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Cordyceps militaris mycelium produced mainly Cu, Zn containing superoxide dismutase (Cu, Zn-SOD). Cu, Zn-SOD activity was detectable in the culture filtrates, and intracellular Cu, Zn-SOD activity as a proportion protein was highest in early log phase culture. The effects of Cu2+, Zn2+, Mn2+ and Fe2+ on enzyme biosynthesis were studied. The Cu, Zn-SOD was isolated and purified to homogeneity from C. militaris mycelium and partially characterized. The purification was performed through four steps: (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, DEAE-sepharose™ fast flow anion-exchange chromatography, CM-650 cation-exchange chromatography, and Sephadex G-100 gel filtration chromatography. The purified enzyme had a molecular weight of 35070 ± 400 Da and consisted of two equal-sized subunits each having a Cu and Zn element. Isoelectric point value of 7.0 was obtained for the purified enzyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified enzyme was determined for 12 amino acid residues and the sequences was compared with other Cu, Zn-SODs. The optimum pH of the purified enzyme was obtained to be 8.2–8.8. The purified enzyme remained stable at pH 5.8–9.8, 25 °C and up to 50 °C at pH 7.8 for 1.5 h incubation. The purified enzyme was sensitive to H2O2, KCN. 2.5 mM NaN3, PMSF, Triton X-100, β-mercaptoethanol and DTT showed no significant inhibition effect on the purified enzyme within 5 h incubation period.  相似文献   

Mutations in Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) are involved in some cases of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and it appears that misfolding and aggregation, perhaps mediated by abnormal binding or loss of copper (Cu) and/or zinc (Zn), may play a pathological role. It is known that the absence of both metals kinetically destabilizes wild type and mutant SOD leading to a 60-fold increase in their rate of unfolding. Here, the individual contributions of Cu and Zn to the kinetic stability of SOD were investigated, and the results show that Cu plays a greater role. Thus, the deficiency of Cu or Zn, especially the former, will compromise the kinetic stability of SOD, thereby increasing the probability that pathogenic mutants and even the WT protein may misfold and self-assemble into toxic species.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases are enzymes that protect biological systems against oxidative damage caused by superoxide radicals. In this paper, a detailed characterization is presented on the stability of SmSOD, the dimeric cambialistic superoxide dismutase from the dental pathogenic microorganism Streptococcus mutans, towards temperature and guanidine hydrochloride. Thermal and chemical denaturations were investigated by means of circular dichroism, fourth-derivative UV spectroscopy and fluorescence measurements. Data indicate that SmSOD is endowed with a significant thermostability and that both its thermal and guanidine hydrochloride-induced unfolding processes occur through a three-state model, characterized by a catalytically active dimeric intermediate species. To our knowledge, SmSOD is the smallest known dimeric protein that populates a well-structured active dimeric rather than a monomeric intermediate during unfolding processes.  相似文献   

We have carried out an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) study of ferric, ferrous, CO- and NO-bound Haemophilus ducreyi Cu,ZnSOD (HdSOD) in solution to investigate the structural modifications induced by the binding of small gaseous ligands to heme in this enzyme. The combined analysis of EXAFS and XANES data has allowed us to characterize the local structure around the Fe-heme with 0.02 Å accuracy, revealing a heterogeneity in the distances between iron and the two histidine ligands which was not evident in the X-ray crystal structure. In addition, we have shown that the metal oxidation state does not influence the Fe-heme coordination environment, whereas the presence of the CO and NO ligands induces local structural rearrangements in the enzyme which are very similar to those already observed in other hexa-coordinated heme proteins, such as neuroglobin.  相似文献   

The activity profile of the CU2Zn2HSOD Ile-137 mutant has a pKa of 9.6, i. e. one unit lower than the wild type (WT). This property has allowed us to investigate the inactive high pH form of the enzyme before denaturation occurs. The electronic and EPR spectra do not change with the above pKa. The 1H NMR spectrum of the CU2CO2-analog reveals slight decreases in the hyperfine shifts of the protons of His-48 at high pH, which are consistent with a water molecule becoming closer to the copper ion, as detected through water 1H T 1 –1 NMR measurements. The affinity of azide at high pH is lower than at low pH, though still sizeable. The WT follows the same pattern up to pH pKa. It appears that the drop in activity is not related to any major change involving the metal coordination sphere, but is related to changes in the electrostatic potential due to the deprotonation process. Offprint requests to: I. Bertini  相似文献   

Abstract A polyclonal antibody against purified Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) from the pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus was raised in a sheep. This antibody recognised purified A. fumigatus SOD, together with a single band of 19 kDa in A. fumigatus cytoplasmic antigen, by immunodevelopment of Western blots. The polyclonal serum did not recognise either the manganese or iron containing forms of the enzyme; however, it was reactive against putative Cu,Zn SODs in other members of the genus Aspergillus . Immunofluorescent staining of A. fumigatus cultures demonstrated expression of the Cu,Zn SOD in conidia and hyphae, with the cell wall staining particularly intensely. Conidiophores were stained in an uniformly intense pattern. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed that the SOD was present within the hyphal cell wall, although there was also labelling in the cytoplasm. SOD may protect Aspergillus against oxidants produced by immune effector cells and these observations demonstrate that the enzyme is available to perform its antioxidant function within the cell wall.  相似文献   

A full-length complementary DNA clone encoding a cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase with a M(r) of 15,588 Da was isolated from a Taenia solium larvae complementary DNA library. Comparison analysis of its deduced amino acid sequence revealed a 71% identity with Schistosoma mansoni, 57.2-59.8% with mammalian and less than 54% with other helminth cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. The characteristic motifs and the amino acid residues involved in coordinating copper and zinc enzymatic function are conserved. The T. solium Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase was expressed in the pRSET vector. Enzymatic and filtration chromatographic analysis showed a recombinant enzyme with an activity of 2,941 U/mg protein and a native M(r) of 37 kDa. Inhibition assays using KCN, H(2)O(2), NaN(3) and SDS indicated that Cu/Zn is the metallic cofactor in the enzyme. Thiabendazole (500 microM) and albendazole (300 microM) completely inhibited the activity of T. solium Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. Thiabendazole had no effect on bovine Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase; in contrast, albendazole had a moderate effect on it at same concentrations. Antibodies against T. solium Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase did not affect the enzymatic function; nevertheless, it cross reacts with several Taenia species, but not with trematodes, nematodes, pig, human and bovine Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase enzymes. Western blot analysis indicated the enzyme was expressed in all stages. These results indicate that T. solium possesses a Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase enzyme that can protect him from oxidant-damage caused by the superoxide anion.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) was chemically modified by covalent linkage of fatty acid chains to the accessible ε-amino groups of the enzyme. This acylation method gave rise to a different enzyme entity (Ac-SOD) as evidenced by different physicochemical properties such as octanol/water partition coefficient and isoelectric point (pI) as compared to SOD. Ac-SOD was incorporated in conventional and long-circulating liposomes (LCL) and characterized in terms of incorporation efficiency, protein to lipid ratio (Prot/Lip), enzymatic activity retention and zeta potential. The observation that Ac-SOD liposomes present enzymatic activity on their external surface indicates that these formulations can act independent of rate and extent of enzyme release as required in case of SOD liposomes. The decrease of superficial charge of liposomal formulations containing Ac-SOD, as compared to SOD liposomes, may be related to the negatively charged enzyme molecules localized on the liposome surface. The comparative characterization of Ac-SOD and SOD liposomal formulations evidenced that the two enzyme forms differ substantially regarding their intraliposomal location: SOD tends to be localized in the internal aqueous spaces, whereas Ac-SOD is expected to be localized in the lipid bilayers of the liposomes, partially buried into the outer surface and exposed to the external medium. These liposomal structures with surface-exposed SOD were designated as Ac-SOD enzymosomes. The properties of these enzymosomes may influence the therapeutic effect, as the release of the enzyme from extravasated vesicles is no longer a necessary requirement for achieving dismutating activity within the inflamed target site.  相似文献   

Native and azide reacted Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase in aqueous and mixed water-glycerol solution have been investigated by EPR spectroscopy at low temperature. An accurate computer simulation, based on a well established theoretical model which has been reformulated for rhombic symmetry, has shown that the EPR spectrum of the copper ion in the native protein shows a significant g and A strain in the parallel region. The strain arises from a distribution of the ligand field strengths onto the metal ion and this could be traced back to the existence of a multiplicity of conformational states in the protein molecule. The strain is reduced in the presence of azide which is known to bind directly to the copper atom and to give rise to a more relaxed configuration corresponding to a square pyramidal geometry in which the apical ligand occupies an elongated position. In both samples, addition of glycerol further reduces the strain, indicating that the solvent is directly coupled to the protein matrix, thereby modulating the structural heterogeneity displayed by the protein molecule. Received: 6 June 1996 / Accepted: 9 April 1997  相似文献   

The known action of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (holo SOD) that converts O2 to O2 and H2O2 plays a crucial role in protecting cells from toxicity of oxidative stress. However, the overproduction of holo SOD does not result in increased protection but rather creates a variety of unfavorable effects, suggesting that too much holo SOD may be injurious to the cells. In the in vitro study, we report a finding that the holo SOD from bovine erythrocytes and its apo form possess a divalent-metal-dependent nucleolytic activity, which was confirmed by UV–vis absorption titration of calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) with the holo SOD, quenching of holo SOD intrinsic fluorescence by ctDNA, and by gel electrophoresis monitoring conversion of DNA from the supercoiled DNA to nicked and linear forms, and fragmentation of a linear λDNA. Moreover, the DNA cleavage activity was examined in detail under certain reaction conditions. The steady-state study indicates that DNA cleavage supported by both forms of SOD obeys Michaelis–Menten kinetics. On the other hand, the assays with some other proteins indicate that this new function is specific to some proteins including the holo SOD. Therefore, this study reveals that the divalent-metal-dependent DNA cleavage activity is an intrinsic property of the holo SOD, which is independent of its natural metal (copper and zinc) sites, and may provide an alternative insight into the link between SOD enzymes and neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the influence of N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) on chicken sperm motility, plasma membrane and acrosome integrity, mitochondrial activity, lipid peroxidation (LPO) and apoptotic changes after freezing–thawing process. Semen samples from fifteen Greenlegged Partridge roosters were pooled, diluted with EK extender without antioxidants (control), or supplemented with 5 mM NAC, or 200 U/mL SOD. Samples were subjected to cryopreservation. After thawing, sperm parameters evaluated by using CASA system and flow cytometry were assessed.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD1) represents along with catalase and glutathione peroxidase at the first defense line against reactive oxygen species in all aerobic organisms, but little is known about its distribution in developing embryos. In this study, the expression patterns of SOD1 mRNA in mouse embryos were investigated using real-time RT-PCR and in situ hybridization analyses. Expression of SOD1 mRNA was detected in all embryos with embryonic days (EDs) 7.5–18.5. The signal showed the weakest level at ED 12.5, but the highest level at ED 15.5. SOD1 mRNA was expressed in chorion, allantois, amnion, and neural folds at ED 7.5 and in neural folds, notochord, neuromeres, gut, and primitive streak at ED 8.5. In central nervous system, SOD1 mRNA was expressed greatly in embryos of EDs 9.5–11.5, but weakly in embryos of ED 12.5. At EDs 9.5–12.5, the expression of SOD1 mRNA was high in sensory organs such as tongue, olfactory organ (nasal prominence) and eye (optic vesicle), while it was decreased in ear (otic vesicle) after ED 10.5. In developing limbs, SOD1 mRNA was greatly expressed in forelimbs at EDs 9.5–11.5 and in hindlimbs at EDs 10.5–11.5. The signal increased in liver, heart and genital tubercle after ED 11.5. In the sections of embryos after ED 13.5, SOD1 mRNA was expressed in various tissues and especially high in mucosa and metabolically active sites such as lung, kidney, stomach, and intestines and epithelial cells of skin, whisker follicles, and ear and nasal cavities. These results suggest that SOD1 may be related to organogenesis of embryos as an antioxidant enzyme.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2014,49(8):1288-1296
This study details on cloning and characterization of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Ca–Cu,Zn SOD) from a medicinally important plant species Curcuma aromatica. Ca–Cu,Zn SOD was 692 bp with an open reading frame of 459 bp. Expression of the gene in Escherichia coli cells followed by purification yielded the enzyme with Km of 0.047 ± 0.008 μM and Vmax of 1250 ± 24 units/mg of protein. The enzyme functioned (i) across a temperature range of −10 to +80 °C with temperature optima at 20 °C; and (ii) at pH range of 6–9 with optimum activity at pH 7.8. Ca–Cu,Zn SOD retained 50% of the maximum activity after autoclaving, and was stable at a wide storage pH ranging from 3 to 10. The enzyme tolerated varying concentrations of denaturating agent, reductants, inhibitors, trypsin, was fairly resistant to inactivation at 80 °C for 180 min (kd, 6.54 ± 0.17 × 10−3 min−1; t1/2, 106.07 ± 2.68 min), and had midpoint of thermal transition (Tm) of 70.45 °C. The results suggested Ca–Cu,Zn SOD to be a kinetically stable protein that could be used for various industrial applications.  相似文献   

A copper-deprived form of the enzyme Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase was identifiedin the liver of rats made copper-deficient by dietary restriction. In homogenates ofsuch livers Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase presents a dis-homogeneous electrophoreticprofile with respect to the native enzyme. When rat liver extracts were treated withexogenous copper an electrophoretic pattern resembling the native one was observed.Enzyme purified by chromatography on DE-52 resin shows two major components, onecorresponding to genuine, native enzyme and another one, eluting at higher ionicstrength. The latter protein (Fraction II) consists of several isoforms which showthe same characteristics of the native superoxide dismutase as far as immunoreactivityand molecular weight are concerned, but with decreased contents of copper and zinc. Itscatalytic constant, referring to copper content, was 15 times lower than that obtainedfor the native enzyme. Moreover, the catalytic power of purified Fraction II was notregained upon incubation with copper. The occurrence of a superoxide dismutase voidof metals confirms the hypothesis that this protein plays a dual physiological role:in metal metabolism and in superoxide anion dismutation.  相似文献   

Crystals of a copper-zinc superoxide dismutase from Photobacterium leiognathi, a luminescent marine bacterium that is the species-specific symbiont of the ponyfish, have been obtained from 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol solutions. The space group was determined using screenless small-angle precession photographs, and was confirmed by analyzing area detector diffraction data with the XENGEN programs for indexing and refinement. The crystals are monoclinic, space group C2 (a = 126.4 A, b = 87.0 A, c = 44.4 A, beta = 92.8 A), and have two 32,000 Mr dimers per asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to at least 2.7 A resolution, are resistant to radiation damage, and are suitable for determination of the structure by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   

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