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Climate has a significant impact on malaria incidence and we have predicted that forecast climate changes might cause some modifications to the present global distribution of malaria close to its present boundaries. However, it is quite another matter to attribute recent resurgences of malaria in the highlands of East Africa to climate change. Analyses of malaria time-series at such sites have shown that malaria incidence has increased in the absence of co-varying changes in climate. We find the widespread increase in resistance of the malaria parasite to drugs and the decrease in vector control activities to be more likely driving forces behind the malaria resurgence.  相似文献   

Human Emotions: Universal or Culture-Specific?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The search for "fundamental human emotions" has been seriously impeded by the absence of a culture-independent semantic metalanguage. The author proposes a metalanguage based on a postulated set of universal semantic primitives, and shows how language-specific meanings of emotion terms can be captured and how rigorous cross-cultural comparisons of emotion terms can be achieved.  相似文献   

The term lipotoxicity elicits visions of steatotic liver, fat laden skeletal muscles and engorged lipid droplets that spawn a number of potentially harmful intermediates that can wreak havoc on signal transduction and organ function. Prominent among these so-called lipotoxic mediators are signaling molecules such as long chain acyl-CoAs, ceramides and diacyglycerols; each of which is thought to engage serine kinases that disrupt the insulin signaling cascade, thereby causing insulin resistance. Defects in skeletal muscle fat oxidation have been implicated as a driving factor contributing to systemic lipid imbalance, whereas exercise-induced enhancement of oxidative potential is considered protective. The past decade of diabetes research has focused heavily on the foregoing scenario, and indeed the model is grounded in strong experimental evidence, albeit largely correlative. This review centers on mechanisms that connect lipid surplus to insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, as well as those that underlie the antilipotoxic actions of exercise. Emphasis is placed on recent studies that challenge accepted paradigms.  相似文献   

Although chronological age correlates with various age‐related diseases and conditions, it does not adequately reflect an individual''s functional capacity, well‐being, or mortality risk. In contrast, biological age provides information about overall health and indicates how rapidly or slowly a person is aging. Estimates of biological age are thought to be provided by aging clocks, which are computational models (e.g., elastic net) that use a set of inputs (e.g., DNA methylation sites) to make a prediction. In the past decade, aging clock studies have shown that several age‐related diseases, social variables, and mental health conditions associate with an increase in predicted biological age relative to chronological age. This phenomenon of age acceleration is linked to a higher risk of premature mortality. More recent research has demonstrated that predicted biological age is sensitive to specific interventions. Human trials have reported that caloric restriction, a plant‐based diet, lifestyle changes involving exercise, a drug regime including metformin, and vitamin D3 supplementation are all capable of slowing down or reversing an aging clock. Non‐interventional studies have connected high‐quality sleep, physical activity, a healthy diet, and other factors to age deceleration. Specific molecules have been associated with the reduction or reversal of predicted biological age, such as the antihypertensive drug doxazosin or the metabolite alpha‐ketoglutarate. Although rigorous clinical trials are needed to validate these initial findings, existing data suggest that aging clocks are malleable in humans. Additional research is warranted to better understand these computational models and the clinical significance of lowering or reversing their outputs.  相似文献   

The prevalent view is that the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration is maintained within the physiological range by the interplay of the glucose-lowering action of insulin and the glucose-raising action of glucagon. It is supported by a body of evidence derived from studies of suppression of glucagon (and insulin, among other effects) with somatostatin in animals and humans, immunoneutralization of glucagon, defective glucagon synthesis, diverse mutations, and absent or reduced glucagon receptors in animals and glucagon antagonists in cells, animals, and humans. Many of these studies are open to alternative interpretations, and some lead to seemingly contradictory conclusions. For example, immunoneutralization of glucagon lowered plasma glucose concentrations in rabbits, but administration of a glucagon antagonist did not lower plasma glucose concentrations in healthy humans. Evidence that the glycemic threshold for glucagon secretion, unlike that for insulin secretion, lies below the physiological range, and the finding that selective suppression of insulin secretion without stimulation of glucagon secretion raises fasting plasma glucose concentrations in humans underscore the primacy of insulin in the regulation of the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration and challenge the prevalent view. The alternative view is that the postabsorptive plasma glucose concentration is maintained within the physiological range by insulin alone, specifically regulated increments and decrements in insulin, and the resulting decrements and increments in endogenous glucose production, respectively, and glucagon becomes relevant only when glucose levels drift below the physiological range. Although the balance of evidence suggests that glucagon is involved in the maintenance of euglycemia, more definitive evidence is needed, particularly in humans.  相似文献   

The critical involvement of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels in insulin secretion is confirmed both by the demonstration that mutations that reduce KATP channel activity underlie many if not most cases of persistent hyperinsulinemia, and by the ability of sulfonylureas, which inhibit KATP channels, to enhance insulin secretion in type II diabetics. By extrapolation, we contend that mutations that increase beta-cell KATP channel activity should inhibit glucose-dependent insulin secretion and underlie, or at least predispose to, a diabetic phenotype. In transgenic animal models, this prediction seems to be borne out. Although earlier genetic studies failed to demonstrate a linkage between KATP mutations and diabetes in humans, recent studies indicate significant association of KATP channel gene mutations or polymorphisms and type II diabetes. We suggest that further efforts to understand the involvement of KATP channels in diabetes are warranted.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):854-868

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome and refers to a spectrum of disorders ranging from steatosis to steatohepatitis, a disease stage characterized by inflammation, fibrosis, cell death and insulin resistance (IR). Due to its association with obesity and IR the impact of NAFLD is growing worldwide. Consistent with the role of mitochondria in fatty acid (FA) metabolism, impaired mitochondrial function is thought to contribute to NAFLD and IR. Indeed, mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired mitochondrial respiratory chain have been described in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and skeletal muscle of obese patients. However, recent data have provided evidence that pharmacological and genetic models of mitochondrial impairment with reduced electron transport stimulate insulin sensitivity and protect against diet-induced obesity, hepatosteatosis and IR. These beneficial metabolic effects of impaired mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation may be related not only to the reduction of reactive oxygen species production that regulate insulin signaling but also to decreased mitochondrial FA overload that generate specific metabolites derived from incomplete FA oxidation (FAO) in the TCA cycle. In line with the Randle cycle, reduced mitochondrial FAO rates may alleviate the repression on glucose metabolism in obesity. In addition, the redox paradox in insulin signaling and the delicate mitochondrial antioxidant balance in steatohepatitis add another level of complexity to the role of mitochondria in NAFLD and IR. Thus, better understanding the role of mitochondria in FA metabolism and glucose homeostasis may provide novel strategies for the treatment of NAFLD and IR.  相似文献   

The main objective of regenerative medicine is to replenish cells or tissues or even to restore different body parts that are lost or damaged due to disease, injury and aging. Several avenues have been explored over many decades to address the fascinating problem of regeneration at the cell, tissue and organ levels. Here we discuss some of the primary approaches adopted by researchers in the context of enhancing the regenerating ability of mammals. Natural regeneration can occur in different animal species, and the underlying mechanism is highly relevant to regenerative medicine-based intervention. Significant progress has been achieved in understanding the endogenous regeneration in urodeles and fishes with the hope that they could help to reach our goal of designing future strategies for human regeneration.  相似文献   

A silver-staining technique specific for demonstrating nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) showed that the achromatic stalks of the 10 acrocentric autosomes of the human complement represent the NORs. Some variability in number of stained stalks is observed from cell-to-cell and from individual-to-individual. The silver-stained masses may extend beyond the stalks and cover the satellites, especially in chromosomes with short stalks or minute satellites.  相似文献   

In the unicellular organism, Tetrahymena, the first encounter with an exogeneously given hormone results in hormonal imprinting. This causes an increase of the binding capacity of receptors and the production of the appropriate hormone in the progeny generations of the treated cell. In the present experiments the quantity (using radioimmunoassay) and localization (using confocal laser scanning microscopy) of the immunologically insulin‐like material (hereafter insulin) were studied for 10 days after 4 h or 24 h 10−6 m insulin treatment (hormonal imprinting). Forty‐eight hours after both insulin treatments a high quantity of insulin was present in the cells. This value was also significantly increased after 96 h. After 8 days the difference to the control was significant only in the 24 h treated group. Confocal microscopy (using antibody to pig insulin) localized insulin in the cell body. The oral field contained extremely high quantities of the endogeneous hormone. Insulin treatment (after 48 and 96 h) caused an elevation of insulin content in general, and specific accumulation in the posterior sections of the cell, around the nucleus and in the periphery were observed. Ten days after both treatments only the peripheral region of the cell body and the ciliary row contained more insulin than the control. This means that after insulin treatment the quantity of insulin increases for a lengthy time period which is followed by the expression of insulin in the peripheral region. Insulin contained by Tetrahymena 48 h after imprinting stimulated glucose uptake of rat diaphragm. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In insulin-resistant states (obesity, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes), hepatic production of glucose and lipid synthesis are heightened in concert, implying that insulin deficiency and insulin excess coexists in this setting. The fact that insulin may be inadequate or excessive at any one point in differing organs and tissues has many biologic ramifications. In this context the concept of metabolic compartmentalization in the liver is offered herein as one perspective of this paradox. In particular, we focus on the hypothesis that insulin resistance accentuates differences in periportal and perivenous hepatocytes, namely periportal glucose production and perivenous lipid synthesis. Subsequently, excessive production of glucose and accumulation of lipids could be expected in the livers of patients with obesity and insulin resistance. Overall, in this review, we provide our integrative perspective regarding how excessive production of glucose in periportal hepatocytes and accumulation of lipids in perivenous hepatocytes interact in insulin resistant states.  相似文献   

Obesity, insulin resistance and disturbed glucose metabolism cluster within the Insulin Resistance Syndrome (IRS). Whether this reflects shared genetic or environmental factors detectable in 'normal' populations (not selected for IRS features) is unknown. This study estimated (i) genetic influences on IRS traits and (ii) shared and specific genetic and environmental factors on the relationships between these traits in healthy female twins. Fasting insulin, glucose, total and central fat were measured in 59 monozygotic (MZ) and 51 dizygotic (DZ) female twin pairs aged (+/- SD) 52 +/- 13 years. Body fat was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, insulin resistance and secretion by a modified homeostasis model assessment. Using intraclass correlation coefficients and univariate model-fitting analyses, genetic influences were found in total fat, central fat, insulin resistance, fasting glucose and insulin secretion, with genetic factors explaining 64, 57, 59, 75 and 68% of their variance, respectively, using the latter technique. In matched analysis intra-pair differences in total and central fat related to intra-pair differences in insulin resistance (r2 = 0.19, P < 0.001). Multivariate model-fitting showed a close genetic relationship between total and central fat (r = 0.88). The genetic correlation between IR and central fat (0.41) was significantly greater than that for total fat (0.24), suggesting that central fat is not only a predictor of, but shares considerable genetic influence with, insulin resistance. In Cholesky analysis, these genetic influences were separate from those shared between central and total fat. In conclusion, both shared and specific genetic factors regulate components of the IRS in healthy females. However, there were discrete genetic influences on beta-cell insulin secretion, not shared with other IRS components, suggesting that a separate genetic propensity exists for Type 2 diabetes. These findings suggest we may understand the genetic and environmental influences on IRS from the study of the normal population.  相似文献   

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