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New contingency policy plans are expected to be published by the United Kingdom government to set out urgent actions, such as carbon capture and storage, greenhouse gas removal and the use of sustainable bioenergy to meet the greenhouse gas reduction targets of the 4th and 5th Carbon Budgets. In this study, we identify two plausible bioenergy production pathways for bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) based on centralized and distributed energy systems to show what BECCS could look like if deployed by 2050 in Great Britain. The extent of agricultural land available to sustainably produce biomass feedstock in the centralized and distributed energy systems is about 0.39 and 0.5 Mha, providing approximately 5.7 and 7.3 MtDM/year of biomass respectively. If this land‐use change occurred, bioenergy crops would contribute to reduced agricultural soil GHG emission by 9 and 11 /year in the centralized and distributed energy systems respectively. In addition, bioenergy crops can contribute to reduce agricultural soil ammonia emissions and water pollution from soil nitrate leaching, and to increase soil organic carbon stocks. The technical mitigation potentials from BECCS lead to projected CO2 reductions of approximately 18 and 23 /year from the centralized and distributed energy systems respectively. This suggests that the domestic supply of sustainable biomass would not allow the emission reduction target of 50 /year from BECCS to be met. To meet that target, it would be necessary to produce solid biomass from forest systems on 0.59 or 0.49 Mha, or alternatively to import 8 or 6.6 MtDM/year of biomass for the centralized and distributed energy system respectively. The spatially explicit results of this study can serve to identify the regional differences in the potential capture of CO2 from BECCS, providing the basis for the development of onshore CO2 transport infrastructures.  相似文献   

A life‐cycle assessment (LCA) of a low‐input, short rotation coppice (SRC) willow grown on different Danish lands was performed. Woodchips are gasified, producer gas is used for cogeneration of heat and power (CHP), and the ash–char output is applied as soil amendment in the field. A hybrid model was developed for the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from indirect land‐use changes (iLUC) induced by willow cropping on arable land (iLUCfood). For this, area expansion results from a general equilibrium economic model were combined with global LUC trends to differentiate between land transformation (as additional agricultural expansion, in areas with historical deforestation) and occupation (as delayed relaxation, DR, in areas with historical land abandonment) impacts. A biophysical approach was followed to determine the iLUCfeed emissions factor from marginal grassland. Land transformation impacts were derived from latest world deforestation statistics, while a commercial feed mix of equivalent nutritive value was assumed to substitute the displaced grass as fodder. Intensification effects were included in both iLUC factors as additional N‐fertilizer consumption. Finally, DR impacts were considered for abandoned farmland, as a relative C stock loss compared to natural regeneration. ILUC results show that area related GHG emissions are dominant (93% of iLUCfood and 80% of iLUCfeed), transformation being more important (82% of iLUCfood) than occupation (11%) impacts. LCA results show that CHP from willow emits 4047 kg CO2‐eq (or 0.8 gCO2‐eq MJ?1) when grown on arable land, while sequestering 43 745 kg CO2‐eq (or ?10.4 gCO2‐eq MJ?1) when planted on marginal pastureland, and 134 296 kg CO2‐eq (or ?31.8 gCO2‐eq MJ?1) when marginal abandoned land is cultivated. Increasing the bioenergy potential without undesirable iLUC effects, especially relevant regarding biodiversity impacts, requires that part of the marginally used extensive grasslands are released from their current use or energy cropping on abandoned farmland incentivized.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas and major component of the net global warming potential of bioenergy feedstock cropping systems. Numerous environmental factors influence soil N2O production, making direct correlation difficult to any one factor of N2O fluxes under field conditions. We instead employed quantile regression to evaluate whether soil temperature, water‐filled pore space (WFPS), and concentrations of soil nitrate () and ammonium () determined upper bounds for soil N2O flux magnitudes. We collected data over 6 years from a range of bioenergy feedstock cropping systems including no‐till grain crops, perennial warm‐season grasses, hybrid poplar, and polycultures of tallgrass prairie species each with and without nitrogen (N) addition grown at two sites. The upper bounds for soil N2O fluxes had a significant and positive correlation with all four environmental factors, although relatively large fluxes were still possible at minimal values for nearly all factors. The correlation with was generally weaker, suggesting it is less important than in driving large fluxes. Quantile regression slopes were generally lower for unfertilized perennials than for other systems, but this may have resulted from a perpetual state of nitrogen limitation, which prevented other factors from being clear constraints. This framework suggests efforts to reduce concentrations of in the soil may be effective at reducing high‐intensity periods—”hot moments”—of N2O production.  相似文献   

Biochar management has been proposed as a possible tool to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and thus far its impacts in forested environments remain poorly understood. We conducted a large‐scale, replicated field experiment using 0.05‐ha plots in the boreal region in northern Sweden to evaluate how soil and vegetation properties and processes responded to biochar application and the disturbance associated with burying biochar in the soil. We employed a randomized block design, where biochar and soil mixing treatments were established in factorial combination (i.e., control, soil mixing only, biochar only, and biochar and soil mixing; n = 6 plots of each). After two growing seasons, we found that biochar application enhanced net soil N mineralization rates and soil concentrations regardless of the soil mixing treatment, but had no impact on the availability of , the majority of soil microbial community parameters, or soil respiration. Meanwhile, soil mixing enhanced soil concentrations, but had negative impacts on net N mineralization rates and several soil microbial community variables. Many of the effects of soil mixing on soil nutrient and microbial community properties were less extreme when biochar was also added. Biochar addition had almost no effects on vegetation properties (except for a small reduction in species richness of the ground layer vegetation), while soil mixing caused significant reductions in graminoid and total ground layer vegetation cover, and enhanced seedling survival rates of P. sylvestris, and seed germination rates for four tree species. Our results suggest that biochar application can serve as an effective tool to store soil C in boreal forests while enhancing availability. They also suggest that biochar may serve as a useful complement to site preparation techniques that are frequently used in the boreal region, by enhancing soil fertility and reducing nutrient losses when soils are scarified during site preparation.  相似文献   

Biochar has been widely researched as an important technology for climate smart agriculture, yet work is still necessary to identify the magnitude of potential greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation and mechanisms involved. This study measured slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar's impact on GHG efflux, mineral N dynamics, and soil organic C in a series of two incubations across fertilized and unfertilized agricultural soils and soil moisture regimes. This research explored the magnitude of biochar's full GHG mitigation potential and drivers of such impacts. Results of this incubation indicate slow‐pyrolysis wood‐derived biochar has potential to provide annual emission reductions of 0.58–1.72 Mg CO2‐eq ha?1 at a 25 Mg ha?1 biochar application rate. The greatest GHG mitigation potential was from C sequestration and nitrous oxide (N2O) reduction in mineral N fertilized soils, with minimal impacts on N2O emissions in unfertilized soils, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, and methane (CH4) uptake. Analysis of mineral N dynamics in the bulk soil and on biochar isolates indicated that neither biochar impacts on net mineralization and nitrification nor retention of ammonium () on biochar isolates could explain biochar's N2O reduction. Instead, biochar amendments exhibited consistent N2O emission reductions relative to the N2O emission in the control soil regardless of soil type and fertilization. Results across a soil moisture gradient suggest that woody biochar may aerate soils shifting redox conditions and subsequent N2O production. Understanding the magnitude of biochar's GHG reduction potential and the mechanisms driving these effects can help inform biochar modeling efforts, explain field results and identify agricultural applications that maximize biochar's full GHG mitigation potential.  相似文献   

Co-firing residual lignocellulosic biomass with fossil fuels is often used to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, especially in processes like cement production where fuel costs are critical and residual biomass can be obtained at a low cost. Since plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere, CO2 emissions from biomass combustion are often assumed to have zero global warming potential ( GWP bCO 2 = 0) and do not contribute to climate forcing. However, diverting residual biomass to energy use has recently been shown to increase the atmospheric CO2 load when compared to business-as-usual (BAU) practices, resulting in GWP bCO 2 values between 0 and 1. A detailed process model for a natural gas-fired cement plant producing 4200 megagrams of clinker per day was used to calculate the material and energy flows, as well as the lifecycle emissions associated with cement production without and with diverted biomass (supplying 50% of precalciner energy demand) from forestry and landfill sources. Biomass co-firing reduced natural gas demand in the precalciner of the cement plant by 39% relative to the reference scenario (100% natural gas), but the total demands for thermal, electrical, and diesel (transportation) energy increased by at least 14%. Assuming GWP bCO 2 values of zero for biomass combustion, cement's lifecycle GHG intensity changed from the reference (natural gas only) plant by −40, −23, and − 89 kg CO2/Mg clinker for diverted biomass from slash burning, forest floor and landfill biomass, respectively. However, using the calculated GWP bCO 2 values for diverted biomass from these same fuel sources, the lifecycle GHG intensities changes were −37, +20 and +28 kg CO2/Mg clinker, respectively. The switch from decreasing to increasing cement plant GHG emissions (i.e., forest floor or landfill feedstocks scenarios) highlights the importance of calculating and using the GWP bCO 2 factor when quantifying lifecycle GHG impacts associated with diverting residual biomass to bioenergy use.  相似文献   

China is under pressure to improve its agricultural productivity to keep up with the demands of a growing population with increasingly resource‐intensive diets. This productivity improvement must occur against a backdrop of carbon intensity reduction targets, and a highly fragmented, nutrient‐inefficient farming system. Moreover, the Chinese government increasingly recognizes the need to rationalize the management of the 800 million tonnes of agricultural crop straw that China produces each year, up to 40% of which is burned in‐field as a waste. Biochar produced from these residues and applied to land could contribute to China's agricultural productivity, resource use efficiency and carbon reduction goals. However competing uses for China's straw residues are rapidly emerging, particularly from bioenergy generation. Therefore it is important to understand the relative economic viability and carbon abatement potential of directing agricultural residues to biochar rather than bioenergy. Using cost‐benefit analysis (CBA) and life‐cycle analysis (LCA), this paper therefore compares the economic viability and carbon abatement potential of biochar production via pyrolysis, with that of bioenergy production via briquetting and gasification. Straw reincorporation and in‐field straw burning are used as baseline scenarios. We find that briquetting straw for heat energy is the most cost‐effective carbon abatement technology, requiring a subsidy of $7 MgCO2e?1 abated. However China's current bioelectricity subsidy scheme makes gasification (NPV $12.6 million) more financially attractive for investors than both briquetting (NPV $7.34 million), and pyrolysis ($?1.84 million). The direct carbon abatement potential of pyrolysis (1.06 MgCO2e per odt straw) is also lower than that of briquetting (1.35 MgCO2e per odt straw) and gasification (1.16 MgCO2e per odt straw). However indirect carbon abatement processes arising from biochar application could significantly improve the carbon abatement potential of the pyrolysis scenario. Likewise, increasing the agronomic value of biochar is essential for the pyrolysis scenario to compete as an economically viable, cost‐effective mitigation technology.  相似文献   

Several EU countries import wood pellets from the south‐eastern United States. The imported wood pellets are (co‐)fired in power plants with the aim of reducing overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from electricity and meeting EU renewable energy targets. To assess whether GHG emissions are reduced and on what timescale, we construct the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity. This GHG balance consists of supply chain and combustion GHG emissions, carbon sequestration during biomass growth and avoided GHG emissions through replacing fossil electricity. We investigate wood pellets from four softwood feedstock types: small roundwood, commercial thinnings, harvest residues and mill residues. Per feedstock, the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity is compared against those of alternative scenarios. Alternative scenarios are combinations of alternative fates of the feedstock materials, such as in‐forest decomposition, or the production of paper or wood panels like oriented strand board (OSB). Alternative scenario composition depends on feedstock type and local demand for this feedstock. Results indicate that the GHG balance of wood‐pellet electricity equals that of alternative scenarios within 0–21 years (the GHG parity time), after which wood‐pellet electricity has sustained climate benefits. Parity times increase by a maximum of 12 years when varying key variables (emissions associated with paper and panels, soil carbon increase via feedstock decomposition, wood‐pellet electricity supply chain emissions) within maximum plausible ranges. Using commercial thinnings, harvest residues or mill residues as feedstock leads to the shortest GHG parity times (0–6 years) and fastest GHG benefits from wood‐pellet electricity. We find shorter GHG parity times than previous studies, for we use a novel approach that differentiates feedstocks and considers alternative scenarios based on (combinations of) alternative feedstock fates, rather than on alternative land uses. This novel approach is relevant for bioenergy derived from low‐value feedstocks.  相似文献   

National scale projections of bioenergy crop yields and their environmental impacts are essential to identify appropriate locations to place bioenergy crops and ensure sustainable land use strategies. In this study, we used the process‐based Daily Century (DAYCENT) model with site‐specific environmental data to simulate sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) biomass yield, soil organic carbon (SOC) change, and nitrous oxide emissions across cultivated lands in the continental United States. The simulated rainfed dry biomass productivity ranged from 0.8 to 19.2 Mg ha?1 year?1, with a spatiotemporal average of  Mg ha?1 year?1, and a coefficient of variation of 35%. The average SOC sequestration and direct nitrous oxide emission rates were simulated as  Mg CO2e ha?1 year?1 and  Mg CO2e ha?1 year?1, respectively. Compared to field‐observed biomass yield data at multiple locations, model predictions of biomass productivity showed a root mean square error (RMSE) of 5.6 Mg ha?1 year?1. In comparison to the multi State (n = 21) NASS database, our results showed RMSE of 5.5 Mg ha?1 year?1. Model projections of baseline SOC showed RMSE of 1.9 kg/m2 in comparison to a recently available continental SOC stock dataset. The model‐predicted N2O emissions are close to 1.25% of N input. Our results suggest 10.2 million ha of cultivated lands in the Southern and Lower Midwestern United States will produce >10 Mg ha?1 year?1 with net carbon sequestration under rainfed conditions. Cultivated lands in Upper Midwestern states including Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Michigan, and North Dakota showed lower sorghum biomass productivity (average: 6.9 Mg ha?1 year?1) with net sequestration (average: 0.13 Mg CO2e ha?1 year?1). Our national‐scale spatially explicit results are critical inputs for robust life cycle assessment of bioenergy production systems and land use‐based climate change mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) production has the potential to improve soils and the environment. However, little is known about the long‐term future assessment of soil and environmental impacts associated with switchgrass production. In this study, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil nitrate (), water‐filled pore space (WFPS), carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes, and biomass yield from switchgrass field were predicted using DAYCENT models for 2016 through 2050. Measured data for model calibration and validation at this study site managed with nitrogen fertilization rates (N rates) (low, 0 kg N ha?1; medium, 56 kg N ha?1; and high, 112 kg N ha?1) and landscape positions (shoulder and footslope) for switchgrass production were collected from the previously published studies. Modeling results showed that the N fertilization can enhance SOC and soil NO3?, but increase soil N2O and CO2 fluxes. In this study, medium N fertilization was the optimum rate for enhancing switchgrass yield and reducing negative impact on the environment. Footslope position can be beneficial for improving SOC, , and yield, but contribute higher greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to those of the shoulder. An increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation (climate scenarios) may reduce soil , WFPS, and N2O flux. Switchgrass production can improve and maintain SOC and , and reduce N2O and CO2 fluxes over the predicted years. These findings indicate that switchgrass could be a sustainable bioenergy crop on marginally yielding lands for improving soils without significant negative impacts on the environment in the long run.  相似文献   

The potential ecological impacts of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), as a biofuel feedstock, have been assessed under different environmental conditions. However, limited information is available in understanding the integrated analysis of nitrogen (N) dynamics including soil nitrate (), nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and leaching under switchgrass land management. The specific objective was to explore N dynamics for 2009 through 2015 in switchgrass seeded to a marginally yielding cropland based on treatments of N fertilization rate (N rate; low, 0; medium, 56; high, 112 kg N ha?1) and landscape position (shoulder, backslope, and footslope). Our findings indicated that N rate impacted soil (0–5 cm depth) and surface N2O fluxes but did not impact leaching during the observed years. Medium N (56 kg N ha?1) was the optimal rate for increasing biomass yield with reduced environmental problems. Landscape position impacted the N dynamics. At the footslope position, soil , soil leaching, and N2O fluxes were higher than the other landscape positions. Soil N2O fluxes and leaching had downward trends over the observed years. Growing switchgrass on marginally yielding croplands can store soil N, reduce N losses via leaching, and mitigate N2O emissions from soils to the atmosphere over the years. Switchgrass seeded on marginally yielding croplands can be beneficial in reducing N losses and can be grown as a sustainable bioenergy crop on these marginal lands.  相似文献   

The potential of forests and the forest sector to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is widely recognized, but challenging to quantify at a national scale. Mitigation benefits through the use of forest products are affected by product life cycles, which determine the duration of carbon storage in wood products and substitution benefits where emissions are avoided using wood products instead of other emissions‐intensive building products and energy fuels. Here we determined displacement factors for wood substitution in the built environment and bioenergy at the national level in Canada. For solid wood products, we compiled a basket of end‐use products and determined the reduction in emissions for two functionally equivalent products: a more wood‐intensive product vs. a less wood‐intensive one. Avoided emissions for end‐use products basket were weighted by Canadian consumption statistics to reflect national wood uses, and avoided emissions were further partitioned into displacement factors for sawnwood and panels. We also examined two bioenergy feedstock scenarios (constant supply and constrained supply) to estimate displacement factors for bioenergy using an optimized selection of bioenergy facilities which maximized avoided emissions from fossil fuels. Results demonstrated that the average displacement factors were found to be similar: product displacement factors were 0.54 tC displaced per tC of used for sawnwood and 0.45 tC tC?1 for panels; energy displacement factors for the two feedstock scenarios were 0.47 tC tC?1 for the constant supply and 0.89 tC tC?1 for the constrained supply. However, there was a wide range of substitution impacts. The greatest avoided emissions occurred when wood was substituted for steel and concrete in buildings, and when bioenergy from heat facilities and/or combined heat and power facilities was substituted for energy from high‐emissions fossil fuels. We conclude that (1) national‐level substitution benefits need to be considered within a systems perspective on climate change mitigation to avoid the development of policies that deliver no net benefits to the atmosphere, (2) the use of long‐lived wood products in buildings to displace steel and concrete reduces GHG emissions, (3) the greatest bioenergy substitution benefits are achieved using a mix of facility types and capacities to displace emissions‐intensive fossil fuels.  相似文献   

Biochar application to soils may increase carbon (C) sequestration due to the inputs of recalcitrant organic C. However, the effects of biochar application on the soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes appear variable among many case studies; therefore, the efficacy of biochar as a carbon sequestration agent for climate change mitigation remains uncertain. We performed a meta‐analysis of 91 published papers with 552 paired comparisons to obtain a central tendency of three main GHG fluxes (i.e., CO2, CH4, and N2O) in response to biochar application. Our results showed that biochar application significantly increased soil CO2 fluxes by 22.14%, but decreased N2O fluxes by 30.92% and did not affect CH4 fluxes. As a consequence, biochar application may significantly contribute to an increased global warming potential (GWP) of total soil GHG fluxes due to the large stimulation of CO2 fluxes. However, soil CO2 fluxes were suppressed when biochar was added to fertilized soils, indicating that biochar application is unlikely to stimulate CO2 fluxes in the agriculture sector, in which N fertilizer inputs are common. Responses of soil GHG fluxes mainly varied with biochar feedstock source and soil texture and the pyrolysis temperature of biochar. Soil and biochar pH, biochar applied rate, and latitude also influence soil GHG fluxes, but to a more limited extent. Our findings provide a scientific basis for developing more rational strategies toward widespread adoption of biochar as a soil amendment for climate change mitigation.  相似文献   

Biochar is a pyrolysed biomass and largely consists of pyrogenic carbon (C), which takes much longer to decompose compared to the biomass it is made from. When applied to soil, it could increase agricultural productivity through nutrient retention and changing soil properties. The biochar‐mediated nutrient retention capacity depends on the biochar properties, which change with time, and on soil properties. Here, we examined the effects of a wood biochar (20 t ha?1), that has aged (21 months) in a grassland field, on gross nitrogen (N) mineralization (GNM) and 15N recovery using a 15N tracer. A field experiment was conducted in two soil types, that is a Tenosol and a Dermosol, and also included a phosphorus (P) addition treatment (1 kg ha?1). Compared to the control, biochar with P addition significantly increased GNM in the Tenosol. Possibly, biochar and P addition enhanced nutrient availability in this nutrient‐limited soil, thereby stimulating microbial activity. In contrast, biochar addition reduced GNM in the Dermosol, possibly by protecting soil organic matter (SOM) from decomposition through sorption onto biochar surfaces and enhanced formation of organo‐mineral complexes in this soil that had a higher clay content (29% vs. 8% in the Tenosol). Compared to the control, biochar significantly increased total 15N recovery in the Tenosol (on average by 12%) and reduced leaching to subsurface soil layers (on average by 52%). Overall, 15N recovery was greater in the Dermosol (83%) than the Tenosol (63%), but was not affected by biochar or P. The increased N recovery with biochar addition in the sandy Tenosol may be due to retention at exchange sites on aged biochar, while such beneficial effects may not be visible in soils with higher clay content. Our results suggest that aged biochar may increase N use efficiency through reduced leaching or gaseous losses in sandy soils.  相似文献   

Albedo change during feedstock production can substantially alter the life cycle climate impact of bioenergy. Life cycle assessment (LCA) studies have compared the effects of albedo and greenhouse gases (GHGs) based on global warming potential (GWP). However, using GWP leads to unequal weighting of climate forcers that act on different timescales. In this study, albedo was included in the time‐dependent LCA, which accounts for the timing of emissions and their impacts. We employed field‐measured albedo and life cycle emissions data along with time‐dependent models of radiative transfer, biogenic carbon fluxes and nitrous oxide emissions from soil. Climate impacts were expressed as global mean surface temperature change over time (?T) and as GWP. The bioenergy system analysed was heat and power production from short‐rotation willow grown on former fallow land in Sweden. We found a net cooling effect in terms of ?T per hectare (?3.8 × 10–11 K in year 100) and GWP100 per MJ fuel (?12.2 g CO2e), as a result of soil carbon sequestration via high inputs of carbon from willow roots and litter. Albedo was higher under willow than fallow, contributing to the cooling effect and accounting for 34% of GWP100, 36% of ?T in year 50 and 6% of ?T in year 100. Albedo dominated the short‐term temperature response (10–20 years) but became, in relative terms, less important over time, owing to accumulation of soil carbon under sustained production and the longer perturbation lifetime of GHGs. The timing of impacts was explicit with ?T, which improves the relevance of LCA results to climate targets. Our method can be used to quantify the first‐order radiative effect of albedo change on the global climate and relate it to the climate impact of GHG emissions in LCA of bioenergy, alternative energy sources or land uses.  相似文献   

The cultivation of perennial wild plant mixtures (WPMs) in biogas cropping systems dominated by maize (Zea mays L.) restores numerous ecosystem functions and improves both spatial and temporal agrobiodiversity. In addition, the colorful appearance of WPM can help enhance landscape beauty. However, their methane yield per hectare (MYH) varies greatly and amounts to only about 50% that of maize. This study aimed at decreasing MYH variability and increasing accumulated MYH of WPM by optimizing the establishment method. A field trial was established in southwest Germany in 2014, and is still running. It tested the effects of three WPM establishment procedures (E1: alone [without maize, in May], E2: undersown in cover crop maize [in May], E3: WPM sown after whole‐crop harvest of spring barley [Hordeum vulgare L.] in June) on both MYH and species diversity of two WPMs [S1, S2]). Mono‐cropped maize and cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) were used as reference crops. Of the WPM treatments tested, S2E2 achieved the highest (19,296 , 60.5% of maize) and S1E1 the lowest accumulated MYH (8,156 , 25.6% of maize) in the years 2014–2018. Cup plant yielded slightly higher than S2E2 (19,968 , 62.6% of maize). In 2014, the WPM sown under maize did not significantly affect the cover crop performance. From 2015 onward, E1 and E2 had comparable average annual MYH and average annual number of WPM species. With a similar accumulated MYH but significantly higher number of species (3.5–10.2), WPM S2E2 outperformed cup plant. Overall, the long‐term MYH performance of WPM cultivation for biogas production can be significantly improved by undersowing with maize as cover crop. This improved establishment method could help facilitate the implementation of WPM cultivation for biogas production and thus reduce the trade‐off between bioenergy and biodiversity.  相似文献   

Willow species (Salix) are important as short‐rotation biomass crops for bioenergy, which creates a demand for faster genetic improvement and breeding through deployment of molecular marker‐assisted selection (MAS). To find markers associated with important adaptive traits, such as growth and phenology, for use in MAS, we genetically dissected the trait variation of a Salix viminalis (L.) population of 323 accessions. The accessions were sampled throughout northern Europe and were established at two field sites in Pustnäs, Sweden, and at Woburn, UK, offering the opportunity to assess the impact of genotype‐by‐environment interactions (G × E) on trait–marker associations. Field measurements were recorded for growth and phenology traits. The accessions were genotyped using 1536 SNP markers developed from phenology candidate genes and from genes previously observed to be differentially expressed in contrasting environments. Association mapping between 1233 of these SNPs and the measured traits was performed taking into account population structure and threshold selection bias. At a false discovery rate (FDR) of 0.2, 29 SNPs were associated with bud burst, leaf senescence, number of shoots or shoot diameter. The percentage of accession variation () explained by these associations ranged from 0.3% to 4.4%, suggesting that the studied traits are controlled by many loci of limited individual impact. Despite this, a SNP in the EARLY FLOWERING 3 gene was repeatedly associated (FDR < 0.2) with bud burst. The rare homozygous genotype exhibited 0.4–1.0 lower bud burst scores than the other genotype classes on a five‐grade scale. Consequently, this marker could be promising for use in MAS and the gene deserves further study. Otherwise, associations were less consistent across sites, likely due to their small estimates and to considerable G × E interactions indicated by multivariate association analyses and modest trait accession correlations across sites (0.32–0.61).  相似文献   

The characterization of biochar has been predominantly focused around determining physicochemical properties including chemical composition, porosity and volatile content. To date, little systematic research has been done into assessing the properties of biochar that directly relate to its function in soil and how production conditions could impact these. The aim of this study was to evaluate how pyrolysis conditions can influence biochar's potential for soil enhancing benefits by addressing key soil constraints, and identify potential synergies and restrictions. To do this, biochar produced from pine wood chips (PC), wheat straw (WS) and wheat straw pellets (WSP) at four highest treatment temperatures (HTT) (350, 450, 550 and 650 °C) and two heating rates (5 and 100 °C min?1) were analysed for pH, extractable nutrients, cation exchange capacity (CEC), stable‐C content and labile‐C content. Highest treatment temperature and feedstock selection played an important role in the development of biochar functional properties while overall heating rate (in the range investigated) was found to have no significant effect on pH, stable‐C or labile‐C concentrations. Increasing the HTT reduced biochar yield and labile‐C content while increasing the yield of stable‐C present within biochar. Biochar produced at higher HTT also demonstrated a higher degree of alkalinity improving biochar's ability to increase soil pH. The concentration of extractable nutrients was mainly affected by feedstock selection while the biochar CEC was influenced by HTT, generally reaching its highest values between 450–550 °C. Biochar produced at ≥550 °C showed high combined values for C stability, pH and CEC while lower HTTs favoured nutrient availability. Therefore attempts to maximize biochar's C sequestration potential could reduce the availability of biochar nutrients. Developing our understanding of how feedstock selection and processing conditions influence key biochar properties can be used to refine the pyrolysis process and design of ‘bespoke biochar’ engineered to deliver specific environmental functions.  相似文献   

Domestic and foreign renewable energy targets and financial incentives have increased demand for woody biomass and bioenergy in the southeastern United States. This demand is expected to be met through purpose‐grown agricultural bioenergy crops, short‐rotation tree plantations, thinning and harvest of planted and natural forests, and forest harvest residues. With results from a forest economics model, spatially explicit state‐and‐transition simulation models, and species–habitat models, we projected change in habitat amount for 16 wildlife species caused by meeting a renewable fuel target and expected demand for wood pellets in North Carolina, USA. We projected changes over 40 years under a baseline ‘business‐as‐usual’ scenario without bioenergy production and five scenarios with unique feedstock portfolios. Bioenergy demand had potential to influence trends in habitat availability for some species in our study area. We found variation in impacts among species, and no scenario was the ‘best’ or ‘worst’ across all species. Our models projected that shrub‐associated species would gain habitat under some scenarios because of increases in the amount of regenerating forests on the landscape, while species restricted to mature forests would lose habitat. Some forest species could also lose habitat from the conversion of forests on marginal soils to purpose‐grown feedstocks. The conversion of agricultural lands on marginal soils to purpose‐grown feedstocks increased habitat losses for one species with strong associations with pasture, which is being lost to urbanization in our study region. Our results indicate that landscape‐scale impacts on wildlife habitat will vary among species and depend upon the bioenergy feedstock portfolio. Therefore, decisions about bioenergy and wildlife will likely involve trade‐offs among wildlife species, and the choice of focal species is likely to affect the results of landscape‐scale assessments. We offer general principals to consider when crafting lists of focal species for bioenergy impact assessments at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the extent to which it is possible to marry the two seemingly opposing concepts of heat and/or power production from biomass with carbon sequestration in the form of biochar. To do this, we investigated the effects of feedstock, highest heating temperature (HTT), residence time at HTT and carrier gas flow rate on the distribution of pyrolysis co‐products and their energy content, as well as the carbon sequestration potential of biochar. Biochar was produced from wood pellets (WP) and straw pellets (SP) at two temperatures (350 and 650 °C), with three residence times (10, 20 and 40 min) and three carrier gas flow rates (0, 0.33 and 0.66 l min?1). The energy balance of the system was determined experimentally by quantifying the energy contained within pyrolysis co‐products. Biochar was also analysed for physicochemical and soil functional properties, namely environmentally stable‐C and labile‐C content. Residence time showed no considerable effect on any of the measured properties. Increased HTT resulted in higher concentrations of fixed C, total C and stable‐C in biochar, as well as higher heating value (HHV) due to the increased release of volatile compounds. Increased carrier gas flow rate resulted in decreased biochar yields and reduced biochar stable‐C and labile‐C content. Pyrolysis at 650 °C showed an increased stable‐C yield as well as a decreased proportion of energy stored in the biochar fraction but increased stored energy in the liquid and gas co‐products. Carrier gas flow rate was also seen to be influential in determining the proportion of energy stored in the gas phase. Understanding the influence of production conditions on long term biochar stability in addition to the energy content of the co‐products obtained from pyrolysis is critical for the development of specifically engineered biochar, be it for agricultural use, carbon storage, energy generation or combinations of the three.  相似文献   

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