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Although the principles of landscape ecology are increasingly extended to include riverine landscapes, explicit applications are few. We investigated associations between patch heterogeneity and riparian ant assemblages at 12 riverine landscapes of the Scioto River, Ohio, USA, that represent urban/developed, agricultural, and mixed (primarily forested, but also wetland, grassland/fallow, and exurban) land-use settings. Using remotely-sensed and ground-collected data, we delineated riverine landscape patch types (crop, grass/herbaceous, gravel, lawn, mudflat, open water, shrub, swamp, and woody vegetation), computed patch metrics (area, density, edge, richness, and shape), and conducted coordinated sampling of surface-active Formicidae assemblages. Ant density and species richness was lower in agricultural riverine landscapes than at mixed or developed reaches (measured using S [total number of species], but not using Menhinick’s Index [D M]), whereas ant diversity (using the Berger-Park Index [DBP]) was highest in agricultural reaches. We found no differences in ant density, richness, or diversity among internal riverine landscape patches. However, certain characteristics of patches influenced ant communities. Patch shape and density were significant predictors of richness (S: R 2 = 0.72; D M: R 2=0.57). Patch area, edge, and shape emerged as important predictors of DBP (R 2 = 0.62) whereas patch area, edge, and density were strongly related to ant density (R 2 = 0.65). Non-metric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities distinguished ant assemblage composition in grass and swamp patches from crop, gravel, lawn, and shrub as well as ant assemblages in woody vegetation patches from crop, lawn, and gravel (stress = 0.18, R 2 = 0.64). These findings lend insight into the utility of landscape ecology to river science by providing evidence that spatial habitat patterns within riverine landscapes can influence assemblage characteristics of riparian arthropods.  相似文献   

Elevation models based on remotely sensed data, especially high-resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) generated using airborne laser scanner (ALS) data, are increasingly being used for the analysis of plant diversity patterns in open landscapes. The vegetation pattern of alkali landscapes shows a high correlation with the position of water table and salt accumulation, which are strongly correlated with topographic variations occurring at a small spatial scale of a few decimetres (micro-topography). In this study we classified eight grassland associations in an alkali landscape based on a DTM generated from ALS data at a pixel size of 0.25 m, and 30 variables derived from the DTM, using an ensemble learning method (Random Forest). Our aim was to identify the micro-topographic variables which could be indicators of vegetation pattern in alkali landscapes. The associations range from Cynodon pastures (short dry grasslands on soil with low salt content) occupying the highest elevations to Beckmannia meadows (wet grasslands on soils with moderate salt content composed of tall grass species) at the lowest elevations, with an elevation difference of approximately 1.2 m between the two. Apart from slope, aspect and curvature, we used Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), and Topographic Position Indices (TPI) at various kernel sizes ranging from 50 cm to 500 m for the classification. The eight associations were also grouped into four aggregated categories — loess grasslands, alkali steppes, open alkali swards and alkali meadows — for further analysis. Vegetation of the studied alkali landscape could be classified into the eight associations with an accuracy of κ: 0.56, and into the four aggregated categories with an accuracy of κ: 0.77 using all the variables. Sequential backward and forward selections of variables were implemented to reduce the number of variables while maximising the accuracies, resulting in increased accuracies of κ: 0.72 and κ: 0.83 for the associations and aggregated categories using six and three variables respectively. TPI at different kernel sizes, previously used to explain vegetation distribution in mountainous areas, was found to be a better indicator of vegetation types than absolute elevations in lowlands where the elevation differences are more subtle. Two characteristic features of the study area — erosional channels and alkali steps — could also be delineated using micro-topographic variables. The results point to the possibility of large-area mapping and monitoring of grasslands where micro-topography is an indicator of vegetation, using only the elevation data from ALS.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of human altered landscapes affects biodiversity on every continent. A fundamental goal of conservation biologists is to understand why certain species are at risk of extinction while others are able to persist in human altered landscapes. Afforestation, the conversion of unforested lands to planted forest, is rapidly altering many natural landscapes worldwide. In the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna), a global biodiversity hotspot, a shortage of government incentives has the landscape riddled with abandoned plantation forests that are not subject to active restoration projects. Studies investigating the impacts of abandoned plantations on biodiversity are strikingly limited. We examine the effects of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on the structure of Cerrado lizard communities. We assessed changes in lizard capture, richness and equitability along cerrado sensu strictoEucalyptus transects. Our results indicate abandoned Eucalyptus plantations have subsets of Cerrado species persisting with a great loss of endemic species. The cerrado sensu strictoEucalyptus linear transect analysis demonstrated distance from native habitat is positively correlated with loss of biodiversity. We performed correspondence analyses to summarize the variation in species captures across different sites, habitats and pitfall array positions. These analyses depicted strong species associations between habitats and their pitfall array positions. This study is the first to show the negative impacts of abandoned Eucalyptus plantations on Cerrado lizard communities, serving as a cautionary tale of Cerrado biodiversity non-resilience in abandoned Eucalyptus plantations. Mitigation requires that abandoned Eucalyptus plantations are made more suitable to Cerrado lizards by implementing targeted habitat heterogeneity restoration.  相似文献   

The present paper describes six species of agarics occurring in Kashmir Valley—Lentinus lepideus, Lentinus strigosus, Pleurotus platypus, Clitocybe infudibulformis, Conchomyces bursaeformis andLeucopaxillus albissumus. Three species—L. lepideus, C. infundibuliformis andC. bursaeformis, are reported for the first time from India.  相似文献   

The fungal diet of the introduced black rat (Rattus rattus) was examined in a fragmented forest in northeastern New South Wales, Australia, to determine whether this species was consuming and dispersing the spores of native truffles. Because of the absence of native rodents at the site, the diet of the swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor), a known mycophagist in the region, was examined simultaneously as a benchmark against which to compare fungal consumption by black rats. All 19 scats collected from black rats contained fungal spores, while 29 of the 34 swamp wallaby scats contained fungal spores. Most spores were from hypogeous (‘truffle-like’) fungal species, although both black rats and swamp wallabies each consumed a few epigeous (‘mushroom-like’) taxa. While rat and wallaby diets contained many of the same taxa, their diets were significantly different in terms of the fungal taxa that comprised each sample. Our results suggest that black rats might perform an important spore dispersal role in degraded and fragmented landscapes where native rodents have been extirpated, and might complement the dispersal role played by larger mycophagous mammals like swamp wallabies.  相似文献   

The only representatives ofRubiaceae-Rubieae in Madagascar are five species ofGalium. G. thunbergianum andG. chloroionanthum are essentially afromontane species, ± widely distributed in both the African mainland and Madagascar. The new speciesG. andringitrense andG. ankaratrense are endemic to Madagascar but show close affinities to two afromontane—afroalpine groups from the African mainland, theG. simense—G. ruwenzoriense andG. glaciale complex respectively.G. polyacanthum (new combination) exhibits certain primitive morphological traits and appears to be an old Madagascan endemic without close allies. New chromosome counts for populations from the African mainland demonstrate thatG. chloroionanthum andG. simense are 4x (x=11). Distribution patterns and origins of theGalium species in Madagascar and their relationships with African taxa are discussed.  相似文献   

Up till now 22 plant associations of springs and mountain brooks are known in Czechoslovakia. They can be arranged in 6 alliances:Cardaminion amarae, Cardamino-Montion, Swertio-Anisothecion squarrosi, Cratoneuro filicini-Calthion laetae, Cratoneurion commutati andLycopo-Cratoneurion. Three alliances, two associations and one subassocíation are described as new ones, three associations are renamed.  相似文献   

Three species ofArracaciaA. hintonii, A. colombiana, andA. tillettii—from Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela, respectively, are described as new, andCoulterophytum brevipes Coulter & Rose is transferred toArracacia asA. quadrifida, nom. nov. and comb. nov.  相似文献   

The murine polycystic kidney disease gene,pcy, is an autosomal recessive trait located on chromosome 9. To determine the genetic locus ofpcy, 222 intraspecific backcross mice were obtained by mating C57BL/6FG-pcy andMus molossinus. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 70 of the 222 backcross progeny showed thatpcy, dilute coat color (d), and cholecystokinin (Cck) were located in the orderd—pcy—Cck from the centromere. Simple sequence repeat length polymorphism analysis of DNA of all 222 backcross mice was carried out using four markers which were located near the central regions ofd andCck. One and eight recombinations were detected betweenD9Mit24 andpcy and betweenD9Mit16 andpcy, respectively. However, no recombinant was observed amongpcy, D9Mit14, andD9Mit148. These findings strongly suggest thatD9Mit14 andD9Mit148 are located near thepcy gene and are good markers for chromosomal walking to this gene.  相似文献   

Flagellate species have been shown to survive transocean passage by ballast water and the large dinoflagellateGymnodinium catenatum was introduced from Japanese to Tasmanian waters in this way.Gymnodinium mikimotoi—better known asGyrodinium aureolum—andFibrocapsa japonica as well asAlexandrium leeii are good candidates to have been introduced recently. Species which seem to have been introduced recently into the North Sea but apparently are transported from adjacent seas by currents into the region areGymnodinium chlorophorum andAlexandrium minutum. Species reported as introduced due to misidentifications areGymnodinium catenatum andLepidodinium viride. Under other names the speciesProrocentrum minimum, Prorocentrum redfieldii, andHeterosigma akashiwo have been known for a long time in the North Sea. The recent reports of threeChattonella species may be either due to introduction or they have been overlooked. The reasons why the introduction of flagellates into coastal North Sea waters is difficult to prove will be discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty three species ofHyphomycetes new to Czechoslovakia are listed with comments and illustrations. Seven are new to science—Blastophorum pini, Bloxmia bohemica, Junctospora pulchra, Linodochium formosum, Phaeostalagmus peregrinus, Sporidesmium doliiforme, Xiambola mirabilis—and of these, two are the types of new genera (Junctospora andXiambola). The new species and genera are described, illustrated and discussed. Anamorphs ofMytilidion gemmigenum Fuckel andPseudohelotium pineti (Batsch exFr.)Fuckel inTaeniolella andLinodochium, respectively are reported. Collections of these fungi from Britain are also cited. Data on morphology, ecology and distribution of those species occurring in both Britain and Czechoslovakia are compared.  相似文献   

A survey of the nitrophilous fringe communities of the region Marche (Central Italy) allows the individualization of five associations well characterized floristically and ecologically. These are:Urtico-Aegopodietum, Anthriscetum sylvestris, Chaerophylletum aurei, Alliario-Chaerophylletum temuli, andAnthriscetum nemorosae. The first three associations are ranged, from the phytosociological point of view, in the allianceAegopodion podagrariae, while the last two belong to the allianceGalio-Alliarion.  相似文献   

In Reykjanes peninsula, mainly in the valley of Krísuvík, in all 6 mire associations were found, belonging to the alliancesEriophorion Scheuchzeri andCaricion canescentis-fuscae. Floristic, ecological and physiognomical differeces between the two alliances are discussed. Most of the associations seem to be restricted in their distribution to Iceland.  相似文献   

The types of Amazonian forests subject to inundation can be organized into seven categories which are herewith named and described. This classification is intended to set in order the confusion of terminology used in the past. The types are: (1)seasonal várzea—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of white-water rivers; (2)seasonal igapó—forest flooded by regular annual cycles of black- and clear-water rivers; (3) mangrove—forests flooded twice daily by salt-water tides; (4)tidal várzea—forest flooded twice daily by fresh water backed up from tides; (5)floodplain forest—on low lying ground flooded by irregular rainfall, generally in upper reaches of rivers; (6)permanent white- water swamp forest; (7)permanent igapó—black-water forest. The first five types are periodically inundated and the last two are permanently waterlogged. This terminology is closer to that used by lim nologists by restricting the use ofigapó to forest inundated by black and clear water.  相似文献   

103 new nomenclatural combinations are proposed for taxa of European flora, 95 for species, 8 for subspecies. Most of them have resulted from a more natural delimitation of genera. The majority of new combinations are made in the segregants ofCentourea (Acosta—16,Colymbada— 8),Hieracium (Pilosella—16),Scabiosa (Trochocephalus—14),Serratula (Klasea—13) andLeontodon (Scorzoneroides—8). Taxonomie or nomenclatural problems of some taxa (Arum orientale, Colobium taraxacoides, Klasea, Leucanthemopsis alpina agg.,Psyllium, Scorzoneroides, Tephroseris cantabrica) are discussed. Names omitted from the Index Kewensis and corrections of publication places are added (17 names).  相似文献   

BacteriaPseudomonas striata, Bacillus polymyxa, B. megaterium andB. pulvifaciens, and fungiAspergillus awamori, A. niger andPenicillium digitatum dissolve tricalcium phosphate and, much less, Mussorie and Udaipur rock phosphate. The solubilizing power of fungi was higher than that of bacteria, the highest being withA. awamori andA. niger, and withP. striata. Electron microscopy of the various cultures showed an electron-dense layer on the bacterial surface after negative staining. The size of phosphate particles decreased by the microbial action, with tricalcium phosphate from 140 — 250 to 30 — 90 nm after three weeks of incubation.  相似文献   

The first endocranial casts from non-crown-group archosaurian reptiles are described. Synthetic casts were made of the preserved parts of the endocranial cavities ofErythrosuchus africanus,Vjushkovia triplicostata andXilousuchus sapingensis. These casts are incomplete, but they reveal a substantial amount of information on the form of the early archosaur brain and inner ear. Cranial and pontine flexures are equal in bothErythrosuchus (45°) andV. triplicostata (35–40°). The endocasts ofXilousuchus andV. triplicostata are characterised by the possession of a pseudolagena and a quantifiable down-slope from the myelencephalon to the metencephalon — features that have yet to be described for other reptilian endocranial casts.  相似文献   

An overview of the montane and subalpine forests ofAbies lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, Abies amabilis andTsuga mertensiana of northwestern North America is provided based on 541 relevés of forest vegetation from coastal and inland British Columbia, Washington and northwestern Montana. A new classification is proposed based on an examination of the floristic patterns across these communities. Owing to their broadscale floristic similarities, coastal subalpineAbies amabilis-Tsuga mertensiana forests and inland forests ofAbies lasiocarpa, Picea engelmannii, P. glauca, Thuja plicata andTsuga heterophylla are combined into a single order,Thujetalia plicatae. The floristic patterns within this order in turn support the recognition of four alliances. These are (1)Tsugion mertensianae, including coastal and inland subalpine forests ofTsuga mertensiana, Abies amabilis, A. lasiocarpa andPicea engelmannii, with deep winter snowpacks and an often luxuriously developed shrub layer; (2)Abieti-Tsugion heterophyllae all. nov., including mesic inland montaneThuja plicata-Tsuga heterophylla andAbies lasiocarpa-Picea engelmannii forests and related southern borealAbies lasiocarpa-Picea glauca communities; (3)Gymnocarpio-Abietion lasiocarpae, including moist coastal and inland forests dominated by a fern-rich understory andOplopanax horridus; and (4)Lysichito-Chamaecyparidion nootkatensis, which includes wet coastal subalpine forests withLysichiton americanum. A total of five new associations are described, bringing the number of recognized associations within the order to twenty-five. An extensive synonymy and crosswalk to other classification systems is provided.  相似文献   

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