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The presence of an electrogenic H+-ATPase has been described in the late distal tubule, a segment which contains intercalated cells. The present paper studies the electrogenicity of this transport mechanism, which has been demonstrated in turtle bladder and in cortical collecting duct. Transepithelial PD (V t ) was measured by means of Ling-Gerard microelectrodes in late distal tubule of rat renal cortex during in vivo microperfusion. The tubules were perfused with electrolyte solutions to which 2 × 10−7 m bafilomycin or 4.6 × 10−8 m concanamycin were added. No significant increase in lumen-negative V t upon perfusion with these inhibitors as compared to control, was observed as well as when 10−3 m amiloride, 10−5 m benzamil or 3 mm Ba2+ were perfused alone or in combination. The effect of an inhibition of electrogenic H+ secretion, i.e., increase in lumen-negative V t by 2–4 mV, was observed only when Cl channels were blocked by 10−5 m 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino) benzoic acid (NPPB). This blocker also reduced the rate of bicarbonate reabsorption in this segment from 1.21 ± 0.14 (n= 8) to 0.62 ± 0.03 (8) nmol.cm−2.sec−1 as determined by stationary microperfusion and pH measurement by ion-exchange resin microelectrodes. These results indicate that: (i) the participation of the vacuolar H+ ATPase in the establishment of cortical late distal tubule V t is minor in physiological conditions, but can be demonstrated after blocking Cl channels, thus suggesting a shunting effect of this anion; and, (ii) the rate of H+ secretion in this segment is reduced by a Cl channel blocker, supporting coupling of H+-ATPase with Cl transport. Received: 6 July 1996/Revised: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

MDCK cells display several acid-base transport systems found in intercalated cells, such as Na+-H+ exchange, H+–K+ ATPase and Cl/HCO 3 exchange. In this work we studied the functional activity of a vacuolar H+-ATPase in MDCK cells and its chloride dependence. We measured intracellular pH (pHi) in monolayers grown on glass cover slips utilizing the pH sensitive probe BCECF. To analyze the functional activity of the H+ transporters we observed the intracellular alkalinization in response to an acute acid load due to a 20 mm NH+ 4 pulse, and calculated the initial rate of pHi recovery (dpHi/dt). The cells have a basal pHi of 7.17 ± 0.01 (n= 23) and control dpHi/dt of 0.121 ± 0.006 (n= 23) pHi units/min. This pHi recovery rate is markedly decreased when Na+ was removed, to 0.069 ± 0.004 (n= 16). It was further reduced to 0.042 ± 0.005 (n= 12) when concanamycin 4.6 × 10−8 m (a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H+-ATPase) was added to the zero Na+ solution. When using a solution with zero Na+, low K+ (0.5 mm) plus concanamycin, pHi recovery fell again, significantly, to 0.023 ± 0.006 (n= 14) as expected in the presence of a H+–K+-ATPase. This result was confirmed by the use of 5 × 10−5 m Schering 28080. The Na+ independent pHi recovery was significantly reduced from 0.069 ± 0.004 to 0.042 ± 0.004 (n= 12) when NPPB 10−5 m (a specific blocker of Cl channels in renal tubules) was utilized. When the cells were preincubated in 0 Cl/normal Na+ solution for 8 min. before the ammonium pulse, the pHi recovery fell from 0.069 ± 0.004 to 0.041 ± 0.007 (n= 12) in a Na+ and Cl free solution. From these results we conclude that: (i) MDCK cells have two Na+-independent mechanisms of pHi recovery, a concanamycin sensitive H+-ATPase and a K+ dependent, Schering 28080 sensitive H+–K+ ATPase; and, (ii) pHi recovery in Na+-free medium depends on the presence of a chloride current which can be blocked by NPPB and impaired by preincubation in Cl–free medium. This finding supports a role for chloride in the function of the H+ ATPase, which might be electrical shunting or a biochemical interaction. Received: 24 October 1997/Revised: 19 February 1998  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of acute in vitro acid-base disorders on Na+/H+ and H+-ATPase transporters in rabbit kidney proximal tubules (PT). PT suspensions were incubated in solutions with varying acid base conditions for 45 min and utilized for brush border membrane (BBM) vesicles preparation. BBM vesicles were studied for Na+/H+ exchange activity (assayed by 22Na+ influx) or abundance (using NHE-3 specific antibody) and H+-ATPase transporter abundance (using antibody against the 31 kDa subunit). The Na+/ H+ exchanger activity increased by 55% in metabolic acidosis (pH 6.5, HCO 3 3 mm) and decreased by 41% in metabolic alkalosis (pH 8.0, HCO 3 90 mm). The abundance of NHE-3 remained constant in acidic, control, and alkalotic groups. H+-ATPase abundance, however, decreased in metabolic acidosis and increased in metabolic alkalosis by 57% and 42%, respectively. In PT suspensions incubated in isohydric conditions (pH 7.4), Na+/H+ exchanger activity increased by 29% in high HCO 3 group (HCO 3 96 mm) and decreased by 16% in the low HCO 3 groups (HCO 3 7mm. The NHE-3 abundance remained constant in high, normal, and low [HCO 3 ] tubules. The abundance of H+-ATPase, however, increased by 82% in high [HCO 3 ] and decreased by 77% in the low [HCO 3 ] tubules. In PT suspensions incubated in varying pCO2 and constant [HCO 3 ], Na+/H+ exchanger activity increased by 35% in high pCO2 (20% pCO2, respiratory acidosis) and decreased by 32% in low pCO2 (1.5% pCO2, respiratory alkalosis) tubules. The NHE-3 abundance remained unchanged in high, normal, and low pCO2 tubules. However, the H+-ATPase abundance increased by 74% in high pCO2 and decreased by 69% in low pCO2 tubules.The results of these studies suggest that the luminal Na+/H+ exchanger is predominantly regulated by pH whereas H+-ATPase is mainly regulated by [HCO 3 ] and/ or pCO2. They further suggest that the adaptive changes in H+-ATPase transporter are likely mediated via endocytic/exocytic pathway whereas the adaptive changes in Na+/H+ exchanger are via the nonendocytic/exocytic pathway.The excellent technical assistance of Yollanda J. Hattabaugh, Gwen L. Bizal, and L. Yang is greatly appreciated. Portions of these studies were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Boston, MA, November 1993, and published in abstract form (J.Am.Soc.Neph. 4:840A, 1993)These studies were supported by a Merit Review Grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs and a grant-in-aid from the American Heart Association (to M.S.), a Baxter Health Care Grant (to B.B.), and the National Institute of Health Grants DK 38510 (to E.B.C. and M.C.R.) and DK 42086 (to E.B.C.).  相似文献   

Summary The possible regulation of Cl influx inChara by the cytoplasmic Cl concentration and cytoplasmic pH was investigated using both intact and intracellularly perfused cells. In perfused cells Cl influx was sensitive to changes in the internal Cl concentration but only when the concentration was less than 1mm.In intact cells the metabolic inhibitors, CCCP, DCMU, and oligomycin which inhibit Cl influx also reduced the cytoplasmic pH. A correlation between ATP concentration and cytoplasmic pH was shown to apply when the ATP concentration was lowered using these inhibitors. The possible relationships between ATP status, cytoplasmic pH, and Cl influx are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The requirement for Na+ and Cl in the bathing media to obtain a maximal HCO 3 secretory flux ( ) across isolated short-circuitedAmphiuma duodenum was investigated using titration techniques and ion substitution. Upon substitution of media Na+ with choline, HCO 3 secretion was markedly reduced. Replacement of media Cl produced a smaller reduction of . The presence of Cl enhanced HCO 3 secretion only if Na+ was also in the media. Elevation of media Na+ or Cl in the presence of the other ion produced a saturable increase of . In the presence of Na+, Cl stimulated when added to the mucosal but not the serosal medium. In the presence of Cl, Na+ elevated when added to the serosal but not the mucosal medium. The ability of mucosal Cl to stimulate was not apparently dependent on mucosal Na+. Simultaneous addition of 10mm Cl to the Na+-free mucosal medium and 10mm Na+ to the Cl-free serosal medium stimulated above levels produced by serosal Na+ alone. In conclusion, intestinal HCO 3 secretion required mucosal Cl and serosal Na+ and did not involve mucosal NaCl cotransport. The results are consistent with a mucosal Cl absorptive mechanism in series with parallel basolateral Na+–H+ and Cl–HCO 3 exchange mechanisms.  相似文献   

Isoproterenol (IPR) and 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)-cyclic AMP (cpt-cAMP) enhanced carbachol (CCh)-induced fluid secretion from rat parotid glands, but had no effect by themselves. The enhancement by IPR was blocked by propranolol. In dispersed parotid acinar cells, IPR and cpt-cAMP potentiated CCh-induced K+ and Cl currents (I K and I Cl). IPR at the concentration of 0.1 μm significantly potentiated the CCh-induced increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+] i ), but 1 mm cpt-cAMP did not. The incidence of the potentiation by IPR in CCh-induced Mn2+ entry was 31% and that by cpt-cAMP was 21%. The potentiation by IPR in the ionic currents and the [Ca2+] i was suppressed by propranolol. These results suggest that the CCh-induced fluid secretion from rat parotid glands is enhanced by IPR through the potentiation of I K and I Cl mainly by the increased cyclic AMP level and partially by the potentiated Ca2+ influx and [Ca2+] i increase, and that IPR is more effective than cpt-cAMP in the enhancement of the CCh-induced [Ca2+] i increase. Received: 6 October 1997/Revised: 16 April 1998  相似文献   

The present study investigated both HCO 3 and Cl secretions in a human pancreatic duct cell line, CAPAN-1, using the short-circuit current (I sc ) technique. In Cl/HCO 3-containing solution, secretin (1 μm) or forskolin (10 μm) stimulated a biphasic rise in the I sc which initially reached a peak level at about 3 min and then decayed to a plateau level after 7 min. Removal of external Cl abolished the initial transient phase in the forskolin-induced I sc while the plateau remained. In HCO 3/CO2-free solution, on the contrary, only the initial transient increase in I sc was prominent. Summation of the current magnitudes observed in Cl-free and HCO 3-free solutions over a time course of 10 min gave rise to a curve which was similar, both in magnitude and kinetics, to the current observed in Cl/HCO 3-containing solution. Removal of external Na+ greatly reduced the initial transient rise in the forskolin-induced I sc response, and the plateau level observed under this condition was similar to that obtained in Cl-free solution, suggesting that Cl-dependent I sc was also Na+-dependent. Bumetanide (50 μm), an inhibitor of the Na+-K+-2Cl cotransporter, and Ba2+ (1 mm), a K+ channel blocker, could reduce the forskolin-induced I sc obtained in Cl/HCO 3-containing or HCO 3-free solution. However, they were found to be ineffective when external Cl was removed, indicating the involvement of these mechanisms in Cl secretion. On the contrary, the HCO 3-dependent (in the absence of external Cl) forskolin-induced I sc could be significantly reduced by carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, acetazolamide (45 μm). Basolateral application of amiloride (100 μm) inhibited the I sc ; however, a specific Na+-H+ exchanger blocker, 5-N-methyl-N-isobutylamiloride (MIA, 5–10 μm) was found to be ineffective, excluding the involvement of the Na+-H+ exchanger. However, an inhibitor of H+-ATPase, N-ethylmaleimide did suppress the I sc (IC50= 22 μm). Immunohistochemical studies also confirmed the presence of a vacuolar type of H+-ATPase in these cells. H2DIDS (100 μm), an inhibitor of Na+-HCO 3 cotransporter, was without effect. Apical addition of Cl channel blocker, diphenylamine-2,2′-dicarboxylic acid (DPC, 1 mm), but not disulfonic acids, DIDS (100 μm) or SITS (100 μm), exerted an inhibitory effect on both Cl and HCO 3-dependent forskolin-induced I sc responses. Histochemical studies showed discrete stainings of carbonic anhydrase in the monolayer of CAPAN-1 cells, suggesting that HCO 3 secretion may be specialized to a certain population of cells. The present results suggest that both HCO 3 and Cl secretion by the human pancreatic duct cells may occur concurrently and independently. Received: 17 October 1997/Revised: 3 April 1998  相似文献   

The present study explored regulation of electrogenic ion transport across cultured mouse endometrial epithelium by extracellular ATP using the short-circuit current (I SC ) and the patch-clamp techniques. The cultured endometrial monolayers responded to apical application of ATP with an increase in I SC in a concentration-dependent manner (EC50 at 3 μm). Replacement of Cl in the bathing solution or treatment of the cells with Cl channel blockers, DIDS and DPC, markedly reduced the I SC , indicating that a substantial portion of the ATP-activated I SC was Cl-dependent. Amiloride at a concentration (10 μm) known to block Na+ channels was found to have no effect on the ATP-activated I SC excluding the involvement of Na+ absorption. Adenosine was found to have little effect on the I SC excluding the involvement of P1 receptors. The effect of UTP, a potent P2U receptor agonist on the I SC was similar to that of ATP while potent P2X agonist, α-β-Methylene adenosine 5′-triphosphate (α-β-M-ATP) and P2Y agonist, 2-methylthio-adenosine triphosphate (2-M-ATP), were found to be ineffective. The effect of ATP on I SC was mimicked by the Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin, indicating a role of intracellular Ca2+ in mediating the ATP response. Confocal microscopic study also demonstrated a rise in intracellular Ca2+ upon stimulation by extracellular ATP. In voltage-clamped endometrial epithelial cells, ATP elicited a whole-cell Cl current which exhibited outward rectification and delayed activation and inactivation at depolarizing and hyperpolarizing voltages, respectively. The results of the present study demonstrate the presence of a regulatory mechanism involving extracellular ATP and P2U purinoceptors for endometrial Cl secretion.  相似文献   

Cl absorption across isolated, perfused gills of freshwater adapted Chinese crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) was analysed by measuring transepithelial potential differences (PDte) and radioactive tracer fluxes across isolated, perfused posterior gills. Applying hemolymph-like NaCl salines on both sides of the epithelium PDte amounted to −30±1 mV (n=14). Undirectional Cl influxes of 470±38 and effluxes of 245±27 μmol·hr−1·g−1 wet weight (ww) (n=14) resulted in a Cl net influx of 226±31 μmol·hr−1·g−1 ww. Symmetrical substitution of Na+ by choline resulted in a substantial hyperpolarisation of the gill. Cl influx was unchanged under these conditions. However, net influx of Cl decreased by 40%, due to an increase of the Cl efflux.Nevertheless, a significant Cl net influx remained which was independent of the presence of Na+. When 2 mmol/l ouabain were added to the internal perfusion medium, PDte increased, although the fluxes remained unchanged. Following external application of 1μmol/l of the V-type H+-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin, Al PDte and Cl effluxes were not significantly affected. However, Cl influxes decreased. These findings suggest that Cl can be taken up independently of Na+ and that active Na+ independent Cl uptake across the posterior gill of Eriocheir sinensis is probably driven by a V-type H+-ATPase localized in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in extracellular pH (pHo) in red cell suspensions were monitored in a stopped-flow rapid reaction apparatus under conditions wheredpHo/dt was determined by the rate of HCO 3 /Cl exchange across the membrane. Experiments were performed at 5°C<T<40°C using either untreated cells or cells exposed to 0.11mm SITS (4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid). Although SITS exposure reduced the rate of exchange by 90%, both untreated and SITS-treated cells are similarly affected by changes in pH0 and temperature. The rate of HCO 3 /Cl exchange exhibits a minimum at about pHo 5 and a maximum at about pH0 7.4 at all temperatures. A transition temperature of 17°C was observed in the Arrhenius relationship for all pH0. The activation energies (E a) in kcal/mol are 19.6 below and 11.7 above 17°C for 50<8. These findings, similar to those reported for Cl self-exchange, suggest that: (i) a change in the rate-limiting step for HCO 3 /Cl exchange occurs at 17°C, possibly due to an altered interaction between the transport pathway and membrane lipids; (ii) the carrier system can be titrated by either H+ or SITS from the outside of the membrane, but the untitrated sites continue to transport normally; (iii) the pH0 dependence of the rate of exchange is consistent with the titratable carrier having its most alkaline pK in the range expected for amino groups; and (iv) below pH0 5, the nature of the exchange is markedly altered.  相似文献   

The fundus of an eel stomach was mounted in an Ussing chamber and bathed with control Ringer on the serosal side and with unbuffered solution on the mucosal side. The gastric mucosa exhibited a mucosa negative transepithelial voltage (V t), a “short circuit” current (I SC) and a small spontaneous acid secretion rate (J H). All these parameters were abolished by cimetidine treatment. Bilateral ion substitution experiments in tissues lacking spontaneous acid secretion suggested that a net Cl transport from serosa to mucosa was responsible for the genesis of the I SC in the absence of H+ secretion. Serosal application of histamine (10−4 mol · l−1) or carbachol (10−4 mol · l−1) stimulated both I SC and J H. The action of carbachol was independent of histamine. The control as well as the histamine-stimulated I SC was sensitive to both serosal bumetanide (10−5 mol · l−1), inhibitor of the Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport, and 4,4-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid (DIDS, 5 · 10−4 mol · l−1), inhibitor of the Cl-HCO 3 exchange, while the I SC stimulated by carbachol was nullified by serosal DIDS. These data suggested that the non-acidic Cl uptake across the serosal membrane was linked to the activity of both Na+-K+-2Cl cotransport and Cl-HCO 3 antiporter; histamine stimulated both transporters while carbachol was limited to the anion exchanger. The finding that the acid secretion was strictly dependent on serosal Cl and was completely blocked by serosal DIDS suggested that the Cl accompanying H+ secretion entered the cell through the serosal membrane by the Cl-HCO 3 exchange. In addition, the acid secretion stimulated by carbachol was also dependent on serosal Na+ and sensitive to the application of 5-N-N-dimethyl-amiloride in the serosal bath, suggesting that the increased activity of the Cl-HCO 3 during carbachol treatment was linked to the activation of serosal Na+-H+ exchange. The inhibitory effect of luminal omeprazole (10−4 mol · l−1) on acid secretion suggested the presence of the H+-K+ pump on the luminal membrane. Accepted: 18 September 1997  相似文献   

The pH dependence of emission peak temperature and decay time of thermoluminescence arising from S2QB and S2QA recombinations demonstrates that a stabilization of S2QB occurs at low pH whereas stabilization of S2QA occurs at high pH. Based on comparative analysis of thermoluminescence parameters of the two types of recombination, we suggest that in the pH range between 5.3 and 7.5, Em(S2/S1) and Em(QA/QA ) are constant, but Em(QB/QB ) gradually increases with decreasing pH, while in the pH range between 7.5 and 8.5, an unusual change occurs on S2QA charge pair, which is interpreted as either a decrease in Em(S2/S1) or an increase in Em(QA/QA ).  相似文献   

The actions of intracellular pH (pH i ) on Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were studied in secretory epithelial cells derived from human colon carcinoma (T84) and in isolated rat parotid acinar cells. Channel currents were measured with the whole cell voltage clamp technique with pipette solutions of different pH. Ca2+dependent Cl? channels were activated by superfusing ionomycin to increase the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+] i ) or by using pipette solutions with buffered Ca2+ levels. Large currents were activated in T84 and parotid cells by both methods with pH i levels of 7.3 or 8.3. Little or no Cl? channel current was activated with pH i at 6.4. We used on-cell patch clamp methods to investigate the actions of low pH i on single Cl? channel current amplitude in T84 cells. Lowering the pH i had little or no effect on the current amplitude of a 8 pS Cl? channel, but did reduce channel activity. These results suggest that cytosolic acidification may be able to modulate stimulus-secretion coupling in fluid-secreting epithelia by inhibiting the activation of Ca2+-activated Cl? channels.  相似文献   

Cl conductance in cultured embryonic chick cardiac myocytes was characterized using whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Following elimination of cation currents in Na+and K+-free internal and external solutions, the basal whole-cell current was predominantly a Cl current. Cl-sensitive current (I Cl) was defined as the difference between the whole-cell currents recorded in normal and low [Cl] o when measured in the same cell. The whole-cell current in the absence or presence of 10 m cAMP was time independent, displayed outward rectification with the pipette [Cl] < 40 mm, and was not saturated with a physiological Cl gradient. The Cl current was also activated by 1 m forskolin and inhibited by 0.3 mm anthracene-9-carboxylic acid (9-AC). Forskolin was less effective than cAMP (internal dialysis) in activating the Cl current. The cAMP- or forskolin-activated and basal Cl current were reasonably fit by the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation. The calculated P Cl in the presence of cAMP was increased by fiveto sixfold over the basal level. In the presence of 5 mm EGTA to decrease free [Ca2+] i , the whole-cell current could not be stimulated by cAMP, forskolin or IBMX (0.1 mm). These data suggest that cultured chick cardiac myocytes have a low basal Cl conductance, which, as in some mammalian cardiac ventricular myocytes, can be activated by cAMP. However, this study shows that the activation process requires physiological free [Ca2+] i .This study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL-17670, HL-27105 and HL-07107) for M.L. and by Institutional funds of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences for S.L.We thank Meei-Yueh Liu, Kathleen Mitchell, and Shirley Revels for their technical assistance.  相似文献   

Our previously published whole-cell patch-clamp studies on the cells of the intralobular (granular) ducts of the mandibular glands of male mice revealed the presence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+ conductance in the plasma membrane. In this study we demonstrate the presence also of a Cl conductance and we show that the sizes of both conductances vary with the Cl concentration of the fluid bathing the cytosolic surface of the plasma membrane. As the cytosolic Cl concentration rises from 5 to 150 mmol/liter, the size of the inward Na+ current declines, the decline being half-maximal when the Cl concentration is approximately 50 mmol/liter. In contrast, as cytosolic Cl concentration increases, the inward Cl current remains at a constant low level until the Cl concentration exceeds 80 mmol/liter, when it begins to increase. Studies in which Cl in the pipette solution was replaced by other anions indicate that the Na+ current is suppressed by intracellular Br-, Cl and NO 3 - but not by intracellular I-, glutamate or gluconate. Our studies also show that the Cl conductance allows passage of Cl and Br- equally well, I-less well, and NO 3 - , glutamate and gluconate poorly, if at all. The findings with NO 3 - are of particular interest because they show that suppression of the Na+ current by a high intracellular concentration of a particular anion does not depend on actual passage of that anion through the Cl conductance. In mouse granular duct cells there is, thus, a reciprocal regulation of Na+ and Cl conductances by the cytosolic Cl concentration. Since the cytosolic Cl concentration is closely correlated with cell volume in many epithelia, this reciprocal regulation of Na+ and Cl conductances may provide a mechanism by which ductal Na+ and Cl transport rates are adjusted so as to maintain a stable cell volume.This project was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. We thank Professor P. Barry (University of New South Wales) for assistance with the junction potential measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumor cells resuspended in hypotonic medium initially swell as nearly perfect osmometers, but subsequently recover their volume within 5 to 10 min with an associated KCl loss. 1. The regulatory volume decrease was unaffected when nitrate was substituted for Cl, and was insensitive to bumetanide and DIDS. 2. Quinine, an inhibitor of the Ca2+-activated K+ pathway, blocked the volume recovery. 3. The hypotonic response was augmented by addition of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 in the presence of external Ca2+, and also by a sudden increase in external Ca2+. The volume response was accelerated at alkaline pH. 4. The anti-calmodulin drugs trifluoperazine, pimozide, flupentixol, and chlorpromazine blocked the volume response. 5. Depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores inhibited the regulatory volume decrease. 6. Consistent with the low conductive Cl permeability of the cell membrane there was no change in cell volume or Cl content when the K+ permeability was increased with valinomycin in isotonic medium. In contrast, addition of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 in isotonic medium promoted Cl loss and cell shrinkage. During regulatory volume decrease valinomycin accelerated the net loss of KCl, indicating that the conductive Cl permeability was increased in parallel with and even more than the K+ permeability. It is proposed that separate conductive K+ and Cl channels are activated during regulatory volume decrease by release of Ca2+ from internal stores, and that the effect is mediated by calmodulin.  相似文献   

Summary At low concentration (1mm) of Cl in the outer solution, the influx of chloride through the isolated skin (J 13 Cl ) of the South American frogLeptodactylus ocellatus (L.) seems to be carried by two mechanisms: (i) a passive one that exhibits the characteristics of an exchange diffusion process, and (ii) an active penetration. Studies of the influx and efflux of chloride (J 13 Cl andJ 31 Cl ) indicate, that the presence of a high (107mm) concentration of Cl in the outer solution activates the translocation of this ion through the cells. Studies of the unidirectional flux of Cl across the outer barrier (J 12 Cl ) indicate that Na+ out stimulates the penetration of Cl at this level. Cl out, in turn, stimulates, theJ 12 Na , but this effect is only detected at low concentrations of Na+ out.  相似文献   

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