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On fertilisation, gametes undergo epigenetic reorganisation and re-establish totipotency. Here, we investigate links between chromatin remodelling and asymmetric maintenance of DNA methylation in the early mouse embryo. Using antibodies for lysine specific H3 methylation reveals that the male pronucleus is negative for di- and trimethyl H3-K9 yet the female is positive for these residues. However, the male is positive for monomethyl H3-K9 and H3-K27 and these signals increase during pronuclear maturation. Non-histone chromatin proteins of the Polycomb group are found in the paternal compartment as early as sperm decondensation. However, trimethyl H3-K27 is not observed in the male until the completion of DNA replication. Heterochromatin protein 1 beta (HP1beta) is abundant in the male pronucleus, despite the absence of di- and trimethyl H3-K9, and co-localises with monomethyl H3-K9. Recent evidence identifies monomethyl H3-K9 as the preferred substrate of Suvar39h, the histone methyl transferase (HMT) responsible for heterochromatic H3-K9 trimethylation. The association of HP1beta with monomethyl H3-K9 may assist in preventing further modification of H3-K9. Association of dimethylation but not trimethylation of H3-K9 with DNA methylation, in the female pronucleus, suggests a mechanistically significant link. These differences begin to provide a chromatin based explanation for paternal-specific active DNA demethylation and maternal specific protection in the mouse.  相似文献   

Unlike the oocytes of most other animal species, unfertilized murine oocytes contain cytoplasmic asters, which act as microtubule-organizing centers following fertilization. This study examined the role of asters during the first cell cycle of mouse nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. NT was performed by intracytoplasmic injection of cumulus cells. Cytoplasmic asters were localized by staining with an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody. Enucleation of MII oocytes caused no significant change in the number of cytoplasmic asters. The number of asters decreased after transfer of the donor nuclei into these enucleated oocytes, probably because some of the asters participated in the formation of the spindle that anchors the donor chromosomes. The cytoplasmic asters became undetectable within 2 h of oocyte activation, irrespective of the presence or absence of the donor chromosomes. After the standard NT protocol, a spindle-like structure persisted between the pseudopronuclei of these oocytes throughout the pronuclear stage. The asters reappeared shortly before the first mitosis and formed the mitotic spindle. When the donor nucleus was transferred into preactivated oocytes (delayed NT) that were devoid of free asters, the microtubules and microfilaments were distributed irregularly in the ooplasm and formed dense bundles within the cytoplasm. Thereafter, all of the delayed NT oocytes underwent fragmentation and arrested development. Treatment of these delayed NT oocytes with Taxol, which is a microtubule-assembling agent, resulted in the formation of several aster-like structures and reduced fragmentation. Some Taxol-treated oocytes completed the first cell cycle and developed further. This study demonstrates that cytoplasmic asters play a crucial role during the first cell cycle of murine NT embryos. Therefore, in mouse NT, the use of MII oocytes as recipients is essential, not only for chromatin reprogramming as previously reported, but also for normal cytoskeletal organization in reconstructed oocytes.  相似文献   

Full-term development has now been achieved in several mammalian species by transfer of somatic nuclei into enucleated oocytes [1, 2]. Although a high proportion of such reconstructed embryos can evolve until the blastocyst stage, only a few percent develop into live offspring, which often exhibit developmental abnormalities [3, 4]. Regulatory epigenetic markers such as DNA methylation are imposed on embryonic cells as normal development proceeds, creating differentiated cell states. Cloned embryos require the erasure of their somatic epigenetic markers so as to regain a totipotent state [5]. Here we report on differences in the dynamics of chromosome methylation between cloned and normal bovine embryos before implantation. We show that cloned embryos fail to reproduce distinguishable parental-chromosome methylation patterns after fusion and maintain their somatic pattern during subsequent stages, mainly by a highly reduced efficiency of the passive demethylation process. Surprisingly, chromosomes appear constantly undermethylated on euchromatin in morulae and blastocysts, while centromeric heterochromatin remains more methylated than that of normal embryos. We propose that the abnormal time-dependent methylation events spanning the preimplantation development of clones may significantly interfere with the epigenetic reprogramming, contributing to the high incidence of physiological anomalies occurring later during pregnancy or after clone birth.  相似文献   

A viable cloned animal indicates that epigenetic status of the differentiated cell nucleus is reprogrammed to an embryonic totipotent state. However, molecular events regarding epigenetic reprogramming of the somatic chromatin are poorly understood. Here we provide new insight that somatic chromatins are refractory to reprogramming of histone acetylation during early development. A low level of acetylated histone H4-lysine 5 (AcH4K5) of the somatic chromatin was sustained at the pronuclear stage. Unlike in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos, the AcH4K5 level remarkably reduced at the 8-cell stage in cloned bovine embryos. The AcH4K5 status of somatic chromatins transmitted to cloned and even recloned embryos. Differences of AcH4K5 signal intensity were more distinguishable in the metaphase chromosomes between IVF and cloned embryos. Two imprinted genes, Ndn and Xist, were aberrantly expressed in cloned embryos as compared with IVF embryos, which is partly associated with the AcH4K5 signal intensity. Our findings suggest that abnormal epigenetic reprogramming in cloned embryos may be because of a memory mechanism, the epigenetic status itself of somatic chromatins.  相似文献   

Cloned mouse embryo development to blastocyst stage correlates positively with the expression level of Oct4 (Pou5f1) at the morula stage, as reported previously by our laboratory. However, whether this correlation is based on a cause-effect relationship has remained unclear. To address this question, we artificially increased the level of Oct4 prior and subsequent to somatic cell nuclear transfer, by microinjection of Oct4 mRNA into ooplasts and by transgenic Oct4 induction at the morula stage, respectively. We observed higher developmental rates of cloned embryos to blastocyst when higher levels of Oct4 were superimposed with the initial reprogramming events; whereas increasing Oct4 at later stages of preimplantation development did not have a significant effect on developmental rates. Our results show that supplemental Oct4 facilitates oocyte-mediated reprogramming only during the first cleavages, implying that the higher Oct4 level observed in developmentally competent cloned morulae is a readout of reprogramming events that successfully took place earlier.  相似文献   

Dynamic reprogramming of DNA methylation in the early mouse embryo.   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Dynamic epigenetic modification of the genome occurs during early development of the mouse. Active demethylation of the paternal genome occurs in the zygote, followed by passive demethylation during cleavage stages, and de novo methylation, which is thought to happen after implantation. We have investigated these processes by using indirect immunofluorescence with an antibody to 5-methyl cytosine. In contrast to previous work, we show that demethylation of the male pronucleus is completed within 4 h of fertilisation. This activity is intricately linked with and not separable from pronucleus formation. In conditions permissive for polyspermy, up to five male pronuclei underwent demethylation in the same oocyte. Paternal demethylation in fertilised oocytes deficient for MBD2, the only candidate demethylase, occurred normally. Passive loss of methylation occurred in a stepwise fashion up to the morulae stage without any evidence of spatial compartmentalisation. De novo methylation was observed specifically in the inner cell mass (ICM) but not in the trophectoderm of the blastocyst and hence may have an important role in early lineage specification. This is the first complete and detailed analysis of the epigenetic reprogramming cycle during preimplantation development. The three phases of methylation reprogramming may have roles in imprinting, the control of gene expression, and the establishment of nuclear totipotency.  相似文献   

Genome-wide changes of DNA methylation by active and passive demethylation processes are typical features during preimplantation development. Here we provide an insight that epigenetic reprogramming of DNA methylation is regulated in a region-specific manner, not a genome-wide fashion. To address this hypothesis, methylation states of three repetitive genomic regions were monitored at various developmental stages in the mouse embryos. Active demethylation was not observed in the IAP sequences whereas methylation reprogramming of the satellite sequences was regulated only by the active mechanism. Etn elements were actively demethylated after fertilization, passively demethylated by the 8-cell stage, and de novo methylated at the morular and blastocyst stages, showing dynamic epigenetic changes. Thus, our findings suggest that the specific genomic regions or sequences may spatially/temporally have their unique characteristics in the reprogramming of the DNA methylation during preimplantation development.  相似文献   

Mitosis promoting factor (MPF) plays a central role during the first mitosis of mouse embryo. We demonstrated that MPF activity increased when one-cell stage mouse embryo initiated G2/M transition following the decrease of cyclic adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity. When cAMP and PKA activity increases again, MPF activity decreases and mouse embryo starts metaphase-anaphase transition. In the downstream of cAMP/PKA, there are some effectors such as polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1), Cdc25, Mos (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase), MEK (mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), Wee1, anaphase-promoting complex (APC), and phosphoprotein phosphatase that are involved in the regulation of MPF activity. Here, we demonstrated that following activation of MPF, MAPK activity was steady, whereas Plk1 activity fluctuated during the first cell cycle. Plk1 activity was the highest at metaphase and decreased at metaphase-anaphase transition. Further, we established a mathematical model using Gepasi algorithm and the simulation was in agreement with the experimental data. Above all the evidences, we suggested that cAMP and PKA might be the upstream factors which were included in the regulation of the first cell cycle development of mouse embryo.  相似文献   

Nuclear reprogramming of cloned embryos produced in vitro   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Han YM  Kang YK  Koo DB  Lee KK 《Theriogenology》2003,59(1):33-44

The restricted supply of oocytes in the domestic dog limits the development of reproductive biotechnologies in this species. Inter-species somatic cell nuclear transfer could be an alternative for cloning animals whose oocytes are difficult to obtain. In this study, the possibility of cloning dog embryos using pig oocytes was investigated by evaluating nuclear remodeling. Chromatin remodeling, assessed by premature chromosome condensation, pseudo-pronuclei formation, DNA methylation and histone acetylation, along with the developmental ability was compared between intra- and inter-species cloned embryos. The incidence of premature chromosome condensation was significantly higher in intra-species cloned embryos relative to inter-species cloned embryos (87.2% vs. 61.7%; P<0.05), but comparable pseudo-pronuclei formation was observed in both (85.3% vs. 75.8%). None of the inter-species cloned embryos developed beyond the 8-cell stage while 18.3% of intra-species cloned embryos developed to the blastocyst stage. The relative level of both DNA methylation and histone acetylation was similar between intra- and inter-species cloned embryos at all times examined. These results suggest that although partial chromatin remodeling occurs, further investigation is needed to be able to use pig oocytes as recipient oocytes in dog cloning.  相似文献   

The connections between various nuclear processes and specific histone posttranslational modifications are dependent to a large extent on the acquisition of those modifications after histone synthesis. The reestablishment of histone posttranslational modifications after S phase is especially critical for H3K9 and H3K27 trimethylation, both of which are linked with epigenetic memory and must be stably transmitted from one cellular generation to the next. This report uses a proteomic strategy to interrogate how and when the cell coordinates the formation of histone posttranslational modifications during division. Paramount among the findings is that H3K9 and H3K27 trimethylation begins during S phase but is completed only during the subsequent G(1) phase via two distinct pathways from the unmodified and preexisting dimethylated states. In short, we have systematically characterized the temporal origins and methylation pathways for histone posttranslational modifications during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the first cell cycle in parthenogenetic mouse embryos derived from ethanol-activated eggs was studied using 3H-thymidine. DNA synthesis starts within 5 h and is terminated within 10 h after activation: it lasts ca. 6 h. Changes in the intensity of 3H-thymidine incorporation and in the distribution of radioactive label between haploid and diploid parthenogens were observed. 3H-thymidine was shown to incorporate into pronucleoli of diploid parthenogens and late-labeled heterochromatin blocks were bound in both diploid and haploid pronuclei. The structure of the first cell cycle in parthenogenetic and normal embryos is discussed.  相似文献   

Epigenetic aberrancies likely preclude correct and complete nuclear reprogramming following somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), and may underlie the observed reduced viability of cloned embryos. In the present study, we tested the effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACi), trichostatin A (TSA), on development and histone acetylation of cloned bovine preimplantation embryos. Our results indicated that treating activated reconstructed SCNT embryos with 50 nM TSA for 13 h produced eight-cell embryos with levels of acetylation of histone H4 at lysine 5 (AcH4K5) similar to fertilized counterparts and significantly greater than in control NT embryos (p < 0.005). Further, TSA treatment resulted in SCNT embryos with preimplantation developmental potential similar to fertilized counterparts, as no difference was observed in cleavage and blastocyst rates or in blastocyst total cell number (p > 0.05). Measurement of eight selected developmentally important genes in single blastocysts showed a similar expression profile among the three treatment groups, with the exception of Nanog, Cdx2, and DNMT3b, whose expression levels were higher in TSA-treated NT than in in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos. Data presented herein demonstrate that TSA can improve at least one epigenetic mark in early cloned bovine embryos. However, evaluation of development to full-term is necessary to ascertain whether this effect reflects a true increase in developmental potential.  相似文献   

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