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Bio-availability of phosphorus in sediments of the western Dutch Wadden Sea   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to make a prognosis of the effects of extended purification of terrestrial waste water, reaching the Wadden Sea by the River Rhine and Lake IJssel, on the phosphate concentration in the western Wadden Sea.The quantities of different phosphorus fractions in intertidal and subtidal sediments of the Marsdiep tidal basin (western Dutch Wadden Sea) were measured. Different methods are applied to determine the amount of phosphorus that can be released from these sediments. The direct bioavailability is determined by inoculating sediment suspensions with a natural mixture of precultured micro-organisms from the sampling area. A second approach is the measurement of the phosphate release under different redox conditions. Sequential extraction of sediment samples with different solvents is also applied. Under the present conditions and compared to the nutrient loads from fresh water (Lake IJssel) and from the North Sea, the phosphorus stored in the sediments of the western Dutch Wadden Sea plays a minor role in the total supply to micro-algae and bacteria. The bulk of the biologically available phosphorus in the sediments originates from the metal-associated fraction. Releasable phosphate may contribute to the local annual primary production to an extent of ca 45 to ca 150 g C m–2 a–1. The total amount of phosphorus in the sediment (mainly calcite associated) is twice to 6 times the biologically available amount.  相似文献   

Summary Annual phytoplankton primary production in the tidal channels of the western Wadden Sea cannot be estimated more precisely than 150±50 g C.m–2a–1, due to large spatial and short-term temporal variations. This implies that year-to-year variations and eventually long-term trends have to be very pronounced to be measurable even with a weekly sampling program.Short-term temporal variation in primary production of microphytobenthos living on the tidal flats is less pronounced, but spatial variation is large. Primary production on high tidal flats is larger than on flats lower in the tidal zone. Year-to-year variation on a tidal flat station occupied now for 12 years was large. This variation cannot be explained by year-to-year variations in nutrients, light or temperature, but probably by year-to-year variations in grazing. Macrophytobenthic primary production plays a subordinate role in the western Wadden Sea after the disappearance ofZostera fields. It is difficult to give one figure for the annual primary production of an average tidal flat due to the variations mentioned. Tentatively, microphytobenthic plus macrophytobenthic plus phytoplankton primary production on and above an average tidal flat is estimated at 150±50 g C.m–2a–1,i.e. the same as estimated for phytoplankton primary production in the tidal channels.The western Wadden Sea receives a considerable amount of particulate organic carbon from outside the area, estimated at 240 g C.m–2a–1. Formerly the North Sea was thought to be the only source. New data indicate also an import from the Ysselmeer. The import of total organic carbon, particulate plus dissolved, from the Ysselmeer exceedsin situ primary production. From this import Ysselmeer DOC is probably not used very much in the Wadden Sea. However, Ysselmeer POC, consisting for 50% on average of living phytoplankton cells, may form a suitable food source for Wadden Sea invertebrates. Cell counts ofScenedesmus sp., a freshwater alga used as a natural tracer for Ysselmeer POC in the western Wadden Sea, indicate that a large part of the Ysselmeer POC is retained here.  相似文献   

A budget for net accumulation of fine-grained sediment (<63 μm) has been set up for the Sylt-Rømø tidal basin. Net accumulation within the basin was computed from210Pb core dating and mapping of the intertidal and supratidal surface sediments. It was found that a yearly mean value of 58·103 tons of sediment was deposited in the tidal basin. The largest sediment source for the net input of fine-grained sediment is the North Sea contributing about 64% to the net budget; the fluvial input and primary production contribute 14% and 15%, respectively. Local salt marsh erosion accounts for about 5% of the budget and atmospheric deposition for only 2%. The total amount of sediment deposited in the investigated area was low compared with earlier investigations in the Wadden Sea. This is explained partly by the intensive diking of the natural salt marshes fringing the area in the past, and partly by the exposed conditions of most of the intertidal flats. An index describing the trapping efficiency of the water exchanged between the North Sea and the Sylt-Rømø tidal area is defined as the ratio between yearly net sediment input from the North Sea and yearly exchanged water volume between the tidal basin and the sea. This index shows that in the Sylt-Rømø tidal basin, fine-grained suspended sediment “filters” out of the exchanged sea water at a rate that is 12 times lower than in the Gr»dyb tidal basin. It is concluded that the net deposition of fine-grained sediment in a tidal basin is mainly a function of physiographical and hydrodynamical parameters and to a lesser degree of sediment availability  相似文献   

Consumption by carnivorous birds was estimated for the Sylt-Rømø tidal inlet in the northern part of the Wadden Sea, as well as the subarea Königshafen, a small, tidal bay. The bird community of the Sylt-Rømø Wadden Sea was dominated by Dunlin (35% of all birds counted), Eider (9%), Oystercatcher (8%), Knot (8%), and Shelduck (7%). The community in the Königshafen was dominated by Eider (20%), Knot (17%), Bar-tailed Godwit (17%), Dunlin (13%), and Oystercatcher (8%). Annual consumption was estimated at 3.4 g AFDW · m?2 · year?1 for the entire Sylt-Rømø Wadden Sea and 19.2 g AFDW · m?2 · year?1 for the Königshafen. Restricting the calculations to the intertidal area resulted in a consumption of 8.7 g AFDW · m?2 · year?1 for the Sylt-Rømø Wadden Sea and 17.6 g AFDW · m?2 · year?1 for the Königshafen. In the two areas, consumption was dominated by the Eider with 37% and 60% of the total consumption, respectively. In comparison to the western parts of the Wadden Sea the seasonal pattern of consumption as well as species composition differed, most probably as an effect of different climatic conditions, whereas annual consumption on intertidal flats seems to be in the same order of magnitude. On average, 15–25% of the mean annual macrozoobenthic biomass seems to be taken by carnivorous birds in the Wadden Sea, which is in the same order of magnitude as in other northern temperate estuarine areas.  相似文献   

The common cord-grass Spartina anglica, a fertile hybrid of S. maritima and S. alterniflora, was planted in the European Wadden Sea extensively during the late 1920s and 1930s to promote sediment accretion. After establishment, it colonised as a pioneer plant in the upper tidal zone, where it occurs frequently in coherent swards at the seaward front of saltmarshes and in patches on the tidal flats. Often, a conspicuous, almost monotypic, belt of S. anglica is formed. Over the last two decades, an increase in abundance and accelerated spread of S. anglica was observed, possibly promoted by warmer spring temperatures. This alien species may benefit from global warming, and there is considerable concern about its harmful impacts on the native biocoenoses and native biodiversity of the unique Wadden Sea ecosystem, encompassing effects on hydromorphodynamics and coastal protection. For a definitive assessment, however, an adequate quantification and comparison of documented and potential effects of S. anglica is important, but currently unavailable. Consequently, no management strategy exists for the prevention or restoration of the Wadden Sea ecosystem. Thus, the development of an alien species plan on the level of the Trilateral Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden Sea is essential.  相似文献   

The intertidal periwinkleLittorina saxatilis completely lacks larval dispersal and adult vagility is low. Although this suggests a low dispersal rate,L. saxatilis is frequently found in recently established habitats “exotic” to the Wadden Sea. Populations occur on man-made structures like dikes, breakwater and groynes, some of which are not older than several years. Furthermore,L. saxatilis is found on marsh grassSpartina anglica, introduced to the Wadden Sea in the 1920s and 1930s, as well as on mats of green macroalgae, which have become an abundant feature on the tidal flats since the late 1970s. Seagrass beds are likely to be the original habitat ofL. saxatilis in the Wadden Sea. Since seagrass populations have dramatically declined over the last decades, colonization of new habitat types enabledL. saxatilis to maintain its Wadden Sea populations despite a changing environment. Colonizers can reach new habitats by means of passive transport, especially by rafting on macrophytes and by aerial dispersal attached to birds. In thew Wadden Sea, the ovoviviparously reproducingL. saxatilis has demonstrated its ability to successfully found new populations with only a few individuals. No reduction of genetic variablility (founder effect) was observed in recently established populations.  相似文献   

The Dutch Wadden Sea: a changed ecosystem   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
Since 1600 the surface area of the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased considerably by successive reclamations of saltmarshes. In 1932 the Zuiderzee (3200 km2) was closed off from the Wadden Sea causing in the remaining part an increase in tidal range and current velocities. In 1969 the Lauwerszee (91 km2) was closed off and turned into a freshwater lake as well. Man's use of the Wadden Sea changed simultaneously. Dredging in harbours and shipping routes, and extraction of sand and shells became common practice. Extraction of sand increased manifold between 1960 and 1985. These activities did contribute to the turbidity of the Wadden Sea water. Discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into the western Wadden Sea increased also manifold since 1950, causing an increase in phytoplankton production, duration of phytoplankton blooms, and intertidal macrozoobenthic biomass. Loads of metals and organochlorine contaminants entering the Wadden Sea were hard to estimate. Fisheries changed drastically since the 1930's. Fishing for ‘Zuiderzee’ herring came to an end shortly after closing off the Zuiderzee. The anchovy fishery ceased in the 1960’, that for flounder in 1983. Undersized brown shrimps were fished until 1971. Selective shrimptrawls and sorting devices with flushing seawater were introduced to reduce mortality among young flatfish and shrimps. Oysters became extinct in the 1960's due to over-exploitation of the natural beds. Production of mussels increased more than ten times between 1950 and 1961 due to ‘culturing’, catches of cockles increased slowly between 1955 and 1984. Whelks were fished until 1970. The most important changes in the biotic system of the Wadden Sea, increased production of microalgae and intertidal macrozoobenthos, can be attributed to increased nutrient loads. Eutrophication provided ample food supply for mussels which are harvested mainly by man and eider duck, and may have caused also increased growth in juvenile plaice. Increased turbidity may have impaired life conditions for adult dab, and have presented also recovery of sublittoral eelgrass beds after their disappearance in the 1930's due to the ‘wasting disease’. Increased turbidity in the Wadden Sea is probably caused by closing off the Zuiderzee (1932), a significant increase of dredge spoil disposal near Hoek van Holland between 1970 and 1983, and a more than 10-fold increase of mussel culturing in the Wadden Sea since 1950. Stocks of several bird species breeding in the Wadden Sea area suffered great losses in the early 1960's due to a pesticide accident. Most of the breeding populations have recovered. PCB's caused a reproduction failure among harbour seals in the 1970's. Since 1980 official Dutch policy aims at multiple use of the Wadden Sea, with emphasis on protection and restoration of the natural environment. The 3rd Water Management Plan (1989) aims at a development of the Wadden Sea ecosystem towards the situation of ca. 1930, i.e. without undoing present sea dikes and reclaimed polders. Management of the Dutch Wadden Sea will therefore have to focus mainly on reduction of eutrophication, pollution and turbidity. Some management options are discussed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of mangrove forest on the island of Marajó (Ilha de Marajó) at the mouth of the river Amazon during the past ~7,500 cal. b.p. were studied using multiple proxies, including sedimentary facies, pollen, δ13C, δ15N and C/N ratio, related to 15 sediment samples by 14C dating. The results allow us to propose a scheme of palaeogeographical development, with changes in vegetation, hydrology and organic matter dynamics. Today, the interior of the island is occupied by várzea freshwater herbaceous vegetation, but during the early to middle Holocene, mangroves with accumulations of estuarine organic matter colonized the tidal mud flats. This spread of mangroves was caused by post-glacial sea-level rise, which combined with tectonic subsidence, produced a marine transgression. It is likely that the relatively greater marine influence at the studied area was favoured by reduced discharge from the river Amazon, which was itself caused by a dry period that occurred during the early and mid Holocene. During the late Holocene, there was a reduction of mangrove vegetation and the contribution of freshwater organic matter to the area was higher than during the early and mid Holocene. This suggests a decrease in marine influence during the late Holocene which led to a gradual migration of mangrove vegetation from the central region to the northeastern littoral zone of the island, and, consequently, its isolation since at least ~1,150 cal. b.p. This was probably a result of lower tidal water salinity caused by a wet period that resulted in greater river discharge during the late Holocene. This work details the contraction of mangrove forest from the northeastern part of the island of Marajó under the influence of Amazon climatic changes, chronologically and spatially. This allows us to propose a model of successive phases of sediment accumulation and vegetation change, according to the marine-freshwater influence gradient. As demonstrated by this work, the use of a combination of proxies is efficient for establishing a relationship between the changes in estuarine salinity gradient and depositional environment/vegetation.  相似文献   

The primary production in the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea (Marsdiep tidal basin) has been reported to have increased by a factor of two since the late 1970s. This doubling of the phytoplankton and the microphytobenthos production has been ascribed to the eutrophication of that area: mean annual phosphate concentrations have increased, whereas the nitrogen concentrations have not. Analysis of the available production data indicates a more than tenfold increase of the production of the phytoplankton in the Marsdiep tidal channel since the early 1950s. The increase in the phytoplankton production in the inner area seems to be of the same order of magnitude. The primary production of the phytobenthos and the secondary production of the macrozoobenthos seems to have increased proportionally to that of the phytoplankton. It is known that the nutrients in the Marsdiep tidal basin originate from the River Rhine. However, there are two possible routes for nutrients to reach that area. One is via the River IJssel and Lake IJssel (varying amounts of fresh water are sluiced out from the latter into the Wadden Sea). The other is along the coast of the North Sea, where the water transport is driven northeastwards by the residual current. Analysis of available data shows that the annual primary production in the Marsdiep tidal basin is mainly determined by the phosphate discharge from Lake IJssel which directly reach that part of the Wadden Sea, rather than from the River Rhine of which the water must run northward along the coast before reaching the western Dutch Wadden Sea. The close relation between fluctations in annual phosphate discharges and fluctations in annual phytoplankton primary production up to more than ten times the 1950 values indicates that primary production in the Marsdiep tidal channel and probably even in the main part of the whole basin, was and is phosphate limited.The mineralization of North Sea particulate organic matter inside the Wadden Sea, previously thought to be the main phosphate source, is questioned. The repercussions of this finding for management are discussed.  相似文献   

The predicted increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide and the effects of global warming will influence the Wadden Sea, The Netherlands, an area of exceptional ecological value. The direct effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 on terrestrial coastal ecosystems is either marginal or unknown. The slight acidification of the sea which is predicted might have an impact on primary producers and juvenile animals. The effect of CO2 fertilization on marine primary production remains to be elucidated. Profound changes will occur if sea level rises at the predicted rate of 60 cm per century, as sedimentation rates will be insufficient to maintain the salt marshes on the barrier islands. The marshes of the mainland coast will be impoverished, as high and low marshes are not expected to continue to coexist at the same locations. As sediment supply to the Wadden Sea is sufficient to compensate for sea level rise, the estuarine character of the Wadden Sea, with sand- and mudflats, is expected to remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

Macrofauna density and bioturbation intensity (measured with X-ray radiography), were studied in the Dutch Wadden Sea near Ameland and in Mok Bay, Texel, in September 1988. The bivalveMacoma balthica and the polychaeteHeteromastus filiformis were widely distributed in the areas studied. The cockleCerastoderma edule and the polychaeteScoloplos armiger did not occur in areas with high clay content, while the molluscsHydrobia ulvae andMya arenaria preferred fine sediments. The polychaeteNereis diversicolor preferred the higher parts of the intertidal. In the Ameland area disturbance of primary sediment structures was highest near the shore and near the middle of the tidal confluence where physical reworking was low. The sheltered Mok Bay sediments were completely reworked by deposit-feeders. Bioturbation intensity and deposit-feeder (bioturbator) density were, however, not highly correlated. A number of stations showed higher bioturbation towards the surface and this may be related to the high abundance of near surface dwelling macrofauna, due to eutrophication and organic enrichment of the sediments in recent years.  相似文献   

Diatoms inhabiting the Wadden Sea show a rhythmic migration pattern, which is superimposed by the tidal rhythm. In addition to light intensity, light quality has a pronounced influence on the upward-directed migration, thus giving some information on the nature of the relevant photoreceptors. Maximum diatom migration occurred when sediment surfaces were illuminated with blue light. The cell densities in blue light exceeded those of white light control experiments 1.8-fold. Furthermore, we registered a minor peak in the red light region, which reached approximately 60% of the white light controls. Cryptochrome and/or phototropin may thus be involved and act as photoreceptors for the vertical migration pattern. Flushing sediment surfaces of freshly mixed Wadden Sea sediments with air, O2, CO2 or N2 did not show a significant influence of O2 on the upward migration. The disappearance of diatoms from sediment surfaces which were flushed with CO2 is most probably caused by the acidification of the sediment bed.Communicated by E. Rachor  相似文献   

The relationship between benthos data and environmental data in 308 samples collected from the intertidal zone of the H?rnum tidal basin (German Wadden Sea) was analyzed. The environmental variables were current velocity, wave action, emersion time (all of which were obtained from a 2-year simulation with a numerical model) and four sediment grain-size parameters. A grouping of sample stations into five benthos clusters showed a large-scale (>1?km) zoning of benthic assemblages on the tidal flats. The zoning varied with the distance from the shore. Three sample applications were examined to test the predictability of the benthic community structure based on environmental variables. In each application, the dataset was spatially partitioned into a training set and a test set. Predictions of benthic community structure in the test sets were attempted using a multinomial logistic regression model. Applying hydrodynamic predictors, the model performed significantly better than it did when sediment predictors were applied. The accuracy of model predictions, given by Cohen’s kappa, varied between 0.14 and 0.49. The model results were consistent with independently attained evidence of the important role of physical factors in Wadden Sea tidal flat ecology.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution and functional structure of intertidal benthic macrofauna in relation to environmental variables in the Jade Bay (southern North Sea) were studied and compared with other intertidal areas of the Wadden Sea. A total of 128 stations covering the whole Jade Bay were sampled in summer 2009. A total of 114 taxa were found. Highest species numbers occurred in the subtidal areas, whereas highest mean abundances were found in the upper intertidal areas. Based on species abundance data, six significantly distinct macrofauna communities in the Jade Bay were identified and evaluated with multivariate statistics, univariate correlations and canonical correspondence analysis. Differences in these community patterns were caused by the response of the dominant species (Hydrobia ulvae, Tubificoides benedii, Pygospio elegans, Caulleriella killariensis, Scoloplos armiger, Urothoe poseidonis, Microprotopus maculatus) to prevailing environmental conditions along the gradient from the lower and exposed sandy intertidal areas via intermediate mixed sediments to the upper mudflat areas. Distribution patterns in relation to tidal zonation were best explained by variability in submergence time, Chlorophyll a (chl a) content and sediment composition (mud content), which are proxies for hydrodynamic conditions and food availability. Species inventory and species richness were comparable with other intertidal areas of the Wadden Sea, but the Jade Bay differs from these areas regarding dominant species. Differences in sediment composition and morphological characteristics (macrotidal versus mesotidal Wadden Sea areas) are discussed for comparison of regional differences.  相似文献   

Living conditions for macrofauna on flood delta shoals are determined by surf, strong currents and sediment mobility. Thus, a unique assemblage of invertebrate species colonize these far off-shore, low intertidal flats. We here describe the macrobenthic fauna of emerging shoals in the Wadden Sea between the islands of Römö and Sylt. Besides ubiquitous macroinvertebrates of the intertidal zone and species which attain their main distribution in the subtidal zone, the flood delta shoals are characterized by organisms adapted to live in these highly unstable sediments, like the polychaetesSpio martinensis, Streptosyllis websteri, Magelona mirabilis, Psammodrilus balanoglossoides, the pericarid crustaceansCumopsis goodsiri, Tanaissus lilljeborgi, Bathyporeia sarsi and a few others. Average abundance (1440 m?2 of ind >1 mm) and biomass (12.9 g AFDW m?2) were low compared to other intertidal habitats in the Wadden Sea. Biomass was dominated by largesized individuals of the lugwormArenicola marina. The U-shaped burrows of these polychaetes were inhabited by high numbers ofUrothoe poseidonis. Maximum densities of these amphipods occurred in the deepest parts of the burrows. Sampling at approximately montly intervals revealed no apparent seasonality ofU. poseidonis abundance. Together with smallCapitella capitata, these amphipods constitute a deep-dwelling component of the macrofauna associated with lugworms, which is separated from all other macrofauna living at the sediment surface. As a response to rising sea level and increasing tidal ranges, we expect the unstable sandy shoals, inhabited by numerousSpio martinensis andUrothoe poseidonis, to expand within the Wadden Sea at the cost of stable sandy flats with abundant macrofauna.  相似文献   

Gelatinous zooplankton is more abundant in the Wadden Sea area of North Sylt than in the adjacent North Sea. The hypothesis is tested that medusae maintain their position in the North Sylt Wadden Sea by ascending to the surface at flood tides and descending to the bottom during ebb tides, thus avoiding the strong ebb currents which could carry them out of this food-rich area. Surface sampling at a main tidal channel revealed great differences between high tide and low tide abundances of five species of medusae in the surface layer.Rathkea octopunctata, Sarsia tubulosa, Eucheilota macultata andPleurobrachia pileus were all more abundant around high tide than during low tide. Bongo net sampling in different depth layers revealed thatPleurobrachia pileus, Bougainvillia ramosa andEucheilota maculata showed a preference for the surface layers around high tide, whereas most of the individuals were found in the deepest layer around low tide. The results suggest tidally-induced vertical migration of medusae in tidal channels. This may assist maintenance of the populations in the Wadden Sea area near Sylt.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is a shallow tidal area along the North Sea coast of The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The area is strongly influenced by rivers, the most important of which are the rivers Rhine, Meuse and Elbe. Due to the increased nutrient load into the coastal zone the primary production in the Wadden Sea almost tripled during the past few decades. A conceptual model is presented that links nitrogen input (mainly nitrate) via Rhine and Meuse with the annual nitrogen cycle within the Wadden Sea. Three essential steps in the model are: (1) nitrogen limits the primary production in the coastal zone, (2) a proportional part of the primary produced organic matter is transported into the Wadden Sea and (3) the imported organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea and supports the local productivity by nitrogen turn-over. The conceptual model predicts that during years with a high nutrient load more organic matter is produced in the coastal zone and more organic matter is transported into and remineralized within the Wadden Sea than during years with low nutrient loads. As a proxy for the remineralisation intensity ammonium plus nitrite concentrations in autumn were used. Based on monitoring data from the Dutch Wadden Sea (1977–1997) the above mentioned model was statistically tested. In autumn, however, a significant correlation was found between autumn values of ammonium and nitrite and river input of nitrogen during the previous winter, spring and summer. The analysis supports that in years with a high riverine nitrogen load more organic matter is remineralized within the Wadden Sea than in years with a low nitrogen load. A comparison with older data from 1960 to 1961 suggests that the remineralisation intensity in the Wadden Sea has increased by a factor of two to three. This is not reflected by a two to three-fold increase in riverine nitrogen load from 1960 to present. It is suggested that the increased remineralisation rates in the Dutch Wadden Sea between the 1960s and the 1980s/1990s are largely caused by an increased nitrogen flux through the Channel and the Strait of Dover and by an increased atmospheric nitrogen input.  相似文献   

Twelve cores from the protected reef-flat of Molokai revealed that carbonate sediment accumulation, ranging from 3 mm year−1 to less than 1 mm year−1, ended on average 2,500 years ago. Modern sediment is present as a mobile surface veneer but is not trapped within the reef framework. This finding is consistent with the arrest of deposition at the end of the mid-Holocene highstand, known locally as the “Kapapa Stand of the Sea,” ~2 m above the present datum ca. 3,500 years ago in the main Hawaiian Islands. Subsequent erosion, non-deposition, and/or a lack of rigid binding were probable factors leading to the lack of reef-flat accumulation during the late Holocene sea-level fall. Given anticipated climate changes, increased sedimentation of reef-flat environments is to be expected as a consequence of higher sea level.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the methods and results of monitoring sea level (tidal gauges) and with the analysis of depth sounding data. Possible future monitoring by menas of remote sensing techniques will be presented. Some trends, based on water level and morphological monitoring, have been established in the western part of the Dutch Wadden sea: (a) the relative mean sea level is rising persistently by 15 cm/century, observed since the middle of the 19th century. The tidal range is increasing as well; (b) the cross-sectional areas of the most western Dutch Wadden tidal inlets have been increasing over the last two centuries; (c) the intertidal zones of the Texelstroom and Vliestroom tidal basins have shown an increase of surface area over the last decades. The Borndiep tidal basin shows a decrease of 4% of the area shallower than 5 m — Dutch Ordinance Level (DOL) over the last two centuries. Several factors prevent serious predictions about future morphological developments of the tidal Wadden flats: (a) man induced interfering factors, e.g. the construction of the harbour revetments of Den Helder, the construction of the Enclosure Dike and construction of sand drift dikes stabilising the Wadden islands; (b) the limited scope of the present analysis that deals only with the western part of the Dutch Wadden Sea. Presented at the VI International Wadden Sea Symposium (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Wattenmeerstation Sylt, D-2282 List, FRG, 1–4 November 1988)  相似文献   

Shallow soft-sediment systems are mostly dominated by species that, by strongly affecting sediment dynamics, modify their local environment. Such ecosystem engineering species can have either sediment-stabilizing or sediment-destabilizing effects on tidal flats. They interplay with abiotic forcing conditions (wind, tide, nutrient inputs) in driving the community structure and generating spatial heterogeneity, determining the composition of different communities of associated species, and thereby affecting the channelling of energy through different compartments in the food web. This suggests that, depending on local species composition, tidal flats may have conspicuously different geomorphology and biological functions under similar external conditions. Here we use a historical reconstruction of benthic production in the Wadden Sea to construct a framework for the relationships between human impacts, ecosystem engineering and sediment dynamics. We propose that increased sediment disturbances by human exploitation interfere with biological controls of sediment dynamics, and thereby have shifted the dominant compartments of both primary and secondary production in the Wadden Sea, transforming the intertidal from an internally regulated and spatially heterogeneous, to an externally regulated and spatially homogenous system. This framework contributes to the general understanding of the interaction between biological and environmental control of ecosystem functioning, and suggests a general framework for predicting effects of human impacts on soft-bottom ecosystems.  相似文献   

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