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Montiel  Salvador  Montaña  Carlos 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(2):241-248
In desert environments the main input to the seed bank of many succulents is the seed rain through zoochory while high levels of granivory by rodents, birds and ants are the main cause of subsequent losses. In the patchy environment of arid lands the characteristics of both processes may vary between habitats causing differences in the recruitment of new genets. To test this hypothesis we used populations of the desert cactus Opuntia rastrera which has different recruitment rates in the two adjacent habitats where it grows. In Opuntia-dominated scrublands (nopaleras, density ca. 4,000 plants/ha) 1 seedling out of 7,000,000 seeds establish, whereas in grasslands (density ca. 100 plants/ha) this ratio is 1:20,000. From 1996 until 1998 the seed rain, seed removal by granivores and seed abundance in the soil were monitored in both habitats. Results showed striking differences in the dynamics of the seed bank of both habitats. Seed rain was 8.5 times bigger in nopaleras than in grasslands. In nopaleras most seeds were removed by rodents while the quantities of seeds removed by rodents, birds and ants in grasslands were similar. One year after dispersal (the time necessary to break seed dormancy) only 6% of original nopalera seeds and 12% of grassland seeds remained. After germination trials only 1% (ca. 15,000 seeds/ha) and 2% (ca. 2,500 seeds/ha) respectively were viable. These differences in the effective seed bank (6 times bigger in nopaleras) can not explain the differences in genet recruitment (which is several orders of magnitude bigger in grasslands). Apparently the between habitat difference in nurse plant availability and in rodent density (which inflict a strong hervibory upon seedlings) can explain the differences in genet recruitment. It is speculated that this between habitat difference in genet recruitment suggests that the species evolved in less extreme environments (e.g. grasslands) than desert scrublands which, in turn, are colonised due to the singular ability of O. rastrera for vegetative propagation. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We studied avian frugivory and seed dispersal in a dioecious shrub, Rhamnus alaternus, focusing on the quantitative and qualitative components of effectiveness. The study took place at three locations in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, and examined bird behaviour, intensity of feeding, and the consequences for seedling emergence. The coincidence between the bird breeding season and fruit ripening of R. alaternus in the absence of other ripe fruit, generates a monospecific interaction. The extant frugivorous species were mainly legitimate seed dispersers and their abundance was low. Sylvia melanocephala and S. undata were the most important at one site whereas S. atricapilla, Erithacus rubecula and Turdus merula predominated at the other two sites. Fruit handling took place directly on the branches. Bird species used microhabitats differently as first post-feeding perch, which usually was a short distance away. The low density of frugivorous birds in all localities, among others factors, resulted in satiation of the disperser community and many mature fruits unconsumed. Both adults and juveniles feed upon the plants and their foraging patterns are similar. Adults of S. melanocephala were observed to feed fruit to nestlings and consequently a second phase of dispersal potentially arises from the transport of fecal sacs. Pulp removal and passage through the digestive tract increased the probability of seedling emergence. This plant-dispersal interaction has important consequences, both positive and negative for the plant. Positively, the fruiting of R. alaternus at a time when other ripe fruits are not available avoids interspecific competition for seed dispersers. In addition, a low density of seed rain may reduce intraspecific competition. Negatively, the low density and small size of the breeding frugivorous bird community limit fruit handling and removal away from the parent plants, while the territorial behaviour of birds at that time of the year reduces the potential distances of seed dispersal.  相似文献   

Drewa PB  Peters DP  Havstad KM 《Oecologia》2006,150(1):29-39
Relationships involving fire and perennial grasses are controversial in Chihuahuan Desert grasslands of southern New Mexico, USA. Research suggests that fire delays the resprouting of perennial grasses well after two growing seasons. However, such results are confounded by livestock grazing, soil erosion, and drought. Additionally, post-fire grass responses may depend on initial clone size. We evaluated the effects of fire, grazing, and clone size on Bouteloua eriopoda (black grama) in southern New Mexico grasslands. Four 2-ha plots were established in each of four sites. Fire and grazing were applied or not applied in 1999 such that four treatment combinations were assigned randomly to plots within each site. Within each plot, small (0–10 cm2 basal area), medium (10–30 cm2), and large ( > 30 cm2) clones were initially mapped in five 0.91-m2 quadrats where grass attributes and litter cover were evaluated before and at the end of two growing seasons following fire. Maximum fire temperature was also measured. At a population level, canopy and litter cover were each approximately 50% less in burned than unburned areas. However, compared to initial levels, canopy height had increased by 10% at the end of the study, regardless of fire. At a clonal level, basal cover reductions were attributed mostly to large clones that survived fire. Smaller clone densities had decreased by as much as 19% in burned compared to unburned areas, and fire reduced the basal cover of medium clones. Basal and canopy cover, recruitment, and clone basal area decreased with increased fire temperatures. Almost all responses were independent of grazing, and interactive effects of grazing and fire were not detected. Fire did not kill all perennial grass clones, regardless of size. However, rapid responses were likely influenced by above-average precipitation after fire. Future studies in desert grasslands should examine how perennial grass dynamics are affected by fire, precipitation patterns, and interactions with grazing.  相似文献   

Regeneration traits of six co-occurringSalix species were studied on a floodplain of the Sorachi River, central Hokkaido, Japan, and their colonization success and coexistence in a local habitat were discussed. MixedSalix communities contained sixSalix species; dominant:S. sachalinensis; four subordinates:S. rorida, S. pet-susu, S. miyabeana andS. subfragilis; rare species:S. jessoensis. Their phenology, falling velocity and longevity of seeds, and the effects of microtopography and soil texture on seedling establishment were studied. The sixSalix species had overlapped seed dispersal periods that coincided with the decrease of water level after a predictable spring flood. This coincidence was crucial for the colonization success because the seedlings were established on wet soils left by the decreasing water level. They showed two types of regeneration trait, specialization and generalization.S. rorida andS. subfragilis showed contrasting regeneration traits; early vs. late seed dispersal, large vs. small seeds, seedling distribution on coarse vs. fine soils, respectively. These two species rarely co-occurred. On the other hand, the dominantS. sachalinensis had an intermediate seed size and dispersal timing, and a wide range of seedling distribution from coarse to fine soils. These results revealed that flooding seasonality influenced the colonization success together with the regeneration traits ofSalix species, and that coexistence of theSalix species was facilitated primarily by regeneration niche separation related to flooding seasonality and soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

An early investigation at the Biosphere-2 Laboratory, an artificial ecosystem in the Arizona desert, had shown that the flavonoid content of cacti grown in glass-filtered solar light was lower than of cacti grown in normal solar light. This was attributed to the absence of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is required for flavonoid biosynthesis. In this study, two species of Opuntia cacti were grown in solar and UV-depleted light, and their flavonol contents of different tissues were determined by HPLC. O. wilcoxii, previously raised in the absence of UV light, was exposed to normal solar light. The flavonol content of young O. wilcoxii pads was 28-fold higher when grown in solar light as compared to UV-depleted light. The flavonol contents of mature outer tissues were only slightly higher. O. violacea, previously raised in solar light, was also maintained in the same UV-depleted artificial ecosystem. The flavonol content after hydrolysis of outer tissues was similar, whether grown in solar light or UV-depleted light. We attribute these responses to different biosynthetic and metabolic rates of young vs. mature plant tissues; slow-growing mature tissues neither produce nor metabolize compounds as quickly as immature tissues. These findings indicate that artificial ecosystems can influence the production of natural products in cultivated plants.  相似文献   

Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) dynamics are a key element in the understanding of ecosystem processes. For semiarid environments, the pulse-reserve framework links ANPP to variable and unpredictable precipitation events contingent on surficial hydrology, soil moisture dynamics, biodiversity structure, trophic dynamics, and landscape context. Consequently, ANPP may be decoupled periodically from processes such as decomposition and may be subjected to complex feedbacks and thresholds at broader scales. As currently formulated, the pulse-reserve framework may not encompass the breadth of ANPP response to seasonal patterns of precipitation and heat inputs. Accordingly, we examined a 6-year (1999–2004), seasonal record of ANPP with respect to precipitation, soil moisture dynamics, and functional groups in a black grama (Bouteloua eriopoda) grassland and a creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) shrubland in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Annual ANPP was similar in the grassland (51.1 g/m2) and shrubland (59.2 g/m2) and positively correlated with annual precipitation. ANPP differed among communities with respect to life forms and functional groups and responses to abiotic drivers. In keeping with the pulse-reserve model, ANPP in black grama grassland was dominated by warm-season C4 grasses and subshrubs that responded to large, transient summer storms and associated soil moisture in the upper 30 cm. In contrast, ANPP in creosotebush shrubland occasionally responded to summer moisture, but the predominant pattern was slower, non-pulsed growth of cool-season C3 shrubs during spring, in response to winter soil moisture accumulation and the breaking of cold dormancy. Overall, production in this Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem reflected a mix of warm-temperate arid land pulse dynamics during the summer monsoon and non-pulsed dynamics in spring driven by winter soil moisture accumulation similar to that of cool-temperate regions. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A standardized sampling method was used to evaluate turnover (β diversity) among cactus species assemblages along a 798 km long latitudinal megatransect across the Chihuahuan Desert Region, from north-central Mexico to southern Texas. A total of 71 cactus species were found along the megatransect, 66.2% of which appeared at low frequencies, mostly as a consequence of their highly discontinuous distribution pattern. At the scale the study was conducted, there was always species turnover among cactus assemblages. The rate of turnover among contiguous sites primarily fluctuated from low to medium, but when all site combinations were considered (contiguous and non-contiguous), medium β diversity values were predominant (β = 0.331–0.66); however, 25.4% of the site pair combinations registered high values (β = 0.661–1.0). Our results showed that turnover among cactus species assemblages in the CDR does not consist for the most part of a process of species succession in the geographic space. Instead, we concluded that the continuous spatial changes in cactus species composition are primarily explained by the commonly intermittent distribution patterns of the species, by the presence in the megatransect of species at the margin of their distribution range, and, to a lesser extent, by the existence of narrowly endemic species.  相似文献   

A system for genetic transformation of an elite prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L., cultivar Villa Nueva) by Agrobacterium tumefaciens was developed. Beginning with direct bacterial infection by using a hypodermic syringe to the meristematic tissue termed areoles, transgenic plants were obtained by selection with 100 mg l−1 kanamycin. Transient and stable GUS activities were monitored on kanamycin-resistant shoots and regenerated plants, respectively. Genetic transformation of regenerated plants growing under selection was demonstrated by PCR and Southern blot analysis; transgene copy number in the genome of transgenic plants ranged from two to six, while the transformation frequency obtained by the system reported here was of 3.2%. This method may be useful for routine transformation and introduction of several important genes in prickly pear cactus.  相似文献   

Summary Thickness, relative water content (RWC), osmotic pressure, water potential isotherms, and mucopolysaccharide content were measured for the photosynthetic chlorenchyma and the water-storage parenchyma of the winter hardy cactus, Opuntia humifusa, after shifting from day/night air temperatures of 25° C/15° C to 5° C/–5° C. After 14 d at 5° C/–5° C, the average fraction of water contained in the symplast decreased from 0.92 to 0.78, the water potential of saturated (fully hydrated) tissue was essentially unchanged, but the osmotic pressure of saturated tissue decreased (by 0.15 MPa for the chlorenchyma and 0.12 MPa for the water-storage parenchyma). After 7 weeks at 5° C/–5° C, tissue thickness was reduced by 61% for the chlorenchyma and 65% for the water-storage parenchyma, and the RWC decreased by 42% and 68%, respectively; these changes contributed to an osmotic pressure increase of 0.55 MPa for the chlorenchyma and 0.34 MPa for the water-storage parenchyma. During the 7 week acclimation to low temperature, mucopolysaccharide increased by 114% for the chlorenchyma and by 89% for the water-storage parenchyma. The water potential of the extracted mucopolysaccharide was relatively constant for an RWC between 1.00 and 0.30, decreasing abruptly below 0.30. Changes in water relations parameters and in mucopolysaccharide content during low-temperature acclimation may reduce water efflux from the cells, and thus reduce damage due to rapid dehydration during extracellular freezing.  相似文献   

Inhibition and recovery of net CO2 uptake and three photosynthetic electron transport reactions as well as plant survival following high-temperature treatments were investigated for Opuntia ficus-indica. For plants maintained at 30°C/20°C day/night air temperatures, treatment at 60°C for 1 h irreversibly inhibited net CO2 uptake and photosynthetic electron transport, resulting in plant death in about 60 days. When a plant maintained at 30°C/20°C was treated at 55°C for 1 h, net CO2 uptake was completely inhibited 1 d after the treatment but fully recovered in 60 d. Differential inactivation of photosystem (PS) I, PSII, and whole chain electron transport activities occurred; PSI was the most tolerant of 55°C and took the least time (45 d) for total recovery. All 30°C/20°C plants survived a 1-h treatment at 55°C, although some pale green areas were observed on the cladode surfaces. In contrast to growing at 30°C/20°C, plants acclimated to 45°C/35°C survived 60°C for 1 h without showing any necrotic or pale green areas on the cladode surfaces. When such a plant was transferred to 30°C/20°C following the high-temperature treatment, recovery in net CO2 uptake began in 1 d and progressed to complete recovery by 30 d. Growth temperatures thus influence the possibility for recovery of photosynthetic reactions and ultimately the survival of O. ficus-indica following a high-temperature exposure.Abbreviations DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - MV methyl viologen - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - PSI or PSII photosystem I or II - WC whole chain  相似文献   

Howe  Henry F. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):149-162
This paper explores the causes and consequences of seed and seedling mortality of the tree Virola nobilis (Myristicaceae) Central Panama in order to understand the advantage to local seed dispersal by birds and monkeys. Post-dispersal mortality due to insects (primarily Conotrachelus spp., Curculionidae) accounts for 30–35% of seed and seedling death during the first 12 weeks after seed fall. Because more seeds and seedlings are killed under and near fruiting trees than 15–45 m away, seed dispersal confers a 20–40 fold advantage on seeds carried 45 m from fruiting adults. In contrast, >60% of seed and seedling death during the first year is due to seed predation by mammals, with >90% due to mammals among the <2% seeds that survive until maternal endosperm is exhausted ±12 weeks after seed fall. Mortaliy due to mammals is independent of distance from parent trees, confering no advantage to seed dispersal. Insects account for variation in mortality attributable to distance effects, mammals to between site effects.Early weevil infestations put a premium on seed removal by large birds (Ramphastos swainsonii, R. sulfuratus, Penelope purpurascens), which carry >50% of the seeds that they eat >40 m, as compared with smaller birds (Baryphthengus martii, Tityra semifasciata, Trogon massena) and monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi), which leave most or all of the seeds that they eat under or near the tree crown.  相似文献   

Hornbills (Bucerotidae) are widely regarded as important seed dispersers in tropical forests in Africa and Asia. We investigated how the roosting behavior of wreathed hornbills (Aceros undulatus) influences seed deposition and seedling survival at a roost site in a moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. Fallen fruits and seeds were collected in traps that were placed around a roosting site for 14 months, and seedlings were monitored in adjacent quadrats for 3 years. Seedfall and seedlings of species represented in the hornbill diet occurred at significantly higher densities in the traps and quadrats located beneath the crown of the roosting tree than in those located beyond the crown. With the exception of Cinnamomum subavenium, the seeds and seedlings of most diet species rarely survived beyond the first year. The quality of hornbill dispersal to this roosting site may be poor due to the highly concentrated seedfall, which results in high seed and seedling mortality. However, the number of seeds deposited by each hornbill each day at roosting sites is relatively low. Wreathed hornbills are primarily scatter dispersers during the day and probably serve as agents of seed dispersal in the moist evergreen forest of Khao Yai.  相似文献   

Variation in plant performance between microhabitats is usually attributed to direct mechanisms, such as plant physiological tolerances or competitive interactions. However, indirect mechanisms, such as differences in herbivore pressure mediated by microhabitat differences, could create the same pattern of variation. In this study, we investigated the effect of insect herbivore pressure on the growth of the grassland cactus Opuntia fragilis under different regimes of grassland canopy cover. Our purpose was to establish the extent to which canopy cover plays a direct, competitive role versus an indirect, mediatory role in cactus growth. We manipulated aboveground microhabitat, specifically the cover of adjacent grasses. The three treatments were: (1) open canopy, with grass pinned down away from the cactus; (2) shaded canopy, with a partial mesh cage staked over the cactus; and (3) ambient grass canopy. We measured seasonal plant growth and recorded changes in insect herbivore occurrence and damage in relation to cover. Cactus growth, defined as the change in number of live cladodes, was higher in the open than under either treatment where the plant was more shaded (P<0.05). However, allocation to new growth, measured as the proportion of new segments (cladodes) in a patch, did not differ among cover treatments. Thus, the hypothesis that physiological constraints, or competition for light, limited cactus performance in grass is rejected. Instead, we found that both cladode mortality, caused by the larvae of a cactus moth borer (Melitara dentata), and occurrence of the moth were lower in the open microhabitat than in either shaded microhabitat. Thus, higher net growth in the open, unshaded treatment, rather than representing a release from competition for light with grasses, was better explained as an indirect effect of grass cover on the activity and impact of the cactus moth. These results show that indirect effects can lead to a misinterpretation of experimental data on direct effects. These data also contribute to an improved understanding of mixed results in the biological control of weedy cacti. Clearly, future evaluations of the relative importance of physiology, competition, and insect herbivory in plant performance must be environmentally explicit.  相似文献   

A large proportion of dispersing propagules land near their maternal plant, even in species that have evolved structures which enhance dispersal. For these propagules, their post-dispersal spatial pattern is likely to reflect the overall shape and scale of the parental plant canopy and, especially in poorly dispersing species, aggregation of propagules on the plant prior to dispersal. Localised patterns within seed shadows are also likely to be affected by secondary movement after dispersal, leading to either more or less small-scale aggregation, depending on the mechanism. Our general aim was to study the small-scale spatial structure within patterns of seed dispersal of Raphanus raphanistrum L. to generate hypotheses about the sequence of processes and events leading to the spatial pattern of dispersal in this species. More specifically, we determined the sizes of small-scale structures within the seed shadows on the ground after dispersal and the extent to which these match the sizes of pre-dispersal aggregations within the parental canopy. Variation in plant size and shape was provided by four levels of inter-specific competition resulting from differing wheat crop densities. Positions of propagules were determined using a three-dimensional digitizer, and the data for each plant were analysed using point pattern analysis. Not surprisingly, larger plants, growing at lower plant density, had larger seed shadows, showing an overall influence of maternal plant size. The pattern of propagules exhibited significant small-scale aggregates, with similar sizes on the plant and on the ground. There was no evidence that aggregation size was greater on the ground or increased with time, but the strength of the aggregation increased with length of time on the ground.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is a critical stage in the life history of plants. It determines the initial pattern of juvenile distribution, and can influence community dynamics and the evolutionary trajectories of individual species. Vertebrate frugivores are the primary vector of seed dispersal in tropical forests; however, most studies of seed dispersal focus on birds, bats and monkeys. Nevertheless, South America harbors at least 200 species of frugivorous fishes, which move into temporarily flooded habitats during lengthy flood seasons and consume fruits that fall into the water; and yet, we know remarkably little about the quality of seed dispersal they effect. We investigated the seed dispersal activities of two species of large-bodied, commercially important fishes (Colossoma macropomum and Piaractus brachypomus, Characidae) over 3 years in Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve (Peru). We assessed the diet of these fishes during the flood season, conducted germination trials with seeds collected from digestive tracts, and quantified fruit availability. In the laboratory, we fed fruits to captive Colossoma, quantified the proportion of seeds defecated by adult and juvenile fish, and used these seeds in additional germination experiments. Our results indicate that Colossoma and Piaractus disperse large quantities of seeds from up to 35% of the trees and lianas that fruit during the flood season. Additionally, these seeds can germinate after floodwaters recede. Overexploitation has reduced the abundance of our focal fish species, as well as changed the age structure of populations. Moreover, older fish are more effective seed dispersers than smaller, juvenile fish. Overfishing, therefore, likely selects for the poorest seed dispersers, thus disrupting an ancient interaction between seeds and their dispersal agents. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary Little is known about the adaptive value of mast seeding, a common phenomenon in temperate trees and shrubs. Masting is likely to affect both seed dispersal and seed predation. In systems where similar taxa of animals are involved in these two processes, the consequences of mast seeding are likely to be particularly complicated. This study examined the effects of mast seeding in a cycad, Macrozamia communis, on the dispersal of seeds, the pattern of dispersion of seeds and post-dispersal predation on seeds. Dispersal of seeds by possums was poorer from source plants in a masting population than from source plants in an adjacent, non-masting population. This resulted in fewer seeds per seeding female plant in the masting plot being dispersed to favourable sites. We conclude that this is caused by the feeding behaviour and movements of possums in the masting site. The abundance of seeds in this site did not satiate the post-dispersal predators, native rats. In fact, more seeds in this site were eaten than in the nonmasting site. We suggest that the mast seeding observed in M. communis may not be adaptive, but is more likely a consequence of other factors which synchromize flowering within local populations.  相似文献   

We combined laboratory and nursery experiments to analyse the effectiveness of sheep as endozoochorous seed dispersers of six native shrubby Cistaceae species collected in SE Spain (Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill., H. violaceum (Cav.) Pers., Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Grand., F. thymifolia (L.) Spach, Cistus monspeliensis L. and C. laurifolius L.), considering the main stages after seed ingestion, i.e. seed recovery, seed germination, seedling emergence and early seedling establishment. Seed recovery after gut passage was high (around 40%) for all the species, except F. thymifolia (12%). Most seeds (ca. 90%) were recovered within 48 h after ingestion for all the species, although seeds were still recovered up to 96 h after ingestion. Gut passage increased germination up to seven-fold compared to non-ingested seeds. Furthermore, seedling emergence from seeds contained in pellets was overall similar (intact pellets) to or higher (crumbled pellets) than emergence from seeds without dung. Survival of emerged seedlings and mass of seedlings after 20 days were not reduced by dung. Sheep act therefore as effective dispersers of these Cistaceae species by scattering seeds and promoting germination, while faeces do not hamper seedling establishment. We conclude that the interaction between herbivorous ungulates and these dry-fruited species may be considered a mutualism qualitatively similar to the mutualism between frugivorous vertebrates and fleshy-fruited plants.  相似文献   

A plant–bacterium association between the giant cardon cactus Pachycereus pringlei and endophytic bacteria help seedlings establish and grow on barren rock. This cactus, together with other desert plants, is responsible for weathering ancient lava flows in the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico. When cardon seeds are inoculated with endophytic bacteria, the seedlings grow in pulverized rock for at least a year without fertilization and without showing distress. The bacteria–plant association released significant amounts of necessary nutrients from the substrate. When endophytic bacteria were eliminated from the seeds by antibiotics, development of seedlings stopped. In complementary experiments of sterile seeds inoculated with the same endophytic bacteria, plant growth was restored. This study and the previous one show that, under extreme environmental conditions, a symbiotic relationship is present between endophytic bacteria and their cactus host.  相似文献   

Plant Ecology - Seeds and seedlings are the most critical stages of cacti life cycles. From the thousands of seeds produced in a reproductive season, only a small fraction successfully germinate,...  相似文献   

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