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Fourier transform infrared study of the N intermediate of bacteriorhodopsin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Visible absorption spectroscopic experiments show that the N intermediate is the main photoproduct of a highly hydrated film of the light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (70% water by weight) at pH 10 and 274 K. The difference Fourier transform infrared spectrum between the N intermediate and unphotolyzed light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin was recorded under these conditions. A small amount of the M intermediate present did not affect this spectrum significantly. The difference spectrum exhibited a positive band at 1755 cm-1 (probably due to Asp-85) and a negative band at 1742 cm-1 (due to Asp-96), neither of which was observed for the M intermediate. The spectrum of the N intermediate at pH 7 was nearly identical with that at pH 10. Spectra at pH 10 also were measured with isotope-substituted samples. A vibrational band at 1692 cm-1 due to the peptide bond disappeared, and a band at 1558 cm-1 emerged upon formation of the N intermediate. The spectrum also displayed bands containing the N-H and C15-H in-plane bending vibrational modes at 1394 and 1303 cm-1. These frequencies are similar to those of the L intermediate while the intensities of these bands are larger than those in the L intermediate, suggesting that the Schiff bases of both the L and N intermediates have a strong hydrogen-bonding interaction with the protein and that the C12-H to C15-H region of the chromophore is less twisted in the N intermediate than in the L intermediate.  相似文献   

J Cladera  M Sabés  E Padrós 《Biochemistry》1992,31(49):12363-12368
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy at a resolution of 1 cm-1 has been used to study the conformation of dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin in the native purple membrane, in H2O and D2O suspensions. A detailed analysis of the amide I bands was made using derivative and deconvolution techniques. Curve-fitting results of four independent experiments indicate, after estimation of the methodological errors, that native bacteriorhodopsin contains 52-73% alpha-helices, 13-19% reverse turns, 11-16% beta-sheets, and 3-7% unordered segments. Our analysis has enabled the identification of several components corresponding to alpha-helices, beta-sheets, and reverse turns. Besides the alpha I- and alpha II-helices (peaking at 1658 and 1665 cm-1), we propose that two more infrared bands arise from alpha-helical structures: one at 1650 cm-1 from alpha I and another one at 1642 cm-1 in H2O suspension, which could originate from type III beta-turns (i.e., one turn of 3(10)-helix). The relatively high content of reverse turns suggests the presence of one reverse turn per loop, plus another one in the C-terminal segment. On the other hand, several reasons argue that the calculated mean beta-sheet content of around 14% should be decreased somewhat. These beta-sheets could be located in the noncytoplasmatic links of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is widely used as a marker in molecular and cell biology. For its use in high-pressure microbiology experiments, its fluorescence under pressure was recently investigated. Changes in fluorescence with pressure were found. To find out whether these are related to structural changes, we investigated the pressure stability of wild-type GFP (wtGFP) and three of its red shift mutants (AFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2)) using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. For the wt GFP, GFP(mut1), and GFP(mut2) we found that up to 13-14 kbar the secondary structure remains intact, whereas AFP starts unfolding around 10 kbar. The 3-D structure is held responsible for this high-pressure stability. Previously observed changes in fluorescence at low pressure are rationalized in terms of the pressure-induced elastic effect. Above 6 kbar, loss of fluorescence is due to aggregation. Revisiting the temperature stability of GFP, we found that an intermediate state is populated along the unfolding pathway of wtGFP. At higher temperatures, the unfolding resulted in the formation of aggregates of wtGFP and its mutants.  相似文献   

We report the first Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of purple membrane. Evidence is presented that alterations in the vibrations of both the retinylidene chromophore and the protein groups of bacteriorhodopsin associated with photocycling can be detected. This method provides a new tool for probing the conformational changes occurring in bacteriorhodopsin during the proton pump cycle.  相似文献   

C W Chang  N Sekiya  K Yoshihara 《FEBS letters》1991,287(1-2):157-159
FTIR difference spectroscopic studies of M intermediate and LA bacteriorhodopsin in the O-H stretching region show bands at 3671 and 3641 cm-1, respectively. The O-H stretching bands in this region may reflect protonation-deprotonation changes or environmental change in the tyrosine residues in bR.  相似文献   

Polarized, low-temperature Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy has been used to investigate the structure of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as it undergoes phototransitions from the light-adapted state, bR570, to the K630 and M412 intermediates. The orientations of specific retinal chromophore and protein groups relative to the membrane plane were calculated from the linear dichroism of the infrared bands, which correspond to the vibrational modes of those groups. The linear dichroism of the chromophore C=C and C-C stretching modes indicates that the long axis of the polyene chain is oriented at 20-25 degrees from the membrane plane at 250 K and that it orients more in-plane when the temperature is reduced to 81 K. The polyene plane is found to be approximately perpendicular to the membrane plane from the linear dichroism calculations of the HOOP (hydrogen out-of-plane) wags. The orientation of the transition dipole moments of chromophore vibrations in the K630 and M412 intermediates has been probed, and the dipole moment direction of the C=O bond of an aspartic acid that is protonated in the bR570----M412 transition has been measured.  相似文献   

Previous C13-NMR studies showed that two of the four internal aspartic acid residues (Asp-96 and Asp-115) of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) are protonated up to pH = 10, but no accurate pKa of these residues has been determined. In this work, infrared spectroscopy with the attenuated total reflection technique was used to characterize pH-dependent structural changes of ground-state, dark-adapted wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and its mutant (D96N) with aspartic acid-96 replaced by asparagine. Data indicated deprotonation of Asp-96 at high pH (pKa = 11.4 +/- 0.1), but no Asp-115 titration was observed. The analysis of the whole spectral region characteristic to complex conformational changes in the protein showed a more complicated titration with an additional pKa value (pKa1 = 9.3 +/- 0.3 and pKa2 = 11.5 +/- 0.2). Comparison of results obtained for bR and the D96N mutant of bR shows that the pKa approximately 11.5 characterizes not a direct titration of Asp-96 but a protein conformational change that makes Asp-96 accessible to the external medium.  相似文献   

Wang T  Xu Y  Du D  Gai F 《Biopolymers》2004,75(2):163-172
We describe here a new method for determining the conformational stability of antiparallel beta-sheets. Due to coupling between the transition dipoles, beta-sheet conformations typically exhibit a characteristic high-frequency amide I component centered at approximately 1680 cm(-1). Using one beta-sheet protein and two small beta-hairpins, we demonstrate that this high-frequency component, which is fairly narrow (approximately 8-10 cm(-1)), can be quantitatively resolved and used in thermal stability determination. Compared with the commonly used CD and fluorescence techniques, this ir method offers advantages. Since the area of this high-frequency component is only proportional to the folded population, it eliminates the need for a priori information of the folded and unfolded baselines encountered in other methods. Thus, it is applicable to a variety of beta-sheet systems.  相似文献   

The secondary structural changes of the membrane protein, bacteriorhodopsin, are studied during the premelting reversible transition by using laser-induced temperature jump technique and nanosecond time-resolved Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The helical structural changes are triggered by using a 15 degrees C temperature jump induced from a preheated bacteriorhodopsin in D2O solution at a temperature of 72 degrees C. The structural transition from alphaII- to alphaI-helices is observed by following the change in the frequency of the amide I band from 1667 to 1651 cm-1 and the shift in the frequency of the amide II vibration from 1542 cm-1 to 1436 cm-1 upon H/D exchange. It is found that although the amide I band changes its frequency on a time scale of <100 ns, the H/D exchange shifts the frequency of the amide II band and causes a complex changes in the 1651-1600 cm-1 and 1530-1430 cm-1 frequency region on a longer time scale (>300 ns). Our result suggests that in this "premelting transition" temperature region of bacteriorhodopsin, an intrahelical conformation conversion of the alphaII to alphaI leads to the exposure of the hydrophobic region of the protein to the aqueous medium.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared study of the halorhodopsin chloride pump   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Halorhodopsin (hR) is a light-driven chloride pump located in the cell membrane of Halobacterium halobium. Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy has been used to study structural alterations occurring during the hR photocycle. The frequencies of peaks attributed to the retinylidene chromophore are similar to those observed in the spectra of the related protein bacteriorhodopsin (bR), indicating that in hR as in bR an all-trans----13-cis isomerization occurs during formation of the early bathoproduct. Spectral features due to protein structural alterations are also similar for the bR and hR photocycles. For example, formation of the red-shifted primary photoproducts of both hR and bR results in similar carboxyl peaks in the 1730-1745-cm-1 region. However, in contrast to bR, no further changes are observed in the carboxyl region during subsequent steps in the hR photocycle, indicating that additional carboxyl groups are not directly involved in chloride translocation. Overall, the close similarity of vibrations in hR and bR photoproduct difference spectra supports the existence of some common elements in the molecular mechanisms of energy transduction and active transport by these two proteins.  相似文献   

FTIR spectra of alamethicin have been obtained in KBr disk, methanol and in aqueous lipid dispersion (above and below the lipid phase transition). The solution structure of this polypeptide in methanol has been shown by recent studies (Esposito et al. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 1043-1050) using NMR spectroscopy to be predominantly alpha-helical in content. It may therefore be regarded as a model structure for the interpretation of the spectra of certain biomembrane proteins. A comparison of the spectra with that obtained with bacteriorhodopsin shows spectral similarities, e.g. the presence of a high-frequency amide I maximum at 1661-1663 cm-1 and shoulders near 1640 cm-1 and 1620 cm-1.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy has been used to detect the vibrational modes due to tyrosine residues in the protein that change in position or intensity between light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (LA) and other species, namely, the K and M intermediates and dark-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (DA). To aid in the identification of the bands that change in these various species, the FTIR spectra of the free amino acids Tyr-d0, Tyr-d2 (2H at positions ortho to OH), and Tyr-d4 (2H at positions ortho and meta to OH) were measured in H2O and D2O at low and high pH. The characteristic frequencies of the Tyr species obtained in this manner were then used to identify the changes in protonation state of the tyrosine residues in the various bacteriorhodopsin species. The two diagnostically most useful bands were the approximately 1480-cm-1 band of Tyr(OH)-d2 and the approximately 1277-cm-1 band of Tyr(O-)-d0. Mainly by observing the appearance or disappearance of these bands in the difference spectra of pigments incorporating the tyrosine isotopes, it was possible to identify the following: in LA, one tyrosine and one tyrosinate; in the K intermediate, two tyrosines; in the M intermediate, one tyrosine and one tyrosinate; and in DA, two tyrosines. Since these residues were observed in the difference spectra K/LA, M/LA, and DA/LA, they represent the tyrosine or tyrosinate groups that most likely undergo changes in protonation state due to the conversions. These changes are most likely linked to the proton translocation process of bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

The photocycle intermediates of photoactive yellow protein (PYP) were characterized by low-temperature Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The difference FTIR spectra of PYP(B), PYP(H), PYP(L), and PYP(M) minus PYP were measured under the irradiation condition determined by UV-visible spectroscopy. Although the chromophore bands of PYP(B) were weak, intense sharp bands complementary to the 1163-cm(-1) band of PYP, which show the chromophore is deprotonated, were observed at 1168-1169 cm(-1) for PYP(H) and PYP(L), indicating that the proton at Glu46 is not transferred before formation of PYP(M). Free trans-p-coumaric acid had a 1294-cm(-1) band, which was shifted to 1288 cm(-1) in the cis form. All the difference FTIR spectra obtained had the pair of bands corresponding to them, indicating that all the intermediates have the chromophore in the cis configuration. The characteristic vibrational modes at 1020-960 cm(-1) distinguished the intermediates. Because these modes were shifted by deuterium-labeling at the ethylene bond of the chromophore while labeling at the phenol part had no effect, they were attributed to the ethylene bond region. Hence, structural differences among the intermediates are present in this region. Bands at about 1730 cm(-1), which show that Glu46 is protonated, were observed for all intermediates except for PYP(M). Because the frequency of this mode was constant in PYP(B), PYP(H), and PYP(L), the environment of Glu46 is conserved in these intermediates. The photocycle of PYP would therefore proceed by changing the structure of the twisted ethylene bond of the chromophore.  相似文献   

The Fourier transform infrared difference spectra between light-adapted bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and its photointermediates, L and M, were analyzed for the 3750-3450-cm-1 region. The O-H stretching vibrational bands were identified from spectra upon substitution with 2H2O. Among them, the 3642-cm-1 band of BR was assigned to water by substitution with H2(18)O. By a comparison with the published infrared spectra of the water in model systems [Mohr, S.C., Wilk, W.D., & Barrow, G.M. (1965) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 87, 3048-3052], it is shown that the O-H bonds of the water in BR interact very weakly. Upon formation of L, the interaction becomes stronger. The O-H bonds of the protein side chain undergo similar changes. On the other hand, M formation further weakens the interaction of the same water molecules in BR. The appearance of a sharp band at 3486 cm-1, which was assigned tentatively to the N-H stretching vibration of the peptide bond, is unique to L. The results suggest that the water molecules are involved in the perturbation of Asp-96 in the L intermediate and that they are exerted from the protonated Schiff base which changes position upon the light-induced reaction.  相似文献   

The first step of the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photocycle involves the formation of a red-shifted product, K. Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of the bR570 to K630 transition at 81 K has been measured for bR containing different isotopic substitutions at the retinal Schiff base. In the case of bacteriorhodopsin containing a deuterium substitution at the Schiff base nitrogen, carbon 15, or both, we find spectral changes in the 1600-1610- and 1570-1580-cm-1 region consistent with the hypothesis that the K630 C=N stretching mode of a protonated Schiff base is located near 1609 cm-1. A similar set of Schiff base deuterium substitutions for retinal containing a 13C at the carbon 10 position strongly supports this conclusion. This assignment of the K630 C=N stretching vibration provides evidence that the bR Schiff base proton undergoes a substantial environmental change most likely due to separation from a counterion. In addition, a correlation is found between the C=N stretching frequency and the maximum wavelength of visible absorption, suggesting that movement of a counterion relative to the Schiff base proton is the main source of absorption changes in the early stages of the photocycle. Such a movement is a key prediction of several models of proton transport and energy transduction. Evidence is also presented that one or more COOH groups are involved in the formation of the K intermediate.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy is one of the oldest and well established experimental techniques for the analysis of secondary structure of polypeptides and proteins. It is convenient, non-destructive, requires less sample preparation, and can be used under a wide variety of conditions. This review introduces the recent developments in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy technique and its applications to protein structural studies. The experimental skills, data analysis, and correlations between the FTIR spectroscopic bands and protein secondary structure components are discussed. The applications of FTIR to the second- ary structure analysis, conformational changes, structural dynamics and stability studies of proteins are also discussed.  相似文献   

The structural alterations which occur in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) during dark adaptation (BR570----BR548) and the primary phototransition of the dark photocycle (BR548----KD610) have been investigated by Fourier transform infrared and UV difference spectroscopy. Possible contributions of tyrosine to the Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of these transitions were assigned by incorporating ring per-deuterated tyrosine into bR. Based on these data and UV difference measurements, we conclude that a stable tyrosinate exists in BR570 at physiological temperature and that it protonates during formation of BR548. A tyrosinate protonation has also been observed at low temperature during the primary phototransition of BR570 to the red-shifted photoproduct K630 (1). However, we now find that no tyrosine protonation change occurs during the primary phototransition of BR548 to the red-shifted intermediate KD610. Through analysis of bR containing isotopically labeled retinals, it was also determined that the chromophore of KD610 exits in a 13-trans, 15-cis configuration. On the basis of this evidence and previous studies on the structure of the chromophore in BR570, BR548, and K630, it appears that only the 13-trans,15-trans configuration of the protonated chromophore leads to a stable tyrosinate group. It is proposed that a tyrosinate residue is stabilized due to its interaction with the Schiff base positive charge in the BR570 chromophore. Isomerization of the chromophore about either the C13 = C14 or C = N bond disrupts this interaction causing a protonation of the tyrosinate.  相似文献   

The folding of membrane proteins was addressed using outer membrane protein porin from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans (P. den.). IR spectroscopy and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis were used to probe the effect of mutagenesis on the thermal stability of the protein. Secondary structure analysis by amide I ir spectroscopy showed that the wild-type protein was predominantly composed of beta-sheet, which supports the x-ray crystal structure information (A. Hirsch, J. Breed, K. Saxena, O.-M. H. Richter, B. Ludwig, K. Diederichs, and W. Welte, FEBS Letters, 1997, Vol. 404, pp. 208-210). The mutants E81Q, W74C, and E81Q/D148N were shown to have similar secondary structure composition as the wild type. Wild-type protein and the mutants in detergent micelles underwent irreversible denaturation as a result of heating. Transition temperature calculated from the amide I analysis revealed that mutant porins were slightly less stable compared to the wild type. The protein in micelles showed complete monomerization of the trimer above 85 degrees C. In native-like conditions (provided by liposomes), no change was observed in the secondary structure of the protein until 95 degrees C. This is supported by SDS-PAGE as no change in quaternary structure was observed, proving that the proteins are structurally thermostable in liposomes as compared to micelles. Our studies demonstrated that porins resistant to detergents and proteases are highly thermostable as well.  相似文献   

Nanosecond-to-microsecond time-resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in the 3000-1000-cm(-1) region has been used to examine the polarizable proton continua observed in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) during its photocycle. The difference in the transient FTIR spectra in the time domain between 20 ns and 1 ms shows a broad absorption continuum band in the 2100-1800-cm(-1) region, a bleach continuum band in the 2500-2150-cm(-1) region, and a bleach continuum band above 2700 cm(-1). According to Zundel (G., J. Mol. Struct. 322:33-42), these continua appear in systems capable of forming polarizable hydrogen bonds. The formation of a bleach continuum suggests the presence of a polarizable proton in the ground state that changes during the photocycle. The appearance of a transient absorption continuum suggests a change in the polarizable proton or the appearance of new ones. It is found that each continuum has a rise time of less than 80 ns and a decay time component of approximately 300 micros. In addition, it is found that the absorption continuum in the 2100-1800-cm(-1) region has a slow rise component of 190 ns and a fast decay component of approximately 60 micros. Using these results and those of the recent x-ray structural studies of bR(570) and M(412) (H. Luecke, B. Schobert, H.T. Richter, J.-P. Cartailler, and J. K., Science 286:255-260), together with the already known spectroscopic properties of the different intermediates in the photocycle, the possible origins of the polarizable protons giving rise to these continua during the bR photocycle are proposed. Models of the proton pump are discussed in terms of the changes in these polarizable protons and the hydrogen-bonded chains and in terms of previously known results such as the simultaneous deprotonation of the protonated Schiff base (PSB) and Tyr185 and the disappearance of water molecules in the proton release channel during the proton pump process.  相似文献   

The structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin during the photocycle are investigated. Time resolved polarized infrared spectroscopy in combination with photoselection is used to determine the orientation and motion of certain structural units of the molecule: Asp-85, Asp-96, Asp-115, the Schiff base, and several amide I vibrations. The results are compared with recently published x-ray diffraction data with atomic resolution about conformational motions during the photocycle. The orientation of the measured vibrations are also calculated from the structure data, and based on the comparison of the values from the two techniques new information is obtained: several amide I bands in the infrared spectrum are assigned, and we can also identify the position of the proton in the protonated Asp residues.  相似文献   

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