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Summary A survey has been given of the results of phage typing of strains ofS. typhi found in Holland. It has been shown, that type A includes a different group of strains in systems drawn up with different Vi phages. An auxiliary system — to be used besides the system ofCraigie andYen — and a few new types, have been described.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhi Vi typing phages were used to transduce temperature-sensitive (Ts) mutants of Salmonella typhi. Antibiotic resistance and Ts+ markers were transduced at high frequency (> 10(-4) per virulent phage). Several markers were cotransduced by phage Vi I, suggesting that it may be useful for mapping studies of the S. typhi genome.  相似文献   

In order to justify the surveillance control system and hygiene policy in Jordan, this study evaluated the occurrence of diarrhoea during the period 1988-2000, focusing on cases caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi. From January 1988 to December 2000, the number of notified diarrhoeal cases by the Ministry of Health in Jordan was 1,399,563 million. Other groups of patients confined to the Governorate of Amman was diagnosed at Al-Battikhi Medical Laboratories. One-way ANOVA and Least Significant Difference (LSD) were carried out for statistical analysis. The number of reported diarrhea cases was 1,399,563, 53.0% were males, and 47.0% were females, among them, 80.3% were < 20 years and 19.7%, were > 20 years. Out of 245,255 patients tested for S. typhi and S. pararyphi, positive stool culture were 1992 (0.6%). Out of these, 960 (48.2%) were males and 1,032 (51.8%) were females (P = 0.028). The highest incidence rate (10.8) was observed in the year 1993, while the lowest incidence rate (0.9) was found in year 2000. A significant difference (P < 0.001) was found between the number of S. typhi and S. Paratyphi cases and year. The seasonal variation was also found to be significant (P < 0.0001), with the summer period showing the highest incident rate. A significant difference (P < 0.001) was observed between number of typhoid and paratyphoid cases and districts. A significance difference between number of typhoid and paratyphoid cases with age and sex. The group most affected was school age and adolescence. The demographic situation plays an important role in reporting typhoid and paratyphoid cases, where there might be an urgent indication for a better surveillance control system on water resources and disposal systems. S. typhi and S. paratyphi antibiotics resistance pattern showed they were resistant to tetracycline (56.0%, 58.0%), ampicillin (45.0%, 48.0%), trimethoprim (43.0%, 47.0%), cephtazidime (12.0%, 13.5%) chloramphenicol (6.8%, 7.2%), gentamycin (3.0%, 4.0%) neomycin (2.1. 1.8%), calvulanic acid (augmentin (1.4%, 2.2%) and norofloxacin (0.92%, 1.1%). Susceptibility to amikacin, ciprofloxacin, cetfriaxone, ofloxacine, imepenim, cefixime and cefotaxime was 100.0%. The increase in percentage of antibiotic resistant strain might indicate a need for a further prescribing policy for treatment.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between the results of phage and lysogenic typing of S. aureus strains isolated during several outbreaks of staphylococcal infection and S. aureus cultures isolated from the same carriers at different periods. The study of the groups of strains having the same origin showed that the differences in the number of reactions were more pronounced in lysogenic typing than in phage typing. For this reason lysogenic typing can be recommended only for the identification of those strains which cannot be identified with the use of the phages of the International Basic Set. The results of the experiments with induced phages proliferating in a restriction-defective strain indicated that restriction and modification were mainly responsible for the specificity of lytic reactions.  相似文献   

Members of Salmonella enterica are important foodborne pathogens of significant public health concern worldwide. This study aimed to determine a range of virulence genes among typhoidal (S. typhi) and non-typhoidal (S. enteritidis) strains isolated from different geographical regions and different years. A total of 87 S. typhi and 94 S. enteritidis strains were tested for presence of 22 virulence genes by employing multiplex PCR and the genetic relatedness of these strains was further characterized by REP-PCR. In S. typhi, invA, prgH, sifA, spiC, sopB, iroN, sitC, misL, pipD, cdtB, and orfL were present in all the strains, while sopE, agfC, agfA, sefC, mgtC, and sefD were present in 98.8, 97.7, 90.8, 87.4, 87.4 and 17.2 %, of the strains, respectively. No lpfA, lpfC, pefA, spvB, or spvC was detected. Meanwhile, in S. enteritidis, 15 genes, agfA, agfC, invA, lpfA, lpfC, sefD, prgH, spiC, sopB, sopE, iroN, sitC, misL, pipD, and orfL were found in all S. enteritidis strains 100 %, followed by sifA and spvC 98.9 %, pefA, spvB and mgtC 97.8 %, and sefC 90.4 %. cdtB was absent from all S. enteritidis strains tested. REP-PCR subtyped S. typhi strains into 18 REP-types and concurred with the virulotyping results in grouping the strains, while in S. enteritidis, REP-PCR subtyped the strains into eight profiles and they were poorly distinguishable between human and animal origins. The study showed that S. typhi and S. enteritidis contain a range of virulence factors associated with pathogenesis. Virulotyping is a rapid screening method to identify and profile virulence genes in Salmonella strains, and improve an understanding of potential risk for human and animal infections.  相似文献   

Murine typhus, which is caused by Rickettsia typhi, has a wide range of clinical manifestations. It has a low mortality rate but may result in meningoencephalitis and interstitial pneumonia in severe cases. Comparisons of complete genome sequences of R. typhi isolates from North Carolina, USA (Wilmington), Myanmar (B9991PP), and Thailand (TH1527) identified only 26 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and 7 insertion-deletion (INDEL) sites in these highly syntenic genomes. Assays were developed to further define the distribution of these variant sites among 15 additional isolates of R. typhi with different histories from Asia, the USA, and Africa. Mismatch amplification mutation assays (MAMA) were validated for 22 SNP sites, while the 7 INDEL sites were analyzed directly on agarose gels. Six SNP types, 9 INDEL types, 11 total types were identified among these 18 isolates. Replicate DNA samples as well as comparisons of isolates with different passage and source histories gave consistent genetic typing profiles. Comparison of the SNP and INDEL markers to R. typhi’s nearest neighbor Rickettsia prowazekii demonstrated that the majority of the SNPs represent intra-species variation that arose post divergence of these two species while several INDEL sites also exhibited intraspecies variability among the R. prowazekii genomes that have been completely sequenced. The assays for the presence of these SNP and INDEL sites, particularly the latter, comprise a low technology gel method for consistently distinguishing R. typhi and R. prowazekii as well as for differentiating genetic types of R. typhi.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to determine the mechanism of iron-uptake in Salmonella typhi. When stressed for iron, microorganisms produce siderophores to obtain the necessary nutrient. Generally two types of siderophores exist: the phenolate-type predominantly produced by bacteria and the hydroxamate-type commonly secreted by fungi. Results of this investigation showed that S. typhi produced siderophores of the phenolate-type since culture supernatant of the organism grown under iron-deprivation supported the growth of the phenolate-dependent auxotroph. The culture supernatant when extracted for phenolate siderophores, also supported the growth of the phenolate auxotroph but not the hydroxamate auxotroph. Production of phenolate-type siderophores were further confirmed using biochemical assays. These results showed that S. typhi utilized the high-affinity iron transport system to obtain the necessary iron.  相似文献   

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