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Strains of Drosophila melanogaster homozygous for either the Adh F or the Adh S allele were kept on food supplemented with ethanol for 20 generations. These strains (FE and SE) were tested for tolerance to ethanol and compared with control strains (FN and SN). The E strains showed increased tolerance to ethanol both in the adult and in the juvenile life stages. In adults the increase in tolerance was not accompanied by an increase in overall ADH activity. However, there were changes in the distribution of ADH over the body parts. Flies of the FE strain possessed significantly more ADH in the abdomen, compared with FN. Another set of FN and SN populations were started both on standard food and on ethanol food with reduced yeast concentrations. After 9 months ADH activities were determined in flies from these populations which had been placed on three different media: the food the populations had been kept on, regular food and regular food supplemented with ethanol. The phenotypic effects of yeast reduction on ADH activity were considerably, but longterm genetic effects were limited.  相似文献   

Adult Drosophila melanogaster flies collected from populations broadly dispersed over ecological and geographic strata of North Carolina, and over a period of 4 years, were analyzed for alcohol dehydrogenase phenotypes by gel electrophoresis. Gene frequencies in spring-summer-fall field collections were remarkably stable over all strata. Two winter collections exhibited contrasting gene frequency changes. In one case the results are interpreted in terms of long-distance migration from Florida, while the other is explicable by assignment of a causal role to environmental factors which accompany the winter season.This investigation was supported in part by NIH Research Grant No. GM11546 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and by Contract No. AT-(40-1)-3980 from the United States Atomic Energy Commission.Paper No. 4719 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina 27609.  相似文献   

Keeping Drosophila cultures at 28 C results in elimination of all minor multiple ADH bands, thought to be due to conformational change. Thus in diploid and triploid adults heterozygous for the Adh F and Adh Salleles, relative staining intensities are found for the three bands which were in conformity with the assumption that both alleles are equally expressed. Among all polymorphic strains derived from natural Central European and Mediterranean populations, the strain +Tüb is unique in that its Adh Fallele is closely linked to a new recessive lethal factor, named 1(2)Stm. All Adh F 1/AdhF 1 pupae are unable to emerge, and die. The lethal effect is obvious 50 hr earlier by retarded eye, bristle, and body wall pigmentation. Although all pupae of the phenotype F die, Adh F allele frequency scarcely seems to be lowered in this natural population.  相似文献   

The P-M system of hybrid dysgenesis inDrosophila melanogaster was investigated on the basis of gonadal dysgenesis, using 1,590 strains from 28 natural populations in Japan, and 20 populations from Southeast Asia, the Pacific area and Africa. Strong P strains were found sporadically in several populations in Japan. Few strong M strains were observed. Q strains were present at a high frequency in most populations. Thus, most populations in these areas were regarded as Q populations. The distribution of the P element and the evolution of P, Q and M populations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH, E. C. gene ofDrosophila melanogaster contains a tandem duplication of a 4.5-kb-long DNA fragment. Survey of theGpdh gene region by the Southern blot analysis revealed the following features of this gene duplication: (1) The duplication was not observed in chromosome lines that carryIn(2L)t, a cosmopolitan chromosomal inversion in this species. The duplication and the inversion are in linkage disequilibrium. (2) The duplication is polymorphic in the Japan and US natural populations examined. Its frequency is 0.26 on an average inIn(2L)t-free chromosomes. (3) Triplication is absent or has not become frequent in the populations surveyed. Possible evolutionary factors of this duplication polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Two Drosophila melanogaster strains, each heterozygous for fast and slow alleles at the Adh locus, and each having balanced second chromosomes, were found to differ in the apparent thermostability of the slow allozyme. The two strains were crossed, and F1heterozygotes were separated on the basis of the origin of the slow allele. After electrophoresis, the cellulose acetate strips were treated 1 1/2 min at 35 C. The putatively more sensitive allozyme showed a strikingly greater response to heat. These findings further support the conclusion that electrophoretically cryptic allelic differences exist which are expressed in thermostability differences. Further application of this approach has revealed one similar sensitive slow allozyme and three cases of a relatively resistant fast ADH allozyme in wild-caught flies.This work was supported by NIH Grant GM18967-02-03.  相似文献   

Summary Mother-offspring data for alcohol dehydrogenase genotypes of a vineyard cellar population of D. melanogaster are best explained by a model that allows 21% of females in the population to mate twice with an 83% level of sperm displacement. A population model with multiple mating and sperm displacement is examined theoretically. A formula for the effective population size is derived under this model. Multiple mating increases the effective population size relative to single mating.  相似文献   

The nature and the interconversion of the three multiple forms Adh-5, Adh-4, and Adh-3 of the purified alleloenzymes AdhS, AdhF, and AdhUF from the fruitflyDrosophila melanogaster have been examined. The experiments show that these multiple forms differ from those in crude extracts of flies homozygous at the Adh locus. On electrophoresis in a starch gel containing NAD or NADH, of purified AdhS which consists of the three Adh forms S-5, S-4, and S-3, five enzymatically active zones appear. This contrasts with the single active zone that arises with crude extracts. Of the five zones that appear with purified enzyme, S-5 gives rise to one, while the other four zones come from the two minor forms S-4 and S-3. The occurrence of the three multiple forms Adh-5, Adh-4, and Adh-3 for each of the purified alleloenzymes is considered due to Adh-5 and, in the case of Adh-4 and Adh-3, deamidation of Adh-5, with the Adh-3 fraction also containing some reversible modified Adh-5. Of the labile amides, at least one must be located in the coenzyme binding region with deamidation preventing coenzyme binding. Pure NAD does not convert Adh-5 to Adh-3 and Adh-1. To produce conversion, the presence of either acetone or butanone along with NAD is necessary. Increased amounts of either acetone or butanone result in increased conversion. In contrast to this, none of the carbonyl compounds cyclohexanone, (+)- and (−)-verbenone, acetaldehyde, acrolein, or crotonaldehyde produces conversion. The ketone group binds to the alcohol binding site in the enzyme-NAD complex. Conversion is considered due to the ketone group binding to a nucleophilic amino acid residue and forming a bridge to the C-4 of the nicotinamide moiety of NAD.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism for electrophoretic and heat-sensitive alleles is known at the phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) locus in Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of the distribution of electrophoretic and thermosensitive (ts) alleles was carried out in natural populations from Canada and West Africa and compared with already known data on Italian populations [Trippa, G., Loverre, A., and Catamo, A. (1976). Nature 260:42]. The data show the existence of five common alleles, Pgm 1.00,tr, Pgm 1,00,ts, Pgm 0.70,ts, Pgm 1.20,ts, and Pgm 1.50,tr, and two rare alleles, Pgm 0.55,ts and Pgm 1.20,tr. The most frequent allele is always Pgm 1.00,tr; the second most common allele is always of the ts type. The cumulated frequencies of ts alleles in the populations varies between 11 and 32%. The heat stability polymorphism is present in all populations examined and shows again the uniform geographic pattern that has been found for electrophoretic variation at this locus.This research was partially supported by an operating grant (to G.R.C.) from the Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).  相似文献   

An electrophoretic variant in the LDH (l-lactate:NAD oxidoreductase, E.C. of Drosophila melanogaster was observed on starch (or polyacrylamide) gels. This variant was found to exhibit an identical isozymic pattern (three isozymes with a decreasing staining density) on starch gel and map position as the Adh locus. On the other hand, anodal polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in crude extracts has shown LDH to consist of nine bands and ADH of four bands. We have shown that ADH (Alcohol:NAD oxidoreductase, E.C. also oxidizes l(+)-lactate or d(–)-lactate with the NAD, while LDH oxidizes ethanol. By using various genetic and biochemical techniques, we have shown that the observed Ldh electrophoretic variant was not a real one and could be attributed to the presence of ADH. We have called this phenomenon pseudopolymorphism, and the problem of enzyme specificity has been examined. The appearance of a band in an assay using lactic acid as a substrate is not sufficient evidence for the presence of LDH. Hence, caution is called for before characterizing an electrophoretic band on a gel as being equivalent to the presence of a genetic locus. Out of the nine electrophoretic zones of activity observed on polyacrylamide gel (or out of the six previously observed) using crude extract, only two (one major and one minor) belong to LDH, as revealed by purified enzyme preparations. Furthermore, purified LDH exhibits activity in two bands on starch gel (out of three observed in crude extracts), which appear in different positions as compared with those of ADH. Finally, one band which responds to the presence of d(–)-lactate but not to l(+)-lactate has been revealed.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenase is necessary for ethanol detoxification and metabolic utilization. It has been generally assumed that aldehyde oxidase (AO) produced by the Aldox locus (3–56.7) is necessary for a further transformation of acetaldehyde into acetate. We find that various mutant strains (ma-l or Aldox n) which do not produce an active enzyme show about the same tolerance to alcohol as do wild strains. This physiological paradox is probably to be explained by the discovery of another locus (not localized) which produced a small amount of AO in all tested strains. The adaptive significance of the genetically polymorphic Aldox locus is probably to be looked for in physiological pathways other than ethanol metabolism.  相似文献   

In the natural populations +Tüb, +Prov, and +Rov, similar Adh F allele frequencies occur (q F=0.11, 0.18, and 0.08, respectively). However, there is a discrepancy in that the Adh F allele in +Tüb is closely linked to the lethal factor 1(2)Stm, which reduces relative fitness of the F phenotype to zero. In spite of this, polymorphism is maintained also in +Tüb, because the heterozygotes are superior to the homozygous S type (relative fitness=0.88). Under laboratory culture conditions, in +Tüb the relative fitness of the S genotype further decreases to 0.6. After outcrossing the lethal factor, relative fitnesses for S, FS, and F become 0.6, 1, and 0.48, respectively, implying that fitness for S remains the same. Relative values for S, FS, and F in +Prov, not affected by the lethal factor, are calculated by the maximum average fitness method to be 1, 1.2, and 0.2 under the assumption that heterozygous FS are similarly superior to S as in the natural +Tüb population and all allele frequencies found are stable equilibrium values.  相似文献   

Fifty-two isochromosomal lines ofDrosophila melanogaster were examined for the existence of additional genetic variations in ADH activity subsequent to treatment With guanidine hydrochloride, urea and heat. A wealth of hidden variation was discovered among and within the Mexican populations of the insect after treatment with the denaturants. Dedicated to the late Dr. Sarah B. Pipkin of Howard University.  相似文献   

The cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster at the Chateau Tahbilk Winery (Victoria, Australia) was perturbed for alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene frequencies. Phenol oxidase (Phox) frequencies were also perturbed and monitored as a control. Subsequent gene frequency changes, together with information on population structure, indicated that selection acted on the chromosome regions of both loci. Adh gene frequencies returned to preperturbation levels in a predictable manner. A model in which the relative fitness of Adh phenotypes was determined by temperature-dependent specific activities of enzymes of Adh genotypes adequately accounts for the rate of gene frequency change at this locus. Thus temperature behaves as a selective agent in modulating Adh gene frequencies in this cellar environment.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic studies of the degree and pattern of polymorphism at two third-chromosome loci, esterase-6 (Est-6) and phosphoglucomutase (PGM), were carried out in three Drosophila melanogaster populations collected from different localities in Iraq: Mosul, Tuwaitha, and Basrah. The results show that only the Tuwaitha population was polymorphic for both loci; the other two populations were polymorphic for Est-6 and monomorphic for PGM. The allele frequency changes at both loci were followed for 20 generations in an experimental cage derived from the Tuwaitha population; it was found that there is a deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at both loci toward the homozygote.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis revealed that the alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-2) locus was polymorphic in two populations (from Agua Caliente, California and the Grand Canyon, Arizona) of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis that utilize barrel cactus (Ferocactus acanthodes) as a host plant. Electromorphs representing products of a slow (S) and a fast (F) allele were found in adult flies. The frequency of the slow allele was 0.448 in flies from Agua Caliente and 0.659 in flies from the Grand Canyon. These frequencies were intermediate to those of the low (Baja California peninsula, Mexico) and high (Sonora, Mexico and southern Arizona) frequency Adh-2S populations of D. mojavensis that utilize different species of host cacti.  相似文献   

Haerty W  Jallon JM  Rouault J  Bazin C  Capy P 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):215-224
The aim of this work is to analyze the homogamy previously detected between two natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from Brazzaville. It is shown that mating isolation was still maintained under laboratory conditions 10 years after the populations samples were trapped. Isolation seemed to be due mainly to pre-mating isolation and we checked for any suggestion of post-mating mortality of hybrids. Pre-mating isolation was not symmetrical, and significant 2 values were found in 3/4 possible 3-way mating choice experiments. The only exception involved a male from the countryside and two females (one from each population) for which no significant mating preference was detected. Mortality of hybrids was intermediate between those of the parental strains showing a clear maternal effect and the existence of partial dominance. Major differences in the cuticular hydrocarbons were also found and they could account for the isolation. These findings in populations from African breweries indicate that they are closely related to European ones, suggesting that this phenomenon is not a case of sympatric speciation, but probably attributable to the reintroduction of an allopatric population.  相似文献   

Purified thermostable alcohol dehydrogenase allozymes ADH-71k and ADH-FCh.D. ofDrosophila melanogaster have been compared with the two common enzyme forms ADH-F and ADH-S. Enzyme kinetic parameters for various primary and secondary alcohols were determined under standard conditions used previously. Both ADH-71k and ADH-FCh.D. show ADH-S-like reaction kinetics andK m values, due to retrograde evolution at site 214, Pro Ser. Inhibition studies with alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitors pyrazole, 4-methylpyrazole, and cibacron blue 3GA were also performed. Activity measurements on crude extracts of larvae and flies from isogenic lines of ADH-FCh.D. revealed a consistently higher activity than in ADH-71k-containing strains, in contrast to the original strains.K.Th.E is indebted to the Royal Norwegian Council for Technological and Scientific Research for their postdoctoral fellowship. Prof. J. S. McKinley-McKee gave me the opportunity to work in his laboratory. I thank Dr. Knut Sletten of the Biochemical Institute for the kind gift of 2-methoxyethanol and amino acid analysis of some samples. The Biological Institute, Oslo, Section of General Genetics, is gratefully acknowledged for enabling me to use their fly-breeding facilities. Dr. John B. Gibson provided us with a sample of FCh.D. flies for the construction of isogenic lines in which Dr. Johan Hageman participated, owing to Postdoctoral Grant 436-931-P from the Foundation of Biological Research (BION), which is subsidized by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). J. H. and Paula Truyens were involved in the measurements on the crude extracts. Work at Victoria University was supported by the VUW Internal Grant Committee.  相似文献   

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