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Thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-PGF (6KPGF), the major stable metabolites of thromboxane and prostacyclin, are present in the CNS, where they appear to be mainly produced within and/or acting upon the vascular district. Their concentrations are of few pg/mg protein in rat brain cortex of animals sacrificed by microwave (MW) radiation, procedure which inactivates tissue enzymes and allows the determination of endogenous “basal” levels of eicosanoids. Levels of 6KPGF and especially those of TxB2 increase several fold over the basal values in brain cortex of animals sacrificed by decapitation followed by a few minute interval before analysis (post-decapitation ischemia, PDI). Pretreatment of animals with the vasoactive drug papaverine, resulted in elevation of brain basal levels of 6KPGF and with the carbochromene derivartive AD6 in reduction of basal levels of TxB2, whereas the calcium antagonist nifedipine and dipyridamole did not modify basal levels of the two eicosanoids. Treatments with papaverine and AD6 reduced the accumulation of TxB2 and enhanced that of 6KPGF occurring after PDI, to different extents, both resulting, however, in reduction of the TxB2/6KPGF ratio. Nifedipine instead, decreased the release of both eicosanoids and resulted in elevation of the TxB2/6KPGF ratio, whereas dipyridamole had no effect. In conclusion, the evaluation of the overall effects of drug treatments on the TxB2/6KPGF ratio in cerebral tissue, provided useful informations on the pharmacological modulation of vascular eicosanoids in this district.  相似文献   

Injections of 1 mg PGI2 directly into the bovine corpus luteum significantly increased peripheral plasma progesterone concentrations within 5 min. Concentrations were higher in the PGI2-treated heifers than in saline-injected controls between 5 and 150 min and at 3.5, 4, 5, and 7 h post-treatment. Levels tended to remain elevated through 14 h. Saline and 6-keto-PGF were without effect on plasma progesterone levels. The luteotrophic effect of PGI2 was not due to alterations in circulating LH concentrations. An in vitro experiment assessed the effects of either PGI2 alone or in combination with LH on progesterone production by dispersed luteal cells. Progesterone accumulation over 2 h for control, 5 ng LH, 1 μg PGI2, 10 μg PGI2, and 10 μg PGI2 plus 5 ng LH averaged 99 ± 42, 353 ± 70, 152 ± 35, 252 ± 45, and 287 ± 66 ng/ml (n=4), respectively. Thus PGI2 has luteotrophic effects on the bovine CL both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

The urinary levels of 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF (PGI2-M), a major metabolite of PGI2, are determined by the balance between the amount of PGI2 synthesized and the extent of its further metabolic oxidation. The purpose of the present study was to determine if the urinary excretion of PGI2-M can be used as a reliable index of the in vivo production of PGI2 in both normal Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). This involved the exclusion of differences in metabolism between these two strains of rats. In order to do so, we monitored the urinary excretion of PGI2-M during paired intravenous infusions of 6-oxo-PGF (the stable product of the spontaneous hydrolysis of PGI2) in conscious, unrestrained SHR and WKY rats aged 12–15 weeks, in doses ranging from 250 to 700 ng. In one experiment, PGI2 was infused instead of 6-oxo-PGF.The results of these experiments indicate that SHR and WKY rats are equal with regard to the transformation of 6-oxo-PGF and PGI2 into PGI2-M. For both groups, there is a good correlation between the amount of 6-oxo-PGF infused and the amount of PGI2-M excreted in urine. These observations confirm the validity of using the urinary levels of 2,3-dinor-6-oxo-PGF as an index of PGI2 production in both WKY and SHR. In addition, they support the conclusions drawn from our previous studies, namely that SHR do not produce more PGI2 than WKY rats in vivo, contrary to the situation prevailing in vitro.  相似文献   

The following experiments were designed in order to examine the inter-relationships of various prostaglandins (PG's) and the adrenergic nervous system, in conjunction with blood pressure and heart rate responses, in vivo. Stimulation of the entire spinal cord (50v, 0.3–3 Hz, 1.0 msec) of the pithed rat increased blood pressure, heart rate and plasma epinephrine (EPI) and norepinephrine (NE) concentration (radioenzymatic-thin layer chromatographic assay). Infusion of PGE2(10–30 μg/kg. min, i.v.) suppressed blood pressure and heart rate responses to spinal cord stimulation while plasma EPI (but not NE) was augmented over levels found in control animals. PGI2 (0.03–3.0 μg/kg. min, i.v.) suppressed the blood pressure response to spinal cord stimulation without any effect on heart rate or the plasma catecholamine levels. PGE2 and PGF2α(10–30 μg/kg. min, i.v.) did not change the blood pressure, heart rate or plasma EPI and NE responses to the spinal cord stimulation although PGF2α disclosed an overall vasopressor effect during the pre-stimulation period. At the pre-stimulation period it was also observed that PGE2, PGF2α and PGI2, had a positive chronotropic effect on the heart rate, the cardiac accelerating effect of PGE2 was not abolished by propanolol. These in vivo studies suggest that in the rat, PGE2 and PGI2 modulate sympathetic responses, primarily by interaction with the post-synaptic elements — PGE2 on both blood vessels and the heart and PGI2 by acting principally on blood vessels.  相似文献   

The effects of PGD2, PGF and PGE1 were studied on the circular muscle of post-ovulatory rabbit oviducts in vitro. PGE1 inhibited spontaneous contractile activity. Lower concentrations of PGD2 and PGF were stimulatory and higher concentrations were inhibitory. Since PGD2 may be produced in the oviduct, any hypothesis concerning the role of prostaglandins in the control of oviductal motility and ovum transport should include PGD2 as well as PGFs and PGEs.  相似文献   

Vitamin A metabolites are potent teratogens in a wide variety of species, including man. Transforming growth factor betas (TGF-s) are involved in several mammalian prenatal developmental processes. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous and excessive all-trans retinoic acid on TGF2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex of the rat. Many of the malformations including exencephaly, exophtalmus, abdominal wall defects, extremity reduction defects observed in this study were dependent on the time of administration of retinoic acid. TGF-2 was diversely expressed, as revealed immunohistochemically, in the cerebral cortex and plexus choroideus. The diversity depended on the gestational day and the was affected by the administration of retinoic acid. In the 15-day-old fetus from mothers who had been fed by gavage a single dose of 60mg/kg body weight of all-trans retinoic acid on the 8th day of gestation, TGF-2 immunoreactivity in the brain was decreased. However, by the 18th day of gestation, TGF-2 expression increased. The expression of TGF-2 in fetuses whose mothers had been given all-trans retinoic acid after the neurulation period (on day 12 of gestation) was generally similar to that in a control group. We conclude that all-trans retinoic acid leads to severe congenital malformations if administered before neurulation whereas if given after neurulation, it is not so teratogenic. Further, retinoic acid has a variable effect on the expression of TGF-2.  相似文献   

Mice ovariectomized for 14 days were treated for 6 days with estradiol and/or progesterone. Both the steroids were effective in increasing the levels of PGF in the uterine tissue, but the treatment with progesterone for 3 days followed by 3 days of estrogen resulted in a highly significant production of PGF. It is concluded that for the production of PGF both estrogen and progesterone are necessary and that the pretreatment with progesterone followed by estrogen results in the maximum production of PGF.  相似文献   

Acute administration of (+)-N-allylnormetazocine ((+)-SKF-10,047) and (±)-pentazocine, was found to increase the extracellular level of 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), a major dopamine (DA) metabolite, in the rat frontal cortex. By contrast, these benzomorphan ligands did not change the extracellular DOPAC level in the rat striatum. On the other hand, 1,3-di(2-tolyl)guanidine (DTG) increased the extracellular DOPAC level in the frontal cortex, while it decreased that level in the striatum. Another non-benzomorphan ligand, (+)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(1-propyl)piperidine ((+)-3-PPP) decreased the extracellular DOPAC level in both frontal cortex and striatum. Moreover, the increase of the extracellular DOPAC level elicited by (+)-SKF-10,047 was significantly inhibited by rimcazole, a putative antagonist, while the DTG-induced increment was not reversed by rimcazole. These findings indicated that the effects of ligands on the mesocortical DA neurons differed from those on the nigrostriatal DA neurons. In addition, the effects of benzomorphan ligands on the central DA neurons were different from those of non-benzomorphan ligands.  相似文献   

Summary The administration of a single subcutaneous dose of clenbuterol to rats altered the level of taurine in certain tissues. Taurine levels in cardiac tissue were significantly decreased 3 h after the administration of 250g/kg of clenbuterol and remained significantly depressed at 12h post-dose only returning to control values by 24h. The level of taurine in the liver increased 3 h after clenbuterol administration but was lower than the control value at 24 h post dose. Lung taurine levels were significantly lower than the control value at 12 hr post dose and remained depressed until 24h post dose. Clenbuterol caused a significant increase in taurine levels in serum and muscle at 3 and 6 hr postdosing respectively but not at other time points. Serum creatine kinase (CK), activity was slightly but significantly raised at the 12 and 24 h time point.The effects of clenbuterol on tissue taurine content were not dose-dependent over the range studied (63–500g/kg). However taurine levels in the lung were significantly reduced at all doses and in the heart were significantly lower in the treated groups at all except the lowest dose, 12h post dosing. Liver taurine levels were significantly increased at the highest dose of 500g/kg.The reduction of taurine concentrations in the heart, caused by clenbuterol, is of concern as taurine has been shown to have protective properties in many tissues especially the heart.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of progesterone, total estrogens and HCG were measured after the administration of 15 (S) 15-methyl prostaglandin E2 methyl ester (15-methyl PGE2) or 15 (S) 15-methyl prostaglandin F free acid (15-methyl PGF) for therapeutic abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. 15-methyl PGE2 given intramuscular (im) in a dose of 50μg resulted in the termination in pregnancy in four out of five patients; these subjects exhibited falls in hormone concentrations. However, an im injection of 500μg 15-methyl PGF did not affect the hormone levels nor did it produce abortion in any of the five subjects studied. The results confirm that 15-methyl PGE2 is a potent abortifacient and this action may be related to an effect that this compound has on hormone production by the corpus luteum or the feto-placental unit; 15-methyl PGF does not share the same action in the dose range investigated.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PG) of both the E and F series may serve as modulators of norepinephrine (NE) release from peripheral sympathetic neurons. We have studied the effects of PGE2 and PGF on the accumulation and release of 3H-NE in the CNS using synaptosomes isolated from rat hypothalami.The release of 3H-NE from synaptosomes superfused with Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer was multiphasic with an initial fast release phase followed by a slower release. Raising KC1 concentration of the superfusion medium to 56mM during the slow release phase is known to stimulate 3H-NE release. PGE2 (1 × 10?6M) attenuated 3H-NE release during the fast phase and reduced the amount of 3H-NE released due to KC1 stimulation. At lower concentrations of PGE2 there was no change in the release profile. PGF was without effect on 3H-NE release at all concentrations tested.The accumulation of 3H-NE was significantly diminished by PGE2 at a concentration of 1 × 10?6M, while a lower concentration (1 × 10?7M) was ineffective. PGF had no effect on 3H-NE accumulation at all concentrations investigated.  相似文献   



G protein-coupled receptors fused to a Gα-subunit are functionally similar to their unfused counterparts. They offer an intriguing view into the nature of the receptor–G protein complex, but their usefulness depends upon the stability of the fusion.


Fusion proteins of the M2 muscarinic receptor and the α-subunit of Gi1 were expressed in CHO and Sf9 cells, extracted in digitonin–cholate, and examined for their binding properties and their electrophoretic mobility on western blots.


Receptor fused to native αi1 underwent proteolysis near the point of fusion to release a fragment with the mobility of αi1. The cleavage was prevented by truncation of the α-subunit at position 18. Binding of the agonist oxotremorine-M to the stable fusion protein from Sf9 cells was biphasic, and guanylylimidodiphosphate promoted an apparent interconversion of sites from higher to lower affinity. With receptor from CHO cells, the apparent capacity for N-[3H]methylscopolamine was 60% of that for [3H]quinuclidinylbenzilate; binding at saturating concentrations of the latter was inhibited in a noncompetitive manner at low concentrations of unlabeled N-methylscopolamine.


A stable fusion protein of the M2 receptor and truncated αi1 resembles the native receptor–G protein complex with respect to the guanyl nucleotide-sensitive binding of agonists and the noncompetitive binding of antagonists.

General significance

Release of the α-subunit is likely to occur with other such fusion proteins, rendering the data ambiguous or misleading. The properties of a chemically stable fusion protein support the notion that signaling proceeds via a stable multimeric complex of receptor and G protein.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of purified recombinant human tumour necrosis factor (TNF , 4–8g) in conscious rats, produced increases in colonic temperature (1.0°C) and resting oxygen consumption (VO2, 14%) which were maximal after 80–90 minutes. Pretreatment with propranolol (10mg/kg s.c) significantly inhibited the rise in VO2, and prevented the increase in body temperature. Icv injection of an antagonist to corticotropin releasing factor (-helical CRF 9-41, 25 g), which prevents the pyrogenic and thermogenic actions of interleukin-1, did not influence the effects of TNF on temperature or VO2. Injection of a fragment of TNF (113–130 amino acid sequence) did not affect body temperature or VO2. TNF injection (icv) significantly increased brown adipose tissue (BAT)in vitro mitochondrial GDP binding, and this effect was slightly inhibited, but not prevented, by surgical denervation of the tissue, and was unaffected by pretreatment with -helical CRF 9-41. These data indicate that TNF can stimulate thermogenesis by a direct central action. The effects are largely, but not totally, dependent on the sympathetic nervous system but, unlike the thermogenic actions of interleukin they do not require release of CRF.  相似文献   

The stereological structure of rat adrenal gland was analysed by light and electron microscopy after an acute (60 min) exposure to high ambient temperature (38°C). Under these conditions a significant increase in plasma corticotrophin (ACTH), serum corticosterone and aldosterone levels were observed. Histological and stereological investigation at light microscopy showed significant decrease in volume density of capsule and zona glomerulosa, increase in volume of fasciculata cells, and decrease of numerical density of zona fasciculata cells and mean diameter of blood vessels. At the ultrastructural level, volume density of nuclei and mitochondria of zona glomerulosa cells were significantly increased and that of lipid droplets decreased. Volume density of mitochondria of fasciculata cells was significantly increased, while number of lipid droplets per μm2 of cell was reduced. In the cells of zona reticularis significant increase in the number of lipid droplets was found. The response of zona glomerulosa may be interpreted as immediate reaction to dehydration, while alterations detected in zona fasciculata, which were less extensive, were related to purely stressogenic effects of high ambiental temperature.  相似文献   

Four antiestrogens (anordiol, tamoxifen, RU 39411, ICI 182780) and the antiprogestin, mifepristone (RU 486), were administered to the following three animal models: (1) ovariectomized rats, (2) mated rats treated post-coitally; and (3) pregnant rats treated post-implantation. The antiestrogens were administered alone or in combination with mifepristone at doses effective in preventing and/or terminating pregnancy in rats. The objective of the study was to determine whether these drugs influenced uterine concentrations of prostaglandins (PGF and PGE2).Antiestrogens administered alone to ovariectomized rats did not effect uterine PGE2 or PGF concentrations; whereas the combination of anordiol/mifepristone increased uterine PGF concentration, resulting in an increase in the PGF/PGE2 ratio.Mated rats were treated post-coitally for three consecutive days with anordiol, tamoxifen, estradiol and mifepristone alone and with the combination of anordiol/mifepristone and tamoxifen/mifepristone. An increase in uterine PGF concentrations and in the PGF/PGE2 ratio occurred only in anordiol/mifepristone treated group. A decrease in uterine PGE2 concentrations occurred in animals treated with anordiol, tamoxifen and estradiol, resulting in an increase in the PGF/PGE2 ratio.Anordiol (5.0 mg/kg/day) and mifepristone (4.0 mg/kg/day) alone and the combination of anordiol/mifepristone (2.5/1.0 mg/kg/day) administered to pregnant rats on days 7, 8 and 9 of pregnancy induced an increase in PGF levels without affecting uterine PGE2 concentration. The changes in uterine PGF concentrations induced by anordiol and the combination of anordiol/mifepristone resulted in an increase in the PGF/PGE2 ratio.The antiestrogens tested except for ICI 182780 possessed agonist activity when assayed by measuring their capacity to increase the uterine weights in ovariectomized rats. Also, ICI 182789 was the only antiestrogen that did not influence uterine PG concentrations. It can be concluded that ICI 182780 is the only “pure” antiestrogen among those tested.The present results show that antiestrogens and the combination of mifepristone plus anordiol at doses preventing implantation and terminating pregnancy increase uterine PGF and/or decrease PGE2 concentrations, resulting in an alteration of PGF/PGE2 ratio. These findings suggest that there exists a critical balance of PGF to PGE2 concentrations in the uterus required for the normal passage of fertilized ova through the oviduct, initiating implantation of the blastocysts, development of embryos, and maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The influence of varying illumination on rat hypothalamic, pituitary and prostatic steroid 5α-reductase (SR), body and prostatic weights and plasma FSH, LH and PRL levels was studied. Male rats weighing 50–60 g on arrival were divided as follows: controls (C) received 14 hours of daylight and 10 hours of darkness (14:10), constant light (CL) (24:0), and constant dark (CD) (0:24). After one month the animals were weighed, killed and the following tissues removed for analysis: prostate, hypothalamus, pituitary and blood. Prostates were weighed. Plasma concentrations of LH, FSH and PRL were determined by radioimmunoassay. Other tissues were analyzed for SR. CD animals gained less weight and had less heavy prostates/ 100 g body weight than either C or CL animals. Prostatic and hypothalamic SR activities were reduced following CD, while the pituitary enzyme was unaffected. Gonadotropin levels were unchanged in the CD group. Neither body nor prostatic weights were affected in CL treated animals. Prostatic SR activity increased following CL, while hypothalamic and pituitary enzymes remained unchanged. Plasma LH values were reduced in the CL group. FSH and PRL concentrations did not differ from controls. The prostate appeared most responsive to environmental lighting. It is suggested that observed changes in target organ (prostate) growth due to ambient lighting conditions are mediated via changes in SR.  相似文献   

Chronic treatment of rats with the 2-adrenergic agonists clenbuterol and fenoterol over 16–19 d raised energy intake, expenditure, and body weight gain but did not affect fat or energy deposition, and body protein gain was increased by 50 and 18%, respectively. Both drugs increased the protein content and mitochondrial GDP-binding capacity of brown adipose tissue. Clenbuterol did not affect plasma insulin, growth hormone, or triiodothyronine levels, although insulin levels were reduced by fenoterol. Both drugs caused hypertrophy of skeletal muscle (gastrocnemius), and muscle protein synthesis in vivo (fractional rate) was elevated by 34 and 26% in clenbuterol and fenoteroltreated rats, respectively.  相似文献   

The regenerating rat prostate was used as an experimental model to determine the effects of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone on certain parameters of cell proliferation, including the duration of the phases of the cell cycle and the size of the cellular growth fraction. Rats castrated 7 days previously were treated with daily subcutaneous injections of 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone for 14 days; 48h after the beginning of therapy, cells in the process of DNA synthesis were labelled with a single injection of radioactive thymidine and the progress of these cells through the division cycle was observed. Cell-cycle analysis was performed by fractionating prostatic nuclei according to their position in the cell cycle by using the technique of velocity sedimentation under unit gravity. The results indicate that during regeneration the cell population undergoes 1.8 doublings with a doubling time of 40h, and that the process involves almost four rounds of cell division with a cell-generation time of 20h. The growth fraction at any time is about 0.5, and about half the daughter cells produced do not re-enter the proliferative cycle. All cells present at the start of regeneration eventually undergo at least one division during the course of regeneration, although any given cell can divide from one to four times.  相似文献   

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