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Aim  Hull fouling is a leading vector for the introduction of marine, non‐indigenous species (NIS) worldwide, yet its importance to freshwater habitats is poorly understood. We aimed to establish the complement of NIS transported via this vector to the Great Lakes and to determine if they pose an invasion risk. Location  Laurentian Great Lakes. Methods  During 2007 and 2008, we collected scrapings from exterior surfaces as well as underwater video‐transects from 20 vessels shortly after their arrival in Great Lakes’ ports. Invertebrates present were sorted and identified in the laboratory. Results  Total estimated abundance averaged > 170,000 invertebrates per ship belonging to 109 taxa. Most (72%) of these taxa were freshwater species already present in the Great Lakes, whereas 11 and 31% were native to estuarine and marine habitats respectively, and would not be expected to survive in this habitat. Abundance was dominated by barnacles (51%), cladocerans (19%), bivalves (12%) and amphipods (11%). Sea‐chest grating and the rudder were hot‐spots for biofouling. Invertebrate diversity and total abundance were positively associated with total time spent in port during the last year and time in Pacific South American ports and negatively related to time in high latitudes and sailing speed. Although we found some live, established invaders such as Gammarus tigrinus and Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, only one individual of a freshwater NIS (Alexandrovia onegensis, Oligochaeta) not yet reported in the Great Lakes was detected. The animal’s poor condition and seemingly low population abundance indicated the risk of live introduction by this vector was likely quite low. Main conclusion  Our results indicate that hull fouling appears to pose a low risk of introductions of new species capable of surviving in the Great Lakes, unlike foreign‐sourced freshwater ballast water that historically was discharged by these transoceanic vessels.  相似文献   

Visual performance of the vertebrate eye requires large amounts of oxygen, and thus the retina is one of the highest oxygen-consuming tissues of the body. Here we show that neuroglobin, a neuron-specific respiratory protein distantly related to hemoglobin and myoglobin, is present at high amounts in the mouse retina (approximately 100 microm). The estimated concentration of neuroglobin in the retina is thus about 100-fold higher than in the brain and is in the same range as that of myoglobin in the muscle. Neuroglobin is expressed in all neurons of the retina but not in the retinal pigment epithelium. Neuroglobin mRNA was detected in the perikarya of the nuclear and ganglion layers of the neuronal retina, whereas the protein was present mainly in the plexiform layers and in the ellipsoid region of photoreceptor inner segment. The distribution of neuroglobin correlates with the subcellular localization of mitochondria and with the relative oxygen demands, as the plexiform layers and the inner segment consume most of the retinal oxygen. These findings suggest that neuroglobin supplies oxygen to the retina, similar to myoglobin in the myocardium and the skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The evolution of active stomatal closure in response to leaf water deficit, mediated by the hormone abscisic acid (ABA), has been the subject of recent debate. Two different models for the timing of the evolution of this response recur in the literature. A single‐step model for stomatal control suggests that stomata evolved active, ABA‐mediated control of stomatal aperture, when these structures first appeared, prior to the divergence of bryophyte and vascular plant lineages. In contrast, a gradualistic model for stomatal control proposes that the most basal vascular plant stomata responded passively to changes in leaf water status. This model suggests that active ABA‐driven mechanisms for stomatal responses to water status instead evolved after the divergence of seed plants, culminating in the complex, ABA‐mediated responses observed in modern angiosperms. Here we review the findings that form the basis for these two models, including recent work that provides critical molecular insights into resolving this intriguing debate, and find strong evidence to support a gradualistic model for stomatal evolution.  相似文献   

Tobias Uller  Mats Olsson 《Oikos》2003,101(2):317-322
The relative importance of genetic and environmental factors for explaining differences in trait distributions between populations is one of the major issues in evolutionary biology. In ectotherms, temperature can have a major impact on morphology, physiology, and life history strategies, and has often been inferred to explain differences between populations. In species with active thermoregulation, however, the ambient temperature may not be as important as the opportunity for thermoregulation. We studied growth in juvenile common lizards ( Lacerta vivipara ) originating from two environments differing in such thermal opportunity (i.e. day length). The populations differed significantly in their norms of reaction, with lizards experiencing long days in the wild showing a steeper increase in growth rate with increasing thermal opportunity. The environment with longer days also has a lower mean temperature in the wild, and in accordance with evolutionary predictions, lizards from this population had higher endurance at low temperatures. Both populations showed genetic variation in degree of phenotypic plasticity in growth rate as evident from the extensive crossing in norms of reaction.  相似文献   

Sustainable feedstock supply is a critical issue for the bioenergy sector. One concern is that feedstock production will impact biodiversity. We analyze how this concern is addressed in assessments of biomass supply potentials and in selected governance systems in the EU and Brazil, including the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Brazilian Forest Act. The analysis focuses on grasslands and includes estimates of the amount of grassland area (and corresponding biomass production volume) that would be excluded from cultivation in specific biodiversity protection scenarios. The reviewed assessments used a variety of approaches to identify and exclude biodiverse grasslands as unavailable for bioenergy. Because exclusion was integrated with other nature protection considerations, quantification of excluded grassland areas was often not possible. The RED complements and strengthens the CAP in terms of biodiversity protection. Following the RED, an estimated 39%–48% (about 9–11 Mha) and 15%–54% (about 10–38 Mha) of natural and non‐natural grassland, respectively, may be considered highly biodiverse in EU‐28. The estimated biomass production potential on these areas corresponds to some 1–3 and 1.5–10 EJ/year for natural and non‐natural grassland, respectively (depending on area availability and management intensity). However, the RED lacks clear definitions and guidance, creating uncertainty about its influence on grassland availability for bioenergy feedstock production. For Brazil, an estimated 16%–77% (about 16–76 Mha) and 1%–32% (about 7–24 Mha) of natural and non‐natural grassland, respectively, may be considered highly biodiverse. In Brazil, ecological–economic zoning was found potentially important for grassland protection. Further clarification of grassland definitions and delineation in regulations will facilitate a better understanding of the prospects for bioenergy feedstock production on grasslands, and the impacts of bioenergy deployment on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Animal migration is a global phenomenon, but few studies have examined the substantial within‐ and between‐species variation in migration distances. We built a global database of 94 land migrations of large mammalian herbivore populations ranging from 10 to 1638 km. We examined how resource availability, spatial scale of resource variability and body size affect migration distance among populations. Resource availability measured as normalised difference vegetation index had a strong negative effect, predicting a tenfold difference in migration distances between low‐ and high‐resource areas and explaining 23% of the variation in migration distances. We found a weak, positive effect of the spatial scale of resource variability but no effect of body size. Resource‐poor environments are known to increase the size of mammalian home ranges and territories. Here, we demonstrate that for migratory populations as well, animals living in resource‐poor environments travel farther to fulfil their resource needs.  相似文献   

Bighead (Hypothalmichthys nobilis) and Silver carp (Hypothalmichthys molitrix) have established populations in the Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri and Maumee rivers, and because of the hydrological connections, there is now a risk that these species may establish in the Great Lake basins. It has been suggested this risk is minimal because of the small number of fish that breach containment measures, and possible mating-finding difficulties as a consequence. Using literature data, we parameterize a stage- and river-structured population model and examine the probability of a small number of fish establishing a population in one of the Great Lakes. We find that for sexual maturity earlier than age 5, there can be a significant risk of establishment with a very small number of fish (<20) in a lake basin with 10 or fewer spawning rivers. If all fish locate spawning rivers, mating is quite probable for very few spawning rivers. The subdivision of a few spawning adults across a large number rivers does reduce the probability of successful mating, but once a threshold number of fish is reached (dependent on the number of spawning rivers and the probability of fish locating a river), then mating success is very likely. Environmental stochasticity that reduces spawning success and juvenile survival predictably reduces establishment probability, but if spawning rivers have environmental conditions that fluctuate out of phase, this impact is much reduced. As expected, the most hazardous containment breach scenario is if barriers are continually leaky, and a small number of fish are introduced into the lake basin each year. In contrast, a single introduction represents a lower risk of establishment. Overall, the model suggests that establishment is quite likely (>75 % probability) for a large number of scenarios involving a small number of founding individuals (<20 fish). We conclude that while propagule pressure does increase risk in this system, it is not the most important consideration. Instead, probable age at first maturity in a given Great Lake basin may be critical to determining risk.  相似文献   


We investigated changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) in the relaxed condition in subjects who felt sleepy, but were unable to sleep. A total of 1021 subjects underwent daytime polysomnography. The sleep latency (SL) and the visual analog scale (VAS) were used to assess “immediate” objective and subjective sleepiness, respectively. The subjects were assigned to an “Alert-Alert” group (VAS ≤ 25 mm, SL ≥ 8 min), a “Sleepy-Alert” group (VAS ≥ 75 mm, SL ≥ 8 min), or a “Sleepy-Sleepy” group (VAS ≥ 75 mm, SL ≤ 4 min). In order to assess the ANS, the spectral analysis and the geometric method were used. The ANS data collected during the relaxed condition (after lights off, post-LO) was compared to that obtained during the control condition (before lights off, pre-LO). From the spectral analysis, a significant decrease of sympathetic function and an increase of parasympathetic function at post-LO in the Sleepy-Sleepy group, a tendency for sympathetic function decrease at post-LO in the Alert-Alert group, and no significant changes to sympathetic and parasympathetic function in the Sleepy-Alert group were observed. The results from the geometric method supported the results of the spectral analysis in the Alert-Alert group and the Sleepy-Sleepy group. The results of this study suggest that the ANS plays a role in individuals who are unable to sleep even though they feel sleepy and are given the opportunity to sleep.


The genetics of marine populations is a subject that has made little progress compared with the effort spent on the terrestrial environment. This is so despite “applied” aspects such as stock management, marine aquaculture, creation of reserves, conservation of the coastal zones, taxonomy, and protection of species. The crowded and dispersive marine environment, with its steep physical gradients, favours the existence of a planktonic larval stage for most species. The attendant high fecundity has important consequences for selection differentials and dispersal and therefore for the evolution of genetic structures. These features must be taken into account in order to understand the origin and maintenance of marine biodiversity and, in some cases, to manage it.In this article, after a definition of genetic diversity among other aspects of biodiversity, special features of the marine environment and processes governing genetic diversity are given together with the molecular tools required to study it. Then, an overview of the interesting scientific questions in marine biodiversity research is given concerning:
the population structure as a function of dispersal systems and spatial constraints: gene flow and speciation in a dispersive environment,
the phylogeography and historical biogeography of marine ecosystems;
the functional and adaptive aspects of polymorphism: larval phase and genetic control of recruitment.
Some uses of genetic diversity for assessment, conservation and protection purposes are also detailed. Organismal (specific) diversity does not enter the scope of the article.  相似文献   

Skin fibrosis is classically seen as the consequence of chronic inflammation and altered healing response that is characterized by the differentiation of fibroblasts into secretory myofibroblasts and accumulation of connective tissue. Although fibrosis severely affects organ function and causes esthetic defects, no effective therapy is currently available to attenuate the fibrogenic process probably because the fibrogenic process is more complex than previously thought. Indeed, it might involve several interacting and mutually dependent cell types (fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial cells, inflammatory cells), numerous paracrine factors, bio-active molecules and micro-environmental stimuli (growth factors, vasoactive peptides, balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, coagulation system, reactive oxygen species, extracellular matrix...). In this perspective, the traditional approach that model individual cell response in simple cell culture system is probably inadequate and too simplistic. This article reviews the new models used to study skin fibrosis in vitro, in organotypic culture systems and in vivo and examines how these different models might be used to identify new molecular pathways involved in fibrogenesis. The monolayer cultures allow the study of fibrogenic signals induced by a single factor on a single cell type. Isolation of cells from fibrotic tissue allows to define the fibrogenic differentiation acquired in vivo. The organotypic models allow cell to cell and cell to matrix interaction and the experimental models in pigs and mice allowed studies in integrated physiological systems. These various and complementary models would also provide new tools to develop and test new drugs and treatments.  相似文献   

This is a discussion of the following papers appearing in this special issue on adaptive designs: 'Confirmatory Seamless Phase II/III Clinical trials with Hypotheses Selection at Interim: General Concepts' by Frank Bretz, Heinz Schmidli, Franz K?nig, Amy Racine and Willi Maurer; and 'Confirmatory Seamless Phase II/III Clinical Trials with Hypotheses Selection at Interim: Applications and Practical Considerations' by Heinz Schmidli, Frank Bretz, Amy Racine and Willi Maurer.  相似文献   

Given the need for parallel increases in food and energy production from crops in the context of global change, crop simulation models and data sets to feed these models with photosynthesis and respiration parameters are increasingly important. This study provides information on photosynthesis and respiration for three energy crops (sunflower, kenaf, and cynara), reviews relevant information for five other crops (wheat, barley, cotton, tobacco, and grape), and assesses how conserved photosynthesis parameters are among crops. Using large data sets and optimization techniques, the C(3) leaf photosynthesis model of Farquhar, von Caemmerer, and Berry (FvCB) and an empirical night respiration model for tested energy crops accounting for effects of temperature and leaf nitrogen were parameterized. Instead of the common approach of using information on net photosynthesis response to CO(2) at the stomatal cavity (A(n)-C(i)), the model was parameterized by analysing the photosynthesis response to incident light intensity (A(n)-I(inc)). Convincing evidence is provided that the maximum Rubisco carboxylation rate or the maximum electron transport rate was very similar whether derived from A(n)-C(i) or from A(n)-I(inc) data sets. Parameters characterizing Rubisco limitation, electron transport limitation, the degree to which light inhibits leaf respiration, night respiration, and the minimum leaf nitrogen required for photosynthesis were then determined. Model predictions were validated against independent sets. Only a few FvCB parameters were conserved among crop species, thus species-specific FvCB model parameters are needed for crop modelling. Therefore, information from readily available but underexplored A(n)-I(inc) data should be re-analysed, thereby expanding the potential of combining classical photosynthetic data and the biochemical model.  相似文献   

The effect on reproduction of the dynamics of resource allocation was studied in an emergent and masting tree species, Dryobalanops aromatica (Dipterocarpaceae), in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Girdling of the reproductive shoots (5 mm diameter) caused an increase in abortion during the flowering period, but did not affect the fruit set at the middle or final stages of seed maturation. In contrast, 50% defoliation significantly affected fruit setting, but had little effect on flowering. The total leaf area of reproductive shoots was significantly correlated with final fruit set and total fruit mass. Control of the carbohydrate supply to reproductive shoots by girdling and defoliation made no difference to fruit size, but the fruit number was highly sensitive to carbohydrate availability. Total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) decreased during the flowering period mainly in the branch (P<0.05), but fluctuated little in any organs during fruit maturation. Leaf nitrogen and photosynthetic capacity of the reproductive shoots were not significant variables for reproduction. Our results suggest that D. aromatica uses current photosynthates in the leaves of reproductive shoots as a carbon source during fruit development, but requires stored assimilates in the branch for flowering. However, since TNC was still present in all organs even after flowering, our study also suggests that storage of carbohydrate resources might not be the decisive factor in the occurrence or frequency of flowering in this species.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Analysis of statistical properties of DNA sequences is important for evolutional biology as well as for DNA probe and PCR technologies. These technologies, in turn, can be used for organism identification, which implies applications in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, environmental studies, etc. RESULTS: We present results of the correlation analysis of distributions of the presence/absence of short nucleotide subsequences of different length ('n-mers', n = 5-20) in more than 1500 microbial and virus genomes, together with five genomes of multicellular organisms (including human). We calculate whether a given n-mer is present or absent (frequency of presence) in a given genome, which is not the usually calculated number of appearances of n-mers in one or more genomes (frequency of appearance). For organisms that are not close relatives of each other, the presence/absence of different 7-20mers in their genomes are not correlated. For close biological relatives, some correlation of the presence of n-mers in this range appears, but is not as strong as expected. Suppressed correlations among the n-mers present in different genomes leads to the possibility of using random sets of n-mers (with appropriately chosen n) to discriminate genomes of different organisms and possibly individual genomes of the same species including human with a low probability of error.  相似文献   

Influence of 12 nonpolar amino acids residues from the hydrophobic core of apomyoglobin on stability of its native state and folding intermediate was studied. Six of the selected residues are from the A, G and H helices; these are conserved in structure of the globin family, although nonfunctional, that is, not involved in heme binding. The rest are nonconserved hydrophobic residues that belong to the B, C, D, and E helices. Each residue was substituted by alanine, and equilibrium pH‐induced transitions in apomyoglobin and its mutants were studied by circular dichroism and fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results allowed estimating changes in their free energy during formation of the intermediate state. It was first shown that the strength of side chain interactions in the apomyoglobin intermediate state amounts to 15–50% of that in its native state for conserved residues, and practically to 0% for nonconserved residues. These results allow a better understanding of interactions occurring in the intermediate state and shed light on involvement of certain residues in protein folding at different stages.  相似文献   

On capturing a quantum of light, the bacteriorhodopsin of Halobacterium halobium undergoes a photocycle involving different intermediates. The exact scheme of the photocycle and especially the number of M intermediates are subjects of debate. For a quantitative analysis of many effects connected with the photocycle, e.g. the effect of the membrane potential on the kinetics of M decay (Groma et al., 1984. Biophys. J. 45:985-992), a knowledge of the exact photocycle is needed. In the present work sophisticated measurements were made on the decay kinetics of the M forms in cell envelope vesicles, purple membrane suspension and purple membrane fragments incorporated in polyacrylamide gel. The experimental data were analyzed by fitting one, two, and three discrete exponentials. Three different real components were found in the M decay of cell envelope vesicles in 4 M NaCl. All of them exhibited a temperature-dependence obeying the Arrhenius law. Two real components were found for the purple membrane in suspension and in gel in NaCl-free medium. The third phase appeared when the gel was soaked in 4 M NaCl. As an independent means of analysis, a continuous distribution of exponentials was also fitted to the M decay kinetics in cell envelope vesicles. This calculation also resulted in three processes with distinct rates or alternatively two processes with distributed rates.  相似文献   

The common factors have a long history in the field of psychotherapy theory, research and practice. To understand the evidence supporting them as important therapeutic elements, the contextual model of psychotherapy is outlined. Then the evidence, primarily from meta‐analyses, is presented for particular common factors, including alliance, empathy, expectations, cultural adaptation, and therapist differences. Then the evidence for four factors related to specificity, including treatment differences, specific ingredients, adherence, and competence, is presented. The evidence supports the conclusion that the common factors are important for producing the benefits of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Natural disturbances are key processes in the vast majority of ecosystems and a range of ecological theories have been developed in an attempt to predict biotic responses to them. However, empirical support for these theories has been inconsistent and considerable additional work remains to be done to better understand the response of biodiversity to natural disturbance. We tested predictions from the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and the habitat accommodation model of succession for reptile responses to fire history and a single major fire event. We focused our work on a broad range of vegetation types spanning sedgeland to temperate rainforest located within a national park in south‐eastern Australia. We found no significant relationships between reptile species richness and the number of fires over the past 35 years, the time since the last fire, or the severity of a major fire in 2003. Thus, we found no strong evidence to support the intermediate disturbance hypothesis. A correspondence analysis of reptile assemblages revealed a gradient in species responses to fire history. However, we found limited evidence for an ordered succession of reptiles. Nor could the responses of individual species be readily predicted from life history attributes. Thus, our findings were generally not consistent with predictions from the habitat accommodation model of succession. A possible explanation for the absence of a predictable sequence of recovery following disturbance might be the rapidity of post‐fire recovery of many components of native vegetation cover that were found to be important for reptiles (e.g. the extent of grass cover). This would have limited the time for early successional conditions to prevail and limited opportunities for species associated with such conditions. We found that most reptile species responses were much more strongly linked to vegetation type than fire variables, emphasizing a need to understand relationships with vegetation before being able to understand possible fire effects (if and where they exist). We found the disturbance concepts we examined were limited in their ability to accurately predict reptile responses to past fire history or the impacts of a single major fire in 2003. Practical management might be best guided not by disturbance theory, but by carefully setting objectives to meet conservation goals for particular individual species of reptiles.  相似文献   

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