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The antitumor agent Et2SnCl2(phen) (phen = phenanthroline) reacts with 5-fluorouracil (UF) to form Et2Sn(phen)UF)Cl by a basic catalytic process. The reaction may be characterized as nucleophilic attack on H+N(3) in the 5-fluorouracil ring by the cis-chloro in Et2SnCl2(phen). The product has been identified by microanalysis, IR, UV and NMR spectra and these results are consistent with the expected complex. The binding of the 5-fluorouracil ligand to the cis-chloro in Et2SnCl2(phen) not only enhances the antitumor activity of the complex, but also promotes studied aimed at understanding the mechanism of drug action.  相似文献   

The reaction products obtained from mixtures of 5'-GMP and platinum(IV) compounds with formula Pt(IV)Cl4(LL) and Pt(IV)Cl2(OH)2(LL) (LL representing two monodentate or one bidentate amine ligand) have been characterized by proton NMR spectroscopy. The amines used are NH3, H2N-CH2-CH2-NH2 (ethylenediamine, en), H2N-CH2-C(CH3)2-CH2-NH2 (2,2-dimethyl-1,3-diaminopropane, dmdap), and HC(CH3)2-NH2 (isopropylamine, ipa). Conditions varied during the reaction are pH (values of 4, 7, and 10), effect of visible light, and addition of vitamin C as a reducing agent. In all cases, the major product appeared to be the bis(5'-GMP)(LL)Pt(II) compound. The pH effect is limited; i.e., at pH 4 the reactions proceed somewhat faster than at neutral pH, while at pH 10 slower reactions occur. The illumination with visible light also induces only slight differences in the yields of the products. On the other hand, when vitamin C is present, the reactions proceed quite rapidly, resulting in the same main product but in higher yields (up to 80%). The facts that apparently no Pt(IV) adducts with 5'-GMP can be observed under these conditions and that the major products are bis(5'-GMP)(LL)Pt(II) compounds clearly support the hypothesis that the antitumor activity of certain platinum(IV) compounds is based upon in vivo reduction to the corresponding platinum(II) compounds.  相似文献   

The reversal reactions of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(5'-GMP)2] 2-(1) and trans-[Pt(NH3)2(5'-GMP)2] 2-(2) with thiourea were examined by reversed phase HPLC and monothioureido intermediate cis-[Pt(NH3)2(5'-GMP) (tu)] (4) was detected. This result suggested that Pt-[5'-GMP-N(7)] bond was more labile than Pt-NH3 bond and the release of ammonia from cis-Pt(II)-DNA base complexes is a result of trans-labilizing effect of sulfur containing molecule displaced with DNA base.  相似文献   

Cholesterol and phospholipids remain tightly associated with the ferroxidase-II protein from human serum following extensive purification. Purified ferroxidase-II preparations show a consistent ratio of protein, phospholipid, and cholesterol. Thin-layer chromatographic analyses indicate that phosphatidyl choline accounts for 70% of the bound phospholipid. Treatment of purified ferroxidase-II with phospholipase C or A results in a loss of ferroxidase activity which parallels the hydrolysis of phospholipid. A lipid-depleted form of ferroxidase-II can be prepared by gel-filtration following treatment with phospholipase C. However, hydrolysis, not removal, of the lipid is sufficient for the loss of ferroxidase activity. These studies indicate that the bound lipid components are essential to the maintainence of the catalytic activity of ferroxidase-II.  相似文献   

Interaction of proflavine with papain, modified by hydroxynitrobenzylation of Trp-177 (HNB-papain), is characterized by a dissociation constant about twice that of proflavine's binding to native papain. Kinetic analyses revealed that proflavine's activation of papain-catalyzed hydrolysis of benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester persists with the HNB-enzyme; however, hydroxynitrobenzylation of papain precludes proflavine's inhibition of benzoyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide (BzArgNan) hydrolysis. Yet, proflavine noncompetitively inhibits hydrolysis of BzPheValArgNan by both native and HNB-papain to about the same extent. Thus, proflavine appears to reduce nonproductive binding of smaller substrates, but may also interfere with conformational repositioning necessary for anilide hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Interaction of thymidylate synthetase with 5-nitro-2'-deoxyuridylate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
5-Nitro-2'-deoxyuridylate (NO2dUMP) is a potent mechanism-based inhibitor of dTMP synthetase. After formation of a reversible enzymeìnhibitor complex, there is a rapid first order loss of enzyme activity which can be protected against by the nucleotide substrate dUMP. From studies of model chemical counterparts and the NO2dUMPdTMP synthetase complex, it has been demonstrated that a covalent bond is formed between a nucleophile of the enzyme and carbon 6 of NO2dUMP. The covalent NO2dUMPènzyme complex is sufficiently stable to permit isolation on nitrocellulose membranes, and dissociates to give unchanged NO2-dUMP with a first order rate constant of 8.9 x 10(-3) min-1. Dissociation of the complex formed with [6-3H]NO2dUMP shows a large alpha-secondary isotope effect of 19%, verifying that within the covalent complex, carbon 6 of the heterocycle is sp3-hybridized. The spectral changes which accompany formation of the NO2dUMPènzyme complex support the structural assignment and, when used to tritrate the binding sites, demonstrate that 2 mol of NO2dUMP are bound/mol of dimeric enzyme. The interaction of NO2dUMP with dTMP synthetase is quite different than that of other mechanism-based inhibitors such as 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate in that it neither requires nor is facilitated by the concomitant interaction of the folate cofactor, 5,10-CH2-H4folate, and that the covalent complex formed is unstable to protein denaturants.  相似文献   

The commercial mononucleotides are frequently used to obtain metal complexes and isotopic derivatives. Normally, the spectra of these new compounds are compared with the spectra of the commercial mononucleotides. Nevertheless, important variations in the vibrational spectra of the disodium 5'-guanosine monophosphate, 5'-GMP, have been observed in this work produced by submitting the commercial salt to the same general laboratory process that the obtained compounds, i.e., solving the commercial salt in water and subsequent recrystallization. These changes have been analyzed and interpreted. The variations are not significant in disodium 5'-cytosine monophosphate, 5'-CMP. It is important to take this information into account before carrying out vibrational studies with this type of molecules, since some bands attributed to isotopic substitutions or to the metal attack may be a result of manipulation of the nucleotide (solving and recrystallization) instead of the studied effect. Thus, before any work in which the nucleotide salt is manipulated (deuteration, synthesis of other isotopic derivatives or metal-nucleotide complexes), it should be noted that the process to which the sample is submitted on its own is enough to modify the vibrational spectrum. Then, attention should be paid to the changes observed in the vibrational spectra of recrystallized mononucleotides, since recrystallization may lead to a considerable phase change, and this can notably alter the vibrational spectra.  相似文献   

Karotki AV  Vasák M 《Biochemistry》2008,47(41):10961-10969
Human metallothioneins (MTs), a family of cysteine- and metal-rich metalloproteins, play an important role in the acquired resistance to platinum drugs. MTs occur in the cytosol and the nucleus of the cells and sequester platinum drugs through interaction with their zinc-thiolate clusters. Herein, we investigate the ability of human Zn 7MT-2 to form DNA-Pt-MT cross-links using the cisplatin- and transplatin-modified plasmid DNA pSP73. Immunochemical analysis of MT-2 showed that the monofunctional platinum-DNA adducts formed DNA- cis/ trans-Pt-MT cross-links and that platinated MT-2 was released from the DNA- trans-Pt-MT cross-links with time. The DNA- cis/ trans-Pt-MT cross-links were also formed in the presence of 2 mM glutathione, a strong S-donor ligand. Independently, we used 5'-guanosine monophosphate (5'-GMP) platinated at the N7 position as a model of monofunctional platinum-DNA adducts. Comparison of reaction kinetics revealed that the formation of ternary complexes between Zn 7MT-2 and cis-Pt-GMP was faster than that of the trans isomer. The analysis of the reaction products with time showed that while the formation of ternary GMP- trans-Pt-MT complex(es) is accompanied by 5'-GMP release, a stable ternary GMP- cis-Pt-MT complex is formed. In the latter complex, a fast initial formation of two Pt-S bonds was followed by a slow formation of an additional Pt-S bond yielding an unusual Pt(II)S 3N coordination with N7-GMP as the only N-donor ligand. The ejection of negligible zinc from the zinc-thiolate clusters implies the initial formation of Zn-(mu-SCys)-Pt bridges involving the terminal thiolate ligands. The biological implications of these studies are discussed.  相似文献   

Mendieta J  Gago F  Ramírez G 《Biochemistry》2005,44(44):14470-14476
Guanine nucleotides behave as competitive antagonists at ionotropic glutamate receptors and show neuroprotective activity in different experimental excitotoxicity paradigms, both in vivo and in cultured cell preparations. Taking 5'-GMP as the reference nucleotide, we have tried to understand how these molecules interact with the agonist-binding site of the GluR2 alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptor. Using a crystallographic model of the ligand-binding core of the GluR2 receptor in complex with kainate, we have previously analyzed the structural changes associated to the binding of agonists to the receptor and suggested a mechanism for the coupling of agonist binding to channel gating. In the present investigation we used the structure of the apo form of the receptor to probe the primary interactions between GMP and GluR2 by means of an automated docking program. A targeted molecular dynamics (TMD) simulation procedure was subsequently used to force the closing of the protein and to study the rearrangement of the ligand and surrounding amino acids. The resulting structure provides a plausible model of the nucleotide-receptor complex. Indirect support for the validity of our approach was obtained when the same methodology was shown to yield structures of the kainate-GluR2 and 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX)-GluR2 complexes that were in very good agreement with the published crystallographic structures. Both the stacking interaction between the phenyl ring of Tyr73 and the purine ring of GMP and a salt bridge between the phosphate group of GMP and Arg108 in the S1 domain, together with several hydrogen bonds, are proposed to secure the anchoring of GMP to the agonist-binding site. Unlike conventional competitive antagonists, such as DNQX, occupancy of the site by GMP still allows receptor segments S1 and S2 to close tightly around GMP without interacting with the critical residue Glu209 that triggers channel opening. Thus, GMP appears to be rather a false agonist than a competitive antagonist. This fact and the nature of the energy barriers that stabilize GMP bound to the closed form of the receptor provide an explanation for the unusual behavior of some guanine nucleotides in ligand-displacement experiments.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of aqueous solutions of 5'-AMP and 5'-GMP have been recorded as a function of pH. Band intensities and frequencies have been monitored to determine bands which may be considered as diagnostic for the concentration and the pK of the solution species. Quantitative band intensity measurements indicate only a selected number of bands can be considered as diagnostic of the base or the secondary phosphate proton dissociation. The utility of the pH profiles derived from specific band intensity variations for 5'-AMP is discussed in terms of the effect of acidification on solution characteristics of polyadenylic acid.  相似文献   

Three new asymmetric platinum(II) complexes comprising an isopropylamine ligand trans to an azole ligand were synthesized and fully characterized by 1H NMR, 195Pt NMR, IR and elemental analysis. In addition the X-ray crystal structure of all three complexes was determined. The reaction kinetics of the complexes with DNA model base guanosine-5′-monophosphate (GMP) was studied, revealing reaction kinetics comparable to cisplatin. To gain insight in the complexes as potential antitumor agents, cytotoxicity assays were performed on a variety of human tumor cell lines. These assays showed the complexes all to possess cytotoxicity profiles comparable to cisplatin. Furthermore, the complexes largely retain their activity in a human ovarian carcinoma cell line resistant to cisplatin, A2780R, compared to the cisplatin sensitive parent cell line A2780. These results are of fundamental importance, illustrating how platinum complexes of trans geometry can show improved activity compared to cisplatin in both cisplatin sensitive and cisplatin resistant cell lines.  相似文献   

New analogs of dUMP, dTMP and 5-fluoro-dUMP, including the corresponding 5'-thiophosphates (dUMPS, dTMPS and FdUMPS), 5'-dithiophosphates (dUMPS2, dTMPS2 and FdUMPS2), 5'-H-phosphonates (dUMP-H, dTMP-H and FdUMP-H) and 5'-S-thiosulfates (dUSSO3, dTSSO3 and FdUSSO3), have been synthesized and their interactions studied with highly purified mammalian thymidylate synthase. dUMPS and dUMPS2 proved to be good substrates, and dTMPS and dTMPS2 classic competitive inhibitors, only slightly weaker than dTMP. Their 5-fluoro congeners behaved as potent, slow-binding inhibitors. By contrast, the corresponding 5'-H-phosphonates and 5'-S-thiosulfates displayed weak activities, only FdUMP-H and FdUSSO3 exhibiting significant interactions with the enzyme, as weak competitive slow-binding inhibitors versus dUMR The pH-dependence of enzyme time-independent inhibition by FdUMP and FdUMPS was found to correlate with the difference in pKa values of the phosphate and thiophosphate groups, the profile of FdUMPS being shifted (approximately 1 pH unit) toward lower pH values, so that binding of dUMP and its analogs is limited by the phosphate secondary hydroxyl ionization. Hence, together with the effects of 5'-H-phosphonate and 5'-S-thiosulfate substituents, the much weaker interactions of the nucleotide analogs (3-5 orders of magnitude lower than for the parent 5'-phosphates) with the enzyme is further evidence that the enzyme's active center prefers the dianionic phosphate group for optimum binding.  相似文献   

Temperature-jump relaxation kinetic studies were undertaken at 25 degrees C with ribonuclease T1 (RNase T1) alone and in the presence of guanosine (Guo) and 3'-guanylic acid (3'-GMP). No relaxations were observed in the absence of ligands and only one process was observed in their presence which reflected a simple on-off reaction in both cases. Apparent association rate constants, k(on), and dissociation rate constants, k(off), were evaluated at several pH values and their ratios, k(on)/k(off), were contrasted with independently determined values of the equilibrium association constant, Ka(eq). The value of k(on)/k(off) for Guo was significantly greater than Ka(eq), whereas Ka(eq) was significantly greater than k(on)/k(off) for 3'-GMP. The simplest interpretation of the result for Guo is that free RNase T1 undergoes a relatively slow undetected isomerization and Guo can bind only with one isomer. 3'-GMP can be considered to bind with the same preference, but in this case the initial enzyme complex undergoes a relatively slow undetected isomerization. These results are consistent with a recent NMR study which suggested that RNase T1 binding with Guo and 3'-GMP are coupled to slow exchange processes in a ligand dependent manner (Shimada, I. and Inagaki, F. (1990) Biochemistry 29, 757-764). It is tentatively concluded that binding of Guo and 3'-GMP at the active site of RNase T1 is limited to a sub-population of conformers involving the base-recognition site and that the phosphomonoester group of the nucleotide can engage in additional conformationally linked interactions at the adjacent catalytic site.  相似文献   

Gene 5 protein bound to both linear and circular single-stranded DNA and saturated the DNA at a protein-to-DNA weight ratio of 7–8. The viscosity of a complex of the protein with single-stranded DNA was initially less than that of the DNA and slowly increased with time suggesting that the complex adopts its final hydrodynamic shape very slowly. This shape change was confirmed by gradient centrifugation. The complex has a more extended structure than DNA alone accounting for its high viscosity and low S value. Gene 5 protein also bound to linear double-stranded DNA though not as strongly as to single-stranded DNA. The protein decreased the transition temperature, Tm, for viscosity loss of double-stranded DNA by 20 °C in 1 and 10 mm salt at a protein-to-DNA ratio of 2.2. At these low ratios there was no decrease in the hyperchromic Tm at 260 nm. At higher ratios of protein to DNA, the hyperchromic Tm was decreased to a constant value and not by a constant amount. Under no conditions was gene 5 protein able to completely separate the complementary strands of double-stranded DNA or to renature denatured DNA.  相似文献   

The reactions of the platinum(II) complexes, [Pt(dien)(H(2)O)](2+), [PtCl(dien)](+) and [PtBr(dien)](+) (dien is diethylenetriamine) with some biologically relevant ligands such as inosine (INO), inosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-IMP), guanosine-5'-monophosphate (5'-GMP), glutathione (GSH) and l-methionine (S-meth), have been studied by UV-Visible spectrophotometry and (1)H NMR spectroscopy. Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of these reactions were determined. Competitive reactions of [PtCl(dien)](+) with l-methionine and 5'-GMP demonstrated initially rapid formation of [Pt(dien)(S-meth)](2+) followed by displacement of l-methionine by 5'-GMP. In the later stages the concentration of [Pt(dien)(N7-GMP)](2+) is predominant. The results are analyzed in reference to the anti-tumour activity of Pt(II) complexes.  相似文献   

The complex formed between the enzyme ribonuclease T1 (EC and its specific inhibitor 2'-guanylic acid (2'-GMP) has been refined to R = 0.180 using x-ray diffraction data to 1.9-A resolution. The protein molecule displays a compact fold; a 4.5 turn alpha-helix packed over an antiparallel beta-pleated sheet shields most of the hydrophobic interior of the protein against the solvent. The extended pleated sheet structure of ribonuclease T1 is composed of three long and four short strands building up a two-stranded minor beta-sheet near the amino terminus and a five-stranded major sheet in the interior of the protein molecule. In the complex with ribonuclease T1, the inhibitor 2'-guanylic acid adopts the syn-conformation and C2'-endo sugar pucker. Binding of the nucleotide is mainly achieved through amino acid residues 38-46 of the protein. The catalytically active amino acid residues of ribonuclease T1 (His40, Glu58, Arg77, and His92) are located within the major beta-sheet which, as evident from the analysis of atomic temperature factors, provides an environment of minimal local mobility. The geometry of the active site is consistent with a mechanism for phosphodiester hydrolysis where, in the transesterification step, His40 and/or Glu58 act as a general base toward the ribose 2'-hydroxyl group and His92, as a general acid, donates a proton to the leaving 5'-hydroxyl group.  相似文献   

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