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How fluctuating temperatures influence reptilian embryos and hatchlings has attracted increasing scientific attention, but is poorly known. We conducted an incubation experiment with a factorial design of two mean temperatures (24 vs. 28 degrees C) and three diel thermal fluctuations (0, +/-3, +/-6 degrees C) to determine the effects of diel thermal fluctuations and mean temperature on incubation duration and hatchling phenotypes. Both diel thermal fluctuations and mean temperature significantly affected incubation duration, but not hatching success. Incubation duration increased with increasing temperature fluctuations at a mean temperature of 24 degrees C, but not at a mean temperature of 28 degrees C. The significant interaction between diel thermal fluctuations and mean temperature on hatchling morphology indicated that the effect of thermal fluctuations depended on the mean temperature. Hatchling mass differed significantly between 24+/-6 and 28+/-6 degrees C, but not between the two constant temperatures or the temperatures with +/-3 degrees C fluctuations. At a mean temperature of 24 degrees C, the effect of thermal fluctuations on hatchling size was marginally significant, with relatively large hatchlings at the constant temperature; at a mean temperature of 28 degrees C, thermal fluctuations had no impact on hatchling size. The locomotor performances were significantly affected by mean temperature rather than diel thermal fluctuations. Therefore, diel thermal fluctuations around a given mean temperature do not affect hatchling phenotypes in a relatively large magnitude, but the influence of diel thermal fluctuations may differ with changing mean temperatures.  相似文献   

The thermal environment can induce substantial variation in important life-history traits. Experimental manipulation of the thermal environment can help researchers determine the contribution of this factor to phenotypic variation in life-history traits. During the reproductive season, we kept female northern grass lizards, Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae), in three temperature-controlled rooms (25, 28 and 32 °C) to measure the effect of the maternal thermal environment on reproductive traits. Maternal thermal environment remarkably affected reproductive frequency and thereby seasonal reproductive output, but had little effect on reproductive traits per clutch or hatchling traits. Females kept at 32 °C produced more clutches and thus had shorter clutch intervals than females from 28 to 25 °C. Clutch size, clutch mass, relative clutch mass, egg size and hatchling traits did not vary among the three treatments. The eggs produced by the females were incubated at 27 °C and the traits of hatchlings were measured. The result that egg (offspring) size was independent of maternal thermal environments is consistent with the prediction of the optimal egg size (offspring) theory. The eggs produced by low temperature females (28 and 25 °C) took longer time to complete their post-oviposition development than did eggs produced by high temperature females (32 °C). This suggests that the eggs from low temperatures might have been laid when the embryos were at relatively early stages. Therefore, maternal thermal environment prior to oviposition could affect post-oviposition development in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

Research on life-history traits of squamate reptiles has focused on North American species, while Asian taxa have been virtually ignored. In order to understand general patterns in reptile life histories, we need a broader data base. Our study on the slender-bodied lacertid lizard Takydromus septentrionalis provides the first detailed information on factors responsible for intraspecific variation in reproductive output and life history in a Chinese reptile. Clutches of recently collected lizards from five widely separated localities in China revealed major divergences in female body size at maturation, mean adult female body size, body condition after oviposition, size-adjusted fecundity, relative clutch mass, and mass and shape of eggs. Most of these geographical differences persisted when the same groups of females were maintained in identical conditions in captivity. Additionally, reproductive frequency during maintenance under laboratory conditions differed according to the animals' place of origin. Thus, the extensive geographical variation in reproductive and life-history traits that occurs within T. septentrionalis is exhibited even in long-term captives, suggesting that proximate factors that vary among localities (local conditions of weather and food supply) are less important determinants of life-history variation than are intrinsic (presumably genetic) influences. The maternal abdominal volume available to hold the clutch may be one such factor, based on low levels of variation in Relative Clutch Mass among populations, and geographical variation in the position of trade-off lines linking offspring size to fecundity.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 443–453.  相似文献   

Invasive species cause severe ecological and economic damage; however, the mechanisms underlying their successful invasion often remain elusive. In the case of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, a global quarantine pest which invaded Asia and Europe, it has been suggested that this species possesses highly competitive abilities, which promotes its establishment and rapid spread. To explore biological traits that may explain its highly competitive abilities, we focused on expression of phenotypic plasticity in response to the food conditions experienced by the females during their development as juveniles in the invasive species B. xylophilus and native species Bursaphelenchus mucronatus. We report an unexpected significant difference of phenotypic trade-off between egg number and egg size in the invasive species B. xylophilus and native species B. mucronatus. This leads to superior propagation ability of invasive species, under high and low food conditions in culture. These effects reflect adaptive optimal resource allocation where more eggs are produced in favorable environments to enhance population viability. Furthermore, we show that B. xylophilus eggs hatched earlier than B. mucronatus when their parents experienced high food availability. Thus, this study revealed, for the first time, phenotypic plasticity of reproductive traits in B. xylophilus which empowers the species a competitive advantage relative to their native counterpart B. mucronatus when they are under different range of food availability. These results are a step towards answering the vital question of how an exotic invasive species exclude a native species from its original niche.  相似文献   

北草撕个体发育过程中头部两性异形及食性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Organisms show phenotypic plasticity - the capacity for a given genotype to express different phenotypes - in response to changes in the environment. Among the several factors that can cause phenotypic plasticity, nutritional constraints during development can affect the size of organisms and, consequently, affect most life-history traits, including reproductive traits. As their larvae are restricted by the amount of food contained in their host, parasitoids are a good model to study phenotypic plasticity related to size. The phenotypic plasticity of reproductive traits was investigated in the egg parasitoid Trichogramma euproctidis (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) by using host species of different sizes. Adult size, sperm storage organs (seminal vesicles and spermatheca), number of sperm stored and gamete size (sperm and oocyte) are all influenced by the host species; larger individuals have larger organs which contain more sperm, and both sperm and oocytes are correlated with adult size. However, while females become larger than males and mature larger oocytes in larger hosts, increase in sperm length stops after a given threshold.  相似文献   

Wang JM  Zhang YM  Wang DH 《Oecologia》2006,149(3):373-382
Changes in photoperiod, ambient temperature and food availability trigger seasonal acclimatization in physiology and behavior of many animals. In the present study, seasonal adjustments in body mass and in several physiological, hormonal, and biochemical markers were examined in wild-captured plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Our results showed that plateau pikas maintained a relatively constant body mass throughout the year and showed no seasonal changes in body fat mass and circulating levels of serum leptin. However, nonshivering thermogenesis, cytochrome c oxidase activity, and mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) contents in brown adipose tissues were significantly enhanced in winter. Further, serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and body fat mass while negatively correlated with UCP1 contents. Together, these data suggest that plateau pikas mainly depend on increasing thermogenic capacities, rather than decreasing body mass, to cope with cold, and leptin may play a potential role in their thermogenesis and body mass regulation.  相似文献   

We measured the reproductive output of Takydromus septentrionalis collected over 5 years between 1997 and 2005 to test the hypothesis that reproductive females should allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in a particular clutch and to individual eggs. Females laid 1–7 clutches per breeding season, with large females producing more, as well as larger clutches, than did small females. Clutch size, clutch mass, annual fecundity, and annual reproductive output were all positively related to female size (snout–vent length). Females switched from producing more, but smaller eggs in the first clutch to fewer, but larger eggs in the subsequent clutches. The mass-specific clutch mass was greater in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches, but it did not differ among the subsequent clutches. Post-oviposition body mass, clutch size, and egg size showed differing degrees of annual variation, but clutch mass of either the first or the second clutch remained unchanged across the sampling years. The regression line describing the size–number trade-off was higher in the subsequent clutch than in the first clutch, but neither the line for first clutch, nor the line for the second clutch varied among years. Reproduction retarded growth more markedly in small females than in large ones. Our data show that: (1) trade-offs between size and number of eggs and between reproduction and growth (and thus, future reproduction) are evident in T. septentrionalis ; (2) females allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in current reproduction and to individual eggs; and (3) seasonal shifts in reproductive output and egg size are determined ultimately by natural selection.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 315–324.  相似文献   

朱灵君  杜卫国  孙波  张永普 《生态学报》2010,30(18):4848-4854
在围栏条件下,比较升温和对照处理北草蜥(Takydromus septentrionalis)繁殖、卵孵化及幼体特征的差异,以揭示升温对其繁殖生活史特征的作用。升温处理对北草蜥母体体温有显著影响,但并不影响其繁殖输出。升温显著影响卵孵化期和幼体的运动能力,但不影响幼体大小等形态特征。升温条件下孵出的幼体运动能力较弱。结果表明,北草蜥母体能耐受短期的环境增温,维持相对恒定的繁殖输出;升温能影响幼体的功能表现,进而可能改变后代适合度。  相似文献   

Fish are known for their high phenotypic plasticity in life‐history traits in relation to environmental variability, and this is particularly pronounced among salmonids in the Northern Hemisphere. Resource limitation leads to trade‐offs in phenotypic plasticity between life‐history traits related to the reproduction, growth, and survival of individual fish, which have consequences for the age and size distributions of populations, as well as their dynamics and productivity. We studied the effect of plasticity in growth and fecundity of vendace females on their reproductive traits using a series of long‐term incubation experiments. The wild parental fish originated from four separate populations with markedly different densities, and hence naturally induced differences in their growth and fecundity. The energy allocation to somatic tissues and eggs prior to spawning served as a proxy for total resource availability to individual females, and its effects on offspring survival and growth were analyzed. Vendace females allocated a rather constant proportion of available energy to eggs (per body mass) despite different growth patterns depending on the total resources in the different lakes; investment into eggs thus dictated the share remaining for growth. The energy allocation to eggs per mass was higher in young than in old spawners and the egg size and the relative fecundity differed between them: Young females produced more and smaller eggs and larvae than old spawners. In contrast to earlier observations of salmonids, a shortage of maternal food resources did not increase offspring size and survival. Vendace females in sparse populations with ample resources and high growth produced larger eggs and larvae. Vendace accommodate strong population fluctuations by their high plasticity in growth and fecundity, which affect their offspring size and consequently their recruitment and productivity, and account for their persistence and resilience in the face of high fishing mortality.  相似文献   

寿鹿  杜卫国  陆祎玮 《动物学报》2005,51(5):797-805
比较浙江温州北麂岛与洞头岛的热环境、食物可利用性以及动物体温,以辨析北草蜥岛屿种群间生活史特征差异中环境因子的作用。通过测定岛屿上北草蜥栖息地植被和环境温度,比较岛屿热环境的差异。野外测定活动蜥蜴的体温、环境温度和活动规律,实验室温梯板中测定动物喜好体温。用陷阱法测定无脊椎动物多样性和丰度,以比较岛屿蜥蜴种群的食物可利用性。岛屿植被存在差异导致热环境的差异。洞头岛植被高于北麂岛,地表层光线透入率则低于北麂岛。因而,洞头岛郁闭地表的平均温度和最高温度显著低于北麂岛,但两岛裸露地面的温度无显著差异。热环境的岛屿间差异进而影响北草蜥的野外体温。在春季,洞头岛的野外有效温度和基底温度显著大于北麂岛,而两岛北草蜥的体温无显著差异;在夏季,洞头岛的北草蜥体温、有效温度和基质温度均显著高于北麂岛;到秋季,北麂岛蜥蜴体温和环境温度高于洞头岛。地面无脊椎动物多样性和丰度的岛屿间差异表明北麂岛食物可利用性大于洞头岛。岛屿间北草蜥日活动规律和喜好体温无显著差异。本研究表明:(1)温度和食物可利用性存在岛屿间差异,岛屿种群间生活史特征差异可能与之有关;(2)两岛屿北草蜥主要采取行为调节对策来适应自然界的热环境变化,尚未发现热生理学特征的进化性漂移[动物学报51(5):797-805,2005]。  相似文献   

To understand how nest temperatures influence phenotypic traits of reptilian hatchlings, the effects of fluctuating temperature on hatchling traits must be known. Most investigations, however, have only considered the effects of constant temperatures. We incubated eggs of Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae) at constant (24 degrees C, 27 degrees C, 30 degrees C and 33 degrees C) and fluctuating temperatures to determine the effects of these thermal regimes on incubation duration, hatching success and hatchling traits (morphology and locomotor performance). Hatching success at 24 degrees C and 27 degrees C was higher, and hatchlings derived from these two temperatures were larger and performed better than their counterparts from 30 degrees C and 33 degrees C. Eggs incubated at fluctuating temperatures exhibited surprisingly high hatching success and also produced large and well-performed hatchlings in spite of the extremely wide range of temperatures (11.6-36.2 degrees C) they experienced. This means that exposure of eggs to adversely low or high temperatures for short periods does not increase embryonic mortality. The variance of fluctuating temperatures affected hatchling morphology and locomotor performance more evidently than did the mean of the temperatures in this case. The head size and sprint speed of the hatchlings increased with increasing variances of fluctuating temperatures. These results suggest that thermal variances significantly affect embryonic development and phenotypic traits of hatchling reptiles and are therefore ecologically meaningful.  相似文献   

孟德荣 《四川动物》2001,20(2):86-86
作者于 1 996年 6月 8日在山东省烟台市昆嵛山国家森林公园 (北纬 36 88°~ 37 4 0° ,东经 1 2 1 1 0°~1 2 2 0 8°)指导学生动物学专业实习时 ,于海拔 4 50m处的林缘草丛中采到一雄性成体北草蜥 (TakydromusseptentrionalisGunther ,1 864)活体。经鉴定该标本与北草蜥的已有报道存在较大变异。标本保存于沧州师范专科学校动物标本室。现报道如下。标本量度 :头长 1 8 5mm ,头宽 1 0 72mm ,头高8 58mm ,头体长 77 2mm ,尾长 2 77 1mm ,前肢长2 8 1mm ,后肢长 39 2mm ,第 4指长 1 0 …  相似文献   

In some vertebrate taxa, pheromones provide important information about species, sex, reproductive condition, kinship, and even individual identity. Because they possess highly developed nasal chemosensory systems, lizards are capable of many chemical discriminations, but many aspects of their pheromonal communication remain poorly understood even in major families. We report that males of a lacertid lizard, Podarcis muralis, are capable of differential response to surface chemical cues from conspecific males and females, from gravid and nongravid females, and from conspecific females and females of the closely related sympatric congener, P. bocagei carbonelli. In 60 sec trials in which stimuli from the femoral, cloacal, lateral, and upper body surfaces were presented to males on cotton swabs, males tongue-flicked at significantly higher rates to stimuli from conspecific females than males, from conspecific nongravid than gravid females, and from conspecific than heterospecific females. Responses to stimuli from conspecific males did not differ from those to distilled water. Together with previous findings that males can distinguish between chemical cues from familiar and unfamiliar males, these findings suggest that pheromones provide male P. hispanica important information regarding the presence of sexual rivals and the reproductive condition of potential mates without visually encountering other lizards. A growing body of literature indicates that lacertids are capable of sophisticated pheromonal discriminations that may play important roles in their social behavior.  相似文献   

北草蜥主要贮能部位的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了北草蜥越冬时期腹脂肪体、去尾躯干、尾、肝脏等主要能量贮存部位。结果表明 ,尾、肝脏和腹脂肪体能值的组间差异显著 ,入眠组的去尾躯干能值显著高于出眠组和禁食组。尾、腹脂肪体、肝脏能量贮存和动用活跃 ,为该种动物最主要能量的贮存部位。  相似文献   

Geographic variation in offspring size is widespread, but the proximate causes of this variation have not yet been explicitly determined. We compared egg size and egg contents among five populations of a lizard (Takydromus septentrionalis, Günther, 1864) along a latitudinal gradient, and incubated eggs at two temperatures to determine the influence of maternal investment and incubation temperature on offspring size. The mean values for female size and egg size were both greater in the two northern populations (Chuzhou and Anji) than in the three southern populations (Lishui, Dongtou, and Ningde). The larger eggs were entirely attributable to the body size of females in the Anji population, but their increased size also stemmed from further enlargement of egg size relative to female body size in Chuzhou, the northernmost population sampled in this study. Eggs of the Chuzhou population contained more yolk and less water than those of southern populations. Despite the lower lipid content in the yolk, eggs from the Chuzhou population had higher energy contents than those from the two southern populations, owing to the larger egg size and increased volume of yolk. Hatchling size was not affected by incubation temperature, but differed significantly among populations, with hatchlings being larger in the Chuzhou population than in the other populations. Our data provide an inference that oviparous reptiles from cold climates may produce larger offspring, not only by increasing egg size but also by investing more energy into their eggs. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 59–67.  相似文献   

非草蜥主要贮能部位的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了北草蜥越冬时期腹脂肪体、去属躯干、尾、肝脏等主要能量贮存部位。结果表明,尾、肝脏和腹脂仿体能值的组间差异显著,人眠组的去尾躯干能值显著高于出眠组和禁食组。尾、腹脂肪体、肝脏能量贮存和动用活跃,为该种动物最主要能量的贮存部位。  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the capability of a genotype to produce different phenotypes in different environments. Previous studies have indicated phenotypic variability in asexual, male, and female reproduction in Botryllus schlosseri, a hermaphroditic, colonial ascidian, but not explicitly tested for genotype by environment interactions that indicate genetic variation in plastic responses. Consequently, clones derived from an estuarine population were deployed at their native site and a warmer, higher productivity site 10 km up-river. Male reproduction was assayed by testis size, female reproduction by the number of eggs produced, and asexual reproduction by colony growth rate. To test for ontogenetic effects, data were collected from two different generations of zooids born in the field. Analyses of variance indicated plasticity in asexual and female reproduction during the first zooid generation and plasticity in all three traits during the third zooid generation. Reaction norms varied significantly among genotypes in direction and magnitude for asexual reproduction at both times, implying that selection on asexual reproduction is weak. Sperm production during the third zooid generation was significantly lower at the nonnative site, but there was no genotype by environment interaction. The reaction norms for female reproduction varied significantly among genotypes in direction and magnitude during the first zooid generation, but only varied in magnitude during the third generation, with egg production being higher in all genotypes at the nonnative site. Comparisons of weighted frequency distributions between sites demonstrated that differences in egg production in the third generation were due to increases in the proportion of reproductive zooids within a colony. The greater emphasis on female reproduction at a site associated with higher food availability and temperature, and the greater emphasis on male reproduction at a colder, food-limited site, supports predictions from sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

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