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The collagens are a family of animal proteins containing segments of repeated Gly-Xaa-Yaa (GXY) motifs that form a characteristic triple-helical structure. Genes encoding proteins with repeated GXY motifs have also been reported in bacteria and phages; however, it is unclear whether these prokaryotic proteins can form a collagen-like triple-helical structure. Here we used two recently identified streptococcal proteins, Scl1 and Scl2, containing extended GXY sequence repeats as model proteins. First we observed that prior to heat denaturation recombinant Scl proteins migrated as homotrimers in gel electrophoresis with and without SDS. We next showed that the collagen-like domain of Scl is resistant to proteolysis by trypsin. We further showed that circular dichroism spectra of the Scl proteins contained features characteristic of collagen triple helices, including a positive maximum of ellipticity at 220 nm. Furthermore the triple helices of Scl1 and Scl2 showed a temperature-dependent unfolding with melting temperatures of 36.4 and 37.6 degrees C, respectively, which resembles those seen for collagens. We finally demonstrated by electron microscopy that the Scl proteins are organized into "lollipop-like" structures, similar to those seen in human proteins with collagenous domains. This implies that the repeated GXY tripeptide motif is a structural indicator of collagen-like triple helices in proteins from such phylogenetically distant sources as bacteria and humans.  相似文献   

Several bacterial genera express proteins that contain collagen-like regions, which are associated with variable (V) non-collagenous regions. The streptococcal collagen-like proteins, Scl1 and Scl2, of group A Streptococcus (GAS) are members of this 'prokaryotic collagen' family, and they too contain an amino-terminal non-collagenous V region of unknown function. Here, we use recombinant rScl constructs, derived from several Scl1 and Scl2 variants, and affinity chromatography to identify Scl ligands present in human plasma. First, we show that Scl1, but not Scl2, proteins from different GAS serotypes bind the same ligand identified as apolipoprotein B (ApoB100), which is a major component of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Scl1 binding to purified ApoB100 and LDL is specific and concentration-dependent. Furthermore, the non-collagenous V region of the Scl1 protein is responsible for LDL/ApoB100 binding because only those rScls, constructed by domain swapping, which contain the V region from Scl1 proteins, were able to bind to ApoB100 and LDL ligands, and this binding was inhibited by antibodies directed against the Scl1-V region. Electron microscopy images of Scl1-LDL complexes showed that the globular V domain of Scl1 interacted with spherical particles of LDL. Importantly, live M28-type GAS cells absorbed plasma LDL on the cell surface and this binding depended on the surface expression of the Scl1.28, but not Scl2.28, protein. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the non-collagenous globular domains of Scl1 and Scl2 evolved independently to form separate lineages, which differ in amino acid sequence, and these differences may account for the variations in binding patterns of Scl1 and Scl2 proteins. Present studies provide insight into the structure-function relationship of the Scl proteins and also underline the importance of lipoprotein binding by GAS.  相似文献   

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections may trigger autoimmune sequelae thought to involve streptococcal antibodies cross-reactive to human antigens. Here, the antigenicity of the streptococcal collagen-like (CL) proteins, Scl1 and Scl2, that exhibit structural similarity to human collagen, was analyzed. Antibodies to Scl1.1 protein were detected in human sera from healthy individuals previously infected with M1 GAS and from patients with various GAS infections, as well as in sera from mice infected with M1 GAS. Linear B-cell epitope mapping identified immunoreactive peptides corresponding to the CL region of Scl1.1. Humoral responses to Scl1.28 and Scl2.28 were also detected in pediatric patients and mice infected with M28 GAS.  相似文献   

Two recombinant collagen-like proteins consisting of cell adhesion domains derived from native type I collagen were designed and synthesized by a genetic engineering method. The cross-linking sequence, GPPGPCCGGG, derived from collagen III was used to promote triple helix formation through the disulfide bonds formed among three chains by flanking the peptide at the C-terminal of the collagen-like proteins. SDS-PAGE and western-blotting data suggested possibility of the formation of a triple helix structure for both recombinant proteins. CD spectra and thermal stability analyses indicated that the triple-helix structure in the collagen-like proteins was pH-dependent and stabilized under acidic environmental condition. Moreover, the collagen-like protein flanked with the cross-linking sequence at the C-terminal showed the most stable triple-helical conformation under acidic conditions.  相似文献   

Sestrins are highly conserved stress-inducible proteins capable of suppressing the production of ROS and signalling through mTORC1. Here we report a study of human sestrin1 (sesn1) and sestrin2 (sesn2) proteins produced in a pET28+ vector based prokaryotic system. Mass spectrometry analysis, western blot and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of affinity purified sesn1 and sesn2 proteins confirmed their identity; biophysical characteristics were observed using circular dichroism (CD) showing that sesn1 and sesn2 have a predominant α-helical structure. Here we describe a simple, one step purification process to purify a large amount of sestrin proteins with significant yield. Further study of recombinant human sestrins may further facilitate the understanding of their roles in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The streptococcal collagen-like proteins Scl1 and Scl2 are prokaryotic members of a large protein family with domains containing the repeating amino acid sequence (Gly-Xaa-Yaa)(n) that form a collagen-like triple-helical structure. Here, we test the hypothesis that Scl variant might interact with mammalian collagen-binding integrins. We show that the recombinant Scl protein p176 promotes adhesion and spreading of human lung fibroblast cells through an alpha2beta1 integrin-mediated interaction as shown in cell adhesion inhibition assays using anti-alpha2beta1 and anti-beta1 integrins monoclonal antibodies. Accordingly, C2C12 cells stably expressing alpha2beta1 integrin as the only collagen-binding integrin show productive cell adhesion activities on p176 that can be blocked by an anti-alpha2beta1 integrin antibody. In addition, p176 promotes tyrosine phosphorylation of p125(FAK) of C2C12 cells expressing alpha2beta1 integrin, whereas parental cells do not. Furthermore, C2C12 adhesion of human lung fibroblast cells to p176 induces phosphorylation of p125FAK, p130CAS, and p68Paxillin proteins. In a domain swapping experiment, we show that integrin binds to the collagenous domain of the Scl protein. Moreover, the recombinant inserted domain of the alpha2 integrin interacts with p176 with a relatively high affinity (K(D) = 17 nm). Attempts to identify the integrin sites in p176 suggest that more than one site may be involved. These studies, for the first time, suggest that the collagen-like proteins of prokaryotes retained not only structural but also functional characteristics of their eukaryotic counterparts.  相似文献   

The 18aa 2A self-cleaving oligopeptide from foot-and-mouth disease virus can be used for co-expression of multiple, discrete proteins from a single ORF. 2A mediates a co-translational cleavage at its own C-terminus and is proposed to manipulate the ribosome into skipping the synthesis of a specific peptide bond (producing a discontinuity in the peptide backbone), rather than being involved in proteolysis. To explore the utility of the system to target discrete processing products, self-processing polyproteins comprising fluorescent proteins flanking 2A were constructed, permutating both the type of signal sequence and the location within the polyprotein. A polyprotein comprising a protein bearing an N-terminal signal sequence, 2A, then a protein lacking any signal sequence, was constructed. Interestingly, both proteins were translocated into the endoplasmic reticulum. Despite the discontinuity in the peptide backbone, the mammalian ribosome:translocon complex did not disassemble--the second protein (lacking any signal) 'slipstreamed' through the translocon formed by the first (signal-bearing) protein. These polyprotein systems provide a novel method of targeting proteins to different subcellular sites by transfection with a plasmid encoding a single ORF. The inclusion of a fluorescent reporter enables visualisation of expression levels, whilst inclusion of a selectable marker enables stable cell-lines to be established rapidly.  相似文献   


Human basic fibroblast growth factor (hbFGF) is involved in a wide range of biological activities that affect the growth, differentiation, and migration. Due to its wound healing effects and therapy, hbFGF has the potential as therapeutic agent. Therefore, large-scale production of biologically active recombinant hbFGF with low cost is highly desirable. However, the complex structure of hbFGF hinders its high-level expression as the soluble and functional form. In the present study, an efficient, cost-effective, and scalable method for producing recombinant hbFGF was developed. The modified collagen-like protein (Scl2-M) from Streptococcus pyogenes was used as the fusion tag for producing recombinant hbFGF for the first time. After optimization, the expression level of Scl2-M-hbFGF reached approximately 0.85?g/L in the shake flask and 7.7?g/L in a high cell-density fermenter using glycerol as a carbon source. Then, the recombinant Scl2-M-hbFGF was readily purified using one-step acid precipitation and the purified Scl2-M-hbFGF was digested with enterokinase. The digested mixture was further subject to ion-exchange chromatography, and the final high-purity (96%) hbFGF product was prepared by freeze-drying. The recovery rate of the whole purification process attained 55.0%. In addition, the biological activity of recombinant hbFGF was confirmed by using L929 and BALB/c3T3 fibroblasts. Overall, this method has the potential for large scale production of recombinant hbFGF.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences of cytotoxin-like basic proteins (CLBPs), purified from the venoms of Formosan cobra (Naja naja atra) and Indian cobra (Naja naja), were reinvestigated. The determined sequences differed from those reported previously by Takechi et al. [(1985) Biochem. Int. 11, 795-802; (1987) Biochem. Int. 14, 145-152]. The sequence of CLBPs at residues 25-30 was found to be hydrophilic as compared with those of cytotoxins. The difference in the hydrophobicity of this region might be responsible for the difference in their cytotoxic activities.  相似文献   

The parasite Leishmania is a major cause of disease worldwide. In the past 15 years, many groups have analysed DNA-derived proteins from Leishmania. Large amounts of data obtained by these groups can be collated to direct future research into Leishmania and to find novel immunological mechanisms and information about its metabolism. International coordination will increase both the basic knowledge about Leishmania and the capacity to apply this knowledge to combat leishmaniases.  相似文献   

The cyclic AMP (cAMP) signaling pathway is implicated in the development of alcohol use disorder. Previous studies have demonstrated that ethanol enhances the activity of adenylyl cyclase (AC) in an isoform specific manner; AC7 is most enhanced by ethanol, and regions responsible for enhancement by ethanol are located in the cytoplasmic domains of the AC7 protein. We hypothesize that ethanol modulates AC activity by directly interacting with the protein and that ethanol effects on AC can be studied using recombinant AC in vitro. AC recombinant proteins containing only the C1a or C2 domains of AC7 and AC9 individually were expressed in bacteria, and purified. The purified recombinant AC proteins retained enzymatic activity and isoform specific alcohol responsiveness. The combination of the C1a or C2 domains of AC7 maintained the same alcohol cutoff point as full-length AC7. We also find that the recombinant AC7 responds to alcohol differently in the presence of different combinations of activators including MnCl2, forskolin, and Gsα. Through a series of concentration-response experiments and curve fitting, the values for maximum activities, Hill coefficients, and EC50 were determined in the absence and presence of butanol as a surrogate of ethanol. The results suggest that alcohol modulates AC activity by directly interacting with the AC protein and that the alcohol interaction with the AC protein occurs at multiple sites with positive cooperativity. This study indicates that the recombinant AC proteins expressed in bacteria can provide a useful model system to investigate the mechanism of alcohol action on their activity.  相似文献   

A novel protein purification system has been developed which enables purification of free recombinant proteins in a single chromatographic step. The system utilizes a modified protein splicing element (intein) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sce VMA intein) in conjunction with a chitin-binding domain (CBD) from Bacillus circulans as an affinity tag. The concept is based on the observation that the modified Sce VMA intein can be induced to undergo a self-cleavage reaction at its N-terminal peptide linkage by 1,4-dithiothreitol (DTT), β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) or cysteine at low temperatures and over a broad pH range. A target protein is cloned in-frame with the N-terminus of the intein-CBD fusion, and the stable fusion protein is purified by adsorption onto a chitin column. The immobilized fusion protein is then induced to undergo self-cleavage under mild conditions, resulting in the release of the target protein while the intein-CBD fusion remains bound to the column. No exogenous proteolytic cleavage is needed. Furthermore, using this procedure, the purified free target protein can be specifically labeled at its C-terminus.  相似文献   

Analysis of the derived amino acid sequences of toxins A and B from Clostridium difficile has identified an extraordinarily large number of repeat amino acid units in the C-terminal regions of the proteins. Nearly one third of each of the proteins consist of repeating units which appear, at least in the case of toxin A, to be responsible for carbohydrate binding. Similar repeat units are also found in the C-terminal region of four glucosyltransferases from Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus downei, and in four lytic enzymes from Streptococcus pneumoniae and its bacteriophages (HB-3, Cp-1 and Cp-9). In each case the repeats constitute the ligand-binding portion of the respective enzymes. A glucan-binding protein from S. mutans, which lacks enzymatic activity, has similar repeats spanning almost the entire molecule. This family of ligand-binding proteins appears to be of modular design, with one module consisting of a repetitive ligand-binding domain located in the C-terminal region and the other module(s) providing enzymatic functions.  相似文献   

Polyhydroxyalkanoates as a source of chemicals, polymers, and biofuels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microbial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are a family of structurally diverse polyesters produced by many bacteria. Deleting key steps from the beta-oxidation cycle in Pseudomonas putida makes it possible to achieve precise substrate based design of PHA homopolymers, copolymers, and block polymers, allowing the study of structure-property relationship in a clear way. The PHA homopolymer synthesis also allows the microbial or chemical production of pure monomers of PHA in a convenient way without separating the mixed monomers. After used as bioplastics, PHA can be methyl esterified to become biofuels, which further extends the PHA application value. The microbial production of PHA with diverse structures is entering a new developing phase.  相似文献   

A recombinant human parathyroid hormone fragment, Pro-Pro-[Arg(11)]hPTH(1-34)-Pro-Pro (MW=4550 Da), was developed by substituting Arg for Leu at position 11 and adding Pro-Pro at the carboxyl terminus. Following a single injection (0.5-13.5 μg/bird) of the rhPTH fragment, the serum calcium level in chickens increased 12-42% (P<0.05) after 1h as determined by the Parson's Chicken Assay. The functional activity of Pro-Pro-[Arg(11)]hPTH(1-34)-Pro-Pro may be due to removal of the N-terminus Pro-Pro- by X-prolyl dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) in vivo, increasing its activity compared to Pro-Pro-hPTH(1-34). This artificial rhPTH fragment could be used to increase calcium mobilization and potentially improve bone health.  相似文献   

The 1H-NMR spectra of the two Escherichia coli basic, low-Mr (approximately equal to 9000) DNA-binding proteins NS1 and NS2 and of their native complex NS were studied at 400 MHz and a number of resonances and resonance peaks were assigned. As in the case of some eukaryotic histones, the presence of a large number of high-field perturbed Phe resonances, several shielded and deshielded methyl resonances and backbone NH protons quite inaccessible to the solvent clearly indicate the existence of extensive tertiary and, even more so, quaternary structures involving hydrophobic interactions. These structures are lost upon heating, but readily reform upon cooling. Spectral differences between NS1, NS2 and NS and the greater thermal stability of NS indicate that molecules of the heterologous subunits (NS1 and NS2) aggregate (dimerize) preferentially in comparison to the self-aggregation of the homologous subunits. Unlike those of the eukaryotic histones, the tertiary and quaternary structures of NS are insensitive to extensive variations of the ionic strength.  相似文献   

Balamuthia mandrillaris is a recently identified free-living protozoan pathogen that can cause fatal granulomatous encephalitis in humans. Recent studies have shown that B. mandrillaris consumes eukaryotic cells such as mammalian cell cultures as food source. Here, we studied B. mandrillaris interactions with various eukaryotic cells including, monkey kidney fibroblast-like cells (COS-7), human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMEC) and Acanthamoeba (an opportunistic protozoan pathogen) as well as prokaryotes, Escherichia coli. B. mandrillaris exhibited optimal growth on HBMEC compared with Cos-7 cells. In contrast, B. mandrillaris did not grow on bacteria but remained in the trophozoite stage. When incubated with Acanthamoeba trophozoites, B. mandrillaris produced partial Acanthamoeba damage and the remaining Acanthamoeba trophozoites underwent encystment. However, B. mandrillaris were unable to consume Acanthamoeba cysts. Next, we observed that B. mandrillaris-mediated Acanthamoeba encystment is a contact-dependent process that requires viable B. mandrillaris. In support, conditioned medium of B. mandrillaris did not stimulate Acanthamoeba encystment nor did lysates of B. mandrillaris. Overall, these studies suggest that B. mandrillaris target Acanthamoeba in the trophozoite stage; however, Acanthamoeba possess the ability to defend themselves by forming cysts, which are resistant to B. mandrillaris. Further studies will examine the mechanisms associated with food selectivity in B. mandrillaris.  相似文献   

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