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对猴头菌Hericium erinaceus原生质体制备的各种因素进行比较研究,结果表明,猴头菌原生质体制备的最佳体系为:液体培养5d的猴头菌丝,以0.6mol/L KCl作为稳渗剂,加入含1.0%纤维素酶+1.0%蜗牛酶+1.0%溶壁酶的复合酶,在30℃酶解猴头菌丝3h时,原生质体得率达到3.0×106个/mL。潮霉素敏感性测试表明,猴头菌在PDSA固体培养基上的潮霉素最低筛选浓度为60μg/mL。采用PEG介导的原生质体法,将质粒pBgGI-hph(含有灵芝gpd1-Gl启动子和潮霉素抗性基因hph)转化猴头菌原生质体,经潮霉素初步筛选以及PCR鉴定,表明有4株猴头菌拟转化子的基因组扩增出hph基因;转化子经过多次转接后进行Southern杂交验证,结果表明4个转化子的基因组中均稳定整合了hph抗性基因。  相似文献   

柱状田头菇(茶树菇)Agrocybe aegerita是一种美味的食用菌,具有极高的经济价值。随着其全基因组测序的完成,功能基因组学研究也逐渐展开,其中,高效的遗传转化体系作为技术基础成为研究重点。本研究以柱状田头菇原生质体为受体、潮霉素抗性基因(hph)作为筛选标记,以增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因(egfp)为报告基因,应用PEG介导法进行柱状田头菇遗传转化体系研究。结果表明,150μg/mL潮霉素可以完全抑制柱状田头菇的生长。30℃下用2%裂解酶液酶解菌丝3h,能够获得最大得率的原生质体。通过PEG介导将构建好的DNA片段转化入柱状田头菇原生质体,通过潮霉素抗性筛选获得转化子,转化得率达到7个/μg DNA。PCR验证和荧光显微镜观察,外源片段成功转入柱状田头菇中并稳定表达。本研究建立的PEG介导转化体系,为柱状田头菇基因功能研究提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

由于真菌的遗传转化体系中一般以原生质体作为受体细胞,因而对蛹虫草原生质体制备的各种因素进行比较研究。结果表明,蛹虫草原生质体制备的最佳体系为:液体培养4天的蛹虫草菌球,以0.8 mol/L甘露醇作为稳渗剂,加入含1.5%蜗牛酶+1.5%溶壁酶复合酶,在34℃酶解蛹虫草菌球4 h时,原生质体得率达到1.0×10~7个/ml。潮霉素筛选压实验表明,蛹虫草原生质体在PDA固体培养基上的潮霉素最低筛选浓度为650 mg/L。采用正交试验的方法,设计PEG介导蛹虫草原生质体转化,将质粒p SB130-GFP转化蛹虫草原生质体,在荧光倒置显微镜下观察比较,得到最佳的转化体系为:PEG浓度为25%,冰浴时间为10 min,室温时间为20 min,质粒质量为30μg,原生质体个数为10~7个/ml。最终得到PEG法介导蛹虫草遗传转化的转化频率约为100~200个/μg(抗性转化子/质粒+10~7个原生质体)。转化子在含潮霉素的培养基上经4代以上的继代培养后仍可以表达潮霉素抗性并稳定遗传。为通过基因工程手段定向、快速改良蛹虫草药用品质,利用蛹虫草发酵方法生产一些具有重大经济价值的外源蛋白等奠定基础,并且有助于进一步了解蛹虫草这一大型真菌中基因的表达调控机制。  相似文献   

结合科研工作对《细胞工程》教材中PEG介导的原生质体融合方法进行了改进,并对实验过程中注意事项进行了阐述。  相似文献   

PEG介导原生质体转化获得水稻转基因植株   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

农杆菌介导的紫花苜蓿高效遗传转化体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立高效的农杆菌介导的紫花苜蓿的遗传转化体系,对影响转化体系的若干因素进行了研究.结果表明,最适宜的条件分别为抗菌素为350 mg/L的羧苄青霉素(Carb);卡那霉素(Kan)筛选的浓度为60 mg/L;基因型为WL-323;外植体为下胚轴;农杆菌菌液浓度OD600值为0.4-0.6;侵染时间10 min;乙酰丁香酮(AS)的浓度为10 mg/L.  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的植物遗传转化进展   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

低能离子束介导的遗传转化研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
低能离子束注入对细胞的刻蚀作用提供了外源遗传物质进入细胞的途径,离子束介导的遗传转化技术已在水稻,小麦,烟草,棉花等多种植物上取得成功,对离子束介导遗传转化的原理和最新进展进行了评述。.  相似文献   

农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文就农杆菌介导的玉米遗传转化的技术要点及原理等进行了综述,并对各种影响农杆菌率玉米效率的关键因子包括农杆菌的菌株与载体、标记基因、受体材料的基因型、来源和发育状态以及组织培养的条件等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

转基因育种是快速定向改良兰花育种目标性状的有效方法,但迄今未见有关墨兰转基因育种的研究报道。试验以‘企剑白墨’墨兰Cymbidium sinensis cv.‘Qijianbaimo’的根状茎为受体材料,研究了影响农杆菌介导墨兰遗传转化效率的因素,以建立有实用价值的墨兰遗传转化技术体系。结果表明,受体的预培养时间、乙酰丁香酮的添加方式及浓度、农杆菌工程菌液浓度(OD600)、侵染时间和共培养时间均对‘企剑白墨’根状茎的GUS瞬时表达率有显著影响。以预培养39 d的根状茎尖为材料,在添加200μmol/L乙酰丁香酮,OD600为0.9的工程菌液中侵染35 min后,转入添加200μmol/L乙酰丁香酮的共培养基中培养7 d时,‘企剑白墨’根状茎的GUS瞬时表达率最高,为11.67%。采用上述条件对‘企剑白墨’墨兰进行遗传转化,经PCR鉴定和GUS染色检测,从400株再生植株中获得了3株转基因植株,转化率为0.75%。研究表明通过农杆菌介导法对墨兰进行遗传改良是可行的。  相似文献   

A fungal contaminant on an agar plate containing colonies of Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous markedly increased carotenoid production by yeast colonies near to the fungal growth. Spent-culture filtrate from growth of the fungus in yeast-malt medium also stimulated carotenoid production by X. dendrorhous. Four X. dendrorhous strains including the wild-type UCD 67-385 (ATCC 24230), AF-1 (albino mutant, ATCC 96816), Yan-1 (beta-carotene mutant, ATCC 96815) and CAX (astaxanthin overproducer mutant) exposed to fungal concentrate extract enhanced astaxanthin up to approximately 40% per unit dry cell weight in the wild-type strain and in CAX. Interestingly, the fungal extract restored astaxanthin biosynthesis in non-astaxanthin-producing mutants previously isolated in our laboratory, including the albino and the beta-carotene mutant. The fungus was identified as Epicoccum nigrum by morphology of sporulating cultures, and the identity confirmed by genetic characterization including rDNA sequencing analysis of the large-subunit (LSU), the internal transcribed spacer, and the D1/D2 region of the LSU. These E. nigrum rDNA sequences were deposited in GenBank under accesssion numbers AF338443, AY093413 and AY093414. Systematic rDNA homology alignments were performed to identify fungi related to E. nigrum. Stimulation of carotenogenesis by E. nigrum and potentially other fungi could provide a novel method to enhance astaxanthin formation in industrial fermentations of X. dendrorhous and Phaffia rhodozyma.  相似文献   

【背景】萎锈灵抗性基因作为筛选标记在植物和真菌中得到广泛应用。【目的】构建可以使用萎锈灵作为筛选标记的香菇遗传转化技术。【方法】利用溶壁酶消化培养4 d的香菇菌株411-4的菌丝体获得原生质体,加入适量pL-cbx质粒和聚乙二醇溶液,混合物涂布于再生筛选培养基上,培养后挑选菌落进行验证试验。【结果】在原生质体数目108个和添加4μg质粒DNA的情况下,得到了40个抗性转化子。利用PCR实验和转代实验对转化子进行验证,结果显示38个转化子的抗性可稳定遗传,表明萎锈灵抗性基因整合进入了供试菌株的基因组中。【结论】利用香菇411-4菌株建立了一套运用萎锈灵抗性基因作为分子标记的遗传转化技术体系。  相似文献   

Two new antibacterial thiodiketopiperazine derivatives (TDKPs), 7‐dehydroxyepicoccin H and 7‐hydroxyeutypellazine F, along with seven known TDKP analogs, were isolated and identified from Epicoccum nigrum SD‐388, a deep‐sea‐sediment‐derived fungus. The structures of these compounds were elucidated on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis. The absolute configuration of 7‐dehydroxyepicoccin H was established by X‐ray crystallographic analysis, while 7‐hydroxyeutypellazine F was determined by ECD experiment and TDDFT‐ECD calculation. The antibacterial activities against human and aquatic pathogens were evaluated. 7‐Dehydroxyepicoccin H and 7‐hydroxyeutypellazine F displayed inhibitory activities against aquatic pathogens Vibrio vulnificus, V. alginolyticus, and Edwardsiella tarda, with MIC values ranging from 4.0 to 8.0 μg/mL.  相似文献   

The commercially important Indica rice cultivar Oryza sativa cv. IR72 has been transformed using direct gene transfer to protoplasts. PEG-mediated transformation was done with two plasmid constructs containing either a CaMV 35S promoter/HPH chimaeric gene conferring resistance to hygromycin (Hg) or a CaMV 35S promoter/BAR chimaeric gene conferring resistance to a commercial herbicide (Basta) containing phosphinothricin (PPT). We have obtained so far 92 Hgr and 170 PPTr IR72 plants from protoplasts through selection. 31 Hgr and 70 PPTr plants are being grown in the greenhouse to maturity. Data from Southern analysis and enzyme assays proved that the transgene was stably integrated into the host genome and expressed. Transgenic plants showed complete resistance to high doses of the commercial formulations of PPT.  相似文献   

Epicoccum nigrum is a saprophytic or endophytic fungus that is found worldwide. Because of the antagonist effects of E. nigrum on many plant pathogens, current studies on E. nigrum have focused on the development of biological control agents and the utilization of its various metabolites. In this study, E. nigrum was collected from a wheat field, and its genetic diversity was analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses identified 63 isolates of E. nigrum divided into seven groups, indicating a wide genetic diversity. Isolates antagonized the wheat pathogen Fusarium graminearum, and reduced disease symptoms caused by F. graminearum in wheat coleoptiles. Moreover, pretreatment of wheat coleoptiles with E. nigrum induced the upregulation of pathogen-related (PR) genes, PR1, PR2, PR3, PR5, PR9, and PR10 in wheat coleoptiles responding to F. graminearum invasion. Overall, this study indicates that E. nigrum isolates can be used as biological pathogen inhibitors applied in wheat fields.  相似文献   

AIM: To find a formulation of Epicoccum nigrum conidia that maintains a high viability over time and which proves efficient to biocontrol peach rot caused by Monilinia spp. METHODS AND RESULTS: We tested the effect of stabilizers and desiccants on the shelf-life of Epicoccum nigrum conidia. Conidial samples were dried for 40 min at 40 degrees C in a fluidized bed-dryer to obtain moisture contents <15%. The toxicity of additives was tested by assaying production of conidia in fermentations and germinability of the produced conidia: 50% PEG300, 10%-5% KCl (stabilizers) and 95.24% Cl(2)Ca (desiccant) significantly (P = 0.05) reduced conidial germination. To enhance shelf-life of dried conidia, nontoxic stabilizers were added at the following different stages of the production-drying process: (i) to substrate contained in bags before production, (ii) to conidial centrifuge pellets obtained after production, before filtering and drying, (iii) to conidial centrifuge pellets obtained after production, before adding talc and drying, and (iv) to conidial centrifuge pellets obtained after production, before adding silica powder and drying. Conidial germinability was tested at 0, 180 and 365 days after storage at room temperature. Shelf-life of formulations retaining the highest viability were conidia produced with 1% KCl or 50% PEG 8000, conidia dried with 2.5% methylcellulose, and conidia dried with 1% KCl + silica powder. All these formulations improved the shelf-life of E. nigrum conidia and significantly reduced brown rot on peaches. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that additives improve the shelf-life of E. nigrum and assist controlling brown rot on peaches. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: New improved formulations of a biocontrol agent have been obtained which will improve the control of Monilinia on peach.  相似文献   

基于PEG介导原生质体转化构建粉红聚端孢荧光标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉红聚端孢是多种植物的重要病原菌。本研究通过酶解粉红聚端孢幼嫩菌丝细胞壁获得原生质体,用PEG介导原生质体转化将携带GFP基因和博来霉素抗性基因的外源DNA随机插入粉红聚端孢基因组,共获得博来霉素抗性菌株90株,转化效率达18个/μg。选取22株转化子荧光观察,发现均可表达荧光,菌株间荧光强度不同,其中10株转化子荧光表达较强。与野生型相比,突变菌株TR45的菌落生长、产孢量和致病力等生物学特性均未改变,在不含博来霉素的培养皿中继代培养10代荧光仍能稳定表达。本研究构建的高效原生质体制备和PEG介导粉红聚端孢遗传转化方法,可用于该菌基因功能研究,绿色荧光标记菌株可用于病菌侵入、田间监测、侵染循环等发生规律研究。  相似文献   

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