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Recently, we reported that four microRNAs show perfect complementarity with MIR/LINE-2 elements within human mRNAs. This finding raises the question of whether microRNAs might also target other genomic repeats and transposable elements. Here, we demonstrate that almost 30 human microRNAs exhibit typical short-seed complementarity with a specific site within Alu elements that is highly conserved within 3' untranslated regions of human mRNAs. The results suggest that at least some Alu elements within human mRNAs serve as microRNA targets.  相似文献   

The technique of chromosomal orientation and direction fluorescence in situ hybridization (COD-FISH) was adapted for plant chromosomes in order to study long-range organization of two families of satellite repeats, VicTR-B of Vicia sativa and PisTR-B of Pisum sativum. The technique allowed FISH to be performed on mitotic chromosomes in a strand-specific manner, resulting in visualization of the repeat orientation along the chromosomes and with respect to the direction of telomeric repeats. The VicTR-B probe applied to V. sativa chromosomes produced signals on a single chromatid at most regions containing corresponding sequences, thus confirming a presence of long arrays of head-to-tail arranged repeat monomers which is typical for satellite DNA. However, hybridization signals of different or equal intensities on both chromatids were also detected at some loci, suggesting a more complex arrangement of the repeats. Similar observations were made for PisTR-B repeats on P. sativum chromosomes, although the proportion of loci displaying signals on both chromatids was lower. In contrast to VicTR-B, orientation of the PisTR-B clusters with respect to telomeric sequences appeared to be conserved among subtelomeric regions of metacentric chromosomes and of the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes.  相似文献   

We report on a rather unknown feature of oligonucleotides, namely, their potent antioxidant activity. Previously, we showed that nucleotides are potent antioxidants in FeII/CuI/II–H2O2 systems. Here, we explored the potential of 2′-deoxyoligonucleotides as inhibitors of the FeII/CuI/II-induced ·OH formation from H2O2. The oligonucleotides [d(A)5,7,20; d(T)20; (2′-OMe-A)5] proved to be highly potent antioxidants with IC50 values of 5–17 or 48–85 μM in inhibiting FeII/CuI- or CuII-induced H2O2 decomposition, respectively, thus representing a 40–215-fold increase in potency as compared with Trolox, a standard antioxidant. The antioxidant activity is only weakly dependent on the oligonucleotides’ length or base identity. We analyzed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry and 1H-NMR spectroscopy the composition of the d(A)5 solution exposed to the aforementioned oxidative conditions for 4 min or 24 h. We concluded that the primary (rapid) inhibition mechanism by oligonucleotides is metal ion chelation and the secondary (slow) mechanism is radical scavenging. We characterized the CuI–d(A)5 and CuII–d(A)7 complexes by 1H-NMR and 31P-NMR or frozen-solution ESR spectroscopy, respectively. CuI is probably coordinated to d(A)5 via N1 and N7 of two adenine residues and possibly also via two phosphate/bridging water molecules. The ESR data suggest CuII chelation through two nitrogen atoms of the adenine bases and two oxygen atoms (phosphates or water molecules). We conclude that oligonucleotides at micromolar concentrations prevent FeII/CuI/II-induced oxidative damage, primarily through metal ion chelation. Furthermore, we propose the use of a short, metabolically stable oligonucleotide, (2′-OMe-A)5, as a highly potent and relatively long lived (t 1/2 ~ 20 h) antioxidant.  相似文献   

Alu elements as regulators of gene expression   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  

It has been reported previously that ATP inhibits the insulysin reaction (Camberos, M. C., Perez, A. A., Udrisar, D. P., Wanderley, M. I., and Cresto, J. C. (2001) Exp. Biol. Med. 226, 334-341). We report here that with 2-aminobenzoyl-GGFLRKHGQ-ethylenediamine-2,4-dinitrophenyl as substrate, ATP and other nucleotides increase the rate >20-fold in Tris buffer. There is no specificity with respect to the nucleotide; however, ATP is more effective than ADP, which is more effective than AMP. Triphosphate itself was as effective as ATP, indicating it is this moiety that is responsible for activation. The binding of triphosphate was shown to be at a site distinct from the active site, thus acting as a noncompetitive activator. With the physiological substrates insulin and amyloid beta peptide, nucleotides and triphosphate were without effect. However, with small physiological peptides such as bradykinin and dynorphin B-9, ATP and triphosphate increased the rate of hydrolysis approximately 10-fold. Triphosphate and ATP shifted the oligomeric state of the enzyme from primarily dimer-tetramers to a monomer. These data suggest the presence of an allosteric regulatory site on insulysin that may shift its specificity toward small peptide substrates.  相似文献   

Evolutionary impact of human Alu repetitive elements   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Early studies of human Alu retrotransposons focused on their origin, evolution and biological properties, but current focus is shifting toward the effect of Alu elements on evolution of the human genome. Recent analyses indicate that numerous factors have affected the chromosomal distribution of Alu elements over time, including male-driven insertions, deletions and rapid CpG mutations after their retrotransposition. Unequal crossing over between Alu elements can lead to local mutations or to large segmental duplications responsible for genetic diseases and long-term evolutionary changes. Alu elements can also affect human (primate) evolution by introducing alternative splice sites in existing genes. Studying the Alu family in a human genomic context is likely to have general significance for our understanding of the evolutionary impact of other repetitive elements in diverse eukaryotic genomes.  相似文献   

Recently integrated Alu elements and human genomic diversity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A comprehensive analysis of two Alu Y lineage subfamilies was undertaken to assess Alu-associated genomic diversity and identify new Alu insertion polymorphisms for the study of human population genetics. Recently integrated Alu elements (283) from the Yg6 and Yi6 subfamilies were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and 25 of the loci analyzed were polymorphic for insertion presence/absence within the genomes of a diverse array of human populations. These newly identified Alu insertion polymorphisms will be useful tools for the study of human genomic diversity. Our screening of the Alu insertion loci also resulted in the recovery of several "young" Alu elements that resided at orthologous positions in nonhuman primate genomes. Sequence analysis demonstrated these "young" Alu insertions were the products of gene conversion events of older, preexisting Alu elements or independent parallel forward insertions of older Alu elements in the same short genomic region. The level of gene conversion between Alu elements suggests that it may have an influence on the single nucleotide polymorphism within Alu elements in the genome. We have also identified two genomic deletions associated with the retroposition and insertion of Alu Y lineage elements into the human genome. This type of Alu retroposition-mediated genomic deletion is a novel source of lineage-specific evolution within primate genomes.  相似文献   

The chromosomal region constituting the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has undergone complex evolution that is often difficult to decipher. An important aid in the elucidation of the MHC evolution is the presence of Alu elements (repeats) which serve as markers for tracing chromosomal rearrangements. As the first step toward the establishment of sets of evolutionary markers for the MHC, Alu elements present in selected MHC haplotypes of the human species, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee were identified. Restriction fragments of cosmid clones from the libraries of the three species were hybridized with Alu-specific probes, Alu elements were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, and the amplification products were sequenced. In some cases, sequences of the regions flanking the Alu elements were also obtained. Altogether, 31 new Alu elements were identified, representing six Alu subfamilies. The average density of Alu elements in the MHC is one element per four kilobases (kb) of sequence. Alu elements have apparently been inserted steadily into the MHC over the last 65 million years (my). On average, one Alu element is inserted into the primate MHC every 4 my. Analysis of the human DR3 haplotype supports its origin by duplication from an ancestral haplotype consisting of DRB1 and DRB2 genes. The sharing of an old Alu element by the DRB1 and DRB2 genes, in turn, supports their divergence from a common ancestor more than 55 my ago.  相似文献   

Recombination between Alu elements results in genomic deletions associated with many human genetic disorders. Here, we compare the reference human and chimpanzee genomes to determine the magnitude of this recombination process in the human lineage since the human-chimpanzee divergence approximately 6 million years ago. Combining computational data mining and wet-bench experimental verification, we identified 492 human-specific deletions (for a total of approximately 400 kb) attributable to this process, a significant component of the insertion/deletion spectrum of the human genome. The majority of the deletions (295 of 492) coincide with known or predicted genes (including 3 that deleted functional exons, as compared with orthologous chimpanzee genes), which implicates this process in creating a substantial portion of the genomic differences between humans and chimpanzees. Overall, we found that Alu recombination-mediated genomic deletion has had a much higher impact than was inferred from previously identified isolated events and that it continues to contribute to the dynamic nature of the human genome.  相似文献   

The occurrence of active, or autonomous, mariner elements was investigated by crossing white-peach mutant Drosophila simulans females with wild-type males from various geographic origins. From a total of 194 experimental crosses only 17 failed to produce progeny with eye mosaicism (MOS, i.e. pigmented spots in otherwise white-peach eyes). Therefore, active mariner elements inducing somatic excision of the copy inserted at the white locus are abundant in all populations sampled. In the experimental crosses the frequency of mosaic offspring ranged from 0 to 100%, showing that the phenotypic expression is highly variable. The MOS phenotype, measured by the number of spots on the eyes, is quite variable within the progeny of single crosses. Although a difference was observed in the average MOS score (percentage of mosaic flies) between northern and southern populations of France, there was no indication of long range variation between geographic populations. Neither was there a systematic difference between recently collected populations and samples kept several years as isofemale lines.  相似文献   

Long poly(dA).poly(dT) tracts (poly(A) tracts), regions of DNA containing at least 20 contiguous dA residues on one strand and dT residues on the complementary strand, are found in about 2 X 10(4) copies interspersed throughout the human genome. Using poly(dA).poly(dA) as a hybridization probe, we identified recombinant lambda phage that contained inserts of human DNA with poly(A) tracts. Three such tracts have been characterized by restriction mapping and sequence analysis. One major poly(A) tract is present within each insert and is composed of from 28 to 35 A residues. In each case, the poly(A) tract directly abuts the 3' end of the human Alu element, indicating that the major class of poly(A) tracts in the human genome is associated with this family of repeats. The poly(A) tracts are also adjacent to A-rich sequences and, in one case, to a polypurine tract, having the structure GA3-GA3-GA4-GA6-GA5-GA4. We suggest that repetitive cycles of unequal crossing over may give rise to both the long poly(A) and polypurine tracts observed in this study.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies and genetic diversity in the population of Teleuts were assessed by the Alu repeat polymorphism at eight autosomal loci (ACE, APOA1, PLAT, F13, PV92, A25, CD4, D1). For comparison, the study included previously obtained data on the Alu polymorphism in 19 indigenous populations of Siberia. On the dendrogram of genetic distances, the Teleut population is located in the cluster of Siberian ethnic groups, which are similar in origin, geography, and cultural traditions.  相似文献   

Expansion of GAA repeats in the intron of the frataxin gene is involved in the autosomal recessive Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA). The GAA repeats arise from a stretch of adenine residues of an Alu element. These repeats have a size ranging from 7- 38 in the normal population, and expand to thousands in the affected individuals. The mechanism of origin of GAA repeats, their polymorphism and stability are not well understood. In this study, we have carried out an extensive analysis of GAA repeats at several loci in the humans. This analysis indicates the association of a majority of GAA repeats with the 3' end of an "A" stretch present in the Alu repeats. Further, the prevalence of GAA repeats correlates with the evolutionary age of Alu subfamilies as well as with their relative frequency in the genome. Our study on GAA repeat polymorphism at some loci in the normal population reveals that the length of the GAA repeats is determined by the relative length of the flanking A stretch. Based on these observations, a possible mechanism for origin of GAA repeats and modulatory effects of flanking sequences on repeat instability mediated by DNA triplex is proposed.  相似文献   

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