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A study was conducted to see whether patients with duodenal ulcers that failed to heal in response to H2 receptor antagonists had a higher incidence of recurrent ulceration after highly selective vagotomy than patients whose ulcers healed with these drugs. Between 1977 and 1983, 157 patients had a highly selective vagotomy for uncomplicated duodenal ulcer; in 57 patients the ulcer had failed to heal despite treatment with H2 receptor antagonists (refractory group), 19 patients had developed recurrent ulceration while receiving maintenance treatment, 67 patients had remained healed while taking H2 receptor antagonists but suffered frequent relapses when treatment was stopped, and 14 patients had not been given these drugs before operation. The overall incidence of recurrent ulceration was 6% after two years and 11% after five years of follow up. In the refractory group, however, the incidence of recurrent ulceration was 18% at two years and 34% after five years, whereas the incidence of recurrence was only 1.5% at two years and 3% after five years in patients whose ulcers had healed with H2 receptor antagonists. Resistance to H2 receptor antagonists was not related to preoperative basal or peak acid output but was related to cigarette smoking. Factors associated with recurrent ulceration after highly selective vagotomy were basal acid outputs before and after operation, cigarette smoking, and the surgeon who performed the operation.Duodenal ulcers that fail to respond to H2 receptor antagonists represent a more severe ulcer diathesis, for which highly selective vagotomy is less effective.  相似文献   

Brain dopamine (DA) systems are known to be important in regulation of behavior conditioned to appetitive stimuli. Nevertheless, despite a large body of evidence showing behavioral deficits in the operant conditioning paradigm produced by DA receptor blockade, there have been relatively few studies directly assessing behavioral changes in classical conditioning paradigm under this drug treatment. By employing an appetitive Pavlovian conditioning task, the present work investigated the effects of selective D1 and D2 receptor antagonists on the expression and acquisition of the conditioned orienting response (COR) and food-cup approach. SCH23390 (0, 0.05, and 0.10 mg/kg) and raclopride (0, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg) were administered via an intra-peritoneal route in a between-group design. Data from Experiment 1 showed that both SCH23390 and raclopride suppressed expression of the COR and food-cup approach, but only the impairment produced by raclopride reached a significant level. In Experiment 2, with SCH23390 being administered during the acquisition phase, the suppressed COR was completely restored in a subsequent (24 h later) drug-free session. In contrast, the suppressed COR in raclopride-pretreated groups was only partially restored. These findings support the view that the DA system plays a role in the neural substrates underlying this appetitive conditioning. In addition, D2 receptors are more likely involved in the modulation of learning process of the COR than D1 receptors.  相似文献   

In normosensitive mice either the D1 antagonist SCH 23390 or the D2 antagonist sulpiride inhibited the reversion of reserpine-induced akinesia elicited by the mixed D1/D2 agonist pergolide. In mice rendered supersensitive by a five days' reserpine treatment, sulpiride did not prevent the pergolide-induced reversal of akinesia while SCH 23390 disclosed two subpopulations of mice. One population responded to pergolide with marked locomotor activity whereas in the other subpopulation this response was absent. However, all mice challenged with pergolide failed to reverse reserpine-akinesia after alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (AMPT) pretreatment. The alpha 1/alpha 2 agonist clonidine restored the ability of pergolide to overcome reserpine akinesia in supersensitive mice pretreated with SCH 23390. Clonidine reversed the akinesia in supersensitive mice but in normal animals it did not. However, in these last conditions, the combined use of clonidine plus the D2 agonist LY 171555 was effective to induce locomotion. Neither AMPT nor SCH 23390 inhibited this response whereas the alpha-adrenergic antagonists prazosin and yohimbine did prevent it. The alpha 2 agonist B-HT 920 failed to induce locomotor responses when given together with LY 171555. The same occurred with the D1 agonist SKF 38393 when given together with clonidine. The combined use of SCH 23390 plus prazosin in chronic reserpinized mice prevented pergolide-induced locomotion. Adrenergic stimulation, acting on alpha 1 receptors, could be an alternative to D1 stimulation as a necessary factor to obtain D2-induced motor responses under normo and supersensitive conditions.  相似文献   

Solubilization of the D-1 dopamine receptor from rat striatum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The D-1 dopamine receptor was extracted from rat striatal membranes with 0.7% sodium cholate and 1 M NaCl. Pretreatment of the membranes with a D-1 specific agonist, inclusion of crude phospholipids in the solubilization buffer, and subsequent removal of the detergent led to a maximal extraction of 48% of the receptor binding sites. The D-1 antagonist, [125I]SCH 23982, bound to single class of sites with a Kd of 1.8 nM and a Bmax of 1.65 pmol/mg protein. The solubilized receptors retained the ability to discriminate between active and inactive enantiomers of agonists and antagonists selective for the D-1 receptor.  相似文献   

The hypothermia induced by apomorphine, a mixed dopamine (DA) agonist in male Swiss-Webster mice, was not blocked by the selective D-1 antagonist SCH 23390 but was completely blocked by the selective D-2 antagonists haloperidol, sulpiride and YM-09151-2. The selective D-1 agonist SKF 38393 did not elicit hypothermic response but the selective D-2 agonist quinpirole caused a marked lowering of rectal temperature. D-2 antagonists blocked this response to quinpirole. SCH 23390 enhanced and SKF 38393 attenuated the hypothermia induced by quinpirole. Ineffective doses of haloperidol and SKF 38393, when given together, completely blocked the effect of quinpirole. It was concluded that hypothermia is a D-2 receptor mediated response but modulated by the D-1 receptor system. In another series of experiments the influence of neuroleptics and antidepressants on the hypothermic effect of apomorphine and quinpirole was investigated. The hypothermic effect of a low dose (1 mg/kg) of apomorphine was blocked by the D-2 receptor antagonists, but not by classical antidepressants. However, the response to a high dose (10 mg/kg) of apomorphine was blocked by both classical antidepressants and D-2 antagonists (except haloperidol). These drugs did not show similar effect on quinpirole-induced hypothermia. It is clear that the hypothermic response, especially that of quinpirole, is not a suitable model for testing either neuroleptics or antidepressants.  相似文献   

Distinct target size of dopamine D-1 and D-2 receptors in rat striatum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Frozen rat striatal tissue was exposed to 10 MeV electrons from a linear accelerator. Based on the theory of target size analysis, the molecular weights of dopamine D-1 receptors (labelled by 3H-piflutixol) and dopamine D-2 receptors (labelled by 3H-spiroperidol) were 79,500 daltons and 136,700 daltons, respectively. The size of the dopamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase was 202,000 daltons. The estimated molecular sizes were deduced by reference to proteins with known molecular weights which were irradiated in parallel. The results showed that the molecular entities for 3H-piflutixol binding and 3H-spiroperidol binding were not identical. The present results do not allow conclusions as to whether D-1 and D-2 receptors are two distinct proteins in the membrane, or whether the receptors are located on the same protein. In the latter case the binding of 3H-spiroperidol needs the presence of a second molecule.  相似文献   

A series of alpha1a receptor antagonists derived from a 4-aryl-3,4-dihydropyridine-2-one heterocycle is disclosed. Potency in the low nanomolar to picomolar range along with high selectivity was obtained. In vivo efficacy in a prostate contraction model in rats was observed with a few derivatives.  相似文献   

ATP, acting on P2X7 receptors, stimulates changes in intracellular calcium concentrations, maturation, and release of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and following prolonged agonist exposure, cell death. The functional effects of P2X7 receptor activation facilitate several proinflammatory processes associated with arthritis. Within the nervous system, these proinflammatory processes may also contribute to the development and maintenance of chronic pain. Emerging data from genetic knockout studies have indicated specific roles for P2X7 receptors in inflammatory and neuropathic pain states. The discovery of multiple distinct chemical series of potent and highly selective P2X7 receptor antagonists have enhanced our understanding of P2X7 receptor pharmacology and the diverse array of P2X7 receptor signaling mechanisms. These antagonists have provided mechanistic insight into the role(s) P2X7 receptors play under pathophysiological conditions. In this review, we integrate the recent discoveries of novel P2X7 receptor-selective antagonists with a brief update on P2X7 receptor pharmacology and its therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Insulin receptors from chicken liver and brain were studied following alterations in the nutritional state. Chickens were either fasted for 48 h, fasted for 48 h and then refed for 24 h, or fed a regular diet ad libitum. 125I-Porcine insulin binding was significantly elevated in liver membranes from the fasted animals and lowered in refed chickens when compared to preparations from ad libitum fed chickens. These changes in 125I-insulin binding were inversely related to the levels of plasma insulin and since receptor affinities for insulin were similar in each group, they probably represent alterations in receptor number. Apparent Mr of alpha subunits of the insulin receptors was unaffected by alterations in the nutritional states. The presence of ATPase-like activities that co-eluted with liver insulin receptors from wheat germ agglutinin lectin columns but not from pea lectin columns necessitated the use of both pea and wheat germ agglutinin for liver insulin receptor purification. The insulin receptors purified from both lectin columns were recognized by anti-insulin receptor antiserum and had similar affinities for insulin which were unaltered by the nutritional state. Insulin-stimulatable autophosphorylation of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor was lower in livers from fasted chickens and intermediate in refed chickens. Furthermore, basal and insulin-induced phosphorylation of the artificial substrate poly(Glu,Tyr) 4:1 was significantly less in the fasting state and intermediate in the refed state compared to the ad libitum fed state. Insulin sensitivity (measured as the dose of insulin required for 50% maximal stimulation of kinase activity) was similar in all three states suggesting that the differences in insulin-induced phosphorylation are due to a change in maximal stimulation and not a change in insulin sensitivity. In contrast to the alterations seen with liver receptors, brain insulin receptors were unaffected by these alterations in nutritional state. These findings suggest that: liver insulin receptors are affected by altering the nutritional state; insulin binding to liver membranes is inversely related to plasma insulin levels; and tyrosine kinase is decreased both in fasted and refed animals suggesting an uncoupling of the normal interaction between alpha subunit and beta subunit in liver insulin receptors.  相似文献   

Using mutants (tgt, mnmA(asuE, trmU), mnmE(trmE), miaA, miaB, miaE, truA(hisT), truB) of either Escherichia coli or Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and the trm5 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have analyzed the influence by the modified nucleosides Q34, mnm(5)s(2)U34, ms(2)io(6)A37, Psi39, Psi55, m(1)G37, and yW37 on -1 frameshifts errors at various heptameric sequences, at which at least one codon is decoded by tRNAs having these modified nucleosides. The frequency of -1 frameshifting was the same in congenic strains only differing in the allelic state of the various tRNA modification genes. In fact, in one case (deficiency of mnm(5)s(2)U34), we observed a reduced ability of the undermodified tRNA to make a -1 frameshift error. These results are in sharp contrast to earlier observations that tRNA modification prevents +1 frameshifting suggesting that the mechanisms by which -1 and +1 frameshift errors occur are different. Possible mechanisms explaining these results are discussed.  相似文献   

D- and L-lactate catabolism to CO2 in rat tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current study was initiated in order to compare the rates of oxidative catabolism of D- and L-lactate in various rat tissues. Uniformly labeled D- or L-[14C]lactate was incubated at 37 degrees C in a closed system with tissue homogenates in Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer. Evolved 14CO2 was trapped in a center well containing a fluted filter paper saturated with strong base and the radioactivity determined. The ratio of L-lactate to D-lactate oxidation was greatest in brain, followed by kidney, heart, and liver. In liver the rate of oxidation of D-lactate exceeded that of L-lactate, in heart the rates were not significantly different and in the other two tissues L-lactate was oxidized more rapidly than D-lactate. These results indicate that the rate of D-lactate catabolism is considerable and is relatively greater than had been reported previously.  相似文献   

Western blot analysis demonstrated that PC-12 cells express monomeric and dimeric forms of serine racemase (m-SR, d-SR) and that 1321N1 cells express m-SR. Quantitative RT-PCR and functional studies demonstrated that PC-12 cells express homomeric and heteromeric forms of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR) while 1321N1 cells primarily express the α7-nAChR subtype. The effect of nAChR agonists and antagonists on SR activity and expression was examined by following concentration-dependent changes in intracellular d-Ser levels and SR protein expression. Incubation with (S)-nicotine increased d-Ser levels, which were attenuated by the α7-nAChR antagonist methyllycaconitine (MLA). Treatment of PC-12 cells with mecamylamine (MEC) produced a bimodal reduction of d-Ser reflecting MEC inhibition of homomeric and heteromeric nAChRs, while a unimodal curve was observed with 1321N1 cells, reflecting predominant expression of α7-nAChR. The nAChR subtype selectivity was probed using α7-nAChR selective inhibitors MLA and (R,S)-dehydronorketamine and α3β4-nAChR specific inhibitor AT-1001. The compounds reduced d-Ser in PC-12 cells, but only MLA and (R,S)-dehydronorketamine were effective in 1321N1 cells. Incubation of PC-12 and 1321N1 cells with (S)-nicotine, MEC and AT-1001 did not affect m-SR or d-SR expression, while MLA and (R,S)-dehydronorketamine increased m-SR expression but not SR mRNA levels. Treatment with cycloheximide indicated that increased m-SR was due to de novo protein synthesis associated with phospho-active forms of ERK1/2, MARCKS, Akt and rapamycin-sensitive mTOR. This effect was attenuated by treatment with the pharmacological inhibitors U0126, LY294002 and rapamycin, which selectively block the activation of ERK1/2, Akt and mTOR, respectively, and siRNAs directed against ERK1/2, Akt and mTOR. We propose that nAChR-associated changes in Ca2 + flux affect SR activity, but not expression, and that MLA and (R,S)-dehydronorketamine bind to allosteric sites on the α7-nAChR and promote multiple signaling cascades that converge at mTOR to increase m-SR levels.  相似文献   

Spontaneous locomotor activity (SLA) of the male rats possesses significant individual differences. The daily volume of this activity is sufficiently stable for each separate individual. Animals with high and low SLA also differ in daily dynamics of this parameter. The behaviour of the rats with low SLA was characterized by lesser orienting activity and greater emotional reactivity in comparison to the rats with high SLA. By means of factor analysis it was established that, along with searching activity, emotional reactivity and alimentary motivation, the need in motor activity is one of the main inner factors, determining various manifestations of adaptive behaviour.  相似文献   

The mechanism of agonist-induced desensitization of the D-2 dopamine receptor in the intermediate lobe (IL) of the rat pituitary gland was investigated. Exposure of neurointermediate lobe to 60 microM (-)apomorphine (APO) for 60 min altered the binding of [125I]-N-(p-aminophenethyl)spiperone (NAPS), a D-2 receptor-specific ligand. The capacity of the tissue to bind the ligand (Bmax) was not significantly altered by the exposure to (-)APO but the affinity for [125I]NAPS was decreased 3.6-fold in (-)APO-exposed tissue. The molar potency of YM-09151-2, a D-2 receptor-specific antagonist, showed a minimal difference between in control and (-)-APO-exposed tissue. However, the molar potency of (-)APO towards the D-2 receptor was diminished. The loss of [125I]NAPS binding in (-)APO-exposed tissue was reversed by the addition of guanyl nucleotide. These data suggest that exposure to agonist causes a persistent occupancy of the high affinity state of the receptor. Exposure to (-)APO had no effect on either basal or forskolin-activated adenylate cyclase activity of the intermediate lobe. However, the inhibitory effect of (-)APO upon adenylate cyclase activity of IL homogenates was diminished when the tissue was exposed to (-)APO before homogenization. Furthermore, the ability of GTP but not 5'-guanylyl imidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p] to inhibit enzyme activity diminished in the (-)APO-exposed tissue. These data suggest that an agonist-induced desensitization of D-2 receptor in rat IL is thought to occur by uncoupling the receptor from the inhibitory guanyl nucleotide binding protein (Gi) or potentiating the hydrolysis of GTP by Gi.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that autoantibodies to oxidation epitopes on oxidized LDL (OxLDL) promote the clearance of OxLDL from the plasma. Human LDL (hLDL) was injected into immune-competent apolipoprotein E-deficient (apoE(-/-)) mice and immune-deficient apoE(-/-)/recombination-activating gene-deficient mice that lack mature T and B cells and thus antibodies. There was a progressive decrease in human apoB-100 in the plasma in all mice, but the rate of clearance was not greater in the immune-competent mice than in the immune-deficient mice. Interestingly, oxidized phospholipid (OxPL) epitopes as detected by the EO6 antibody on the hLDL increased over time, suggesting de novo oxidation of the LDL or transfer of OxPL to the particles. Because the native LDL was not extensively modified, we also examined the clearance of copper OxLDL. Although the extensively OxLDL was cleared faster than the native LDL, there was no difference in the rate of clearance as a function of immune status. There appeared to be some transfer of OxPL to the endogenous murine LDL. Together, these results suggest that oxidation-specific antibodies do not participate to any great extent in the clearance of OxLDL from plasma. However, it is possible that such antibodies may bind to oxidation epitopes and modulate lesion formation within the vessel wall.  相似文献   

Mature B-lymphocytes develop sequentially from transitional type 1 (T1) and type 2 (T2) precursors in the spleen. To elucidate the mechanisms that regulate the developmental fate of these distinct B cell subsets, we investigated their biochemical and biological responses following stimulation through the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR). As compared with the T1 subset, T2 cells are more responsive to BCR engagement, as evidenced by their robust induction of activation markers, expression of the prosurvival protein Bcl-x(L), and enhanced proliferation. BCR stimulation of T2 cells leads to the appearance of B cells with mature phenotypic characteristics, whereas T1 cells die. All of these T2 responses are dependent on the BCR signal transducer Bruton's tyrosine kinase, which is dispensable for the T1 to T2 transition. Furthermore, the serine/threonine kinases ERK, p38 MAPK, and Akt are predominantly activated in T2 compared with T1 B cells following BCR cross-linking. We conclude that T1 and T2 B cells respond differentially to BCR engagement via the induction of stage-specific signaling pathways. In turn, these signaling pathways probably govern the development and selection processes that are critical for the formation of the mature B cell compartment.  相似文献   

In vivo biodistribution of S- and R-isomers of [125I]IBZM in rats showed a significant initial brain uptake (3.20 and 2.67% dose/organ at 2 min, respectively). The wash-out from the brain was slower for the S-isomer. The striatum to cerebellum ratio for [125I]S-IBZM decreased with an increasing dose of cold carrier or spiperone, suggesting that the brain uptake is stereospecific and saturable, and may be related to the binding of D-2 dopamine receptors. In a dual isotope digital autoradiography study [125I]IBZM and [3H]NMSP(N-methylspiperone) show comparable regional cerebral distribution in rats.  相似文献   

Svensson TH  Mathé JM 《Amino acids》2000,19(1):221-226
Summary. Systemic administration of two chemically different AMPA receptor antagonists, GYKI52466, 20 mg/kg, and LY326325, 18 mg/kg, given subcutaneously, caused a selective suppression of conditioned avoidance response in the rat with preservation of escape behavior. The number of intertrial crosses was not affected and no catalepsy was observed. These experimental results indicate, in principle, an antipsychotic effect of AMPA receptor antagonists with a low liability for extrapyramidal side effects and, consequently, a pharmacological profile consonant with atypical antipsychotic drugs. Received August 31, 1999 Accepted September 20, 1999  相似文献   

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