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脑缺血后的脑微血管变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tang MK  Feng WH  Xu QP 《生理科学进展》2006,37(3):236-238
大脑微血管具有独特的组织结构,这种结构对脑组织起到了保护性屏障作用,局部脑缺血可以引起这种屏障功能破坏,导致血液成分渗出,以及与炎症反应密切相关的整合素表达明显增加,促使炎性细胞以及血小板等向缺血局部聚集和迁移,从而造成局部微血管阻塞。同时,血管内皮细胞基质金属蛋白酶表达明显增加,内皮细胞和星形胶质细胞表面的结构整合素以及对应的基质配体丢失,使微血管细胞间的紧密联系破坏。以上这些变化伴随着神经细胞的损伤,同时,与血管生成和神经发生相关的受体上调,缺血局部区域出现血管生成和神经发生现象,这些过程可能与缺血后期脑功能的恢复相关。本文主要就脑缺血以后脑微血管的变化进行了综述,并对其中的问题以及今后脑血管病研究的发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the innervation of the anterior cerebral artery of the rat was studied in control animals and in animals after superior cervical ganglionectomy.Fluorescence histochemistry shows a periarterial network of intensely fluorescent fibers which are divided into two groups, adventitial and periadventitial. The fluorescence begins to decrease 26 hours after, and completely disappears about 32 hours after, ganglionectomy.Fine structural changes are first observed 18 hours after ganglionectomy, when the axoplasm of degenerating axons becomes electron dense. This density gradually increases up to about 32 hours. By 32 hours most axons with disintegrating axolemmas become inclusion bodies of the Schwann cells. At this stage, synaptic vesicles can still be distinguished as less dense areas, but the membrane structures of synaptic vesicles and mitochondria are difficult to recognize. The degenerating axons are gradually absorbed and by 38 hours dense, residual bodies are observed in the Schwann cells. Generally speaking, the degeneration occurs first in the adventitial fibers and then in the periadventitial fibers. The transient appearance of small, granular vesicles is noticed in axon terminals about 18 hours after denervation, although very few small, granular vesicles are seen in control tissue or at later stages of degeneration.  相似文献   

Depolarization of the neuron membrane induced by cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) was shown both by ionophoresis and by injection with pressure. Swelling of the neuron during the injection of various substances with pressure causes membrane depolarization which is similar to that induced by cAMP. When applying pressure the cAMP effect can be distinguished by introducing small volumes of concentrated solutions. Similarity between the effects of cAMP and mechanical stimulation of the neuron suggests that in both cases the effect involves action of the electromechanical system consisting of microskeleton and micromuscles which regulate permeability of molecular channels. The delay of the effect after the moment of cAMP and cGMP introduction is small, which enables a conclusion concerning their direct interaction with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Summary Quantitation of synapses at different postnatal ages has been undertaken in the cerebral cortex of the rat. In this study axial ratios of presynaptic bags, proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags and numbers of synapses per unit volume of cortex have been estimated. Observations on synaptic vesicle packing densities have also been made.Synaptic bags become increasingly spherical up to 7 days of age and become more elongated thereafter. The proportion of cortex occupied by presynaptic bags increases rapidly up to 7 days of age and then at a decelerated rate up to maturity. The number of synapses per unit volume increases slowly over the first four days after which there is a rapid increase to 14 days, followed by a decelerated rate.The average presynaptic bag shows marked changes in volume with increasing age which indicate the probability of two stages of synaptic development. This two stage development is further reflected in the estimates on vesicle packing densities. The implications of the results are discussed in relationship to changes in functional activity of the cortex during postnatal development.The authors wish to express their thanks to Mr. R. Birchenough and Mr. J. Manston for much technical assistance.  相似文献   

A method for calculation of molar extinction coefficients (epsilon) and for quantitative spectrophotometric determination of non-identified nucleotide analogs from nucleic acids of some bacteriophages is proposed. The method is based on spectral properties of known and unknown nucleotides and of their dinucleotide isolated from the DNA studied.  相似文献   

1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine-, 1,N2-ethenodeoxyguanosine- and 3,N4-ethenodeoxycytidine-3'-monophosphates were labeled by [gamma-32P] ATP using T4 polynucleotide kinase in conditions commonly used for the 32P-postlabeling assay. Kinetic studies showed that the reaction is fast reaching a plateau after 15-30 min. The efficiency of phosphorylation, as studied by substrate-product concentration dependency, was between 50-100% at the lower substrate concentrations. The adducts are labeled efficiently at sub-femtomole levels. All the adducts were sensitive to the 3'-dephosphorylation by P1 nuclease although the guanine derivative appeared to be more resistant than the two other adducts.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the rat pineal gland were studied quantitatively 7 and 60 days after the sympathetic denervation by bilateral excission or decentralization of superior cervical ganglia. The surface occupied by pineal parenchymal cells decreased in rats of experimental groups with respect to the control group. Furthermore, profile areas of the cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus of the pinealocytes were also diminished. Cytoplasmic lipid droplets in the pinealocytes were markedly decreased in number and size in experimental rats. As demonstrated by the Kruskal-Wallis H test, statistically significant differences were found between rats of the control and operated groups. Rats treated by superior cervical ganglionectomy or decentralization showed morphological changes indicating a hypofunctional pineal gland, although differences were found between both groups.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural changes in the cat sensorimotor cortex during 30- to 60-minute recovery after a 2.5- to 6-minute anoxia have been studied. The most prominent changes were hypertrophy of Golgi apparatus, reorganization of the neuronal endoplasmic reticulum (including the formation of lamellar bodies), increase of the number of lysosomes within nerve cell bodies, formation of deep invaginations of the neuronal cytoplasm into the nucleus, intensification of endocytosis and phagocytosis in the dendrites, appearance of the ultrastructural heterogeneity of the synapses (from normal synapses to depleted ones), normalization of ultrastructure of the part of mitochondrial pool. Glycogen granules were revealed in glial cell processes. The ultrastructural changes after a 6-minute anoxia followed by a 30- to 60-minute recovery were more expressed than after a 2.5-minute one.  相似文献   

Fructose induces depletion of adenine nucleotides in liver and also strongly inhibits incorporation of radioactive amino acids into protein (Mäenpää, P.H., Raivio, K.O. and Kekomäki, M.P. (1968) Science 161, 1253–1254). In this study we have investigated the effects of fructose on aminoacylation of tRNA and on free amino acids in rat liver. 30 min after d-fructose (30 mmol/kg) was injected intraperitoneally into rats, liver ATP was reduced by 58%, ADP by 42%, AMP by 13%, the ATP/ADP ratio by 30%, and total adenine nucleotides by 48%. Using gas chromatography, the aminoacylation of tRNA was determined by quantifying the endogenous amino acids attached to tRNA in vivo. Aminoacylation was reduced by 31%. With different amino acids, reduction varied from 4% (asparagine plus aspartic acid) to 58% (arginine). On the other hand, the amount of free amino acids in the liver was increased by 24%. The most marked individual change was in alanine, which increased 5.7-times. This may have resulted from a combination of effects involving an increased production of alanine in muscle and liver and decreased hepatic gluconeogenesis from alanine caused by the ATP depletion.  相似文献   

Magistral arteries of the brain and pia mater have been studied in cats 24-72 h after administration of the cholinesterase inhibitor (phosphacol, 600 mcg/kg). Cholinesterase activity in blood has been checked by means of the potentiometric titration method, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) content in varicosities of the perivascular nervous fibers--cytophotometrically in preparations treated after Karnovsky--Roots histochemical method. Cholinesterase activity of blood homogenates in test animals is 42 +/- 10%, and acetylcholinesterase content in varicosities of the perivascular nervous fibers--23.5 +/- 2.3% in comparison to the norm. Catecholamines in adrenergic nervous elements are revealed treating them with glyoxylic acid. Distribution density (DD) of histochemically active nervous elements is determined, as well as their specific content of the mediator according to luminescent intensity (LI) of varicosities of nervous fibers. The data obtained in intact animals serve as the control. In the experiment DD and LI reach 127 +/- 9% and 154 +/- 15%, respectively, as compared to the control. Signs of the adrenergic nervous apparatus activation in the experiment reflect a compensatory reaction in response to increase of dilatatory cholinergic influences to vessels under conditions of AChE activity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the degenerative and regenerative changes in rat soleus muscle resulting from 3-week hindlimb suspension at 45° tilt (HS group, n = 8) and 4-week normal cage recovery (HS-R group, n = 7). Degenerative changes were quantified by microscope examination of muscle cross sections, and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) composition of soleus muscles was studied by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. At the end of 3-week hindlimb suspension, histological signs of muscle degenerative changes were detected in soleus muscles. There was a significant variability in the percentage of fibres referred to as degenerating (%dg) in individual animals in the HS group [%dg = 8.41 (SEM 0.5)%, range 4.66%–14.08%]. Moreover, %dg varied significantly along the length of the soleus muscle. The percentage of fibres with internal nuclei was less than %dg in HS-soleus muscles [4.12 (SEM 0.3)%, range 1.24%–8.86%]. In 4-week recovery rats, the greater part of the fibres that were not referred to as normal, retained central nuclei [15.8 (SEM 2.2)%, range 6.2%–21.1%]. A significant increase in the slow isoform of MHC was recorded in the HS-R rats, compared to muscles from age-matched rats (P < 0.01). These results would suggest that a cycle of myofibre degeneration-regeneration occurred during HS and passive recovery, and that the increased accumulation of slow MHC observed in soleus muscles after recovery from HS could be related to the prevalence of newly formed fibres. Accepted: 14 October 1996  相似文献   

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