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Recombinational effects of the antimutator allele tsL42 of gene 43 of phage T4, encoding DNA polymerase, were studied in crosses between rIIB mutants. Recombination under tsL42-restricted conditions differed from the normal one in several respects: (1) basic recombination was enhanced, especially within very short distances; (2) mismatch repair tracts were shortened, while the contribution of mismatch repair to recombination was not changed; (3) marker interference at very short distances was augmented. We infer that the T4 DNA polymerase is directly involved in mismatch repair, performing both excision of a nonmatched single strand (by its 3' -> 5' exonuclease) and filling the resulting gap. A pathway for the mismatch repair was substantiated; it includes sequential action of endo VII (gp49) -> 3'->5' exonuclease (gp43) -> DNA polymerase (gp43) -> DNA ligase (gp30). It is argued that the marker interference at very short distances may result from the same sequence of events during the final processing of recombinational intermediates.  相似文献   

The contribution of mismatch repair to genetic recombination in T4 phage has been evaluated by three independent approaches: (1) testing for non-additivity of recombinant frequencies; (2) measurements of double exchange frequencies in three-factor crosses: (3) comparisons of recombination abilities of mutations occupying the same site. Quantitative agreement among the results of these approaches suggests that within distances much less than the mean length of hybrid regions, mismatch repair accounts perfectly for high negative interference as measured in three-factor crosses and as manifested by non-additivity in two-factor crosses. The mismatch repair mechanism readily recognizes only particular mismatches, the repair frequency being dependent on the base sequence in both strands of the mismatched region.  相似文献   

In standard crosses, some rIIB mutants of T4 phage were found to be susceptible to an extra recombination mechanism to which the other mutants were much less susceptible. The following observations were interpreted as evidence for the mismatch-repair nature of the phenomenon: (1) Marker-dependent recombination generates exclusively double exchanges at both sides of the marker. (2) Marker-dependent recombination is highly sensitive to DNA base sequence at the site of the marker and to that at the corresponding site on the chromosome of the other parent. (3) Within certain limits, the contribution of the marker-dependent mechanism to the total recombination frequency is distance-independent and thus constitutes a constant component.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Escherichia coli genes recK, recL and (probably) uvrE and polA increase special (glucosylation-dependent), but not general recombination in bactriophage T4D.  相似文献   

Evidence was presented to support the hypothesis that long single strands appearing at late times (15 min after infection) are produced as a result of recombination and not as a continuous elongation during the replication process. The production of long strands does not depend on the multiplicity of infection, and the first long strands appear at the time when 20 to 50 phage equivalent units of deoxyribonucleic (DNA) are synthesized, and not earlier. The addition of chloramphenicol at 5 min, which prevents molecular recombination but allows replication of DNA, prevents the formation of long, single strands. Chloramphenicol added between 8 and 10 min after infection, a time at which molecular recombination is fully expressed and covalent repair of recombinant molecules is allowed, does not prevent formation of long single strands. Cutting of single-strand DNA with a limited amount of endonuclease I allows confirmation that the fast-sedimenting characteristic of intracellular denatured DNA is caused primarily by the length of the strands, and not by the formation of aggregates. The computer simulation of two recombination models indicates the feasibility of random breakage and rejoining of molecules in generating long concatenates.  相似文献   

Recombination of Bacteriophage T4 Stimulated by 9-Aminoacridine   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
T. L. Mattson 《Genetics》1970,65(4):535-544

Deoxyribonucleic acid replication and genetic recombination were investigated after infection of Escherichia coli with ligase-deficient rII bacteriophage T4D. The major observations are: (i) deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis is discontinuous, (ii) the discontinuities are more slowly repaired than in wild-type infection, (iii) host ligase is required for viability, and (iv) genetic recombination is increased.  相似文献   

Parent-to-Progeny Transfer and Recombination of T4rII Bacteriophage   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Transfer of parental, light (not substituted with 5-bromodeoxyuridine) (32)P-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from rII(-) mutants of T4 bacteriophage to heavy (5-bromodeoxyuridine-substituted) progeny in Escherichia coli B was less homogeneous than in wild phages. The net transfer was 5 to 20% of the value for wild T4 phage, and the parental contribution per progeny DNA molecule amounted to 7 to 100% of the genome. Three classes could be distinguished, based on the density distribution of parental label in CsCl analysis of the progeny phages. "Far recombined" phages contain parental material only in semiconservatively replicated subunits covalently attached to progeny DNA, amounting to 5 to 10% parental contribution per genome. "Intermediate recombinants" contain, aside from conventional recombinant DNA, parental DNA banding at the original, light density. This DNA may be unattached to heavy progeny DNA or attached by weak bonds which are very sensitive to shearing during the extraction procedure. The parental contribution is 10 to 50% per progeny DNA molecule in this class. "Conservative" phages band close to the parental, light density in CsCl; their DNA is purely light. When the parental phage is labeled with both (3)H-leucine (capsid) and (32)P (DNA), the specific activity of (3)H/(32)P in the "conservative progeny" is 10 to 40% of that in the parental, showing that at least some of the (32)P in this area belongs to phages with parental DNA as the sole DNA component inside an unlabeled capsid, i.e., parental DNA which has been injected into the host and matured in a new capsid without replication or recombination. This phenomenon occurs to about the same extent in both single and multiple infection.  相似文献   

Involvement of Gene 49 in Recombination of Bacteriophage T4   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The role of T4 gene 49 in recombination was investigated using its conditional-lethal amber (am) and temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants. When measured in genetic tests, defects in gene 49 produced a recombination-deficient phenotype. However, DNA synthesized in cells infected with a ts mutant (tsC9) at a nonpermissive temperature appeared to be in a recombinogenic state: after restitution of gene function by shifting to a permissive temperature, the recombinant frequency among progeny increased rapidly even when DNA replication was blocked by an inhibitor. Growth of a gene 49-defective mutant was suppressed by an additional mutation in gene uvsX, but recombination between rII markers was not.  相似文献   

The T4 head protein, gp2, promotes head-tail joining during phage morphogenesis and is also incorporated into the phage head. It protects the injected DNA from degradation by exonuclease V during the subsequent infection. In this study, we show that recombinant gp2, a very basic protein, rapidly kills the cells in which it is expressed. To further illustrate the protectiveness of gp2 for DNA termini, we compare the effect of gp2 expression on Red-mediated and Int-mediated recombination. Red-mediated recombination is nonspecific and requires the transient formation of double-stranded DNA termini. Int-mediated recombination, on the other hand, is site specific and does not require chromosomal termini. Red-mediated recombination is inhibited to a much greater extent than is Int-mediated recombination. We conclude from the results of these physiological and genetic experiments that T4 gp2 expression, like Mu Gam expression, kills bacteria by binding to double-stranded DNA termini, the most likely mode for its protection of entering phage DNA from exonuclease V.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from several "DNA-deficient" amber mutants was observed to be either nicked (amber 22, 82, 122, and wild type) or cut (amber 453) after injection into a nonpermissive host. This effect was inhibited by chloramphenicol (CM), indicating that it is due to phage-induced enzymes. Although most of the mutants tested for replication in a density-label system were in fact DNA-deficient (amber 22, 82, 122), one (amber 81) was found to replicate almost identically to the wild type, and another (amber 453) was found to assume a hybrid density only. The hybrid moiety was less than, or equal to, one phage equivalent length, and was more efficiently extracted from infected bacteria than was similarly replicated DNA from wild-type phage. Interparental recombination between heavy and light parental DNA was observed for amber 82, 122, and wild type, but was not observed for amber 453; it was inhibited by CM. In contrast to amber 82 and wild type, the amber 453 intracellular DNA does not have single-strand regions, Because amber 453, unlike amber 82 and wild type T4, does not recombine, nicking and exposure of single-strand regions is postulated to be a prerequisite for recombination.  相似文献   

Recombination experiments were performed to assess the affect of amber mutations in 12 genes of T4D bacteriophage on genetic recombination. Crosses were performed in various suppressor-containing bacterial hosts to permit the production of progeny phage. Amber mutations in genes 32, 46, and 47 caused decreased recombination, amber mutations in genes 30, 41, 42, 43, 56, 61, and 62 caused increased recombination, whereas mutations in genes 63 and 37 showed no demonstrable effect on recombination.  相似文献   

Smith, Kendall O. (Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Tex.), and Melvin Trousdale. Multiple-tailed T4 bacteriophage. J. Bacteriol. 90:796-802. 1965.-T4 phage particles which appeared to have multiple-tails were observed. Experiments were designed to minimize the possibility that superimposed particles might account for this appearance. Double-tailed particles occurred at a frequency as high as 10%. Triple- and quadruple-tailed particles were extremely rare. All attempts to isolate pure lines of multiple-tailed phage have failed. Multiple-tailed phage particles were produced in highest frequency by Escherichia coli cells in the logarithmic growth phase which had been inoculated at a multiplicity of about 2.  相似文献   

Analysis of "giant" phage, which package concatenated DNA into their capsids, shows that they are predominantly heterozygous. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that concatemers are generated by recombination.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 genome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

T. Yonesaki 《Genetics》1994,138(2):247-252
Bacteriophage T4 gene 41 encodes a replicative DNA helicase that is a subunit of the primosome which is essential for lagging-strand DNA synthesis. A mutation, rrh, was generated and selected in the helicase gene on the basis of limited DNA replication that ceases early. The survival of ultraviolet-irradiated phage and the frequency of genetic recombination are reduced by rrh. In addition, rrh diminishes the production of concatemeric DNA. These results strongly suggest that the gene 41 replicative helicase participates in DNA recombination.  相似文献   

After infection of Escherichia coli B with phage T4D carrying an amber mutation in gene 59, recombination between two rII markers is reduced two- to three-fold. This level of recombination deficiency persists even when burst size similar to wild type is induced by the suppression of the mutant DNA-arrest phenotype. In the background of two other DNA-arrest mutants in genes 46 and 47, a 10- to 11-fold reduction in recombination is observed. The cumulative effect of gene 59 mutation on gene 46-47 mutant suggests that complicated interactions must occur in the production of genetic recombinants. The DNA-arrest phenotype of gene 59 mutant can be suppressed by inhibiting the synthesis of late phage proteins. Under these conditions, DNA replicative intermediates similar to those associated with wild-type infection are induced. Synthesis of late phage proteins, however, results in the degradation of mutant 200S replicative intermediate into 63S DNA molecules even in the absence of capsid assembly. Although these 63S molecules are associated with membrane, they do not replicate. These results suggest a role for gene 59 product, in addition to a possible requirement of concatemeric DNA in late replication of phage T4 DNA.  相似文献   

High Negative Interference and Recombination in Bacteriophage T5   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The process of close recombinant formation in bacteriophage T5 crosses has been studied by examining the structure of internal heterozygotes (HETs), the immediate products of recombination events. The T5 system was chosen because it permits the study of internal heterozygotes exclusively, thus avoiding the ambiguities inherent in previous studies with T4. The heterozygotes were obtained by the nonselective screening of progeny phage in a prematurely lysed sample from an eight-factor cross. The molecular structure of each HET was inferred from the strand genotypes displayed among its progeny. This investigation presents unequivocal evidence that both overlap and insertion HETs are intermediates in recombinant formation and that insertion HETs are a significant source of close double recombinants. There is evidence suggesting that mismatch repair of overlap HETs could be the source of close triple exchanges. Thus, a significant part, and perhaps all, of the high negative interference for close-marker recombination observed in this system is a direct consequence of the fine structure of the recombinational intermediates. These findings are compatible with recombination models proposed by others, in which a single branched intermediate can give rise to HETs of both the overlap and insertion types.  相似文献   

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