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Summary In this investigation the occupational exposure of single persons due to the gamma radiation of the natural radionuclides in rock phosphates and phosphate fertilizers and their contribution to the population dose in the FRG has been determined. The exposure rates in the working fields production, transport, loading and storage of rock phosphates and phosphate fertilizers and due to their application in agriculture have been measured by means of scintillation dose rate meters or LiF-thermoluminescence dosemeters or have been estimated from specific activities.Mean additional exposure rates of 2–26 µR/h, with local maximum values up to 190 µR/h, were observed. From these values, together with statistical data for the number of occupied persons and annual working times in the various working fields, the mean and maximum annual dose of individuals and the contribution to the mean population dose have been estimated. The results show that a maximum annual dose to individuals from 0.4 mrem/y (agriculture) up to 45 mrem/y (production plants or storehouses) can occur. The corresponding mean annual doses are 0.05–20 mrem/y. The contribution of the occupational radiation exposure due to rock phosphates and phosphate fertilizers to the mean population dose is 174 man · rem/y related to whole body. To this, fertilizer production contributes 40 man · rem/y, transport and loading 45 man · rem/y, agricultural storehouses 31 man · rem/y, and agriculture 58 man · rem/y.Altogether, this investigation shows that an occupational radiation exposure of individuals may occur which corresponds to the mean terrestrial radiation exposure in the FRG. The contribution of the occupational collective doses due to phosphates to the population dose, however, is negligibly small. 相似文献
Turra Christian De Nadai Fernandes Elisabete A. Bacchi Márcio Arruda Sarriés Gabriel Adrián Reyes Andrés Enrique Lai 《Plant and Soil》2019,437(1-2):291-299
Plant and Soil - Rare earth elements (REE) are a group of the periodic table formed by 17 chemical elements (lanthanoids plus yttrium and scandium). They have been used in different field... 相似文献
Fertilizers labelled with 32P were used to measure amounts of phosphorus, Ps and PF, taken up by Lolium perenne from available soil P and from P fertilizer respectively, when applied at a rate of 66 mg P·(kg soil–1) in greenhouse experiments. The quantity Ps of phosphorus taken up from soil in the presence of P fertilizer was compared to the quantity Po taken up from soil without P fertilizer. The quantity (Ps–Po) is positive for low Po values, i.e. in soils poor in available phosphorus, but is negative for high Po values indicating that an input of P fertilizer can induce a decrease in the utilization of available soil phosphorus. Moreover, for a given soil, the quantity (Ps–Po) depends on the chemical form of the fertilizer. The standard method of evaluation of P fertilizer efficiency is based on the assumption that Ps=Po, but Ps can differ from Po. This result can explain the contradictory data published from field experiments about the efficiency of the various P fertilizers. 相似文献
The activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th, and 40K in rock and soil samples collected from Ondo and Ekiti States in southwestern Nigeria were measured by using gamma-ray spectrometer with a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. The mean activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th, and 40K in the rock were 25.53, 61.12, and 554.20 Bq kg?1 respectively, while that of the soil were 8.27, 17.37, and 151.72 Bq kg?1 respectively. Results showed that the activity concentrations of 238U, 232Th, and 40K were higher in the rocks than the soils of the areas studied. To assess the radiological impact of some radionuclides on the population in the region, the annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE), annual gonadal equivalent dose (AGED), and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) were calculated. The mean values of the indoor and outdoor AEDE, and AGED were 88.08 µSv y?1, 352.34 µSv y?1, and 508.40 mSv y?1, respectively for the rock samples, and 25.31 µSv y?1, 101.25 µSv y?1, and 145.80 mSv y?1 respectively for the soil samples. The mean values obtained for AEDE and AGED for the soil were below ICRP recommended limits of 1 and 300 mSv y?1, respectively. AGED for the rocks was higher than the maximum permissible limit. 相似文献
Kimiaki Saito Nobuhito Ishigure Nina Petoussi-Henss Helmut Schlattl 《Radiation and environmental biophysics》2012,51(4):411-423
In order to provide fundamental data required for dose evaluation due to environmental exposures, effective dose conversion coefficients, that is, the effective dose rate per unit activity per unit area, were calculated for a number of potentially important radionuclides, assuming an exponential distribution in ground, over a wide range of relaxation depths. The conversion coefficients were calculated for adults and a new-born baby on the basis of dosimetric methods that the authors and related researchers have previously developed, using Monte Carlo simulations and anthropomorphic computational phantoms. The differences in effective dose conversion coefficients due to body size between the adult and baby phantoms were found to lie within 50?%, for most cases; however, for some low energies, differences could amount to a factor of 3. The effective dose per unit source intensity per area was found to decrease by a factor of 2–5, for increasing relaxation depths from 0 to 5?g/cm2, above a source energy of 50?keV. It is also shown that implementation of the calculated coefficients into the computation of the tissue weighting factors and the adult reference computational phantoms of ICRP Publication 103 does not significantly influence the effective dose conversion coefficients of the environment. Consequently, the coefficients shown in this paper could be applied for the evaluation of effective doses, as defined according to both recommendations of ICRP Publications 103 and 60. 相似文献
Little is known about the evolutionary processes that structure and maintain microbial diversity because, until recently, it was difficult to explore individual-level patterns of variation at the microbial scale. Now, community-genomic sequence data enable such variation to be assessed across large segments of microbial genomes. Here, we discuss how population-genomic analysis of these data can be used to determine how selection and genetic exchange shape the evolution of new microbial lineages. We show that once independent lineages have been identified, such analyses enable the identification of genome changes that drive niche differentiation and promote the coexistence of closely related lineages within the same environment. We suggest that understanding the evolutionary ecology of natural microbial populations through population-genomic analyses will enhance our understanding of genome evolution across all domains of life. 相似文献
Summary Due to the large absorbing surface of the mycelium that grows in the upper parts of the soil mushrooms take up higher amounts of137Cs and40K than lichens. Besides these nuclides only the long-lived radionuclides125Sb and60Co could be measured; but not the short-lived fission-products144Ce,95Zr and95Nb which probably decayed before absorption into the mycelium. These nuclides, however, are present in lichens because of their surface structures which enable high foliar deposition.The137Cs-content of lichens is probably due to absorption by the mycobiont and seems to be used to satisfy their potassium-requirements. Mushrooms on the other hand are characterized by a relatively stable potassium-content and a wide ranging137Cs-content which depends on the availability in different substrates. Occasionally the natural radionuclides238U and226Ra could be detected in mushroom and lichen samples, showing no correlation with the natural radionuclide content of the soil. 相似文献
Gudkov DI Kaglian AE Kireev SI Nazarov AB Klenus VG 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2008,48(1):48-58
The results of the researches of spices-specificity, accumulation dynamics and distribution of 90Sr, of 137Cs and of transuranic elements in fish of the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone are analysed. The data of estimations of absorbed doze rate from incorporated radionuclides for pray fish and predatory species are given. For the fish from the lake of the left-bank floodplain of the Pripyat River the increase of 90Sr specific activity is registered which is presumably connected with the dynamics of the physical-chemical forms of the radionuclide in soils and their wash out in water bodies from the catchment basin. Now about 90% of internal dose rate of fish from closed aquatic ecosystems within the Chernobyl NPP exclusion zone is caused by 90Sr incorporation. 相似文献
Radionuclides in the environment are one of the major concerns to human health and ecotoxicology. The explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant renewed interest in the role played by fungi in mediating radionuclide movement in ecosystems. As a result of these studies, our knowledge of the importance of fungi, especially in their mycorrhizal habit, in long-term accumulation of radionuclides, transfer up the food chain and regulation of accumulation by their host plants was increased. Micro-fungi have been found to be highly resilient to exposure to ionizing radiation, with fungi having been isolated from within and around the Chernobyl plant. Radioresistance of some fungal species has been linked to the presence of melanin, which has been shown to have emerging properties of acting as an energy transporter for metabolism and has been implicated in enhancing hyphal growth and directed growth of sensitized hyphae towards sources of radiation. Using this recently acquired knowledge, we may be in a better position to suggest the use of fungi in bioremediation of radioactively contaminated sites and cleanup of industrial effluent. 相似文献
Houkes W 《Biology & philosophy》2012,27(3):401-417
A deflationary perspective on theories of cultural evolution, in particular dual-inheritance theory, has recently been proposed
by Lewens. On this ‘pop-culture’ analysis, dual-inheritance theorists apply population thinking to cultural phenomena, without
claiming that cultural items evolve by natural selection. This paper argues against this pop-culture analysis of dual-inheritance
theory. First, it focuses on recent dual-inheritance models of specific patterns of cultural change. These models exemplify
population thinking without a commitment to natural selection of cultural items. There are grounds, however, for doubting
the added explanatory value of the models in their disciplinary context—and thus grounds for engaging in other potentially
explanatory projects based on dual-inheritance theory. One such project is suggested by advocates of the theory. Some of the
motivational narratives that they offer can be interpreted as setting up an adaptationist project with regard to cumulative
change in cultural items. We develop this interpretation here. On it, dual-inheritance theory features two interrelated selection
processes, one on the level of genetically inherited learning mechanisms, another on the level of the cultural items transmitted
through these mechanisms. This interpretation identifies a need for further modelling efforts, but also offers scope for enhancing
the explanatory power of dual-inheritance theory. 相似文献
Jeffry A Siegel Michael G Stabin A Bertrand Brill 《Cellular and molecular biology, including cyto-enzymology》2002,48(5):451-459
This paper advocates patient-specific approaches to radiation dose calculations for radionuclides used in therapy and outlines strategies for implementing such approaches. The use of a simple approaches to radionuclide therapy, e.g. a single amount of activity for all patients or the same amount of activity administered per unit body weight do not permit the optimization of individual patient therapy. While limitations in current models and logistic problems prevent dose calculations of the quality currently enjoyed with external radiation therapy approaches, improvements can be made, and models are constantly evolving. Specific suggestions regarding the extension of current models, and of the use of new models which use image data from individual patients, are discussed in the context of allowing radiotherapy with internal emitters to employ the kind of patient-specific approaches that are used in other therapeutic modalities, which are clearly in the patients' best interests. 相似文献
Douglas F. Jefferies 《Helgoland Marine Research》1968,17(1-4):280-290
Summary 1. Gamma radiation dose-rates over mud-flat areas are shown to be at least ten times those measured over sandy beaches.2. Analysis of the surface sediment layer in an estuarine area 6 miles from the Windscale effluent pipeline shows the major gamma-emitting radionuclides to be95Zr,95Nb and106Rh.3. Core sampling has indicated that the radioactivity concentration in silt decreases exponentially with depth from the surface layer.4. It is shown that the gamma dose-rate above silt banks is largely accounted for by the concentration of95Zr/95Nb in the surface silt layer. The residual gamma dose is probably accounted for by106Ru/106Rh distributed beneath the surface layer.5. The accumulation factors of95Zr +95Nb and106Ru in the surface silt layer are approximately 1.5×104.6. The relationship of radioactivity concentration in surface silt to distance from the effluent pipeline can be described by a simple power function of distance.
Spaltprodukt-Radionuklide in Sedimenten der nordöstlichen Irischen See
Kurzfassung Als Teil einer Untersuchung über die Verbreitung von radioaktivem Abwasser, das von der radiochemischen Aufarbeitungsanlage in Windscale stammt, wurden Messungen der Gamma-Dosisleistung auf Schlickböden in Ästuaren vorgenommen. Es zeigte sich, daß die Dosisleistungen hier mindestens um eine Größenordnung höher sind als die, welche auf reinem Sandboden gemessen wurden. Oberflächensedimente, die hinsichtlich ihrer Radioaktivität untersucht wurden, enthalten als wichtigste Radionuklide die Spaltprodukte95Zr +95Nb,106Ru,144Ce und137Cs. Die Konzentrationen der einzelnen Radionuklide stehen in Beziehung zur Abwassermenge. Probebohrungen in Sedimenten zeigten, daß sich die Konzentration der Radioaktivität exponentiell mit der Tiefe ändert. Der Anreicherungsfaktor von95Zr +95Nb,106Ru in Oberflächensedimenten von Ästuaren beträgt ungefähr 1,5 × 104, für137Cs dagegen 1,0 × 103. Die Konzentrationen von95Zr +95Nb,106Ru und144Ce in Oberflächensedimenten sind abhängig vom Abstand der Abwassereinleitung bei Windscale.相似文献
中国氮磷钾肥制造温室气体排放系数的估算 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
通过收集、整合国内相关数据,推算了符合中国目前情况的各种氮肥、磷肥和钾肥的制造过程中的温室气体排放系数(从原料到工厂大门)。结果显示,我国平均水平的氮肥制造碳排放系数为:合成氨(液氨)1.672 t CE/t N,尿素2.041 t CE/t N,碳铵1.928 t CE/t N,硝酸铵4.202 t CE/t N,氯化铵2.220 t CE/t N,氮肥综合系数为2.116 t CE/t N。我国一般水平的磷肥制造碳排放系数为:重钙0.467 t CE/t P2O5,磷酸二铵1.109 t CE/t P2O5,磷酸一铵0.740 t CE/t P2O5,普钙0.195 t CE/t P2O5,钙镁磷肥2.105 t CE/t P2O5,磷肥综合系数为0.636 t CE/t P2O5。我国先进水平的钾肥制造碳排放系数为:氯化钾0.168 t CE/t K2O,硫酸钾0.409 t CE/t K2O(其中罗钾法硫酸钾0.443 t CE/t K2O、曼海姆法硫酸钾0.375 t CE/t K2O),钾肥综合系数为0.180 t CE/t K2O。我国大部分氮磷钾肥的温室气体排放系数普遍为欧美平均水平的2倍左右,因此利用国外系数来估算我国的农业温室气体排放量将严重低估化肥施用的影响。 相似文献
Pierson BA Miller JS Verfaillie C McGlave PB Hu WS 《Biotechnology and bioengineering》1994,43(8):685-692
The growth kinetics and population dynamics of recombinent interleukin-2 (rlL-2) stimulated human natural killer (NK) cell-enriched populations were studied in vitro. The NK-enriched populations was obtained from normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) by immunomagnetic bead depletion of CD3(+) and CD5(+) T cells. The growth kinetics of NK cells, T cells, monocytes, and total cells are shown. In the absence of PBMNC accessory cells, the NK-enriched population showed limited expansion. In the presence of PBMNC accessory cells, the NK-enriched population expanded threefold more than in the absence of accessory cells due to increased NK cell growth rate and increased duration of exponential growth. Using a Transwell system, which separates two cell population by a polycarbonate membrane, the accessory cells were shown to act on the NK-enriched population via a diffusible factor. Accessory cell conditioned media was able to replace the accessory cell population to stimulate NK cell expansion. A monocyte-enriched population prepared by sheep red blood cell rosetting of T cells was extensively phenotyped and compared with the NK-enriched populations. Although the final cultured cells were phenotypically homogeneous for CD56(+)/CD3(-) NK cells, the initial NK precusor populations appear to be different. Namely, the NK cell precursors in the monocyte-enriched population were predominantly CD56(+)/CD2(-). Kinetic equations were formulated for this culture system and the effects of major culture variables are investigated. 相似文献