS called fewer alleles than the modified Sommer pipeline. Our results demonstrate that allelic dropout is a significant problem when genotyping the hypervariable MHCIIβe2. As these genotyping errors are largely nonrandom and method‐specific, we caution against comparing genotypes across different genotyping strategies. Nevertheless, we conclude that high‐throughput approaches provide a major advance in the challenging task of genotyping hypervariable MHC loci, even though they may not reveal the complete allelic repertoire.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) beta genes were isolated from 12 species of rockfish (genus Sebastes ). Multiple sequences were found in each of the species. The majority of sequences displayed the characteristics of functional MHC genes, with a small group of sequences that were possibly pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC), an important component of the vertebrate immune system, provides an important suite of genes to examine the role of genetic diversity at non‐neutral loci for population persistence. We contrasted patterns of diversity at the two classical MHC loci in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), MHC class I (UBA) and MHC class II (DAB), and neutral microsatellite loci across 70 populations spanning the species range from Washington State to Japan. There was no correlation in allelic richness or heterozygosity between MHC loci or between MHC loci and microsatellites. The two unlinked MHC loci may be responding to different selective pressures; the distribution of FST values for the two loci was uncorrelated, and evidence for both balancing and directional selection on alleles and lineages of DAB and UBA was observed in populations throughout the species range but rarely on both loci within a population. These results suggest that fluctuating selection has resulted in the divergence of MHC loci in contemporary populations.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks can restrict variation at functional genes, reducing the ability of populations to adapt to new and changing environments. Understanding how populations generate adaptive genetic variation following bottlenecks is therefore central to evolutionary biology. Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are ideal models for studying adaptive genetic variation due to their central role in pathogen recognition. While de novo MHC sequence variation is generated by point mutation, gene conversion can generate new haplotypes by transferring sections of DNA within and across duplicated MHC loci. However, the extent to which gene conversion generates new MHC haplotypes in wild populations is poorly understood. We developed a 454 sequencing protocol to screen MHC class I exon 3 variation across all 13 island populations of Berthelot's pipit (Anthus berthelotii). We reveal that just 11-15 MHC haplotypes were retained when the Berthelot's pipit dispersed across its island range in the North Atlantic ca. 75,000 years ago. Since then, at least 26 new haplotypes have been generated in situ across populations. We show that most of these haplotypes were generated by gene conversion across divergent lineages, and that the rate of gene conversion exceeded that of point mutation by an order of magnitude. Gene conversion resulted in significantly more changes at nucleotide sites directly involved with pathogen recognition, indicating selection for functional variants. We suggest that the creation of new variants by gene conversion is the predominant mechanism generating MHC variation in genetically depauperate populations, thus allowing them to respond to pathogenic challenges.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) contains genes important for immune response in mammals, and these genes exhibit high polymorphism and diversity. The DRA gene, a member of the MHC class II family, is highly conserved across a large number of mammalian species, but it displays exceptionally rich sequence variations in Equidae members. We analyzed allelic polymorphism of the DRA locus in 248 donkeys sampled across the Balkan Peninsula (Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece and Montenegro). Five known alleles and two new alleles were identified. The new allele Eqas‐DRA*0601 was found to carry a synonymous mutation, and new allele Eqas‐DRA*0701, a non‐synonymous mutation. We further analyzed the historical selection and allele genealogy at the DRA locus in equids. Signals of positive selection obtained by various tests were ambiguous. A conservative conclusion is that DRA polymorphism occurred relatively recently and that positive selection has been acting on the DRA locus for a relatively brief period.  相似文献   

The hispid cotton rat, Sigmodon hispidus, is a common rodent widely distributed across the southern USA and south into South America. To characterize major histocompatibility complex (MHC) diversity in this species and to elucidate large-scale patterns of genetic partitioning, we examined MHC genetic variability within and among 13 localities, including a disjunct population in Arizona and a population from Costa Rica that may represent an undescribed species. We also tested the hypothesis that populations within the USA are at equilibrium with regard to gene flow and genetic drift, resulting in isolation-by-distance. Using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis we identified 25 alleles from 246 individuals. Gene diversity within populations ranged from 0.000 to 0.908. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed that 83.7% of observed variation was accounted for by within-population diversity and 16.3% was accounted for by among-population divergence. The disjunct population in Arizona was fixed for a single allele. The Costa Rican population was quite divergent based on allelic composition and was the only population with unique alleles. Within the main portion of the geographical distribution of S. hispidus in the USA there was considerable divergence among some populations; however, there was no significant pattern of isolation-by-distance overall (P = 0.090). Based on the significant divergence of the only sampled population to its east, the Mississippi River appears to represent a substantial barrier to gene flow.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is closely associated with numerous diseases, but its high degree of polymorphism complicates the discovery of disease-associated variants. In principle, recombination and de novo mutations are two critical factors responsible for MHC polymorphisms. However, direct evidence for this hypothesis is lacking. Here, we report the generation of fine-scale MHC recombination and de novo mutation maps of ~5 Mb by deep sequencing (> 100×) of the MHC genome for 17 MHC recombination and 30 non-recombination Han Chinese families (a total of 190 individuals). Recombination hotspots and Han-specific breakpoints are located in close proximity at haplotype block boundaries. The average MHC de novo mutation rate is higher than the genome-wide de novo mutation rate, particularly in MHC recombinant individuals. Notably, mutation and recombination generated polymorphisms are located within and outside linkage disequilibrium regions of the MHC, respectively, and evolution of the MHC locus was mainly controlled by positive selection. These findings provide insights on the evolutionary causes of the MHC diversity and may facilitate the identification of disease-associated genetic variants.  相似文献   

The identification of the factors responsible for genetic variation and differentiation at adaptive loci can provide important insights into the evolutionary process and is crucial for the effective management of threatened species. We studied the impact of environmental viral richness and abundance on functional diversity and differentiation of the MHC class Ia locus in populations of the black‐spotted pond frog (Pelophylax nigromaculatus), an IUCN‐listed species, on 24 land‐bridge islands of the Zhoushan Archipelago and three nearby mainland sites. We found a high proportion of private MHC alleles in mainland and insular populations, corresponding to 32 distinct functional supertypes, and strong positive selection on MHC antigen‐binding sites in all populations. Viral pathogen diversity and abundance were reduced at island sites relative to the mainland, and islands housed distinctive viral communities. Standardized MHC diversity at island sites exceeded that found at neutral microsatellites, and the representation of key functional supertypes was positively correlated with the abundance of specific viruses in the environment (Frog virus 3 and Ambystoma tigrinum virus). These results indicate that pathogen‐driven diversifying selection can play an important role in maintaining functionally important MHC variation following island isolation, highlighting the importance of considering functionally important genetic variation and host–pathogen associations in conservation planning and management.  相似文献   

Genes of the highly dynamic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are directly linked to individual fitness and are of high interest in evolutionary ecology and conservation genetics. Gene duplication and positive selection usually lead to high levels of polymorphism in the MHC region, making genotyping of MHC a challenging task. Here, we compare the performance of two methods for MHC class I genotyping in a passerine with highly duplicated MHC class I genes: capillary electrophoresis-single-strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis and 454 GS FLX Titanium pyrosequencing. According to our findings, the number of MHC variants (called alleles for simplicity) detected by CE-SSCP is significantly lower than detected by 454. To resolve discrepancies between the two methods, we cloned and Sanger sequenced a MHC class I amplicon for an individual with high number of alleles. We found a perfect congruence between cloning/Sanger sequencing results and 454. Thus, in case of multi-locus amplification, CE-SSCP considerably underestimates individual MHC diversity. However, numbers of alleles detected by both methods are significantly correlated, although the correlation is weak (r = 0.32). Thus, in systems with highly duplicated MHC, 454 provides more reliable information on individual diversity than CE-SSCP.  相似文献   

Characterization and population genetic analysis of multilocus genes, such as those found in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is challenging in nonmodel vertebrates. The traditional method of extensive cloning and Sanger sequencing is costly and time‐intensive and indirect methods of assessment often underestimate total variation. Here, we explored the suitability of 454 pyrosequencing for characterizing multilocus genes for use in population genetic studies. We compared two sample tagging protocols and two bioinformatic procedures for 454 sequencing through characterization of a 185‐bp fragment of MHC DRB exon 2 in wolverines (Gulo gulo) and further compared the results with those from cloning and Sanger sequencing. We found 10 putative DRB alleles in the 88 individuals screened with between two and four alleles per individual, suggesting amplification of a duplicated DRB gene. In addition to the putative alleles, all individuals possessed an easily identifiable pseudogene. In our system, sequence variants with a frequency below 6% in an individual sample were usually artefacts. However, we found that sample preparation and data processing procedures can greatly affect variant frequencies in addition to the complexity of the multilocus system. Therefore, we recommend determining a per‐amplicon‐variant frequency threshold for each unique system. The extremely deep coverage obtained in our study (approximately 5000×) coupled with the semi‐quantitative nature of pyrosequencing enabled us to assign all putative alleles to the two DRB loci, which is generally not possible using traditional methods. Our method of obtaining locus‐specific MHC genotypes will enhance population genetic analyses and studies on disease susceptibility in nonmodel wildlife species.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to heterogeneous environments generates population diversity within species, significantly increasing ecosystem stability and flows of ecosystem services. However, few studies have isolated the specific mechanisms that create and maintain this diversity. Here, we examined the relationship between water temperature in streams used for spawning and genetic diversity at a gene involved in immune function [the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)] in 14 populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) sampled across the Wood River basin in south‐western Alaska. The largest influence on MHC diversity was lake basin, but we also found a significant positive correlation between average water temperature and MHC diversity. This positive relationship between temperature and MHC diversity appears to have been produced by natural selection at very local scales rather than neutral processes, as no correlation was observed between temperature and genetic diversity at 90 neutral markers. Additionally, no significant relationship was observed between temperature variability and MHC diversity. Although lake basin was the largest driver of differences in MHC diversity, our results also demonstrate that fine‐scale differences in water temperature may generate variable selection regimes in populations that spawn in habitats separated by as little as 1 km. Additionally, our results indicated that some populations may be reaching a maximum level of MHC diversity. We postulate that salmon from populations in warm streams may delay spawning until late summer to avoid thermal stress as well as the elevated levels of pathogen prevalence and virulence associated with warm temperatures earlier in the summer.  相似文献   

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