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The command elements that initiate and coordinate the abdominal movements in crayfish show little similarity between the various abdominal segments. Our criteria for similarity among interneurons were based on both cell morphology and electrophysiology. By contrast, previously published evidence shows much greater intersegmental similarity in the skeletal, muscular, motoneuronal, and sensory components of the abdominal system in crayfish, structures that are controlled by or send information to the command elements. Therefore, unlike the command elements, these structures have retained nearly identical form and function in the various segments. We also found in different ganglia examples of interneurons involved with abdominal positioning behavior that have similar morphology but different function and vice versa. Such interneurons could represent divergent pairs of serial homologues. It is unknown why so many of the abdominal positioning interneurons have become different. The various ganglia may perform subtly different functions, requiring differences in the positioning interneurons but not in the motor neurons or muscles. Alternatively, some of the abdominal positioning interneurons underlie more than one behavior; consequently, selection acting on these multiple functions may have changed these interneurons through evolution.  相似文献   

We have used identified neurons from the abdominal ganglion of the mollusc Aplysia to construct and analyze two circuits in vitro. Each of these circuits was capable of producing two patterns of persistent activity; that is, they had bistable output states. The output could be switched between the stable states by a brief, external input. One circuit consisted of cocultured L10 and left upper quadrant (LUQ) neurons that formed reciprocal, inhibitory connections. In one stable state L10 was active and the LUQ was quiescent, whereas in the other stable state L10 was quiescent and the LUQ was active. A second circuit consisted of co-cultured L7 and L12 neurons that formed reciprocal, excitatory connections. In this circuit, both cells were quiescent in one stable state and both cells fired continuously in the other state. Bistable output in both circuits resulted from the nonlinear firing characteristics of each neuron and the feedback between the two neurons. We explored how the stability of the neuronal output could be controlled by the background currents injected into each neuron. We observed a relatively well-defined range of currents for which bistability occurred, consistent with the values expected from the measured strengths of the connections and a simple model. Outside of the range, the output was stable in only a single state. These results suggest how stable patterns of output are produced by some in vivo circuits and how command neurons from higher neural centers may control the activity of these circuits. The criteria that guided us in forming our circuits in culture were derived from theoretical studies on the properties of certain neuronal network models (e.g., Hopfield, J. J. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:3088-3092). Our results show that circuits consisting of only two co-cultured neurons can exhibit bistable output states of the form hypothesized to occur in populations of neurons.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural organization of the wind-sensitive giant interneurons in the thoracic ganglia of adult American cockroaches. These seven bilaterally paired interneurons have long been thought to play a role in directing the wind-elicited escape response of the animal. Each of the giant interneurons was labeled individually by intracellular injection of cobaltic hexamine chloride. An individual giant interneuron could be reliably identified from animal to animal based on its branching pattern in thoracic ganglia. The axons of the giant interneurons are situated on each side of the nerve cord in two recognizable subgroups. Comparisons of the axonal arbors of the dorsal and ventral subgroups showed that they project into distinct but partly overlapping regions of thoracic ganglia. Three of the giant interneurons were found to have axonal arbors that cross the longitudinal midline of thoracic and abdominal ganglia. Bilateral pairs of these giant interneurons were labeled concomitantly, and many of the individual neurites from these cells appeared to be closely apposed. All these morphological characteristics are discussed in relation to the connectivity and functional significance of the giant interneurons.  相似文献   

The multisegmented abdomen of crayfish and lobster assumes a variety of postures as components of different behavioral acts. Experimentally these postures can be maintained by activating any of a number of premotor positioning interneurons. The pathways by which the motor output in two or more segments is coordinated were here investigated for a small group of identified postural interneurons whose somata lie in the 2nd abdominal ganglion (A2). Stimulation of all postural interneurons examined evokes a motor output in other abdominal ganglia through which the axon of the neuron passes as well as in the ganglion of origin (ganglion containing the neuron's cell body). The spread of motor excitation away from the originating ganglion occurs via two general pathways. In the first pathway connections to postural motoneurons are made directly by processes of the postural interneuron which pass into ganglia distal to the originating ganglion. Examples of this are shown for two flexion producing interneurons (FPIs) 201 and 301. Each of these FPIs makes monosynaptic connections with motoneurons in A2 and with a homologous set of motoneurons in A3. All postural interneurons fired a set of corollary discharge interneurons (CDIs) whose activities were recorded from the abdominal connectives. Two FPIs, 202 and 301, and a third interneuron, 503, produced motor outputs in ganglia to which they did not project. The motor specificity established in A2 by stimulation of FPIs 202 and 301 (whose axons pass caudally) was preserved in more rostral ganglia, such as A1. Therefore, different sets of CDIs can be specifically recruited to spread the same motor program that is initiated in the originating ganglion to ganglia that do not receive projections from the stimulated postural interneuron. CDIs, in addition, have the capacity to elicit motor programs in distal ganglia that are markedly different from that expressed in the ganglion of origin. For example, although 503 produced an inhibitory output in the abdominal ganglia that it innervated (A1 and A2), a flexion response was generated by it in more caudal ganglia. The caudal flexion response was mediated in part through a monosynaptic activation of FPI 201 and through other unidentified CDIs. Thus, the interneuronal circuitry for postural control is composed of numerous components, some of which have regional control over different portions of the abdominal nerve cord. Depending upon the required movement, select components are coactivated, either serially or in parallel, to effect a variety of spatially distinct positions.  相似文献   

The abdominal ganglion of Aplysia provides a useful model forstudying the functional organization of motor systems. Herewe review studies of the neural network controlling circulation,emphasizing the organizational features it may share with othermotor systems controlled by the abdominal ganglion. We identifiedseven motor neurons to the heart and vascular system. Motorneurons having similar motor effects (e.g. the two heart inhibitors,or the three vasoconstrictors), together with cells of unknownmotor function located near them, make up distinct homogeneouscell groups. The members of each group appear to be nearly identicalwith respect to biophysical and neurochemical properties, sizeand effectiveness of synaplie inputs, and firing patterns. Thereare no interconnections between the members of the groups, butfive interneurons innervate the homogeneous groups in variouscombinations, exciting some groups and inhibiting others. Twoof the interneurons, Interneuron I (cell I10) and InterneuronII, are command cells which produce centrally generated motorprograms in the absence of sensory feedback. Eacli command apparentlycodes for a specific homeostatic function, such as increasedcardiac output. Coordination of the two commands is achievedby mutual inhibitory connections between them, ensuring thatthe motor neurons of the system receive only one command ata time. Some synaptic connections made by the command interneuronsappear to be functionally ineffective; the possible significanceof them is discussed. Available evidence suggests that manyfeatures of the network controlling circulation may be characteristicof other visceromotor systems of the abdominal ganglion.  相似文献   

Serotonin immunoreactivity of neurons in the gastropod Aplysia californica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Serotonergic neurons and axons were mapped in the central ganglia of Aplysia californica using antiserotonin antibody on intact ganglia and on serial sections. Immunoreactive axons and processes were present in all ganglia and nerves, and distinct somata were detected in all ganglia except the buccal and pleural ganglia. The cells stained included known serotonergic neurons: the giant cerebral neurons and the RB cells of the abdominal ganglion. The area of the abdominal ganglion where interneurons are located which produce facilitation during the gill withdrawal reflex was carefully examined for antiserotonin immunoreactive neurons. None were found, but two bilaterally symmetric pairs of immunoreactive axons were identified which descend from the contralateral cerebral or pedal ganglion to abdominal ganglion. Because of the continuous proximity of this pair of axons, they could be recognized and traced into the abdominal ganglion neuropil in each preparation. If serotonin is a facilitating transmitter in the abdominal ganglion, these and other antiserotonin immunoreactive axons in the pleuroabdominal connectives may be implicated in this facilitation.  相似文献   

The nature of the synaptic relationship between 7 identified postural interneurons and 5 pairs of superficial motoneurons was examined by obtaining dual intracellular recordings from interneuron-motoneuron pairs in the lobster 2nd abdominal ganglion. For six different interneuron-motoneuron pairs EPSPs recorded from motoneurons occurred with a short (1 to 3 ms) fixed latency following each presynaptic spike recorded from the interneuron. This suggests that there is a monosynaptic relationship between these interneurons and motoneurons. Monosynaptic pathways accounted for 27% of all excitatory connections. Preliminary evidence indicates that the monosynaptic potentials are mediated by an excitatory chemical synapse since: all IPSPs occurred with latencies greater than 5 ms, there was no evidence for electrical coupling, and one of the interneurons produced facilitating PSPs. A majority of all monosynaptic connections were made by two of the flexion producing interneurons (FPIs), 201 and 301. The synaptic outputs of these FPIs were similar in that both made monosynaptic connections with a different bilaterally homologous pair of motoneurons. Both also produced larger EPSPs and more vigorous spiking in contralateral members of the bilateral motoneuron pairs. A previous study demonstrated that interneurons 201 and 301 are the only postural interneurons yet identified that express motor programs indistinguishable from command neurons. Taken together, these results suggest that certain intersegmental interneurons share properties with command neurons and driver neurons, and that there may not be a sharp morphological or functional distinction between these two cell types.  相似文献   

Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide that has been indicated as a likely output signal from the circadian clock neurons in the brain of Drosophila. In addition to these brain neurons, there are PDF-immunoreactive (PDFI) neurons in the abdominal ganglia of Drosophila and other insects; the function of these neurons is not known. We have analyzed PDFI neurons in the abdominal ganglia of the locust Locusta migratoria. These PDFI neurons can first be detected at about 45% embryonic development and have an adult appearance at about 80%. In each of the abdominal ganglia (A3-A7) there is one pair of lateral PDFI neurons and in each of the A5-A7 ganglia there is additionally a pair of median neurons. The lateral neurons supply varicose branches to neurohemal areas of the lateral heart nerves and perisympathetic organs, whereas the median cells form processes in the terminal abdominal ganglion and supply terminals on the hindgut. Because PDF does not influence hindgut contractility, it is possible that also these median neurons release PDF into the circulation. Release from one or both the PDFI neuron types was confirmed by measurements of PDF-immunoreactivity in hemolymph by enzyme immunoassay. PDF applied to the terminal abdominal ganglion triggers firing of action potentials in motoneurons with axons in the genital nerves of males and the 8th ventral nerve of females. Because this action is blocked in calcium-free saline, it is likely that PDF acts via interneurons. Thus, PDF seems to have a modulatory role in central neuronal circuits of the terminal abdominal ganglion that control muscles of genital organs.  相似文献   

The cells in the embryonic CNS of the tobacco hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, that synthesize a cardioacceleratory peptide 2 (CAP2)-like antigen were identified using immunohistochemical techniques. Two distinct neurosecretory cell types were present in the abdominal ventral nerve cord (VNC) that contain CAP2-like immunoreactivity during late embryogenesis: a pair of large (diameter range 15-20 microns) cells lying along the posterior, dorsal midline of abdominal ganglia A4-A8, and a bilateral set of four smaller (diameter range 6-11 microns) neurons which lie at the base of each ventral root in abdominal ganglia A2-A8. CAP2-like accumulation appeared to follow independent patterns in the two cell types. CAP2-like immunoreactivity began at 60% of embryo development (DT) in the medial cells, accumulated steadily throughout embryogenesis, and dropped markedly during hatching. Lateral cells synthesized the CAP2-like antigen later in development (70% DT) and showed a sharp drop in antigen levels between 75% and 80% of embryonic development. Extracts from developing M. sexta embryos were found to contain a cardioactive factor capable of accelerating the contraction frequency of the pharate adult moth heart in a fashion similar to CAP2. Immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the two endogenous Manduca cardioacceleratory peptides and purification using high pressure liquid chromatography identified this factor as cardioacceleratory peptide 2 (CAP2). Using an in vitro heart bioassay, the levels of this cardioactive neuropeptide were traced during the development of the M. sexta embryo. As with the immunohistochemical results, two periods during embryogenesis were identified in which the level of CAP2 dropped markedly: between 75% and 80% development, and at hatching. Embryo bioassays of CAP2 activity were used to identify possible target tissues for physiological activity during these two putative release times. CAP2 was found to accelerate contraction frequency in the embryonic heart and hindgut of Manduca in a dose-dependent fashion. Of these two possible targets, the hindgut proved to be more sensitive to CAP2, having a lower response threshold and a longer duration of response to a given concentration of the exogenously applied peptide. Based on these immunocytochemical, pharmacological and biochemical results, and on a previously published detailed analysis of Manduca embryogenesis, we conclude that CAP2 is probably released from a specific set of identified neurosecretory cells in the abdominal VNC to modulate embryonic gut activity at 75-80% of embryo development during ingestion of the extra-embryonic yolk.  相似文献   

1. Isolated pedal ganglia of the pteropodial mollusc, Clione limacina, generate a locomotory rhythm. In 30% of the pedal ganglia preparations the locomotory rhythm was not regular, i.e. the locomotor generator worked in “bursts” alternating with periods of low activity.2. The “locomotor bursts” were caused by spontaneous activation of command neurons located in the pedal ganglia.3. A single neuron was extracted from burst-generating preparations by means of the intracellular microelectrode and then its soma was put back, into the initial place between the ganglion cells. Twenty-five percent of the isolated neurons renewed the bursts-related changes in their activity after the insertion into the ganglion. The neurons which were originally excited during the “locomotor bursts” continued to be excited after isolation, while those which were inhibited continued to be inhibited during the bursts.4. It is suggested that the command neurons controlling the locomotor generator can exert action on the target cells in the absence of morphological synapses.  相似文献   

It was established during experiments on pedal ganglia generating locomotor rhythm isolated fromClione limacina, a pteropod mollusk, that this rhythm was irregular in 30% of preparations; i.e., the locomotor generator worked in bursts which alternated with periods of regular activity. Locomotor bursts were produced by excitation in command neurons located within the pedal ganglia. Single neurons were extracted from the ganglia in these preparations generating locomotor bursts by means of an intracellular microelectrode; their somata were then placed in their original sites amongst the ganglia cells. A total of 35 neurons were isolated showing changed activity during bursts. Nine of these cells renewed their erratic activity (linked to locomotor bursts) following reinsertion into the ganglion. Neurons which had initially shown an excitatory pattern during bursts continued to be excited; the same was true for inhibitory types. These observations indicate that the command neurons governing generator operation can act on target cells when morphological contact with them has been suppressed.Institute for Research into Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow; M. V. Lomonosov State University. Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 756–763, November–December, 1986.  相似文献   

Neuropeptides expressed in the command neurons for withdrawal behavior were originally detected in the the central nervous system (CNS) of the terrestrial snail Helix (command neurons peptides, CNP). The family of CNP-like neuropeptides bears a C-terminal signature sequence Tyr-Pro-Arg-X. Using antisera against two of them, we have studied the CNS of various invertebrates belonging to the phyla of mollusks, annelids and insects. The immunoreactive neurons were detected in all studied species. Stained neurons were either interneurons projecting along the CNS ganglia chain, or sensory neurons, or neurohormonal cells. Beyond common morphological features, the immunoreactive cells had another similarity: the level of CNP expression depended on the functional state of the animal. Thus, the homologous neuropeptides in evolutionary distant invertebrate species possess some common morphological and functional features.  相似文献   

Pigment‐dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide that has been indicated as a likely output signal from the circadian clock neurons in the brain of Drosophila. In addition to these brain neurons, there are PDF‐immunoreactive (PDFI) neurons in the abdominal ganglia of Drosophila and other insects; the function of these neurons is not known. We have analyzed PDFI neurons in the abdominal ganglia of the locust Locusta migratoria. These PDFI neurons can first be detected at about 45% embryonic development and have an adult appearance at about 80%. In each of the abdominal ganglia (A3–A7) there is one pair of lateral PDFI neurons and in each of the A5–A7 ganglia there is additionally a pair of median neurons. The lateral neurons supply varicose branches to neurohemal areas of the lateral heart nerves and perisympathetic organs, whereas the median cells form processes in the terminal abdominal ganglion and supply terminals on the hindgut. Because PDF does not influence hindgut contractility, it is possible that also these median neurons release PDF into the circulation. Release from one or both the PDFI neuron types was confirmed by measurements of PDF‐immunoreactivity in hemolymph by enzyme immunoassay. PDF applied to the terminal abdominal ganglion triggers firing of action potentials in motoneurons with axons in the genital nerves of males and the 8th ventral nerve of females. Because this action is blocked in calcium‐free saline, it is likely that PDF acts via interneurons. Thus, PDF seems to have a modulatory role in central neuronal circuits of the terminal abdominal ganglion that control muscles of genital organs. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 48: 19–41, 2001  相似文献   

Summary The central and visceral nervous systems of the cockroach Periplaneta americana were studied by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical method, with the use of antibody to bovine pancreatic polypeptide (PP). PP-like immunoreactive neuron somata are most numerous in the brain; at least 6 pairs of cell groups occur in clearly defined regions. Three pairs of cells each are also present in the suboesophageal ganglion and the thoracic ganglia, one pair of a single cell each in the first abdominal and the frontal ganglia, and 4 to 6 pairs of single cells in the terminal ganglion. No reactive cells were found in the retrocerebral complex and the second to the fifth abdominal ganglia. The axons containing PP-like immunoreactivity issue many branches that are distributed in the entire brain-retrocerebral complex, ventral cord, and visceral nervous system. PP-like immunoreactive material produced in the brain seems to be transported by three routes: protocerebrum to corpora cardiaca (-allata) through the nervi corporis cardiaci, tritocerebrum to visceral nervous system through frontal commissures, and to ventral cord through circumoesophageal connectives.A possible homology between the mammalian brain-GEP (gastro-enteropancreatic) system and the brain-midgut system of this insect is discussed.  相似文献   

As part of its repertoire of defensive behaviors, the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, may respond to mildly threatening tactile or visual stimuli from the front of its body by walking backwards. During this behavior, the abdomen undergoes complex cyclical movements involving flexion and extension of the postural musculature which cause the tail to alternately contact and withdraw from the substrate. Intracellular neuropil recordings and dye injections were used to search for the interneurons responsible for initiating this postural motor pattern in the crayfish abdomen. Several diverse morphological types of interganglionic pattern-initiating (PI) interneurons were found. Each interneuron, when driven intracellularly, was capable of eliciting the same motor program, in its entirety, throughout the abdominal nerve cord. During pattern generation, PI interneurons exhibited a burst of spikes preceding the motor output. Silencing single PI interneurons with hyperpolarizing current during pattern generation failed to affect the motor program, indicating a redundancy of pattern-initiating function. The observations of extensive dye-coupling with other parallel axons, consistent dye-coupling with other identified cells in the pattern-initiating system, and the presence of multiple spike amplitudes in the bursts suggested electrotonic coupling among the PI interneurons. An additional group of interganglionic interneurons, the partial pattern-initiating (PPI) interneurons, were found to comprise a significant subset of the pattern-initiating system. As with the PI cells, the PPI interneurons exhibited a complex burst of spikes just preceding the patterned motor program. However, the PPI interneurons were only capable of eliciting an incomplete, though recognizable, postural motor pattern. Silencing any PPI interneuron during pattern generation caused a deficit in the motor pattern, indicating either an absence or lesser degree of functional redundancy within the PPI interneuron population compared to that occurring within the PI interneuron group. We conclude that a large number of PI interneurons are presynaptic to a relatively small group of PPI interneurons which, in turn, conduct pattern-initiating signals to the ganglionic oscillators. Our results indicate that pattern-initiation is accomplished through a command system involving multiple command elements organized in a coordinated interganglionic network.  相似文献   

1. The neurosecretory system of the primitive ellobiid Melampus bidentatus (Pulmonata: Basommatophora) was investigated using Alcian blue-Alcian yellow histochemistry. 2. Putative neurosecretory cells within the central ganglia were distinguished by the criteria of cell size, position, and staining reaction. 3. The cerebral ganglia, with attached lateral lobes, contained the greatest diversity of neurosecretory cell types (at least seven), including single cells and cell clusters ranging from two to 40 cells. 4. Four neurosecretory cell types were identified in the parietal and visceral ganglia, two in the pedal ganglia, and one each in the buccal and pleural ganglia. 5. Neurosecretory system homology among pulmonate gastropods is suggested by the close similarity of the Melampus AB/AY cell map to those reported in the literature for two limnic basommatophorans and for four terrestrial stylommatophorans.  相似文献   

Fetus-in-fetu: report of a case   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5 month-old female was brought to our clinic because of diarrhea and abdominal distension. A plain radiograph demonstrated a mass with a vertebral column in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. At operation a mass was found to be retroperitoneal, well encapsulated, and connected to the abdominal aorta of the host by two small vessels; no other connections and adhesions were seen between the mass and the host. The ovaries, uterus, and other pelvic and abdominal viscera of the host were normal. The mass was diagnosed as a fetus-in-fetu. The fetus-in-fetu, encapsulated with an amniotic capsule, was covered with skin and had a top with long hair, two protuberances, an amniotic hernial sac, upper limbs with syndactylic fingers, a gluteal region, and lower limbs with polysyndactylic toes. A brain mass and a spinal cord were identified in the cranial cavity and the vertebral canal. Several spinal ganglia and a nerve plexus were found. A noselike structure, upper lip, maxillalike bone with teeth, tonguelike structure, intestines, ribs, bones of the extremities, and skeletal muscles were also identified. A cloacalike cyst was observed to have an opening in the external female genitalia. Microscopically, a small number of motor neurons were seen in the brain mass and the anterior horn of the spinal cord. In the spinal ganglia, ganglion cells were differentiated. The submucosal and myenteric plexuses were seen in the intestinal wall. Well-differentiated muscle fibers were often accompanied with myelinated nerve fibers. Hematopoiesis was observed in the cranial bone marrow. The presence of the sex chromatin was confirmed in the nuclei of motor neurons and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Thus, the present fetus-in-fetu, which was connected to the abdominal aorta of the host by two vessels, was a monozygotic twin which developed within its own amniotic cavity.  相似文献   

The buccal ganglia of the snail, Helisoma trivolvis, contain an intrinsic system of dopamine-containing neurons (Trimble, Barker, and Bullard, 1983). Dopamine, when bath applied to the isolated buccal ganglia, activates patterned motor output in a dose-dependent fashion. Haloperidol blocks the activating effect of dopamine, but the similar activation evoked by serotonin is not blocked by haloperidol. We suggest that there are two separate mechanisms for activating patterned motor output from the buccal ganglia. One is serotonergic, emanating from identified cerebral ganglion cells (Granzow and Kater, 1977), while the other is dopaminergic, involving neurons intrinsic to the buccal ganglia.  相似文献   

Eclosion hormone (EH) is a 62 amino acid neuropeptide that plays an integral role in triggering ecdysis behavior at the end of each molt. At least three populations of cells are thought to be targets for EH, each of which show an EH-stimulated increase in the intracellular messenger guanosine 3', 5' cyclic monophosphate (cGMP). These EH target cells are believed to include two pairs of neurons in each of the ganglia of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) that contain the neuropeptide crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), the Inka cells of the peripheral epitracheal glands and intrinsic non-neuronal cells in the abdominal transverse nerves. This review describes likely signaling cascades that result in the EH-stimulated cGMP increase. Several lines of evidence suggest the involvement of a novel nitric oxide insensitive soluble guanylyl cyclase (GC). A novel GC with these properties has recently been identified and we also present evidence to suggest that it is activated by EH and describe possible pathways for its activation. In addition, we review our current knowledge on the cellular and molecular events that take place downstream of the increase in cGMP.  相似文献   

运动过程的网络逻辑——从离子通道到动物行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GRILLNER Sten 《生命科学》2008,20(5):695-701
为了揭示神经网络在脊椎动物运动中所行使的内在功能,作者开发了七鳃鳗这种低等脊椎动物模型。在这套系统中,不仅可以了解到运动模式生成网络以及激活此网络的命令系统,同时还可以在运动中研究方向控制系统和变向控制系统。七鳃鳗的神经系统有较少的神经元,而且运动行为中的不同运动模式可以由分离的神经系统所引发。模式生成神经网络包括同侧的谷氨酸能中间神经元和对侧的抑制性甘氨酸能中间神经元。网络中的突触连接、细胞膜特性和神经递质都也已经被鉴定。运动是由脑干区域的网状脊髓神经元所引起,而这些神经元又是被问脑和中脑分离的一些运动命令神经元群所控制。因此,运动行为最初是由这两个“运动核心”所启动。而这两个运动核心被基底神经节调控,基底神经节即时地做出判断是否允许下游的运动程序启动。在静止情况下基底神经节的输出核团维持对下游不同运动核心的抑制作用,反之则去除抑制活化运动核心。纹状体和苍白球被认为是这个运动抉择系统的主要部件。根据“霍奇金一贺胥黎”模型神经元开发了这套网络模型,不同的细胞具有各自相应的不同亚型的钠、钾、钙离子通道和钙依赖的钾通道。每个模型神经元拥有86个不同区域模块以及其对应的生物学功能,例如频率控制、超极化等等。然后根据已有实验证据,利用突触将不同的模型神经元相连。而系统中的10000个神经元大致和生物学网络上的细胞数量相当。突触数量为760000。突触类型有AMPA、NMDA、glycine型。有了这样大规模的模型,不仅可以模拟肌节与肌节之间的神经网络,还可以模拟到由基底神经节开始的行为起始部分。此外,这些网络模拟还被用于一个神经机械学模型来模拟包含有推进和方向控制部分的真实运动。  相似文献   

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