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Nine new species of Zele Curtis are described from India. The genus Zele Curtis (Euphorinae: Meteorini) consists of usually moder-ate sized, dark coloured insects. This genus has no far been reported from:Oriental region by only one species viz., Zele niveitarsis (Cresson) (VanAchterberg, 1979). Earlier two species were reported under this genus byNixon and Lyle viz., Zele elagabalus Nixon and Zele infumator Lyle. Later  相似文献   

Bracon lissogaster Mues., a key parasitoid of Cephus cinctus Norton in northern Montana USA, is reported in Canada for the first time. Resurgence of C. cinctus in Alberta and Saskatchewan has led to renewed interest in biological control of this cereal pest in Canada.  相似文献   

Summary The author reviews the European species of the Pteromalid genusCallitula Spinola and keys them out. All four species develop as parasites, probably all on small Diptera: two species [pyrrhogaster (Walk.) andbicolor spin.] on Cecidomyids and Chloropids in grass stems, two species are associated withPhragmites communis [C. ferrierei sp. n. andelongatus (Thoms)]. From the latter two one is described as new and in the other (elongatus) the so-far-unknown male is described. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A5180147 00002   相似文献   

Summary The presence of two castes, the egglayers or queens and the nonegglayers or workerlike females, is demonstrated inA. striata andA. persimilis although the castes are poorly defined. One or more queens may be present in a nest during the spring, at which time all individuals of the colony may perform all nesting activities including the collecting of pollen for the cells. After the first brood has emerged in June, there is only one egglayer per colony, and this individual, although continuing to guard and build cells, does not collect pollen. The other females of the colony, although frequently mated, rarely lay eggs but do carry on all other nesting activities. The queens and nonegglaying females differ in size averaged over the season, but there are no gross morphological differences between the two castes.
Zusammenfassung Die Anwesenheit zweier Kasten, die Eierlegerinnen oder Königinnen und die Nichteierlegerinnen oder arbeiterähnlichen Weibchen, inA. striata undA. persimilis, wird bewiesen, obgleich die Kasten undeutlich definiert sind. Eine oder mehr Königinnen können während des Frühlings im Nest sein, zu einer Zeit in der alle Individuen der Kolonie alle Nesttätigkeiten einschliesslich der Pollensammlung ausführen können. Nach der Eklosion der ersten Brut im June, ist nur eine Eierlegerin pro Kolonie da, welche weiter das Nest bewacht und Zellen baut aber keinen Pollen sammelt. Die anderen Weibchen der Kolonie, obgleich abermals gepaart, legen selten Eier. Sie führen jedoch alle weiteren Nestaktivitäten aus. Die Königinnen und Nichteierlegerinnen, sind im Jahresdurchschnitt verschieden gross, aber bedeutende morphologische Unterschiede zwischen den Kasten wurden nicht gefunden.

Résumé L'auteur met en évidence, chezA. striata etA. persimilis, la présence de deux castes: pondeuses ou reines et femelles non pondeuses du type ouvrières; les castes sont cependant peu différenciées. La présence d'une reine et plus, dans le nid, peut être observée au printemps lorsque tous les individus de la colonie accomplissent les différentes tâches, y compris la récolte du pollen pour les cellules. Après l'apparition, en juin, du premier couvain, il n'y a plus qu'une pondeuse par colonie, celle-ci continue à construire des cellules et à s'en occuper mais ne récolte pas de pollen. Les autres femelles de la colonie, bien que souvent fécondées, ne pondent pas d'ufs mais se chargent des autres activités du nid. La taille moyenne des reines et des femelles non pondeuses diffère au cours de la saison, mais il n'y a pas de différence morphologique importante entre les deux castes.

Contribution number 1.282 from the Department of Entomology, The University of Kansas, Lawrence.  相似文献   

Do bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) really forage close to their nests?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper questions whether bumblebees really forage as close to their nests as has commonly been assumed in the bumblebee literature. Three experiments are described that involved marking and reobservation bumblebees. None of these experiments showed any tendency for bumblebees to concentrate their foraging close to (e.g., within 50 m from) the nest. Rather, the results suggested that bumblebees may prefer to forage at some distance from their nest. Further, a closer review of the bumblebee literature showed that similar findings were quite common. Some possible explanations to the observed behavior patterns are given as outlines for further research.  相似文献   

To produce an inventory of the Ecitoninae ants from Morelos State (south central Mexico), we used direct capture and pit-fall traps. Occasionally, males were also collected near artificial light sources. Fifteen species were found: Labidus coecus, L. praedator s. str, Neivamyrmex agilis, N. cornutus, N fallax, N. graciellae, N. impudens, N. macropterus, N. melanocephalus, N. nigrescens, N. opacithorax, N. pauxilus, N. sumichrasti, N. swainsoni and Nomamyrmex esenbecki mordax. Twelve of these species are new records for the state. The most abundant species were L. coecus, N. melanocephalus, N. nigrescens and N. esenbecki mordax. The distribution of the species in the state, flight dates of males for some species, and a key for the identification of workers and males are included. One additional species (N. fuscipennis), collected by other authors in Morelos but not by us, is also included in the key.  相似文献   

The distinctive braconine wasp genus Rhytimorpha Szépligeti is distributed through Africa and the Near East. We provide photographic illustrations of the type specimens of the two species of Rhytimorpha known up to the present, R. coccinea Szépligeti and R. nigriceps Szépligeti. Previous published records of R. coccinea from Israel by J. Papp are confirmed. A new species, R. pappi Quicke & Butcher sp. n. is described based on a female from Holot Agur, a semi-desert area in the Negev Dunes in northeastern Sinai Peninsula.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B5CDA65C-5341-4A61-9C85-2A7A70D7D4C1  相似文献   

Myrmecia dispar (Clark) is found in the drier inland areas of New South Wales and southern Queensland in Australia. Its nests, which are situated adjacent to trees, have a distinctive structure of simple architecture. The composition of the colonies varies seasonally with little or no brood production during the colder months. Colony founding probably takes place in March, April, and/or May. Several myrmecophiles are found in nests ofM. dispar, and some of these are present in relatively large numbers.  相似文献   

Onychopterocheilus sarikamisensis sp. n. is described and illustrated from eastern Turkey. The species is related to O. hellenicus (Morawitz, 1885) but differs by the shape of the clypeus and antennae, and by the pale colouration of the maculations.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A3E75353-EC16-458F-908FAB9240E8016B  相似文献   

Summary Alate broods are reared without worker broods in lower cavities of nests in winter, and with worker broods in upper cavities of nests in spring. Winged adults appear in early April, but swarming does not occur until late May. Flights issue yearly from most large nests. The alate sex ratio is about 11. Before swarming will occur, nest surfaces must be soaked with at least 7 mm of rain; flights continue as long as nests remain wet and temperatures exceed 16°.A circadian rhythm triggers swarming at about 355 a.m., and most alates leave the nest surface within 2 minutes. Fertilized females contain from 69 to 186 million spermatozoa. Seminal vesicles of males contain 65 to 130 million spermatozoa.
Zusammenfassung Geflügelte Nachkommenschaft wird im Winter in den unteren Hohlräumen des Nests ohne die Brut der Arbeiterinnen aufgezogen und im Frühling mit der letzteren zusammen in den oberen Hohlräumen des Nests. Geflügelte erwachsene Ameisen earschienen Anfang April, schwärmten aber erst Ende Mai. Flüge fanden jährlich von den meisten grossen Nestern aus statt. Bie den geflügelten Individuen war das Verhältnis der Geschlechter 11. Vor dem Schwärmen war die Nestoberfläche mit mindestens 7 mm Niederschlag durchnässt worden; Flüge wurden fortgesetzt solange die Nester feucht waren und die Temperatur 16° C überschritt.Ein Tagesrhytmus löste das Schwärmen ungefähr um 3 Uhr 55 Minuten morgens aus, und die meisten geflügelten Ameisen verliessen die Nestoberfläche innerhalb von 2 Minuten. Befruchtete Weibchen enthielten zwischen 69 und 186 Millionen Spermatozoen; Samentasche der Männchen enthielten 65 bis 130 Millionen Samenzellen.

Resumen (2) Durante el invierno, las creasas aladas son criadas en la ausencia de cresas trabajadoras en las cavidades inferiores de los nidos, pero durante la primavera, son criadas junto a creasas trabajadoras en las cavidades superiores de los nidos. Los adultos alados aparecen temprano en abril, pero los vuelos ocurren terde en mayo. Los sexos aparecen en proporció unitaria en los adultos alados. Los vuelos ocurren cuando las superficies de los nidos han sido humedecidas con 7 mm de agua y continúan ocurriendo mientras haya suficiente humedad y la temperature sobrepase 16° C.Los vuelos son iniciados por un ritmo diario y comienzan alrededor de las 355 A.M. La mayor parte de los adultos alados emprende vuelo en un término de 2 minutos. Las hembras fecundadas contienen de 69 à 186 millones de espermatozoides; las vesículas seminales de los machos contienen de 65 a 130 millones.

We investigated the spectral sensitivity and response to light intensity of Pachyneuron aphidis (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), which is a common hyperparasitoid of Aphidius gifuensis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a key natural enemy of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae). To do so, we used 15 monochromatic lights (emitting various specific wavelengths from 340 to 649 nm) and white light. P. aphidis adults are diurnal insects that show a positive phototaxis to a broad spectrum of light. Significant differences were found between sexes in the phototactic responses of P. aphidis to different monochromatic lights. Female P. aphidis showed four peaks of sensitivity at 380, 450, 504 and 589 nm. Male P. aphidis show two peaks of sensitivity, one at 450 nm and second at 628 nm. P. aphidis adults showed an increased phototactic response at low intensities and a decreased phototactic response at high intensities for both UV light and blue light. This experiment will help provide a scientific basis for the development of colour traps for insect pest management.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hartigia Schidte, 1838 from China are described: H. maculothoracica sp. nov. from Xinjiang and H. fuscicosta sp. nov. from Jilin. A diagnosis of Hartigia and a key to Hartigia maculothoracica and its relatives are provided.  相似文献   

Cette publication présente les résultats d’une étude de 6.263 spécimens de Xylocopinae récoltés en France métropolitaine (France continentale et Corse) et en Belgique et qui proviennent de récoltes personnelles et de 63 institutions et collections privées. Les Xylocopinae de France sont représentées par 11 espèces du genre Ceratina et 4 espèces du genre Xylocopa. Seules deux de ces espèces sont présentes en Belgique : Xylocopa violacea (L.) et Ceratina cyanea (Kirby). Un nouveau sous-genre pour le genre Ceratina est décrit : Dalyatina n. subg. Il comporte l’espèce méditerranéenne Ceratina parvula Smith présente en France, ainsi que six autres espèces d’Afrique subsaharienne. Pour chaque genre, sous-genre et espèce, les auteurs fournissent une diagnose, une diagnose différentielle, la liste des fleurs visitées, la liste des sites de nidification, la carte de distribution en France métropolitaine, un diagramme phénologique et une clé d’identifi cation des genres, sous-genres et espèces. La systématique, la biogéographie, l’écologie et le sexe ratio des espèces sont présentés et discutés. Les Xylocopinae apparaissent comme très largement polylectiques mais montrent une très nette affinité envers les Lamiaceae, les Asteraceae Cardueae et, pour le genre Xylocopa, envers les Fabaceae. Toutes les espèces présentent une phénologie estivale qui s’étend d’avril à septembre. Le sexe-ratio de la plupart des espèces est biaisé vers les femelles. Aucun mâle de C. parvula, pour 120 femelles, n’a été observé ce qui suggère que, en France du moins, l’espèce pourrait se reproduire par parthénogenèse thélytoque comme c’est le cas de C. dallatorreana Friese. La publication comprend 62 dessins au trait, 18 photos au microscope électronique à balayage, 17 cartes, 14 graphiques de phénologie, une liste de 232 espèces de fleurs visitées par les Xylocopinae, dont 176 observations originales, et 171 références.  相似文献   

Eleven species of the genus Diaparsis, including two unidentified species, are recorded from South Korea. One new species, D. koreana Khalaim, et al., sp. nov., is described, and six species, D. carinifer (Thomson), D. convexa Khalaim, D. egregia Khalaim, D. hyperae Kusigemati, D. jucunda (Holmgren) and D. neoplicator Khalaim, are recorded from this country for the first time. Diaparsis hyperae and D. pulchra are the most abundant species of the genus in the Korean fauna. A key to eleven species of Diaparsis occurring in South Korea is provided.  相似文献   

The color pattern (two areas on each of 20 transverse bands along the dorsal surface of the body) in two reindeer oestrids, Hypoderma tarandi and Cephenemyia trompe (Diptera: Oestridae), was analyzed and compared with that of different bumblebee species found in an oestrid study area in northern Norway. A clustering analysis and multidimensional scaling analysis of the resulting matrix of pairwise similarity coefficients indicated that Bombus lapponicus, B. alpinus, and B. monticola (Hymenoptera: Bombinae) comprise a Mullerian guild whose members serve as Batesian models for H. tarandi, and that B. pratorum, B. jonellus, and B. lucorum comprise a Mullerian guild whose members may serve as Batesian models for C. trompe. The oestrid mimics also resemble their models in size.  相似文献   

It is now well known that many bumblebee species are threatened in Europe and in N. America. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain this regression. Some of the hypothetical factors act at a continental level, as the general restructuration of the agriculture toward the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisation, in place of leguminous crops. The landscape fragmentation is typically a local factor the fusion of which also leads to large-scale effects. Since 2002, we observed a great number of situations where local droughts and heat waves occurred in France, UK, Scandinavia, Turkey, leading to very strong local reductions of the bumblebee’s fauna. We observed so many local cases in 2007–2009 that we could hypothesise that a merger of these local effects could lead to a new general threat. As they are the most exposed to heat waves, the species with a late (summer) phenology should be the most sensitive to this risk.  相似文献   

Aphids, the main suppliers of energy-rich honeydew, play an important role in the life of ants. However, the data on the trophobiotic ant–aphid associations in the majority of regions are still limited. We present the first data on the ant–aphid relations in the south of Western Siberia. Investigations were carried out in the most typical biotopes of forest-steppe and steppe zones in the territory of Novosibirsk and Kurgan regions (Russia) during 1993–2014. There were revealed 35 species of ants and 198 species of aphids. Detected 456 ant–aphid associations involved 28 ant species and 134 myrmecophilous aphids. Seven ant species were found to consume honeydew of 9 non-myrmecophilous aphids, scraping it from the plant. This behaviour is typical of subdominant and subordinate ants which do not protect their foraging areas. Ants associate with various numbers of aphid species. About 36% of ants attended aphid colonies of less than 5 species. The largest number of myrmecophilous aphids is associated with L. niger (Linnaeus, 1758) (103 species), Formica pratensis Retzius, 1783 (50), Formica rufa group (25–33), F. (Serviformica) fusca Linnaeus, 1758 (26) and F. (S.) cunicularia Latreille, 1798 (27). Different ants play unequal roles in the formation of trophobiotic interactions with aphids. Due to complex territorial and foraging behaviour, including high functional specialization among honeydew collectors, dominant ants of Formica s. str. are one of the leaders in this process. The role of L. niger and Formica ants of the subgenus Serviformica requires further detailed investigation.  相似文献   

Nyman T 《Heredity》2002,88(4):288-295
The nematine sawfly Euura mucronata Hartig (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) induces galls in the buds of over 30 willow species across the Holarctic region. This extensive host range is surprising, since the other Euura gallers are mostly monophagous; thus, the feeding habit of E. mucronata would represent a switch from monophagy to extreme polyphagy. Previous morphological studies have divided E. mucronata into separate species, but the feeding ranges of these species are unknown, and it is even doubtful whether multiple species really exist. To study whether or not E. mucronata consists of cryptic host-associated sibling species, an allozyme study was conducted using gallers collected from six willow species occurring in northern Fennoscandia. Electrophoretic data from seven variable enzyme loci show that: (1) "E. mucronata" probably comprises at least three species with restricted host ranges, but the species may not be completely reproductively isolated from each other; (2) the pattern of host use is not explained by the phylogeny of willows; (3) the pattern of host use is not concordant with the overall chemical similarity of the hosts; and (4) simple allopatric speciation does not appear to explain the host associations. Consequently, it is possible that reasons such as differences in host phenology, habitat, or morphology, are responsible for the limits in host use in the group.  相似文献   

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