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This study deals with ultrastructural analysis of interneuronal and neuromuscular relations in a representative of archiannelid Nerilla sp. with primitive intraepidermal type of the nervous system. A particular attention has been paid to the area of ventral ciliate groove and the associated site of epidermis. In the ciliate groove, sensitive and motor cilia are revealed and described. Sites of axonal terminals of the sensitive cells supplied with cilia are noted in the epidermal nervous plexus. Epidermal-muscular cells and nervous terminals on them are revealed. Various interneuronal contact variants both of non-synaptic and of typically synaptic types are described. An attention is drawn to a rare presence of compounds from the type of tight junctions among interneuronal contacts in Nerilla sp. In sufficiently differentiated synapses of the chemical type, phenomena of exocytosis are described. There are shown specific features of innervation of longitudinal (somatic) musculature of the nerillid body with entrance of synaptic vesicles into the basal plate substance and their translocation into the depth of the muscular layer.  相似文献   

The entire muscle system of Nerilla antennata, Nerillidium sp. and Trochonerilla mobilis was three-dimensionally reconstructed from whole mounts. In juvenile and adult specimens the F-actin musculature subset was stained with FITC-conjugated phalloidin and visualized with a confocal laser scanning microscope (cLSM). The muscle system shows the following major organization: 1) circular muscles are totally absent in the body wall; 2) the longitudinal muscles are confined in two ventral and two dorsal thick bundles; 3) additional longitudinal muscles are located in the ventro- and dorsomedian axis; 4) three segmental pairs of ventral oblique muscles elongate into the periphery: the main dorsoventral muscles that run along the body side posterior and dorsally and the anterior and posterior oblique parapodial muscles, which contribute to the ventral chaetal sacs; 5) one segmental pair of dorsal oblique parapodial muscles, contributing to the dorsal chaetal sacs; 6) five to seven small dorsoventral muscles per segment; and 7) complex head and pharyngeal musculature. These results support the belief that absence of circular muscles in the polychaete body wall is much more widely distributed than is currently presumed.  相似文献   

This study deals with ultrastructural analysis of interneuronal and neuromuscular relations in a representative of archiannelid Nerilla sp. with primitive intraepidermal type of the nervous system. A particular attention has been paid to the area of ventral ciliate groove and the associated site of epidermis. In the ciliate groove, sensory and motor cilia are revealed and described. Sites of axonal terminals of the sensory cells supplied with cilia are noted in the epidermal nerve plexus. Epidermal-muscular cells and nerve terminals on them are revealed. Various interneuronal contact variants both of non-synaptic and of typically synaptic types are described. An attention is drawn to the rare presence of contacts of the gap junction type among interneuronal contacts in Nerilla sp. In sufficiently differentiated synapses of the chemical type, phenomena of exocytosis are described. There are shown specific features of innervation of longitudinal (somatic) musculature of the neril-lid body, including input of synaptic vesicles into the basal lamina substance and their translocation into the depth of the muscular layer.  相似文献   

The morphology and histology of the alimentary canal of the rock chiton Acanthopleura spinigera are described and the ability of regions of the gut to digest specific substrates investigated. The oesophagus is produced into a pair of thin-walled lateral pouches, the salivary glands or "sugar glands" which empty into the stomach. Folds of the capacious stomach are almost obscured by the large digestive gland over which is coiled the intestine. Histologically the gut consists of an outer layer of connective tissue, an inner muscular layer and a ciliated epithelium which varies in thickness from one region to the next. Proteases are most active in the stomach, digestive gland and anterior intestine at pH 6·5 and in the posterior intestine at pH 7·5-8·5. The digestion of lipoidal substance was greatest in the stomach and digestive gland and least in anterior intestine. There was little increase in the amount of digestion product obtained after 20 hours incubation. All regions of the alimentary canal and salivary gland were capable of digesting carbohydrates except that many low molecular weight carbohydrates were digested by salivary gland extracts only. The amylases were most active at pH 6–6·5. It is concluded that digestive enzymes are distributed throughout the intestinal tract but the amount of enzyme present varies from region to region, and is greatest just after feeding.  相似文献   

The cuticle of Dinophilus, consisting of four different layers, is of a simple structure. The outer layer, composed of uniform globules, borders on processes in which the epidermal cells terminate. As to its structure, the cuticle of Dinophilus seems to be a larval type.
Abkürzungen D elektronendichte Schicht - EF Fortsätze der Epidermiszellen - Ep Epidermiszellen - F Schicht feiner Fasern - K kugelige Außenschicht - L Schicht lamellenartig angeordneter Fasern - Pfeil Berührungsstelle zwischen Zellfort satz and Kugel - Senkrechte Linie in jeder Abb. 1 m  相似文献   

Hausen  Harald 《Hydrobiologia》2005,543(1):25-35
The polychaete epidermis generally consists of a single layer of supportive cells, gland cells and sensory cells. Except for the latter, this paper reviews the recent literature on the annelid epidermis, focussing on the mentioned cell types and the cuticle. The annelid epidermis is compared to that of Sipuncula, Echiura and Myzostomida. Supportive cells predominate in the polychaete epidermis. They show a high structural diversity even within single specimens. Ciliated cells are usually multiciliary and only two cases of monociliary epidermis cells are known. Unambigous epithilio-muscle cells are only described in feeding palps of a Magelona species. Secretory cells release a large number of gland products and some of them are essential for tube secretion. Rather pecularities of the cells and its arrangement within glands than the ultrastructure of the secretions is useful for phylogenetic considerations. One of the main components of the cuticle is collagen. Recent studies indicate that annelid cuticular collagen differs in several aspects from collagen of the connective tissue and might be of interest for systematics.  相似文献   

Observations of the feeding behavior of Cirriformia filigera (Delle Chiaje, 1825) (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the intertidal zone of S?o Francisco and Engenho D'água beaches (S?o Sebasti?o, State of S?o Paulo) were made in the laboratory. This species, like other cirratulids, is a deposit feeder, feeding mainly on sediment surface with the aid of its grooved and ciliated palps, which are used to capture food particles. The worm lies just beneath the substrate surface in a J-shaped tube. When feeding, it extends up to 4 palps over the sediment surface, capturing food particles which pass down the groove of each palp directly to the mouth. Only fine sand grains are ingested. The worm frequently extends 4 branchial filaments into the overlying water for aeration. When it moves with the prostomium sideways, it collects and transports sand grains that pass backwards along its ventral region until reaching the middle part of its body. Next, the parapodia and palps move the sand grains to the dorsal posterior end of the animal, covering this area with sand. Some sand grains are also ingested as the worm moves.  相似文献   

Pogonophora, also known as Siboglinidae, are tube-dwelling marine annelids. They rely on endosymbiotic chemoautotrophic bacteria for nutrition and their anatomy and physiology are adapted to their need to obtain both oxygen and reduced sulphur compounds. Frenulate pogonophores are generally long and slender, sediment-living tubeworms; vestimentiferans are stouter, inhabitants of hydrothermal vents and cool seeps; and moniliferans or sclerolinids are very slender inhabitants of decaying wood and sulphidic sediments. The anatomy and ultrastructure of the three groups are compared and recent publications are reviewed. Annelid characters are the presence of chaetae and septa, concentrated at the hind end. The adaptations to a specialised way of life include, in particular, the chitinous tube; the anterior appendages that function as gills; the internal tissue called the trophosome, where the endosymbiotic bacteria live; and the blood vascular system that transports oxygen, sulphide and carbon dioxide to the trophosome.  相似文献   

The Echiura, or spoon worms, are a group of marine worms, most of which live in burrows in soft sediments. This annelid-like animal group was once considered as a separate phylum because of the absence of segmentation, although recent molecular analyses have placed it within the annelids. In this study, we elucidate the interfamily relationships of echiuran worms and their evolutionary pattern of feeding mode and sexual dimorphism, by performing molecular phylogenetic analyses using four genes (18S, 28S, H3, and COI) of representatives of all extant echiuran families. Our results suggest that Echiura is monophyletic and comprises two unexpected groups: [Echiuridae+Urechidae+Thalassematidae] and [Bonelliidae+Ikedidae]. This grouping agrees with the presence/absence of marked sexual dimorphism involving dwarf males and the paired/non-paired configuration of the gonoducts (genital sacs). Furthermore, the data supports the sister group relationship of Echiuridae and Urechidae. These two families share the character of having anal chaetae rings around the posterior trunk as a synapomorphy. The analyses also suggest that deposit feeding is a basal feeding mode in echiurans and that filter feeding originated once in the common ancestor of Urechidae. Overall, our results contradict the currently accepted order-level classification, especially in that Echiuroinea is polyphyletic, and provide novel insights into the evolution of echiuran worms.  相似文献   

Hausen  Harald 《Hydrobiologia》2005,(1):37-52
Annelid chaetae are epidermal extracellular structures that are in general clearly visible from the exterior. Their structure is highly diverse, especially within the Polychaeta, and each species shows a specific pattern of chaetae. Chaetae have therefore gained immense significance for species determination, making them the best studied structures in polychaetes. The shape of chaetae is determined by the temporal and spatial modification of the microvilli pattern of a single cell, the chaetoblast. As chaetae are species specific, the process of their formation must be under strict control and the information needed to form certain chaetae must be highly conservative. It can be assumed that corresponding chaetogenesis is caused by commonly inherited information. Thus, comparative chaetogenesis can help to test hypotheses on the homology of certain types of chaetae and help to unravel the influence of functional constraints on the shape of chaetae. Different types of chaetae are compared here and the present state of our knowledge of their structure and formation is used to present some homology hypotheses. There are some strong arguments for a homology of uncini and certain hooks and hooded hooks. Acicula are compared to other supportive setae and the significance of the arrangement of chaeta for phylogenetic considerations is shown. Coding issues are provided in order to facilitate inclusion of information on chaetae into data matrices.  相似文献   

Blood follicles of the earthworm Amynthas are hemoglobin-containing, sac-like dilatations of blood vessels which connect to the general circulation. Grape-like clusters of follicles are found posterior to the pharynx, among tufts of micronephridia, and single follicles are located among cells of the pharyngeal gland. In Lumbricus, follicles take the form of simple swellings and irregular-shaped diverticula of nephridial capillaries. The fundamental structure of the wall of follicles and of vessels in both genera is the same and consists of two layers: an extracellular vascular lamina and an outer (coelomic) covering of smooth muscle-like myoperithelial cells. Hemocytes may be free and circulating or they may facultatively attach to the vascular lamina as littoral cells, constituting an incomplete endothelium-like surface. Hemocytes that appear to be in the process of attaching or detaching are rounded, while adherent cells are flattened and elongate. Free and littoral hemocytes actively endocytose packets of circulating extracellular hemoglobin. Hemocytes within follicles possess radiating cell processes which also endocytose hemoglobin. Although these cells were presumed to secrete hemoglobin, staining with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine confirms the presence of hemoglobin only within pinosomes and not within protein-synthesizing or packaging organelles. The presence of hemosiderin-like bodies suggests that follicular hemocytes catabolize hemoglobin. Blood follicles apparently provide a means of significantly increasing cell-surface area for hemoglobin processing, without substantially increasing the volume and pumping load of the circulatory system.  相似文献   

The structure of the epidermis of Travisia forbesii was described using light and electron microscopy. The epidermis is a highly modified variant of the normal one-layer polychaete epithelium. It consists of basal epidermal cells and an external layer of closely sited papillae consisting of glandular and supportive epidermal cells, and extensive electron-transparent intercellular spaces. The papillae are embedded in the thick cuticle. Each papilla has a peduncle, which is formed by one cell that penetrates the inner cuticle layer to the basal epidermal cells. A fold of basement membrane forms the core of the peduncle and ends in the base of a papilla. All epidermal cells are connected to each other with apical cell junctions and to the basement membrane with hemidesmosomes, so the epithelium is continuous and uninterrupted. The epidermis has an intra-epidermal neuron plexus. The structure of the papillae is compared with papillae and tubercles of other polychaetes, and the possible functional significance and phylogenetic implications of these structures are discussed.  相似文献   

Polychaetes possess a wide range of sensory structures. These form sense organs of several kinds, including the appendages of the head region (palps, antennae, tentacular cirri), the appendages of the trunk region and pygidium (parapodial and pygidial cirri), the nuchal organs, the dorsal organs, the lateral organs, the eyes, the photoreceptor-like sense organs, the statocysts, various kinds of pharyngeal papillae as well as structurally peculiar sensory organs of still unknown function and the apical organs of trochophore larvae. Moreover, isolated or clustered sensory cells not obviously associated with other cell types are distributed all over the body. Whereas nuchal organs are typical for polychaetes and are lacking only in a few species, all other kinds of sensory organs are restricted to certain groups of taxa or species. Some have only been described in single species till now. Sensory cells are generally bipolar sensory cells and their cell bodies are either located peripherally within the epidermis or within the central nervous system. These sensory cells are usually ciliated and different types can be disinguished. Structure, function and phylogenetic importance of the sensory structures observed in polychaetes so far are reviewed. For evaluation of the relationships of the higher taxa in Annelida palps, nuchal organs and pigmented ocelli appear to be of special importance.  相似文献   

The gut of the pterobranch hemichordate Cephalodiscus nigrescens contains plankton of sizes from less than 1 μm to over 100 μm in diameter. Some of the smaller plankton are clumped together in spherical bolus that is mucus-bound. Most plankton types known from the habitat are respresnted amongst the gut contents.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the midgut, pyloric region, Malpighian papillae, and hindgut of Sinentomon erythranum (Protura : Sinentomidae) is described. Midgut cells are rich in mineral concretions and are presumably involved in excretory activity; the pyloric chamber, a cavity in the proturan intestine behind the midgut, is formed by cells with microvilli pointing anteriorly; the secretion from 6 Malpighian papillae flows into this cavity. The hindgut consists of 2 regions; the anterior of the 2 has a series of specializations typical of cells engaged in active water reabsorption. Long infoldings of the apical plasma membrane reach deep into the cells. The findings are compared with the gut organization of other genera of Protura examined to date.  相似文献   

The structure of the polychaete muscular system is reviewed. The muscular system comprises the muscles of the body wall, the musculature of the parapodial complex and the muscle system of the dissepiments and mesenteries. Various types of organisation of the longitudinal and circular components of the muscular body wall are distinguished. In Opheliidae, Polygordiidae, Protodrilidae, Spionidae, Oweniidae, Aphroditidae, Acoetidae (=Polyodontidae), Polynoidae, Sigalonidae, Phyllodocidae, Nephtyidae, Pisionidae, and Nerillidae circular muscles are lacking. It is hypothesised that the absence of circular muscles represents the plesiomorphic state in Annelida. This view contradicts the widely accepted idea of an earthworm-like musculature of the body wall comprising an outer layer of circular and an inner layer of longitudinal fibres. A classification of the various types of parapodial muscle construction has been developed. Massive and less manoeuvrable parapodia composed of many components like those of Aphrodita are regarded to represent the plesiomorphic state in recent polychaetes. An analysis of the diversity of the muscular structure supports the hypothesis that the primary mode of life in polychaetes was epibenthic and the parapodial chaetae had a protective function.  相似文献   

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