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Circular dichroism spectra of three monomeric components of Glycera dibranchiata hemoglobins are reported. Contrary to what is found for most hemoglobins and myoglobins, G. dibranchiata hemoglobins display largely negative dichroic spectra in the Soret region. Independent NMR measurements have shown that the same monomeric hemoglobin components contain the heme moiety predominantly (greater than 85%) oriented in a reversed way with respect to the orientation which occurs in most hemoglobins and myoglobins. On the basis of these independent NMR studies, and also of previous data on other invertebrate hemoproteins, a correlation appears evident between reversed heme orientation in hemoglobins and negative ellipticity in the Soret CD spectrum. This represents a simple tool to evaluate this aspect of heme asymmetric environment.  相似文献   

Using resonance Raman and infrared absorption spectroscopies, we show that there are no energetically significant structural changes at the heme upon the quaternary structure transition in six-coordinate hemoglobins. These observations are at variance with the presently accepted mechanism for cooperativity, which postulates severe strain in the T quaternary structure of liganded hemoglobin. By consideration of the present results, and studies on deoxyhemoglobins and photodissociated hemoglobins, a view of the distribution of the free energy of cooperativity emerges. In five-coordinate deoxyhemoglobins the iron-histidine bond is able to respond to the protein structure, thereby accounting for a wide variation (40 cm(1] in its frequency. In contrast, when a sixth ligand is present and the iron is pulled into plane, the histidine-heme-ligand complex becomes structurally rigid, thereby preventing protein-induced changes at the heme. Instead, in liganded hemoglobin the changes in structure that occur at the subunit interface upon the quaternary structure transition are accommodated away from the heme by relatively weak bonds in the protein.  相似文献   

Native globins isolated from trout hemoglobin compoents I and IV have been reconstituted with proto-, meso-, and deuteroheme, and the spectral and functional properties of the reconstituted hemoglobins have been investigated. Equilibrium and kinetic studies allow the following conclusions. (a) The properties of the proto-reconstituted hemoglobins are very similar, or indistinguishable, from those of the native Hb's I and IV. (B) The CO binding kinetics for both proteins were found to be consistent with the equilibrium data: the overall association rate constant increases (and the autocatalytic character of the reaction decreases) in the order proto, meso, deutero. (c) A marked pH dependence of both ligand affinity and cooperativity is maintained in the reconstituted Hb's IV: at pH 6 the fractional saturation with oxygen in air (Root effect) is lower for proto- than for meso- and deutero-Hb IV. The results obtained, including partial photodissociation experiments at different pH values, can be considered, to a first approximation, consistent with the basic features of a simple two-states model.  相似文献   

The focus of this study was to examine the functional role of the unusual peripheral substitution of heme A. The effects of heme A stereochemistry on the reconstitution of the porphyrin have been examined in the heme A-apo-myoglobin complex using optical absorption and resonance Raman and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies. The addition of one equivalent of heme A to apo-Mb produces a complex which displays spectroscopic signals consistent with a distribution of high- and low-spin heme chromophores. These results indicate that the incorporation of heme A into apo-Mb significantly perturbs the protein refolding.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional 1H-NMR methods have been used to assign heme and amino acid proton resonances in both isomeric states of the carbon monoxide complexes of two Glycera dibranchiata monomeric hemoglobins, HbA and HbB. For each hemoglobin, there are small differences in heme pocket structure in the two isomeric forms. The largest structural perturbations associated with heme isomerism involve residues close to pyrrole rings I and II. The positions relative to the heme of phenylalanine CD1 and the proximal histidine ligand are almost unaffected by heme isomerism. These residues probably play a key role in determining the location of the heme within the heme pocket.  相似文献   

1. A survey of the literature on the extracellular hemoglobins and chlorocruorins of over 30 species of annelids, covering the last 30 years, shows that the range of iron content is 0.211-0.265 wt.% (mean = 0.228 +/- 0.013, N = 28) and the range of the heme content is 1.83-3.64 wt.% (mean = 2.60 +/- 0.38, N = 29). 2. There is relatively little scatter in the values of the experimental iron contents and only one of the 28 values is clearly outside the standard deviation range. 3. The values of heme contents are much more scattered, with seven values, clearly outside the standard deviation limits. 4. The aberrant cases are discussed and it is noted that the mean heme content of 2.60 wt.% corresponds to an iron content of 0.236 wt.% in excellent agreement with the mean iron content of 0.228 wt.%. 5. This result suggests strongly that experimental values of iron and heme contents outside the ranges of 0.211-0.243 and 2.3-2.7 wt.%, respectively, corresponding to a minimum molecular mass outside the range 23,000-26,000, should be regarded with caution.  相似文献   

Photo-reversal of the carbon monoxide inhibition of heme oxygenase reaction by monochromatic light was investigated. Heme degradation in either the microsomal or the reconstituted heme oxygenase system was inhibited by CO. In both systems the extents of Co inhibition were dependent on the CO/O2 ratio and were nearly equal at a given CO/O2 ratio. In the reconstituted heme oxygenase reaction using a highly purified heme oxygenase preparation the relationship between the intensity of light and the degree of reversal of the CO inhibition of heme degradation as expressed in terms of delta K/Kd was not linear, but the tentatively obtained photochemical action spectrum exhibited the peaks of reversal at about 420, 540, 570, and 640 nm and suggested the occurrence of at least two steps of CO inhibition in the overall sequence of heme degradation. One could be ascribed to protoheme and the other was supposed to be the 688 nm compound which is an intermediate locating between hydroxyheme and the biliverdin-iron complex in the sequence of heme degradation.  相似文献   

The nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) was used to investigate heme orientation and to obtain assignments for all resolved resonances in the 1H-NMR spectrum of met-cyano Chironomus thummi thummi monomeric hemoglobins III and IV (Hb III and Hb IV). The only non-heme resolved resonance was found to be from Phe-38 (CD1), and NOE dipolar connectivity between this resonance and the heme 5- and 8-methyls was used to establish the absolute orientation of the heme for each heme-insertion isomer present. The assignments of resonances and heme disorder permitted structural comparisons between the various components, including those due to a point mutation in Hb III. Finally, the characteristic differences of NOE patterns to amino-acid protons from substituents on heme pyrroles I and II formed the basis for assigning resonances and heme orientation relative to native Hb IV for deuterohemin-reconstituted Hb IV, for which there are no X-ray data available.  相似文献   

Truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) are low-molecular-weight oxygen-binding heme-proteins distributed in eubacteria, cyanobacteria, unicellular eukaryotes, and in higher plants, constituting a distinct group within the hemoglobin (Hb) superfamily. TrHbs display amino acid sequences 20-40 residues shorter than classical (non)vertebrate Hbs and myoglobins, to which they are scarcely related by sequence similarity. The trHb tertiary structure is based on a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich, which represents a striking editing of the highly conserved 3-on-3 alpha-helical globin fold, achieved through deletion/truncation of alpha-helices and specific residue substitutions. Despite their 'minimal' polypeptide chain span, trHbs display an inner tunnel/cavity system held to support ligand diffusion to/from the heme distal pocket, accumulation of heme ligands within the protein matrix, and/or multiligand reactions. Moreover, trHbs bind and effectively stabilize the heme and recognize diatomic ligands (i.e., O2, CO, NO, and cyanide), albeit with varying thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. Here, structural bases for heme binding and diatomic ligand recognition by trHbs are reviewed.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin has been reconstituted into lipid vesicles with dipalmitoyl and dimyristoyls phosphatidylcholine. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements show that the proteins are in a monomeric state above the main lipid phase transition temperature (Tc), 41 and 23°C for dipalmitoyl and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine, respectively. Below Tc, the CD spectrum is the same as that found for the purple membrane. The latter result implies that the orientation of the chromophore at these temperatures is most likely the same as in the purple membrane (70° ± 5° from the normal to the membrane plane).Transient dichroism measurements show that below Tc the proteins are immobile, while above this temperature protein rotation around an axis normal to the plane of the membrane is occurring. In addition, from the data the angle of the chromophore for the rotating proteins with respect to the rotational diffusion axis can be calculated. This angle is found to be 30° ± 3° and 29° ± 4° in dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, respectively. This is considerably smaller than the value of 70° ± 5° for the natural biomembrane. A reversible reorientation of the chromophore above and below the respective main Tc transition temperature could explain the change of angle observed provided that all the molecules rotate above Tc.  相似文献   

The structure, ligand binding kinetics, and thermodynamics of hemoglobin have been the subject of a great deal of investigation. However, the exact pathway(s) by which cooperative energetics are communicated within the protein remain undefined. The effects of interspecies variations in quaternary and tertiary structure, oxygen affinity, cooperativity, and ligand binding kinetics upon the overall ligand binding process are, therefore, of great importance in understanding and solving these problems. The demonstrated sensitivity of resonance Raman spectroscopy to heme structure and environment make it an ideal probe of ligand binding dynamics. It is possible to examine how specific vibrational modes change with time and correlate this with solution conditions and protein structural and conformational differences. Those modes which exhibit the greatest change with ligand photolysis are also indicative of possible paths of cooperative energy dissipation within the protein. The changes which occur in the vibrational modes of the heme within 10 ns of CO photolysis have been determined for a wide variety of mammalian and reptilian hemoglobins. The modes most affected by this process are, without exception, nu(Fe-His), nu4, and the substituent bending modes, delta(cb - s) and delta(cb - c alpha - c beta). Furthermore, a direct correlation exists between the shift in porphyrin pi electron density upon CO photolysis (as indicated by the transient changes in nu 4) and the Hill coefficient of cooperativity. The implications of those results concerning ligand binding cooperativity in hemoglobins are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently we have shown that maltoporin channels reconstituted into black lipid membranes have pronounced asymmetric properties in both ion conduction and sugar binding. This asymmetry revealed also that maltoporin insertion is directional. However, the orientation in the lipid bilayer remained an open question. To elucidate the orientation, we performed point mutations at each side of the channel and analyzed the ion current fluctuation caused by an asymmetric maltohexaose addition. In a second series we used a chemically modified maltohexaose sugar molecule with inhibited entry possibility from the periplasmic side. In contrast to the natural outer cell wall of bacteria, we found that the maltoporin inserts in artificial lipid bilayer in such a way that the long extracellular loops are exposed to the same side of the membrane than protein addition. Based on this orientation, the directional properties of sugar binding were correlated to physiological conditions. We found that nature has optimized maltoporin channels by lowering the activation barriers at each extremity of the pore to trap sugar molecules from the external medium and eject them most efficiently to the periplasmic side.  相似文献   

A native globin from the dimeric hemoglobin, hemoglobin I, of the mollusc Scapharca inaequivalvis has been obtained with the acid-acetone method. The globin has a lower sedimentation coefficient than the native protein at neutral pH; its reconstitution product with natural heme has the same physicochemical and functional properties as the native protein. proto- and meso-cobalt hemoglobin I have been prepared and characterized. proto-Cobalt hemoglobin I binds oxygen reversibly with a lower affinity and a lower cooperativity than native hemoglobin I; thus, the changes in the functional properties brought about by substitution of iron with cobalt are similar to those observed in human hemoglobin A. The EPR spectra of deoxy-proto-cobalt hemoglobin I and of the photolysis product of oxy-meso-cobalt hemoglobin I indicate that two histidine residues are the apical heme ligands. The broad signal at g = 2.38 in deoxy-proto-cobalt hemoglobin I points to a constrained structure of the heme site in this derivative which results from a distorted coordination of the hindered proximal histidine. A similar structure has been proposed previously for the alpha chains in deoxy-cobalt hemoglobin A.  相似文献   

The infrared spectra for carbon monoxide complexed to hemoglobins were examined in the C-O stretch region. Deconvolution of the spectra requires four bands and supports the presence of four distinct conformers at the ligand binding site. Most typical hemoglobins exhibit only one predominant conformer for each subunit represented by a band at 1951 cm-1 in contrast to myoglobins, which typically exist in two major conformations. Several hemoglobins with an enlarged heme pocket are shown to shift the C-O frequency into the higher frequency conformer regions. Many factors, including pH, temperature, solvents, and divalent metals, are also shown to be capable of expanding the heme pocket. Only very specific structural changes that can reduce the size of the heme pocket will result in the lower frequency conformers. The weighted averages of the multiple CO vibrational frequencies are linearly related to the single 13CO NMR chemical shift values and to the exponential of fast CO on-rates. Conformer interconversion occurs at a rate greater than 10(4) s-1. The infrared C-O stretch spectra provide qualitative and quantitative information on the structural dynamics, stability, and ligand binding properties of hemoglobins.  相似文献   

A partially purified preparation of the aspartate/glutamate carrier from bovine heart mitochondria was reconstituted into liposomal membranes by chromatography on hydrophobic ion exchange resins. Based on the favorable conditions of this reconstituted system the transmembrane orientation of the inserted carrier protein could be determined by functional analysis. For reliable measurement of the reconstituted aspartate-glutamate exchange activity an optimized inhibitor-stop technique using pyridoxal phosphate was developed. By simultaneous application of both forward and backward exchange experiments the practical usefulness of the reconstituted system could be extended to investigations including variation of internal and external substrate concentrations over a wide range. Thereby a complete set of Km values for both aspartate and glutamate at both the internal and external side of the proteoliposomes could be established. These experiments led to the following results and conclusions: (i) The observed substrate affinities are clearly different for the two different membrane sides both for aspartate (external 50 microM, internal 3 mM) and glutamate (external about 200 microM, internal 3 mM). (ii) The exclusive presence of only one type of transport affinity for every single substrate at one side of the liposomal membrane clearly demonstrates the asymmetric orientation of the functionally active carrier protein molecules. (iii) When comparing the values of these constants with published data obtained in mitochondria, an inside-out orientation of the aspartate/glutamate carrier after isolation and reinsertion into liposomes is strongly suggested.  相似文献   

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