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We investigated relationships between richness patterns of rare and common grassland species and environmental factors, focussing on comparing the degree to which the richness patterns of rare and common species are determined by simple environmental variables. Using data collected in the Machair grassland of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, we fitted spatial regression models using a suite of grazing, soil physicochemical and microtopographic covariates, to nested sub‐assemblages of vascular and non‐vascular species ranked according to rarity. As expected, we found that common species drive richness patterns, but rare vascular species had significantly stronger affinity for high richness areas. After correcting for the prevalence of individual species distributions, we found differences between common and rare species in 1) the amount of variation explained: richness patterns of common species were better summarised by simple environmental variables, 2) the associations of environmental variables with richness showed systematic trends between common and rare species with coefficient sign reversal for several factors, and 3) richness associations with rare environments: richness patterns of rare vascular species significantly matched rare environments but those of non‐vascular species did not. Richness patterns of rare species, at least in this system, may be intrinsically less predictable than those of common species.  相似文献   

The reasons for plant rarity have been the focus of many studies, especially because rare species are more prone to extinction than common species. Under the same habitat conditions, rare plants are expected to attract fewer flower visitors and to show some limitation in their reproductive success. Here, using one of the most emblematic Neotropical plant genus (Tibouchina) we tested whether narrow endemic and threatened species in Ecuador have a lower reproductive success or are visited by fewer pollinators than common species, in 13 populations monitored from 2011 to 2013. We also assessed whether interspecific gene flow could be considered a threat to the rare species. However, contrary to expectations, we found that few pollinators visited the flowers, independently of species rarity. Natural outcross pollinations were always very low in all small‐size populations, leading to high levels of pollen limitation. Interspecific crossing experiments also revealed weak reproductive barriers in some species. This study reveals that both narrow and common species of Tibouchina have similar reproductive and pollinator patterns in Ecuador and, therefore, other causes of the rarity of these species should be considered.  相似文献   

Among non-human animals, a key strategy to resolve conflicts without fighting relies on assessing relative fighting ability on the basis of physical cues such as size and strength. Recent studies hypothesize that the human mind also contains mechanisms for spontaneously coordinating conflict behavior on the basis of difference in physical strength, even if strength is not rationally relevant to the conflict. We provide the first direct, experimental test of the existence of such mechanisms. We do so by applying a non-physical, anonymous, economic game - the war of attrition - in which male contestants compete by means of perseverance to win a monetary prize. While initial studies provided some support for the prediction, the final well-powered and pre-registered study failed to support the prediction. Overall, we interpret our findings as evidence against the hypothesis that the human mind attributes relevance to physical factors that are irrelevant for the actual resolution of a conflict. We discuss implications for existing findings in the field and provide directions for further research.  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Mowat E, Butcher J, Lang S, Williams C, Ramage G: Development of a simple model for studying the effects of antifungal agents on multicellular communities of Aspergillus fumigatus. J. Med. Microbiol. 56, 1205-1212 (2007). Many microorganisms possess the innate ability for adhering to biotic and abiotic objects, and grow as benthic cells. The adhered cells produce an extracellular matrix in which the cells are embedded. The matrix-forming materials together with the cells form a biofilm often hundreds of micrometers in thickness. The biofilm provides the organism with a protective niche from the inhibitory effect of antimicrobial drugs, hence the production of biofilm is considered a survival mechanism. The pathogenic yeast Candida albicans is a well-known biofilm producer. The increasing incidence of antifungal drug resistance of bioprosthetic device infections in particular, and intravascular catheter-related infections of C. albicans is now largely attributed to biofilm formation. An intriguing question is whether the ability to produce biofilm is present in pathogenic filamentous fungi such as Aspergillus species. Mowat et al. describe the development of a simple in vitro model for studying the effects of antifungal drugs on a multicellular community of Aspergillus fumigatus.  相似文献   

Although occurrence-based listing methods could provide reliable lists of species composition for a site, the effective reliability of this method to provide more detailed information about species frequency (and abundance) has been rarely tested. In this paper, we compared the species frequencies obtained for the same set of species-rich sites (wetlands of central Italy) from two different methods: McKinnon lists and line transects. In all sites we observed: (i) rapid cumulating curves of line transect abundance frequencies toward the asymptote represented by the maximum value in McKinnon occurrence frequency; (ii) a large amount of species having a low frequency with line transect method showing a high range of variation in frequency obtained by McKinnon lists; (iii) a set of species having a subdominant (>0.02-<0.05) and dominant species (>0.05) frequency with line transect showed all the highest value in McKinnon frequency. McKinnon lists provides only a coarse-grained proxy of species frequency of individuals distinguishing only between common species (having the highest values of McKinnon frequency) and rare species (all the other species). Although McKinnon lists have some points of strength, this method does not discriminate the frequencies inside the subset of common species (sub-dominant and dominant species). Therefore, we suggest a cautionary approach when McKinnon frequencies should be used to obtain complex univariate metrics of diversity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that sex differences in primate yawning are related to size dimorphism in canine teeth. Data were collected on yawning by a primate species (Homo sapiens) in which the two sexes differ only slightly in canine size. Unlike more dimorphic primates, human males and females did not differ in the frequency of yawning, although uncovered yawns were more frequent in men than in women.  相似文献   

The rapid advance in genetic sequencing technologies has provided an unprecedented amount of data on the biodiversity of meiofauna. It was hoped that these data would allow the identification and counting of species, distinguished as tight clusters of similar genomes. Surprisingly, this appears not to be the case. Here, we begin a theoretical discussion of this phenomenon, drawing on an individual-based ecological model to inform our arguments. The determining factor in the emergence (or not) of distinguishable genetic clusters in the model is the product of population size with mutation rate—a measure of the adaptability of the population as a whole. This result suggests that indeed one should not expect to observe clearly distinguishable species groupings in data gathered from ultrasequencing of meiofauna.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial distribution patterns of alien plant species were compared with those of native species on a windward slope of Mt. Haleakala (3055 m). Oceanic islands are considered susceptible to biological invasion, and this study numerically tested this circumstantial evidence with the following questions: Are all habitats equally susceptible; and, do successful invaders have wider realized niches than natives? The mountain slope consists of three distinct altitudinal bioclimatic zones (hot moist lowland, wet montane cloud, and cool arid high-altitude zones). Ordination indicated that alien species' ranges and population expansions were clustered in the lowland and high-altitude zones. The lowland zone had been subjected to natural canopy dieback, and the high-altitude zone to grazing by domestic and feral ungulates. By contrast, the montane cloud forest was relatively intact in terms of number and cover of native species. Thus, susceptibility to alien invasion clearly differed among zones, and the primary causes seemed to be the obvious disturbance factors. The mean ecological range along the altitude-rainfall gradient was significantly (P < 0.05) greater for native than for alien species in most life-form groups. The reasons for the greater number of climate generalists among the natives vs. the range-restricted aliens appear to be related to: (1) the pre-alien condition with a depauperate flora which allowed for ‘ecological release’ of successful native colonizers, and (2) the climatic pre-adaptation of alien invaders which restricts them from penetrating over a broader spectrum of climatic zones in a floristic matrix subjected to increasing interspecific competition.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the importance of genetic data for multispecies conservation approaches, we examined the distribution of genetic variation across the range of the mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) at microsatellite and allozyme loci. The mountain whitefish is a common species that is particularly well suited for accurately revealing historical patterns of genetic structure and differs markedly from previously studied species in habitat requirements and life history characteristics. As such, comparing the population genetic structure of other native fishes to similar data from mountain whitefish could inform management and conservation strategies. Genetic variation for mountain whitefish was hierarchically distributed for both allozymes and microsatellites. We found evidence for a total of five major genetically differentiated assemblages and we observed subdivision among populations within assemblages that generally corresponded to major river basins. We observed little genetic differentiation within major river basins. Geographic patterns of genetic differentiation for mountain whitefish were concordant with other native species in several circumstances, providing information for the designation of conservation units that reflect concordant genetic differentiation of multiple species. Differences in genetic patterns between mountain whitefish and other native fishes reflect either differences in evolutionary histories of the species considered or differences in aspects of their ecology and life history. In addition, mountain whitefish populations appear to exchange genes over a much larger geographic scale than co-occurring salmonids and are likely to be affected differently by disturbances such as habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Cannibalism has been documented as a possible disease transmission route in several species, including humans. However, the dynamics resulting from this type of disease transmission are not well understood. Using a theoretical model, we explore how cannibalism (i.e. killing and consumption of dead conspecifics) and intraspecific necrophagy (i.e. consumption of dead conspecifics) affect host-pathogen dynamics. We show that group cannibalism, i.e. shared consumption of victims, is a necessary condition for disease spread by cannibalism in the absence of alternative transmission modes. Thus, endemic diseases transmitted predominantly by cannibalism are likely to be rare, except in social organisms that share conspecific prey. These results are consistent with a review of the literature showing that diseases transmitted by cannibalism are infrequent in animals, even though both cannibalism and trophic transmission are very common.  相似文献   

Exotic species are prominent constituents of fouling communities. If exotic fouling organisms colonize or compete better on a wider range of substrate types than native species, this may partially account for their high abundance in estuaries and bays. We used four artificial and four naturally occurring substrate types to compare initial settlement and percent cover of native and exotic fouling species through six months of community development. Both the identity of common taxa and the total number of species colonizing artificial versus natural substrate types were similar. Despite the similarities in species richness, relative abundance patterns between natural and artificial substrate types varied, particularly as the communities developed. Native species were initially in equal abundance on natural and artificial substrate types. Initially, the two most common exotic species, the colonial tunicates, Botrylloides violaceus Ritter and Forsyth and Botryllus schlosseri (Pallas), were also in similar, but low, abundance on artificial and natural substrates. As the communities developed, there was little change in abundance of exotic or native species on natural substrates. However, on artificial substrates the exotic tunicates increased dramatically and native species declined in abundance. Artificial surfaces may provide a novel context for competitive interactions giving exotic species a more “level playing field” in an environment for which they otherwise might not be as well adapted compared to long-resident native species. Additions of artificial substrates to nearshore environments may disproportionately favor exotic species by increasing local sources of exotic propagules to colonize all types of substrates.  相似文献   

Hybrid speciation is thought to be facilitated by escape of early generation hybrids into new habitats, subsequent environmental selection and adaptation. Here, we ask whether two homoploid hybrid plant species (Helianthus anomalus, H. deserticola) diverged sufficiently from their ancestral parent species (H. annuus, H. petiolaris) during hybrid speciation so that they are more fit than the parent species in hybrid species habitats. Hybrid and parental species were reciprocally transplanted into hybrid and parental habitats. Helianthus anomalus was more fit than parental species in the H. anomalus actively moving desert dune habitat. The abilities to tolerate burial and excavation and to obtain nutrients appear to be important for success in the H. anomalus habitat. In contrast, H. deserticola failed to outperform the parental species in the H. deserticola stabilized desert dune habitat, and several possible explanations are discussed. The home site advantage of H. anomalus is consistent with environmental selection having been a mechanism for adaptive divergence and hybrid speciation and supports the use of H. anomalus as a valuable system for further assessment of environmental selection and adaptive traits.  相似文献   

Hybridization has the potential to transfer beneficial alleles across species boundaries, and there are a growing number of examples in which this has apparently occurred. Recent studies suggest that Heliconius butterflies have transferred wing pattern mimicry alleles between species via hybridization, but ancestral polymorphism could also produce a signature of shared ancestry around mimicry genes. To distinguish between these alternative hypotheses, we measured DNA sequence divergence around putatively introgressed mimicry loci and compared this with the rest of the genome. Our results reveal that putatively introgressed regions show strongly reduced sequence divergence between co-mimetic species, suggesting that their divergence times are younger than the rest of the genome. This is consistent with introgression and not ancestral variation. We further show that this signature of introgression occurs at sites throughout the genome, not just around mimicry genes.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested that more attractive women will show stronger preferences for masculine men because such women are better placed to offset the potential costs of choosing a masculine mate. However, evidence for correlations between measures of women's own attractiveness and preferences for masculine men is mixed. Moreover, the samples used to test this hypothesis are typically relatively small. Consequently, we conducted two large-scale studies that investigated possible associations between women's preferences for facial masculinity and their own attractiveness as assessed from third-party ratings of their facial attractiveness (Study 1, N = 454, laboratory study) and self-rated attractiveness (Study 2, N = 8972, online study). Own attractiveness was positively correlated with preferences for masculine men in Study 2 (self-rated attractiveness), but not Study 1 (third-party ratings of facial attractiveness). This pattern of results is consistent with the proposal that women's beliefs about their own attractiveness, rather than their physical condition per se, underpins attractiveness-contingent masculinity preferences.  相似文献   


In simple SI epidemic and endemic models, three classes of incidence functions are identified for their potential to be associated with host extinction: weakly upper density-dependent incidences are never associated with host extinction. Power incidences that depend on the number of susceptibles and infectives by powers strictly between 0 and 1 are associated with initial-constellation-dependent host extinction for all parameter values. Homogeneous incidences, of which frequency-dependent incidence is a very particular case, and power incidences are associated with global host extinction for certain parameter constellations and with host survival for others. Laboratory infection experiments with salamander larvae are equally well fitted by power incidences and certain upper density-dependent incidences such as the negative binomial incidence and do not rule out homogeneous incidences such as an asymmetric frequency-dependent incidence either.


Aim To evaluate the ability of species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the spatial structure of tree species within their geographical ranges (how trees are distributed within their ranges). Location Continental Spain. Methods We used an extensive dataset consisting of c. 90,000 plots (1 plot km?2) where presence/absence data for 23 common Mediterranean and Atlantic tree species had been surveyed. We first generated SDMs relating the presence or absence of each species to a set of 16 environmental predictors, following a stepwise modelling process based on maximum likelihood methods. Superimposing spatial correlograms generated from the predictions of the SDMs over those generated from the raw data allowed a model–observation comparison of the nature, scale and intensity (level of aggregation) of spatial structure with the species ranges. Results SDMs predicted accurately the nature and scale of the spatial structure of trees. However, for most species, the observed intensity of spatial structure (level of aggregation of species in space) was substantially greater than that predicted by the SDMs. On average, the intensity of spatial aggregation was twice that predicted by SDMs. In addition, we also found a negative correlation between intensity of aggregation and species range size. Main conclusions Standard SDM predictions of spatial structure patterns differ among species. SDMs are apparently able to reproduce both the scale and intensity of species spatial structure within their ranges. However, one or more missing processes not included in SDMs results in species being substantially more aggregated in space than can be captured by the SDMs. This result adds to recent calls for a new generation of more biologically realistic SDMs. In particular, future SDMs should incorporate ecological processes that are likely to increase the intensity of spatial aggregation, such as source–sink dynamics, fine‐scale environmental heterogeneity and disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Abstract Ecologists have long sought to understand why some species are rare and others common. For the most part, inconsistent relationships between local rarity and underlying mechanisms have emerged. One possibility for this inconsistency is that locally rare species may not always be rare. However, it is largely unknown whether most locally rare species in a community possess the capacity to become abundant elsewhere in their geographical range. Here, we identified 57 locally rare plant species of open forest in south‐eastern Australia. We found that most of these species (91%) occurred in higher abundance at other sites within their geographical range (somewhere‐abundant species), while the remaining small percentage of locally rare species were consistently rare (everywhere‐sparse species). Somewhere‐abundant species had significantly smaller seeds on average than everywhere‐sparse species in cross‐species regression analysis. This pattern was not maintained when the influence of other life‐history attributes was controlled for, or when phylogenetic relatedness among species was considered explicitly in phylogenetic regression analysis. In both cross‐species and phylogenetic regressions, somewhere‐abundant and everywhere‐sparse species did not differ significantly with respect to growth form, height, regeneration‐after‐fire strategy, or dispersal. Our findings provide further evidence for the notion that theories to account for local rarity which are couched in terms of within‐community interactions alone are incomplete for the majority of species, because they need to account for different outcomes in different places.  相似文献   

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