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The development of genomic resources for wild species is still in its infancy. However, cross-species utilization of technologies developed for their domestic counterparts has the potential to unlock the genomes of organisms that currently lack genomic resources. Here, we apply the OvineSNP50 BeadChip, developed for domestic sheep, to two related wild ungulate species: the bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and the thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli). Over 95% of the domestic sheep markers were successfully genotyped in a sample of fifty-two bighorn sheep while over 90% were genotyped in two thinhorn sheep. Pooling the results from both species identified 868 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 570 were detected in bighorn sheep, while 330 SNPs were identified in thinhorn sheep. The total panel of SNPs was able to discriminate between the two species, assign population of origin for bighorn sheep and detect known relationship classes within one population of bighorn sheep. Using an informative subset of these SNPs (n=308), we examined the extent of genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) within one population of bighorn sheep and found that high levels of LD persist over 4 Mb.  相似文献   

Both the optimal marker density for genome scans in case-control association studies and the appropriate study design for the testing of candidate genes depend on the genomic pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD). In this study, we provide the first conclusive demonstration that the diverse demographic histories of human populations have produced dramatic differences in genomewide patterns of LD. Using a panel of 66 markers spanning the X chromosome, we show that, in the Lemba, a Bantu-Semitic hybrid population, markers 2 cM. Moreover, analysis of Bantu and Ashkenazi populations as putative parental populations of the Lemba shows a significant relationship between allele-frequency differentials and the LD observed in the Lemba, which demonstrates that much of the excess LD is due to admixture. Our results suggest that demographic history has such a profound effect on LD that it will not be possible to predict patterns a priori but that it will be necessary to empirically evaluate the patterns in all populations of interest.  相似文献   

Guo W  Fung WK  Shi N  Guo J 《Human heredity》2005,60(3):177-180
Admixture linkage disequilibrium (ALD), a phenomenon created by gene flow between genetically distinct populations, has for some time been used as a tool in gene mapping. It is therefore important to analyze the pattern of ALD over generations. In this study we explore two models of admixture: the gradual admixture (GA) model, in which admixture occurs at a variable rate in every generation; and the immediate admixture (IA) model, a special case of the GA model, in which admixture occurs in a single generation. In the case of ALD, the well-known formula of linkage disequilibrium (Delta(t)=(1-r)t Delta(0)) is not applicable under these two models. We note the effect of a random mating population (RMP) to the gametic frequencies from the parental population to the offspring population, and provide the correct formula for ALD.  相似文献   

Admixture mapping is a statistical methodology that detects genetic variants in recently admixed populations that are responsible for ethnic differences in disease risk. Three software packages are now available for admixture mapping and we provide a brief overview of the statistical methods and other principal features they implement.  相似文献   

Mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD) is a potentially powerful technique for the mapping of complex genetic diseases. The practical requirements of this method include (a) a set of markers spanning the genome that have large allele-frequency differences between the parental ethnicities contributing to the admixed population and (b) an understanding of the extent of admixture in the study population. To this end, a DNA-pooling technique was used to screen microsatellite and diallelic insertion/deletion markers for allele-frequency differences between putative representatives of the parental populations of the admixed Mexican American (MA) and African American (AA) populations. Markers with promising pooled differences were then confirmed by individual genotyping in both the parental and admixed populations. For the MA population, screening of >600 markers identified 151 ethnic-difference markers (EDMs) with delta>0.30 (where delta is the absolute value of each allele-frequency difference between two populations, summed over all marker alleles and divided by two) that are likely to be useful for MALD analysis. For the AA population, analysis of >400 markers identified 97 EDMs. In addition, individual genotyping of these markers in Pima Amerindians, Yavapai Amerindians, European American (EA) individuals, Africans from Zimbabwe, MA individuals, and AA individuals, as well as comparison to the CEPH genotyping set, suggests that the differences between subpopulations of an ethnicity are small for many markers with large interethnic differences. Estimates of admixture that are based on individual genotyping of these markers are consistent with a 60% EA:40% Amerindian contribution to MA populations and with a 20% EA:80% African contribution to AA populations. Taken together, these data suggest that EDMs with large interpopulation and small intrapopulation differences can be readily identified for MALD studies in both AA and MA populations.  相似文献   

Substantial increases of linkage disequilibrium (LD) both in magnitude and in range have been observed in recently admixed populations such as African-American (AfA). On the other hand, it has also been shown that LD in AfAs was very similar to that of African. In this study, we attempted to resolve these contradicting observations by conducting a systematic examination of the LD structure in AfAs by genotyping a sample of AfA individuals at 24,341 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) spanning almost the entire chromosome 21, with an average density of 1.5 kb/SNP. The overall LD in AfAs is similar to that in African populations and much less than that in European populations. Even when the ancestry-informative markers (AIMs) were used, extended LD in AfA was found to be limited to certain magnitude range (0.2 < or = r(2) < or = 0.8) and certain distance range, that is, between-marker distance more than 200 kb. Furthermore, the inclusion of AfA individuals with predominant African ancestry was found to reduce the overall magnitude of LD. Elevation of LD in the AfA population, compared with its parental populations, can only be observed at the markers with large allele frequency differences between 2 parental populations at limited scenario. AfA individuals of wholly African ancestry contribute little to the extended LD in the AfA population, and further genotyping or association analysis conducted using only admixed individuals may lead to higher statistical power and possibly reduced cost.  相似文献   

Mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD) is a theoretically powerful, although unproven, approach to mapping genetic variants that are involved in human disease. MALD takes advantage of long-range haplotypes that are generated by gene flow among recently admixed ethnic groups, such as African-Americans and Latinos. Under ideal circumstances, MALD will have more power to detect some genetic variants than other types of genome-wide association study that are carried out among more ethnically homogeneous populations. It will also require 200-500 times fewer markers, providing a significant economic advantage. The MALD approach is now being applied, with results expected in the near future.  相似文献   

The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I chain-related gene A ( MICA) is located 46 kb upstream of HLA-B and encodes a stress-inducible protein which displays a restricted pattern of tissue expression. MICA molecules interact with NKG2D, augmenting the activation of natural killer cells, CD8(+) alpha beta T cells, and gamma delta T cells. MICA allelic variation is thought to be associated with disease susceptibility and immune response to transplants. We investigated MICA allelic variations and linkage disequilibrium with HLA-A, B, and DRB1 loci on 110 parental haplotypes from 29 African-American families. PCR/sequence-specific oligonucleotide probing (SSOP) was used to define MICA polymorphisms in exons 2, 3, and 4. Ambiguous allelic combinations were resolved by sequencing exons 2, 3, and 4. Exon 5 polymorphisms were analyzed by size sequencing. For HLA-A, B and DRB1 typing, low-resolution PCR/SSOP and allelic PCR/sequence-specific priming techniques were used. Twelve MICA alleles were observed, the most frequent of which were MICA*008, MICA*004, and MICA*002, with gene frequencies of 28.2, 26.4, and 25.5%, respectively. Thirty-eight HLA-B- MICA haplotypic combinations were uncovered, 22 of which have not been reported in the HLA homozygous typing cell lines from the 10th International Histocompatibility Workshop. Significant positive linkage disequilibria were found in 8 HLA-B- MICA haplotypes. Furthermore, haplotypes bearing HLA-B*1503, *1801, *4901, *5201, *5301, and *5703 were found to segregate with at least two different MICA alleles. Our results provide new data about MICA genetic polymorphisms in African-Americans, which will form the basis for future studies of MICA alleles in allogeneic stem cell transplantation outcome.  相似文献   

Glacial and interglacial cycles are considered to have caused the fragmentation and admixture of populations in many organisms. A simple model incorporating such periodic changes of the population structure is analysed in order to investigate the behaviour of neutral genetic variation at one and two loci. The equilibrium is reached very quickly in terms of cycles if the length of a cycle is long, as would be expected of the glaciation cycles. Heterozygosity and linkage disequilibrium are shown to depend on the length of time of the fragmented and admixed phases, population sizes, and number (n) of subpopulations in the fragmented phase. If the population size is small in the fragmented phase and its duration is long, the squared correlation coefficient of two loci (a measure of linkage disequilibrium) just after the admixture is approximated by 1/(n-1) for n > 1. After admixture, the correlation decays at a rate of approximately twice the recombination rate. Therefore, if post-glaciation admixture created linkage disequilibrium, we expect to observe linkage disequilibrium even between moderately linked loci, and its decay pattern along the chromosome is very different from that in a random mating population at equilibrium. This is especially true in organisms with long generation times such as trees.  相似文献   

Estimating admixture histories is crucial for understanding the genetic diversity we see in present-day populations. Allele frequency or phylogeny-based methods are excellent for inferring the existence of admixture or its proportions. However, to estimate admixture times, spatial information from admixed chromosomes of local ancestry or the decay of admixture linkage disequilibrium (ALD) is used. One popular method, implemented in the programs ALDER and ROLLOFF, uses two-locus ALD to infer the time of a single admixture event, but is only able to estimate the time of the most recent admixture event based on this summary statistic. To address this limitation, we derive analytical expressions for the expected ALD in a three-locus system and provide a new statistical method based on these results that is able to resolve more complicated admixture histories. Using simulations, we evaluate the performance of this method on a range of different admixture histories. As an example, we apply the method to the Colombian and Mexican samples from the 1000 Genomes project. The implementation of our method is available at https://github.com/Genomics-HSE/LaNeta.  相似文献   

Population-based mapping approaches are attractive for tracing the genetic background to phenotypic traits in wild species, given that it is often difficult to gather extensive and well-defined pedigrees needed for quantitative trait locus analysis. However, the feasibility of association or hitch-hiking mapping is dependent on the degree of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the population, on which there is yet limited information for wild species. Here we use single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from 23 genes in a recently established linkage map of the Z chromosome of the collared flycatcher, to study the extent of LD in a natural bird population. In most but not all cases we find SNPs within the same intron (less than 500 bp) to be in perfect LD. However, LD then decays to background level at a distance 1cM or 400-500 kb. Although LD seems more extensive than in other species, if the observed pattern is representative for other regions of the genome and turns out to be a general feature of natural bird populations, dense marker maps might be needed for genome scans aimed at identifying association between marker and trait loci.  相似文献   

Population linkage disequilibrium occurs as a consequence of mutation, selection, genetic drift, and population substructure produced by admixture of genetically distinct ethnic populations. African American and Hispanic ethnic groups have a history of significant gene flow among parent groups, which can be of value in affecting genome scans for disease-gene discovery in the case-control and transmission/disequilibrium test designs. Disease-gene discovery using mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD) requires a map of polymorphic markers that differentiate between the founding populations, along with differences in disease-gene allele frequencies. We describe markers appropriate for MALD mapping by assessing allele frequencies of 744 short tandem repeats (STRs) in African Americans, Hispanics, European Americans, and Asians, by choosing STR markers that have large differences in composite delta, log-likelihood ratios, and/or I*(2) for MALD. Additional markers can be added to this MALD map by utilization of the rapidly growing single-nucleotide-polymorphism databases and the literature, to achieve a 3-10-cM scanning scale. The map will be useful for studies of diseases, including prostate and breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and end-stage renal disease, that have large differences in incidence between the founding populations of either Hispanics or African Americans.  相似文献   

Certain human hereditary conditions, notably those with low penetrance and those which require an environmental event such as infectious disease exposure, are difficult to localize in pedigree analysis, because of uncertainty in the phenotype of an affected patient's relatives. An approach to locating these genes in human cohort studies would be to use association analysis, which depends on linkage disequilibrium of flanking polymorphic DNA markers. In theory, a high degree of linkage disequilibrium between genes separated by 10-20 cM will be generated and persist in populations that have a history of recent (3-20 generations ago) admixture between genetically differentiated racial groups, such as has occurred in African Americans and Hispanic populations. We have conducted analytic and computer simulations to quantify the effect of genetic, genomic, and population parameters that affect the amount and ascertainment of linkage disequilibrium in populations with a history of genetic admixture. Our goal is to thoroughly explore the ranges of all relevant parameters or factors (e.g., sample size and degree of genetic differentiation between populations) that may be involved in gene localization studies, in hopes of prescribing guidelines for an efficient mapping strategy. The results provide reasonable limits on sample size (200-300 patients), marker number (200-300 in 20-cM intervals), and allele differentiation (loci with allele frequency difference of > or = .3 between admixed parent populations) to produce an efficient approach (> 95% ascertainment) for locating genes not easily tracked in human pedigrees.  相似文献   

Scientists, to understand the importance of allelic polymorphisms on phenotypes that are quantitative and environmentally interacting, are now turning to population-association screens, especially in instances in which pedigree analysis is difficult. Because association screens require linkage disequilibrium between markers and disease loci, maximizing the degree of linkage disequilibrium increases the chances of discovering functional gene-marker associations. One theoretically valid approach-mapping by admixture linkage disequilibrium (MALD), using recently admixed African Americans-is empirically evaluated here by measurement of marker associations with 15 short tandem repeats (STRs) and an insertion/deletion polymorphism of the AT3 locus in a 70-cM segment at 1q22-23, around the FY (Duffy) locus. The FY polymorphism (-46T-->C) disrupts the GATA promoter motif, specifically blocking FY erythroid expression and has a nearly fixed allele-frequency difference between European Americans and native Africans that is likely a consequence of a selective advantage of FY-/- in malaria infections. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium around the FY gene has indicated that there is strong and consistent linkage disequilibrium between FY and three flanking loci (D1S303, SPTA1, and D1S484) spanning 8 cM. We observed significant linkage-disequilibrium signals over a 30-cM region from -4.4 to 16.3 cM (from D1S2777 to D1S196) for STRs and at 26.4 cM (AT3), which provided quantitative estimates of centimorgan limits, by MALD assessment in African American population-association analyses, of 5-10 cM.  相似文献   

Analysis of linkage disequilibrium in an island model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Linkage disequilibria for two loci in a finite island model were parameterized. The total linkage disequilibrium was decomposed into three components, gametic, demic, and population, for which corresponding unbiased estimators were established. Other statistics encountered provided measures of differentiation corresponding to the hierarchical structure of the ecological model. Under the assumption of linkage equilibrium, the variances and covariances of these estimators and statistics were formulated in terms of descent measures, functions of gene frequencies, and the numbers of individuals, demes, and populations sampled. The functions of gene frequencies fall into two classes, one representing the differentiation of genes at each locus, and the other representing the association of genes between the loci. For a neutral model with extinction, migration, and linkage, transition equations were derived for the descent measures which also take into account deme size and numbers of dems within the population. With the addition of unequal mutation rates for a finite number of alleles at each locus, the transition equations were solved for the descent measures in the equilibrium state. This permitted the exact numerical evaluation of the effects of the sampling and ecological dimensions and of extinction, migration, and mutation rates in any parameter range. Some numerical results were presented for the effects of linkage, extinction, migration, and sampling on the variances of various measures of linkage disequilibrium and genetic differentiation. Also, some results were compared with the approximate numerical results of Ohta which agreed fairly well in the parameter ranges she considered, but not so well in other ranges.  相似文献   

The positional cloning of genes underlying common complex diseases relies on the identification of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between genetic markers and disease. We have examined 127 polymorphisms in three genomic regions in a sample of 575 chromosomes from unrelated individuals of British ancestry. To establish phase, 800 individuals were genotyped in 160 families. The fine structure of LD was found to be highly irregular. Forty-five percent of the variation in disequilibrium measures could be explained by physical distance. Additional factors, such as allele frequency, type of polymorphism, and genomic location, explained <5% of the variation. Nevertheless, disequilibrium was occasionally detectable at 500 kb and was present for over one-half of marker pairs separated by <50 kb. Although these findings are encouraging for the prospects of a genomewide LD map, they suggest caution in interpreting localization due to allelic association.  相似文献   

Brown MD  Glazner CG  Zheng C  Thompson EA 《Genetics》2012,190(4):1447-1460
In both pedigree linkage studies and in population-based association studies there has been much interest in the use of modern dense genetic marker data to infer segments of gene identity by descent (ibd) among individuals not known to be related, to increase power and resolution in localizing genes affecting complex traits. In this article, we present a hidden Markov model (HMM) for ibd among a set of chromosomes and describe methods and software for inference of ibd among the four chromosomes of pairs of individuals, using either phased (haplotypic) or unphased (genotypic) data. The model allows for missing data and typing error, but does not model linkage disequilibrium (LD), because fitting an accurate LD model requires large samples from well-studied populations. However, LD remains a major confounding factor, since LD is itself a reflection of coancestry at the population level. To study the impact of LD, we have developed a novel simulation approach to generate realistic dense marker data for the same set of markers but at varying levels of LD. Using this approach, we present results of a study of the impact of LD on the sensitivity and specificity of our HMM model in estimating segments of ibd among sets of four chromosomes and between genotype pairs. We show that, despite not incorporating LD, our model has been quite successful in detecting segments as small as 10(6) bp (1 Mpb); we present also comparisons with fastIBD which uses an LD model in estimating ibd.  相似文献   

A canine integrated linkage-radiation map has been recently constructed by using microsatellite markers. This map, with a good coverage of the canine genome, allows for a genome-wide search for the extent and distribution of linkage disequilibrium derived from linkage and evolutionary forces. In this study, we genotyped an outbred pedigree between Labrador retriever and Greyhound breeds with a set of microsatellite markers (240) from the canine linkage map. Linkage disequilibrium was measured between all syntenic and nonsyntenic marker pairs. Analysis of syntenic pairs revealed a significant correlation (–0.229, P < 0.001) between linkage disequilibrium and genetic distance (log transformed). Significant linkage disequilibria were observed more frequently between syntenic pairs spaced <40 cM than those paced >40 cM. There is a clear trend for linkage disequilibrium to decline with marker distance. From our results, a genome-wide screen with markers at low to moderate density (1–2 per 10 cM) should take full advantage of linkage disequilibrium for quantitative trait locus mapping in dogs. This study supports the appropriateness of linkage disequilibrium analysis to detect and map quantitative trait loci underlying complex traits in dogs.  相似文献   

While linkage disequilibrium (LD) is an important parameter in genetics and evolutionary biology, the drivers of LD remain elusive. Using whole-genome sequences from across a species’ range, we assessed the impact of demographic history and mating system on LD. Both range expansion and a shift from outcrossing to selfing in North American Arabidopsis lyrata were associated with increased average genome-wide LD. Our results indicate that range expansion increases short-distance LD at the farthest range edges by about the same amount as a shift to selfing. However, the extent over which LD in genic regions unfolds was shorter for range expansion compared to selfing. Linkage among putatively neutral variants and between neutral and deleterious variants increased to a similar degree with range expansion, providing support that genome-wide LD was positively associated with mutational load. As a consequence, LD combined with mutational load may decelerate range expansions and set range limits. Finally, a small number of genes were identified as LD outliers, suggesting that they experience selection by either of the two demographic processes. These included genes involved in flowering and photoperiod for range expansion, and the self-incompatibility locus for mating system.  相似文献   

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