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Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are one of many synthetic mimics of DNA and RNA that have found applications as biological probes, as nano-scaffold components, and in diagnostics. In an effort to use PNA as constructs for cellular delivery we investigated the possibility of installing a biologically susceptible disulfide bond in the backbone of a PNA oligomer. Here we report the synthesis of a new abasic Fmoc monomer containing a disulfide bond that can be incorporated into a PNA oligomer (DS-PNA) using standard solid phase peptide synthesis. The disulfide bond survives cleavage from the resin and DS-PNA forms duplexes with complementary PNA oligomers. Initial studies aimed at determining if the disulfide bond is cleavable to reducing agents while in a duplex are explored using UV thermal analysis and HPLC.  相似文献   

The S-acetamidomethyl (Acm) protecting group is widely used in the chemical synthesis of peptides that contain one or more disulfide bonds. Treatment of peptides containing S-Acm protecting group with iodine results in simultaneous removal of the sulfhydryl protecting group and disulfide formation. However, the excess iodine needs to be quenched or adsorbed as quickly as possible after completion of the disulfide bond formation in order to minimize side reactions that are often associated with the iodination step. We report a simple method for simultaneous post-cysteine (Acm) group removal quenching of iodination and isolation. Use of large volumes of diethyl ether for direct precipitation action of the oxidized peptide from the 90 or 95% aqueous acetic acid solution affords nearly quantitative recovery of largely iodine-free peptide ready for direct purification. It was successfully applied to the synthesis of various peptides including human insulin-like peptide 3 analogues. Although recovery yields were comparable to the traditionally used ascorbic acid quenching method, this new approach offers significant advantages such as more simple utility, minimal side reactions, and greater cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

A double mutant of rat trypsinogen (Asp189Ser, DeltaAsp223) was constructed by site-directed mutagenesis. The recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli under the control of a periplasmic expression vector. The purified and enterokinase-activated enzyme was characterized by synthetic fluorogenic tetrapeptide and natural polypeptide substrates and by a recently developed method. In case of this latter method the specificity profile of the enzyme was examined by simultaneous digestion of a mixture of oligopeptide substrates each differing only at the P(1) site residue, and the results were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. All these assays unanimously demonstrated that the recombinant proteinase lacks trypsin-like activity but acquired a rather unique selectivity: it preferentially hydrolyses peptide bonds C-terminal to tyrosyl residues. This narrow specificity should be useful in peptide-analytical applications such as sequence-specific fragmentation of large proteins prior to sequencing.  相似文献   

A series of peptide ligands containing the sequence -Cys-Xaa-His- (CXH; Xaa=Gly or Lys) has been prepared and the coordination chemistry of these peptides with nickel(II) investigated. Selective protection of either the N-terminal cysteine thiol or amine group gave complexes with amino or thiolato coordination, respectively, to nickel(II). Insertion of CGH into a pentapeptide, N-acetyl-Ala-Cys-Gly-His-Ala-CONH2, allowed the formation of a square-planar thiolato Cys-Gly-His complex with nickel(II) in an internal position of the peptide. Inclusion of an N-terminal cysteine residue with a free amino terminus gave rise to pH- and dioxygen-dependent coordination behavior. Solutions of CGH-CONH2 with nickel(II) at neutral pH yielded a red nickel-thiolate complex, but at higher pH (8.5 or above) or with exposure to dioxygen, yellow nickel complexes with N-terminal amino coordination were observed. The disulfide-bridged dimers formed from Ni(CGH-CONH2) in the presence of air were characterized and found to have the typical coordination found in the amino-terminal binding motif of the serum albumins. Nickel(II) coordination and thiol reactivity were also studied by determination of rates of thiol alkylation and by monitoring air oxidation in the presence of various metals. Zinc(II) effectively inhibits thiol alkylation and oxidation (disulfide formation) in all the peptides studied. Nickel(II) inhibits aerobic oxidation and alkylation of N-terminal protected peptides such as N-acetyl-Cys-Gly-His, but does not inhibit air oxidation of free amino terminal peptides such as Cys-Gly-His. Instead, nickel(II) mediates the formation an additional product under aerobic conditions, a cysteinesulfinic acid.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.Abbreviations CGH cysteinylglycylhistidine - GGH glycylglycylhistidine - Xaa any amino acid  相似文献   

The mode of disulfide linkages in bombyxin-IV, an insulin superfamily peptide consisting of A- and B-chains, was determined as A6–A11, A7–B10, and A20–B22. An intermolecular bond of A20–B22 was identified by sequencing and mass spectrometric analysis of the fragments generated by thermolysin digestion of natural bombyxin-IV. The mode of the remaining two bridges was determined by chemical and selective synthesis of three possible disulfide bond isomers of bombyxin-IV. A- and B-chains were synthesized by solid-phase method, and three disulfide bonds were bridged stepwise and in a fully controlled manner. Retention time on reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thermolysin digests, and biological activity of the synthetic [A6–A11, A7–B10, A20–B22-cystine]-bombyxin-IV revealed that it was identical with the natural bombyxin-IV. Two other isomers with respect to disulfide bond arrangement, [A6–A7, A11–B10, A20–B22-cystine]- and [A6–B10, A7–A11, A20–B22-cystine]-bombyxin-IVs, were distinguishable from the natural one by use of HPLC, thermolysin digestion, and bioassay.  相似文献   

Summary To study the influence of phosphorylation and oxidation on the repeat domains of human Tau protein, we faced the challenge to selectively dimerize two cysteine-containing peptides in the presence of a nearby phosphate group. To this end, we were able to demonstrate the utility of a selective dimerization approach by forming disulfide bonds in unprotected phosphopeptides and extended the methodology to unprotected glycopeptides. Activation of one cysteine of a peptide chain with 2,2-dithiodipyridine and coupling this thiopyridyl-peptide to another peptide chain, containing an unprotected cysteine residue, yielded the mixed dimers in high purities and reasonable yields. Phosphate or sugar side chains on either peptide component remained unaffected during the activation and dimerization processes. While for mixed dimers the activated peptides were isolated by chromatography, homodimers were obtained by a simple one-pot reaction after 1 h. We demonstrate that cysteines can be dimerized in unprotected phosphopeptides and glycopeptides, without any side reactions affecting these posttranslational modifications.Abbreviations DCM dichloromethane - DMF N,N-dimethylformamide - DTP 2,2-dithiodipyridine - Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MALDI matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - MS mass spectrometry - NFT neurofibrillary tangles - PHF paired helical filaments - PKC protein kinase C - RP reversed phase - human Tau protein - TFA trifluoroacetic acid Parts of this paper were presented at the 24th European Peptide Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., September 8–13, 1996.  相似文献   

The disulfide bonds in the galactose-specific lectin SEL 24K from the egg of the Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha were determined by mass spectrometry. Four predictive in silico tools were used to determine the oxidation state of cysteines in the sequence and possible location of the disulfide bonds. A combination of tryptic digestion, HPLC separation, and chemical modifications were used to establish the location of seven disulfide bonds and one pair of free cysteines. After proteolysis, peptides containing one or two disulfide bonds were identified by reduction and mass spectral comparison. MALDI mass spectrometry was supported by chemical modification (iodoacetamide) and in silico digestion. The assignments of disulfide bonds were further confirmed by mass spectral fragmentation studies including in-source dissociation (ISD) and collision-induced dissociation (CID). The experimentally determined disulfide bonds and free Cys residues were only partially consistent with those generated by several automated public-domain algorithms.  相似文献   

Summary In our study on non coded amino acids and their utilization in peptide chemistry we synthesized methylene-thio (CH2—S) and methyleneoxy (CH2—O) group containing amino acids and pseudodipeptides which could be used as building blocks for the construction of peptide hormone analogues. The (CH2—S) isoster of peptide bond exhibits increased flexibility, lipophility and resistance to proteolytic enzymes. This group exhibits similar properties as the isosteric disulfide bond in the side chain of cystine residue. The (CH2—O) isoster is moreover similar in its geometry to extended conformation of peptide bond. As a consequence, the changed profile of biological activities could be expected for peptide hormone analogues containing such isosteric moiety. The (CH2—S) isosters of the peptide bond were prepared by alkylation of thiolates of 2-mercaptocarboxylic acids, the disulfide bond by alkylation of cysteine or homocysteine. The (CH2—O) isosters were prepared by (AcO)4Rh2 catalyzed addition of carbenes of alkyl diazocarboxylates to N-protected aminoalcohols. Pseudodipeptides H—Leu—(CH2—S)—Gly—NH2 and H—Leu—(CH2—O)—Gly—NH2 were introduced into the C-terminal part of the oxytocin molecule using solution methods of peptide chemistry. Both inserted isosteric bonds were resistant against proteolytic degradation, the first one was found to decrease an enzymic cleavage of the distant Tyr2-Ile3 bond in the corresponding analogue, too. The (CH2—S) isosters of the disulfide bond containing an orthogonal protection of their-amino (Fmoc) and-(OAll, OH) or-(OBu+, OH) carboxylic groups were applied in the solid phase synthesis of the aminoterminal 1-deamino-15-pentadecapeptide of endothelin-I which represents a strong vasoactive agent. The solid phase synthesis was carried out by the step-wise protocol on the Rink or Merrifield type resin using orthogonally protected carba cystine building blocks.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic tag-assisted liquid-phase peptide synthesis technique and disulfide bond formation have been well-combined, leading to the efficient and practical preparation of a growth hormone-inhibiting peptide somatostatin. Intramolecular disulfide bond formation has successfully been carried out even under relatively high concentrations, enabling the effective peptide modifications in preparative scale.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is a neuropeptide involved in a wide variety of physiological actions, both peripherally and centrally. Many human studies have revealed the potential of OT to treat autism spectrum disorders and schizophrenia. OT interacts with the OT receptor (OTR) as well as vasopressin 1a and 1b receptors (V1aR, V1bR) as an agonist, and agonistic activity for V1aR and V1bR may have a negative impact on the therapeutic effects of OTR agonism in the CNS. An OTR-selective agonistic peptide, FE 202767, in which the structural differences from OT are a sulfide bond instead of a disulfide bond, and N-alkylglycine replacement for Pro at position 7, was reported. However, the effects of amino acid substitutions in OT have not been comprehensively investigated to compare OTR, V1aR, and V1bR activities. This led us to obtain a new OTR-selective analog by comprehensive amino acid substitutions of OT and replacement of the disulfide bond. A systematic amino acid scanning (Ala, Leu, Phe, Ser, Glu, or Arg) of desamino OT (dOT) at positions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 revealed the tolerability for the substitution at positions 7 and 8. Further detailed study showed that trans-4-hydroxyproline (trans-Hyp) at position 7 and γ-methylleucine [Leu(Me)] at position 8 were markedly effective for improving receptor selectivity without decreasing the potency at the OTR. Subsequently, a combination of these amino acid substitutions with the replacement of the disulfide bond of dOT analogs with a sulfide bond (carba analog) or an amide bond (lactam analog) yielded several promising analogs, including carba-1-[trans-Hyp7,Leu(Me)8]dOT (14) with a higher potency (7.2 pM) at OTR than that of OT and marked selectivity (>10,000-fold) over V1aR and V1bR. Hence, we investigated comprehensive modification of OT and obtained new OT analogs that exhibited high potency at OTR with marked selectivity. These OTR-selective agonists could be useful to investigate OTR-mediated effects on psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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