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Vast evidence on human prions demonstrates that variable disease phenotypes, rates of propagation, and targeting of distinct brain structures are determined by unique conformers (strains) of pathogenic prion protein (PrPSc). Recent progress in the development of advanced biophysical tools that inventory structural characteristics of amyloid beta (Aβ) in the brain cortex of phenotypically diverse Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, revealed unique spectrum of oligomeric particles in the cortex of rapidly progressive cases, implicating these structures in variable rates of propagation in the brain, and in distict disease manifestation. Since only ~30% of phenotypic diversity of AD can be explained by polymorphisms in risk genes, these and transgenic bioassay data argue that structurally distinct Aβ particles play a major role in the diverse pathogenesis of AD, and may behave as distinct prion-like strains encoding diverse phenotypes. From these observations and our growing understanding of prions, there is a critical need for new strain-specific diagnostic strategies for misfolded proteins causing these elusive disorders. Since targeted drug therapy can induce mutation and evolution of prions into new strains, effective treatments of AD will require drugs that enhance clearance of pathogenic conformers, reduce the precursor protein, or inhibit the conversion of precursors into prion-like states.  相似文献   

The deposition of insoluble amyloid fibrils resulting from the aggregation of the human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) within the islet of Langerhans is a pathological feature of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Increasing evidence indicates that biological membranes play a key role in amyloid aggregation, modulating among others the kinetics of amyloid formation, and being the target of toxic species generated during amyloid formation. In T2DM patients, elevated levels of cholesterol, an important determinant of the physical state of biological membranes, are observed in β-cells and are thought to directly impair β-cell function and insulin secretion. However, it is not known whether cholesterol enhances membrane-interaction or membrane-insertion of hIAPP. In this study, we investigated the effect of cholesterol incorporated in zwitterionic and anionic membranes. Our circular dichroism and liquid state NMR data reveal that 10–30% of cholesterol slightly affects the aggregational and conformational behaviour of hIAPP. Additional fluorescence results indicate that 10 and 20% of cholesterol slightly slow down the kinetics of oligomer and fibril formation while anionic lipids accelerate this kinetics. This behavior might be caused by differences in membrane insertion and therefore in membrane binding of hIAPP. The membrane binding affinity was evaluated using 1H NMR experiments and our results show that the affinity of hIAPP for membranes containing cholesterol is significantly smaller than that for membranes containing anionic lipids. Furthermore, we found that hIAPP-induced membrane damage is synchronized to fibril formation in the absence and in the presence of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Both active and passive immunization to eliminate amyloid plaques from the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) have confirmed that amyloid beta (Abeta) vaccination does not only result in clearance of Abeta plaques but improves behavioral-cognitive deficits in animal models of AD. In the present study, the levels of naturally occurring serum antibodies against Abeta were measured in Tg2576 mice at various ages using ELISA to determine the relationship between aging and the level of anti-Abeta autoantibody. The level of anti-Abeta antibody fell significantly at the age of 9 months, at the age when amyloid plaques started to appear in the brain of Tg2576 mice, and was persistently low thereafter. However, serum immunoglobulin (Ig) level was elevated in older transgenic mice compared with younger transgenic mice suggesting that the reduced level of anti-Abeta autoantibody was not merely due to deterioration of the immune response in aged Tg2576 mice.  相似文献   

Banks WA  Terrell B  Farr SA  Robinson SM  Nonaka N  Morley JE 《Peptides》2002,23(12):2223-2226
Vaccinations against amyloid β protein (AβP) reduce amyloid deposition and reverse learning and memory deficits in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. This has raised the question of whether circulating antibodies, normally restricted by the blood–brain barrier (BBB), can enter the brain [Nat. Med. 7 (2001) 369–372]. Here, we show that antibody directed against AβP does cross the BBB at a very low rate. Entry is by way of the extracellular pathways with about 0.11% of an intravenous (i.v.) dose entering the brain by 1 h. Clearance of antibody from brain increasingly dominates over time, but antibody is still detectable in brain 72 h after i.v. injection. Uptake and clearance is not altered in mice overexpressing AβP. This ability to enter and exit the brain even in the presence of increased brain ligand supports the use of antibody in the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other diseases of the brain.  相似文献   

As currently understood, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that is driven by the aggregation of amyloid beta (Aβ) protein. It has been shown that resveratrol (RES) may attenuate amyloid β peptide-induced toxicity, promote Aβ clearance and reduce senile plaques. However, it remains to be determined whether RES could interact directly with Aβ. The aim of the present study was to examine the direct binding of RES to monomer and fibril Aβ. Using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), our results identified the direct binding of RES to Aβ. The ability of RES to bind to both fibril and monomer Aβ(1–40 and 1–42) was further analyzed by SPR. The binding response of RES to fAβ(1–42) was higher than that to monomer Aβ(1–42), whereas the binding response of RES to fAβ(1–40) was lower than that to monomer Aβ(1–40). The KD of RES for fibril Aβ(1–40 or 1–42) was higher than that for the corresponding monomer Aβ. Compared to the control compound Congo red (CR), the binding responses of RES to monomer Aβ(1–42) and Aβ(1–40) were stronger, but binding to fibril Aβ(1–42) was weaker, and the KDs of RES with both monomer and fibril Aβ(1–40) and Aβ(1–42) were higher than that of CR. When Aβ(1–40 or 1–42) was co-incubated with RES (50 μM), the thioflavin T fluorescence of the mixture was weakened, and the number and length of amyloid fibrils were decreased. Furthermore, the results of staining in consecutive brain slices from AD patients showed that RES (10−4 M) could stain senile plaques. These results indicated that RES could bind directly to Aβ in different states, which may provide new insight into the protective properties of RES against AD.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the amyloid β peptide in the cortical and hippocampal regions of the brain is a major pathological feature of Alzheimer disease. Amyloid β peptide is generated from the sequential protease cleavage of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). We reported previously that copper increases the level of APP at the cell surface. Here we report that copper, but not iron or zinc, promotes APP trafficking in cultured polarized epithelial cells and neuronal cells. In SH-SY5Y neuronal cells and primary cortical neurons, copper promoted a redistribution of APP from a perinuclear localization to a wider distribution, including neurites. Importantly, a change in APP localization was not attributed to an up-regulation of APP protein synthesis. Using live cell imaging and endocytosis assays, we found that copper promotes an increase in cell surface APP by increasing its exocytosis and reducing its endocytosis, respectively. This study identifies a novel mechanism by which copper regulates the localization and presumably the function of APP, which is of major significance for understanding the role of APP in copper homeostasis and the role of copper in Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

One of the major tasks in understanding the etiopathogenesis of amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is in fully capturing the large number of the biochemical processes that influence each other during the course of the disease, in vivo. Model membranes possess, as their main strength, the ability to enable the researcher to manipulate a 'biological' micro-vesicle under a controlled environment. This review narrowly focuses on discussing the exploitation of model membranes for improved understanding of some of the mechanisms governing AD's amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity. Amyloid beta (Abeta) is cleaved from a membrane-located amyloid precursor protein by membrane-located enzymes. The relative spatial localization of the involved biomolecules within the membrane bilayer is crucial in influencing Abeta production, its aggregation on the membrane surface or insertion into the membrane, and fibril formation: all important processes in causing neurotoxicity. The lipid composition of the bilayer is similarly important. The review also attempts to highlight current and future challenges in using model membranes for studying biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) are persistent organic pollutants that due to their chemical resistivity and inflammability found multiple applications. In spite of the global ban for PCB production, due to their long half-lives periods, PCB accumulate in the soils, so effective bioremediation of the polluted lands is of crucial importance. Some of the 209 PCB congeners exhibit increased toxicity to soil bacteria and their presence impoverish the soil decomposer community and slows down the degradation of environmental pollutants in the soils. The exact mechanism of PCB antimicrobial activity is unknown, but it is strictly related with the membrane activity of PCB. Therefore, to shed light on these interactions we applied Langmuir monolayers formed by selected phospholipids as model bacterial membranes. In our studies we tested 5 PCB congeners differing in the degree of chlorination and the distribution of the chlorine substituents around the biphenyl frame. Special attention was paid to tetra-substituted PCB because of their increased presence in the environment and disubstituted PCB being their degradation products. To characterize the model membranes as Langmuir monolayers, we used surface pressure measurements, Brewster angle microscopy and Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction. It turned out that among the tetra-substituted PCB the ortho-substituted non-dioxin like compound was much more membrane destructive than the flat dioxin-like congener. On the contrary, among the di-substituted PCB the flat para-substituted 2,2′-dichlorobiphenyl turned out to exhibit high membrane activity.  相似文献   

Assembly of Amyloid beta (Aβ) peptides, in particular Aβ-42 is central to the formation of the amyloid plaques associated with neuro-pathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Molecular assembly of individual Aβ-42 species was observed using a simple fluorescence microscope. From the molecular movements (aka Brownian motion) of the individual peptide assemblies, we calculated a temporal evolution of the hydrodynamic radius (RH) of the peptide at physiological temperature and pH. The results clearly show a direct relationship between RH of Aβ-42 and incubation period, corresponding to the previously reported peptide’s aggregation kinetics. The data correlates highly with in solution-based label-free electrochemical detection of the peptide’s aggregation, and Aβ-42 deposited on a solid surface and analysed using atomic force microscopy (AFM). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first analysis and characterisation of Aβ aggregation based on capturing molecular trails of individual assemblies. The technique enables both real-time observation and a semi-quantitative distribution profile of the various stages of Aβ assembly, at microM peptide concentration. Our method is a promising candidate for real-time observation and analysis of the effect of other pathologically-relevant molecules such as metal ions on pathways to Aβ oligomerisation and aggregation. The method is also a promising screening tool for AD therapeutics that target Aβ assembly.  相似文献   

The deposition of 4-kDa amyloid peptide in the brain is a prominent feature of several human diseases. Such process is heterogeneous in terms of causative factors, biochemical phenotype, localization and clinical manifestations. Amyloid accumulates in the neuropil or within the walls of cerebral vessels, and associates with dementia or stroke, both hereditary and sporadic. Amyloid is normally released by cells as soluble monomeric-dimeric species yet, under pathological conditions, it self-aggregates as soluble oligomers or insoluble fibrils that may be toxic to neurons and vascular cells. Lowering amyloid levels may be achieved by inhibiting its generation from the amyloid -precursor protein or by promoting its clearence by transport or degradation. We will summarize recent findings on brain proteases capable of degrading amyloid with a special focus on those enzymes for which there is genetic, transgenic or biochemical evidence suggesting that they may participate in the proteolysis of amyloid in vivo. We will also put in perspective their possible utilization as therapeutic agents in amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

The aggregation of normally soluble peptides and proteins into amyloid fibrils is a process associated with a wide range of pathological conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It has become apparent that aggregates of different sizes possess markedly different biological effects, with aggregates of lower relative molecular weight being associated with stronger neurotoxicity. Yet, although many approaches exist to measure the total mass concentration of aggregates, the ability to probe the length distribution of growing aggregates in solution has remained more elusive. In this work, we applied a differential centrifugation technique to measure the sedimentation coefficients of amyloid fibrils produced during the aggregation process of the amyloid β (M1–42) peptide (Aβ42). The centrifugal method has the advantage of providing structural information on the fibril distribution directly in solution and affording a short analysis time with respect to alternative imaging and analytical centrifugation approaches. We show that under quiescent conditions interactions between Aβ42 fibrils lead to lateral association and to the formation of entangled clusters. By contrast, aggregation under shaking generates a population of filaments characterized by shorter lengths. The results, which have been validated by cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) analysis, highlight the important role that fibril–fibril assembly can play in the deposition of aggregation-prone peptides.  相似文献   

The influence of fatty acids on model cholesterol/phospholipid membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this work was to verify the influence of the saturated (SFA) (stearic acid) and the unsaturated (UFA) (oleic and alpha-linolenic) fatty acids on model cholesterol/phospholipid membranes. The experiments were based on the Langmuir monolayer technique. Cholesterol and phospholipid were mixed in the molar ratio that corresponds to the proportion of these lipids in the majority of natural human membranes. Into the binary cholesterol/phospholipid monolayers, various amounts of fatty acids were incorporated. Our investigations were based on the analysis of the interactions between molecules in ternary (cholesterol/phospholipids/fatty acid) mixtures, however, also binary (cholesterol/fatty acid and phospholipids/fatty acid) mixed system were examined. It was concluded that the influence of the fatty acids on model cholesterol/phospholipid membrane is closely connected with the shape of the fatty acid molecule, resulting from the saturation degree of the hydrocarbon chain. It was found that the saturated fatty acid makes the model membrane more rigid, while the presence of unsaturated fatty acid increases its fluidity. The increasing amount of stearic acid gradually destabilizes model membrane, however, this effect is the weakest at low content of SFA in the mixed monolayer. Unsaturated fatty acids in a small proportion make the membrane thermodynamically more stable, while higher content of UFA decreases membrane stability. This explains low proportion of the free fatty acids to other lipids in natural membrane.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of X-537A (lasalocid) doped lipid bilayer membranes were studied in the presence of a series of nine biogenic amines which contain β-phenylethylamine as the basic structural unit. The ionophore antibiotic was found to form charged complexes within the membrane during the transport of some of the amines. The dependence of membrane conductance on the concentration of ionophore and amine was studied. The amines are divided into three classes according to the nature of the complexes formed: (1) charged complex involving two ionophores (phenylephrine, metanephrine, and amphetamine); (2) charged complex containing three ionophores (dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine); and (3) no charged species formed (p- and m-tyramine and β-phenylethylamine).  相似文献   

Oxidized cholesterol has been widely reported to contribute to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the mechanism by which they affect the disease is not fully understood. Herein, we aimed to investigate the effect of 7-ketocholesterol (7keto) on membrane-mediated aggregation of amyloid beta (Aβ-42), one of the critical pathogenic events in AD. We have shown that when cholesterol is present in lipid vesicles, kinetics of Aβ nuclei formation is moderately hindered while that of fibril growth was considerably accelerated. The partial substitution of cholesterol with 7keto slightly enhanced the formation of Aβ-42 nuclei and remarkably decreased fibril elongation, thus maintaining the peptide in protofibrillar aggregates, which are reportedly the most toxic species. These findings add in understanding of how cholesterol and its oxidation can affect Aβ-induced cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Amyloid beta (Aβ) deposition in the neocortex is a major hallmark of Alzheimer''s disease (AD), but the extent of deposition does not readily explain phenotypic diversity and rate of disease progression. The prion strain–like model of disease heterogeneity suggests the existence of different conformers of Aβ. We explored this paradigm using conformation-dependent immunoassay (CDI) for Aβ and conformation-sensitive luminescent conjugated oligothiophenes (LCOs) in AD cases with variable progression rates. Mapping the Aβ conformations in the frontal, occipital, and temporal regions in 20 AD patients with CDI revealed extensive interindividual and anatomical diversity in the structural organization of Aβ with the most significant differences in the temporal cortex of rapidly progressive AD. The fluorescence emission spectra collected in situ from Aβ plaques in the same regions demonstrated considerable diversity of spectral characteristics of two LCOs—quatroformylthiophene acetic acid and heptaformylthiophene acetic acid. Heptaformylthiophene acetic acid detected a wider range of Aβ deposits, and both LCOs revealed distinct spectral attributes of diffuse and cored plaques in the temporal cortex of rapidly and slowly progressive AD and less frequent and discernible differences in the frontal and occipital cortex. These and CDI findings indicate a major conformational diversity of Aβ accumulating in the neocortex, with the most notable differences in temporal cortex of cases with shorter disease duration, and implicate distinct Aβ conformers (strains) in the rapid progression of AD.  相似文献   

Amyloid peptide (Aβ) is a 40/42-residue proteolytic fragment of a precursor protein (APP), implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. The hypothesis that interactions between Aβ aggregates and neuronal membranes play an important role in toxicity has gained some acceptance. Previously, we showed that the C-terminal domain (e.g. amino acids 29-42) of Aβ induces membrane permeabilisation and fusion, an effect which is related to the appearance of non-bilayer structures. Conformational studies showed that this peptide has properties similar to those of the fusion peptide of viral proteins i.e. a tilted penetration into membranes. Since piracetam interacts with lipids and has beneficial effects on several symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, we investigated in model membranes the ability of piracetam to hinder the destabilising effect of the Aβ 29-42 peptide. Using fluorescence studies and 31P and 2H NMR spectroscopy, we have shown that piracetam was able to significantly decrease the fusogenic and destabilising effect of Aβ 29-42, in a concentration-dependent manner. While the peptide induced lipid disorganisation and subsequent negative curvature at the membrane-water interface, the conformational analysis showed that piracetam, when preincubated with lipids, coats the phospholipid headgroups. Calculations suggest that this prevents appearance of the peptide-induced curvature. In addition, insertion of molecules with an inverted cone shape, like piracetam, into the outer membrane leaflet should make the formation of such structures energetically less favourable and therefore decrease the likelihood of membrane fusion.  相似文献   

细胞外膜是大肠杆菌的半透膜屏障, 其主要成分是脂多糖。选取并构造共9种具有不同脂多糖结构的大肠杆菌, 用于考察脂多糖结构对细胞外膜渗透性的影响。从9种菌株中提取出脂多糖和类脂A, 并且用薄层层析色谱和离子源质谱来鉴定其结构。用N-苯基-1-萘胺作为荧光探针来测定细胞外膜渗透性大小。野生型大肠杆菌表现出最小的渗透性, 因敲除或表达某些基因而导致脂多糖结构改变的突变株均表现出较高的渗透性。脂多糖上的磷酸基团、脂肪酸链和多糖链的改变都影响了大肠杆菌的渗透性, 其中多糖链长度的改变对渗透性影响最大, 其次是脂肪酸链的数目变化。实验结果表明渗透性和脂多糖的结构具有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is one of the most widely used members of the family of brominated flame retardants (BFRs). BFRs, including TBBPA have been shown to be widely distributed within the environment and there is growing evidence of their bio-accumulation within animals and man. Toxicological studies have shown that TBBPA can be harmful to cells by modulating a number of cell signalling processes. In this study, we employed fluorescence spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry to investigate the interaction of TBBPA with phospholipid membranes, as this is the most likely route for it to influence membrane-associated cellular processes. TBBPA readily and randomly partitions throughout all regions of the phospholipid bilayer with high efficacy {partition coefficient (Log Kp) = 5.7 ± 0.7}. A decrease in membrane fluidity in both liquid-crystalline and gel-phase membranes was detected at concentrations of TBBPA as low as 2.5 μM. TBBPA also decreases the phase transition temperature of dipalmitoyl phoshatidylcholine (DPPC) membranes and broadened transition peaks, in a fashion similar to that for cholesterol. TBBPA, however, also prefers to partition into membrane regions not too highly enriched with cholesterol. Our findings therefore suggests that, the toxic effects of TBBPA, may at least in part, be due to its lipid membrane binding/perturbing effects, which in turn, could influence biological processes involving cell membranes.  相似文献   

The model membrane approach was used to investigate the surface charge effect on the ion-antibiotic complexation process. Mixed monolayers of valinomycin and lipids were spread on subphases containing K+ or Na+. The surface charge density was modified by spreading ionizable valinomycin analogs on aqueous subphases of different pH or by changing the nature of the lipid (neutral, negatively charged) in the mixed film. Surface pressure and surface potential measurements demonstrated that a neutral lipid (phosphatidylcholine) or positively charged valinomycin analogs didn't enhance the antibiotic complexing capacity. However, a maximal complexation is reached for a critical lipid concentration in the valinomycin-phosphatidylserine mixed film. The role of the surface charge on the valinomycin complexing properties was examined in terms of the Gouy-Chapman theory. As a consequence of the negative charge of the lipid monolayer, the K+ concentration near the surface is larger than the bulk concentration, by a Boltzmann factor. A good agreement was observed between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions. Conductance measurements of asymmetric bilayers containing a neutral lipid (egg lecithin) on one side and a negatively charged lipid (phosphatidylserine) on the other, confirm the role of the surface charge. Indeed, addition of K+ to the neutral side of the bilayer containing valinomycin had no effect on the conductance whereas addition of K+ to the charged side of the bilayer caused a 80-fold conductance increase.  相似文献   

Despite the application of amyloid imaging agents such as PIB, SB13, and FDDNP in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients, the successful use of these agents in transgenic mice models of AD has not been reported to date. As a first step in understanding the behaviour of these ligands in transgenic models of AD, we have investigated in a series of in vitro ligand binding assays the interaction of selected agents, including PIB, FDDNP, SB13, and BSB, with amyloid fibrils produced from rodent Abeta(1-40) (roAbeta) peptide. The data indicate that the ligand binding affinities together with the pattern and number of binding sites on the roAbeta fibrils are broadly conserved with that reported previously for human Abeta(1-40) (huAbeta) fibrils. However, characterisation of huAbeta fibrils formed in the presence of increasing amounts of roAbeta (1, 5, 10% w/w) demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in the number of high affinity [(3)H]Me-BTA-1 binding sites such that at the highest amount of roAbeta the specific signal was reduced by approximately 95%. These studies suggest that (i) the presence of small amounts of roAbeta in huAbeta fibrils has the potential to cause subtle ultrastructural alterations in the polymers and (ii) the weak binding signal observed in vivo in the transgenic mouse models of AD may in part be due to the decreased number of high affinity binding sites on the Abeta fibrils.  相似文献   

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