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Aims The stoichiometric characteristics of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in plant organism is vital to understand plant adaptation to environment. In particular, the correlations of elemental stoichiometric characteristics between leaf and fine root could provide insights into the interaction and balance among the plant elements, nutrient use strategies and plant response to global change.Methods We measured C, N, P contents and C:N, C:P, N:P in leaves and fine roots of 60 dominant plants in Horqin sandy land. The 60 plant species were classified into five life forms and two categories such as perennial forb, annual forb, perennial grass, annual grass, shrub, legume, and non-legume. We statistically analyzed the differences and correlations of C, N and P stoichiometry either between fine root and leaf or among five life forms.Important findings The average C, N and P concentrations in leaves of 60 plant species in Horqin sandy land are 424.20 mg·g-1, 25.60 mg·g-1 and 2.10 mg·g-1, respectively. In fine roots, the corresponding element concentrations are 434.03 mg·g-1, 13.54 mg·g-1, 1.13 mg·g-1. N and P concentrations in leaf are approximately twice as high as averages in fine root. Furthermore, similar N:P between leaf and fine root indicates conservative characteristic of elemental stoichiometry in plant organism, suggesting that nutrients distribution is proportional between aboveground and underground of plants. There are significant difference of C, N, P, C:N, C:P and N:P in leaf and root among five life forms. N and P in forb and C:N and C:P in grass are averagely higher than those in other life forms. N:P in annual forb and grass, however, are lower than those in other life forms. C, N in legume are higher than those in non-legume, while C:N in legume is lower than in non-legume. These results imply that nutrient use strategies are significantly different among plant life forms. Correlations analysis showed that N and P in leaf or fine root positively correlated, but C and N, C and P in fine root negatively correlated, suggesting coupling relationship among C, N and P in leaf and fine root. Subsequently, we detected positively significant correlations in C, N, P and their ratios between leaf and fine root, suggesting proportional distribution of photosynthate and nutrient between aboveground and underground during plant growth. Generally, these results supplied fundamental data to understand mass turnover and nutrients cycling of leaves and roots in sand land.  相似文献   

Aims Leaf is the organ of plant photosynthesis, and it is important to understand the drivers for the variations of leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry along geographical and climatic gradients. Here we aimed to explore: 1) the changes in leaf nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry of woody plants along an altitudinal gradient in Changbai Mountain, and 2) the relative contribution of climate, plant characteristics, and phylogeny to the changes in leaf N, P concentration and N:P.  相似文献   

以湘西南石漠化地区灌丛植物叶片为研究对象,分析了不同功能群植物以及3种不同石漠化程度(轻度、中度、重度)下植物叶片N、P化学计量特征.结果表明: 湘西南石漠化地区常见植物叶片平均N含量为12.89 g·kg-1,P含量为1.19 g·kg-1,N/P值为11.24,大部分植物生长受到N的限制.不同生活型之间植物叶片N含量为落叶灌木>常绿灌木>一年生草本>多年生草本,P含量与N/P值为落叶灌木>多年生草本.不同科植物之间叶片N、P含量和N/P值差异显著,禾本科植物叶片N、P含量最低,与其他科植物共同受N限制;豆科植物叶片N含量和N/P值最高,主要受P限制.双子叶植物与C3植物叶片N、P含量分别高于单子叶植物与C4植物,N/P值差异均不显著.固氮植物叶片N含量以及N/P值均高于非固氮植物,P含量差异不显著.各样地中植物叶片N、P含量之间的相关性显著,N/P值与N含量的相关性显著,仅与中度石漠化样地P含量差异显著.不同石漠化程度之间植物叶N、P含量以及N/P值差异不显著.  相似文献   

Aims How alien invasive plants and co-occurring native plants utilize nutrients is one of major issues in invasion ecology. Foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents and stoichiometry can elucidate the uptake ability and limitation status of nutrients in plants, which provides basic knowledge for understanding the invading ability and co-occurrence or disappearance of plants.
Methods Based on typical alien invasive plants (Chromolaena odorata, Ageratina adenophora) and native plants in southwestern China, this study focused on strategies of N and P utilization among invasive plants and native plants under different invasion conditions. The species compositions, aboveground biomass, leaf N and P contents and leaf N:P were investigated for plants in plots with no invasion and with different invasion extents (estimated by the plot-based percentage of invaders’ biomass in total community) at Mt. Kongming in Xishuangbanna region, Yunnan Province, China.
Important findings The species number decreased significantly with the invasion extent of both C. odorata and A. adenophora, although the aboveground biomass was greatly enhanced. Leaf N and P contents did not differ between the two studied invaders, but they showed significantly higher N and P levels than both co-occurring and only native species (p < 0.05). Besides, leaf N and P contents of invaders increased with the invasion extent, and leaf N of native plants also showed an increasing trend with the invasion extent. When the influence of invasion was checked for the same species, leaf P contents decreased, whereas leaf N and N:P increased for most native plants under invasion. Based on the absolute foliar N and P contents, N:P values, we inferred that native plants were still limited by N, although N availability might be enhanced by invasion. Both invasive plants had leaf N:P values lower than 10, suggesting a higher P uptake relative to N uptake. All above results highlighted a higher N and P uptake of typical alien invasive plants in southwestern China.  相似文献   

Aims Stoichiometric ratios of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are important characteristics of the ecological processes and functions. Studies on population ecological stoichiometry can refine the content of flora chemometrics, determine the limited nutrient, and provide data for process-based modeling over large scale. Phyllostachys edulis is an important forest type, whose area accounts for 74% of total bamboo forest area in Southern China. However, little is known about the ecological stoichiometric in P. edulis. This study aimed to reveal C:N, C:P and N:P stoichiometry characteristics of the “plant-soil-litter” continuum and to provide a better understanding nutrient cycling and stability mechanisms in P. edulis forest in China. Methods The data were collected from the published literature containing C、N、P content in leaf or surface soil (0-20 cm) or littefall in P. edulis forests. Important findings 1) The leaf C, N, P content were estimated at 478.30 mg·g-1, 22.20 mg·g-1, 1.90 mg·g-1 in P. edulis, and the corresponding C: N, C: P and N: P were 26.80, 299.60 and 14.40, respectively. Soil C, N, and P content in 0-20 cm were 21.53 mg·g-1, 1.66 mg·g-1, 0.41 mg·g-1, with ratios of 14.20 for C:N, 66.74 for C:P and 4.28 for N:P. The C, N and P contents were 438.49 mg·g-1, 13.39 mg·g-1, 0.86 mg·g-1 for litterfall, with the litter C:N, C:P and N:P being 25.53, 665.67, 22.55, respectively. 2) In the plant-soil-litter system in P. edulis forest, leaf had higher C:N, litter had higher C:P and N:P, while soil were the lowest. The N, P resorption rate was 39.68% and 54.74%, indicating that P. edulis forest growth and development was constrained by P or by both of N and P in China. 3) N content and N:P in leaf showed a tendency to increase with latitude, while the C:N of leaf declined with latitude. N:P of leaf increased with longitude, but the P content and the C:N of leaf showed a opposite trend. C: N of soil increased with longitude, whereas the N content of soil declined longitude. The N content of litter declined with longitude. 4) The leaf N content was negatively correlated with mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation, but being more sensitive to temperature than precipitation. The positive correlations between N content and latitude support “Temperature-Plant Physiological” hypothesis, reflecting an adaptive strategy to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

植物的叶片和细根是植物地上部分和地下部分最重要的营养器官,其碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征反映了植物的养分限制状况及叶片与细根间的协同作用,开展叶片与细根化学计量关系的研究,对认识植物养分利用策略及元素间平衡关系有重要意义。对西北干旱区21种荒漠植物叶片与细根C、N、P含量进行了测定,分析了C、N、P含量及其计量比在不同生活型及不同器官间的关系。结果表明:1)西北干旱区荒漠植物叶片与细根C含量相对稳定,叶N、P含量高于细根,说明在干旱生境中,植物对养分的分配侧重于地上部分,以完成其正常的生命活动;叶片与细根的N ∶ P无显著差异,有明显的保守性,表明植物地上与地下部分养分吸收策略与分配规律具有一致性;2)不同生活型植物叶片和细根的C、N、P含量及C ∶ N、C ∶ P存在显著差异,灌木与禾草具有较高的C ∶ N和C ∶ P,杂类草具有较高的N、P含量,说明灌木与禾草倾向于保守型养分适应策略,杂类草倾向于快速生长的资源竞争策略;3)21种荒漠植物叶片与细根N、P含量间均存在显著的正相关关系,表明西北干旱区荒漠植物体内N、P元素间存在相互作用;4)植物叶片与细根间C、N、P含量及C ∶ N、C ∶ P存在等速生长关系,表明植物光合产物和养分在地上与地下部分间的分配具有平行的比例关系,但这种关系受生活型影响。上述结果表明西北干旱区不同生活型植物在恶劣生境中存在不同的养分适应策略,且地上与地下部分的养分利用策略及分配规律存在协同作用,这为进一步认识西北干旱区荒漠植物的养分利用策略提供了试验基础。  相似文献   

阿拉善荒漠典型植物叶片碳、氮、磷化学计量特征   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
荒漠植物在水分限制、营养元素相对匮缺的条件下,经过长期的进化适应形成了自身独特的生理生态和生态化学计量特征。在阿拉善荒漠选择52个典型群落类型,分析和研究了54种荒漠植物叶片的碳、氮和磷的化学计量特征。结果表明:荒漠植物叶片的碳(C mg/g)、氮(N mg/g)和磷(P mg/g)含量变幅较大,分别为(379.01±55.42)mg/g、(10.65±7.91)mg/g和(1.04±0.81)mg/g,变异系数分别为0.15、0.74和0.78;C/N、C/P、和N/P分别为66.70±60.81、683.16±561.94、11.53±5.06。元素间相关性分析表明,叶片的C和N不相关(P0.05),C与P显著正相关(P0.05),N和P极显著正相关(P0.01)。从植物功能型的角度分析发现,灌木和1年生草本植物对C的存储能力较低;占整体67%的灌木叶片的N、P含量最低,导致总体N、P含量较低;多年生草本和1年生草本植物叶N含量与灌木植物叶片和整体N含量无差别,而P含量明显高于灌木植物叶片和整体P含量且N/P明显低于灌木植物叶片和总体N/P,导致总体N/P较低。该研究结果与全球和中国尺度的研究相比发现,荒漠植物叶片C、N、P含量和N/P明显偏低,N/P14说明阿拉善荒漠植物在受N、P共同作用的同时更易受N限制。  相似文献   

Allocation strategies for nitrogen and phosphorus in forest plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The allocation of limiting elements, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in plants is an important basis for structural stability and functional optimization in natural plant communities. However, because of the lack of systematic investigation data, the mechanisms of optimal nutrient allocation in plants in natural forests are still unclear. Using consistent measurements of N and P contents in 930 plant species, we explored the allocation strategies for N and P in different plant organs and plant functional groups (PFGs) in natural communities. The N and P contents and N:P ratio were the highest in the leaf (the most active organ) at the organ level. At the PFG level, the N and P contents were higher in herbs than in woody plants, but the trend was opposite for the N:P ratio. The elemental plasticity of root was higher than that of leaf. Furthermore, at the large scale, the allometric exponents of N and P were less than 1 and showed no difference, indicating strong conservatism of the scaling relationship in plants. In summary, higher element content in more active organs, higher element plasticity in underground organs, and conservative allometric allocation among different organs and among different PFGs jointly constitute the optimal strategies for the allocation of limiting elements.  相似文献   

研究植物功能性状变异以及不同性状之间的关系, 有助于了解植物对环境的适应策略, 对揭示群落构建和生物多样性维持机制具有重要意义。本研究以桂林岩溶石山青冈群落18种主要木本植物为研究对象, 采用单因素方差分析、混合线性模型以及Pearson相关分析和主成分分析等方法探讨了不同生长型和生活型物种的9个枝、叶功能性状(叶绿素含量、叶片厚度、叶面积、叶干质量、比叶面积、叶干物质含量、叶组织密度、小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度)的变异与关联。结果表明: (1) 9个功能性状的变异程度不同, 叶面积和叶干质量的种内和种间变异系数最大, 小枝干物质含量和小枝组织密度的种内和种间变异系数最小。(2)在生长型水平上, 乔木、灌木和木质藤本的绝大部分功能性状差异显著。(3)对于不同生活型植物, 除叶面积和比叶面积为落叶植物显著大于常绿植物外, 其余7个功能性状皆为常绿植物显著大于落叶植物。(4)不同生长型和生活型植物功能性状的种内和种间变异大小存在差异, 除部分植物功能性状在一些功能型上表现为种内变异高于种间变异, 其余功能性状的种间变异皆高于种内变异。(5)各功能性状之间关系在个体水平和物种水平大致相同, 但是个体水平上的显著相关比例高于物种水平。研究发现, 植物功能性状的种间变异基本高于种内变异, 但种内变异不容忽略。此外, 不同生长型和生活型物种采取不同的生态策略来适应喀斯特生境。今后的研究应基于个体水平采样并结合环境因子从生长型和生活型等不同功能型角度上深入探究植物功能性状在种内和种间等不同尺度上的变异与关联。  相似文献   

灌木是森林和灌丛生态系统的重要组成部分, 探究森林与灌丛灌木功能性状的差异, 可揭示灌木在不同生境的适应策略。该研究以金华北山森林群落林下灌木层、低山灌丛和山顶灌丛共24个样地中的优势灌木为研究对象, 分析叶片和小枝9个功能性状在3种生境下的总体差异, 以及种间、种内变异和不同生活型的差异。结果表明: 1) 9个性状在3种不同生境下存在差异。林下灌木具有较大的叶面积和比叶面积, 较小的叶干物质含量、叶和小枝的组织密度, 低山灌丛相较于山顶灌丛具有较大的叶厚度、叶组织密度和较小的比叶面积、小枝干物质含量。2)林下灌木的比叶面积、小枝直径、小枝组织密度和小枝干物质含量的种内种间变异系数最大, 低山灌丛的比叶面积、叶和小枝的干物质含量、叶和小枝的组织密度的种内种间变异系数最小。3)不同生活型间, 林下常绿灌木的叶厚度、叶组织密度、叶干物质含量显著高于落叶灌木, 落叶灌木的比叶面积显著高于常绿灌木, 而山顶灌丛叶厚度和比叶面积的差异规律与林下灌木相同, 叶组织密度和叶干物质含量的差异与其相反。4)影响灌木性状的主要因素是物种以及物种和生境的交互作用。总之, 森林群落林下灌木形成较大叶面积和比叶面积, 较小叶和小枝组织密度、叶干物质含量的性状组合, 以快速生长而适应光照较弱、竞争作用强的林下环境, 是资源获取型策略; 低山灌丛和山顶灌丛具有较大叶厚度、组织密度、干物质含量和小枝组织密度和较小叶面积、比叶面积等一系列储存养分、慢速生长的性状组合, 属于资源保守型策略。灌木植物性状的不同组合及其所反映的不同生活策略, 对亚热带地区退化植被的生态恢复具有指导意义。  相似文献   

滇池流域是我国典型的富磷区, 分析该区域内不同土壤磷含量下主要植物的化学计量特征, 有助于理解该区域的生态环境特点和生态恢复的特殊性。该研究测定了滇池流域滇中地区75种常见植物叶片的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)及钾(K)含量, 综合分析了该区域不同土壤磷水平(富磷和正常)下不同生活型植物叶片的C、N、P和K的计量特征。结果表明, 研究区域植物叶片C、N和K含量的算术平均数分别是441.42、16.17和13.57 mg·g-1, P含量的几何平均数为1.92 mg·g-1, 植物叶片的N、P和K含量之间呈显著的正相关; 富磷区域植物叶片的P和K含量显著高于正常区域, N/P、K/P显著低于正常区域。无论是富磷还是正常区域, 草本植物的N、P和K含量均高于木本植物, 乔木与灌木差异不明显。植物叶片的P含量及N/P与土壤磷水平呈显著相关; 叶片N/P分析结果表明, N是影响滇池流域植物生长和群落恢复的主要限制元素。研究指出, 在滇池流域增加陆地植物群落及生态系统的氮素来源是进行生态修复和面源污染防治的重要切入点。  相似文献   

叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其化学计量特征为植物养分状况和元素限制性提供依据。为了解不同生活型植物叶片C、N、P化学计量特征的变化,该研究测定、分析了大兴安岭地区18个泥炭地常见的3种草本植物——白毛羊胡子草(Eriophorum vaginatum)、玉簪薹草(Carex globularis)、小叶章(Deyeuxia angustifolia), 5种落叶灌木——柴桦(Betula fruticosa)、越桔柳(Salix myrtilloides)、细叶沼柳(Salix rosmarinifolia)、笃斯越桔(Vaccinium uliginosum)、越桔(Vaccinium vitis-idaea)和3种常绿灌木——杜香(Ledum palustre)、地桂(Chamaedaphne calyculata)、头花杜鹃(Rhododendron capitatum)的叶片C、N、P含量。结果表明: (1)落叶和常绿灌木叶片C、N、P含量总体高于草本植物而C:N、C:P、N:P低于草本植物, 说明不同生活型植物具有不同的养分利用策略,灌木叶片C、N、P储存高于草本植物而N、P利用效率低于草本植物; (2)小叶章和头花杜鹃叶片N:P小于10, 同时其N含量小于全球植物叶片平均N含量, 相比其他植物来说更易受N限制; (3)采样地点解释了叶片C、N、P指标变异的12.8%-40.8%, 植物种类对叶片C、N、P指标变异的解释量占9.3%-25.5%; (4)草本植物C、N、P指标的地点间变异系数高于落叶和常绿灌木, 草本植物C、N、P指标对地点因素变化的响应较灌木敏感; (5)草本植物N含量种间变异系数高于落叶和常绿灌木, 落叶灌木P含量种间变异系数高于草本植物和常绿灌木, 草本植物和落叶灌木N、P吸收的种间生理分化较常绿灌木高。  相似文献   

松嫩草地80种草本植物叶片氮磷化学计量特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
以松嫩草地常见草本植物为研究对象, 分析了各生活型和功能群叶片氮磷化学计量特征。结果显示: 松嫩草地80种草本植物的叶片氮、磷质量浓度分别为(24.2 ± 0.96) mg·g -1和(2.0 ± 0.10) mg·g -1, 面积浓度分别为(13.0 ± 0.54) mg·cm -2和(1.0 ± 0.05) mg·cm -2, 氮磷比为13.0 ± 0.39, 氮磷比与叶片磷质量浓度、叶片氮、磷面积浓度有显著相关关系; 松嫩草地植物生长受到氮限制。一年生植物叶片氮、磷质量浓度和变异系数高于其他生活型, 各生活型之间氮面积浓度和氮磷比差异不显著。豆科植物叶片氮的质量浓度、面积浓度和氮磷比高于其他功能群。在不同生活型或功能群之间, 植物叶片磷的面积浓度差异不显著, 都在1.0 mg·cm -2左右; 适当地增加群落中豆科植物的比例, 可能有助于提高松嫩草地产量和质量。  相似文献   

AimsThe carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometry (C:N:P) of soil profoundly influences the growth, community structure, biomass C:N:P stoichiometry, and metabolism in microbes. However, the relationships between soil and microbes in the C:N:P stoichiometry and their temporal dynamics during ecosystem succession are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to determine the temporal patterns of soil and microbial C:N:P stoichiometry and their relationships during ecosystem succession.MethodsAn extensive literature search was conducted and data were compiled for 19 age sequences of successional ecosystems, including 13 forest ecosystems and 6 grassland ecosystems, from 18 studies published up to May 2016. Meta-analyses were performed to examine the sequential changes in 18 variables that were associated with soil and microbial C, N and P contents and the stoichiometry. Important findings (1) There was no consistent temporal pattern in soil C:N along the successional stages, whereas the soil C:P and N:P increased with succession; the slopes of the linear relationships between soil C:N:P stoichiometry and successional age were negatively correlated with the initial content of the soil organic C within given chronosequence. (2) There was no consistent temporal pattern in microbial C:N:P stoichiometry along the successional stages. (3) The fraction of microbial biomass C in soil organic C (qMBC), the fraction of microbial biomass N in soil total N, and the fraction of microbial biomass P in soil total P all increased significantly with succession, in consistency with the theory of succession that ecosystem biomass per unit resource increases with succession. (4) The qMBC decreased with increases in the values of soil C:N, C:P, or N:P, as well as the stoichiometric imbalances in C:N, C:P, and N:P between soil and microbes (i.e., ratios of soil C:N, C:P, and N:P to microbial biomass C:N, C:P, and N:P, respectively). The C:N, C:P, and N:P stoichiometric imbalances explained 37%-57% variations in the qMBC, about 7-17 times more than that explainable by the successional age, illustrating the importance of soil-microbial C:N:P stoichiometry in shaping the successional dynamics in qMBC. In summary, our study highlights the importance of the theories of ecosystem succession and stoichiometry in soil microbial studies, and suggests that appropriately applying macro-ecological theories in microbial studies may improve our understanding on microbial ecological processes.  相似文献   

Aims Our purpose was to explore the effects of nitrogen addition on foliar nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N:P stoichiometry and to assess their differences among different species and functional groups.
Methods N addition experiment has been conducted in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in Mount Wuyi, Fujian Province since 2011. Foliar concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus were measured and foliar stoichiometry was estimated in tree, shrub, herb, fern and moss species following the N addition treatments from 2013 to 2015.
Important findings Generally, foliar N increased for almost all species and herbaceous plants are much more sensitive than trees and shrubs under N addition. Foliar N of Castanopsis carlesii, Amomum villosum, Woodwardia japonica increased significantly under N addition. Foliar P for most species was sensitive to the N addition. Foliar P of herbaceous plants increased significantly but foliar P of Leucobryum chlorophyllosum decreased significantly. The results showed the subtropical evergreen forest in Mount Wuyi was mainly limited by P and mean foliar N:P ratios enhanced from 18.67 to 19.72 under N addition, indicating that the strength of P limitation was enhanced by N addition. N:P ratios of the dominant arboreal species in the communities tended to be stable, while N:P ratios of herbaceous plants and shrubs increased. The changes in N:P ratios were mainly determined by P dynamics instead of N dynamics under N addition, and our results confirmed that increasing N availability can affect P cycling.  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生态系统磷循环产生了不可忽视的影响, 尤其是加剧了植物生长的磷限制, 从而使得氮沉降背景下植物磷含量变化备受关注。该文综述了氮添加对森林植物磷含量的影响, 认为氮添加通过促进土壤磷酸酶活性进而提高土壤有效磷含量, 有利于植物的磷吸收并增加植物磷含量。同时, 森林植物磷含量对氮添加的响应还受物种、生活型以及施氮时间长短等因素的影响。基于森林植物磷含量对氮添加响应的差异性, 该文进一步探讨氮富集背景下森林植物磷含量变化的可能机制: 1)外源氮输入通过改变土壤中有效磷含量从而对植物磷的来源产生影响; 2)通过影响植物的根系分泌物、菌根共生和根系形态结构等进而影响植物的磷吸收能力; 3)通过影响植物的磷养分再分配、磷养分重吸收对植物磷利用效率产生影响。综上所述, 外源氮输入使植物磷含量发生改变, 首要原因是土壤有效磷含量的改变, 其次是植物磷吸收能力和磷利用效率的改变起调控作用。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs induced by anthropogenic activities and atmospheric N and P deposition have largely increased the availability of soil N and P in terrestrial ecosystems, which have considerably affected terrestrial carbon cycling processes. Tree growth and productivity in forest ecosystems play an important role in global carbon cycling, and determine the magnitude and direction of terrestrial carbon sequestration. Currently, a large number of field manipulation experiments have been conducted to investigate the effects of N and/or P addition on tree growth and forest productivity, but the results from these studies were inconsistent. Such inconsistent results might be affected by multiple factors, including biological, environmental and experimental variables. Here, we reviewed the present research status of the effects of N and P addition on tree growth and forest productivity in forest ecosystems based on three aspects, including the number of publications and experiments with field N and P addition, and the global distributions of these experiments. Then, we summarized the methods for assessing tree growth and forest productivity at ecosystem level in forest ecosystems, including relative growth rate and absolute increment. According to the related results, we reviewed the regulating factors that affect tree growth and productivity, and the potential mechanisms for such factors, including climate, tree size and stand age, plant functional traits (including type of tree-associated mycorrhizal fungi, N-fixation property of trees, and conservative and acquisitive functional traits), plant-microbe interaction, ambient nutrient (i.e., N and P) deposition rate, and experimental variables. Finally, we summarized the current studies, and pointed out five aspects that are urgently needed to provide further insights in future studies, including the physiological mechanism of how tree growth responds to N and P addition, the tradeoff and allocation among growth of various parts of tree under N and P addition, the role of plant functional traits in regulating and predicting the responses of tree growth to N and P addition, how the competition among trees regulates the responses of tree growth to N and P addition, and conducting long-term and coordinated distributed field experiments investigating the effects of N and P addition on tree growth and forest productivity at the global scale.  相似文献   

Han W  Fang J  Guo D  Zhang Y 《The New phytologist》2005,168(2):377-385
Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Chinese terrestrial plants was studied based on a national data set including 753 species across the country. Geometric means were calculated for functional groups based on life form, phylogeny and photosynthetic pathway, as well as for all 753 species. The relationships between leaf N and P stoichiometric traits and latitude (and temperature) were analysed. The geometric means of leaf N, P, and N : P ratio for the 753 species were 18.6 and 1.21 mg g(-1) and 14.4, respectively. With increasing latitude (decreasing mean annual temperature, MAT), leaf N and P increased, but the N : P ratio did not show significant changes. Although patterns of leaf N, P and N : P ratios across the functional groups were generally consistent with those reported previously, the overall N : P ratio of China's flora was considerably higher than the global averages, probably caused by a greater shortage of soil P in China than elsewhere. The relationships between leaf N, P and N : P ratio and latitude (and MAT) also suggested the existence of broad biogeographical patterns of these leaf traits in Chinese flora.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地人工植被及土壤CNP的化学计量特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生态化学计量学是研究生态过程和生态作用中化学元素平衡的科学。极端环境中进行植物叶片与土壤中营养元素含量及变化研究,对于揭示植物对营养元素的需要和当地土壤的养分供给能力,以及植物对环境的适应与反馈能力具有十分重要的意义。以塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中植物园生长良好的25种人工植被及其生境为研究对象,运用方差分析、相关分析综合研究植物叶片及土壤的化学计量特征及其相互关系。结果显示:塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地25种人工植被叶片C、N、P的平均含量分别为(386.7±46.6)、(24.7±8.1)和(1.8±0.78) mg/g;叶片C:N、C:P及 N:P分别为(17.5±6.7)、(249.2±102.8)、(15.0±5.6)。其中豆科植物N含量极显著高于非豆科植物(P<0.001)。不同生活型植物的C、N、P含量均存在显著差异,C、N、P含量在3种生活型的大小顺序为草本>灌木>乔木。C:N和N:P在不同生活型植物间不存在显著差异(P>0.05),而乔木和灌木的C:P显著高于草本植物(P< 0.05)。相关分析表明植物的叶片C:N、C:P都与相应的N、P含量呈现极显著负相关性(P<0.001),而叶片N含量与P含量的变化并不相关(P> 0.05)。土壤C、N、P养分元素含量远低于全国的平均水平,尤其是N含量(<0.2 mg/g);土壤C与N存在着极显著的正相关关系(P<0.01),而C与P、N与P间的相关性并不显著(P>0.05)。以上研究结果表明,受极端环境的限制,塔克拉玛干沙漠人工植被植物对养分元素的利用效率显著低于全国陆地植物的平均水平,不同科和不同生活型功能群植物对环境的适应能力显著不同,表现出显著的养分适应策略差异性。  相似文献   

Aims Understanding the effects of soil microorganism at different elevations on plant C:N:P stoichiometry can help us to understand the plant-soil interactions in the context of climate change. Our aim was to quantify the independent and interactive effects of soil microbial communities and temperatures on the C, N, and P in the leaves of Dodonaea viscosa—a global widespread species. Methods Rhizosphere soils of D. viscosa were collected from two elevation zones in Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province. A 2 × 3 factorial experiment with six replications was conducted using climate chambers. The leaf C, N and P contents and the soil properties were measured after three months of the treatments. Important findings Compared with the autoclaved treatment, inoculated rhizosphere soils from both high and low elevations had higher nutrient absorption, especially P uptake. Temperature produced no significant effect on leaf C:N:P stoichiometry, but the interactive effect of temperature and microbial treatment appeared significant. For inoculated rhizosphere soils from high elevation, temperature had no significant effect on leaf C:N:P stoichiometry. For inoculated rhizosphere soils from low elevation, leaf N and P contents under low temperature were significantly lower than those with warmer soils. The promoting effect of soil microorganisms on nutrient uptake may be due to the direct effect of beneficial microorganisms (e.g., mycorrhizal fungi), but not through the alteration of nutrient cycling process. Because D. viscosa in the inoculated rhizosphere soils absorbed more N and P from the soil than those in autoclaved soil, the available N and P in inoculated rhizosphere soils were lower than those in autoclaved soils. As predicted future temperature will be lower in the studied region, the growth of D. viscosa may be negatively affected through plant-microbe feedbacks.  相似文献   

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