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应用GIBCOBRL建库试剂盒建立了正常人体淋巴细胞cDNA文库。取新鲜的正常人外周血,分离出淋巴细胞,进行体外培养,提取总RNA,纯化mRNA,并将其反转录成cDNA,与SalI和NotI接头连接后插入λZipLox载体,体外包装后转染到Y1090宿主菌中,进行滴度测试及文库扩增。构建的正常人淋巴细胞cDNA文库含2-6×106重组子,克隆效率为5×1012重组子/g cDNA,插入片段长度约为1~5kb。扩增后的文库浓度为3×107重组子/μl,将文库稀释到10-6时所产生的噬菌斑密度最为适宜。试验结果表明,该库符合标准,所构建的正常人淋巴细胞cDNA文库为进一步筛选目的基因、制作基因芯片等提供了有效的工具。 Abstract:A lymphocyte cDNA library of normal human was constructed in order to obtain specific gene and prepare lymphocyte gene chips to detect the relative genes between psychiatric diseases and immunity.The lymphocyte was abstracted from fresh normal human blood and cultured in vitro.Total RNA of lymphocyte was extracted from the cultured cells and then mRNA was extracted further.Moreover,single-strand cDNA and double-strand cDNA were synthesized in turn.The double-strand cDNAs were ligated to SalI and NotI adaptor,which were later ligated to arms of λZipLox.Ligated-cDNAs were packed in vitro,and then infected E.coli Y1090.Titering the phage and amplifying the library.The lymphocyte cDNA library consisted of 2-6×106 recombinants with the length of 1~5kb and the cloning efficiency was 5×1012 recombinants/g cDNA.The amplified library was 3×107recombinants/μl in concentration and the number of bacteriophage plagues was the most suitable in density after it was diluted to 10-6 in concentration.The constructed cDNA library of normal human lymphocyte would be helpful to further detecting target genes and preparing gene chips etc.  相似文献   

微量RNA的cDNA PCR文库的构建   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李晶泉  袁晓东  汤敏谦 《遗传》2001,23(2):147-150
使用PCR(polymerase chain reaction)技术,调制了mRNA的cDNA PCR文库,实验证明,cDNA PCR文库能使原cDNA的量放大数百倍,同时,使用人体K562培养细胞的总RNA,对cDNA PCR文库法和反转录中的β-Actin的cDNA量进行了比较,cDNA PCR文库法中的β-Actin的cDNA量大于高于反转录中的β-Actin的cDNA量,使用75pg的人体K562培养细胞的总RNA,调制成50ul的CDNA PCR文库,使用1ul的CDNA PCR文库进行了PCR反应时,可对文库中β-Actin的CDNA进行PCR检测,因此,CDNA PCR文库显示了良好的信息放大性能。  相似文献   

野生大豆种子cDNA文库的构建与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了分离与鉴定野生大豆优良基因,以双高型优质野生大豆的近成熟种子为材料,采用裂解法提取了总RNA;以Oligo(dT)为引物,经SA—PMPS法分离出mRNA,反转录酶催化合成cDNA,并以cDNA第一链为模板在DNA聚合酶Ⅰ的作用下合成cDNA第二链,双链cDNA经加接头等步骤,成功构建了野生大豆cDNA文库。文库的重组率约为93.7%,PCR检测重组克隆的插入片段平均大于1000bp,测序片断大于500bp,表明构建的近成熟种子cDNA文库质量较高,为进一步进行EST测序和全长克隆打下了基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建库容量大、多样性好的核糖体展示口蹄疫单链抗体(scFv)库。方法: 分离口蹄疫病毒免疫的兔脾细胞,提取总RNA,用RT-PCR扩增兔抗体的重链可变区(VH)基因和轻链可变区(VL)基因,同时扩增作为间隔区的兔抗体Ck基因;采用重叠延伸PCR (简称SOE-PCR)技术连接VH-VL基因,同时引入T7启动子和核糖体结合位点序列,体外构建核糖体展示scFv库模板,连接pMD18-T载体转化E.coli DH5α大肠杆菌,挑取阳性克隆测序以鉴定scFv组装。结果:成功构建了库容量达8.21×1013的兔源口蹄疫核糖体展示scFv库。结论: 构建的大容量兔源性口蹄疫核糖体展示抗体库可以成为进一步筛选特异性口蹄疫单链抗体的实验平台,为开发诊断性口蹄疫单链抗体奠定了很好的实验基础。  相似文献   

热休克与ConA激活对T淋巴细胞的双重作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为模拟天然免疫条件下,病毒等抗原对T淋巴细胞激活同时伴有体温升高的环境,我们建立了人外周血T淋巴细胞体外激活和热休克的模型。热休克对ConA激活细胞中多肽的合成既有协同也有抑制作用。ConA激活细胞受热休克的影响较静止细胞小,而其热休克蛋白(HSP)的诱导合成则较强,为了解HSP在淋巴细胞中的作用提供了线索。  相似文献   

激活标签法构建拟南芥突变体库及其表型分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以拟南芥(ArabMopsis thaliana)野生生态型(Columbia)植株为实验材料,以含有激活标记双元质粒pCB260的农杆菌进行转化,并以抗除草剂Basta为筛选标记,构建了拟南芥激活标签突变体库,所用pCB260双元质粒含有两个Ds位点、一个GFP标记基因与一个抗basta标记基因,可以方便高效地筛选转基因植物.目前经初步筛选获得了约10 000个独立转化株系(T1代),其中约50个株系具有明显的表型变化,包括花期改变、株型变异、叶形特异、育性降低、花发育异常、种子颜色变浅等.运用TAIL-PCR技术,成功获得了其中10个表型特异株系的T-DNA侧翼序列,分别分布于拟南芥基因组的5条染色体上.  相似文献   

化学诱导激活型拟南芥突变体库的构建及分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
利用化学诱导激活XVE(LexA-VP16-ER)系统构建了一个包含40000余个独立转化株系的拟南芥突变体库,并对其中的18000余个株系进行了初步的遗传学和表型分析鉴定。卡那霉素抗性分离比表明,51.6%的株系为单位点插入株系,T-DNA插入的平均拷贝数为每株系1.38个。部分T1代和T2代植株表现出了可见的形态变异,包括下胚轴长度、根长度、植株大小和颜色、叶子颜色和形态、开花时间、种皮颜色及结实情况等对数个代表性突变株系表型及T—DNA插入位点侧翼序列进行了分析,结果表明突变体的表型是由于T—DNA的插入造成的,而且这些突变体中包括前人发现的AP2和AGAMOUS的等位基因。由于T-DNA标记或相邻的基因可被XVE系统诱导性的激活,或被T-DNA破坏导致功能缺失,该突变体库可以用于大规模筛选鉴定功能缺失性和功能获得性突变体。  相似文献   

拟南芥激活标记突变体库的构建及突变体基因的克隆   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
激活标记(activation tagging)技术是以功能获得突变体为研究对象,在植物功能基因组学的研究中具有重要的作用.文章以双子叶模式植物拟南芥(Arabudidopsis thaliana)野生生态型植株为实验材料,以含有激活标记质粒pSKI015的农杆菌直接喷雾进行转化,并以抗除草剂Basta为筛选标记,构建了拟南芥的激活标记突变体库.结果共得到约20 000个独立转化株系(T1代),其中38个株系有明显的表型变化,约占转化植株总数的千分之二.基因组DNA Southern杂交结果表明,大多数转化植株为多拷贝T-DNA插入.通过质粒拯救(plasmid rescue)和TAIL-PCR(Thermal asymmetric interlaced-PCR)可获得T-DNA插入的基因组旁邻序列,为克隆突变体的基因奠定基础.  相似文献   

应用Taq DNA聚合酶(Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase)直接对RNA进行反转录成cDNA第一链,然后用特异引物进行PCR扩增,结果表明,反转录达到AMV逆转录酶的效果,且可能得到比AMV逆转录酶更完整的cDNA第一链。  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinases of the Csk family play an important role in cell growth regulation and normal cell differentiation. They are also involved in carcinogenesis as oncoproteins. The main function of these tyrosine kinases is phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases of the Src family at their C-terminal regions to negatively regulate their activity. Disturbance of csk expression increases the Src tyrosine kinase activity. The full-length coding sequence of the csk cDNA was cloned from human lymphocytes. The 1624-bp cDNA consists of 12 exons and encodes a protein that has conserved SH2 and SH3 domains and is similar to human Csk tyrosine kinase by 99%. The full-length cDNA can be used to analyze the csk structure in normal or illdefined human cells.  相似文献   

A clinical isolate of Trichophyton mentagrophytes from rabbit was examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and a mating experiment. The species-specific primers designed from the nucleotide sequences of the chitin synthase 1 (CHS1) gene in the teleomorph of Arthroderma benhamiae amplified a fragment from genomic DNA samples of A. benhamiae and the clinical isolate but not from those of A. simii and A. vanbreuseghemii. On the other hand, the species-specific primers of A. simii and A. vanbreuseghemii did not amplify any fragment from the genomic DNA of the clinical isolates. When the isolate was respectively crossed with (+) or (-) tester strains of A. benhamiae, A. simii and A. vanbreuseghemii, ascospores were produced in the crossing with the A. benhamiae (+) strain. Therefore, the isolate was identified to be A. benhamiae (-), confirming the result of molecular analysis. This is the first report on the isolation of A. benhamiae in Japan.  相似文献   

Aims: Noroviruses (NoVs) represent the most important enteric viruses responsible for acute gastroenteritis world‐wide. This study objective is to characterize the first outbreak of NoV that occurred in Ballsh, a small city in Albania. Methods and Results: Stool specimens were collected from people attending to the hospital. Samples were also collected from the aqueduct for bacteriological and virological tests. Overall 33 stools and five drinking water samples were collected, respectively, from the hospital in Ballsh and from the municipal aqueduct. No water samples were scored positive whereas ten stool samples (30·3%) were scored GGII NoV positive. All the GGII isolates were identified as GGII·4 genotype, and no GGI was identified. The alignment and protein analysis were performed using, respectively, Clustal V and the mega 4 software. Conclusions: This is the first report of NoV GGII·4 in Albania causing an outbreak. The genetic analysis showed several point mutations and amino acid substitutions with respect to the international strains. Significance and Impact of Study: Over the last decades, Albania has suffered from different outbreaks as cholera, poliomyelitis, hepatitis A and now, for the first time, it has been documented an outbreak of NoV.  相似文献   

从肿瘤病人少量外周血淋巴细胞克隆抗体基因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立杂交瘤单抗亲和层析纯化抗原、体外抗原致敏淋巴细胞和RT-PCR克隆人抗体基因的技术.将亲和层析纯化的大肠癌相关抗原CA-Hb3经SDS-PAGE和免疫印迹鉴定后,与IL-2和丝裂原于体外致敏大肠癌病人10 ml外周血淋巴细胞(PBL),出现淋巴母细胞化和集落形成现象.致敏PBL的总RNA比未致敏PBL的量增加了2.5倍.致敏后RT-PCR扩增的人抗体VH-CH1(IgG)和VL-CL(κ)基因的量比未致敏者多1.3倍.该技术可将鼠源杂交瘤单抗人源化.  相似文献   

目的 以人apoE7基因制备的高脂血症转基因小鼠模型已建成 ,要用于探查这一突变基因致病的分子机制 ,首先揭示人apoE7在小鼠体内诱发了那些基因的表达异常 ,是重要的环节之一。cDNA削减文库是寻找异常高表达的已知和未知基因有效的手段 ,而cDNA文库更是获取全长基因所必须。方法 自正常小鼠与转基因小鼠肾脏同时提取总RNA ,再分离mRNA ,逆转录制备cDNA后 ,用两次分子杂交削除转基因鼠cDNA中与正常小鼠相同的部分 ,再用PCR与择需PCR法扩增转基因鼠特异的基因 ,克隆入pGEM T载体后 ,制备削减文库。未经削减的转基因小鼠cDNA克隆入λgt11载体 ,制备基因表达文库。结果和结论 自高脂血症转基因小鼠肾脏构建的削减文库得到约 4 0 0个削减克隆 ,测定了部分克隆的序列 ,并进行同源性比较。λgt11 cDNA文库滴度 1 7× 10 7pfu ml,随机测定的克隆其插入片段长约 5 0 0bp以上。  相似文献   

1. Two human lymphocyte cell lines, a T-cell line and a B-cell line, were shown to produce and secrete immunoreactive growth hormone (irGH). The irGH molecules secreted by the two cell lines appeared to be de novo synthesized and their molecular size was similar to that of pituitary GH as well as irGH secreted by peripheral blood lymphocytes. 2. Affinity-purified irGH molecules had human growth hormone (hGH)-like mitogenic activity on Nb2 cells. These findings indicate that the irGH molecules produced by H9 and IM9 were similar to hGH in structure. 3. However, the irGH messages could not be amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers which had been demonstrated to be able to amplify reverse-transcribed hGH messenger RNA successfully, suggesting that the lymphocyte-derived irGH and pituitary hGH are not exactly identical molecules. 4. We conclude that the H9 and IM9 cells produce a growth hormone-related molecule whose structure is different from that in the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

王建荣  李伯良 《动物学报》1997,43(4):426-432
从奶山羊乳腺中快速抽提总RNA,根据已发表的绵羊β乳球蛋白基因的序列,设计并合成与oBLG基因第一个外显子和最后一个外显子的部分序列相对应并能与特定载体末端互补的一对引物,经反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法扩增获得了特异性片段。将扩增片段民互性化质粒pDIRECT退火,获得重组质粒pDBLG。PCR鉴定、限制性分析和分子我均表明已克隆以奶山羊BLG的cDNA。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Hartmannella vermiformis small-subunit rRNA coding region was amplified, and the amplified DNA was cloned and sequenced. The coding region is 1,840 nucleotides long, and is typical of eukaryotic rRNA genes in both size and composition. Different clones contained different nucleotides at three positions.  相似文献   

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