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In experiments on the Arctic ground squirrel Citellus parryi, radioimmune assay of the content of thyrotropin of the hypophysis and thyroxine and triiodothyronine of the thyroid in the peripheral blood has been made at monthly intervals from July until May. It was found that during hibernation period, thyroxine and triiodothyronine concentrations in the blood of sleeping animals are high as compared with those during pre-hibernation period in autumn and active period in May. Thyrotropin content of the blood increases from October to May, being the lowest however during the season of the deepest hibernation from December to February. It is suggested that activation of the hypophysial--thyroid system after resting period in summer and autumn begins in October. During deep sleeping, it is depressed, being recovered in March. High levels of the thyroid hormones during hibernation period may be explained by metabolic strategy of the organism in hibernating animals which is directed to optimization of energy supply of hibernation.  相似文献   


Circadian clock-controlled 24-h oscillations in adipose tissues play an important role in the regulation of energy homeostasis, thus representing a potential drug target for prevention and therapy of metabolic diseases. For pharmacological screens, scalable adipose model systems are needed that largely recapitulate clock properties observed in vivo. In this study, we compared molecular circadian clock regulation in different ex vivo and in vitro models derived from murine adipose tissues. Explant cultures from three different adipose depots of PER2::LUC circadian reporter mice revealed stable and comparable rhythms of luminescence ex vivo. Likewise, primary pre- and mature adipocytes from these mice displayed stable luminescence rhythms, but with strong damping in mature adipocytes. Stable circadian periods were also observed using Bmal1-luc and Per2-luc reporters after lentiviral transduction of wild-type pre-adipocytes. SV40 immortalized adipocytes of murine brown, subcutaneous and epididymal adipose tissue origin showed rhythmic mRNA expression of the core clock genes Bmal1, Per2, Dbp and REV-erbα in pre- and mature adipocytes, with a maturation-associated increase in overall mRNA levels and amplitudes. A comparison of clock gene mRNA rhythm phases revealed specific changes between in vivo and ex vivo conditions. In summary, our data indicate that adipose culture systems to a large extent mimic in vivo tissue clock regulation. Thus, both explant and cell systems may be useful tools for large-scale screens for adipose clock regulating factors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show how to detect cellular rhythm and its global stability by extending the techniques from the recently developed theory of monotone systems. We establish theoretical results for globally asymptotic stability with consideration of delay by a discrete map. The relationship between positive, negative elements and delay in a general class of interlocked feedback networks can be understood in a system level. Moreover, the correspondence of attractors between a network and its reduced map is obtained and can be used to detect cellular rhythm, and further control the dynamics of the network. We show that global cellular rhythms can always be obtained, thereby enhancing robustness against perturbations of initial conditions and avoiding chaotic oscillations or complete abolishment of oscillations. In this paper, we focus on analyzing the circadian oscillator in Drosophila as an example to detect the occurrence of cellular rhythm and its global stability.  相似文献   

Unprecedented rates of species extinctions have prompted extensive research into the consequences of biodiversity losses on ecosystem functioning. While aquatic species are most threatened, research with freshwater and marine model systems has lagged behind progress made in terrestrial environments. This editorial to a special feature summarizes the main outcomes of a conference aimed at setting the stage for exploring the potential of aquatic systems to assess the role of biodiversity in ecosystem functioning. This series of papers proposes fresh approaches to the study of biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning, outlines a new way of analyzing experimental data, presents a model that considers scale as an important factor determining outcomes, explores the effects of multiple stressors on species richness and ecosystem processes, and develops a food-web perspective that relates ecosystem properties to biodiversity. An insightful synthesis of lessons learned from aquatic systems is premature at present, but the papers clearly demonstrate the role that marine and freshwater systems can play in resolving open questions. The implications go well beyond the biodiversity in, and functioning of, ecosystems shaped by free-flowing or standing water.  相似文献   

Experiments and theory in single trophic level systems dominate biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research and recent debates. All natural ecosystems contain communities with multiple trophic levels, however, and this can have important effects on ecosystem structure and functioning. Furthermore, many experiments compare assembled communities, rather than examining loss of species directly. We identify three questions around which to organise an investigation of how species loss affects the structure and functioning of multitrophic systems. 1) What is the distribution of species richness among trophic levels; 2) from which trophic levels are species most often lost; and 3) does loss of species from different trophic levels influence ecosystem functioning differently? Our analyses show that: 1) Relatively few high‐quality data are available concerning the distribution of species richness among trophic levels. A new data‐set provides evidence of a decrease in species richness as trophic height increases. 2) Multiple lines of evidence indicate that species are lost from higher trophic levels more frequently than lower trophic levels. 3) A theoretical model suggests that both the structure of food webs (occurrence of omnivory and the distribution of species richness among trophic levels) and the trophic level from which species are lost determines the impact of species loss on ecosystem functioning, which can even vary in the sign of the effect. These results indicate that, at least for aquatic systems, models of single trophic level ecosystems are insufficient for understanding the functional consequences of extinctions. Knowledge is required of food web structure, which species are likely to be lost, and also whether cascading extinctions will occur.  相似文献   

For the last decade, owing to methods of computerized neuroradiology, it has been established that the process of the human organism natural aging is accompanied by a gradual atrophic reduction of the brain tissue volume and a decrease of the cerebral blood flow level, while the intracranial cerebrospinal fluid volume increases. The goal of the present study was to elucidate functional significance of the above changes in terms of interaction of intracranial hemo- and liquorocirculation systems at various stages of ontogenesis of practically healthy people. The total of 122 people aged from 6 to 100 years were examined at rest and during performance of goal-oriented functional physiological tests with simultaneous continuous recording of parameters of cerebral blood flow and liquorodynamics by methods of transcranial dopplerography and rheoencephalography. The obtained data are processed by means of the pattern and phasic two-dimensional analysis with use of special computer programs. In the same age groups, the brain neurophysiological activity was evaluated by applying special psychological tests. It has been shown that with age, on the background of a decrease of hemodynamic parameters of cerebral blood supply, there is observed an enhancement of the liquorodynamic factor of cerebral blood circulation due to an increase of the liquor volume and facilitation of its translocation in the single craniospinal cavity. The enhancement of the liquor-dependent mechanism of compensation of intracranial pulse oscillations of the blood volume is particularly expressed both in children and in elderly people due to a relatively high liquor volume. Owing to the improvement of intracranial liquorodynamic processes, the change of the cerebral blood circulation is compensated, which is confirmed by results of performed psychophysiological studies.  相似文献   

The neurobiological substratum of circadian rhythmicity encompasses three levels of integration: firstly, generation of time signals by circadian pacemakers; secondly, entrainment of pacemakers by environmental influences; thirdly, coupling of circadian pacemakers among themselves and with target systems responsible for the expression of overt rhythms. From recent contributions, the notion that circadian organization results from the interaction of independent oscillators and pathways has been strengthened. In addition, recent evidence supports the existence of circadian rhythmicity in single isolated neurons. New information was produced on the gene control of circadian rhythm generation in Drosophila, as well as interesting advances in the understanding of neuronal mechanisms involved in the generation, entrainment and coupling of circadian rhythms in various species.  相似文献   

Merrow M  Brunner M 《FEBS letters》2011,585(10):1383

One of the most fundamental and widespread mechanisms of signal perception/transduction in prokaryotes is generally referred to as the "two-component regulatory system (TCS)." The concept of TCS has already been introduced a decade ago from extensive studies on the model prokaryotic bacterium Escherichia coli. Results of recent studies on the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana have led us to learn a new scenario as to the versatility of TCS in eukaryotic species. In the plant, on the one hand, TCS are crucially involved in the signal transduction mechanism underlying the regulation of sophisticated plant development in response to hormones (e.g., cytokinin and ethylene). On the other hand, a unique TCS variant is essentially integrated into the plant clock function that generates circadian rhythms, and also tells us the time and season on this regularly spinning and revolving world. In this review, recent progress with regard to studies on TCS in higher plants will be discussed, focusing particularly on the model higher plant Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Nonlinear dynamical biomolecular systems can evidently be considered as prototypes of information processing devices at molecular level capable to solve problems of high computational complexity. Keeping in mind this goal the dynamics of biochemical system based on enzymatic oxidation of uric acid was considered. The system was studied in the version of distributed biomolecular structure having predetermined geometry of enzyme distribution on a porous planar medium. Being in the regime of stepwise dissipative structure formation this system demonstrated complicated modes of behaviour.  相似文献   

For the identification of newly sequenced proteins it is necessaryto have a large stock of known proteins for comparison. In thispaper we present an automatically generated protein sequencedatabase. The translation program introduced allows a periodicaltranslation of every new release of the EMBL database. Possibleerrors of the translation are discussed as well as the reliabilityof the nucleotide sequence data, which turns out to be quitegood. A comparison of our translated database with some establishedones is given. Received on December 15, 1987; accepted on April 19, 1988  相似文献   

A report on the symposium 'Clocks and Rhythms', Cold Spring Harbor, USA, 30 May-4 June 2007.  相似文献   

Neuromodulation by peptides and amines is a primary source of plasticity in the nervous system as it adapts the animal to an ever-changing environment. The crustacean stomatogastric nervous system is one of the premier systems to study neuromodulation and its effects on motor pattern generation at the cellular level. It contains the extensively modulated central pattern generators that drive the gastric mill (chewing) and pyloric (food filtering) rhythms. Neuromodulators affect all stages of neuronal processing in this system, from membrane currents and synaptic transmission in network neurons to the properties of the effector muscles. The ease with which distinct neurons are identified and their activity is recorded in this system has provided considerable insight into the mechanisms by which neuromodulators affect their target cells and modulatory neuron function. Recent evidence suggests that neuromodulators are involved in homeostatic processes and that the modulatory system itself is under modulatory control, a fascinating topic whose surface has been barely scratched. Future challenges include exploring the behavioral conditions under which these systems are activated and how their effects are regulated.  相似文献   

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