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Seasonal growth characteristics and biomass yield potential of 3 floating aquatic macrophytes cultured in nutrient nonlimiting conditions were evaluated in central Florida’s climatic conditions. Growth cycle (growth curve) of the plants was found to be complete when maximum plant density was reached and no additional increase in growth was recorded. Biomass yield per unit area and time was found to be maximum in the linear phase of the growth curve; plant density in this phase was defined as “operational plant density,” a density range in which a biomass production system is operated to obtain the highest possible yields. Biomass yields were found to be 106, 72, and41 t(drywt)ha-1yr-1, respectively, for water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes), and pennywort (Hydrocotyle umbellata). Operational plant density was found to be in the range of 500–2,000 g dry wt m-2 for water hyacinth, 200–700 g dry wt m-2 for water lettuce, and 250–650 g dry wt m-2 for pennywort. Seasonality was observed in growth rates but not in operational plant density. Specific growth rate (% increase per day) was found to maximum at low plant densities and decreased as the plant density increased. Results show that water hyacinth and water lettuce can be successfully grown for a period of about 10 mo, while pennywort, a cool season plant, can be integrated into water hyacinth/water lettuce biomass production system to obtain high yields in the winter.  相似文献   

Standing crop, density and leaf growth rate of Heterozostera tasmanica (Martens ex Aschers.) den Hartog along with light, temperature, nutrient and sediment characteristics were determined monthly for fifteen months at three study sites in Western Port and one site in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. Erect vegetative stems of H. tasmanica were frequently branched, were present throughout the year and accounted for 25–60% of the above-sediment biomass, with the stem proportion higher during winter than summer. At three of the four sites there was a unimodal seasonal pattern in which minimum leaf standing crop (27–61 g dry wt. m?2), density (600–2000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (0.34–0.77 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) generally occurred during winter (June–August) and maximum leaf standing crop (105–173 g dry wt. m?2), density (2700–5000 leaf cluster m?2) and leaf productivity (2.6–4.2 g dry wt. m?2 day?1) occurred during summer (December–February). A bimodal seasonal pattern with minimum standing crop and density during midsummer occurred at one site. This anomalous seasonal pattern may be due to exposure and desiccation stress during spring low tides. At the site receiving the lowest irradiance, standing crop, density and annual leaf production also were lowest, but length and width of leaves, shoot height and leaf growth rate per leaf cluster were the highest of the four study sites. On average, each leaf cluster at any one of the study sites produced 30–31 leaves per year with mean leaf turnover rates of 1.3–1.7% day?1. Annual leaf production of H. tasmanica ranged from 410 to 640 g dry wt.m?2 at the four sites.  相似文献   

The distribution of seagrasses in a 15-ha area in the mid-Indian River lagoon on Florida's central east coast was mapped. Halodule wrightii Aschers. dominated in shallow (< 0.4 m) and Syringodium filiforme Kutz. in deeper water (> 0.5 m). Thalassia testudinum Banks ex König occurred as scattered patches. Areal coverage of monospecific stands of the three major seagrasses was: Syringodium 35%, Halodule 14%, Thalassia 6% and bare sand 21%. Mixed species stands, mostly Syringodium with Hallodule, covered 25% of the total study area. Above-ground seagrass biomass was maximum in summer (June–July) and minimum in late winter (February–March). Summer maxima ranged from 60 g dry wt. m?2 for Syringodium to ~ 300 g dry wt. m?2 for Thalassia, with Halodule intermediate at 160 g dry wt. m?2.Because distribution of unattached benthic macroalgae (“drift algae”), primarily Gracilaria spp., was highly aggregated, aggregations were first mapped, followed by stratified quadrat sampling in order to estimate total drift algal abundance. In April 1982, high-density patches covering a few hectares averaged 409 g dry wt. m?2. At maximum abundance, averaged over the entire 15-ha mapped area, drift algal biomass was 164 g dry wt. m?2; mean above-ground seagrass biomass was only 49 g dry wt. m?2. Other large expanses of the lagoon had similar accumulations of drift algae; densities of some accumulations exceeded 15 000 g dry wt. m?2. Year-to-year variability of seagrass and drift algal abundance was high and may be related to variations in light levels.Drift algae harbor high densities of animals and at times may be quantitatively more important locally than seagrasses in terms of habitat, nutrient dynamics and primary production.  相似文献   

We investigated whether rates of net primary production (NPP) and biomass turnover of floating grasses in a central Amazon floodplain lake (Lake Calado) are consistent with published evidence that CO2 emissions from Amazon rivers and floodplains are largely supplied by carbon from C4 plants. Ground‐based measurements of species composition, plant growth rates, plant densities, and areal biomass were combined with low altitude videography to estimate community NPP and compare expected versus observed biomass at monthly intervals during the aquatic growth phase (January–August). Principal species at the site were Oryza perennis (a C3 grass), Echinochloa polystachya, and Paspalum repens (both C4 grasses). Monthly mean daily NPP of the mixed species community varied from 50 to 96 g dry mass m?2 day?1, with a seasonal average (±1SD) of 64±12 g dry mass m?2 day?1. Mean daily NPP (±1SE) for P. repens and E. polystachya was 77±3 and 34±2 g dry mass m?2 day?1, respectively. Monthly loss rates of combined above‐ and below‐water biomass ranged from 31% to 75%, and averaged 49%. Organic carbon losses from aquatic grasses ranged from 30 to 34 g C m?2 day?1 from February to August. A regional extrapolation indicated that respiration of this carbon potentially accounts for about half (46%) of annual CO2 emissions from surface waters in the central Amazon, or about 44% of gaseous carbon emissions, if methane flux is included.  相似文献   

Construction costs (CC) and parameters of leaf structure (specific leaf weight, dry matter content, volume of photosynthesizing cells, and the number of cells per leaf area unit) were determined for 19 species of aquatic higher plants. The CC of 1 g dry matter varied from 0.98 g glucose in Lemna gibba L. to 1.48 g glucose in Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. and Potamogeton natans L. The CC of leaf area unit varied to a greater extent than the CC of 1 g dry wt (from 10 to 97 g glucose/m2) and depended on the type of mesophyll structure. In leaves of hydrophytes with dorsoventral mesophyll structure, the CC of 1 m2 leaf area was 3–9 times larger than in leaves with homogeneous structure. Variations in CC of 1 m2 leaf area in hydrophytes were affected insignificantly (by 2% only) by variations of CC per 1 g dry wt and were mainly determined (by 82%) by changes in specific leaf weight. Two-factor analysis of variance has shown that the CC of 1 g dry wt in hydrophytes depended on the attachment of plants to the sediment: the CC was 1.2 times larger in rooted hydrophytes than in free floating plants. The second factor (the extent of submergence) potentiated the effect of rooting on CC. Reliable differences were found between the leaf CC for hydrophytes belonging to four groups distinguished by the extent of their contact with water and sediment. In a group series: rooted hydrophytes with floating leaves → submerged rooted hydrophytes → free floating submerged hydrophytes → free floating surface inhabiting hydrophytes, the CC of 1 g dry wt decreased by 1.3 times. Path analysis has shown that this trend was due to the increase in photosynthesizing cell volume and to reduction in number of cells per leaf area unit, which caused the decrease in dry matter content. The decrease in the content of leaf dry matter was accompanied by changes in its chemical composition: the content of carbon and nitrogen decreased. This led to a consistent decrease in leaf CC expressed per 1 g dry wt upon the increase in extent of plant hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

Phenological and quantitative observations on Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) St. John, an exotic aquatic plant in Japan, were made in a shallow pond throughout 1979. Shoot elongation began in spring (late March) when the bottom water temperature became higher than about 10°C. Elongation ceased when the shoot apices reached the pond surface and vigorous branching then occurred. The community formed a dense canopy, with 40–65% of the shoot biomass in the topmost 30-cm water layer during the growing season. Maximum plant biomass (712 g dry wt. m?2) was attained in late July, while the peak root biomass occurred around June, coincident with peak flowering. The anchoring roots and stems eventually died, and after September, the population existed as a floating mat of non-anchored leafy short shoots and decaying old branch stems. This mat sank suddenly to the bottom in December, when water temperatures dropped below approximately 10°C, and overwintered there. The ecological significance of the perennial growth habit and the formation of a floating mat is discussed in terms of the adventive spread of this plant, and an estimation of annual net production and P/B quotient is also made.  相似文献   

The growth of 22 strains of Azolla pinnata R. Br., 3 strains of A. filiculoides Lam. and one strain each of A. mexicana Presl and A. caroliniana Willd. was tested separately in liquid culture media kept in controlled, artificial light (30 klux) growth cabinets. Three temperature levels were used: 33°C (37/29°C day/night), 29°C (33/25°C) and 22°C (26/18°C)/ Photoperiod was 12 h a day.For most A. pinnata strains (except three) and an A. mexicana strain the maximum weekly relative growth rate was higher at 33°C than at 22°C, but not for A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana. The highest value of maximum relative growth rate corresponded to 1.9 doubling days and in most strains this occurred in the first week. As the plants grew, the growth rate slowed down more severely at higher temperatures. The maximum biomass was higher at 22°C than at 33°C in all strains. At 22°C, it took 30–50 days to attain maximum biomass and the highest value was 14 g N m?2 or 320 g dry m?2 by A. caroliniana, followed by 12 g N m?2 or 290 g dry wt. m?2 by one strain of A. filiculoides. At 29°C, the maximum biomass was attained in 20–35 days. The highest value was 6.3 g N m?2 or 154 g dry wt. m?2 by A. caroliniana. At 33°C, most A. pinnata strains gave a maximum biomass of less than 4 g N m?2 after 13–23 days, while some strains grew up to 30 days, resulting in a higher maximum biomass. The highest maximum biomass at 33°C was 5.5 g N m?2 or 140 g m?2 dry wt. by A. pinnata from Cheng Mai while the maximum biomass of A. filiculoides and A. caroliniana was much less. Azolla filiculoides requires lower temperature than other species for its growth. Azolla pinnata has the best tolerance to high temperatures among the four species. Azolla mexicana could not be discriminated from A. pinnata in its response to temperature. Azolla caroliniana may keep an intermediate position between A. filiculoides and A. pinnata in temperature response.The formation of ammonia in the medium was examined and it occurred mostly under stationary growth conditions, but, at 33°C, some strains of A. pinnata and A. mexicana released or formed ammonia at 0.3–0.8 μg N ml?1 per week during their initial exponential growth stage.  相似文献   

Nutrient-enriched water hyacinths were stocked in outdoor tanks and cultured under both high nutrient (HN) and low nutrient (LN) regimes for 10 months. Seasonal changes in standing crop biomass and morphology of LN water hyacinths were similar to those of HN water hyacinths, despite a ten-fold between-treatment difference in N availability and a two-fold difference in average plant N concentrations (1.0 and 2.0% for LN and HN plants, respectively). Tissue N accumulated by the LN plants prior to stocking helped support standing crop development during the 10 month study. In both HN and LN treatments, the rate of detritus deposition, or the sloughing of dead plant tissues from the mat, was lower than the actual detritus production rate because of the retention of dead ‘aerial’ tissues (laminae and petioles) in the floating mat. The retention of laminae and petioles may serve as a nutrient conservation mechanism, since nutrients released from decomposing tissues in the mat-water environment may be assimilated by adjacent plants. The average rate of detritus deposition (both dry matter and N) by LN water hyacinths (1.2 g dry wt. m−2 day−1 and 0.017 g N m−2 day−1) was lower than that of HN plants (3.0 g dry wt. m−2 day−1 and 0.075 g N m−2 day−1) during the study. Low detrital N losses by the water hyacinth probably enhance the survival of this species in aquatic systems which receive nutrient inputs intermittently.  相似文献   

The emergent macrophytes were studied in two, small subarctic lakes in 1972–1980. One of the lakes, Hymenjaure, was fertilized with phosphorus in 1972–1974 and with both phosphorus and nitrogen in 1975. The emergent vegetation in the lakes consisted mainly of Carex rostrata Stokes and Equisetum fluviatile L. The maximum shoot biomass of C. rostrata varied between 12–25 g dry wt. m?2 during the investigation years, corresponding figures for E. fluviatile were 10–21 g dry wt. m?2. The yearly shoot production of the emergent macrophytes ranged from 6 to 21 g dry wt. m?2 during the study. The natural variations in growth of both species between the years were mainly regulated by summer temperature. Carex rostrata was able to benefit from increased phosphorus supply, when more shoots were produced within its stands. Growth of individual shoots, though, was still regulated by summer temperature. Equisetum fluviatile increased its phosphorus uptake as an effect of the fertilizations, but production was not affected.  相似文献   

Vallisneria americana Michx (wild celery) was studied to determine the biomass and nutritive potential of all morphological structures. A 2.6-ha stand of uniform V. americana was sampled during the summer and autumn of 1980, and the spring and summer of 1981 in the southern portion of Navigation Pool 9 of the Upper Mississippi River.The maximum production rate of 3.2 g m?2 day?1 was coincident with rapid rosette production and flowering, and occurred mid- to late-July 1980. The maximum biomass of 217.3 g dry wt. m?2 was on 1 September 1980, when fruit development was also at a maximum. Leaves composed 60–70% of the summer biomass; winter buds constituted all of the winter biomass.Winter buds and fruits had the greatest nutritive potentials. Both organs contained relatively high dry matter concentrations and were low in ash (less than 10%) and fiber content. The potentially-digestible ash-free non-cell-wall fraction (NCF) was composed of an average of 75.7 and 82.2% of the dry weight of fruits and winter buds, respectively. In contrast, the nutritive potential of leaves, rootstocks, peduncles and stolons was reduced because of high moisture (less than 8% dry matter), ash and fiber concentrations. Staminate inflorescences and pistillate flowers were high in crude protein (averaged 21.8% and 16.1% of the dry-weight, respectively) and ash-free non-cell-wall fractions, but they accounted for only 2.7% of the plant biomass. The maximum calorific content of V. americana was approximately 3200 kJ m?2 at peak biomass on 1 September 1980.  相似文献   

The biomass, productivity (14C), and photosynthetic response to light and temperature of eelgrass, Zostera marina L. and its epiphytes was measured in a shallow estuarine system near Beaufort, North Carolina, during 1974. The maximum of the biomass (above-ground) was measured in March; this was followed by a general decline throughout the rest of the year. The average biomass was 105.0 g dry wt m?2; 80.3 g dry wt m?2 was eelgrass and 24.7 g dry wt m?2 was epiphytes. The productivity of eelgrass averaged 0.88 mg C g?1 h?1 which was similar to that of the epiphytes, 0.65 mg C g?1 h?1. Eelgrass and epiphyte productivity was low during the spring and early summer, gave a maximum during late summer and fall, and declined during the winter; this progression was probably due to environmental factors associated with tidal heights. On an areal basis, the average annual productivity was 0.9 g C m?2 day?1 for eelgrass and 0.2 g C m?2 day?1 for the epiphytes. Rates of photosynthesis of both eelgrass and epiphytes increased with increasing temperature to an asymptotic value at which the system was light saturated. Both eelgrass and epiphytes had a temperature optimum of < 29 °C. A negative response to higher temperatures was also reflected in biomass measurements which showed the destruction of eelgrass with increasing summer temperatures. The data suggest that the primary productivity cycles of macrophytes and epiphytes are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

Twenty-one monthly collections of the Antarctic limpet Nacella (Patinigera) concinna (Strebel, 1908) were obtained by divers at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands. A mean monthly population density of 123.7 ± 21.2 · m?2, mean biomass of 13.7 ± 2.7 g dry tissue wt · m?2, and annual production of 2.9 g · m?2 were recorded in the depth range 2–12 m below mean low water.Shell growth was slow with a maximum growth rate, in the first 3–5 yr of life, of 3 4 mm per year. Maturity was attained at 7–8 yr (21 mm length), and maximum size (41 mm length) at about 21 yr. Unique spawning behaviour was observed in two Austral springs, and data relating spawning to the spring increase in sea temperature were obtained.  相似文献   

The monthly productivity, standing stock, plant size and density of Ecklonia radiata (C.Ag.) J. Agardh is presented for a 2-yr period. Annual production was 20.7 kg wet wt · m?2 with maximum growth of 0.9% per day in spring (October–December) and minimum growth of 0.2% per day in late summer. (March–April). A close negative correlation was found between spring and summer growth and water temperature. Maximum biomass (18 kg wet wt · m ?2) did not coincide with maximum growth but occurred in late summer. Minimum biomass (6 kg wet wt · m ?2) occurred in winter. An estimate of erosion of plant material from the kelp bed was made from these data and a hypothesis concerning the ultimate destination of eroded and removed kelp plants was formulated.  相似文献   

Quantitative samples were used to investigate density, biomass and annual production of the benthic invertebrate fauna in a small Danish stream. Forty-eight taxa were found and the total invertebrate densities varied from 3 810 m?2 in July to 20 040 m?2 in December. The total mean annual biomass of the invertebrate fauna was 6.1 g ash-free dry wt m?2. The annual production of the invertebrates was estimated from their mean annual biomass and their annual P/B ratio. Production of the primary consumers (herbivores and detritivores) was 21.4 g ash-free dry wt m?2 y?1 and of secondary consumers (carnivores) 1.1 g m?2 y?1. The amount of invertebrate production available to the trout population and the importance of the species as food for trout are discussed.  相似文献   

Four strains of marine microalgae commonly used as live feeds in hatcheries (Isochrysis sp. T.ISO, Tetraselmis suecica, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Nannochloropsis sp.) were grown in a novel solid-state photobioreactor, the twin-layer system. Microalgae were immobilized by self adhesion to vertically oriented twin-layer modules which consisted of two different types of ultrathin layers, a macroporous source layer (glass fiber nonwoven) through which the culture medium was transported by gravity flow, and a microporous substrate layer (plain printing paper) which carried the algae on both surfaces of the source layer. This simple open cultivation system effectively separated the immobilized microalgae from the bulk of the growth medium and permitted prolonged cultivation of microalgae with average biomass yields of 10–15 g dry weight m?2 growth area after 14–25 days of cultivation. Algal biomass was harvested as fresh weight (with 72–84 % water content) without the need to pre-concentrate algae. No aeration or external CO2 supply was necessary, and due to the microporous substrate layer, no eukaryotic contaminations were observed during the experiment. All experiments were conducted in Germany under greenhouse conditions with natural sunlight. Small-scale growth experiments performed under the same conditions revealed that growth over most of the experimental period (24 days) was linear in all tested algae with growth rates (dry weight per square meter growth area) determined to be 0.6 g ?m?2?day?1 (Isochrysis), 0.8 g? m?2?day?1 (Nannochloropsis), 1.5 g ?m?2?day?1 (Tetraselmis), and 1.8 g? m?2?day?1 (Phaeodactylum). Due to its cost-effective construction and with further optimisation of design and productivity at technical scales, the twin-layer system may provide an attractive alternative to methods traditionally used to cultivate live microalgae.  相似文献   

Calamagrostis villosa stands occurring in areas deforested by air-pollution impact in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains were characterized by a high dry mass of total underground biomass (3 300 g. m?2—the slope site, 2 850 g. m?2—the flat site). The percentage of living roots and rhizomes in total underground biomass was very high (about 70%). The total aboveground biomass was respectively, 321 g.m?2 (the slope site) and 726 g. m?2 (the flat site). In unstabilized habitats on steep slope, the higher plant biomass produced was allocated to a more developed root system.  相似文献   

The productivity of three plant communities differeing in moisture conditions was studied in the river basin of the Dyje near the village of Lan?hot (Southern Moravia). The communities were as follows:Serratuleto-Festucetum commutatae Balátová-Tulá?ková 1963,Gratiola officinalis—Carex praecox-suzae subass.Galium boreale Balátová-Tulá?ková 1963, andGratiola officinalis—Carex praecox-suzae subass.Rorippa silvestris Balátová-Tulá?ková 1963. The associationGratiola officinalis—Carex praecox-suzae subass.Galium boreale appeared as the most productive one, its biomass maximum W=400 g . m?2 and the maximum R=0.042 g . g?1 . day?1 C=4.84 g . m?2 . day?1. Owing to extreme moisture conditions in the year 1966, the associationSerratuleto-Festucetum commutatae was also highly productive, as it reached the following maximum of dry matter production: 240 g . m?2, R=0.0388g . g?1 . day?1 C=4.64 g . m?2 . day?1. The maximum value of dry matter in the associationGratiola officinalis—Carex praecox-suzae subass.Rorippa silvestris was 220 g.m?2. Changes in dry matter production of shoots were evaluated statistically. The dry matter in the underground parts of plants in 1 square metre, collected from the 0–25 cm layer varied from 1,000 to 2,000 g.m?2. Together with records of the increasing dry matter in the shoots the author kept records of the properties of dead material.  相似文献   

1. We examined the export of invertebrates (aquatic and terrestrial) and coarse organic detritus from forested headwaters to aquatic habitats downstream in the coastal mountains of southeast Alaska, U.S.A. Fifty‐two small streams (mean discharge range: 1.2–3.6 L s?1), representing a geographic range throughout southeast Alaska, were sampled with 250‐μm nets either seasonally (April, July, September) or every 2 weeks throughout the year. Samples were used to assess the potential subsidy of energy from fishless headwaters to downstream systems containing fish. 2. Invertebrates of aquatic and terrestrial origin were both captured, with aquatic taxa making up 65–92% of the total. Baetidae, Chironomidae and Ostracoda were most numerous of the aquatic taxa (34, 16 and 8%, respectively), although Coleoptera (mostly Amphizoidae) contributed the greatest biomass (30%). Mites (Acarina) were the most numerous terrestrial taxon, while terrestrial Coleoptera accounted for most of the terrestrial invertebrate biomass. 3. Invertebrates and detritus were exported from headwaters throughout the year, averaging 163 mg invertebrate dry mass stream?1 day?1 and 10.4 g detritus stream?1 day?1, respectively. The amount of export was highly variable among streams and seasons (5–6000 individuals stream?1 day?1 and <1–22 individuals m?3 water; <1–286 g detritus stream?1 day?1 and <0.1–1.7 g detritus m?3 water). Delivery of invertebrates from headwaters to habitats with fish was estimated at 0.44 g dry mass m?2 year?1. We estimate that every kilometre of salmonid‐bearing stream could receive enough energy (prey and detritus) from fishless headwaters to support 100–2000 young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) salmonids. These results illustrate that headwaters are source areas of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates and detritus, linking upland ecosystems with habitats lower in the catchment.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities and natural causes contribute to an increase in the area and degree of degraded saline wetlands in arid/semi‐arid and coastal regions. The objective of this study was to determine the salt tolerance of the seven aquatic plant species Phragmites australis, Arundo donax, Canna indica, Scirpus validus, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Phyllostachys heteroclada and Potederia cordata during asexual reproduction and continuous growth. The species were exposed to five salinity treatments from 0.3 (control) to 20 dS m?1 during a 30 day experiment. Data were collected on asexual reproduction and growth, chlorophyll content in leaves, Na+ and K+ concentrations, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations in above‐ground biomass (AGB) and below‐ground biomass (BGB). The results showed that: 1) increase in salinity (especially at a salinity level of EC ≥15 dS m?1) generally inhibited the capacity for asexual reproduction and reduced the chlorophyll content of leaves; 2) total dry biomass of plants was significantly negatively related to asexual reproduction; 3) species‐specific salt tolerance mechanisms were reflected by the Na+ and K+ concentrations and Na+/K+ ratios in different parts of the plants; and 4) the absorption of TN and TP were inhibited at high salinity (i.e. EC = 20 dS m?1) in AGB and BGB of most tested plant species. However, salinity may enhance plant uptake of TN and TP under certain conditions (e.g. EC at 5, 10 and 15 dS m?1). In general, as compared to the other species tested, giant reed A. donax and alligator weed A. philoxeroides showed relatively high asexual reproduction and growth capacity under high salt stress, and these species should thus be considered as candidates for restoration of degraded saline wetlands and/or for decontaminating saline wastewater.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》1986,23(4):351-360
A functional growth model was developed for Halophila hawaiiana Doty and Stone, based on its regular plastochrone interval, and the relationship between leaf area and plant biomass. The model allows estimates of biomass, productivity and turnover from easily collected field samples. From these samples, the number of actively growing apical buds, total leaf number and total leaf area for a unit area were determined. This model was applied to a meadow in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. The mean biomass was 104.25 g dry wt. m−2 and the productivity 7.11 g dry wt. m−2 day−1. The turnover time was 14.7 days.  相似文献   

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