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Aims The correlation between vein density and water use efficiency (WUE) affects the balance between water supply and demand of plant leaves, which is significant for comprehending the ecological adaptation strategies of plants. The objective of this study was to study how Salix matsudana modulated vein density and WUE along a soil moisture gradient in Zhangye Wetland, China. Methods The study was conducted in floodplain wetland near Heihe River in Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China. Three sample plots, at a spatial interval of 70 m, were set up along a soil moisture gradient ordinally from the area near the water body to the wetland edge, plot I (69.23%), spot II (48.38%) and spot III (35.27%). Community traits were investigated by using diagonal method, and all individuals of S. matsudana were used for measurements of height and canopy. At each plot, 5 individuals of S. matsudana at 4 vertices and diagonal intersection were selected for measurements of vein density, WUE, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), saturated vapor pressure differences (VPD), specific leaf area, stomatal conductance (Gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). We used mathematical methods of correlation analysis and standardized major axis to investigate relationships between vein density and WUE. Important findings With decreasing soil moisture, the height, canopy, specific leaf area, Gs and Ci of S. matsudana decreased gradually, while the vein density, WUE, Pn, Tr, PAR and VPD increased gradually. The correlation between vein density and WUE was positive in all the three plots, but the relationship varied along the soil moisture plots gradient. There was a highly significant positive correlation (p < 0.01) between the vein density and WUE at plot I and III, whereas the correlation only reached a significant level (p < 0.05) at plot II; The correlation coefficient between vein density and WUE is significantly smaller than 1 at plot I (p < 0.05), while the correlation coefficient is significant greater than 1 at plot II and III (p < 0.05). We can conclude that varied relationships between vein density and WUE of S. matsudana along a soil moisture gradient could reflect plant acclimation.  相似文献   

为利用土壤共生真菌资源促进荒漠植被恢复和生态重建, 分别于2013年6月、8月和10月, 从内蒙古元上都地区采集北沙柳(Salix psammophila)根围0-10、10-20、20-30、30-40和40-50 cm共5个土层的土壤样品, 系统研究了丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)和黑隔内生真菌(DSE)的时空分布及其与土壤因子的相关性。结果表明: AMF和DSE的平均定殖率分别为77%和84%, 说明北沙柳根系能与这两类真菌形成良好的共生关系。AMF和DSE的分布和定殖具有明显的时空异质性, 并与土壤因子密切相关。AMF和DSE的平均定殖率均表现为10月> 8月> 6月。土壤深度对AMF和DSE的定殖率有显著影响, AMF和DSE定殖率的最大值分别在0-20 cm和0-10 cm土层。双因子方差分析表明, 月份和土层对AMF和DSE的定殖率以及土壤因子具有显著的交互效应。主成分分析表明, 土壤湿度、pH值、碱性磷酸酶、易提取球囊霉素是内蒙古荒漠环境中AMF和DSE定殖的主要影响因子。  相似文献   

种植密度作为影响作物产量和品质的重要因素, 会造成植物对于光照、水分和养分的竞争。为研究种植密度对苜蓿生长与产量的影响, 在日光温室环境下, 以紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)为材料, 设置25、100、400、800、1 500、2 000株·m -2, 共6个种植密度, 对紫花苜蓿的种群密度和生长状况进行了观测。结果表明, 各处理播种后15天的平均种植密度分别为25、100、373、745、1 255、1 938株·m -2; 随着紫花苜蓿的生长, 除了低密度(25、100株·m -2)处理没有发生植株数量的变化外, 其余4个密度处理植株数量均有所减少, 即发生不同程度的自疏, 至第二茬收获时(播种后第187天)种群数量分别减少为297、571、759、839株·m -2。植株个体的株高、基径和分枝数量随着现存密度的增加呈指数下降; 个体生物量与现存密度的关系满足竞争密度效应的幂函数关系, 即随着密度的增加而减小。紫花苜蓿单位面积地上生物量符合最终产量恒定法则, 然而, 随着密度的增加, 地下生物量有先增加后减小的趋势。  相似文献   

Aims The coevolution between vein traits has influences on water use strategies of plant and the formation of leaf economic spectrum, and therefore is important for understanding the trade-off between carbon input in leaf vein construction and the functional feedback from leaf veins. Our aim is to study the allometric relationship between vein density and vein diameter of Achnatherum splendens populations at three natural microhabitats (subcanopy, transitional and open areas) in Zhangye wetland. Methods According to the shade condition of the arbor canopy and the distance to arbor, the A. splendens community were divided into three microenvironments: subcanopy, transitional and open areas. We sampled 10 (4 m × 4 m) A. splendens plots from each microenvironment and investigate the biological characteristics of the plots and leaf traits of the plants within the plots. Then the soil physical and chemical properties, and community photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were investigated at three gradients. Six individual of A. splendens were selected in each plot and the leaf length, leaf width, vein density and vein diameter of two or three healthy and complete leaves from four directions of each individual were measured in laboratory. The SMA estimation method and correlation analysis were then used to examine the allometric relationship between vein density and vein diameter. Important findings Along the gradient from subcanopy, transitional zone to open areas, soil moisture displayed a pattern of initial decrease of plant community, and soil electric conductivity displayed increase changing trends. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), vapor pressure deficit (VPD), vein density (1.28-1.59 mm·mm-2), leaf width and water use efficiency (WUE) increase gradually, while the leaf length, vein diameter (0.21-0.16 mm) of A. splendens decrease. The average value of plasticity indexes of leaf characteristics was 0.19. Leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and bundle density increase first and them decrease. The vein density and vein diameter of A. splendens were negatively correlated with each other in subcanopy environment (p < 0.01), transitional and open areas (p < 0.05). The SMA (0.54-1.50) slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between vein density and vein diameter decrease gradually from subcanopy to open areas.  相似文献   

Aims Trade-offs between leaf size and vein density are the basis of the theory of leaf economics spectrum, and are to understand the relationship between the physical build and physiological metabolism of plant leaves under different degrees of competition for resources. Our objective was to study the changes in the relationship between leaf size and vein density (leaf dry biomass and leaf area) in Achnatherum splendens populations with four plant bundle densities located in the flood plain wetland of Zhangye. Methods The study site was located at floodplain wetlands of Zhangye, Gansu Province, China. Survey and sampling were carried out in the communities that A. splendens dominated. According to the plant bundle density, the A. splendens communities were divided into four density gradients with “bundle” for the sampling units, high density (I, > 12 bundle·m-2), medium density (II, 8-12 bundle·m-2), medium density (III, 4-8 bundle·m-2) and Low density (IV, <4 bundle·m-2). According to the density of each combination, we chose seven (5 m × 5 m) A. splendens samples, resulting in a total of 28 samples (4 × 7). The soil physical and chemical properties of four density gradients were investigated and six samples of A. splendens were used to measure the leaf area, leaf dry biomass and vein density in laboratory, and biomass of different organs was measured after being dried at 85 °C in an oven. 28 plots were categorized into three groups: high, medium and low density, and the standardized major axis (SMA) estimation method was used to examine the allometric relationships between leaf area, leaf dry biomass and vein density. Important findings The results showed that with the population density changed from high, medium, to low, the soil moisture decreased, and soil electric conductivityincreased. The leaf area, leaf biomass and height of A. splendens decreased, and the vein density, specific leaf area and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) increased gradually. In addition, leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and twig number firstly increased then decreased. There was a highly significantly negative correlation (p < 0.01) between the leaf size and vein density on the high- and low-level densities (I, IV), whereas less significant (p < 0.05) on the level of medium density (II, III). The SMA slope of regression equation in the scaling relationships between leaf size and vein density was significantly smaller than -1 (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Sparse Ulmus pumila forest is an intrazonal vegetation in Onqin Daga Sandy Land, while Populus simonii has been widely planted for windbreak and sand dune stabilization in the same region. Our objective was to compare the differences in carbon (C) density of these two forests and their relationships with stand age.
We measured the C content of tree organs (leaf, twig, stem, and root), herb layers (above ground vegetation and below ground root) and soil layers (up to 100 cm) in sparse Ulmus pumila forests and Populus simonii plantations of different stand ages, and then computed C density and their proportions in total ecosystem carbon density. In addition, we illustrated the variation in carbon density-stand age relationship for tree layer, soil layer and whole ecosystem. We finally estimated the C sequestration rates for these two forests by the space-for-time substitution approach.
Important findings
The average C contents of tree layer and soil layer for sparse Ulmus pumila forests were lower than those for Populus simonii plantations. The total C density of sparse Ulmus pumila forests was half of that of Populus simonii plantations. The carbon density of soil and tree layers accounted for more than 98% of ecosystem C density in the two forests. Irrespective of forest type, the C density ratios of soil to vegetation decreased with stand age. This ratio was 1.66 for sparse Ulmus pumila forests and 1.87 for Populus simonii plantations when they were over-matured. The C density of tree layer, soil layer, and total ecosystem in both forests increased along forest development. There were significantly positive correlations between tree layer’s C density and stand age in both forests and between the total ecosystem C density of sparse Ulmus pumila forests and stand age. The C sequestration rate of tree layer was 5-fold higher in Populus simonii plantation than in sparse Ulmus pumila forest. The ecosystem-level C sequestration rate was 0.81 Mg C·hm-2·a-1 for sparse Ulmus pumila forest and 5.35 Mg C·hm-2·a-1 for Populus simonii plantation. These findings have implications for C stock estimation of sandy land forest ecosystems and policy-making of ecological restoration and C sink enhancement in the studied area.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crown structure and above-ground biomass investment was studied in relation to light interception of trees and lianas growing in a 6-month-old regenerating forest. METHODS: The vertical distribution of total above-ground biomass, height, diameter, stem density, leaf angles and crown depth were measured for individual plants of three short-lived pioneers (SLPs), four long-lived pioneers (LLPs) and three lianas. Daily light interception per individual Phi(d) was calculated with a canopy model. The model was then used to estimate light interception per unit of leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)), total above-ground mass (Phi(mass)) and crown structure efficiency (E(a), the ratio of absorbed vs. available light). KEY RESULTS: The SLPs Trema and Ochroma intercepted higher amounts of light per unit leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)) because they had shallower crowns, resulting in higher crown use efficiency (E(a)) than the other species. These SLPs (but not Cecropia) were also taller and intercepted more light per unit leaf area (Phi(area)). LLPs and lianas had considerably higher amounts of leaf mass and area per unit above-ground mass (LMR and LAR, respectively) and thus attained Phi(mass) values similar to the SLPs (Phi(mass)=Phi(area)xLAR). Lianas, which were mostly self-supporting, had light interception efficiencies similar to those of the trees. CONCLUSIONS: These results show how, due to the trade-off between crown structure and biomass allocation, SLPs, and LLPs and lianas intercept similar amount of light per unit mass which may contribute to the ability of the latter two groups to persist.  相似文献   

Net productivity of vegetation is determined by the product of the efficiencies with which it intercepts light (?i) and converts that intercepted energy into biomass (?c). Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) increases photosynthesis and leaf area index (LAI) of soybeans and thus may increase ?i and ?c; elevated O3 may have the opposite effect. Knowing if elevated CO2 and O3 differentially affect physiological more than structural components of the ecosystem may reveal how these elements of global change will ultimately alter productivity. The effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on an intact soybean ecosystem were examined with Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment (SoyFACE) technology where large field plots (20‐m diameter) were exposed to elevated CO2 (~550 μmol mol?1) and elevated O3 (1.2 × ambient) in a factorial design. Aboveground biomass, LAI and light interception were measured during the growing seasons of 2002, 2003 and 2004 to calculate ?i and ?c. A 15% increase in yield (averaged over 3 years) under elevated CO2 was caused primarily by a 12% stimulation in ?c , as ?i increased by only 3%. Though accelerated canopy senescence under elevated O3 caused a 3% decrease in ?i, the primary effect of O3 on biomass was through an 11% reduction in ?c. When CO2 and O3 were elevated in combination, CO2 partially reduced the negative effects of elevated O3. Knowing that changes in productivity in elevated CO2 and O3 were influenced strongly by the efficiency of conversion of light energy into energy in plant biomass will aid in optimizing soybean yields in the future. Future modeling efforts that rely on ?c for calculating regional and global plant productivity will need to accommodate the effects of global change on this important ecosystem attribute.  相似文献   

Summary At sites in the United States, creosote bushes (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Cov.) orient foliage clusters predominantly toward the southeast. Foliage of bushes at the southernmost distribution extreme in Mexico shows no predominant orientation. Clusters at all sites are inclined between 33° and 71° from the horizontal. Inclinations are steeper in the drier and hotter Mojave Desert than in the Chihuahuan Desert. Individual leaflets, though not measured, appear more randomly oriented than foliage clusters. In several populations studied, branches were shorter in the southeastern sectors of the crown, reducing self-shading early in the morning. Measurements of direct beam radiation interception by detached branches, using digital image processing, indicated that foliage clusters oriented toward the southeast exhibited less self-shading during spring mornings than clusters oriented northeast. This effect was not apparent at the summer solstice. This type of canopy architecture may tend to minimize self-shading during the morning hours when conditions are more favorable for photosynthesis, resulting in an improved daily water use efficiency.  相似文献   

基于激光雷达技术获取冠层结构为森林生态学研究增加了新的维度。搭载于多旋翼无人机的近地面激光雷达相比于固定翼有人机的机载激光雷达,能够更加灵活高效地获取森林群落样地高密度点云。但在实际操作中,往往出现局部低密度点云数据,影响了冠层结构参数提取的准确性。使用4块森林动态样地的近地面激光雷达点云数据;利用航带分解方法分析各样地低密度样方成因;采用点云抽稀模拟算法计算并拟合偏差曲线,对比不同样地、参数和取样尺度间的点云密度对冠层结构参数提取准确性的影响;根据偏差曲线计算各条件下保证参数提取准确性的最低点云密度。结果发现:1)低密度区域主要受地形或(和)近地面遥感设计规划的影响。地形复杂的测区(西双版纳和古田山样地),遥感规划难度大,整体难以获取高密度点云(在30点/m2左右),容易在沟谷和高海拔处出现低密度样方。平坦测区(长白山两块样地)虽可获取高密度点云(均超过150点/m2),但欠佳的遥感规划设计导致长白山1测区北部出现1hm2低密度区域。2)冠层参数提取准确性随点云密度减少而迅速降低,呈负指数幂函数关系。这一变化趋势在不同...  相似文献   

In 1992, tourist hunting in the Selous Game Reserve generated 1.28 million dollars for the Tanzanian government, of which 0·96 million dollars were returned to wildlife conservation. Lions ( Panthera leo ) are one of three critical species for tourist hunting, consistently generating 12%–13% of hunting revenue from 1988 to 1992. Because of their ecological and economic importance (and intrinsic value), it is important that lion quotas be set so that offtake is sustainable. The population density of lions in Selous ranges from 0·08 to 0·13 adults km−2, comparable to unhunted ecosystems. The adult sex ratio (36–41% male) and the ratio of cubs to adults (29% cubs) are similar to those of unhunted populations. The ratio of lions to hyaenas is lower in heavily hunted areas (0·17 lions/hyena) than in unhunted areas (0·43 lions/hyena). Hunting levels between 1989 and 1994 took 2·7–4·3% of adult males annually, which is sustainable. The current quota is 10–16% of the adult male population, which exceeds natural mortality rates for male lions. To remain stable if the quota was filled, the population would have to compensate via increased fecundity, increased juvenile survival, or an altered sex‐ratio. Compensation occurs in Selous by producing (or raising) more male than female cubs (66–81% of juveniles are male). Only 28% of the Selous quota was filled in 1992. The percentage of quota filled (both in Selous and nationwide) has dropped since 1988 as quotas have increased. The current intensity of lion hunting in Selous is sustainable, but the quota cannot be filled sustainably.  相似文献   

陈静  庄立会  沐建华  周建松 《生态学报》2020,40(11):3706-3714
植物叶脉特征和叶氮含量的变化影响着叶片经济谱的形成,为验证叶片结构中叶脉网络构建提供了理论依据。该文以单位质量叶氮含量(Nmass)和单位面积叶氮含量(Narea)分别表示叶氮含量,采取主成分分析、线性回归分析的方法,研究了云南文山石漠化区旷地(Ⅰ)、林缘(Ⅱ)和林下(Ⅲ)3种自然生境下车桑子的叶脉密度(Vein density,VD)与Nmass和Narea的异速关系。结果表明:从乔灌群落的旷地到林下,车桑子的比叶面积、叶绿素总含量、光能利用率和Nmass逐渐增大,光饱和点、光补偿点、水分利用效率、VD、Narea逐渐减小,净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度呈先增大后减小的趋势。VD与叶氮含量呈不同程度的相关性,在生境I和III,VD与Nmass和Narea分别具有显著的负相关(P<0.05)和正相关(P<0.05);在生境Ⅱ,VD与Nmass和Narea分别...  相似文献   

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