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Tetrahymena pyriformis were brought to a non-growing state by removal of pyrimidines from their growth medium. During pyrimidine deprivation cell number increased 3- to 4 fold, and this increase was accompanied by one or more complete cycles of macronuclear DNA replication. Autoradiographic studies show that endogenous protein and RNA were turning over throughout starvation and that RNA breakdown products were used to support the DNA synthesis that occurred during the early period of starvation. However, after 72 hours of starvation all DNA synthesis and cell division had ceased. Feulgen microspectrophotometry shows the macronuclei of these cells to have been stopped at a point prior to DNA replication (G1 stage). After pyrimidine replacement the incorporation of H3-uridine, H3-adenosine, and H3-leucine was measured by the autoradiographic grain counting method. The results indicate that RNA synthesis began to increase almost immediately, but that there was a lag of almost an hour before an increase in protein synthesis. In agreement with the autoradiographic data, chemical data also show that cellular content of RNA began to increase shortly after pyrimidine replacement but that cellular protein content did not increase until about one hour later. Pulse labeling of the cells with H3-thymidine at intervals after pyrimidine replacement shows that labeled macronuclei first began to appear at 150 minutes; that 98 per cent of the macronuclei were in DNA synthesis at 240 to 270 minutes; and that the percentage then began to decrease from 300 to 390 minutes, at which time only 25 per cent of the macronuclei were labeled. Cellular content of DNA did not increase for at least 135 minutes after pyrimidine replacement; however, just before the first cells divided (360 minutes) the DNA content had doubled. After pyrimidine replacement the cells first began to divide at 360 minutes, and 50 per cent had divided at 420 minutes; however, all cells had not divided until 573 minutes. This technique of chemical synchronization of cells in mass cultures makes feasible detailed biochemical analysis of events leading to nuclear DNA replication and cell division.  相似文献   

“Vampyrella-Stylodinium,” an artificial name for a predaceous organism of uncertain taxonomic position, has at least three distinct phases in its life history: the amoeboid phase, both free-floating and attached; the feeding cyst or immobile phase; and flagellated gymnodinoid swarmers. The orange free-floating amoeba has unbranched, filose pseudopodia and several contractile vacuoles. When feeding on the filamentous green alga Oedogonium, the pseudopodia shorten and rearrange. After dissolution of part of the Oedogonium cell wall, the amoeba ingests the host protoplast. Then a stalked reproductive cyst may form. This cyst changes color from green to light orange as it matures. At the time of excystment, the cyst has a smooth outer wall, a spinose inner wall, and a well-delineated phagocytic vacuole. As this vacuole moves from its central position to the cyst's periphery, the walls rupture and 2-4 amoebulae emerge. With TEM observations, the reproductive cyst is shown to be multinucleate. Each nucleus is eukaryotic in organization and possesses one nucleolus. Mitochondria have tubular cristae and no structures unique to the division Pyrrhophyta are observed. Although this stage of the life history does not have a dinokaryotic nucleus, the gymnodinoid swarmers that can emerge from the reproductive cyst, do. Like other parasites which have been assigned to the division Pyrrhophyta, “Vampyrella-Stylodinium” does not conform well to the generalized concept of a dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

The toxicity as contact insecticides of the esters of (±)-3-methyl-2-allyl-cycfopent-3-en-4-ol-i-one with the natural (+ )-trans and with synthetic (±) -cis-trans-chrysaii- themum monocarboxylic acids has been compared with that of the natural pyrethrins. The comparison was carried out on five species of test-insects.
It was found that the figure for both the absolute and the relative toxicities of these compounds varied with the species used as test-subject.
The factors involved in this variation are discussed. The extremes of variation of relative toxicity for the compounds with the natural acid were from about one-eighth as toxic as the pyrethrum standard when the aphid Macrosiphum solanifolii was used as test subject to nearly four times as toxic as the standard with the larvae of the moth Plutella maculipennis. The fully synthetic material varied from about one-sixteenth as toxic as the standard to Macrosiphum solanifolii to nearly twice as toxic to the larvae of Plutella maculipennis. The compound with the natural acid was approximately twice as toxic as the fully synthetic material to three of the insect species, but the fully synthetic material was considerably more than half as toxic as the partially synthetic to the fourth test-species. It is pointed out that while it is widely recognized that large differences in relative toxicity may occur when the effect of chemicals of widely different structure and mechanism of action are compared on a number of different test-species, the fact that these differences may also occur with related chemicals with, presumably, a similar mechanism of action, has not been clearly stated.
Even when the differences in relative toxicity are taken into account, the two synthetic pyrethrin-like esters still show high insecticidal activity.
It seems reasonable to suppose from the results that economic commercial synthesis of pyrethrin-like insecticides is not impossible.  相似文献   

本文对光生物和光化学的定义,反应机制的类型和光敏化作用等做了阐述。下面例举几个光疗的成果 1.光疗牛皮癣 经常使用的8-甲氧基补骨脂素在UVA的照射下,从基态被激发到三重态。它主要和DNA中的胸腺嘧啶,其次和色氨酸进行光环合加成,形成交联,阻止DNA和RNA的合成,抑制具过度增生 2.血卟啉衍生物(HPD)治癌 HPD有定位于癌组织的能力和光动力作用,可推断病人体内癌部位。 讨论了HPD的光疗机制,和酞菁相比,有各自的优缺点。 3.竹红菌素 主要治疗妇女外阴白色病变和疤痕疙瘩,抑制癌细胞生长。 讨论了竹红菌甲素和乙素及它们的氧化物的结构和活性。 在大于510nm的光照射下,也可抑制癌细胞的生长。列举了竹红菌素的优缺点。  相似文献   

Under the circumstances of experimentation described, the sporangiophores of Phycomyces are found to be most sensitive to stimulation by light in the violet between 400 and 430 mµ. Toward the red, sensitivity falls to nearly zero near 580 mµ, while in the near ultra-violet around 370 mµ, sensitivity is still high. The previous experiments of Blaauw had placed the point of greatest sensitivity some 80 mµ nearer the red end of the spectrum. Because of the known presence in the sporangiophores of Phycomyces of "accessory" pigments, care must be taken in identifying such results with the absorption spectrum of the photosensitive substance.  相似文献   

The expression and intracellular localization of the Tetrahymena homolog of 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) were investigated in wild-type Tetrahymena thermophila strain B1868 VII and the mutant strains IIG8, defective in food vacuole formation, MS-1, blocked in secretion of lysosomal enzymes, and SB 281, defective in mucocyst maturation. Immunoelectron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy demonstrated that Tetrahymena HPPD primarily localized to membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum. In addition, Tetrahymena HPPD was detected in association with membranes of the Golgi apparatus, and transport vesicles in exponentially growing wild-type and mutant strains. In starved cells, Tetrahymena HPPD localized exclusively to membranes of small vesicles. Since no de novo synthesis ofTetrahymena HPPD takes place in cells starved for more than 30min, these results suggest that there is a flow ofTetrahymena HPPD from the endoplasmic reticulum to small vesicles, possibly via the Golgi apparatus, and thatTetrahymena HPPD contains a signal for vesicle membrane retrieval or retention.  相似文献   

Experiments are described in which a particle of concentrated hatching factor is separated by cyst wall from eelworm eggs. Comparison of the hatching of these and control eggs showed that the cyst wall is permeable to the hatching stimulant. The experiments also demonstrated that the cyst wall is permeable to dissolved air.  相似文献   

The structure of the zona glomerulosa of the rat adrenal gland stimulated by sodium restriction has been studied by light and electron microscopy. The major changes observed during the course of the experiment in stimulated glands involve cytoplasmic droplets, mitochondria, and the endoplasmic reticulum. There is a progressive decrease in the number of cytoplasmic droplets of low electron opacity. Numerous, greatly elongated mitochondria containing parallel arrays of tubules are noted. These tubules extend from within the mitochondria through gaps in the mitochondrial-limiting membranes into the cytoplasm. In addition, amorphous intramitochondrial deposits, possibly aldosterone precursors, are seen. Increased amounts of smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum, often showing complex arrangements, are another feature of the stimulated zona glomerulosa. Other alterations include the presence of large numbers of dense bodies as well as cytoplasmic droplets of high electron opacity. These observations are discussed in relation to the biosynthesis of aldosterone.  相似文献   

利用核酸序列数据库 ,反式作用因子库及蛋白质序列数据库中的实验数据资源 ,运用Goldkey软件对4种心力衰竭时表达量变化的蛋白质基因序列的5’调控区进行反式作用因子定位分析 ,预测出9种反式作用因子可能在心力衰竭发生发展过程中对蛋白质的转录起到调控作用。  相似文献   

China stands on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. The east and southeast parts of the eountryeonsist mostly of plains and hills.However,dominating  相似文献   

In closely related plant species that display strong similarities in phenology and pollinator communities, differences in breeding system and associated shifts in floral traits may have important effects on the magnitude and direction of heterospecific pollen flow and hybridization. Here, we quantified the strength of several pre‐ and postzygotic barriers acting between the facultatively outcrossing Centaurium erythraea and the predominantly selfing C. littorale via a suite of experiments, and estimated the frequency of hybridization in the field using molecular markers. The reproductive barriers primarily responsible for preventing hybridization were essentially prezygotic and these acted asymmetrically. Due to differences in floral display, pollen production, and pollen transfer rates, heterospecific pollen flow occurred predominantly from C. erythraea to C. littorale. In C. littorale, on the other hand, close anther–stigma positioning and resulting higher capacity for autonomous selfing functioned as an efficient barrier to counterbalance the higher risk for hybrid mating. In both species the action of all reproductive barriers resulted in a small opportunity for hybrid establishment, which was confirmed by the occurrence of only ~1% putative hybrids in the field. Our findings confirm that differences in breeding system affect heterospecific pollen transfer patterns and that autonomous selfing may efficiently prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Analysis of high-speed (150 frames/sec) cinematographs of the filling and expulsion of the water expulsion vesicle of Tetrahymena pyriformis shows that the vesicle fills as water is pumped into it by contractions of at least four ampullary sacs which are continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum. When filled, the vesicle is pressed against its two excretory pores by cyclotic movements of the cytoplasm. This pressure closes the apertures of the ampullae, preventing backflow from the vesicle into them, and also spreads the pellicle of and at the pore, thereby stretching and rupturing the pore-sealing membrane. The vesicle is then invaginated by the cytoplasmic pressure, driving fluid out of the pore. The pore-sealing membrane then reforms, apparently by constriction, and the vesicle is again filled. Electron micrographs show that crisscrossed pore-microtubules extend from the pore to the openings of the ampullae, anchoring the vesicle in place. Each pore is surrounded by a stack of at least 11 ring-microtubules, to which the anchoring pore-microtubules are attached. The pore-microtubules appear to exert tension which assists in spreading the pore, aiding cyclotic pressures in rupturing the pore-sealing membrane. A possible mechanism for the cyclotic pressure and ampullary contraction is proposed.  相似文献   

C. G. Beer 《Ibis》1966,108(3):394-410
SUMMARY The nesting habitats adopted by most colonies of Black-billed Gulls Larus bulleri are river-beds that are subject to flooding. A number of respects in which the reproductive behaviour of Black-billed Gulls differs from that of at least most other gulls, such as Black-headed Gulls, can be viewed as adaptations, or byproducts of adaptations, to such nesting habitats:—
  • (a) A different breeding site from the year before is often selected
  • (b) The bulk of pair formation is accomplished before the gulls occupy their breeding sites; nesting territories are set up by mated pairs
  • (c) In hostile encounters during the pair formation phase, site attachments are weak or transitory
  • (d) In agonistic situations generally, attack thresholds appear to be relatively high, and fleeing thresholds relatively low
  • (e) High intensity forms of“Choking” appear to be missing from the agonistic display repertoire
  • (f) The growth of nest groups is rapid and orderly; nesting territories are small and the concentration of nests in the groups high
  • (g) The time between occupation of the gullery site and the start of laying is short, and the synchrony of laying is high; this is probably related to the close proximity of the nests
  • (h) The parents and young abandon the nest very soon after the egg hatch, and no “brood” nests are made
  • (i) The young may develop locomotory powers more quickly than is the case in most other species; they can swim at an early age, and take to the water in tightly packed groups during alarms
The question of why these gulls should choose such vulnerable breeding sites is discussed.  相似文献   

Mooney, H. A., and W. D. Billings. (Duke U., Durham, N. C.) The annual carbohydrate cycle of alpine plants as related to growth. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7): 594–598. Illus. 1960.—Analyses were made of the carbohydrate content of roots, rhizomes, and shoots of certain plants in the alpine tundra region of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming, from the beginning of one growing season until the start of the following one. Principal species investigated were Saxifraga rhomboidea, Polygonum bistortoides, and Geum turbinatum. Results were correlated with phenological events as observed in the field. Growth of these plants was found to be very rapid, commencing in some instances under a cover of old snow. The underground organs contained relatively large amounts of carbohydrate reserves. A great part of this stored carbohydrate was utilized in growth prior to snowmelt and during the grand period of shoot growth immediately following snowmelt. In Polygonum, 50% of the rhizome reserves was used in a 1-wk. period in early growth. Except for this short period of rapid depletion in rhizomes and roots during early growth, high carbohydrate levels were maintained both in the shoot and in the underground organs during most of the growing season. Generally, the lowest carbohydrate reserve level in both root and shoot occurred before flowering, a relatively high level was maintained in the shoot from flowering until after fruiting, while peak storage in underground parts was reached at the start of fall dormancy. The carbohydrate cycle in these alpine plants is quite similar to that in certain arctic plants.  相似文献   

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