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Local effects of a sedentary grazer on stream algae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Larvae of the sedentary aquatic caterpillar Petrophila confusalis (Walker) construct silken retreats around which they feed; outside these clearly demarcated grazed areas, stream algae are exposed to a variety of mobile grazers. Comparisons of the algal community inside and just outside grazed zones were made for third- and fifth-instar Petrophila in the South Fork of the Eel River, California. 2. Densities of both the filamentous macroalga Cladophora and diatom assemblages were significantly reduced within the grazed areas during both larval instars. Grazing of diatoms was taxonomically non-selective. 3. In spring, the grazed zones were relatively large (mean = 22.7 cm2) and visibly increased epilithic spatial patchiness. 4. Per cent composition of diatom assemblages inside and outside the grazed areas differed during the third instar but not during the fifth instar. During the third instar, the grazed zone contained more Synedra ulna (a common immigrant) and less Gomphonema olivaceum (a late-successional species).  相似文献   

Variation in behavior within marine and terrestrial species can influence the functioning of the ecosystems they inhabit. However, the contribution of social behavior to ecosystem function remains underexplored. Many coral reef fish species provide potentially insightful models for exploring how social behavior shapes ecological function because they exhibit radical intraspecific variation in sociality within a shared habitat. Here, we provide an empirical exploration on how the ecological function of a shoaling surgeonfish (Acanthurus triostegus) may differ from that of solitary conspecifics on two Pacific coral reefs combining insight from behavioral observations, stable isotope analysis, and macronutrient analysis of gut and fecal matter. We detected important differences in how the social mode of A. triostegus affected its spatial and feeding ecology, as well as that of other reef fish species. Specifically, we found increased distance traveled and area covered by shoaling fish relative to solitary A. triostegus. Additionally, shoaling A. triostegus primarily grazed within territories of other herbivorous fish and had piscivorous and nonpiscivorous heterospecific fish associated with the shoal, while solitary A. triostegus grazed largely grazed outside of any territories and did not have any such interactions with heterospecific fish. Results from stable isotope analysis show a difference in δ15N isotopes between shoaling and solitary fish, which suggests that these different social modes are persistent. Further, we found a strong interaction between social behavior and site and carbohydrate and protein percentages in the macronutrient analysis, indicating that these differences in sociality are associated with measurable differences in both the feeding ecology and nutrient excretion patterns. Our study suggests that the social behavior of individuals may play an important and underappreciated role in mediating their ecological function.  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the abundance, species richness and assemblage composition of vertebrates due to grazing by domestic stock were investigated in the semi‐arid woodlands of eastern Australia. Analyses were based on the differences found at 10 fenceline contrast sites. Two species of amphibians, 22 species of reptiles and two species of small mammal were captured in pit traps during the surveys. Kangaroos (red and eastern grey), sheep, goats and 66 species of birds were recorded along line transects. Analyses revealed that abundance of diurnal reptiles and species richness of diurnal reptiles and birds were significantly lower on heavily grazed sites than they were on lightly grazed sites. At a local scale, the gecko, Gehyra variegata, was more abundant where grazing was heavier, while Diplodactylus conspicillatus, Diplodactylus steindachneri and Rhynchoedura ornata responded to variables indirectly related to grazing intensity (kangaroo density, sheep and goat dung mass and sheep density, respectively). Birds more commonly sighted on lightly grazed areas than heavily grazed areas were the apostlebird, brown treecreeper, crested bellbird, grey butcherbird, hooded robin, jacky winter, little woodswallow, Australian magpie‐lark, mulga parrot, splendid wren, white‐browed treecreeper and yellow‐rumped thornbill. Birds more commonly sighted on heavily grazed areas than on lightly grazed areas were the Australian raven and chestnut‐crowned babbler. Most variation in species composition between sites was due to spatial separation and no regional‐level indicator species of grazing were evident. A combination of direct grazing‐related changes (e.g. loss of ground cover) and indirect effects of the pastoral industry (e.g. introduction of artificial sources of water) lead to changes in fauna at different scales of analysis across regions.  相似文献   

The blue korhaan (Eupodotis caerulescens) is a poorly known bird endemic to the grasslands of southern Africa. It lives in permanently held territories defended by groups of individuals. During 2001 and 2002, 61 transects were carried out along 544 km of roads in Mpumalanga province (South Africa) to collect data on territory density and group size and composition in this species. Habitat, altitude and topography variables were measured to evaluate their influence on population density. Average territory density was 1.56 ± 0.19 (SE) territories per 5 km and maximum densities attained 5.6 territories per 5 km. Within its area of occurrence, higher densities occurred along transects with larger proportion of short grassland (either burned or grazed) and flatter topography. Mean group size was 3.03 ± 0.11 birds (n = 119), with 87.4% of the groups having one to four birds. Most common group composition was one male and one female‐like (34.5%), followed by two male and one female‐like (17.2%) and two male and two female‐like (13.8%). Single individuals were always males, and the male/female‐like ratio peaked at a group size of three and decreased thereafter. Mean group size increased with territory density (rs = 0.42, P = 0.007, n = 41). There were no differences in group size across habitat types. The occurrence of habitat saturation and cooperative breeding in this species could explain the observed results.  相似文献   

Summary I. aggregata exhibits considerable powers of regrowth following removal of its primary shoot by herbivores, but we found no evidence of overcompensation (i.e. of significantly higher plant performance where plants were exposed to ungulate herbivory) in a comparison between individuals on grazed and ungrazed sides of exclosure fences, in a comparison between artificially clipped and control plants in one population in the Okanagan National Forest, or in comparisons between grazed and ungrazed plants in 14 natural populations. We tested whether ungulate grazing affects the population size of Ipomopsis aggregata by comparing populations inside and outside deer exclosures at 7 sites in the Western United States. We found consistent, highly significant differences in plant population density on the grazed and ungrazed sides of these exlosure fences. Plant density was a modal 25-fold higher on the protected side of the fence, suggesting that exposure to ungulate grazing increases plant death rates at some stage in the life cycle. Our results show that the presence of ungulate grazers leads to a substantial decrease in plant density despite the fact that grazing on young bolting shoots has very little influence on fruit production. Since this decrease in population density is not correlated with a decrease in the fecundity of individuals, it must instead be due to other direct and indirect effects of ungulate grazers.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing intensity on selected soil characteristics in the feather-grass steppes of the autonomous region of Ningxia (northern China) were investigated by a comparison of non-grazed areas (grazing intensity 0), slightly grazed areas (grazing intensity I), moderately grazed areas (II), intensively grazed areas (III) and over-grazed areas (IV). Even in areas used only minimally for grazing activities (I), a serious increase (doubling) in soil hardness was apparent in the upper soil layer. A continual decrease in organic matter in the surface soil can be correlated directly to soil compaction. The content of organic matter in soil of degree IV amounts to only a third of the organic matter found in non-grazed areas. This decrease can be attributed partly to the poor living conditions for soil organisms in compacted soils, but also to a significant reduction in litter. This is because intensive grazing causes reduced vegetation cover leading to litter being blown away by wind or washed away by heavy rainfall. Thus in level III hardly any plant litter remained to be incorporated into the soil as humus. Likewise root density also suffered its largest decrease in areas with a grazing intensity level III. With regard to the content of nitrogen and phosphorous (total and available) hardly any difference between soils of grazing intensity 0 and I was observed, whereas a noticeable decrease was apparent between levels I and II. Available Potassium was similar for all grazing levels. The pH-value of the soil solution is not significantly affected by grazing. We did not observe differences in the soils of the two main types of steppe vegetation (Stipa grandis and Stipa bungeana steppe) in response to grazing. Only the amount of litter in the S. grandis-steppe in non-grazed or slightly grazed areas is noticeably higher than in the S. bungeana steppe.  相似文献   

Dichromatism and habitat utilization of a small herbivorous cichlid fish,Telmatochromis temporalis, were studied in a littoral rocky area of Lake Tanganyika. Individuals of both sexes had either pale or dark body coloration that did not change for long periods. Both sexes defended territories from consexuals, and a male had a harem of several females. Pale fish had territories in exposed areas and dark fish in shaded ones. Larger fish were dominant over smaller consexuals and occupied well-illuminated areas. When pale and dark fish were kept in areas with shaded and lighted backgrounds, respectively, they changed body colour within a few weeks. When pale fish were in well-illuminated areas and dark ones in shaded areas, they were cryptic. BecauseTelmatochromis temporalis are very vulnerable prey in coastal areas, dichromatism may function as antipredator camouflage.  相似文献   

Turloughs, which are classified as priority habitats under the European Habitats Directive, are seasonally flooded depressions found almost exclusively in Ireland. In 2001, three adjacent fields with different stocking densities were selected and plant/dipteran communities within the same vegetation zone of each field (site) were investigated using quadrats and sweep netting, respectively. There was a significant positive relationship between Diptera morphospecies richness/Diptera abundance and mean vegetation height (P < 0.001). However, no significant relationship between Diptera morphospecies richness and plant species richness was found. Median Diptera morphospecies richness per sweep was lower at the site with the highest stocking density (17) than at the other two sites (22 and 31, respectively). Total species richness of Sciomyzidae was greater at the least grazed site (7) than at the more heavily grazed sites (2 and 1, respectively). The results suggest that an evaluation of turlough management practices based on plant communities alone is not sufficient and that at least some areas within the turlough basin remain ungrazed on a rotational basis to ensure maximum diversity of Diptera.  相似文献   

Coyotes (Canis latrans) are reported to be less vulnerable to capture in familiar areas of territories, however, most studies do not control for trap density across the territory. We determined if accounting for trap density provided a better explanation of observed capture rates. Based on a sample of 24 captured coyotes (6 inside core areas and 18 on peripheries of occupied areas) the best fitting model describing capture location only accounted for trap density and not relative time spent in each region. Our results suggest that coyote capture rates are a function of trap density in an area and not novelty avoidance. Placing traps in core areas of territories can increase the probability of capturing individuals from specific territories to increase the effectiveness of management or research activities. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Diatoms are an important component of marine biofilms found on ship hulls. However, there are only a few published studies that describe the presence and abundance of diatoms on ships, and none that relate to modern ship hull coatings. This study investigated the diatom community structure on two in-service cruise ships with the same cruise cycles, one coated with an antifouling (AF) system (copper self-polishing copolymer) and the other coated with a silicone fouling-release (FR) system. Biofilm samples were collected during dry docking from representative areas of the ship and these provided information on the horizontal and vertical zonation of the hull, and intact and damaged coating and niche areas. Diatoms from the genera Achnanthes, Amphora and Navicula were the most common, regardless of horizontal ship zonation and coating type. Other genera were abundant, but their presence was more dependent on the ship zonation and coating type. Samples collected from damaged areas of the hull coating had a similar community composition to undamaged areas, but with higher diatom abundance. Diatom fouling on the niche areas differed from that of the surrounding ship hull and paralleled previous studies that investigated differences in diatom community structure on static and dynamically exposed coatings; niche areas were similar to static immersion and the hull to dynamic immersion. Additionally, diatom richness was greater on the ship with the FR coating, including the identification of several new genera to the biofouling literature, viz. Lampriscus and Thalassiophysa. These results are the first to describe diatom community composition on in-service ship hulls coated with a FR system. This class of coatings appears to have a larger diatom community compared to copper-based AF systems, with new diatom genera that have the ability to stick to ship hulls and withstand hydrodynamic forces, thus creating the potential for new problematic species in the biofilm.  相似文献   

Herbivory is a fundamental process determining reef resilience, and while algal farming damselfishes can help shape benthic assemblages, an understanding of their contribution to areas outside of defended territories is relatively unexplored. Here, we demonstrate how the farming damselfish Stegastes marginatus plays a dual role in benthic structuring by 1) contributing to persistence of the invasive macroalga Acanthophora spicifera within a Hawaiian marine protected area, where the macroalga occurred exclusively inside Stegastes territories, and 2) behaving as an opportunistic browser of the exotic alga outside their territorial borders. Greater than 50% of the biomass of tethered A. spicifera was consumed within one-hour when placed outside Stegastes territories, compared to <5% lost from tethers within territories or herbivore exclusion cages. In situ remote video revealed that tethered A. spicifera located outside territories was grazed primarily by the surgeonfish Acanthurus nigrofuscus (∼68% of total bites) and, surprisingly, by S. marginatus (∼27% of total bites) that left their territories to feed on this resource on 107 occasions during 400 min of filming. Further, for over half of those occurrences where S. marginatus grazed on the tethered macroalga outside of territories, they fed alongside conspecifics and other species, displaying little of the aggressiveness that characterizes this damselfish. These results show that S. marginatus plays a wider role in determining benthic assemblages than previously recognized, acting both as cultivators of a canopy-forming invasive macroalga within their territories, and as opportunistic browsers in neighboring sites. Consequently, S. marginatus can affect benthic species composition across their territory borders. These results provide a rare example of interspecific facilitation of an exotic alga by an indigenous marine fish. Accounting for fish behaviors more broadly is important to further our understanding of ecological processes that shape reef ecosystems to improve management of MPAs that often support extensive farming damselfish populations.  相似文献   

The cell wall (frustule) of the freshwater diatom Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehrenberg is composed of an assembly of highly silicified components and associated organic layers. We used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate the nanostructure and relationship between the outermost surface organics and the siliceous frustule components of live diatoms under natural hydrated conditions. Contact mode AFM imaging revealed that the walls were coated in a thick mucilaginous material that was interrupted only in the vicinity of the raphe fissure. Analysis of this mucilage by force mode AFM demonstrated it to be a nonadhesive, soft, and compressible material. Application of greater force to the sample during repeated scanning enabled the mucilage to be swept from the hard underlying siliceous components and piled into columns on either side of the scan area by the scanning action of the tip. The mucilage columns remained intact for several hours without dissolving or settling back onto the cleaned valve surface, thereby revealing a cohesiveness that suggested a degree of cross-linking. The hard silicified surfaces of the diatom frustule appeared to be relatively smooth when living cells were imaged by AFM or when field-emission SEM was used to image chemically cleaned walls. AFM analysis of P. viridis frustules cleaved in cross-section revealed the nanostructure of the valve silica to be composed of a conglomerate of packed silica spheres that were 44.8 ± 0.7 nm in diameter. The silica spheres that comprised the girdle band biosilica were 40.3 ± 0.8 nm in diameter. Analysis of another heavily silicified diatom, Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenberg) Grunow, showed that the valve biosilica was composed of packed silica spheres that were 37.1 ± 1.4 nm and that silica particles from the girdle bands were 38.1 ± 0.5 nm. These results showed little variation in the size range of the silica particles within a particular frustule component (valve or girdle band), but there may be differences in particle size between these components within a diatom frustule and significant differences are found between species.  相似文献   

We studied foraging site partitioning between the sexes in Neolamprologus tetracanthus, a shrimp-eating Tanganyikan cichlid with harem-polygyny. Females maintained small territories against heterospecific food competitors within large territories of males, foraging exclusively at the inner side of their own territories (foraging areas). Males fed as frequently as females in their own territories, but mostly outside female foraging areas, although they frequently entered female territories and repelled food competitors from the territories. Soon after removal of the resident females, however, harem males, as well as many food competitors, invaded the vacant territories and intensively devoured prey of female foraging areas. This indicates that although female foraging areas appear to contain more food than outside the areas, harem males refrained from foraging there when the resident females were present. We suggest that harem males will attempt to keep female foraging areas in good condition, whereby they may get females to reside in male territories and/or promote female gonadal maturation.  相似文献   

1. Epilithic algae grown on elevated or non-elevated ceramic tiles were exposed (to produce assemblages with different grazing histories) in a heavily grazed, montane stream in New Mexico, U.S.A. to Ameletus nymphs (Ephemeroptera) and Ecclisomyia larvae (Trichoptera) and the algal composition in insect faeces was compared to that on the tiles. Differences in grazing and digestion efficiency between grazers were then assessed and also differences in susceptibility to ingestion and digestibility among common algae. 2. Ordination of tile and faecal samples, using the relative abundance of common algae, revealed that: (i) algal assemblages on elevated vs. non-elevated tiles differed only slightly; (ii) the taxonomic composition of algae in faeces of both caddis and mayflies differed substantially from that on the tiles, indicating low grazing efficiency for some algal taxa; and (iii) the algal composition of faeces produced by caddis larvae and mayflies was similar, indicating little difference in grazing efficiency between them. However, some algal taxa were more susceptible to ingestion by caddisfly larvae when occurring on elevated tiles than on non-elevated tiles, suggesting that previous exposure to caddis grazing influenced assemblage attributes. 3. Although Ameletus and Ecclisomyia differed little in grazing efficiency, the percentage of diatoms that were dead after passage through the gut was greatest in the mayfly treatment, suggesting that mayflies digested diatoms more efficiently than the caddis. Analyses of differences in the condition of chloroplasts within diatoms in tile and faecal samples showed that losses of ’live‘ diatom cells (i.e. those containing full chloroplasts) during gut passage through mayflies equalled the increase, in faeces, of ’dead‘ (empty frustules) cells of all common diatoms. In contrast, some diatoms were digested inefficiently by caddis larvae. 4. Algae on elevated tiles contained a higher proportion of dead diatoms than those on non-elevated tiles, possibly because mayflies visited raised tiles more often and, consequently, ingested and defaecated cells at a higher rate in the absence of caddis larvae. Moreover, diatom taxa differed in the percentage of cells that were dead within tile assemblages, with populations of typically grazer-resistant taxa (e.g. Achnanthidium minutissimum, Planothidium lanceolatum and Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta) containing significantly more dead cells than grazer-susceptible taxa [e.g. small, chain-forming Fragilaria (= Staurosirella)]. This result suggests that a trade-off exists between ingestion vs. digestion resistance of microalgae. Both the ingestion and digestion efficiency of algivorous macroinvertebrates could influence the structure and function of algal assemblages. In heavily grazed systems, where algal cells are probably processed through grazer guts repeatedly, differential resistance to digestion among algae may be particularly important.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution pattern of centipedes (Chilopoda) in four primeval forests of the western Carpathians, central Slovakia. The forests are located in two different mountain ranges (Kremnické vrchy and Pol’ana Mountains), which are exposed on either the southern (Boky, Rohy) or northern slopes (Pol’ana, Badín). In these forests, the influence of coarse woody debris (CWD) on centipede distribution was studied, by distinguishing sampling sites on the forest floor, close to CWD (c-CWD) and distant from CWD (d-CWD). In total, we collected 2,706 individuals from 20 species of centipedes. Average species richness and number of individuals per forest ranged from 8 to 12 species/m2 and from 244 to 486 individuals/m2. The oak forests on south facing slopes harboured several species, which did not occur in the more northern exposed fir-beech forests. Number of species as well as individuals, however, varied more within than between individual forests. Increase of species number and density was mainly caused by CWD and was more pronounced on the southern slopes (P<0.001), characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation, than on the northern slopes (n.s. to P<0.01), characterized by low temperatures and high precipitation. It was found that CWD did not generally increase (species) diversity.  相似文献   

In territorial species, rivals investment in fights over territories may increase when the availability of suitable areas for defense is low. This should occur because low territory availability may increase the costs to maintain and acquire territories. Although such process occurs in small spatial scales (local scale), territory availability in larger scales (regional scale) may also affect fighting investment, as losers should incur additional dispersing costs to find new territories. In this study, we used males of the hilltopping butterfly Strymon mulucha to evaluate the hypothesis that males should invest more in territorial fights when the costs to find new territories are higher (both at local and at regional scale). We timed male–male contests for territories located in 12 hilltops and measured male density per territory in each hilltop (local scale). We also quantified the distance between hilltops containing suitable areas for territories (regional scale). Male–male contests lasted 21 s on average, and copulations did not occur during the observations. The duration of contests was unrelated to the male density per territory or to the distance among hilltops, indicating that the investment in fights was unaffected by the availability of territorial sites, independent of the spatial scale. As male–male contests in S. mulucha are longer than the mean contest duration in other butterfly species and mating is extremely rare, we suggest that the value of each territory may be high enough to favor males that always invest as much as possible in contests.  相似文献   

Synopsis Algal growth and damselfish (Eupomacentrus planifrons) territories were studied in two reef habitats at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Damselfish territories were contiguous in the reef flat (0 to 2.5 m), where the algal composition and biomass varied from territory to territory. In contrast, on the lower reef terrace (22 m), damselfish territories were often spatially segregated. While the algal composition of the territories was more uniform on the reef terrace, the total algal biomass was lower than in the territories on the reef flat. Damselfish are largely herbivorous, and they defend their territories against most intruding fish, including a number of herbivorous species. Areas of the reef terrace outside of damselfish territories were heavily grazed by herbivorous fishes and contained only small quantities of non-crustose algae.The reef terrace territories were characterized by a multispecific turf of algae (greens, blue-greens, and reds) covering the Acropora cervicornis framework and by the leafy, brown alga, Lobophora variegata. A rapid reduction in the biomass of brown algae and filamentous algae was noted when damselfish were permanently removed from their territories. Only calcified, encrusting algae — plants apparently somewhat undesirable as fish food sources — would be common on the terrace zone of this reef if damselfish territories were absent. Damselfish territoriality may significantly influence the dynamics of some reefs by increasing the biomass of the algal turf thereby increasing; reef productivity. Since blue-green algae, potential nitrogen fixers, occur in these algal turfs, the fish may also be indirectly affecting reef nutrition.  相似文献   

以围封保护和自由放牧油蒿草场为研究对象,通过野外调查与室内分析,研究了围封和放牧条件下沙地草场生物量和植被-土壤碳密度。结果表明:(1)自由放牧使油蒿群落中植物种类增加,但降低了植物群落盖度。自由放牧不仅导致油蒿草场地上、地下总生物量降低,也使得油蒿地上、地下生物量占群落地上、地下总生物量的比例减小。生长季自由放牧样地凋落物生物量显著大于围封保护样地(P0.05);(2)围封保护样地植被碳密度大于自由放牧样地,土壤碳密度却小于自由放牧样地,但两个样地间差异不显著(P0.05);(3)油蒿草场90%以上的碳储存于土壤中,围封保护样地和自由放牧样地油蒿草场土壤碳密度占植被-土壤系统碳密度的91%、93%;(4)围封保护油蒿草场碳密度为2.29 kg/m2,自由放牧油蒿草场碳密度为2.68 kg/m2,两个样地间差异不显著,自由放牧对油蒿草场碳密度影响不大。  相似文献   

Aim We determined the present and past distribution, and the abundance, of Boswellia papyrifera in Eritrea, and the environmental and land‐use factors determining its distribution limits. Location Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa. Methods In 1997 a Boswellia field survey was conducted in 113 village areas covering four administrative regions. Species occurrence was related to rainfall, air temperature and length of growing period. Additionally, the relationship between the abundance of Boswellia trees and selected physical and chemical soil factors, topography and land‐use types was determined for five study areas (with a total of 144 plots) situated along an altitude gradient of 800–2000 m a.s.l. Results The geographical distribution of B. papyrifera was limited to the south‐western and southern parts of the country between 800 and 1850 m altitude receiving a mean annual rainfall of 375–700 mm, with a growing period of 45–100 days. Species abundance was affected by, in order of importance: altitude, land‐use intensity and soil organic matter. Most trees were found in hilly areas; tree density increased from the foot slope to the hill summit; no trees occurred in valleys. Land‐use intensity, especially agriculture, fallow and grazed areas, had a profound negative effect on tree abundance. Natural regeneration of the species was promoted in areas where grazing by livestock was not allowed or regulated. Main conclusions The distribution of B. papyrifera in Eritrea has decreased during past decades, mainly due to an increasing human population, resulting in the conversion of woodlands into agricultural fields and increasing livestock pressure hindering natural regeneration. Consequently, Boswellia trees are found mainly in hilly areas on steep slopes with shallow soils of low fertility. The species appears to be able to adapt to these harsh growing conditions: in adjacent countries it was also found in comparable growth habitats.  相似文献   

The effects of intensive commercial livestock farming on the distribution and habitat use of the redwing francolin, Francolinus levaillantii, was investigated to identify habitat constraints that may contribute towards the observed decline of this species on livestock farms. Data on the size, placement of the home ranges and compositional habitat use from ten radio‐tracked individuals, five in commercially grazed (and frequently burned) and five in protected (and infrequently burned) highland grasslands, was collated to determine habitat preferences. Mean home range size within protected and grazed grassland study sites were similar and ranged between 7.6 and 15.4 hectares. However, habitat use by groups in grazed grasslands was restricted to areas of greater cover and food availability. Group sizes were significantly larger in protected (mean 3.77, n = 111 coveys) than in grazed and frequently burned grassland (mean = 2.96, n = 135 coveys). Smaller coveys in grazed habitats had smaller home ranges and were further spaced from one another. It is therefore suggested that habitat degradation, through excessive defoliation of the grassland from heavy grazing and frequent burning, both fragments francolin subpopulations and reduces the ecological availability of suitable habitat. Thus, undermining the metapopulation structure of the redwing francolin in these commercially grazed grasslands.  相似文献   

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